コード例 #1
    def __init__(self,
        - data_dir: Directory containing dataset files in the format
        <frame_id> <ped_id> <x> <y>
        - obs_len: Number of time-steps in input trajectories
        - pred_len: Number of time-steps in output trajectories
        - skip: Number of frames to skip while making the dataset
        - threshold: Minimum error to be considered for non linear traj
        when using a linear predictor
        - min_ped: Minimum number of pedestrians that should be in a seqeunce
        - delim: Delimiter in the dataset files
        super(TrajectoryDataset, self).__init__()

        self.obs_len = 8
        self.pred_len = 12
        skip = 1
        self.scale = scale
        self.seq_len = self.obs_len + self.pred_len
        self.device = device
        delim = ','
        dt = 0.4
        min_ped = 0
        data_dir = data_dir.replace('\\', '/')

        if data_split == 'train':
            max_num_file = 40
            max_num_file = 10

        self.seq_len = self.obs_len + self.pred_len

        n_state = 6

        with open(os.path.join(data_dir, data_split + '.txt')) as f:
            files = f.readlines()
            all_files = []
            prev_file = ''
            num_file = 0
            for f in files:
                if f.split(
                        '\\')[:-1] == prev_file and num_file == max_num_file:
                elif f.split('\\')[:-1] != prev_file:
                    # print('/'.join(prev_file))
                    # print(num_file)
                    num_file = 0
                    prev_file = f.split('\\')[:-1]
                num_file += 1
                all_files.append(f.rstrip().replace('\\', '/'))
            # print('/'.join(prev_file))
            # print(num_file)

        self.inv_h_t = {}
        self.maps = {}
        for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(data_dir):
            if len(subdirs) > 0:
            map_file_name = [
                file_name for file_name in files if 'png' in file_name
            # print(root)
            # print(map_file_name)
            m = imageio.imread(os.path.join(root,
                                            map_file_name)).astype(float) / 255
            self.maps.update({root[len(data_dir):].replace('\\', '/')[1:]: m})
            h = read_file(
                os.path.join(root, map_file_name.replace('png', 'hom')), ',')
            inv_h_t = np.linalg.inv(np.transpose(h))
                {root[len(data_dir):].replace('\\', '/')[1:]: inv_h_t})
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 9))
        i = 0
        for k in self.maps.keys():
            i += 1
            ax = fig.add_subplot(4,5, i)
            ax.set_title(k, size=7)
        # ax.axis('off')

        num_peds_in_seq = []
        seq_list = []

        obs_frame_num = []
        fut_frame_num = []
        data_files = []

        for path in all_files:
            # print('data path:', path)
            loaded_data = read_file(os.path.join(data_dir, path), delim)

            data = pd.DataFrame(loaded_data)
            data.columns = ['f', 'a', 'pos_x', 'pos_y']
            # data.sort_values(by=['f', 'a'], inplace=True)
            data.sort_values(by=['f', 'a'], inplace=True)

            # data = data1[data1['a'] < 10]
            frames = data['f'].unique().tolist()

            frame_data = []
            # data.sort_values(by=['f'])
            for frame in frames:
                frame_data.append(data[data['f'] == frame].values)
            num_sequences = int(
                math.ceil((len(frames) - self.seq_len + 1) / skip))
            # print('num_sequences: ', num_sequences)

            # all frames를 seq_len(kernel size)만큼씩 sliding해가며 볼것. 이때 skip = stride.
            for idx in range(0, num_sequences * skip + 1, skip):
                # if len(frame_data[idx:idx + self.seq_len]) ==0:
                #     print(idx)

                curr_seq_data = np.concatenate(
                    frame_data[idx:idx + self.seq_len], axis=0
                )  # frame을 seq_len만큼씩 잘라서 볼것 = curr_seq_data. 각 frame이 가진 데이터(agent)수는 다를수 잇음. 하지만 각 데이터의 길이는 4(frame #, agent id, pos_x, pos_y)
                peds_in_curr_seq = np.unique(
                    curr_seq_data[:, 1])  # unique agent id

                curr_seq = np.zeros(
                    (len(peds_in_curr_seq), n_state, self.seq_len))
                num_peds_considered = 0
                ped_ids = []
                for _, ped_id in enumerate(
                ):  # current frame sliding에 들어온 각 agent에 대해
                    curr_ped_seq = curr_seq_data[
                        curr_seq_data[:, 1] ==
                        ped_id, :]  # frame#, agent id, pos_x, pos_y
                    curr_ped_seq = np.around(curr_ped_seq, decimals=4)
                    pad_front = frames.index(
                        curr_ped_seq[0, 0]
                    ) - idx  # sliding idx를 빼주는 이유?. sliding이 움직여온 step인 idx를 빼줘야 pad_front=0 이됨. 0보다 큰 pad_front라는 것은 현ped_id가 처음 나타난 frame이 desired first frame보다 더 늦은 경우.
                    pad_end = frames.index(curr_ped_seq[
                        -1, 0]) - idx + 1  # pad_end까지선택하는 index로 쓰일거라 1더함
                    if pad_end - pad_front != self.seq_len:  # seq_len만큼의 sliding동안 매 프레임마다 agent가 존재하지 않은 데이터였던것.
                    # x,y,x',y',x'',y''
                    x = curr_ped_seq[:, 2]
                    y = curr_ped_seq[:, 3]
                    vx = derivative_of(x, dt)
                    vy = derivative_of(y, dt)
                    ax = derivative_of(vx, dt)
                    ay = derivative_of(vy, dt)

                    # Make coordinates relative
                    _idx = num_peds_considered
                    curr_seq[_idx, :, pad_front:pad_end] = np.stack(
                        [x, y, vx, vy, ax, ay])  # (1,6,20)

                    num_peds_considered += 1

                if num_peds_considered > min_ped:  # 주어진 하나의 sliding(16초)동안 등장한 agent수가 min_ped보다 큼을 만족하는 경우에만 이 slide데이터를 채택
                    seq_traj = curr_seq[:num_peds_considered][:, :2]

                    exclude_idx = []
                    for i in range(20):
                        curr1 = seq_traj[:, :,
                                                   0)  # AAABBBCCC
                        curr2 = np.stack(
                            [seq_traj[:, :, i]] * num_peds_considered).reshape(
                                -1, 2)  # ABCABC
                        dist = np.linalg.norm(curr1 - curr2, axis=1)
                        dist = dist.reshape(num_peds_considered,

                        diff_agent_idx = np.triu_indices(num_peds_considered,
                        dist[diff_agent_idx] = 0
                        under_th_idx = np.array(
                            np.where((dist > 0) & (dist < coll_th)))
                        # under_th_idx = np.where((dist > 0) & (dist < coll_th))

                        # for elt in np.unique(under_th_idx):
                        #     np.count_nonzero(under_th_idx == elt)
                        for j in range(len(under_th_idx[0])):
                            idx_pair = under_th_idx[:, j]
                    exclude_idx = np.unique(exclude_idx)

                    if len(exclude_idx) == num_peds_considered:
                    if len(exclude_idx) > 0:
                        print(len(exclude_idx), '/', num_peds_considered)
                        valid_idx = [
                            i for i in range(num_peds_considered)
                            if i not in exclude_idx
                        num_peds_considered = len(valid_idx)

                        np.ones((num_peds_considered, self.obs_len)) *
                        frames[idx:idx + self.obs_len])
                        np.ones((num_peds_considered, self.pred_len)) *
                        frames[idx + self.obs_len:idx + self.seq_len])
                    # map_file_names.append(num_peds_considered*[map_file_name])
            cum_start_idx = [0] + np.cumsum(num_peds_in_seq).tolist()
            aa = np.array([
                (start, end)
                for start, end in zip(cum_start_idx, cum_start_idx[1:])
            print(path, aa[-1][1], np.round((aa[:, 1] - aa[:, 0]).mean(), 2),
                  np.round((aa[:, 1] - aa[:, 0]).max(), 2))

        seq_list = np.concatenate(seq_list, axis=0)  # (32686, 2, 16)
        self.obs_frame_num = np.concatenate(obs_frame_num, axis=0)
        self.fut_frame_num = np.concatenate(fut_frame_num, axis=0)

        # Convert numpy -> Torch Tensor
        self.obs_traj = seq_list[:, :, :self.obs_len]
        self.fut_traj = seq_list[:, :, self.obs_len:]

        # frame seq순, 그리고 agent id순으로 쌓아온 데이터에 대한 index를 부여하기 위해 cumsum으로 index생성 ==> 한 슬라이드(16 seq. of frames)에서 고려된 agent의 data를 start, end로 끊어내서 index로 골래내기 위해
        cum_start_idx = [0] + np.cumsum(num_peds_in_seq).tolist(
        )  # num_peds_in_seq = 각 slide(16개 frames)별로 고려된 agent수.따라서 len(num_peds_in_seq) = slide 수 = 2692 = self.num_seq
        self.seq_start_end = [
            (start, end)
            for start, end in zip(cum_start_idx, cum_start_idx[1:])
        ]  # [(0, 2),  (2, 4),  (4, 7),  (7, 10), ... (32682, 32684),  (32684, 32686)]

        # self.num_seq = len(self.seq_start_end)
        self.num_seq = len(self.obs_traj)
        self.data_files = np.stack(data_files)
        self.local_map = []
        self.local_homo = []
        self.local_ic = []

        ss = np.array(self.seq_start_end)
        for i in range(len(self.obs_traj)):
            if i % 500 == 0:
            seq_idx = np.where((i >= ss[:, 0]) & (i < ss[:, 1]))[0][0]

            key = '/'.join(self.data_files[seq_idx].split('/')[:-1])
            global_map = self.maps[key]
            # global_map = np.expand_dims(global_map, 0).repeat((end-start), axis=0)
            # inv_h_t = np.expand_dims(np.eye(3), 0).repeat((end-start), axis=0)
            inv_h_t = self.inv_h_t[key]

            all_traj = np.concatenate(
                [self.obs_traj[i, :2], self.fut_traj[i, :2]],
                axis=1).transpose(1, 0)

            map_traj = np.matmul(
                    [all_traj, np.ones((len(all_traj), 1))], 1), inv_h_t)
            map_traj /= np.expand_dims(map_traj[:, 2], 1)
            map_traj = map_traj[:, :2]
            plt.scatter(map_traj[:8, 0], map_traj[:8, 1], s=1, c='b')
            plt.scatter(map_traj[8:, 0], map_traj[8:, 1], s=1, c='r')

            radius = np.sqrt(
                ((map_traj[1:] - map_traj[:-1])**2).sum(1)).mean() * 20
            radius = np.round(radius).astype(int)
            local_map, local_ic, local_homo = self.get_local_map_ic(

        self.local_ic = np.stack(self.local_ic)
        self.local_homo = np.stack(self.local_homo)

        all_data = \
            {'seq_start_end': self.seq_start_end,
             'obs_traj': self.obs_traj,
             'fut_traj': self.fut_traj,
             'obs_frame_num': self.obs_frame_num,
             'fut_frame_num': self.fut_frame_num,
             'data_file_name': self.data_files,
             'inv_h_t': self.inv_h_t,
             'local_map': self.local_map,
             'local_ic': self.local_ic,
             'local_homo': self.local_homo,

