def runCurrentStepFunction(self): QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents() step = self.lesson.steps[self.currentStep] self.webView.setEnabled(False) execute(step.function) self.webView.setEnabled(True) self.stepFinished()
def moveToNextStep(self): if self.currentStep == len(self.lesson.steps): QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, "Lesson", "You have reached the end of this lesson") self.finishLesson() else: step = self.lesson.steps[self.currentStep] if step.endsignal is not None: step.endsignal.connect(self.endSignalEmitted) item = self.listSteps.item(self.currentStep) item.setBackground( if os.path.exists(step.description): with open(step.description) as f: html = "".join(f.readlines()) self.webView.setHtml(html, QtCore.QUrl.fromUserInput(step.description)) else: self.webView.setHtml(step.description) QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents() if step.prestep is not None: execute(step.prestep) if step.function is not None: self.btnRunStep.setEnabled(step.steptype != Step.AUTOMATEDSTEP) self.btnMove.setEnabled(step.steptype != Step.AUTOMATEDSTEP) if step.steptype == Step.AUTOMATEDSTEP: self.runCurrentStepFunction() else: self.btnRunStep.setEnabled(False) self.btnMove.setEnabled(True)
def close_staff_tab(first_name, last_name): utils.execute(''' UPDATE order_group SET is_open = FALSE, closedby = 1, updated = curdate() + interval '4' hour #4am so it won't affect tip pool WHERE is_open = TRUE AND table_id = concat(%(first_name)s,' ',%(last_name)s) ''', args = locals())
def mode_pre(session_dir, args): global gtmpfilename """ Read from Session file and write to session.pre file """ endtime_to_update = int(time.time()) - get_changelog_rollover_time( args.volume) status_file = os.path.join(session_dir, args.volume, "status") status_file_pre = status_file + ".pre" mkdirp(os.path.dirname(args.outfile), exit_on_err=True, logger=logger) # If Pre status file exists and running pre command again if os.path.exists(status_file_pre) and not args.regenerate_outfile: fail("Post command is not run after last pre, " "use --regenerate-outfile") start = 0 try: with open(status_file) as f: start = int( except ValueError: pass except (OSError, IOError) as e: fail("Error Opening Session file %s: %s" % (status_file, e), logger=logger) logger.debug("Pre is called - Session: %s, Volume: %s, " "Start time: %s, End time: %s" % (args.session, args.volume, start, endtime_to_update)) prefix ="%Y%m%d-%H%M%S-%f-") gtmpfilename = prefix + next(tempfile._get_candidate_names()) run_cmd_nodes("pre", args, start=start, end=-1, tmpfilename=gtmpfilename) # Merger if args.full: cmd = ["sort", "-u"] + node_outfiles + ["-o", args.outfile] execute(cmd, exit_msg="Failed to merge output files " "collected from nodes", logger=logger) else: # Read each Changelogs db and generate finaldb create_file(args.outfile, exit_on_err=True, logger=logger) outfilemerger = OutputMerger(args.outfile + ".db", node_outfiles) write_output(args.outfile, outfilemerger, args.field_separator) try: os.remove(args.outfile + ".db") except (IOError, OSError): pass run_cmd_nodes("cleanup", args, tmpfilename=gtmpfilename) with open(status_file_pre, "w", buffering=0) as f: f.write(str(endtime_to_update)) sys.stdout.write("Generated output file %s\n" % args.outfile)
def executeHandlers(type, list=()): """ Executes all handlers by type with list as list of args """ handlers = Handlers[type] for handler in handlers: utils.execute(handler, list)
