def select_object(board: np.ndarray, click_location: tuple) -> dotdict: """ Selects object on PyGame canvas using mouse click :param board: game state board :param click_location: tuple (x,y) that represents canvas click location :return: game tile coordinate (x,y) """ n = board.shape[0] canvas_scale = int( ctypes.windll.user32.GetSystemMetrics(1) * (16 / 30) / n) # for drawing - it takes 2 thirds of screen height # select object by clicking on it - you can select only your objects for y in range(n): for x in range(n): actor_location = (int(x * canvas_scale + canvas_scale / 2 + canvas_scale), int(y * canvas_scale + canvas_scale / 2) + canvas_scale) actor_x, actor_y = actor_location actor_size = int(canvas_scale / 3) click_x, click_y = click_location dist = sqrt((actor_x - click_x)**2 + (actor_y - click_y)**2) if dist <= actor_size: return dotdict({"x": x, "y": y}) return dotdict({"x": -1, "y": -1})
def fetch_balance_ws(self): balance = dotdict( balance.BTC = dotdict() = balance.availableMargin * 0.00000001 = balance.marginBalance * 0.00000001 balance.BTC.used = -"BALANCE: free {free:.3f} used {used:.3f} total {total:.3f}".format(**balance.BTC)) return balance
def fetch_order(self, order_id): order = dotdict({'status':'closed', 'id':order_id}) try: order = dotdict( = dotdict( except ccxt.OrderNotFound as e: self.logger.warning(type(e).__name__ + ": {0}".format(e)) return order
def fetch_balance(self): """資産情報取得""" balance = dotdict( balance.BTC = dotdict(balance.BTC) "BALANCE: free {free:.3f} used {used:.3f} total {total:.3f}". format(**balance.BTC)) return balance
def fetch_order_ws(self, order_id): orders = for o in orders: if o['orderID'] == order_id: order = dotdict( = dotdict( return order return dotdict({'status': 'closed', 'id': order_id})
def ieee_query(): """ Run queries on the IEEE Xplore DB using their REST API. Requires a valid API key. """ api_key = load_api_key("ieee.key") queries = construct_queries() fields_mask = ieeelib.SEARCH_FIELD_ABSTRACT | ieeelib.SEARCH_FIELD_DOC_TITLE for query in queries: query_result = ieeelib.query(query, api_key, max_records=max_records, fields_mask=fields_mask) #save_json(query_result, fields_mask) ieee_data = json.loads(query_result) if not ieee_data: print("No data returned for query %s. Aborting." % query, file=sys.stderr) exit(NO_DATA_ERROR) ieee_data = dotdict(ieee_data) bibtex_str = bibtexparser.dumps(ieeeparser.bibtexize(ieee_data)) #write_bibtex(ieee_data, query, fields_mask) total_records = ieee_data.total_records next_start_record = 1 + max_records while next_start_record < total_records: #print("DEBUG: Retrieving records starting at %s..." % next_start_record) next_start_record = next_start_record + max_records query_result = ieeelib.query(query, api_key, max_records=max_records, fields_mask=fields_mask) ieee_data = json.loads(query_result) if not ieee_data: print( "Something went wrong while retrieving records starting at %s for query. Aborting." % (next_start_record, query), file=sys.stderr) exit(NO_DATA_ERROR) ieee_data = dotdict(ieee_data) bibtex_str = bibtex_str + bibtexparser.dumps( ieeeparser.bibtexize(ieee_data)) #write_bibtex(ieee_data, query, fields_mask) write_bibtex_str(bibtex_str, query, fields_mask) print('ieee_query() for query "%s" finished.' % query)
def generate_portfolio(self, **kwargs): kwargs = dotdict(kwargs) symbols = list(kwargs.cov_matrix.columns) self.gene_length = len(symbols) # Create initial genes initial_genes = self.generate_initial_genes(symbols) for i in range(self.iterations): # Select top_genes =, initial_genes) # print("Iteration %d Best Sharpe Ratio: %.3f" % (i, top_genes[0][0])) top_genes = [item[1] for item in top_genes] # Mutate mutated_genes = self.mutate(top_genes) initial_genes = mutated_genes top_genes =, initial_genes) best_gene = top_genes[0][1] # Gene is a distribution of weights for different stocks # transposed_gene = np.array(best_gene).transpose() # returns =, transposed_gene) # returns_cumsum = np.cumsum(returns) n_best = normalize_weights(best_gene) weights = {symbols[x]: n_best[x] for x in range(0, len(best_gene))} return weights