        save_path = os.path.join(
            data_dir, data_split + '_threshold' + str(coll_th) + '.pkl')
        with open(save_path, 'wb') as handle:
            pickle5.dump(all_data, handle, protocol=pickle5.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self,
        - data_dir: Directory containing dataset files in the format
        <frame_id> <ped_id> <x> <y>
        - obs_len: Number of time-steps in input trajectories
        - pred_len: Number of time-steps in output trajectories
        - skip: Number of frames to skip while making the dataset
        - threshold: Minimum error to be considered for non linear traj
        when using a linear predictor
        - min_ped: Minimum number of pedestrians that should be in a seqeunce
        - delim: Delimiter in the dataset files
        super(TrajectoryDataset, self).__init__()

        self.data_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, data_name, data_split)
        # self.data_dir = '../../datasets/eth/test'
        self.obs_len = obs_len
        self.pred_len = pred_len
        self.skip = 1
        self.seq_len = self.obs_len + self.pred_len
        self.delim = delim
        self.map_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'nmap/map/')

        n_state = 6

        all_files = os.listdir(self.data_dir)
        all_files = [os.path.join(self.data_dir, _path) for _path in all_files]
        num_peds_in_seq = []
        seq_list = []

        obs_frame_num = []
        fut_frame_num = []
        map_file_names = []
        inv_h_ts = []
        local_map_size = []
        deli = '/'
        # deli = '\\'

        for path in all_files:
            print('data path:', path)
            # if 'zara' in path or 'eth' in path or 'hotel' in path:
            # if 'zara' in path or 'hotel' in path or '003' in path:
            #     continue
            # if 'students003' in path:
            #     continue
            if 'zara01' in path.split(deli)[-1]:
                map_file_name = 'zara01'
            elif 'zara02' in path.split(deli)[-1]:
                map_file_name = 'zara02'
            elif 'eth' in path.split(deli)[-1]:
                map_file_name = 'eth'
            elif 'hotel' in path.split(deli)[-1]:
                map_file_name = 'hotel'
            elif 'students003' in path.split(deli)[-1]:
                map_file_name = 'univ'
                if skip > 0:
                    map_file_name = 'skip'
                    print('map path: ', map_file_name)
                    map_file_name = ''

            print('map path: ', map_file_name)

            if map_file_name != '':
                h = np.loadtxt(
                    os.path.join(self.map_dir, map_file_name + '_H.txt'))
                inv_h_t = np.linalg.pinv(np.transpose(h))
                map_file_name = os.path.join(self.map_dir,
                                             map_file_name + '_map.png')
                inv_h_t = np.zeros((3, 3))

            data = read_file(path, self.delim)
            # print('uniq ped: ', len(np.unique(data[:, 1])))

            if 'zara01' in map_file_name:
                frames = (np.unique(data[:, 0]) + 10).tolist()
                frames = np.unique(data[:, 0]).tolist()

            if data_split == 'test' and data_name != 'eth':
                if data_name == 'hotel':
                    idx = 550
                elif 'zara' in data_name:
                    idx = 200
                    idx = 40
                frames = frames[:idx]

            # print('uniq frames: ', len(frames))
            frame_data = []  # all data per frame
            for frame in frames:
                frame_data.append(data[frame == data[:, 0], :])
            num_sequences = int(
                math.ceil((len(frames) - self.seq_len + 1) / self.skip)
            )  # seq_len=obs+pred길이씩 잘라서 (input=obs, output=pred)주면서 train시킬것. 그래서 seq_len씩 slide시키면서 총 num_seq만큼의 iteration하게됨

            this_seq_obs = []

            # all frames를 seq_len(kernel size)만큼씩 sliding해가며 볼것. 이때 skip = stride.
            for idx in range(0, num_sequences * self.skip + 1, self.skip):
                curr_seq_data = np.concatenate(
                    frame_data[idx:idx + self.seq_len], axis=0
                )  # frame을 seq_len만큼씩 잘라서 볼것 = curr_seq_data. 각 frame이 가진 데이터(agent)수는 다를수 잇음. 하지만 각 데이터의 길이는 4(frame #, agent id, pos_x, pos_y)
                peds_in_curr_seq = np.unique(
                    curr_seq_data[:, 1])  # unique agent id

                curr_seq = np.zeros(
                    (len(peds_in_curr_seq), n_state, self.seq_len))
                num_peds_considered = 0
                ped_ids = []
                for _, ped_id in enumerate(
                ):  # current frame sliding에 들어온 각 agent에 대해
                    curr_ped_seq = curr_seq_data[
                        curr_seq_data[:, 1] ==
                        ped_id, :]  # frame#, agent id, pos_x, pos_y
                    curr_ped_seq = np.around(curr_ped_seq, decimals=4)
                    pad_front = frames.index(
                        curr_ped_seq[0, 0]
                    ) - idx  # sliding idx를 빼주는 이유?. sliding이 움직여온 step인 idx를 빼줘야 pad_front=0 이됨. 0보다 큰 pad_front라는 것은 현ped_id가 처음 나타난 frame이 desired first frame보다 더 늦은 경우.
                    pad_end = frames.index(curr_ped_seq[
                        -1, 0]) - idx + 1  # pad_end까지선택하는 index로 쓰일거라 1더함
                    if pad_end - pad_front != self.seq_len:  # seq_len만큼의 sliding동안 매 프레임마다 agent가 존재하지 않은 데이터였던것.
                    # x,y,x',y',x'',y''
                    x = curr_ped_seq[:, 2]
                    y = curr_ped_seq[:, 3]
                    vx = derivative_of(x, dt)
                    vy = derivative_of(y, dt)
                    ax = derivative_of(vx, dt)
                    ay = derivative_of(vy, dt)

                    # Make coordinates relative
                    _idx = num_peds_considered
                    curr_seq[_idx, :, pad_front:pad_end] = np.stack(
                        [x, y, vx, vy, ax, ay])
                    num_peds_considered += 1

                if num_peds_considered > min_ped:  # 주어진 하나의 sliding(16초)동안 등장한 agent수가 min_ped보다 큼을 만족하는 경우에만 이 slide데이터를 채택
                    # 다음 list의 initialize는 peds_in_curr_seq만큼 해뒀었지만, 조건을 만족하는 slide의 agent만 차례로 append 되었기 때문에 num_peds_considered만큼만 잘라서 씀
                    this_seq_obs.append(curr_seq[:num_peds_considered, :2, :8])
                        np.ones((num_peds_considered, self.obs_len)) *
                        frames[idx:idx + self.obs_len])
                        np.ones((num_peds_considered, self.pred_len)) *
                        frames[idx + self.obs_len:idx + self.seq_len])
                    # map_file_names.append(num_peds_considered*[map_file_name])

            ### for map
            if map_file_name == '':
                per_step_dist = []
                for obs_traj in np.concatenate(this_seq_obs):
                    obs_traj = obs_traj.transpose(1, 0)
                            ((obs_traj[1:] - obs_traj[:-1])**2).sum(1)).mean())
                mean_pixel_dist = 0.7
                # argmax = np.concatenate(this_seq_obs)[np.array(per_step_dist).argmax()].transpose(1,0)
                # plt.scatter(argmax[:, 1], argmax[:, 0], s=1)

                all_pixels = []
                for obs_traj in np.concatenate(this_seq_obs):
                    obs_traj = obs_traj.transpose(1, 0)
                    all_pixel = np.matmul(
                            [obs_traj, np.ones((len(obs_traj), 1))], axis=1),
                    all_pixel /= np.expand_dims(all_pixel[:, 2], 1)
                    all_pixels.append(all_pixel[:, :2])
                all_pixels = np.stack(all_pixels)
                per_step_dist = []
                for all_pixel in all_pixels:
                        np.sqrt(((all_pixel[1:] -

                two_wc_pts = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0.7]])
                two_ic_pts = np.matmul(
                        [two_wc_pts, np.ones((len(two_wc_pts), 1))], axis=1),
                two_ic_pts /= np.expand_dims(two_ic_pts[:, 2], 1)
                mean_pixel_dist = np.linalg.norm(two_ic_pts[1, :2] -
                                                 two_ic_pts[0, :2])

                # map_path = os.path.join(self.map_dir, map_file_name + '_map.png')
                # global_map = imageio.imread(map_path)
                # plt.imshow(global_map)
                # argmax = all_pixels[np.array(per_step_dist).argmax()]
                # plt.scatter(argmax[:, 1], argmax[:, 0], s=1)

            per_step_dist = np.array(per_step_dist)
            # max_per_step_dist_of_seq = per_step_dist[np.where(per_step_dist>0.1)[0]].max()
            # max_per_step_dist_of_seq = per_step_dist.max()
            # local_map_size.extend([int(max_per_step_dist_of_seq * 13)] * len(this_seq_obs))
                list((np.clip(per_step_dist, mean_pixel_dist, None) *

        self.num_seq = len(seq_list)  # = slide (seq. of 16 frames) 수 = 2692

        cum_start_idx = [0] + np.cumsum(num_peds_in_seq).tolist(
        )  # num_peds_in_seq = 각 slide(16개 frames)별로 고려된 agent수.따라서 len(num_peds_in_seq) = slide 수 = 2692 = self.num_seq
        self.seq_start_end = [
            (start, end)
            for start, end in zip(cum_start_idx, cum_start_idx[1:])
        ]  # [(0, 2),  (2, 4),  (4, 7),  (7, 10), ... (32682, 32684),  (32684, 32686)]

        seq_list = np.concatenate(seq_list, axis=0)  # (32686, 2, 16)
        self.obs_frame_num = np.concatenate(obs_frame_num, axis=0)
        self.fut_frame_num = np.concatenate(fut_frame_num, axis=0)

        # Convert numpy -> Torch Tensor
        self.obs_traj = seq_list[:, :, :self.obs_len]
        self.fut_traj = seq_list[:, :, self.obs_len:]
        # frame seq순, 그리고 agent id순으로 쌓아온 데이터에 대한 index를 부여하기 위해 cumsum으로 index생성 ==> 한 슬라이드(16 seq. of frames)에서 고려된 agent의 data를 start, end로 끊어내서 index로 골래내기 위해

        self.map_file_name = map_file_names
        self.local_map_size = local_map_size
        self.inv_h_t = inv_h_ts

        self.local_map = []
        self.local_homo = []
        self.local_ic = []
        self.undated_local_map_size = []

        for seq_i in range(len(self.seq_start_end)):
            start, end = self.seq_start_end[seq_i]
            local_maps = []
            local_ics = []
            local_homos = []
            if self.map_file_name[seq_i] == '':
                zoom = 40
                for idx in range(start, end):
                    all_traj = np.concatenate(
                        [self.obs_traj[idx, :2], self.fut_traj[idx, :2]],
                        axis=1).transpose(1, 0)
                    local_map, local_ic, local_h = get_local_map_ic_no_map(
                        all_traj, zoom=zoom, radius=self.local_map_size[idx])
                local_map_size = np.array(
                    self.local_map_size[start:end]) * 2 * zoom
                global_map = 255 - imageio.imread(self.map_file_name[seq_i])
                inv_h_t = self.inv_h_t[seq_i]

                for idx in range(start, end):
                    all_traj = np.concatenate(
                        [self.obs_traj[idx, :2], self.fut_traj[idx, :2]],
                        axis=1).transpose(1, 0)
                    # plt.imshow(global_map)
                    # plt.scatter(all_traj[:8,0], all_traj[:8,1], s=1, c='b')
                    # plt.scatter(all_traj[8:,0], all_traj[8:,1], s=1, c='r')
                    # plt.show()
                    # eth = 256, zara1 =384 = hotel
                    # students003: 470
                    local_map, local_ic, local_h = get_local_map_ic(
                local_map_size = np.array(self.local_map_size[start:end]) * 2

