コード例 #1
def msgf2seq_file(filepath, fasta_file, msb_psms):
    msb_psms: set of spectid_peptidesequence
    def parse_spec_pep_row(r):
        # get spec_pep from _best file format
        parsed = '_'.join(r[0].split('.')[:2] + [r[4]])
        #print parsed
        return parsed
    usedir,fin = os.path.split(filepath)
    # Get the sample filename from the first item of the third line
    fout = next(it.islice(ut.load_tab_file(filepath),2,3))[0].split('.')[0]
    in_gen = ut.load_tab_file(filepath)
    in_gen.next(); in_gen.next() # skip 2 lines
    p2g = seqs.prots2genes(fasta_file)
    g2p = ut.dict_inverse(p2g)
    fout = os.path.join(usedir, '.'.join([fout, fin.split('.')[-1] ,
    search = searches[filepath.split('.')[-1]]
    print "Converting/filtering; Search:", search
    output = (msgfbest2sequest_line(r,p2g, g2p, search) for r in in_gen 
            if parse_spec_pep_row(r) in msb_psms)
    print "Writing", fout
    ut.write_tab_file(output, fout)
    return fout
コード例 #2
def ensg_to_ensp_and_park(ppips):
    dhpg = seqs.prots2genes('/Users/blakeweb/Dropbox/complex/data/sequences/canon/Hs.fasta')
    dhgp = ut.dict_inverse(dhpg)
    parkids = ut.load_lol('./orth_similarities/table.Hsapiens/Hsapiens_id.txt')
    ppips_ensp = [dhgp[g] for g in ppips]
    dg2park = dict([(x[2],x[0]) for x in parkids])
    dp2park = dict([(x[1],x[0]) for x in parkids])
    park_ppips_most = [dp2park[p] for p in ppips_ensp if p in dp2park]
    ppips_ensp_rest = [p for p in ppips_ensp if p not in dp2park]
    ppips_ensg_rest = [dhpg[p] for p in ppips_ensp_rest]
    park_ppips_rest = [dg2park[p] for p in ppips_ensg_rest if p in dg2park]
    park_ppips = park_ppips_most + park_ppips_rest
    return park_ppips
コード例 #3
def check(fasta, protq, do_convert):
    p2g = seqs.prots2genes(fasta)
    g2p = ut.dict_inverse(p2g)
    fprots = el.load_elution(protq).prots
    print "checking", ut.shortname(protq)
    print "proteins: %s of %s" % (len([p for p in fprots if p in p2g]),
    ngenesfound = len([p for p in fprots if p in g2p])
    print "genes: %s of %s" % (ngenesfound,
    if do_convert and ngenesfound < len(fprots):
        print "converting prots to genes:",  protq
        seqs.elut_p2g(protq, p2g)
コード例 #4
def main(options):

    if options.initial_point.lower(
    ) == 'true' and options.qbits_limit.lower() != 'true':
        raise Exception(
            "Can't use initial_point if the number of required qubits varies from one optimization step to the following. Set also qbits_limit to true."

    # fixed values
    stock_tickers = ['FXD', 'FXR', 'FXL', 'FTXR', 'QTEC']
    start_date = date(2017, 1, 1)
    computation_date = date(2020, 1, 1)
    end_date = date(2021, 1, 1)

    optim_dict = {
        "quantum_instance": 'qasm_simulator',
        "shots": 1024,
        "print": True,
        "logfile": True,
        "solver": 'vqe',
        "optimizer": SLSQP,
        "maxiter": 1000,
        "depth": 1,
        "alpha": 0.35
    # etf collector
    etfs = {}

    # building the quantum etf
    quantum_etf = {}
    date_ = copy(computation_date)

    while date_ < end_date:
        # generate main values for the model
        prices_, mu_, sigma_ = generate_values(stock_tickers=stock_tickers +
        # values for quantum etf
        prices = prices_[:-1]
        mu = mu_[:-1]
        sigma = sigma_[:-1, :-1]

        # find budget, best allocation, results
        if len(quantum_etf) == 0:
            B = copy(options.budget)
            previous_month_etf = copy(
            B = previous_month_etf['liquidity'] + np.sum(
                np.array(previous_month_etf['allocation']) * prices)

            if options.initial_point.lower() == 'true':
                    "Using best parameters of previous optimization as an initial point"
                optim_dict['initial_point'] = last_optimal_params

        if options.qbits_limit.lower() == 'true':
            qbits_dict = {
                k0: max(l0)
                for k0, l0 in dict_inverse({
                    j: model_qbits(prices, j, B)
                    for j in range(1, options.max_k)
            if options.max_qbits in qbits_dict:
                k_ = qbits_dict[options.max_qbits]
            elif options.max_qbits > max(qbits_dict):
                k_ = copy(options.max_k)
                    "Number of qbits provided exceeds qbits dictionary. Initialising k as the maximum given."
                    'Number of qbits given not found among possible models.Choosing k equal to given value'
                k_ = copy(options.k)
            k_ = copy(options.k)

        mdl, grouping = qcmodel(prices, k_, B, mu, sigma, options.q)
        optim_dict["docplex_mod"] = mdl

        for i in range(options.n_trials):
            results = aggregator('optimizer', optim_dict)
            if results['is_qp_feasible']:

        # Integer results (amount of groups of stocks): x
        x_val = [
            for i in range(len(prices))

        # Amount of individual stock
        best_allocation = grouping * np.array(x_val)
        budget_spent = np.sum(best_allocation * prices)