def populate_pay_stub(): results =''' select DATE(intime) - interval (DAYOFWEEK(intime) -1) DAY as week_of, employee_tax_info.person_id, last_name, first_name, sum(hours_worked) as hours_worked, pay_rate, allowances, nominal_scale, round(sum(hours_worked)*pay_rate) as weekly_pay, round(sum(hours_worked)*pay_rate*nominal_scale) as gross_wages, married, sum(tip_pay) tips, round(sum(hours_worked)*pay_rate - weekly_tax) + sum(tip_pay) as total_weekly, sum(tip_pay) / sum(hours_worked) + pay_rate as total_hourly_pay from hours_worked JOIN employee_tax_info ON hours_worked.person_id = employee_tax_info.person_id where yearweek(intime) = yearweek(now() - interval '1' week) and intime != 0 group by employee_tax_info.person_id ''', incursor = None, label = True ) for row in results: add_witholding_fields(employee_tax_info = row) columns = ','.join(row.keys()) values = ','.join(map(str,row.values())) utils.execute('''INSERT into pay_stub (%s) VALUES (%s)'''%(columns, values))
def uninstall(self, hostname): """ Portal uninstall process """ utils.execute("apt-get -y --purge remove openjdk-7-jdk tomcat7", check_exit_code=False) utils.execute("apt-get -y clean", check_exit_code=False) return
def check_postgresql_server(): if System.system_name in ('ubuntu', 'debian',): command = [ 'sudo', 'su', 'postgres', '-c', 'psql -tAc "select version();"' ] exit_code, output = utils.execute(command,capture_output=True) if exit_code: System.postgresql_version = None # Not installed else: System.postgresql_version = output.split(' ')[1] elif System.system_name == 'darwin': command = [ 'psql', '-tAc', 'select version();' ] exit_code, output = utils.execute(command,capture_output=True) if exit_code: System.postgresql_version = None # Not installed else: System.postgresql_version = output.split(' ')[1] # No need to remove \n else: raise NotImplementedError()
def index(serverpin, in_): wantsin = (in_ == 'true') wantsout = not wantsin cursor = utils.get_cursor() isin = _server_is_in(serverpin) isout = not isin if wantsin and isin: resp = 'already clocked in' elif wantsin and isout: tip_share = server_tip_share(serverpin) sqlin = 'INSERT INTO hours VALUES(null, %(serverpin)s, NOW(), 0, %(tip_share)s, null)' % locals() utils.execute(sqlin, cursor) resp = 'Clocked in at ' + elif wantsout and isin: sqlout = 'UPDATE hours SET outtime = NOW() WHERE person_id = %(serverpin)s AND outtime = 0' % locals() res = utils.execute(sqlout, cursor) resp = 'Clocked out at ' + elif wantsout and isout: resp = 'already clocked out' else: resp = 'programming error' cursor.close() return json.dumps(resp)
def node_cmd(host, host_uuid, task, cmd, args, opts): """ Runs command via ssh if host is not local """ localdir = is_host_local(host_uuid) # this is so to avoid deleting the ssh keys on local node which otherwise # cause ssh password prompts on the console (race conditions) # mode_delete() should be cleaning up the session tree if localdir and task == "delete": return pem_key_path = get_pem_key_path(args.session, args.volume) if not localdir: # prefix with ssh command if not local node cmd = ["ssh", "-i", pem_key_path, "root@%s" % host] + cmd execute(cmd, exit_msg="%s - %s failed" % (host, task), logger=logger) if opts.get("copy_outfile", False): cmd_copy = ["scp", "-i", pem_key_path, "root@%s:/%s" % (host, opts.get("node_outfile")), os.path.dirname(opts.get("node_outfile"))] execute(cmd_copy, exit_msg="%s - Copy command failed" % host, logger=logger)
def index(req, receipts_id, field_name, new_value): utils.execute( '''update receipts_by_server set %(field_name)s = '%(new_value)s' where id = %(receipts_id)s;'''%locals() ) return json.dumps(None)
def _ensure_project_folder(project_id): if not os.path.exists(ca_path(project_id)): start = os.getcwd() os.chdir(ca_folder()) utils.execute('sh', '', project_id, _project_cert_subject(project_id)) os.chdir(start)
