コード例 #1
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: AnneGilles/yafowil
def checkbox_edit_renderer(widget, data):
    tag = data.tag
    value = fetch_value(widget, data)
    input_attrs = {
        'type': 'checkbox',
        'value': value,
        'name_': widget.dottedpath,
        'id': cssid(widget, 'input'),    
        'class_': cssclasses(widget, data),
        'disabled': bool(widget.attrs.get('disabled')) and 'disabled' or None,            
    if widget.attrs['checked'] is not None:
        if widget.attrs['checked']:
            input_attrs['checked'] = 'checked'
        input_attrs['checked'] = value and 'checked' or None
    if widget.attrs['format'] == 'bool':
        input_attrs['value'] = ''
    checkbox = tag('input', **input_attrs)
    input_attrs = {
        'type': 'hidden',
        'value':  'checkboxexists',
        'name_': "%s-exists" % widget.dottedpath,
        'id': cssid(widget, 'checkboxexists'),    
    exists_marker = tag('input', **input_attrs)
    return checkbox + exists_marker
コード例 #2
def checkbox_edit_renderer(widget, data):
    tag = data.tag
    value = fetch_value(widget, data)
    input_attrs = {
        'type': 'checkbox',
        'value': value,
        'name_': widget.dottedpath,
        'id': cssid(widget, 'input'),
        'class_': cssclasses(widget, data),
        'disabled': bool(widget.attrs.get('disabled')) and 'disabled' or None,
    if widget.attrs['checked'] is not None:
        if widget.attrs['checked']:
            input_attrs['checked'] = 'checked'
        input_attrs['checked'] = value and 'checked' or None
    if widget.attrs['format'] == 'bool':
        input_attrs['value'] = ''
    checkbox = tag('input', **input_attrs)
    input_attrs = {
        'type': 'hidden',
        'value': 'checkboxexists',
        'name_': "%s-exists" % widget.dottedpath,
        'id': cssid(widget, 'checkboxexists'),
    exists_marker = tag('input', **input_attrs)
    return checkbox + exists_marker
コード例 #3
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: AnneGilles/yafowil
def label_renderer(widget, data):
    tag = data.tag
    label_text = widget.attrs.get('label', widget.__name__)
    label_attrs = {
        'class_': cssclasses(widget, data)
    if data.mode == 'edit':
        for_path = widget.attrs['for']
        if for_path:
            for_widget = widget.root
            for name in for_path.split('.'):
                for_widget = for_widget[name]
            label_attrs['for_'] = cssid(for_widget, 'input')
            label_attrs['for_'] = cssid(widget, 'input')
    help = u''
    if widget.attrs['help']:
        help_attrs = {'class_': widget.attrs['help_class']}
        help = tag('div', widget.attrs['help'], **help_attrs)
    pos = widget.attrs['position']
    rendered = data.rendered is not UNSET and data.rendered or u''
    if pos == 'inner':
        return tag('label', label_text, help, rendered, **label_attrs)
    elif pos == 'after':
        return rendered + tag('label', label_text, help, **label_attrs)
    return tag('label', label_text, help, **label_attrs) + rendered
コード例 #4
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: attilaolah/yafowil
def select_renderer(widget, data):
    tag = data.tag
    value = fetch_value(widget, data)
    if value is None:
        value = []
    if isinstance(value, basestring) or not hasattr(value, '__iter__'):
        value = [value]
    if widget.attrs['format'] == 'block':
        optiontags = []
        for key, term in vocabulary(widget.attrs.get('vocabulary', [])):
            attrs = {
                'selected': (key in value) and 'selected' or None,
                'value': key,
                'id': cssid(widget, 'input', key),
            optiontags.append(tag('option', term, **attrs))
        select_attrs = {
            'name_': widget.dottedpath,
            'id': cssid(widget, 'input'),
            'class_': cssclasses(widget, data),                        
            'multiple': widget.attrs['multivalued'] and 'multiple' or None,
        return tag('select', *optiontags, **select_attrs)
        tags = []
        for key, term in vocabulary(widget.attrs.get('vocabulary', [])):
            if widget.attrs['multivalued']:
                tagtype = 'checkbox'
                tagtype = 'radio'
            attrs = {
                'type': tagtype,
                'value':  key,
                'checked': (key in value) and 'checked' or None,
                'name_': widget.dottedpath,
                'id': cssid(widget, 'input', key),    
                'class_': cssclasses(widget, data),    
            input = tag('input', **attrs)
            text = tag('span', term)
            tags.append(tag('div', input, text, 
                            **{'id': cssid(widget, 'radio', key)}))
        attrs = {
            'type': 'hidden',
            'value':  'exists',
            'name_': "%s-exists" % widget.dottedpath,
            'id': cssid(widget, 'exists'),    
        exists_marker = tag('input', **attrs)            
        return exists_marker + u''.join(tags)
コード例 #5
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: attilaolah/yafowil
def textarea_renderer(widget, data):
    """Render text area.
