コード例 #1
ファイル: artifacts.py プロジェクト: Yaqiongxiao/LeiCA
def ecc_pipeline(name='eddy_correct'):
    ECC stands for Eddy currents correction.

    Creates a pipeline that corrects for artifacts induced by Eddy currents in
    dMRI sequences.
    It takes a series of diffusion weighted images and linearly co-registers
    them to one reference image (the average of all b0s in the dataset).

    DWIs are also modulated by the determinant of the Jacobian as indicated by
    [Jones10]_ and [Rohde04]_.

    A list of rigid transformation matrices can be provided, sourcing from a
    :func:`.hmc_pipeline` workflow, to initialize registrations in a *motion
    free* framework.

    A list of affine transformation matrices is available as output, so that
    transforms can be chained (discussion
    `here <https://github.com/nipy/nipype/pull/530#issuecomment-14505042>`_).

    .. admonition:: References

      .. [Jones10] Jones DK, `The signal intensity must be modulated by the
        determinant of the Jacobian when correcting for eddy currents in
        diffusion MRI
        Proc. ISMRM 18th Annual Meeting, (2010).

      .. [Rohde04] Rohde et al., `Comprehensive Approach for Correction of
        Motion and Distortion in Diffusion-Weighted MRI
        <http://stbb.nichd.nih.gov/pdf/com_app_cor_mri04.pdf>`_, MRM
        51:103-114 (2004).


    >>> from nipype.workflows.dmri.fsl.artifacts import ecc_pipeline
    >>> ecc = ecc_pipeline()
    >>> ecc.inputs.inputnode.in_file = 'diffusion.nii'
    >>> ecc.inputs.inputnode.in_bval = 'diffusion.bval'
    >>> ecc.inputs.inputnode.in_mask = 'mask.nii'
    >>> ecc.run() # doctest: +SKIP


        inputnode.in_file - input dwi file
        inputnode.in_mask - weights mask of reference image (a file with data \
range sin [0.0, 1.0], indicating the weight of each voxel when computing the \
        inputnode.in_bval - b-values table
        inputnode.in_xfms - list of matrices to initialize registration (from \
head-motion correction)


        outputnode.out_file - corrected dwi file
        outputnode.out_xfms - list of transformation matrices

    from nipype.workflows.data import get_flirt_schedule
    params = dict(dof=12, no_search=True, interp='spline', bgvalue=0,
    # cost='normmi', cost_func='normmi', bins=64,

    inputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(
        fields=['in_file', 'in_bval', 'in_mask', 'in_xfms']), name='inputnode')
    avg_b0 = pe.Node(niu.Function(
        input_names=['in_dwi', 'in_bval'], output_names=['out_file'],
        function=b0_average), name='b0_avg')
    pick_dws = pe.Node(niu.Function(
        input_names=['in_dwi', 'in_bval', 'b'], output_names=['out_file'],
        function=extract_bval), name='ExtractDWI')
    pick_dws.inputs.b = 'diff'

    flirt = dwi_flirt(flirt_param=params, excl_nodiff=True)

    mult = pe.MapNode(fsl.BinaryMaths(operation='mul'), name='ModulateDWIs',
                      iterfield=['in_file', 'operand_value'])
    thres = pe.MapNode(fsl.Threshold(thresh=0.0), iterfield=['in_file'],

    split = pe.Node(fsl.Split(dimension='t'), name='SplitDWIs')
    get_mat = pe.Node(niu.Function(
        input_names=['in_bval', 'in_xfms'], output_names=['out_files'],
        function=recompose_xfm), name='GatherMatrices')
    merge = pe.Node(niu.Function(
        input_names=['in_dwi', 'in_bval', 'in_corrected'],
        output_names=['out_file'], function=recompose_dwi), name='MergeDWIs')

    outputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(
        fields=['out_file', 'out_xfms']), name='outputnode')

    wf = pe.Workflow(name=name)
        (inputnode,  avg_b0,     [('in_file', 'in_dwi'),
                                  ('in_bval', 'in_bval')]),
        (inputnode,  pick_dws,   [('in_file', 'in_dwi'),
                                  ('in_bval', 'in_bval')]),
        (inputnode,  merge,      [('in_file', 'in_dwi'),
                                  ('in_bval', 'in_bval')]),
        (inputnode,  flirt,      [('in_mask', 'inputnode.ref_mask'),
                                  ('in_xfms', 'inputnode.in_xfms'),
                                  ('in_bval', 'inputnode.in_bval')]),
        (inputnode,  get_mat,    [('in_bval', 'in_bval')]),
        (avg_b0,     flirt,      [('out_file', 'inputnode.reference')]),
        (pick_dws,   flirt,      [('out_file', 'inputnode.in_file')]),
        (flirt,      get_mat,    [('outputnode.out_xfms', 'in_xfms')]),
        (flirt,      mult,       [(('outputnode.out_xfms', _xfm_jacobian),
        (flirt,      split,      [('outputnode.out_file', 'in_file')]),
        (split,      mult,       [('out_files', 'in_file')]),
        (mult,       thres,      [('out_file', 'in_file')]),
        (thres,      merge,      [('out_file', 'in_corrected')]),
        (get_mat,    outputnode, [('out_files', 'out_xfms')]),
        (merge,      outputnode, [('out_file', 'out_file')])
    return wf
コード例 #2
ファイル: artifacts.py プロジェクト: Yaqiongxiao/LeiCA
def hmc_pipeline(name='motion_correct'):
    HMC stands for head-motion correction.

