コード例 #1
ファイル: analysis.py プロジェクト: graceli/labwork
def analysis(saveto_h5, max_num_dataset=10):
	""" A bad way to organize a sequence of analysis """
	# h5 files to read, tables, and paths to tables are encoded inside the analysis
	# ideally they would be refactored into a configuration file
	polar_h5 = tables.openFile('GA4_mon_polar_analysis.h5', mode='a')
	nonpolar_h5 = tables.openFile('GA4_mon_nonpolar_analysis.h5', mode='a')

	# analyze and aggregate all data for each iso and store each in a separate table 
	for system in ["mon"]:
		for iso in ["scyllo", "chiro"]:
			# clear the results
			analysis_results = []
			for i in range(0, max_num_dataset):
				table_path = '/%(system)s/%(iso)s%(i)d' % vars()
				print "analyzing", table_path
				polar_table = myh5.getTable(polar_h5, table_path)
				nonpolar_table = myh5.getTable(nonpolar_h5, table_path)
				if polar_table != None and nonpolar_table != None:
					polar_array = utils.convert_to_numpy(polar_table)
					nonpolar_array = utils.convert_to_numpy(nonpolar_table)
					s = stoichiometry(polar_array[0:5001, 1:], nonpolar_array[0:5001,1:])

			myh5.save(saveto_h5, numpy.vstack(analysis_results), "/mon_analysis/stoichiometry_%(iso)s" % vars())
コード例 #2
ファイル: analysis.py プロジェクト: graceli/labwork
def mon(offset=0, max_num_dataset=10):
	"""This is computes the intersection of polar and nonpolar binding of inositol"""
	polar_h5 = tables.openFile('GA4_mon_polar_analysis.h5', mode='a')
	nonpolar_h5 = tables.openFile('GA4_mon_nonpolar_analysis.h5', mode='a')

	# print >>f, "#table_name polar nonpolar p_and_np polar_fraction nonpolar_fraction p_and_np_fraction total_inositols bound unbound K"

	for system in ["mon"]:
		for iso in ["scyllo", "chiro"]:
			data = []
			errorlist = []
			for i in range(0, max_num_dataset):
				table_path = '/%(system)s/%(iso)s%(i)d' % vars()
				print "analyzing",table_path
				polar_table = myh5.getTable(polar_h5, table_path)
				nonpolar_table = myh5.getTable(nonpolar_h5, table_path)
				if polar_table != None and nonpolar_table != None:
					polar_array = utils.convert_to_numpy(polar_table)
					nonpolar_array = utils.convert_to_numpy(nonpolar_table)
					print "computing intersection ..."
					polar, nonpolar, p_and_np, total_inositol = intersect(polar_array[0:5001,1:], nonpolar_array[0:5001,1:])
					print "computing binding constant ..."
					bound,unbound = binding(polar_array[offset:5001, 1:], nonpolar_array[offset:5001, 1:])	
					# errorlist.append(binding_error(polar_array[offset:5001, 1:], nonpolar_array[offset:5001, 1:], block_size=1000))
					total = float(polar + nonpolar + p_and_np)
					# print >>f, table_path, polar, nonpolar, p_and_np, polar/total, nonpolar/total, p_and_np/total, total_inositol, bound, unbound, unbound/float(bound)*125
					data.append(numpy.array([polar, nonpolar, p_and_np, total, total_inositol, bound, unbound]))
					print "table not found"
			data = numpy.vstack(data)
			# numpy.savetxt('%(iso)s_data.txt' % vars(), data, fmt='%-0.3f')
			data_sum = numpy.sum(data, axis=0)
			# nasty output
			heading = ["polar", "nonpolar", "p_and_np", "total", "total_inositol", "nbound", "nunbound"]
			d = dict(zip(heading, data_sum))
			f = open('%(iso)s_data_aggregation.txt' % vars(), 'w')
			for key in sorted(d.keys()):
				print >>f, key, d[key]
			#compute error
			blocklist = block_average(data)
			numpy.savetxt('%(iso)s_blocks.txt' % vars(), blocklist, fmt='%.3f')
コード例 #3
ファイル: analysis.py プロジェクト: graceli/labwork
def aggregate(h5, aggregate_function=numpy.sum, where='/'):
	# sum over all rows of each table in the file
	# and print to screen the result
	for t in h5.listNodes(where):
		a = numpy.sum(utils.convert_to_numpy(t, dtype=numpy.int32), axis=0)
		sum_across = aggregate_function(a)
		print t.name, a/float(sum_across)
コード例 #4
def forward_backward_pass(net, data, vocab, optim, batch_size, cuda, criterion):
    # Convert minibatch to numpy minibatch
    s1, s2, y, lengths = utils.convert_to_numpy(data, vocab)
    # Convert numpy to Tensor
    s1_tensor = torch.from_numpy(s1).type(torch.LongTensor)
    s2_tensor = torch.from_numpy(s2).type(torch.LongTensor)
    target_tensor = torch.from_numpy(y).type(torch.LongTensor)
    s1 = Variable(s1_tensor)
    s2 = Variable(s2_tensor)
    target = Variable(target_tensor)
    if cuda:
        s1 = s1.cuda()
        s2 = s2.cuda()
        target = target.cuda()
    output = net.forward(s1,s2,lengths) 
    loss = criterion(output, target)