                # plt.imshow(local_map[0])
                # plt.scatter(local_ic[:, 1], local_ic[:, 0], s=1)
                # plt.scatter(local_ic[7, 1], local_ic[7, 0], s=1, c='r')
        self.local_map = np.concatenate(self.local_map)
        self.local_ic = np.concatenate(self.local_ic)
        self.local_homo = np.concatenate(self.local_homo)
        self.undated_local_map_size = np.concatenate(

        all_data = \
            {'seq_start_end': self.seq_start_end,
             'obs_traj': self.obs_traj,
             'fut_traj': self.fut_traj,
             'obs_frame_num': self.obs_frame_num,
             'fut_frame_num': self.fut_frame_num,
             'map_file_name': self.map_file_name,
             'inv_h_t': self.inv_h_t,
             'local_map': self.local_map,
             'local_ic': self.local_ic,
             'local_homo': self.local_homo,
             'local_map_size': self.undated_local_map_size,
        save_path = os.path.join(data_dir, data_name, data_split + '.pickle')
        with open(save_path, 'wb') as handle:
            pickle.dump(all_data, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
コード例 #3
ファイル: ae_map.py プロジェクト: augustdemi/mcrowd
    def __init__(
        self, data_dir, obs_len=8, pred_len=12, skip=1, context_size=198,
        min_ped=0, delim='\t', device='cpu', dt=0.4, map_ae=False
        - data_dir: Directory containing dataset files in the format
        <frame_id> <ped_id> <x> <y>
        - obs_len: Number of time-steps in input trajectories
        - pred_len: Number of time-steps in output trajectories
        - skip: Number of frames to skip while making the dataset
        - threshold: Minimum error to be considered for non linear traj
        when using a linear predictor
        - min_ped: Minimum number of pedestrians that should be in a seqeunce
        - delim: Delimiter in the dataset files
        super(TrajectoryDataset, self).__init__()

        self.data_dir = data_dir
        self.obs_len = obs_len
        self.pred_len = pred_len
        self.skip = skip
        self.seq_len = self.obs_len + self.pred_len
        self.delim = delim
        self.device = device
        self.context_size = context_size

        n_pred_state = 2
        n_state = 6
        # root_dir = '/dresden/users/ml1323/crowd/baseline/HTP-benchmark/A2E Data'
        # root_dir = 'C:\dataset\HTP-benchmark\A2E Data'
        root_dir = 'D:\crowd\datasets\Trajectories\Trajectories'

        all_files = [e for e in os.listdir(root_dir) if ('.csv' in e) and ('h**o' not in e)]
        all_files = all_files[:30]
        # with open(self.data_dir) as f:
        #     all_files = np.array(f.readlines())
        # if 'Train' in self.data_dir:
        #     path_finding_files = all_files[['Pathfinding' in e for e in all_files]]
        #     all_files = np.concatenate((all_files[['Pathfinding' not in e for e in all_files]], np.repeat(path_finding_files, 10)))

        num_peds_in_seq = []
        seq_list = []
        seq_list_rel = []

        seq_past_obst_list = []
        seq_fut_obst_list = []

        obs_frame_num = []
        fut_frame_num = []
        map_file_names = []

        for path in all_files:
            path = os.path.join(root_dir, path.rstrip().replace('\\', '/'))
            print('data path:', path)
            # if 'Pathfinding' not in path:
            #     continue
            map_file_name = path.replace('.csv', '.png')
            print('map path: ', map_file_name)

            loaded_data = read_file(path, delim)

            data1 = pd.DataFrame(loaded_data)
            data1.columns = ['f', 'a', 'pos_x', 'pos_y']
            # data.sort_values(by=['f', 'a'], inplace=True)
            data1.sort_values(by=['f', 'a'], inplace=True)

            for agent_idx in data1['a'].unique():
                data = data1[data1['a'] == agent_idx].iloc[::5]
                frames = data['f'].unique().tolist()

                frame_data = []
                # data.sort_values(by=['f'])
                for frame in frames:
                    frame_data.append(data[data['f'] == frame].values)
                num_sequences = int(
                    math.ceil((len(frames) - self.seq_len + 1) / skip))
                # print('num_sequences: ', num_sequences)

                # all frames를 seq_len(kernel size)만큼씩 sliding해가며 볼것. 이때 skip = stride.
                for idx in range(0, num_sequences * self.skip + 1, skip):
                    curr_seq_data = np.concatenate(
                        frame_data[idx:idx + self.seq_len],
                        axis=0)  # frame을 seq_len만큼씩 잘라서 볼것 = curr_seq_data. 각 frame이 가진 데이터(agent)수는 다를수 잇음. 하지만 각 데이터의 길이는 4(frame #, agent id, pos_x, pos_y)
                    peds_in_curr_seq = np.unique(curr_seq_data[:, 1])  # unique agent id

                    curr_seq_rel = np.zeros((len(peds_in_curr_seq), n_pred_state, self.seq_len))
                    curr_seq = np.zeros((len(peds_in_curr_seq), n_state, self.seq_len))
                    num_peds_considered = 0
                    ped_ids = []
                    for _, ped_id in enumerate(peds_in_curr_seq):  # current frame sliding에 들어온 각 agent에 대해
                        curr_ped_seq = curr_seq_data[curr_seq_data[:, 1] == ped_id, :]  # frame#, agent id, pos_x, pos_y
                        curr_ped_seq = np.around(curr_ped_seq, decimals=4)
                        pad_front = frames.index(curr_ped_seq[
                                                     0, 0]) - idx  # sliding idx를 빼주는 이유?. sliding이 움직여온 step인 idx를 빼줘야 pad_front=0 이됨. 0보다 큰 pad_front라는 것은 현ped_id가 처음 나타난 frame이 desired first frame보다 더 늦은 경우.
                        pad_end = frames.index(curr_ped_seq[-1, 0]) - idx + 1  # pad_end까지선택하는 index로 쓰일거라 1더함
                        if pad_end - pad_front != self.seq_len:  # seq_len만큼의 sliding동안 매 프레임마다 agent가 존재하지 않은 데이터였던것.
                        # x,y,x',y',x'',y''
                        x = curr_ped_seq[:, 2]
                        y = curr_ped_seq[:, 3]
                        vx = derivative_of(x, dt)
                        vy = derivative_of(y, dt)
                        ax = derivative_of(vx, dt)
                        ay = derivative_of(vy, dt)

                        # Make coordinates relative
                        _idx = num_peds_considered
                        curr_seq[_idx, :, pad_front:pad_end] = np.stack([x, y, vx, vy, ax, ay])
                        curr_seq_rel[_idx, :, pad_front:pad_end] = np.stack([vx, vy])
                        num_peds_considered += 1

                        ### others
                        per_frame_past_obst = []
                        per_frame_fut_obst = []
                        if map_file_name is '':
                            per_frame_past_obst = [[]] * self.obs_len
                            per_frame_fut_obst = [[]] * self.pred_len
                            curr_obst_seq = curr_seq_data[curr_seq_data[:, 1] != ped_id,
                                            :]  # frame#, agent id, pos_x, pos_y
                            i = 0
                            for frame in np.unique(curr_ped_seq[:, 0]):  # curr_ped_seq는 continue를 지나왔으므로 반드시 20임
                                neighbor_ped = curr_obst_seq[curr_obst_seq[:, 0] == frame][:, 2:]
                                if i < self.obs_len:
                                    # print('neighbor_ped:', len(neighbor_ped))
                                    if len(neighbor_ped) == 0:
                                        per_frame_past_obst.append(np.around(neighbor_ped, decimals=4))
                                    if len(neighbor_ped) == 0:
                                        per_frame_fut_obst.append(np.around(neighbor_ped, decimals=4))
                                i += 1
                    if num_peds_considered > min_ped:  # 주어진 하나의 sliding(16초)동안 등장한 agent수가 min_ped보다 큼을 만족하는 경우에만 이 slide데이터를 채택
                        # 다음 list의 initialize는 peds_in_curr_seq만큼 해뒀었지만, 조건을 만족하는 slide의 agent만 차례로 append 되었기 때문에 num_peds_considered만큼만 잘라서 씀
                            np.ones((num_peds_considered, self.obs_len)) * frames[idx:idx + self.obs_len])
                        fut_frame_num.append(np.ones((num_peds_considered, self.pred_len)) * frames[
                                                                                             idx + self.obs_len:idx + self.seq_len])
                        # map_file_names.append(num_peds_considered*[map_file_name])
                        # print(len(seq_list))
                        #     ped_ids = np.array(ped_ids)
                        #     # if 'test' in path and len(ped_ids) > 0:
                        #     if len(ped_ids) > 0:
                        #         df.append([idx, len(ped_ids)])
                        # df = np.array(df)
                        # df = pd.DataFrame(df)
                        # print(df.groupby(by=1).size())

                        #     print("frame idx:", idx, "num_ped: ", len(ped_ids), " ped_ids: ", ",".join(ped_ids.astype(int).astype(str)))

        self.num_seq = len(seq_list)  # = slide (seq. of 16 frames) 수 = 2692
        seq_list = np.concatenate(seq_list, axis=0)  # (32686, 2, 16)
        seq_list_rel = np.concatenate(seq_list_rel, axis=0)
        self.obs_frame_num = np.concatenate(obs_frame_num, axis=0)
        self.fut_frame_num = np.concatenate(fut_frame_num, axis=0)
        self.past_obst = seq_past_obst_list
        self.fut_obst = seq_fut_obst_list

        # Convert numpy -> Torch Tensor
        self.obs_traj = torch.from_numpy(
            seq_list[:, :, :self.obs_len]).type(torch.float)
        self.pred_traj = torch.from_numpy(
            seq_list[:, :, self.obs_len:]).type(torch.float)
        self.obs_traj_rel = torch.from_numpy(
            seq_list_rel[:, :, :self.obs_len]).type(torch.float)
        self.pred_traj_rel = torch.from_numpy(
            seq_list_rel[:, :, self.obs_len:]).type(torch.float)
        # frame seq순, 그리고 agent id순으로 쌓아온 데이터에 대한 index를 부여하기 위해 cumsum으로 index생성 ==> 한 슬라이드(16 seq. of frames)에서 고려된 agent의 data를 start, end로 끊어내서 index로 골래내기 위해
        cum_start_idx = [0] + np.cumsum(
            num_peds_in_seq).tolist()  # num_peds_in_seq = 각 slide(16개 frames)별로 고려된 agent수.따라서 len(num_peds_in_seq) = slide 수 = 2692 = self.num_seq
        self.seq_start_end = [
            (start, end)
            for start, end in zip(cum_start_idx, cum_start_idx[1:])
        ]  # [(0, 2),  (2, 4),  (4, 7),  (7, 10), ... (32682, 32684),  (32684, 32686)]
        self.map_file_name = map_file_names
コード例 #4
ファイル: eth_trajectories.py プロジェクト: augustdemi/mcrowd
    def __init__(
        self, data_dir, obs_len=8, pred_len=12, skip=1, context_size=198, resize=64,
        min_ped=0, delim='\t', device='cpu', dt=0.4, map_ae=False
        - data_dir: Directory containing dataset files in the format
        <frame_id> <ped_id> <x> <y>
        - obs_len: Number of time-steps in input trajectories
        - pred_len: Number of time-steps in output trajectories
        - skip: Number of frames to skip while making the dataset
        - threshold: Minimum error to be considered for non linear traj
        when using a linear predictor
        - min_ped: Minimum number of pedestrians that should be in a seqeunce
        - delim: Delimiter in the dataset files
        super(TrajectoryDataset, self).__init__()