        Wrap property of textarea element.
        Number of characters.
        Number of lines.
        Flag wether textarea is readonly.
    tag = data.tag
    area_attrs = {
        'name_': widget.dottedpath,
        'id': cssid(widget, 'input'),
        'class_': cssclasses(widget, data),            
        'wrap': widget.attrs['wrap'],
        'cols': widget.attrs['cols'],
        'rows': widget.attrs['rows'],
        'readonly': widget.attrs['readonly'] and 'readonly',
        'placeholder': widget.attrs.get('placeholder'),
    value = fetch_value(widget, data)
    if not value:
        value = ''
    return tag('textarea', value, **area_attrs)
コード例 #6
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: attilaolah/yafowil
def input_generic_renderer(widget, data):
    """Generic HTML ``input`` tag render.
        Type of this input tag.
        Size of input tag.
        Bool evaluating value, if evaluates to True, set disabled="disabled" on
        input tag.
    tag = data.tag
    input_attrs = {
        'type': widget.attrs['type'],
        'value': fetch_value(widget, data),
        'name_': widget.dottedpath,
        'id': cssid(widget, 'input'),    
        'class_': cssclasses(widget, data),
        'size': widget.attrs.get('size'),
        'disabled': bool(widget.attrs.get('disabled')) and 'disabled' or None,
        'placeholder': widget.attrs.get('placeholder'),
    return tag('input', **input_attrs)
コード例 #7
def field_renderer(widget, data):
    tag = data.tag
    div_attrs = {
        'id': cssid(widget, 'field'),
        'class_': cssclasses(widget, data)
    if widget.attrs['witherror'] and data.errors:
        div_attrs['class_'] += u' %s' % widget.attrs['witherror']
    return tag('div', data.rendered, **div_attrs)
コード例 #8
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: attilaolah/yafowil
def field_renderer(widget, data):
    tag = data.tag
    div_attrs = {
        'id': cssid(widget, 'field'),
        'class_': cssclasses(widget, data)
    if widget.attrs['witherror'] and data.errors:
        div_attrs['class_'] += u' %s' % widget.attrs['witherror']
    return tag('div', data.rendered, **div_attrs)
コード例 #9
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: AnneGilles/yafowil
def select_exists_marker(widget, data):
    tag = data.tag
    attrs = {
        'type': 'hidden',
        'value':  'exists',
        'name_': "%s-exists" % widget.dottedpath,
        'id': cssid(widget, 'exists'),
    return tag('input', **attrs)
コード例 #10
def select_exists_marker(widget, data):
    tag = data.tag
    attrs = {
        'type': 'hidden',
        'value': 'exists',
        'name_': "%s-exists" % widget.dottedpath,
        'id': cssid(widget, 'exists'),
    return tag('input', **attrs)
コード例 #11
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: attilaolah/yafowil
def submit_renderer(widget, data):
    tag = data.tag
    input_attrs = {
        'name': widget.attrs['action'] and 'action.%s' % widget.dottedpath,
        'id': cssid(widget, 'input'),
        'class_': widget.attrs.get('class'),
        'type': 'submit',
        'value': widget.attrs.get('label', widget.__name__),
    return tag('input', **input_attrs)
コード例 #12
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: attilaolah/yafowil
def input_file_renderer(widget, data):
    tag = data.tag
    input_attrs = {
        'name_': widget.dottedpath,
        'id': cssid(widget, 'input'),
        'class_': cssclasses(widget, data),            
        'type': 'file',
        'value':  '',
    if widget.attrs.get('accept'):
        input_attrs['accept'] = widget.attrs['accept']
    return tag('input', **input_attrs)
コード例 #13
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: AnneGilles/yafowil
def textarea_attributes(widget, data):
    return {
        'name_': widget.dottedpath,
        'id': cssid(widget, 'input'),
        'class_': cssclasses(widget, data),            
        'wrap': widget.attrs['wrap'],
        'cols': widget.attrs['cols'],
        'rows': widget.attrs['rows'],