def load_checkpoint(self): try: if self.config.ckpt is not None: net_path = self.config.ckpt else: net_path = routines.get_latest_model( self.config.EXP_DIR_PARAMS, 'checkpoint_G') checkpoint = torch.load(net_path) checkpoint = dotdict(checkpoint) state_dict = checkpoint.state_dict self.epoch_on_start = checkpoint.epoch + 1 cprint('resume network weights from %s successfully' \ % net_path, 'red', attrs=['reverse', 'blink']) self.optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint.optimizer) cprint('resume optimizer from %s successfully' % net_path, 'red', attrs=['reverse', 'blink']) if os.path.exists(self.va_res_file): with open(self.va_res_file, "r") as ifp: dump_res = dump_res = parse("{best_va_res:e}\n", dump_res) self.best_va_res = dump_res["best_va_res"] except Exception as e: print(e) print("resume fail")
def prepare_affix_paths( *, dir_path=dir_path, ): dir_path = Path(dir_path) gz_path = dir_path / "affix_complete_set.txt.gz" raw_path = dir_path / "affix_complete_set.txt" queries_path = dir_path / "queries.txt" if not os.path.exists(gz_path):"Downloading {gz_path}") url = """wget -O {gz_path} {url}".split()) if not os.path.exists(raw_path):"Unzipping {raw_path}") with, 'rb') as fin, open(raw_path, 'wb') as fout: shutil.copyfileobj(fin, fout) if not os.path.exists(queries_path):"Making {queries_path}") with open(raw_path) as fin, open(queries_path, 'w') as fout: for line in islice(fin, 1, None): ## skip the title row ## row fmt: affix stem stemPOS derived derivedPOS type ... affix, stem, _, derived, _, split = line.split()[:6] print(derived, file=fout) if derived.lower() != derived: print(derived.lower(), file=fout) return dotdict( dir_path=dir_path, gz_path=gz_path, raw_path=raw_path, queries_path=queries_path, )
def make_as_dotdict(obj): if type(obj) is dict: obj = dotdict(obj) for key in obj: if type(obj[key]) is dict: obj[key] = make_as_dotdict(obj[key]) return obj
def get_deprecated_params_mnist_act(): parameters = { 'n_epochs': 1, 'enable_dropout': False, 'batch_size_train': 64, 'batch_size_test': 1000, 'learning_rate': 0.01, 'momentum': 0.5, 'log_interval': 100, 'to_download': True, # set to True if MNIST/dataset hasn't been downloaded, 'disable_bias': True, # no bias at all in fc or conv layers, 'dataset': 'mnist', 'num_models': 2, 'model_name': 'simplenet', # model_name: net, # model_name: mlpnet, 'num_hidden_nodes': 400, 'num_hidden_nodes1': 400, 'num_hidden_nodes2': 200, 'num_hidden_nodes3': 100, 'gpu_id': 5, 'skip_last_layer': False, 'reg': 1e-2, 'debug': False, 'activation_histograms': True, 'act_num_samples': 100, 'softmax_temperature': 1, } return dotdict(parameters)
def fetch_position_ws(self): pos = dotdict( pos.unrealisedPnlPcnt100 = pos.unrealisedPnlPcnt * 100 "POSITION: qty {currentQty} cost {avgCostPrice} pnl {unrealisedPnl}({unrealisedPnlPcnt100:.2f}%) {realisedPnl}" .format(**pos)) return pos
def exp(ref_vec_name): result_path = Path("results") / "ws" / f"{ref_vec_name}_sasaki" ref_vec_path = prepare_target_vector_paths(ref_vec_name).w2v_emb_path codecs_path = prepare_codecs_path(ref_vec_path, result_path) log_file = open(result_path / "log.txt", "w+") logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, stream=log_file)"Training...") model_info = train( ref_vec_path, result_path, codecs_path=codecs_path, H=40_000, F=500_000, epoch=300, )"Inferencing...") combined_query_path = prepare_ws_combined_query_path() result_emb_path = inference(model_info, combined_query_path)"Evaluating...") evaluate( dotdict(eval_result_path=result_path / "result.txt", pred_path=result_emb_path))
def exp(ref_vec_name): result_path = Path("results") / "ws_multi" / f"{ref_vec_name}_sasaki" ref_vec_path = prepare_target_vector_paths(f"wiki2vec-{ref_vec_name}").w2v_emb_path codecs_path = prepare_codecs_path(ref_vec_path, result_path) log_file = open(result_path / "log.txt", "w+") logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, stream=log_file)"Training...") train( ref_vec_path, result_path, codecs_path=codecs_path, H=40_000, F=500_000, epoch=300, ) model_info = get_info_from_result_path(result_path / "sep_kvq")"Inferencing...") combined_query_path = prepare_ws_combined_query_path(ref_vec_name) result_emb_path = inference(model_info, combined_query_path)"Evaluating...") evaluate(dotdict( model_type="sasaki", eval_result_path=result_path / "result.txt", pred_path=result_emb_path, target_vector_name=ref_vec_name, results_dir=result_path, ))