def moveToNextStep(self): if self.currentStep == len(self.lesson.steps): dlg = LessonFinishedDialog(self.lesson) dlg.exec_() if dlg.nextLesson is not None: self.init(dlg.nextLesson) else: self.finishLesson() else: step = self.lesson.steps[self.currentStep] if step.endsignal is not None: step.endsignal.connect(self.endSignalEmitted) item = self.listSteps.item(self.currentStep) item.setBackground( if os.path.exists(step.description): with open(step.description) as f: html = "".join(f.readlines()) self.webView.document().setMetaInformation(QTextDocument.DocumentUrl, QUrl.fromUserInput(step.description).toString()) self.webView.setHtml(html) else: self.webView.setHtml(step.description) QCoreApplication.processEvents() if step.prestep is not None: execute(step.prestep) if step.function is not None: self.btnRunStep.setEnabled(step.steptype != Step.AUTOMATEDSTEP) self.btnMove.setEnabled(step.steptype != Step.AUTOMATEDSTEP and step.endsignal is None) if step.steptype == Step.AUTOMATEDSTEP: self.runCurrentStepFunction() else: self.btnRunStep.setEnabled(False) self.btnMove.setEnabled(step.endsignal is None)
def delete_net(self,Id): if Id: utils.execute("rm -f /var/run/netns/%s" % ("nets-"+Id)) if os.path.isdir("/sys/class/net/%s" % ("t-"+Id)): utils.execute("ip link del %s" % ("t-"+Id)) else: pass
def update(req, edits, newrows): edits = json.loads(edits) newrows = json.loads(newrows) insert_ids = {} cursor = utils.get_cursor() for rowid, fields_and_vals in edits.items(): setlist = ','.join('%s = %s'%(f, sql_representation(v)) for f, v in fields_and_vals.items() if f != 'estimated_units_remaining') sql = "update sku set " + setlist + " where id = " + rowid + "\n" utils.execute(sql, cursor) for rowid, fields_and_vals in newrows.items(): for bad_field in ('uid', 'undefined', 'estimated_units_remaining', 'boundindex', 'visibleindex', 'uniqueid'): if fields_and_vals.has_key(bad_field): fields_and_vals.pop(bad_field) fields = fields_and_vals.keys() values = fields_and_vals.values() field_list = ','.join(fields) value_list = ','.join(sql_representation(v) for v in values) sql = "insert into sku ("+field_list+") VALUES ("+value_list+")" utils.execute(sql, cursor) insert_ids[rowid] ="select LAST_INSERT_ID()", cursor, False)[0][0] cursor.close () wineprint.gen_fodt_and_pdf() return json.dumps(insert_ids)
def populate_pay_stub(temp = True, incursor=None): #days_of_tips_calculated = # '''select count(distinct date(intime)) from hours # where yearweek(intime) = yearweek(now() - interval '1' week) and tip_pay is not null''', # label = False # )[0][0] #if days_of_tips_calculated != 7: # return 'Tips have been calculated for only %s days last week. When all days tips are calculated, refresh this page to see and print weekly pay for last week.'%days_of_tips_calculated results =''' select DATE(intime) - interval (DAYOFWEEK(intime) -1) DAY as week_of, hours_worked.person_id, last_name, first_name, sum(hours_worked) as hours_worked, pay_rate, COALESCE(allowances, 0) allowances, COALESCE(nominal_scale, 0) nominal_scale, COALESCE(married, 0) married, COALESCE(salary, 0) + COALESCE(round(sum(hours_worked)*pay_rate), 0) as weekly_pay, COALESCE(salary, 0) + COALESCE(round(sum(hours_worked)*pay_rate), 0) * COALESCE(nominal_scale,0) as gross_wages, COALESCE(sum(tip_pay),0) tips, COALESCE(sum(tip_pay) / sum(hours_worked) + pay_rate, 0) as total_hourly_pay from hours_worked LEFT OUTER JOIN employee_tax_info ON hours_worked.person_id = employee_tax_info.person_id where yearweek(intime) = yearweek(now() - interval '1' week) and intime != 0 group by hours_worked.person_id, yearweek(intime) ''', incursor = incursor, label = True ) if temp: utils.execute(''' create temporary table PAY_STUB_TEMP like PAY_STUB; ''', incursor=incursor); table_names = ('PAY_STUB_TEMP',) else: table_names = ('PAY_STUB', 'WEEKLY_PAY_STUB') for row in results: if not temp and 'select 1 from PAY_STUB where week_of = "%(week_of)s" and person_id = %(person_id)s'%row, incursor = incursor ): continue for table_name in table_names: if table_name == 'WEEKLY_PAY_STUB': row['gross_wages'] = row['weekly_pay'] + float(row['tips']) row['pay_rate'] = round(row['total_hourly_pay']) tax.add_witholding_fields(row) columns = ', '.join(row.keys()) values = ', '.join(("'%s'" % value for value in row.values())) sqltext = 'INSERT into %s (%s) VALUES (%s);'%(table_name, columns, values) my_logger.debug('pay stub: ' + sqltext) utils.execute(sqltext, incursor=incursor)