        self.data_dir = data_dir
        # self.data_dir = '../../datasets/eth/test'
        self.obs_len = obs_len
        self.pred_len = pred_len
        self.skip = 1
        self.seq_len = self.obs_len + self.pred_len
        self.delim = '\t'
        self.device = device
        self.map_dir =  '../datasets/nmap/map/'



        all_files = os.listdir(self.data_dir)
        all_files = [os.path.join(self.data_dir, _path) for _path in all_files]
        num_peds_in_seq = []
        seq_list = []

        seq_past_obst_list = []
        seq_fut_obst_list = []
        obs_frame_num = []
        fut_frame_num = []
        local_map_size = []
        # deli = '/'
        deli = '\\'

        for path in all_files:
            print('data path:', path)
            # if 'zara' in path or 'eth' in path or 'hotel' in path:
            # if 'zara' in path or 'hotel' in path or '003' in path:
            #     continue
            if 'zara03' not in path:
            if 'zara01' in path.split(deli)[-1]:
                map_file_name = 'zara01'
            elif 'zara02' in path.split(deli)[-1] or 'zara03' in path.split(deli)[-1]:
                map_file_name = 'zara02'
            elif 'eth' in path.split(deli)[-1]:
                map_file_name = 'eth'
            elif 'hotel' in path.split(deli)[-1]:
                map_file_name = 'hotel'
            elif 'students003' in path.split(deli)[-1]:
                map_file_name = 'univ'
                if skip > 0:
                    map_file_name = 'skip'
                    print('map path: ', map_file_name)
                    if 'students001' in path.split(deli)[-1]:
                        map_file_name = 's001'
                        map_file_name = 'zara03'

            print('map path: ', map_file_name)

            if map_file_name != '':
                h = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(self.map_dir, map_file_name + '_H.txt'))
                inv_h_t = np.linalg.pinv(np.transpose(h))
                map_file_name = os.path.join(self.map_dir, map_file_name + '_map.png')
                inv_h_t = np.zeros((3, 3))

            data = read_file(path, self.delim)
            # print('uniq ped: ', len(np.unique(data[:, 1])))

            if 'zara01' in map_file_name:
                frames = (np.unique(data[:, 0]) + 10).tolist()
                frames = np.unique(data[:, 0]).tolist()

            # if 'test' in data_dir or 'val' in data_dir:
            #     frames = frames[:150]

            # print('uniq frames: ', len(frames))
            frame_data = [] # all data per frame
            for frame in frames:
                frame_data.append(data[frame == data[:, 0], :])
            num_sequences = int(math.ceil((len(frames) - self.seq_len + 1) / self.skip)) # seq_len=obs+pred길이씩 잘라서 (input=obs, output=pred)주면서 train시킬것. 그래서 seq_len씩 slide시키면서 총 num_seq만큼의 iteration하게됨

            this_seq_obs = []

            # all frames를 seq_len(kernel size)만큼씩 sliding해가며 볼것. 이때 skip = stride.
            for idx in range(0, num_sequences * self.skip + 1, self.skip):
                curr_seq_data = np.concatenate(
                    frame_data[idx:idx + self.seq_len], axis=0) # frame을 seq_len만큼씩 잘라서 볼것 = curr_seq_data. 각 frame이 가진 데이터(agent)수는 다를수 잇음. 하지만 각 데이터의 길이는 4(frame #, agent id, pos_x, pos_y)
                peds_in_curr_seq = np.unique(curr_seq_data[:, 1]) # unique agent id

                curr_seq = np.zeros((len(peds_in_curr_seq), n_state, self.seq_len))
                num_peds_considered = 0
                ped_ids = []
                for _, ped_id in enumerate(peds_in_curr_seq): # current frame sliding에 들어온 각 agent에 대해
                    curr_ped_seq = curr_seq_data[curr_seq_data[:, 1] == ped_id, :] # frame#, agent id, pos_x, pos_y
                    curr_ped_seq = np.around(curr_ped_seq, decimals=4)
                    pad_front = frames.index(curr_ped_seq[0, 0]) - idx # sliding idx를 빼주는 이유?. sliding이 움직여온 step인 idx를 빼줘야 pad_front=0 이됨. 0보다 큰 pad_front라는 것은 현ped_id가 처음 나타난 frame이 desired first frame보다 더 늦은 경우.
                    pad_end = frames.index(curr_ped_seq[-1, 0]) - idx + 1 # pad_end까지선택하는 index로 쓰일거라 1더함
                    if pad_end - pad_front != self.seq_len: # seq_len만큼의 sliding동안 매 프레임마다 agent가 존재하지 않은 데이터였던것.
                    # x,y,x',y',x'',y''
                    x = curr_ped_seq[:,2]
                    y = curr_ped_seq[:,3]
                    vx = derivative_of(x, dt)
                    vy = derivative_of(y, dt)
                    ax = derivative_of(vx, dt)
                    ay = derivative_of(vy, dt)

                    # Make coordinates relative
                    _idx = num_peds_considered
                    curr_seq[_idx, :, pad_front:pad_end] = np.stack([x, y, vx, vy, ax, ay])
                    num_peds_considered += 1

                if num_peds_considered > min_ped: # 주어진 하나의 sliding(16초)동안 등장한 agent수가 min_ped보다 큼을 만족하는 경우에만 이 slide데이터를 채택
                    # 다음 list의 initialize는 peds_in_curr_seq만큼 해뒀었지만, 조건을 만족하는 slide의 agent만 차례로 append 되었기 때문에 num_peds_considered만큼만 잘라서 씀
                    this_seq_obs.append(curr_seq[:num_peds_considered, :2, :8])
                    obs_frame_num.append(np.ones((num_peds_considered, self.obs_len)) * frames[idx:idx + self.obs_len])
                    fut_frame_num.append(np.ones((num_peds_considered, self.pred_len)) * frames[idx + self.obs_len:idx + self.seq_len])
                    # map_file_names.append(num_peds_considered*[map_file_name])

            ### for map
            if map_file_name == '':
                per_step_dist = []
                for obs_traj in np.concatenate(this_seq_obs):
                    obs_traj = obs_traj.transpose(1, 0)
                    per_step_dist.append(np.sqrt(((obs_traj[1:] - obs_traj[:-1]) ** 2).sum(1)).mean())
                mean_pixel_dist = 0.7
                # argmax = np.concatenate(this_seq_obs)[np.array(per_step_dist).argmax()].transpose(1,0)
                # plt.scatter(argmax[:, 1], argmax[:, 0], s=1)

                all_pixels = []
                for obs_traj in np.concatenate(this_seq_obs):
                    obs_traj = obs_traj.transpose(1, 0)
                    all_pixel = np.matmul(np.concatenate([obs_traj, np.ones((len(obs_traj), 1))], axis=1),
                    all_pixel /= np.expand_dims(all_pixel[:, 2], 1)
                    all_pixels.append(all_pixel[:, :2])
                all_pixels = np.stack(all_pixels)
                per_step_dist = []
                for all_pixel in all_pixels:
                    per_step_dist.append(np.sqrt(((all_pixel[1:] - all_pixel[:-1]) ** 2).sum(1)).mean())

                two_wc_pts = np.array([[0,0], [0,0.7]])
                two_ic_pts = np.matmul(np.concatenate([two_wc_pts, np.ones((len(two_wc_pts), 1))], axis=1),
                two_ic_pts /= np.expand_dims(two_ic_pts[:, 2], 1)
                mean_pixel_dist = np.linalg.norm(two_ic_pts[1,:2] - two_ic_pts[0,:2])

                # map_path = os.path.join(map_file_name)
                # global_map = imageio.imread(map_path)
                # plt.imshow(255-global_map)
                # argmax = all_pixels[np.array(per_step_dist).argmax()]
                # # argmax = all_pixels[100]
                # plt.scatter(argmax[:, 1], argmax[:, 0], s=1, c='b')
                # fut_traj = np.concatenate(seq_list)[np.array(per_step_dist).argmax()][:2,8:]
                # # fut_traj = np.concatenate(seq_list)[100][:2,8:]
                # fut_traj = fut_traj.transpose(1, 0)
                # fut_pixel = np.matmul(np.concatenate([fut_traj, np.ones((len(fut_traj), 1))], axis=1),
                #                       inv_h_t)
                # fut_pixel /= np.expand_dims(fut_pixel[:, 2], 1)
                # plt.scatter(fut_pixel[:, 1], fut_pixel[:, 0], s=1, c='r')

            per_step_dist = np.array(per_step_dist)
            # max_per_step_dist_of_seq = per_step_dist[np.where(per_step_dist>0.1)[0]].max()
            # max_per_step_dist_of_seq = per_step_dist.max()
            # local_map_size.extend([int(max_per_step_dist_of_seq * 13)] * len(this_seq_obs))
            local_map_size.extend(list((np.clip(per_step_dist, mean_pixel_dist, None) * 18).astype(int)))

            #     ped_ids = np.array(ped_ids)
            #     # if 'test' in path and len(ped_ids) > 0:
            #     if len(ped_ids) > 0:
            #         df.append([idx, len(ped_ids)])
            # df = np.array(df)
            # df = pd.DataFrame(df)
            # print(df.groupby(by=1).size())

            #     print("frame idx:", idx, "num_ped: ", len(ped_ids), " ped_ids: ", ",".join(ped_ids.astype(int).astype(str)))

        self.num_seq = len(seq_list) # = slide (seq. of 16 frames) 수 = 2692
        seq_list = np.concatenate(seq_list, axis=0) # (32686, 2, 16)
        self.obs_frame_num = np.concatenate(obs_frame_num, axis=0)
        self.fut_frame_num = np.concatenate(fut_frame_num, axis=0)
        self.past_obst = seq_past_obst_list
        self.fut_obst = seq_fut_obst_list

        # Convert numpy -> Torch Tensor
        self.obs_traj = torch.from_numpy(
            seq_list[:, :, :self.obs_len]).type(torch.float)
        self.pred_traj = torch.from_numpy(
            seq_list[:, :, self.obs_len:]).type(torch.float)

        # frame seq순, 그리고 agent id순으로 쌓아온 데이터에 대한 index를 부여하기 위해 cumsum으로 index생성 ==> 한 슬라이드(16 seq. of frames)에서 고려된 agent의 data를 start, end로 끊어내서 index로 골래내기 위해
        cum_start_idx = [0] + np.cumsum(num_peds_in_seq).tolist() # num_peds_in_seq = 각 slide(16개 frames)별로 고려된 agent수.따라서 len(num_peds_in_seq) = slide 수 = 2692 = self.num_seq
        self.seq_start_end = [
            (start, end)
            for start, end in zip(cum_start_idx, cum_start_idx[1:])
        ] # [(0, 2),  (2, 4),  (4, 7),  (7, 10), ... (32682, 32684),  (32684, 32686)]
        self.map_file_name = map_file_names
        self.local_map_size = local_map_size
        self.inv_h_t = inv_h_ts