def fetch_ticker_ws(self): trade =[-1] ticker = dotdict( ticker.datetime = pd.to_datetime(trade['timestamp']) "TICK: bid {bid} ask {ask} last {last}".format(**ticker)) return ticker
def get_args_cloud_ds1(): args = dict() dir_path = "./deepspeech-models/" args['model'] = dir_path+"output_graph.pb" args['lm'] = dir_path+"lm.binary" args['trie'] = dir_path+"trie" args['alphabet'] = dir_path+"alphabet.txt" return dotdict(args)
def fetch_ticker(self, symbol=None, timeframe=None): symbol = symbol or self.settings.symbol timeframe = timeframe or self.settings.timeframe ticker = dotdict( ticker.datetime = pd.to_datetime(ticker.datetime) "TICK: last {last} bid {bid} ask {ask}".format(**ticker)) return ticker
def fetch_position(self, symbol=None): """現在のポジションを取得""" symbol = symbol or self.settings.symbol market = req = {'product_code': market['id']} res = if len(res): pos = dotdict(res[0]) pos.currentQty = pos.size if pos.side == 'BUY' else pos.size * -1 pos.unrealisedPnl = pos.pnl else: pos = dotdict() pos.currentQty = 0 pos.unrealisedPnl = 0 "POSITION: qty {currentQty} pnl {unrealisedPnl}".format(**pos)) return pos
def fetch_position(self, symbol=None): """現在のポジションを取得""" symbol = symbol or self.settings.symbol res = pos = [x for x in res if x['symbol'] ==['id']] if len(pos): pos = dotdict(pos[0]) pos.timestamp = pd.to_datetime(pos.timestamp) else: pos = dotdict() pos.currentQty = 0 pos.avgCostPrice = 0 pos.unrealisedPnl = 0 pos.unrealisedPnlPcnt = 0 pos.realisedPnl = 0 pos.unrealisedPnlPcnt100 = pos.unrealisedPnlPcnt * 100"POSITION: qty {currentQty} cost {avgCostPrice} pnl {unrealisedPnl}({unrealisedPnlPcnt100:.2f}%) {realisedPnl}".format(**pos)) return pos
def loss_batch(self, nb_neg_samples): batch = [] for el in self.all_relations: id1, id2 = el negative_samples = self.negative_samples(id1, nb_neg_samples) sample_dict = {"u_id": id1, "v_id": id2, "neigh_u_ids": negative_samples} batch.append(dotdict(sample_dict)) return batch
def get_player(time): g = TaflGame(7, True) white_nnet = nn(g) black_nnet = nn(g) white_nnet.load_checkpoint('./tafl_model_1/', 'white.pth.tar') black_nnet.load_checkpoint('./tafl_model_1/', 'white.pth.tar') args = dotdict({'numMCTSSims': 10000, 'cpuct': 1.1}) mcts = MCTS(g, white_nnet, black_nnet, args) return lambda board, turn_player: np.argmax( mcts.getActionProb(board, turn_player, temp=0, time=time))
def get_best_action(board, player, use_mcts): if use_mcts: args1 = utils.dotdict({'numMCTSSims': 128, 'cpuct': 1.0}) mcts1 = MCTS(game, nnet, args1) board = game.getCanonicalForm(board, player) best_action = int(np.argmax(mcts1.getActionProb(board, temp=0))) else: p, v = nnet.predict(board) best_action = int(np.argmax(p)) return best_action
def train(args): subwords.build_subword_vocab_cli( dotdict( ChainMap( dict(word_freq=args.subword_vocab_word_freq, output=args.subword_vocab), args, ))) if args.subword_prob: subwords.build_subword_prob_cli( dotdict( ChainMap( dict(word_freq=args.subword_prob_word_freq, output=args.subword_prob), args, ))) pbos_train.main(args)
def dict_from_group(group): assert isinstance(group, h5py.Group) d = utils.dotdict() for key in group: if isinstance(group[key], h5py.Group): value = dict_from_group(group[key]) else: value = read_clean(group[key][...]) d[key] = value return d