def abyss_bloom(input_fqs, outputs): fq1, fq2 = input_fqs for k_mer_size, bf, bf_flag in zip(K_MER_SIZES, BFS, BF_FLAGS): cmd = CONFIG['abyss_bloom']['cmd'].format(**locals()) # cmd = ('abyss-bloom build -v -k {k_mer_size} -j 8 -b 3G -l 2 -q 15 - ' # '{fq1} {fq2} ' # '| gzip -c > {bf}'.format(**locals())) execute(cmd, flag=bf_flag)
def cleanup(): print("\n***** Cleaning up *****") if volume_mounted: utils.execute("umount " + mount_point) if volume_created: vmcreate.detach_and_delete_volume(volume) if mount_point_created: utils.execute("rm -rf " + mount_point)
def uninstall(self, hostname): """ RabbitMQ uninstall process """ utils.execute("apt-get -y --purge remove rabbitmq-server memcached python-memcache", check_exit_code=False) utils.execute("apt-get -y clean", check_exit_code=False) shutil.rmtree('/var/lib/rabbitmq', ignore_errors=True) return
def _ensure_project_folder(project_id): if not os.path.exists(ca_path(project_id)): geninter_sh_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.ca_path, '') start = os.getcwd() os.chdir(ca_folder()) utils.execute('sh', geninter_sh_path, project_id, _project_cert_subject(project_id)) os.chdir(start)
def __init__(self,url): self.connection=docker.Client(base_url=url) if os.path.isdir("/etc/config"): pass else: utils.execute("mkdir /etc/config") self.path="/etc/config/" self.netpath="/etc/network/"
def uninstall(self, hostname): """ Keystone uninstall process """ utils.execute("apt-get -y --purge remove keystone python-keystone python-keystoneclient python-mysqldb", check_exit_code=False) utils.execute("apt-get -y clean", check_exit_code=False) shutil.rmtree('/var/lib/keystone', ignore_errors=True) return
def revoke_cert(project_id, file_name): """Revoke a cert by file name""" start = os.getcwd() os.chdir(ca_folder(project_id)) # NOTE(vish): potential race condition here utils.execute("openssl ca -config ./openssl.cnf -revoke '%s'" % file_name) utils.execute("openssl ca -gencrl -config ./openssl.cnf -out '%s'" % FLAGS.crl_file) os.chdir(start)
def uninstall(self, hostname): """ RabbitMQ uninstall process """ utils.execute("apt-get -y --purge remove collectd-core xymon-client", check_exit_code=False) utils.execute("apt-get -y clean", check_exit_code=False) shutil.rmtree('/var/lib/collectd/rrd', ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree('/var/www/rrd', ignore_errors=True) return
def delivered(req, item_id): + ': delivered on ' + str(item_id)) utils.execute(''' UPDATE order_item oi set oi.is_delivered = NOT oi.is_delivered, oi.is_held = FALSE, oi.updated = NOW() where = %(item_id)s ''' % locals()) return json.dumps(None);
def import_raw(self, raw: str, force: bool): if not os.path.exists(raw):"%s: file not found" % raw) exit(1) self.initialise(force) utils.pend("copy disk image") utils.execute(['cp', raw, self.path_raw]) utils.ok()
def _removeRepos(self): (stdout, stderr) = utils.execute('sed -i /precise-updates/d /etc/apt/sources.list') if len(stderr) > 0: return stderr (stdout, stderr) = utils.execute('sed -i /precise-security/d /etc/apt/sources.list') if len(stderr) > 0: return stderr (stdout, stderr) = utils.execute('sed -i / /etc/apt/sources.list') if len(stderr) > 0: return stderr (stdout, stderr) = utils.execute('rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/stackops.list', check_exit_code=False) (stdout, stderr) = utils.execute('apt-get -y update', check_exit_code=False) return ''
def create(self, size: str, force: bool, **kwargs: dict): self.initialise(force) utils.pend("create %s%sB image" % (size, ('i', '')[size[-1] in '0123456789'])) utils.execute(['%s/qemu-img' % self.path_executable, 'create', '-f', 'raw', self.path_raw, size], msg="execute qemu-img") self.size = size utils.ok()