コード例 #5
ファイル: sdd_trajectories.py プロジェクト: augustdemi/mcrowd
    def __init__(self, data_dir, data_split, device='cpu', scale=100):
        - data_dir: Directory containing dataset files in the format
        <frame_id> <ped_id> <x> <y>
        - obs_len: Number of time-steps in input trajectories
        - pred_len: Number of time-steps in output trajectories
        - skip: Number of frames to skip while making the dataset
        - threshold: Minimum error to be considered for non linear traj
        when using a linear predictor
        - min_ped: Minimum number of pedestrians that should be in a seqeunce
        - delim: Delimiter in the dataset files
        super(TrajectoryDataset, self).__init__()

        # self.data_dir = '../../datasets/eth/test'
        self.obs_len = 8
        self.pred_len = 12
        self.skip = 1
        self.scale = scale
        self.seq_len = self.obs_len + self.pred_len
        self.delim = ' '
        self.device = device
        self.map_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'SDD_semantic_maps',
                                    data_split + '_masks')
        self.data_path = os.path.join(data_dir, 'sdd_' + data_split + '.pkl')
        dt = 0.4
        min_ped = 0

        self.seq_len = self.obs_len + self.pred_len

        n_state = 6

        # all_files = [os.path.join(self.data_dir, _path) for _path in all_files]
        num_peds_in_seq = []
        seq_list = []

        obs_frame_num = []
        fut_frame_num = []
        scene_names = []
        local_map_size = []

        self.stats = {}
        self.maps = {}
        for file in os.listdir(self.map_dir):
            m = imageio.imread(os.path.join(self.map_dir, file)).astype(float)
            # m[np.argwhere(m == 1)[:, 0], np.argwhere(m == 1)[:, 1]] = 0
            # m[np.argwhere(m == 2)[:, 0], np.argwhere(m == 2)[:, 1]] = 0
            # m[np.argwhere(m == 3)[:, 0], np.argwhere(m == 3)[:, 1]] = 1
            # m[np.argwhere(m == 4)[:, 0], np.argwhere(m == 4)[:, 1]] = 1
            # m[np.argwhere(m == 5)[:, 0], np.argwhere(m == 5)[:, 1]] = 1
            self.maps.update({file.split('.')[0]: m})

        with open(self.data_path, 'rb') as f:
            data = pickle5.load(f)

        data = pd.DataFrame(data)
        scenes = data['sceneId'].unique()
        for s in scenes:
            # if (data_split=='train') and ('hyang_7' not in s):
            if ('nexus_2' in s) or ('hyang_4' in s):
            # if ('hyang' not in s):
            #     continue
            scene_data = data[data['sceneId'] == s]
            scene_data = scene_data.sort_values(by=['frame', 'trackId'],

            # print(scene_data.shape[0])
            frames = scene_data['frame'].unique().tolist()
            scene_data = np.array(scene_data)
            map_size = self.maps[s + '_mask'].shape
            scene_data[:, 2] = np.clip(scene_data[:, 2],
                                       a_max=map_size[1] - 1)
            scene_data[:, 3] = np.clip(scene_data[:, 3],
                                       a_max=map_size[0] - 1)

            # mean = scene_data[:,2:4].astype(float).mean(0)
            # std = scene_data[:,2:4].astype(float).std(0)
            # scene_data[:, 2:4] = (scene_data[:, 2:4] - mean) / std
            # self.stats.update({s: {'mean': mean, 'std': std}})
            scene_data = data[data['sceneId'] == s]
            all_traj = np.array(scene_data)[:,2:4]
            # all_traj = np.array(scene_data[scene_data['trackId']==128])[:,2:4]
            plt.imshow(self.maps[s + '_mask'])
            plt.scatter(all_traj[:, 0], all_traj[:, 1], s=1, c='r')

            # print('uniq frames: ', len(frames))
            frame_data = []  # all data per frame
            for frame in frames:
                frame_data.append(scene_data[scene_data[:, 0] == frame])
                # frame_data.append(scene_data[scene_data['frame'] == frame])

            num_sequences = int(
                math.ceil((len(frames) - self.seq_len + 1) / self.skip)
            )  # seq_len=obs+pred길이씩 잘라서 (input=obs, output=pred)주면서 train시킬것. 그래서 seq_len씩 slide시키면서 총 num_seq만큼의 iteration하게됨

            this_scene_seq = []

            # all frames를 seq_len(kernel size)만큼씩 sliding해가며 볼것. 이때 skip = stride.
            for idx in range(0, num_sequences * self.skip + 1, self.skip):
                curr_seq_data = np.concatenate(
                    frame_data[idx:idx + self.seq_len], axis=0
                )  # frame을 seq_len만큼씩 잘라서 볼것 = curr_seq_data. 각 frame이 가진 데이터(agent)수는 다를수 잇음. 하지만 각 데이터의 길이는 4(frame #, agent id, pos_x, pos_y)
                peds_in_curr_seq = np.unique(
                    curr_seq_data[:, 1])  # unique agent id

                curr_seq = np.zeros(
                    (len(peds_in_curr_seq), n_state, self.seq_len))
                num_peds_considered = 0
                ped_ids = []
                for _, ped_id in enumerate(
                ):  # current frame sliding에 들어온 각 agent에 대해
                    curr_ped_seq = curr_seq_data[
                        curr_seq_data[:, 1] ==
                        ped_id, :]  # frame#, agent id, pos_x, pos_y
                    # curr_ped_seq = np.around(curr_ped_seq, decimals=4)
                    pad_front = frames.index(
                        curr_ped_seq[0, 0]
                    ) - idx  # sliding idx를 빼주는 이유?. sliding이 움직여온 step인 idx를 빼줘야 pad_front=0 이됨. 0보다 큰 pad_front라는 것은 현ped_id가 처음 나타난 frame이 desired first frame보다 더 늦은 경우.
                    pad_end = frames.index(curr_ped_seq[
                        -1, 0]) - idx + 1  # pad_end까지선택하는 index로 쓰일거라 1더함
                    if (pad_end - pad_front != self.seq_len) or (
                            curr_ped_seq.shape[0] != self.seq_len
                    ):  # seq_len만큼의 sliding동안 매 프레임마다 agent가 존재하지 않은 데이터였던것.
                        # print(curr_ped_seq.shape[0])
                    # x,y,x',y',x'',y''
                    x = curr_ped_seq[:, 2].astype(float)
                    y = curr_ped_seq[:, 3].astype(float)
                    vx = derivative_of(x, dt)
                    vy = derivative_of(y, dt)
                    ax = derivative_of(vx, dt)
                    ay = derivative_of(vy, dt)

                    # Make coordinates relative
                    _idx = num_peds_considered
                    curr_seq[_idx, :, pad_front:pad_end] = np.stack(
                        [x, y, vx, vy, ax, ay])
                    num_peds_considered += 1

                if num_peds_considered > min_ped:  # 주어진 하나의 sliding(16초)동안 등장한 agent수가 min_ped보다 큼을 만족하는 경우에만 이 slide데이터를 채택
                    # 다음 list의 initialize는 peds_in_curr_seq만큼 해뒀었지만, 조건을 만족하는 slide의 agent만 차례로 append 되었기 때문에 num_peds_considered만큼만 잘라서 씀
                    this_scene_seq.append(curr_seq[:num_peds_considered, :2])
                        np.ones((num_peds_considered, self.obs_len)) *
                        frames[idx:idx + self.obs_len])
                        np.ones((num_peds_considered, self.pred_len)) *
                        frames[idx + self.obs_len:idx + self.seq_len])
                    scene_names.append([s] * num_peds_considered)
                    # inv_h_ts.append(inv_h_t)
                # if data_split == 'test' and np.concatenate(this_scene_seq).shape[0] > 10:
                #     break

            this_scene_seq = np.concatenate(this_scene_seq)
            # print(s, len(scene_data), this_scene_seq.shape[0])
            argmax_idx = (per_step_dist * 20).argmax()
            # argmax_idx = 3
            # plt.scatter(this_scene_seq[argmax_idx, 0, :8], this_scene_seq[argmax_idx, 1, :8], s=1, c='b')
            # plt.scatter(this_scene_seq[argmax_idx, 0, 8:], this_scene_seq[argmax_idx, 1, 8:], s=1, c='r')
            # plt.imshow(self.maps[s + '_mask'])
            for i in range(8):
                plt.scatter(this_scene_seq[argmax_idx, 0, i], this_scene_seq[argmax_idx, 1, i], s=4, c='b', alpha=(1-((i+1)/10)))
            for i in range(8,20):
                plt.scatter(this_scene_seq[argmax_idx, 0, i], this_scene_seq[argmax_idx, 1, i], s=4, c='r', alpha=(1-((i)/20)))
            traj = this_scene_seq[argmax_idx].transpose(1, 0)
            np.sqrt(((traj[1:] - traj[:-1]) ** 2).sum(1))
            ### for map
            per_step_dist = []
            for traj in this_scene_seq:
                traj = traj.transpose(1, 0)
                    np.sqrt(((traj[1:] - traj[:-1])**2).sum(1)).sum())
            per_step_dist = np.array(per_step_dist)
            # mean_dist = per_step_dist.mean()
            # print(mean_dist)
            per_step_dist = np.clip(per_step_dist, a_min=240, a_max=None)
            # print(per_step_dist.max())
            # print(per_step_dist.mean())
            # local_map_size.extend(np.round(per_step_dist).astype(int) * 13)
            # max_per_step_dist_of_seq = per_step_dist.max()
            # local_map_size.extend([int(max_per_step_dist_of_seq * 13)] * len(this_scene_seq))
            print(self.maps[s + '_mask'].shape, ': ', (per_step_dist).max())
            # print(self.maps[s + "_mask"].shape, int(max_per_step_dist_of_seq * 13) * 2)

        seq_list = np.concatenate(seq_list, axis=0)  # (32686, 2, 16)
        self.obs_frame_num = np.concatenate(obs_frame_num, axis=0)
        self.fut_frame_num = np.concatenate(fut_frame_num, axis=0)

        # Convert numpy -> Torch Tensor
        self.obs_traj = torch.from_numpy(seq_list[:, :, :self.obs_len]).type(
        self.pred_traj = torch.from_numpy(seq_list[:, :, self.obs_len:]).type(

        # frame seq순, 그리고 agent id순으로 쌓아온 데이터에 대한 index를 부여하기 위해 cumsum으로 index생성 ==> 한 슬라이드(16 seq. of frames)에서 고려된 agent의 data를 start, end로 끊어내서 index로 골래내기 위해
        cum_start_idx = [0] + np.cumsum(num_peds_in_seq).tolist(
        )  # num_peds_in_seq = 각 slide(16개 frames)별로 고려된 agent수.따라서 len(num_peds_in_seq) = slide 수 = 2692 = self.num_seq
        self.seq_start_end = [
            (start, end)
            for start, end in zip(cum_start_idx, cum_start_idx[1:])
        ]  # [(0, 2),  (2, 4),  (4, 7),  (7, 10), ... (32682, 32684),  (32684, 32686)]

        self.map_file_name = np.concatenate(scene_names)
        self.num_seq = len(
            self.obs_traj)  # = slide (seq. of 16 frames) 수 = 2692
        self.local_map_size = np.stack(local_map_size)
        self.local_ic = [[]] * self.num_seq
        self.local_homo = [[]] * self.num_seq
        self.local_map = [[]] * self.num_seq