        'readonly': widget.attrs['readonly'] and 'readonly',
        'placeholder': widget.attrs.get('placeholder') or None,
        'autofocus': widget.attrs.get('autofocus') and 'autofocus' or None,
        'required': widget.attrs.get('required') and 'required' or None,        
コード例 #14
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: AnneGilles/yafowil
def select_display_renderer(widget, data):
    value = fetch_value(widget, data)
    if not widget.attrs['multivalued'] or not value:
        return generic_display_renderer(widget, data)
    attrs = {
        'id': cssid(widget, 'display'),
        'class_': 'display-%s' % widget.attrs['class'] or 'generic'
    content = u''
    vocab = dict(vocabulary(widget.attrs.get('vocabulary', [])))
    for key in value:
        content += data.tag('li', vocab[key])
    return data.tag('ul', content, **attrs)
コード例 #15
def textarea_attributes(widget, data):
    return {
        'name_': widget.dottedpath,
        'id': cssid(widget, 'input'),
        'class_': cssclasses(widget, data),
        'wrap': widget.attrs['wrap'],
        'cols': widget.attrs['cols'],
        'rows': widget.attrs['rows'],
        'readonly': widget.attrs['readonly'] and 'readonly',
        'placeholder': widget.attrs.get('placeholder') or None,
        'autofocus': widget.attrs.get('autofocus') and 'autofocus' or None,
        'required': widget.attrs.get('required') and 'required' or None,
コード例 #16
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: attilaolah/yafowil
def file_options_renderer(widget, data):
    if data.value in [None, UNSET, '']:
        return data.rendered
    tag = data.tag
    if data.request:
        value = [data.request.get('%s-action' % widget.dottedpath, 'keep')]
        value = ['keep']
    tags = []
    for key, term in vocabulary(widget.attrs.get('vocabulary', [])):
        attrs = {
            'type': 'radio',
            'value':  key,
            'checked': (key in value) and 'checked' or None,
            'name_': '%s-action' % widget.dottedpath,
            'id': cssid(widget, 'input', key),    
            'class_': cssclasses(widget, data),    
        input = tag('input', **attrs)
        text = tag('span', term)
        tags.append(tag('div', input, text, 
                        **{'id': cssid(widget, 'radio', key)}))
    return data.rendered + u''.join(tags)
コード例 #17
def checkbox_display_renderer(widget, data):
    """Generic display renderer to render a value.
    value = fetch_value(widget, data)
    if widget.attrs['format'] == 'string' and bool(value):
        content = value
        vocab = dict(vocabulary(widget.attrs.get('vocabulary', [])))
        content = vocab[bool(value)]

    attrs = {
        'id': cssid(widget, 'display'),
        'class_': 'display-%s' % widget.attrs['class'] or 'generic'
    return data.tag('div', content, **attrs)
コード例 #18
def label_renderer(widget, data):
    tag = data.tag
    label_text = widget.attrs.get('label', widget.__name__)
    label_attrs = {'class_': cssclasses(widget, data)}
    if data.mode == 'edit':
        for_path = widget.attrs['for']
        if for_path:
            for_widget = widget.root
            for name in for_path.split('.'):
                for_widget = for_widget[name]
            label_attrs['for_'] = cssid(for_widget, 'input')
            label_attrs['for_'] = cssid(widget, 'input')
    help = u''
    if widget.attrs['help']:
        help_attrs = {'class_': widget.attrs['help_class']}
        help = tag('div', widget.attrs['help'], **help_attrs)
    pos = widget.attrs['position']
    rendered = data.rendered is not UNSET and data.rendered or u''
    if pos == 'inner':
        return tag('label', label_text, help, rendered, **label_attrs)
    elif pos == 'after':
        return rendered + tag('label', label_text, help, **label_attrs)
    return tag('label', label_text, help, **label_attrs) + rendered
コード例 #19
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: AnneGilles/yafowil
def generic_display_renderer(widget, data):
    """Generic display renderer to render a value.