def patch_hybridcloud_files(): """Execute a shell script, do this things: 1. replace python code 2. update configuration files 3. install some dependence packages 4. restart component proc """ utils.execute(["dos2unix", os.path.join(CURRENT_PATH, "")]) utils.execute(["sh", os.path.join(CURRENT_PATH, "")])
def revoke_cert(project_id, file_name): """Revoke a cert by file name.""" start = os.getcwd() os.chdir(ca_folder(project_id)) # NOTE(vish): potential race condition here utils.execute('openssl', 'ca', '-config', './openssl.cnf', '-revoke', file_name) utils.execute('openssl', 'ca', '-gencrl', '-config', './openssl.cnf', '-out', FLAGS.crl_file) os.chdir(start)
def main(args): print("IREE handy-dandy-LLVM-submodule-updater at your service...") print(f" IREE Path: {args.repo}") print(f" LLVM Path: {args.llvm_path}") print(f" LLVM Bazel Path: {args.llvm_bazel_path}") print(f" TensorFlow Path: {args.tensorflow_path}") print(f" MLIR-HLO Path: {args.tensorflow_path}") current_llvm_commit = parse_rev(args.llvm_path, "HEAD") current_llvm_bazel_commit = parse_rev(args.llvm_bazel_path, "HEAD") current_tf_commit = parse_rev(args.tensorflow_path, "HEAD") current_mlir_hlo_commit = parse_rev(args.mlir_hlo_path, "HEAD") print("Current Commits:") print(f" llvm = {current_llvm_commit}") print(f" llvm_bazel = {current_llvm_bazel_commit}") print(f" tensorflow = {current_tf_commit}") print(f" mlir-hlo = {current_mlir_hlo_commit}") # Update LLVM-Bazel new_llvm_bazel_commit = find_new_llvm_bazel_commit(args.llvm_bazel_path, current_llvm_commit, args.llvm_bazel_rev) print(f"\n*** Updating LLVM Bazel to {new_llvm_bazel_commit} ***") utils.execute(["git", "checkout", new_llvm_bazel_commit], cwd=args.llvm_bazel_path) stage_path(args.repo, args.llvm_bazel_path) validate_llvm_bazel_commit(current_llvm_commit, args.llvm_bazel_path, exit_on_failure=args.validate) # Update TensorFlow new_tf_commit = find_new_commit_from_version_file( args.tensorflow_path, TF_LLVM_WORKSPACE_FILEPATH, current_llvm_commit, args.tensorflow_rev) print("\n*** Updating TensorFlow to", new_tf_commit, "***") utils.execute(["git", "checkout", new_tf_commit], cwd=args.tensorflow_path) stage_path(args.repo, args.tensorflow_path) validate_tf_commit(current_llvm_commit, args.tensorflow_path, exit_on_failure=args.validate) # Update MLIR-HLO new_mlir_hlo_commit = find_new_commit_from_version_file( args.mlir_hlo_path, MLIR_HLO_LLVM_VERSION_FILEPATH, current_llvm_commit, args.mlir_hlo_rev) print("\n*** Updating MLIR-HLO to", new_mlir_hlo_commit, "***") utils.execute(["git", "checkout", new_mlir_hlo_commit], cwd=args.mlir_hlo_path) stage_path(args.repo, args.mlir_hlo_path) validate_mlir_hlo_commit(current_llvm_commit, args.mlir_hlo_path, exit_on_failure=args.validate) # Export SUBMODULE_VERSIONS.txt. print() # Add line break. submodule_versions.export_versions(args.repo)
def import_versions(repo_dir): print("*** Importing versions to git submodule state") diff_versions = get_diff_versions(repo_dir) if not diff_versions: print("*** No submodule updates required") return for path, (current, written) in diff_versions.items(): if current is None: print(("Warning: Submodule %s does not exist but is " "still in the version file") % (path, )) continue if written is None: print("Warning: Submodule %s is not in the version file" % (current, )) continue # Directly update the submodule commit hash in the index. # See: command = [ "git", "update-index", "--cacheinfo", "160000", written, path ] print("Updating", path, "to", written) utils.execute(command, cwd=repo_dir)