コード例 #6
    def __init__(self, data_dir, data_split, device='cpu', scale=1, k_fold=0):
        - data_dir: Directory containing dataset files in the format
        <frame_id> <ped_id> <x> <y>
        - obs_len: Number of time-steps in input trajectories
        - pred_len: Number of time-steps in output trajectories
        - skip: Number of frames to skip while making the dataset
        - threshold: Minimum error to be considered for non linear traj
        when using a linear predictor
        - min_ped: Minimum number of pedestrians that should be in a seqeunce
        - delim: Delimiter in the dataset files
        super(TrajectoryDataset, self).__init__()

        self.obs_len = 8
        self.pred_len = 12
        skip = 1
        self.scale = scale
        self.seq_len = self.obs_len + self.pred_len
        self.device = device
        delim = ','
        dt = 0.4
        min_ped = 0
        data_dir = data_dir.replace('\\', '/')

        n_state = 6
        # root_dir = '/dresden/users/ml1323/crowd/datasets/Trajectories'
        # root_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, data_name)
        # root_dir = 'D:\crowd\datasets\Trajectories\Trajectories'

        if data_split == 'train':
            n = 0
            n_sample = 3000
        elif data_split == 'val':
            n = 1
            n_sample = 500
            n = 2
            n_sample = 3000

        all_files = [
            e for e in os.listdir(data_dir)
            if ('.csv' in e) and ((int(e.split('.csv')[0]) - n) % 10 == 0)
        all_files = sorted(all_files, key=lambda x: int(x.split('.')[0]))
        # all_files = [all_files[1]]
        if data_split == 'test':
            all_files = all_files[3 * k_fold:3 * k_fold + 3]
            all_files = all_files[:3 * k_fold] + all_files[3 * k_fold + 3:]

        all_files = np.array(all_files)
        print(', '.join(all_files))

        num_peds_in_seq = []
        seq_list = []

        obs_frame_num = []
        fut_frame_num = []
        map_file_names = []
        inv_h_ts = []
        curvature = []
        max_dist = 0

        for path in all_files:
            # exit_wc = np.array(all_exit_wc[path])
            num_data_from_one_file = 0
            path = os.path.join(data_dir, path.rstrip().replace('\\', '/'))
            print('data path:', path)
            map_file_name = path.replace('.csv', '.png')
            print('map path: ', map_file_name)
            inv_h_t = np.eye(3) * 2
            inv_h_t[-1, -1] = 1
            loaded_data = read_file(path, delim)

            data = pd.DataFrame(loaded_data[:, :4])
            data.columns = ['f', 'a', 'pos_x', 'pos_y']
            data.sort_values(by=['f', 'a'], inplace=True)
            # data = data[150000:400000]

            frames = data['f'].unique().tolist()

            frame_data = []
            # data.sort_values(by=['f'])
            for frame in frames:
                frame_data.append(data[data['f'] == frame].values)
            num_sequences = int(
                math.ceil((len(frames) - self.seq_len + 1) / skip))
            # print('num_sequences: ', num_sequences)

            for idx in range(0, num_sequences * skip + 1, skip):
                curr_seq_data = np.concatenate(frame_data[idx:idx +
                peds_in_curr_seq = np.unique(
                    curr_seq_data[:, 1])  # unique agent id

                curr_seq = np.zeros(
                    (len(peds_in_curr_seq), n_state, self.seq_len))
                num_peds_considered = 0
                ped_ids = []
                for _, ped_id in enumerate(
                ):  # current frame sliding에 들어온 각 agent에 대해
                    curr_ped_seq = curr_seq_data[
                        curr_seq_data[:, 1] ==
                        ped_id, :]  # frame#, agent id, pos_x, pos_y
                    curr_ped_seq = np.around(curr_ped_seq, decimals=4)
                    pad_front = frames.index(
                        curr_ped_seq[0, 0]
                    ) - idx  # sliding idx를 빼주는 이유?. sliding이 움직여온 step인 idx를 빼줘야 pad_front=0 이됨. 0보다 큰 pad_front라는 것은 현ped_id가 처음 나타난 frame이 desired first frame보다 더 늦은 경우.
                    pad_end = frames.index(curr_ped_seq[
                        -1, 0]) - idx + 1  # pad_end까지선택하는 index로 쓰일거라 1더함
                    if pad_end - pad_front != self.seq_len:  # seq_len만큼의 sliding동안 매 프레임마다 agent가 존재하지 않은 데이터였던것.
                    # x,y,x',y',x'',y''
                    x = curr_ped_seq[:, 2]
                    y = curr_ped_seq[:, 3]
                    vx = derivative_of(x, dt)
                    vy = derivative_of(y, dt)
                    ax = derivative_of(vx, dt)
                    ay = derivative_of(vy, dt)

                    # Make coordinates relative
                    _idx = num_peds_considered
                    curr_seq[_idx, :, pad_front:pad_end] = np.stack(
                        [x, y, vx, vy, ax, ay])  # (1,6,20)

                    num_peds_considered += 1
                if num_peds_considered > min_ped:  # 주어진 하나의 sliding(16초)동안 등장한 agent수가 min_ped보다 큼을 만족하는 경우에만 이 slide데이터를 채택
                    seq_traj = curr_seq[:num_peds_considered]

                    ## find the agent with max num of neighbors at the beginning of future steps
                    curr1 = seq_traj[:, :2, self.obs_len].repeat(
                        num_peds_considered, 0)  # AAABBBCCC
                    curr2 = np.stack([seq_traj[:, :2, self.obs_len]] *
                                                                  2)  # ABCABC
                    dist = np.linalg.norm(curr1 - curr2, axis=1)
                    dist = dist.reshape(num_peds_considered,

                    if random.random() < 0.5:
                        target_agent_idx = [0] * 100
                        while len(target_agent_idx) > 60:
                            d = random.randint(0, len(dist) - 1)
                            target_agent_idx = np.where((dist[d] < 5))[0]

                        target_agent_idx = []
                        for d in range(len(dist)):
                            neighbor_idx = np.where((dist[d] < 5))[0]
                            if (len(neighbor_idx) > len(target_agent_idx)
                                ) and len(neighbor_idx) <= 60:
                                target_agent_idx = neighbor_idx

                    seq_traj = seq_traj[target_agent_idx]
                    dist = np.sqrt(((seq_traj[:, :2, 7] -
                                     seq_traj[:, :2, -1])**2).sum(-1))
                    max_dist = max(max_dist, dist.max())
                    num_peds_considered = len(target_agent_idx)

                    # for a in range(seq_traj.shape[0]):
                    #     gt_traj = seq_traj[a, :2].T
                    #     c = np.round(trajectory_curvature(gt_traj), 4)
                    #     curvature.append(c)
                    # if c > 100:
                    #     print(c)
                    with open('C:\dataset\large-real\Trajectories/test.pkl', 'rb') as f:
                        aa = pickle5.load(f)
                    o_traj = aa['obs_traj'][:,:2]
                    f_traj = aa['fut_traj'][:,:2]
                    seq_s_e = aa['seq_start_end']
                    s_idx = 12
                    s, e = seq_s_e[s_idx]
                    map_file_name = aa['map_file_name'][s_idx].replace('../../datasets', 'C:/dataset')
                    seq_traj = np.concatenate([o_traj[s:e], f_traj[s:e]], -1)
                    colors = ['red', 'magenta', 'lightgreen', 'slateblue', 'blue', 'darkgreen', 'darkorange',
                              'gray', 'purple', 'turquoise', 'midnightblue', 'olive', 'black', 'pink', 'burlywood',
                    global_map = imageio.imread(map_file_name)
                    env = np.stack([global_map, global_map, global_map]).transpose(1, 2, 0) / 255
                    cc = []
                    for idx in range(seq_traj.shape[0]):
                        gt_xy = seq_traj[idx, :2].T
                        c = np.round(trajectory_curvature(gt_xy),4)
                        print(c, colors[idx%16])
                        all_traj = gt_xy * 2
                        # plt.plot(all_traj[:, 0], all_traj[:, 1], c=colors[idx % 16], marker='.', linewidth=1)
                        # plt.scatter(all_traj[0, 0], all_traj[0, 1], s=30, c=colors[idx % 16], marker='x')
                        plt.scatter(all_traj[:, 0], all_traj[:, 1], c=colors[idx%16], s=1)
                        plt.scatter(all_traj[0, 0], all_traj[0, 1], s=20, c=colors[idx%16], marker='x')
                    cc = np.array(cc)
                    n, bins, patches = plt.hist(cc)


                    # curr1 = seq_traj[:, :2, self.obs_len].repeat(num_peds_considered, 0)  # AAABBBCCC
                    # curr2 = np.stack([seq_traj[:, :2, self.obs_len]] * num_peds_considered).reshape(-1, 2)  # ABCABC
                    # dist = np.linalg.norm(curr1 - curr2, axis=1)
                    # dist = dist.reshape(num_peds_considered, num_peds_considered)
                    # diff_agent_idx = np.triu_indices(num_peds_considered, k=1)
                    # if len(dist[diff_agent_idx]) >0:
                    #     print(np.round(dist[diff_agent_idx].min(), 2), np.round(dist[diff_agent_idx].max(), 2))


                    num_data_from_one_file += num_peds_considered
                    obs_frame_num.append(frames[idx:idx + self.obs_len])
                    fut_frame_num.append(frames[idx + self.obs_len:idx +
                    # map_file_names.append(num_peds_considered*[map_file_name])
                # if frames[idx + self.obs_len] >= 1840:
                #     break
                if num_data_from_one_file > n_sample:
            cum_start_idx = [0] + np.cumsum(num_peds_in_seq).tolist()
            aa = np.array([
                (start, end)
                for start, end in zip(cum_start_idx, cum_start_idx[1:])
            print('num data,  min/avg/max #agent')
                  np.round((aa[:, 1] - aa[:, 0]).min(), 2),
                  np.round((aa[:, 1] - aa[:, 0]).mean(), 2),
                  np.round((aa[:, 1] - aa[:, 0]).max(), 2))

        seq_list = np.concatenate(seq_list, axis=0)  # (32686, 2, 16)
        self.obs_frame_num = np.stack(obs_frame_num)
        self.fut_frame_num = np.stack(fut_frame_num)

        # Convert numpy -> Torch Tensor
        self.obs_traj = seq_list[:, :, :self.obs_len]
        self.fut_traj = seq_list[:, :, self.obs_len:]

        # frame seq순, 그리고 agent id순으로 쌓아온 데이터에 대한 index를 부여하기 위해 cumsum으로 index생성 ==> 한 슬라이드(16 seq. of frames)에서 고려된 agent의 data를 start, end로 끊어내서 index로 골래내기 위해
        cum_start_idx = [0] + np.cumsum(num_peds_in_seq).tolist(
        )  # num_peds_in_seq = 각 slide(16개 frames)별로 고려된 agent수.따라서 len(num_peds_in_seq) = slide 수 = 2692 = self.num_seq
        self.seq_start_end = [
            (start, end)
            for start, end in zip(cum_start_idx, cum_start_idx[1:])
        ]  # [(0, 2),  (2, 4),  (4, 7),  (7, 10), ... (32682, 32684),  (32684, 32686)]

        # self.num_seq = len(self.seq_start_end)
        self.num_seq = len(self.obs_traj)
        self.map_file_name = map_file_names
        self.inv_h_t = inv_h_ts
        self.local_map = []
        self.local_homo = []
        self.local_ic = []