    Creates a pipeline that corrects for head motion artifacts in dMRI
    It takes a series of diffusion weighted images and rigidly co-registers
    them to one reference image. Finally, the `b`-matrix is rotated accordingly
    [Leemans09]_ making use of the rotation matrix obtained by FLIRT.

    Search angles have been limited to 4 degrees, based on results in

    A list of rigid transformation matrices is provided, so that transforms
    can be chained.
    This is useful to correct for artifacts with only one interpolation process
    (as previously discussed `here
    and also to compute nuisance regressors as proposed by [Yendiki13]_.

    .. warning:: This workflow rotates the `b`-vectors, so please be advised
      that not all the dicom converters ensure the consistency between the
      resulting nifti orientation and the gradients table (e.g. dcm2nii
      checks it).

    .. admonition:: References

      .. [Leemans09] Leemans A, and Jones DK, `The B-matrix must be rotated
        when correcting for subject motion in DTI data
        Magn Reson Med. 61(6):1336-49. 2009. doi: 10.1002/mrm.21890.

      .. [Yendiki13] Yendiki A et al., `Spurious group differences due to head
        motion in a diffusion MRI study
        Neuroimage. 21(88C):79-90. 2013. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.11.027


    >>> from nipype.workflows.dmri.fsl.artifacts import hmc_pipeline
    >>> hmc = hmc_pipeline()
    >>> hmc.inputs.inputnode.in_file = 'diffusion.nii'
    >>> hmc.inputs.inputnode.in_bvec = 'diffusion.bvec'
    >>> hmc.inputs.inputnode.in_bval = 'diffusion.bval'
    >>> hmc.inputs.inputnode.in_mask = 'mask.nii'
    >>> hmc.run() # doctest: +SKIP


        inputnode.in_file - input dwi file
        inputnode.in_mask - weights mask of reference image (a file with data \
range in [0.0, 1.0], indicating the weight of each voxel when computing the \
        inputnode.in_bvec - gradients file (b-vectors)
        inputnode.ref_num (optional, default=0) index of the b0 volume that \
should be taken as reference


        outputnode.out_file - corrected dwi file
        outputnode.out_bvec - rotated gradient vectors table
        outputnode.out_xfms - list of transformation matrices

    from nipype.workflows.data import get_flirt_schedule

    params = dict(dof=6, bgvalue=0, save_log=True, no_search=True,
                  # cost='mutualinfo', cost_func='mutualinfo', bins=64,

    inputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(
        fields=['in_file', 'ref_num', 'in_bvec', 'in_bval', 'in_mask']),
    split = pe.Node(niu.Function(
        output_names=['out_ref', 'out_mov', 'out_bval', 'volid'],
        input_names=['in_file', 'in_bval', 'ref_num'], function=hmc_split),
    flirt = dwi_flirt(flirt_param=params)
    insmat = pe.Node(niu.Function(input_names=['inlist', 'volid'],
                                  output_names=['out'], function=insert_mat),
    rot_bvec = pe.Node(niu.Function(
        function=rotate_bvecs, input_names=['in_bvec', 'in_matrix'],
        output_names=['out_file']), name='Rotate_Bvec')
    outputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(
        fields=['out_file', 'out_bvec', 'out_xfms']), name='outputnode')

    wf = pe.Workflow(name=name)
        (inputnode,     split,   [('in_file', 'in_file'),
                                  ('in_bval', 'in_bval'),
                                  ('ref_num', 'ref_num')]),
        (inputnode,  flirt,      [('in_mask', 'inputnode.ref_mask')]),
        (split,      flirt,      [('out_ref', 'inputnode.reference'),
                                  ('out_mov', 'inputnode.in_file'),
                                  ('out_bval', 'inputnode.in_bval')]),
        (flirt,      insmat,     [('outputnode.out_xfms', 'inlist')]),
        (split,      insmat,     [('volid', 'volid')]),
        (inputnode,  rot_bvec,   [('in_bvec', 'in_bvec')]),
        (insmat,     rot_bvec,   [('out', 'in_matrix')]),
        (rot_bvec,   outputnode, [('out_file', 'out_bvec')]),
        (flirt,      outputnode, [('outputnode.out_file', 'out_file')]),
        (insmat,     outputnode, [('out', 'out_xfms')])
    return wf