def generate_vpn_files(project_id): project_folder = ca_folder(project_id) csr_fn = os.path.join(project_folder, 'server.csr') crt_fn = os.path.join(project_folder, 'server.crt') genvpn_sh_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'CA', '') if os.path.exists(crt_fn): return _ensure_project_folder(project_id) start = os.getcwd() os.chdir(ca_folder()) # TODO(vish): the shell scripts could all be done in python utils.execute('sh', genvpn_sh_path, project_id, _vpn_cert_subject(project_id)) with open(csr_fn, 'r') as csrfile: csr_text = (serial, signed_csr) = sign_csr(csr_text, project_id) with open(crt_fn, 'w') as crtfile: crtfile.write(signed_csr) os.chdir(start)
def generate_key_pair(bits=1024): # what is the magic 65537? tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() keyfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'temp') utils.execute('ssh-keygen', '-q', '-b', bits, '-N', '', '-t', 'rsa', '-f', keyfile) fingerprint = generate_fingerprint('' % (keyfile)) private_key = open(keyfile).read() public_key = open(keyfile + '.pub').read() shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) # code below returns public key in pem format # key = M2Crypto.RSA.gen_key(bits, 65537, callback=lambda: None) # private_key = key.as_pem(cipher=None) # bio = M2Crypto.BIO.MemoryBuffer() # key.save_pub_key_bio(bio) # public_key = # public_key, err = execute('ssh-keygen', '-y', '-f', # '/dev/stdin', private_key) return (private_key, public_key, fingerprint)
def download(self, src, dst): cmd = [ self.util, "--config-file", self.conf_file, "cp", "-f", f"{self.path}{src}", dst, ] ret, _ = utils.execute(cmd, print_cmd=True) if ret:"Download %s ", src)
def get_submodule_versions(repo_dir): raw_status = utils.execute(["git", "submodule", "status"], cwd=repo_dir, silent=True, capture_output=True).decode("UTF-8") status_lines = [] for line in raw_status.splitlines(): # Format is a status char followed by revision, space and path. m = re.match(r"""^.([0-9a-z]+)\s+([^\s]+)""", line) if m: # Output as just the commit hash followed by space and path. status_lines.append( + " " + return "\n".join(status_lines) + "\n"
def mode_query(session_dir, args): # Verify volume status cmd = ["gluster", 'volume', 'info', args.volume, "--xml"] _, data, _ = execute(cmd, exit_msg="Failed to Run Gluster Volume Info", logger=logger) try: tree = etree.fromstring(data) statusStr = tree.find('volInfo/volumes/volume/statusStr').text except (ParseError, AttributeError) as e: fail("Invalid Volume: %s" % e, logger=logger) if statusStr != "Started": fail("Volume %s is not online" % args.volume, logger=logger) mkdirp(session_dir, exit_on_err=True, logger=logger) mkdirp(os.path.join(session_dir, args.volume), exit_on_err=True, logger=logger) mkdirp(os.path.dirname(args.outfile), exit_on_err=True, logger=logger) # Configure cluster for pasword-less SSH ssh_setup(args) # Enable volume options for changelog capture enable_volume_options(args) # Start query command processing if args.since_time: start = args.since_time logger.debug("Query is called - Session: %s, Volume: %s, " "Start time: %s" % ("default", args.volume, start)) run_cmd_nodes("query", args, start=start) # Merger # Read each Changelogs db and generate finaldb create_file(args.outfile, exit_on_err=True, logger=logger) outfilemerger = OutputMerger(args.outfile + ".db", node_outfiles) write_output(args, outfilemerger) try: os.remove(args.outfile + ".db") except (IOError, OSError): pass run_cmd_nodes("cleanup", args) sys.stdout.write("Generated output file %s\n" % args.outfile) else: fail("Please specify --since-time option")