        # c = np.array(curvature)
        # # n, bins, patches = plt.hist(c)
        # # plt.show()
        # np.save(data_split + '_curvature.npy', c)
        # print(c.min(), np.round(c.mean(),4), np.round(c.max(),4))
        # c.sort()
        # print(np.round(c[len(c)//2]))

        u = 0
        for seq_i in range(len(self.seq_start_end)):
            u += 1
            if u % 100 == 0:
            start, end = self.seq_start_end[seq_i]
            global_map = imageio.imread(self.map_file_name[seq_i])

            local_maps = []
            local_ics = []
            local_homos = []
            for idx in range(start, end):
                all_traj = np.concatenate(
                    [self.obs_traj[idx, :2], self.fut_traj[idx, :2]],
                    axis=1).transpose(1, 0)
                plt.scatter(all_traj[:8,0]*2, all_traj[:8,1]*2, s=1, c='b')
                plt.scatter(all_traj[8:,0]*2, all_traj[8:,1]*2, s=1, c='r')
                local_map, local_ic, local_h = get_local_map_ic(global_map,
                # plt.imshow(local_map[0])
                # plt.scatter(local_ic[:,1], local_ic[:,0], s=1, c='r')
                # plt.show()
            start, end = self.seq_start_end[seq_i]
            global_map = imageio.imread(self.map_file_name[seq_i])

            env = np.stack([global_map, global_map, global_map]).transpose(1,2,0) / 255
            colors = ['red', 'magenta', 'lightgreen', 'slateblue', 'blue', 'darkgreen', 'darkorange',
                 'gray', 'purple', 'turquoise', 'midnightblue', 'olive', 'black', 'pink', 'burlywood', 'yellow']

            for idx in range(start, end):
                all_traj = np.concatenate([self.obs_traj[idx, :2], self.fut_traj[idx, :2]], axis=1).transpose(1, 0) * 2
                plt.plot(all_traj[:, 0], all_traj[:, 1], c=colors[idx%16], marker='.', linewidth=1)
                plt.scatter(all_traj[0, 0], all_traj[0, 1], s=20, c=colors[idx%16], marker='x')
                # plt.scatter(all_traj[:, 0], all_traj[:, 1], c=colors[idx%16], s=1)
                # plt.scatter(all_traj[0, 0], all_traj[0, 1], s=10, c=colors[idx%16], marker='x')

        self.local_map = np.concatenate(self.local_map)
        self.local_ic = np.concatenate(self.local_ic)
        self.local_homo = np.concatenate(self.local_homo)

        all_data = \
            {'seq_start_end': self.seq_start_end,
             'obs_traj': self.obs_traj,
             'fut_traj': self.fut_traj,
             'obs_frame_num': self.obs_frame_num,
             'fut_frame_num': self.fut_frame_num,
             'map_file_name': self.map_file_name,
             'inv_h_t': self.inv_h_t,
             'local_map': self.local_map,
             'local_ic': self.local_ic,
             'local_homo': self.local_homo,

        save_path = os.path.join(data_dir, str(k_fold), data_split + '.pkl')
        with open(save_path, 'wb') as handle:
            pickle5.dump(all_data, handle, protocol=pickle5.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
コード例 #7
    def __init__(self, data_dir, data_split, device):
        json_dataset = os.path.join(data_dir,
                                    'dataset_kitti_' + data_split + '.json')
        tracks = json.load(open(json_dataset))

        self.device = device

        self.index = []
        self.pasts = []  # [len_past, 2]
        self.futures = []  # [len_future, 2]
        # self.positions_in_map = []  # position in complete scene
        self.rotation_angles = []  # trajectory angle in complete scene
        self.scenes = []  # [360, 360, 1]
        self.videos = []  # '0001'
        self.classes = []  # 'Car'
        self.num_vehicles = []  # 0 is ego-vehicle, >0 other agents
        self.step_sequences = []
        self.obs_traj = []
        self.pred_traj = []
        self.h**o = np.array([[2, 0, 180], [0, 2, 180], [0, 0, 1]])
        self.local_map_size = []
        self.obs_len = 20

        self.scale = 1
        self.zoom = zoom = 4
        self.h**o = np.array([[2 * zoom, 0, 180 * zoom],
                              [0, 2 * zoom, 180 * zoom], [0, 0, 1]])
        dt = 0.1

        scene_tracks = {}
        for map_file in os.listdir(data_dir + '/maps'):
            video = map_file.split('drive_')[1].split('_sync')[0]
            scene_track = cv2.imread(os.path.join(data_dir, 'maps', map_file),
            scene_track[np.where(scene_track == 3)] = 0
            scene_track[np.where(scene_track == 4)] -= 1
            scene_tracks.update({video: scene_track})

        # Preload data
        for t in tracks.keys():

            past = np.asarray(tracks[t]['past'])
            future = np.asarray(tracks[t]['future'])
            position_in_map = np.asarray(tracks[t]['position_in_map'])
            rotation_angle = tracks[t]['angle_rotation']
            video = tracks[t]['video']
            class_vehicle = tracks[t]['class']
            num_vehicle = tracks[t]['num_vehicle']
            step_sequence = tracks[t]['step_sequence']

            scene_track = scene_tracks[video]
            scene_track = scene_track[int(position_in_map[1]) * 2 -
                                      180:int(position_in_map[1]) * 2 + 180,
                                      int(position_in_map[0]) * 2 -
                                      180:int(position_in_map[0]) * 2 + 180]

            matRot_scene = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((180, 180), rotation_angle,
            scene_track = cv2.warpAffine(
                matRot_scene, (scene_track.shape[0], scene_track.shape[1]),


            curr_ped_seq = np.concatenate([past, future])
            x = curr_ped_seq[:, 0].astype(float)
            y = curr_ped_seq[:, 1].astype(float)
            vx = derivative_of(x, dt)
            vy = derivative_of(y, dt)
            ax = derivative_of(vx, dt)
            ay = derivative_of(vy, dt)
            states = np.stack([x, y, vx, vy, ax, ay])
            self.obs_traj.append(states[:, :self.obs_len])
            self.pred_traj.append(states[:, self.obs_len:])

            # self.positions_in_map.append(position_in_map)

            traj = curr_ped_seq
            local_map_size = np.sqrt(
                (((traj[1:] - traj[:-1]) * 2)**2).sum(1)).mean() * 60
            local_map_size = np.clip(local_map_size, a_min=32, a_max=None)

        self.obs_traj = torch.from_numpy(np.stack(self.obs_traj)).type(
        self.pred_traj = torch.from_numpy(np.stack(self.pred_traj)).type(
        self.local_ic = [[]] * len(self.obs_traj)
        self.local_homo = [[]] * len(self.obs_traj)
コード例 #8
    def next_sample(self):
        obs_traj = []
        fut_traj = []
        rng_idx = self.idx_list[self.index]
        self.index += 1
        local_maps = []
        local_ics = []
        local_homos = []
        scene_maps = []
        for sample_index in self.sample_list[rng_idx[0]:rng_idx[1]]:

            seq_index, frame = self.get_seq_and_frame(sample_index)
            seq = self.sequence[seq_index]
            # get valid seq
            data = seq(frame)
            if data is None:
                # print(0)
                # return data
            # print(len(data['pre_motion_3D']))
            # if self.split == 'train' and len(data['pre_motion_3D']) > self.max_train_agent:
            #     in_data = {}
            #     ind = np.random.choice(len(data['pre_motion_3D']), self.max_train_agent).tolist()
            #     for key in ['pre_motion_3D', 'fut_motion_3D', 'fut_motion_mask', 'pre_motion_mask', 'heading']:
            #         in_data[key] = [data[key][i] for i in ind if data[key] is not None]
            # else:
            in_data = data

            all_traj = torch.cat([obs_traj[-1], fut_traj[-1]], dim=1)
            # get local map
            scene_map = data['scene_map']
            # scene_points = obs_traj[:, -1] * data['traj_scale']
            scene_points = all_traj * data['traj_scale']
            radius = []
            for i in range(len(all_traj)):
                map_traj = scene_map.to_map_points(scene_points[i])
                r = np.clip(np.sqrt(
                    ((map_traj[1:] - map_traj[:-1])**2).sum(1)).mean() * 20,
                # print(r)
            comput_local_homo = (len(self.local_ic[sample_index]) == 0)
            local_map, local_ic, local_homo = scene_map.get_cropped_maps(
                scene_points, radius, compute_local_homo=comput_local_homo)
            # local_map, local_ic, local_homo = [],[],[]
            if comput_local_homo:
                self.local_ic[sample_index] = np.stack(local_ic)
                self.local_homo[sample_index] = np.stack(local_homo)

        if len(obs_traj) == 0:
            return None

        local_ics = np.concatenate(local_ics)
        local_homos = np.concatenate(local_homos)

        _len = [len(seq) for seq in obs_traj]
        cum_start_idx = [0] + np.cumsum(_len).tolist()
        seq_start_end = [[
            start, end
        ] for start, end in zip(cum_start_idx, cum_start_idx[1:])]

        obs_traj = torch.cat(obs_traj)
        fut_traj = torch.cat(fut_traj)
        all_traj = torch.cat([obs_traj, fut_traj], dim=1)
        # print(all_traj.shape[0])

        # 6 states
        all_stat = []
        dt = 0.5
        for one_seq in all_traj.detach().cpu().numpy():
            x = one_seq[:, 0].astype(float)
            y = one_seq[:, 1].astype(float)
            vx = derivative_of(x, dt)
            vy = derivative_of(y, dt)
            ax = derivative_of(vx, dt)
            ay = derivative_of(vy, dt)
            all_stat.append(np.stack([x, y, vx, vy, ax, ay]))
        all_stat = torch.tensor(np.stack(all_stat)).float().to(
            self.device).permute(2, 0, 1)

        # get vel and acc
        obs_traj = all_stat[:self.past_frames]
        fut_traj = all_stat[self.past_frames:]

        obs_traj_st = obs_traj.clone()
        # pos is stdized by mean = last obs step
        obs_traj_st[:, :, :2] = (obs_traj_st[:, :, :2] -
                                 obs_traj_st[-1, :, :2]) / self.scale
        obs_traj_st[:, :, 2:] /= self.scale
        # print(obs_traj_st.max(), obs_traj_st.min())

        out = [
            obs_traj, fut_traj, obs_traj_st, fut_traj[:, :, 2:4] / self.scale,
            seq_start_end, scene_maps, local_maps, local_ics,

        return out
コード例 #9
    def __init__(self,
        - data_dir: Directory containing dataset files in the format
        <frame_id> <ped_id> <x> <y>
        - obs_len: Number of time-steps in input trajectories
        - pred_len: Number of time-steps in output trajectories
        - skip: Number of frames to skip while making the dataset
        - threshold: Minimum error to be considered for non linear traj
        when using a linear predictor
        - min_ped: Minimum number of pedestrians that should be in a seqeunce
        - delim: Delimiter in the dataset files
        super(TrajectoryDataset, self).__init__()

        self.obs_len = 8
        self.pred_len = 12
        skip = 1
        self.scale = scale
        self.seq_len = self.obs_len + self.pred_len
        self.device = device
        delim = ','
        dt = 0.4
        min_ped = 0
        data_dir = data_dir.replace('\\', '/')

        n_state = 6
        # root_dir = '/dresden/users/ml1323/crowd/datasets/Trajectories'
        # root_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, data_name)
        # root_dir = 'D:\crowd\datasets\Trajectories\Trajectories'

        all_files = [
            e for e in os.listdir(data_dir)
            if ('.csv' in e) and ('h**o' not in e)
        all_files = np.array(
            sorted(all_files, key=lambda x: int(x.split('.')[0])))

        if data_split == 'train':
            all_files = all_files[:30]
        elif data_split == 'val':
            all_files = all_files[[42, 44]]
            all_files = all_files[[43, 47, 48, 49]]

