コード例 #1
 def get_goal(self, world, robot):
     Selects a goal for robot
     if robot.penalty:
         return None
     elif self.current_task == 'game' and world.game_state is not None:
         utils.defender_rotation_to_defend_point(robot, world.ball, world.our_goal.vector, defender.GOAL_RADIUS, world.our_side)
         if robot.has_ball(world.ball):
             info("Defender goal choice: Pass the ball")
             return defender.Pass(world, robot)
         elif utils.dist(world.our_goal, world.ball) < defender.GOAL_RADIUS:
             return None
         elif not utils.ball_heading_to_our_goal(world) and utils.defender_should_grab_ball(world):
             info("Defender goal choice: Retrieve the ball")
             return defender.GetBall(world, robot)
             info("Defender goal choice: Do the wiggle dance!")
             return defender.Defend(world, robot)
     elif self.current_task == 'oldgame' and world.game_state is not None:
         if robot.has_ball(world.ball):
             info("Defender goal choice: kick the ball")
             return defender.Pass(world, robot)
         elif utils.ball_heading_to_our_goal(world) and world.in_our_half(world.ball):
             info("Defender goal choice: Intercept")
             return defender.ReactiveGrabGoal(world, robot)
         elif utils.ball_is_static(world) and world.in_our_half(world.ball):
             ourdist = math.hypot(world.ball.x - robot.x, world.ball.y - robot.y)
             oppdists = [math.hypot(world.ball.x - r.x, world.ball.y - r.y)
                         for r in world.their_robots if not r.is_missing()]
             if (len(oppdists) == 0 or ourdist < min(oppdists)) and world.game_state == 'normal-play':
                 info("Defender goal choice: Retrieve ball")
                 return defender.GetBall(world, robot)
                 info("Defender goal choice: Block")
                 return defender.Block(world, robot)
             info("Defender goal choice: Return to defence area")
             return defender.ReturnToDefenceArea(world, robot)
     elif self.current_task == 'move-grab':
         return defender.GetBall(world, robot)
     elif self.current_task == 'defend':
         return defender.Defend(world, robot)
     elif self.current_task == 'reactive-grab':
         return defender.ReactiveGrabGoal(world, robot)
     elif self.current_task == 'm1':
         return defender.ReceivingPass(world, robot)
     elif self.current_task == 'm2':
         return defender.ReceiveAndPass(world, robot)
     elif self.current_task == 'm31':
         return defender.InterceptPass(world, robot)
     elif self.current_task == 'm32':
         return defender.InterceptGoal(world, robot)
コード例 #2
class GoToDefendPoint(Action):
    preconditions = [
        (lambda w, r: abs(
                r.vector, w.ball.vector, w.our_goal.vector, GOAL_RADIUS, w.
                our_side)[0]) < ROTATION_DEFEND_POINT_THRESHOLD,
         "Defender is facing defending point"),
        (lambda w, r: abs(
                r.vector, w.ball.vector, w.our_goal.vector, GOAL_RADIUS, w.
                our_side)) > DEFEND_POINT_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD,
         "Defender far away from defending point"),
        (lambda w, r: r.catcher == 'OPEN', "Grabbers are open.")

    def perform(self, comms):
        angle, side, defend_point = utils.defender_rotation_to_defend_point(
            self.robot.vector, self.world.ball.vector,
            self.world.our_goal.vector, GOAL_RADIUS, self.world.our_side)

        dx = defend_point.x - self.robot.x
        dy = defend_point.y - self.robot.y
        distance_to_move = math.hypot(dx, dy)

        if side == "left":
            distance_to_move = -distance_to_move

        logging.info("Wants to move by: " + str(distance_to_move))
        return utils.defender_move_delay(distance_to_move)
コード例 #3
    def perform(self, comms):
        angle, side, defend_point = utils.defender_rotation_to_defend_point(
            self.robot.vector, self.world.ball.vector,
            self.world.our_goal.vector, GOAL_RADIUS, self.world.our_side)

        logging.info("Facing defend point: Rotating %f degrees to %f %f" %
                     (math.degrees(angle), defend_point.x, defend_point.y))
        return utils.defender_turn_delay(angle)
コード例 #4
    def perform(self, comms):
        angle, side, defend_point = utils.defender_rotation_to_defend_point(self.robot.vector, self.world.ball.vector, self.world.our_goal.vector, 100)

        dx = defend_point.x - self.robot.x
        dy = defend_point.y - self.robot.y
        distance_to_move = math.hypot(dx, dy)

        if side == "left":
            distance_to_move = -distance_to_move

        logging.info("Wants to move by: " + str(distance_to_move))
コード例 #5
    def perform(self, comms):
        angle, side, defend_point = utils.defender_rotation_to_defend_point(self.robot.vector, self.world.ball.vector, self.world.our_goal.vector, GOAL_RADIUS, self.world.our_side)

        dx = defend_point.x - self.robot.x
        dy = defend_point.y - self.robot.y
        wiggeled_distance_to_move = math.hypot(dx, dy) + WIGGLE_EFFECT

        if side == "left":
            wiggeled_distance_to_move = -wiggeled_distance_to_move

        logging.info("Wants to wiggle by: " + str(wiggeled_distance_to_move))
        return utils.defender_move_delay(wiggeled_distance_to_move)
コード例 #6
    def perform(self, comms):
        angle, side, defend_point = utils.defender_rotation_to_defend_point(
            self.robot.vector, self.world.ball.vector,
            self.world.our_goal.vector, GOAL_RADIUS, self.world.our_side)

        dx = defend_point.x - self.robot.x
        dy = defend_point.y - self.robot.y
        wiggeled_distance_to_move = math.hypot(dx, dy) + WIGGLE_EFFECT

        if side == "left":
            wiggeled_distance_to_move = -wiggeled_distance_to_move

        logging.info("Wants to wiggle by: " + str(wiggeled_distance_to_move))
        return utils.defender_move_delay(wiggeled_distance_to_move)
コード例 #7
class GoToDefendPoint(Action):
    preconditions = [(lambda w, r: abs(utils.defender_rotation_to_defend_point(r.vector, w.ball.vector, w.our_goal.vector, 100)[0]) < ROTATION_DEFEND_POINT_THRESHOLD, "Defender is facing defending point"),

    def perform(self, comms):
        angle, side, defend_point = utils.defender_rotation_to_defend_point(self.robot.vector, self.world.ball.vector, self.world.our_goal.vector, 100)

        dx = defend_point.x - self.robot.x
        dy = defend_point.y - self.robot.y
        distance_to_move = math.hypot(dx, dy)

        if side == "left":
            distance_to_move = -distance_to_move

        logging.info("Wants to move by: " + str(distance_to_move))
コード例 #8
    def perform(self, comms):
        angle, side, defend_point = utils.defender_rotation_to_defend_point(self.robot.vector, self.world.ball.vector, self.world.our_goal.vector, GOAL_RADIUS, self.world.our_side)

        logging.info("Facing defend point: Rotating %f degrees to %f %f" % (math.degrees(angle), defend_point.x, defend_point.y))
        return utils.defender_turn_delay(angle)