    # Backprogogate and update optimizer
    return loss
コード例 #5
ファイル: beta.py プロジェクト: graceli/labwork
def analyze(h5file):
	"""This is computes the intersection of polar and nonpolar binding of inositol"""
	# open the h5 file for protofibrils
	inositol_concentration_mM = 119
	f = open('data.txt', 'w')
	print >>f, "#table_name polar nonpolar p_and_np polar_fraction nonpolar_fraction p_and_np_fraction total_inositols bound unbound Kd stoichiometry"
	for t in h5file.listNodes('/nonpolar_per_inositol'):
		# find matching polar table
		nonpolar_table = t
		polar_table = h5file.getNode(os.path.join('/polar-contacts-per-inositol', t.name))
		if polar_table != None and nonpolar_table != None:
			polar_array = utils.convert_to_numpy(polar_table)
			nonpolar_array = utils.convert_to_numpy(nonpolar_table)
			polar,nonpolar,p_and_np, total_inositol = intersect(polar_array, nonpolar_array)
			bound,unbound = binding(polar_array, nonpolar_array)
			stoic = stoichiometry(polar_array, nonpolar_array)
			total = float(polar + nonpolar + p_and_np)
			print >>f, polar_table.name, nonpolar_table.name, polar, nonpolar, p_and_np, polar/total, nonpolar/total, p_and_np/total, total_inositol, bound, unbound, unbound/float(bound)*inositol_concentration_mM, stoic
コード例 #6
ファイル: analysis.py プロジェクト: graceli/labwork
def disordered():
	"""This is computes the intersection of polar and nonpolar binding of inositol"""
	polar_h5 = tables.openFile('GA4_disordered_polar_analysis.h5', mode='a')
	nonpolar_h5 = tables.openFile('GA4_disordered_nonpolar_analysis.h5', mode='a')

	f = open('data.txt', 'w')
	print >>f, "#table_name polar nonpolar p_and_np polar_fraction nonpolar_fraction p_and_np_fraction total_inositols nframes bound unbound Kd"
	for system in ["ap1f", "oct"]:
		for iso in ["scyllo", "chiro"]:
			for i in range(0,6):
				table_path = '/%(system)s/%(iso)s%(i)d' % vars()
				polar_table = myh5.getTable(polar_h5, table_path)
				nonpolar_table = myh5.getTable(nonpolar_h5, table_path)
				if polar_table != None and nonpolar_table != None:
					# Note need to specify float64, since now pytables is all 32 bit
					polar_array = utils.convert_to_numpy(polar_table, dtype=numpy.float64)
					nonpolar_array = utils.convert_to_numpy(nonpolar_table, dtype=numpy.float64)
					# need to exclude first column of nonpolar data because its time
					polar,nonpolar,p_and_np, total_inositol = intersect(polar_array, nonpolar_array[:,1:])
					bound,unbound = binding(polar_array, nonpolar_array[:,1:])
					total = float(polar + nonpolar + p_and_np)
					print >>f, table_path, polar, nonpolar, p_and_np, polar/total, nonpolar/total, p_and_np/total, total_inositol, total_inositol/2, bound, unbound, unbound/float(bound)*123
コード例 #7
ファイル: analysis.py プロジェクト: graceli/labwork
def distribution(h5, iso="scyllo", where='/'):
	total_counts = [0] * 9
	total_points = 0
	num_tables = 0

	pattern = re.compile(r'%(iso)s' % vars())
	for table in h5.listNodes(where):
		# only process the table that matches the isomer
		# this is kind of hacky
		match = pattern.search(table._v_name)
		if match:
			array = utils.convert_to_numpy(table)
			no_time = array[:,1:]
			nrows, ncols = no_time.shape
			for col in range(0, ncols):
				column = no_time[:, col]
				counts, bins = numpy.histogram(column, bins=range(0,10))
				total_counts += counts
				total_points += 5001		
			num_tables += 1
	print "total number of tables processed", num_tables
	numpy.savetxt('%(iso)s_distribution.txt' % vars(), numpy.transpose(numpy.vstack([range(0,9), total_counts/float(total_points)])), fmt='%0.3f')
コード例 #8
ファイル: training.py プロジェクト: littlelittlelotus/CS168
def propagate(loader,

    if mode == 'train':
    elif mode == 'valid':

    gen_loss, dis_loss, im_loss, ssim_loss, counter, total_images_processed = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
    st_time = time.time()
    label_real = torch.tensor(1.0).cuda()
    label_fake = torch.tensor(0.0).cuda()

    t = tqdm(iter(loader), leave=False, total=len(loader))
    for i, (source, target) in enumerate(t):