    if callable(widget.attrs['template']):
        content = widget.attrs['template'](widget, data)
        value = fetch_value(widget, data)
        if value is None:
            value = u''
        content = widget.attrs['template'] % value
    attrs = {
        'id': cssid(widget, 'display'),
        'class_': 'display-%s' % widget.attrs['class'] or 'generic'
    return data.tag('div', content, **attrs)
コード例 #20
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: AnneGilles/yafowil
def checkbox_display_renderer(widget, data):
    """Generic display renderer to render a value.
    value = fetch_value(widget, data)
    if widget.attrs['format'] == 'string' and bool(value):
        content = value
        vocab = dict(vocabulary(widget.attrs.get('vocabulary', [])))
        content = vocab[bool(value)]

    attrs = {
        'id': cssid(widget, 'display'),
        'class_': 'display-%s' % widget.attrs['class'] or 'generic'
    return data.tag('div', content, **attrs)
コード例 #21
def generic_display_renderer(widget, data):
    """Generic display renderer to render a value.
    if callable(widget.attrs['template']):
        content = widget.attrs['template'](widget, data)
        value = fetch_value(widget, data)
        if value is None:
            value = u''
        content = widget.attrs['template'] % value
    attrs = {
        'id': cssid(widget, 'display'),
        'class_': 'display-%s' % widget.attrs['class'] or 'generic'
    return data.tag('div', content, **attrs)
コード例 #22
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: AnneGilles/yafowil
def input_file_renderer(widget, data):
    tag = data.tag
    input_attrs = {
        'name_': widget.dottedpath,
        'id': cssid(widget, 'input'),
        'class_': cssclasses(widget, data),            
        'type': 'file',
        'value':  '',
        'placeholder': widget.attrs.get('placeholder') or None,
        'autofocus': widget.attrs.get('autofocus') and 'autofocus' or None,
        'required': widget.attrs.get('required') and 'required' or None,        
    if widget.attrs.get('accept'):
        input_attrs['accept'] = widget.attrs['accept']
    return tag('input', **input_attrs)
コード例 #23
def input_proxy_renderer(widget, data):
    """Render hidden input ignoring ``widget.dottedpath``, just using widget
    tag = data.tag
    value = data.value
    if data.request is not UNSET:
        if data.request.get(widget.__name__):
            value = data.request.get(widget.__name__)
    input_attrs = {
        'type': 'hidden',
        'value': value,
        'name_': widget.__name__,
        'id': cssid(widget, 'input'),
        'class_': cssclasses(widget, data),
    return tag('input', **input_attrs)
コード例 #24
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: attilaolah/yafowil
def label_renderer(widget, data):
    tag = data.tag
    label_text = widget.attrs.get('label', widget.__name__)
    label_attrs = {
        'for_': cssid(widget, 'input'),
        'class_': cssclasses(widget, data)
    help = u''
    if widget.attrs['help']:
        help_attrs = {'class_': widget.attrs['help_class']}
        help = tag('div', widget.attrs['help'], help_attrs)
    pos = widget.attrs['position']
    if pos == 'inner':
        return tag('label', label_text, help, data.rendered, **label_attrs)
    elif pos == 'after':
        return data.rendered + tag('label', label_text, help, **label_attrs)
    return tag('label', label_text, help, **label_attrs) + data.rendered
コード例 #25
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: attilaolah/yafowil
def input_proxy_renderer(widget, data):
    """Render hidden input ignoring ``widget.dottedpath``, just using widget
    tag = data.tag
    value = data.value
    if data.request is not UNSET:
        if data.request.get(widget.__name__):
            value = data.request.get(widget.__name__)
    input_attrs = {
        'type': 'hidden',
        'value':  value,
        'name_': widget.__name__,
        'id': cssid(widget, 'input'),    
        'class_': cssclasses(widget, data),    
    return tag('input', **input_attrs)
コード例 #26
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: AnneGilles/yafowil
def password_edit_renderer(widget, data):
    """Render password widget.