        # Saves optimal parameters as initial point for next iteration
        last_optimal_params = results['solver_info']['optimal_params']

        #printing tmp_results
        tmp_results = {
            'computational_time': float(results['computational_time']),
            'optimal_function_value': float(results['result'].fval),
            'status': str(results['result'].status).split('.')[-1],
            'is_qp_feasible': results['is_qp_feasible']

        # generate etf datapoint
        if budget_spent > B:  # if budget spent is bigger than current liquidity
            tmp_results['wrong_results'] = {
                'best_allocation_found': [int(i) for i in best_allocation],
                'budget_spent': float(budget_spent)
            if len(quantum_etf
                   ) == 0:  # at step 0, etf does not spend any budget
                quantum_etf[date_.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] = {
                    'allocation': [0] * len(prices),
                    'prices': [float(p) for p in prices],
                    'liquidity': B,
                    'portfolio_value': 0.,
                    'results': tmp_results,
                    'k': k_
            else:  # at step k (any k), etf keeps previous allocation and updates its values with current prices
                quantum_etf[date_.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] = {
                    'prices': [float(p) for p in prices],
                            np.array(previous_month_etf['allocation']) *
        else:  # if budget spent < B
            tmp_results['wrong_results'] = None
            quantum_etf[date_.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] = {
                'allocation': [int(i) for i in best_allocation],
                'prices': [float(p) for p in prices],
                'liquidity': float(B - budget_spent),
                'portfolio_value': float(budget_spent),
                'results': copy(tmp_results),
                'k': k_

        if not os.path.exists(options.savepath):
        fs = os.path.join(options.savepath, f'quantum_etf_results.json')
        with open(fs, 'wt') as qf:
            json.dump(quantum_etf, qf)

        # next datapoint
        date_ = next_month(date_)

    # building the optimum and real etf
    # steps separated for clarity only
    opt_etf = {}
    real_etf = {}
    date_ = copy(computation_date)

    while date_ < end_date:
        # generate main values for the model
        prices_, mu_, sigma_ = generate_values(stock_tickers=stock_tickers +
        # values for quantum etf
        prices = prices_[:-1]
        mu = mu_[:-1]
        sigma = sigma_[:-1, :-1]

        # price of real etf
        ifv_price = prices_[-1]

        # find budget, best allocation, results
        if len(opt_etf) == 0:
            B = copy(options.budget)

            # real values
            no_real_bought_stocks = floor(B / ifv_price)
            real_liquidity = B - no_real_bought_stocks * ifv_price


            previous_month_etf = copy(
            B = previous_month_etf['liquidity'] + np.sum(
                np.array(previous_month_etf['allocation']) * prices)

        if options.qbits_limit == 'true':
            qbits_dict = {
                k0: max(l0)
                for k0, l0 in dict_inverse({
                    j: model_qbits(prices, j, B)
                    for j in range(1, options.max_k)
            if options.max_qbits in qbits_dict:
                k_ = qbits_dict[options.max_qbits]
            elif options.max_qbits > max(qbits_dict):
                k_ = copy(options.max_k)
                    "Number of qbits provided exceeds qbits dictionary. Initialising k as the maximum given."
                    'Number of qbits given not found among possible models.Choosing k equal to given value'
                k_ = copy(options.k)
            k_ = copy(options.k)

        mdl, grouping = qcmodel(prices, k_, B, mu, sigma, options.q)

        # solver
        sols_dict = dict(
            zip([f'x{i}' for i in range(len(prices))], [0] * len(prices)))
        for j, v in mdl.solution.as_name_dict().items():
            sols_dict[j] = int(v)

        x_val = list(sols_dict.values())

        # Amount of individual stock
        best_allocation = grouping * np.array(x_val)
        budget_spent = np.sum(best_allocation * prices)

        # generate etf datapoint
        if budget_spent > B:  # if budget spent is bigger than current liquidity
            if len(opt_etf) == 0:  # at step 0, etf does not spend any budget
                opt_etf[date_.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] = {
                    'allocation': [0] * len(prices),
                    'prices': [float(p) for p in prices],
                    'liquidity': B,
                    'portfolio_value': 0.,
                    'objective_value': mdl.solution.get_objective_value()
            else:  # at step k (any k), etf keeps previous allocation and updates its values with current prices
                opt_etf[date_.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] = {
                    'prices': [float(p) for p in prices],
                            np.array(previous_month_etf['allocation']) *
        else:  # if budget spent < B
            opt_etf[date_.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] = {
                'allocation': [int(i) for i in best_allocation],
                'prices': [float(p) for p in prices],
                'liquidity': float(B - budget_spent),
                'portfolio_value': float(budget_spent),
                'objective_value': mdl.solution.get_objective_value()

        # real etf
        real_etf[date_.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] = {
            'liquidity': real_liquidity,
            'prices': float(ifv_price),
            'portfolio_value': no_real_bought_stocks * ifv_price

        # etf is saved at every step
        fs_real = os.path.join(options.savepath, f'real_etf_results.json')
        with open(fs_real, 'wt') as rf:
            json.dump(real_etf, rf)

        fs_opt = os.path.join(options.savepath, f'opt_etf_results.json')
        with open(fs_opt, 'wt') as rf:
            json.dump(opt_etf, rf)

        # next datapoint
        date_ = next_month(date_)

        # clearing notebook output

    etfs['quantum'] = copy(quantum_etf)
    etfs['optimum'] = copy(opt_etf)
    etfs['IFV'] = copy(real_etf)

    print_etfs(etfs, savepath=options.savepath)

    return None