コード例 #1
def test_ellipse():
    """Test plotting an ellipse fitted to an RF."""
    temporal_filter, spatial_filter, sta = utils.create_default_fake_filter()
    fig, ax = visualizations.ellipse(sta)
    el = plt.findobj(ax, Ellipse)[0]
    assert np.allclose(el.center, np.array(spatial_filter.shape) / 2.0), \
            'visualizations.ellipse did not compute correct ellipse center'
    assert np.allclose((el.height, el.width), 2.827082246), \
            'visualizations.ellipse computed incorrect width and/or height'
コード例 #2
def test_anim_to_html():
    """Test converting an animation to HTML."""
        from IPython.display import HTML
    except ImportError:
        pytest.skip('Cannot convert movie to HTML without IPython.')

    sta = utils.create_default_fake_filter()[-1]
    html = visualizations.anim_to_html(visualizations.play_sta(sta))
    assert isinstance(html, HTML)
コード例 #3
def test_play_sta():
    """Test playing an STA as a movie by comparing a known frame."""
    sta = utils.create_default_fake_filter()[-1]
    sta -= sta.mean()
    frame = utils.get_default_movie_frame()
    animation = visualizations.play_sta(sta)
    imgdata = plt.findobj(plt.gcf(), AxesImage)[0].get_array()
    imgdata -= imgdata.mean()
    data = sta[frame, ...]
    data -= data.mean()
    assert np.allclose(imgdata, data), \
            'visualizations.play_sta did not animate the 3D sta correctly.'
コード例 #4
def test_play_rates():
    """Test playing firing rates for cells as a movie."""
    sta = utils.create_default_fake_filter()[-1]
    rates = utils.create_default_fake_rates()
    fig, axes = visualizations.ellipse(sta)
    patch = plt.findobj(axes, Ellipse)[0]
    animation = visualizations.play_rates(rates, patch)

    frame = utils.get_default_movie_frame()
    cmap = plt.cm.gray(np.arange(255))
    desired_color = cmap[int(rates[frame] / rates.max())]
    assert np.all(patch.get_facecolor()[:3] == desired_color[:3]), \
            'visualizations.play_rates did not set patch color correctly'
コード例 #5
def test_plot_cells():
    """Test plotting ellipses for multiple cells on the same axes."""
    ncells = 2
    stas = [utils.create_default_fake_filter()[-1] for 
            _ in range(ncells)]

    ellipses = plt.findobj(plt.gca(), Ellipse)
    for el in ellipses:
        assert np.allclose(el.center, utils.get_default_filter_size()[0] / 2.), \
                'visualizations.plot_cells did not compute correct ellipse center'
        assert np.allclose((el.height, el.width), 2.827082246), \
                'visualizations.plot_cells computed incorrect width and/or height'
コード例 #6
def test_temporal_filter():
    """Test plotting a temporal filter directly."""
    # Plot filter
    temporal_filter, _, _ = utils.create_default_fake_filter()
    time = np.arange(temporal_filter.size)
    visualizations.temporal(time, temporal_filter)

    # Verify data plotted correctly
    line = plt.findobj(plt.gca(), plt.Line2D)[0]
    assert np.all(line.get_xdata() == time), \
            'Time axis data is incorrect.'
    assert np.all(line.get_ydata() == temporal_filter), \
            'Temporal filter data is incorrect.'
コード例 #7
def test_plot_sta():
    """Test visualizations.plot_sta method."""
    # Test plotting temporal component
    temporal_filter, spatial_filter, sta = utils.create_default_fake_filter()
    time = np.arange(temporal_filter.size)
    visualizations.plot_sta(time, temporal_filter)
    line = plt.findobj(plt.gca(), plt.Line2D)[0]
    assert np.all(line.get_xdata() == time), 'Time axis data is incorrect.'
    assert np.all(line.get_ydata() == temporal_filter), 'Temporal filter data is incorrect.'

    # Test plotting spatial component
    visualizations.plot_sta(time, spatial_filter)
    img = plt.findobj(plt.gca(), AxesImage)[0]
    desired = (spatial_filter - spatial_filter.mean()) / spatial_filter.var()
    actual = img.get_array()
    assert np.allclose(actual, desired), 'Spatial filter data is incorrect.'

    # Test plotting both spatial/temporal components.
    # This code is a bit suspect. `plot_sta` internally calls 
    # `filtertools.decompose`, which will find singular vectors that are
    # unit norm. But then `plot_sta` also calls `spatial`, which does
    # some of its own normalization. The result is that it's difficult
    # to know what scale the true data plotted should have, so this test
    # just normalizes all plots and images.
    fig, axes = visualizations.plot_sta(time, sta)
    img = plt.findobj(axes[0], AxesImage)[0]
    desired = (spatial_filter - spatial_filter.mean())
    desired /= desired.max()
    actual = img.get_array()
    actual /= actual.max()
    assert np.allclose(actual, desired), 'Spatial filter data is incorrect.'

    line = plt.findobj(axes[1], plt.Line2D)[0]
    assert np.all(line.get_xdata() == time), 'Time axis data is incorrect.'
    desired = (temporal_filter - temporal_filter.min())
    desired /= desired.max()
    actual = line.get_ydata()
    actual -= actual.min()
    actual /= actual.max()
    assert np.allclose(desired, actual), 'Temporal filter data is incorrect.'

    # Verify raising a value error when incorrect dimensionality passed
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        visualizations.plot_sta(None, np.random.randn(2, 2, 2, 2))
コード例 #8
def test_spatial_filter():
    """Test plotting a spatial filter directly."""
    # Plot filter
    _, spatial_filter, _ = utils.create_default_fake_filter()
    data = spatial_filter - spatial_filter.mean()

    # Verify data plotted correctly
    img = plt.findobj(plt.gca(), AxesImage)[0]
    assert np.all(img.get_array() == data), 'Spatial filter data is incorrect.'

    # Verify data plotted correctly when giving a maximum value
    maxval = np.abs(spatial_filter).max()
    visualizations.spatial(spatial_filter, maxval=maxval)
    img = plt.findobj(plt.gca(), AxesImage)[0]
    assert np.all(img.get_array() == spatial_filter), \
            'Spatial filter data incorrect when passing explicit maxval'
    assert np.all(img.get_clim() == np.array((-maxval, maxval))), \
            'Spatial filter color limits not set correctly.'