    tag = data.tag
    value = _pwd_value(widget, data)
    input_attrs = {
        'type': 'password',
        'value':  value,
        'name_': widget.dottedpath,
        'id': cssid(widget, 'input'),    
        'class_': cssclasses(widget, data),
        'size': widget.attrs.get('size'),
        'placeholder': widget.attrs.get('placeholder') or None,
        'autofocus': widget.attrs.get('autofocus') and 'autofocus' or None,      
        'disabled': widget.attrs.get('disabled'),
    input_attrs['required'] = \
        widget.attrs.get('required') and 'required' or None
    return tag('input', **input_attrs)
コード例 #27
def password_edit_renderer(widget, data):
    """Render password widget.
    tag = data.tag
    value = _pwd_value(widget, data)
    input_attrs = {
        'type': 'password',
        'value': value,
        'name_': widget.dottedpath,
        'id': cssid(widget, 'input'),
        'class_': cssclasses(widget, data),
        'size': widget.attrs.get('size'),
        'placeholder': widget.attrs.get('placeholder') or None,
        'autofocus': widget.attrs.get('autofocus') and 'autofocus' or None,
        'disabled': widget.attrs.get('disabled'),
    input_attrs['required'] = \
        widget.attrs.get('required') and 'required' or None
    return tag('input', **input_attrs)
コード例 #28
def input_generic_renderer(widget, data):
    """Generic HTML ``input`` tag render.
    input_attrs = {
        'type': widget.attrs['type'],
        'value': fetch_value(widget, data),
        'name_': widget.dottedpath,
        'id': cssid(widget, 'input'),
        'class_': cssclasses(widget, data),
        'size': widget.attrs.get('size'),
        'placeholder': widget.attrs.get('placeholder') or None,
        'autofocus': widget.attrs.get('autofocus') and 'autofocus' or None,
        'disabled': bool(widget.attrs.get('disabled')) and 'disabled' or None,
        'autocomplete': widget.attrs.get('autocomplete'),
    input_attrs['required'] = \
        widget.attrs.get('required') and 'required' or None
    if widget.attrs['type'] in ['range', 'number']:
        input_attrs['min'] = widget.attrs.get('min') or None
        input_attrs['max'] = widget.attrs.get('min') or None
        input_attrs['step'] = widget.attrs.get('step') or None
    return data.tag('input', **input_attrs)
コード例 #29
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: AnneGilles/yafowil
def input_generic_renderer(widget, data):
    """Generic HTML ``input`` tag render.
    input_attrs = {
        'type': widget.attrs['type'],
        'value': fetch_value(widget, data),
        'name_': widget.dottedpath,
        'id': cssid(widget, 'input'),    
        'class_': cssclasses(widget, data),
        'size': widget.attrs.get('size'),
        'placeholder': widget.attrs.get('placeholder') or None,
        'autofocus': widget.attrs.get('autofocus') and 'autofocus' or None,
        'disabled': bool(widget.attrs.get('disabled')) and 'disabled' or None,
        'autocomplete': widget.attrs.get('autocomplete'),
    input_attrs['required'] = \
        widget.attrs.get('required') and 'required' or None
    if widget.attrs['type'] in ['range', 'number']:
        input_attrs['min'] = widget.attrs.get('min') or None
        input_attrs['max'] = widget.attrs.get('min') or None
        input_attrs['step'] = widget.attrs.get('step') or None
    return data.tag('input', **input_attrs)
コード例 #30
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: attilaolah/yafowil
def password_renderer(widget, data):
    """Render password widget.