def run(): parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-c", "--config_path", default='config/config.yaml', help="The default config file.") # obligatory arguments parser.add_argument("--dataset_path", help="Input data folder", required=True) parser.add_argument("--dataset_cache", help="Cache for input data folder", required=True) parser.add_argument("-mq", "--model_path", type=str, required=True, help='Pretrained model path to local checkpoint') parser.add_argument("-e", "--exp_name", type=str, default='qgen', help='The name of experiment') args = parser.parse_args() # Read config from yaml file. config_file = args.config_path with open(config_file) as reader: config = yaml.safe_load(reader) config = dotdict(config) # overload with command line arguments for k, v in vars(args).items(): config[k] = v config.checkpoint = os.path.join(config.model_path, "sampling", config.exp_name) os.makedirs(config.checkpoint, exist_ok=True) copyfile(config.config_path, os.path.join(config.checkpoint, "config.yaml")) config.device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" config.n_gpu = torch.cuda.device_count() config.n_gpu = 1 # logging is set to INFO logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)"Arguments: %s", pformat(config))"device: {}, n_gpu {}".format(config.device, config.n_gpu)) random.seed(config.seed) torch.random.manual_seed(config.seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed(config.seed) torch.manual_seed(config.seed) main(config)
def main(): rospy.init_node('amr_nn_controller_service') if rospy.has_param('/nn_controller_path'): model_path = rospy.get_param('/nn_controller_path') if rospy.has_param('/params'): # convert dict to work with dot notation. params = dotdict(rospy.get_param('/params')) controller = NNController(model_path) rospy.spin()
def order(self, myid, side, qty, limit=None, stop=None, trailing_offset=None, symbol=None): """注文""" qty_total = qty qty_limit = self.risk.max_position_size # 買いポジあり if self.position.currentQty > 0: # 買い増し if side == 'buy': # 現在のポジ数を加算 qty_total = qty_total + self.position.currentQty else: # 反対売買の場合、ドテンできるように上限を引き上げる qty_limit = qty_limit + self.position.currentQty # 売りポジあり if self.position.currentQty < 0: # 売りまし if side == 'sell': # 現在のポジ数を加算 qty_total = qty_total + -self.position.currentQty else: # 反対売買の場合、ドテンできるように上限を引き上げる qty_limit = qty_limit + -self.position.currentQty # 購入数をポジション最大サイズに抑える if qty_total > qty_limit: qty = qty - (qty_total - qty_limit) if qty > 0: symbol = symbol or self.settings.symbol if myid in self.orders: order_id = self.orders[myid].id order = dotdict(, symbol)) if order.status == 'open': if ((order.price != limit) or (order.amount != qty)): order =, symbol) order = self.create_order(side, qty, limit, stop, trailing_offset, symbol) else: order = self.create_order(side, qty, limit, stop, trailing_offset, symbol) else: order = self.create_order(side, qty, limit, stop, trailing_offset, symbol) self.orders[myid] = order
def fetch_ticker(self, symbol=None, timeframe=None): symbol = symbol or self.settings.symbol timeframe = timeframe or self.settings.timeframe book =, limit=1) trade =, limit=1, params={'reverse':True}) ticker = dotdict() = book['bids'][0][0] ticker.ask = book['asks'][0][0] ticker.last = trade[0]['price'] ticker.datetime = pd.to_datetime(trade[0]['datetime'])"TICK: bid {bid} ask {ask} last {last}".format(**ticker)) return ticker
def build_network(args): hparams = dotdict({ "dim_output": args.num_classes, "inner_update_lr": args.inner_update_lr, "meta_lr": args.meta_lr, "meta_test_num_inner_updates": args.meta_test_num_inner_updates, "dim_hidden": args.dim_hidden, "img_size": 28, "channels": 1, }) model = CNNModel(hparams) return model
def get_args_edge(): args = dict() args['model'] = 'DBiRNN' args['num_layer'] = 2 args['activation'] = 'tanh' args['batch_size'] = 1 args['num_hidden'] = 256 args['num_feature'] = 39 args['num_class'] = 29 args['num_epochs'] = 1 args['savedir'] = './models/04262030' return dotdict(args)
from utils import dotdict import os, yaml target = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/config.yaml" with open(target, 'r') as config_file: config_yaml = c = dotdict(yaml.load(config_yaml)) with open('config.h', 'w') as o: o.write("""#ifndef CONFIG_H #define CONFIG_H //=================================== // CONFIGURATION CONSTANTS //=================================== // GENERAL """) for key, value in c.firmware.iteritems(): o.write('#define ') o.write(key.upper() + " ") o.write(str(value) + '\n') o.write("\n// DEVICES\n") for key in c.devices: for key2, value in c.devices[key].iteritems(): o.write('#define ') o.write(key.upper() + '_')