        # with open(os.path.join(root_dir, 'exit_wc.json')) as data_file:
        #     all_exit_wc = json.load(data_file)

        num_peds_in_seq = []
        seq_list = []

        obs_frame_num = []
        fut_frame_num = []
        map_file_names = []
        inv_h_ts = []

        for path in all_files:
            # exit_wc = np.array(all_exit_wc[path])
            num_data_from_one_file = 0
            path = os.path.join(data_dir, path.rstrip().replace('\\', '/'))
            print('data path:', path)
            # if 'Pathfinding' not in path:
            #     continue
            map_file_name = path.replace('.csv', '.png')
            print('map path: ', map_file_name)
            h = np.loadtxt(path.replace('.csv', '_homography.csv'),
            inv_h_t = np.linalg.pinv(np.transpose(h))

            loaded_data = read_file(path, delim)

            data = pd.DataFrame(loaded_data)
            data.columns = ['f', 'a', 'pos_x', 'pos_y']
            # data.sort_values(by=['f', 'a'], inplace=True)
            data.sort_values(by=['f', 'a'], inplace=True)

            frames = data['f'].unique().tolist()

            frame_data = []
            # data.sort_values(by=['f'])
            for frame in frames:
                frame_data.append(data[data['f'] == frame].values)
            num_sequences = int(
                math.ceil((len(frames) - self.seq_len + 1) / skip))
            # print('num_sequences: ', num_sequences)

            # all frames를 seq_len(kernel size)만큼씩 sliding해가며 볼것. 이때 skip = stride.
            for idx in range(0, num_sequences * skip + 1, skip):
                curr_seq_data = np.concatenate(
                    frame_data[idx:idx + self.seq_len], axis=0
                )  # frame을 seq_len만큼씩 잘라서 볼것 = curr_seq_data. 각 frame이 가진 데이터(agent)수는 다를수 잇음. 하지만 각 데이터의 길이는 4(frame #, agent id, pos_x, pos_y)
                peds_in_curr_seq = np.unique(
                    curr_seq_data[:, 1])  # unique agent id

                curr_seq = np.zeros(
                    (len(peds_in_curr_seq), n_state, self.seq_len))
                num_peds_considered = 0
                ped_ids = []
                for _, ped_id in enumerate(
                ):  # current frame sliding에 들어온 각 agent에 대해
                    curr_ped_seq = curr_seq_data[
                        curr_seq_data[:, 1] ==
                        ped_id, :]  # frame#, agent id, pos_x, pos_y
                    curr_ped_seq = np.around(curr_ped_seq, decimals=4)
                    pad_front = frames.index(
                        curr_ped_seq[0, 0]
                    ) - idx  # sliding idx를 빼주는 이유?. sliding이 움직여온 step인 idx를 빼줘야 pad_front=0 이됨. 0보다 큰 pad_front라는 것은 현ped_id가 처음 나타난 frame이 desired first frame보다 더 늦은 경우.
                    pad_end = frames.index(curr_ped_seq[
                        -1, 0]) - idx + 1  # pad_end까지선택하는 index로 쓰일거라 1더함
                    if pad_end - pad_front != self.seq_len:  # seq_len만큼의 sliding동안 매 프레임마다 agent가 존재하지 않은 데이터였던것.
                    # x,y,x',y',x'',y''
                    x = curr_ped_seq[:, 2]
                    y = curr_ped_seq[:, 3]
                    vx = derivative_of(x, dt)
                    vy = derivative_of(y, dt)
                    ax = derivative_of(vx, dt)
                    ay = derivative_of(vy, dt)

                    # Make coordinates relative
                    _idx = num_peds_considered
                    curr_seq[_idx, :, pad_front:pad_end] = np.stack(
                        [x, y, vx, vy, ax, ay])  # (1,6,20)

                    num_peds_considered += 1
                if num_peds_considered > min_ped:  # 주어진 하나의 sliding(16초)동안 등장한 agent수가 min_ped보다 큼을 만족하는 경우에만 이 slide데이터를 채택
                    seq_traj = curr_seq[:num_peds_considered][:, :2]

                    exclude_idx = []
                    for i in range(20):
                        curr1 = seq_traj[:, :,
                                                   0)  # AAABBBCCC
                        curr2 = np.stack(
                            [seq_traj[:, :, i]] * num_peds_considered).reshape(
                                -1, 2)  # ABCABC
                        dist = np.linalg.norm(curr1 - curr2, axis=1)
                        dist = dist.reshape(num_peds_considered,

                        diff_agent_idx = np.triu_indices(num_peds_considered,
                        dist[diff_agent_idx] = 0
                        under_th_idx = np.array(
                            np.where((dist > 0) & (dist < coll_th)))
                        # under_th_idx = np.where((dist > 0) & (dist < coll_th))

                        # print(len(np.array(np.where((dist > 0.5) & (dist < 1))[0])))

                        # for elt in np.unique(under_th_idx):
                        #     np.count_nonzero(under_th_idx == elt)
                        for j in range(len(under_th_idx[0])):
                            idx_pair = under_th_idx[:, j]
                    exclude_idx = np.unique(exclude_idx)

                    if len(exclude_idx) == num_peds_considered:
                    if len(exclude_idx) > 0:
                        # print(len(exclude_idx), '/', num_peds_considered)
                        valid_idx = [
                            i for i in range(num_peds_considered)
                            if i not in exclude_idx
                        seq_traj = curr_seq[valid_idx]
                        num_peds_considered = len(valid_idx)

                        # for i in range(20):
                        #     curr1 = seq_traj[:, :2, i].repeat(num_peds_considered, 0)  # AAABBBCCC
                        #     curr2 = np.stack([seq_traj[:, :2, i]] * num_peds_considered).reshape(-1, 2)  # ABCABC
                        #     dist = np.linalg.norm(curr1 - curr2, axis=1)
                        #     dist = dist.reshape(num_peds_considered, num_peds_considered)
                        #     diff_agent_idx = np.triu_indices(num_peds_considered, k=1)
                        #     dist[diff_agent_idx] = 0
                        #     print(len(np.array(np.where((dist > 0) & (dist < 2))[0])))
                        seq_traj = curr_seq[:num_peds_considered]

                    # find the agent with max num of neighbors at the beginning of future steps
                    curr1 = seq_traj[:, :2, self.obs_len].repeat(
                        num_peds_considered, 0)  # AAABBBCCC
                    curr2 = np.stack([seq_traj[:, :2, self.obs_len]] *
                                                                  2)  # ABCABC
                    dist = np.linalg.norm(curr1 - curr2, axis=1)
                    dist = dist.reshape(num_peds_considered,
                    target_agent_idx = []
                    for d in range(len(dist)):
                        neighbor_idx = np.where((dist[d] < 5))[0]
                        if len(neighbor_idx) > len(target_agent_idx):
                            target_agent_idx = neighbor_idx
                    seq_traj = seq_traj[target_agent_idx]

                    num_peds_considered = len(target_agent_idx)

                    num_data_from_one_file += num_peds_considered
                        np.ones((num_peds_considered, self.obs_len)) *
                        frames[idx:idx + self.obs_len])
                        np.ones((num_peds_considered, self.pred_len)) *
                        frames[idx + self.obs_len:idx + self.seq_len])
                    # map_file_names.append(num_peds_considered*[map_file_name])
                if num_data_from_one_file > 1000:
            cum_start_idx = [0] + np.cumsum(num_peds_in_seq).tolist()
            aa = np.array([
                (start, end)
                for start, end in zip(cum_start_idx, cum_start_idx[1:])
            print('num data,  min/avg/max #agent')
                  np.round((aa[:, 1] - aa[:, 0]).min(), 2),
                  np.round((aa[:, 1] - aa[:, 0]).mean(), 2),
                  np.round((aa[:, 1] - aa[:, 0]).max(), 2))

        seq_list = np.concatenate(seq_list, axis=0)  # (32686, 2, 16)
        self.obs_frame_num = np.concatenate(obs_frame_num, axis=0)
        self.fut_frame_num = np.concatenate(fut_frame_num, axis=0)

        # Convert numpy -> Torch Tensor
        self.obs_traj = seq_list[:, :, :self.obs_len]
        self.fut_traj = seq_list[:, :, self.obs_len:]

        # frame seq순, 그리고 agent id순으로 쌓아온 데이터에 대한 index를 부여하기 위해 cumsum으로 index생성 ==> 한 슬라이드(16 seq. of frames)에서 고려된 agent의 data를 start, end로 끊어내서 index로 골래내기 위해
        cum_start_idx = [0] + np.cumsum(num_peds_in_seq).tolist(
        )  # num_peds_in_seq = 각 slide(16개 frames)별로 고려된 agent수.따라서 len(num_peds_in_seq) = slide 수 = 2692 = self.num_seq
        self.seq_start_end = [
            (start, end)
            for start, end in zip(cum_start_idx, cum_start_idx[1:])
        ]  # [(0, 2),  (2, 4),  (4, 7),  (7, 10), ... (32682, 32684),  (32684, 32686)]

        # self.num_seq = len(self.seq_start_end)
        self.num_seq = len(self.obs_traj)
        self.map_file_name = map_file_names
        self.inv_h_t = inv_h_ts
        self.local_map = []
        self.local_homo = []
        self.local_ic = []

        for seq_i in range(len(self.seq_start_end)):
            start, end = self.seq_start_end[seq_i]
            global_map = imageio.imread(self.map_file_name[seq_i])

            local_maps = []
            local_ics = []
            local_homos = []
            for idx in range(start, end):
                all_traj = np.concatenate(
                    [self.obs_traj[idx, :2], self.fut_traj[idx, :2]],
                    axis=1).transpose(1, 0)
                # plt.imshow(global_map)
                # plt.scatter(all_traj[:8,0], all_traj[:8,1], s=1, c='b')
                # plt.scatter(all_traj[8:,0], all_traj[8:,1], s=1, c='r')
                # plt.show()
                local_map, local_ic, local_h = get_local_map_ic(global_map,

                # plt.imshow(local_map[0])
                # plt.scatter(local_ic[:,1], local_ic[:,0], s=1, c='r')
                # plt.show()
        self.local_map = np.concatenate(self.local_map)
        self.local_ic = np.concatenate(self.local_ic)
        self.local_homo = np.concatenate(self.local_homo)

        all_data = \
            {'seq_start_end': self.seq_start_end,
             'obs_traj': self.obs_traj,
             'fut_traj': self.fut_traj,
             'obs_frame_num': self.obs_frame_num,
             'fut_frame_num': self.fut_frame_num,
             'map_file_name': self.map_file_name,
             'inv_h_t': self.inv_h_t,
             'local_map': self.local_map,
             'local_ic': self.local_ic,
             'local_homo': self.local_homo,

        save_path = os.path.join(
            data_dir, data_split + '_threshold' + str(coll_th) + '.pkl')
        with open(save_path, 'wb') as handle:
            pickle5.dump(all_data, handle, protocol=pickle5.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)