    The password is never rendered to markup, instead
    ``yafowil.common.PASSWORD_NOCHANGE_VALUE`` is set as ``value`` property on
    dom element. See ``yafowil.common.password_extractor`` for details on
    password extraction.
        Maximum size of password.
        Bool evaluating value, if evaluates to True, set disabled="disabled" on
        password input tag.
    tag = data.tag
    def pwd_value(widget, data):
        if data.extracted is not UNSET:
            return data.extracted
        if data.value is not UNSET \
          and data.value is not None:
            return PASSWORD_NOCHANGE_VALUE
        return widget.attrs['default']
    value = pwd_value(widget, data) 
    input_attrs = {
        'type': 'password',
        'value':  value,
        'name_': widget.dottedpath,
        'id': cssid(widget, 'input'),    
        'class_': cssclasses(widget, data),
        'size': widget.attrs.get('size'),
        'disabled': widget.attrs.get('disabled'),
        'placeholder': widget.attrs.get('placeholder'),
    return tag('input', **input_attrs)
コード例 #31
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: AnneGilles/yafowil
def select_edit_renderer(widget, data):
    tag = data.tag
    value = fetch_value(widget, data)
    if isinstance(value, basestring) or not hasattr(value, '__iter__'):
        value = [value]
    if not widget.attrs['multivalued'] and len(value) > 1:
        raise ValueError(u"Multiple values for single selection.")
    disabled = widget.attrs.get('disabled', False)
    if widget.attrs['format'] == 'block':
        optiontags = []
        for key, term in vocabulary(widget.attrs.get('vocabulary', [])):
            attrs = {
                'selected': (key in value) and 'selected' or None,
                'value': key,
                'id': cssid(widget, 'input', key),
            if disabled and disabled is not True and key in disabled:
                attrs['disabled'] = 'disabled'                 
            optiontags.append(tag('option', term, **attrs))            
        select_attrs = {
            'name_': widget.dottedpath,
            'id': cssid(widget, 'input'),
            'class_': cssclasses(widget, data),                        
            'multiple': widget.attrs['multivalued'] and 'multiple' or None,
            'placeholder': widget.attrs.get('placeholder') or None,
            'autofocus': widget.attrs.get('autofocus') and 'autofocus' or None,
            'required': widget.attrs.get('required') and 'required' or None,            
        if disabled is True:
            select_attrs['disabled'] = 'disabled'
        rendered = tag('select', *optiontags, **select_attrs)
        if widget.attrs['multivalued']:
            attrs = {
                'type': 'hidden',
                'value':  'exists',
                'name_': "%s-exists" % widget.dottedpath,
                'id': cssid(widget, 'exists'),
            rendered = select_exists_marker(widget, data) + rendered
        return rendered
        tags = []
        label_pos = widget.attrs['listing_label_position']
        listing_tag = widget.attrs['listing_tag']
        item_tag = listing_tag == 'div' and 'div' or 'li'
        if widget.attrs['multivalued']:
            tagtype = 'checkbox'
            tagtype = 'radio'
        for key, term in vocabulary(widget.attrs.get('vocabulary', [])):
            attrs = {
                'type': tagtype,
                'value':  key,
                'checked': (key in value) and 'checked' or None,
                'name_': widget.dottedpath,
                'id': cssid(widget, 'input', key),    
                'class_': cssclasses(widget, data),
            if (disabled and disabled is not True and key in disabled) \
               or disabled is True:
                attrs['disabled'] = 'disabled'                                 
            input = tag('input', **attrs)
            if label_pos == 'inner':
                item = tag('label', term, input, for_=attrs['id'])
            elif label_pos == 'after':
                item = input + tag('label', term, for_=attrs['id'])
                item = tag('label', term, for_=attrs['id']) + input
            tags.append(tag(item_tag, item,
                            **{'id': cssid(widget, tagtype, key)}))
        return select_exists_marker(widget, data) + \
            tag(listing_tag, *tags, **{'id': cssid(widget, tagtype, 'wrapper')})