        # change range to [-1.0, 1.0]
        source = (source - 0.5) / 0.5
        target = (target - 0.5) / 0.5

        source = source.cuda()
        target = target.cuda()

        # print('\n')
        # print(f'source shape: {source.shape}\ntarget shape: {target.shape}')
        # print('source min-max: ', source.min(), source.max())
        # print('target min-max: ', target.min(), target.max())
        # print('\n')
        # exit()
        src = Conv3D(source)
        # print(f'\n\n\nAfter 3D Conv, shape: {src.shape}')
        image_fake = netG(src)

        # print(f'\n\nGenerator input (source) shape: {source.shape}\n output (image fake) shape', image_fake.shape)
        # exit()
        pred_fake = netD(torch.cat(
            (source, image_fake.detach()),
            1))  # concatenated images as the input of patch-GAN discriminator
        pred_real = netD(torch.cat((source, target), 1))

        D_fake_loss = opt.adv_loss_f(pred_fake,
        D_real_loss = opt.adv_loss_f(pred_real,

        loss_D = 0.5 * (D_fake_loss + D_real_loss)

        Image_loss = opt.img_loss_f(image_fake, target)
        SSIM_loss = 1.0 - opt.ssim_f(image_fake * 0.5 + 0.5,
                                     target * 0.5 + 0.5)

        gen_pred_fake = netD(torch.cat((source, image_fake), 1))

        G_disc_loss = opt.adv_loss_f(gen_pred_fake,

        loss_G = opt.im_coeff * Image_loss + opt.ssim_coeff * SSIM_loss + G_disc_loss

        ### backpropagate
        if mode == 'train':

            # utils.set_requires_grad(netD, True)
            # clip_grad_norm_(netD.parameters(), 0.5)

            # utils.set_requires_grad(netD, False)
            # clip_grad_norm_(netG.parameters(), 0.5)

        gen_loss += G_disc_loss.item()
        dis_loss += loss_D.item()
        im_loss += Image_loss.item()
        ssim_loss += SSIM_loss.item()

        counter += 1

        total_images_processed += len(target)

        # break
	Print messages to the screen and save the progress as png files. Also, save example images as source-target pairs

    gen_loss /= counter
    dis_loss /= counter
    im_loss /= counter
    ssim_loss /= counter

    if mode == 'train':
        msg = '\n\n'
        msg = '\n'

    msg += f'{mode}: {epoch:04}/{opt.max_epoch:04}\ttotal pairs processed: {total_images_processed:} | ' \
     + f'Image loss : {im_loss:.4f} | SSIM loss : {ssim_loss:.4f} |  Gen loss: {gen_loss:.4f} | ' + f'Disc loss: {dis_loss:.4f}' \
     + f'\tin {int(time.time() - st_time):05d} in seconds\n'

    # print('\n\nHERERE')
    # print(target[0].detach().cpu().numpy().shape)
    utils.print_and_save_msg(msg, opt.log_file)

    sample_target_1 = utils.convert_to_numpy(target[0])
    # sample_target_2 = utils.convert_to_numpy(target[1])
    sample_fake_1 = utils.convert_to_numpy(image_fake[0])
    # print('\n\ntarget: ', sample_target_1.min(), sample_target_1.max())
    # print('\n\nfake: ', sample_fake_1.min(), sample_fake_1.max())
    # sample_fake_2 = utils.convert_to_numpy(image_fake[1])

    # utils.save_images(sample_target_1, sample_fake_1, sample_target_2, sample_fake_2, epoch=epoch, im_path=opt.im_path,  mode=mode)
    # save_image(target, f'{opt.im_path}/epoch_{epoch}_{mode}.png', nrow=2, padding=2, normalize=False, range=None, scale_each=False, pad_value=0)

    return gen_loss, dis_loss, im_loss
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_model.py プロジェクト: littlelittlelotus/CS168
	src = Conv3D(source)
	image_fake = netG(src)

	SSIM = opt.ssim_f(image_fake*0.5+0.5, target*0.5+0.5)
	Image_loss = opt.img_loss_f(image_fake, target)

	im_loss +=  Image_loss.item()
	ssim += SSIM.item()

	counter += 1

	total_images_processed += len(target)

	for ii in range(image_fake.shape[0]):

		sample_target_1 = utils.convert_to_numpy(target[ii])
		sample_fake_1 = utils.convert_to_numpy(image_fake[ii])

		f_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(target_path[ii])
		filename = f"{f_name.split('/')[-1]}__{f_name.split('/')[-2]}"
		# print(filename)
		utils.save_images(sample_target_1, sample_fake_1, name=filename, ext=file_extension, im_path=opt.im_path,  mode='test')

	# break

im_loss /= counter
ssim /= counter

msg = f'\n\n\n\ntotal pairs processed: {total_images_processed:} | ' \
	+ f'Image loss : {im_loss:.4f} | SSIM : {ssim:.4f} | ' \
	+ f'\tin {int(time.time() - st_time):05d} in seconds\n\n\n'