def is_reproducible(self, testcase, target_path): """Checks if the testcase reproduces. Args: testcase: The path to the testcase to be tested. target_path: The path to the fuzz target to be tested Returns: True if crash is reproducible and we were able to run the binary. Raises: ReproduceError if we can't attempt to reproduce the crash. """ if not os.path.exists(target_path): raise ReproduceError('Target %s not found.' % target_path) os.chmod(target_path, stat.S_IRWXO) target_dirname = os.path.dirname(target_path) command = ['docker', 'run', '--rm', '--privileged'] container = utils.get_container_name() if container: command += [ '--volumes-from', container, '-e', 'OUT=' + target_dirname, '-e', 'TESTCASE=' + testcase ] else: command += [ '-v', '%s:/out' % target_dirname, '-v', '%s:/testcase' % testcase ] command += [ '-t', docker.BASE_RUNNER_TAG, 'reproduce', self.target_name, '-runs=100' ]'Running reproduce command: %s.', ' '.join(command)) for _ in range(REPRODUCE_ATTEMPTS): _, _, returncode = utils.execute(command) if returncode != 0:'Reproduce command returned: %s. Reproducible on %s.', returncode, target_path) return True'Reproduce command returned 0. Not reproducible on %s.', target_path) return False
def node_cmd(host, host_uuid, task, cmd, args, opts): """ Runs command via ssh if host is not local """ try: localdir = is_host_local(host_uuid) # this is so to avoid deleting the ssh keys on local node which # otherwise cause ssh password prompts on the console (race conditions) # mode_delete() should be cleaning up the session tree if localdir and task == "delete": return pem_key_path = get_pem_key_path(args.session, args.volume) if not localdir: # prefix with ssh command if not local node cmd = ["ssh", "-oNumberOfPasswordPrompts=0", "-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-t", "-t", "-i", pem_key_path, "root@%s" % host] + cmd execute(cmd, exit_msg="%s - %s failed" % (host, task), logger=logger) if opts.get("copy_outfile", False) and not localdir: cmd_copy = ["scp", "-oNumberOfPasswordPrompts=0", "-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-i", pem_key_path, "root@%s:/%s" % (host, opts.get("node_outfile")), os.path.dirname(opts.get("node_outfile"))] execute(cmd_copy, exit_msg="%s - Copy command failed" % host, logger=logger) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(2)
def main(args): print("IREE handy-dandy-LLVM-submodule-updater at your service...") print(" IREE Path :", args.repo) print(" LLVM Path :", args.llvm) print(" TensorFlow Path :", args.tensorflow) print(" LLVM Bazel Path :", args.llvm_bazel) current_llvm_commit = get_commit(args.llvm) current_tensorflow_commit = get_commit(args.tensorflow) print("Current Commits: llvm =", current_llvm_commit, "tensorflow =", current_tensorflow_commit) # Update TensorFlow new_tf_commit = find_new_tf_commit(args.tensorflow, current_llvm_commit, args.tensorflow_commit) print("\n*** Updating TensorFlow to", new_tf_commit, "***") utils.execute(["git", "checkout", new_tf_commit], cwd=args.tensorflow) stage_path(args.repo, args.tensorflow) validate_tf_commit(current_llvm_commit, args.tensorflow, exit_on_failure=args.validate) new_llvm_bazel_commit = find_new_llvm_bazel_commit(args.llvm_bazel, current_llvm_commit, args.llvm_bazel_commit) print("\n*** Updating LLVM Bazel to", new_llvm_bazel_commit, "***") utils.execute(["git", "checkout", new_llvm_bazel_commit], cwd=args.llvm_bazel) stage_path(args.repo, args.llvm_bazel) validate_llvm_bazel_commit(current_llvm_commit, args.llvm_bazel, exit_on_failure=args.validate) # Export SUBMODULE_VERSIONS. print() # Add line break. submodule_versions.export_versions(args.repo)
def run(min_zoom, max_zoom, bbox_code, quality, only_tiles): bbox_code = bbox_code.upper() if not hasattr(bbox_cities, bbox_code): print('{} bbox code not found in'.format(minus)) sys.exit(-1) run_checks() if not os.path.isdir(TMP_DIR): os.mkdir(TMP_DIR) if not os.path.isdir(BUILD_DIR): os.mkdir(BUILD_DIR) compile_osm_styles(getattr(bbox_cities, bbox_code), min_zoom, max_zoom) filename = hashlib.md5('{}{}{}{}{}'.format(bbox_code, min_zoom, max_zoom, quality, if not only_tiles: make_initial_gpkg() render_tiles(getattr(bbox_cities, bbox_code), '{}/osm.xml'.format(STYLES_DIR), TILES_DIR, min_zoom, max_zoom, tms_scheme=True) print('{} tiles created'.format(plus)) make_gpkg_from_tiles(quality, filename) if not only_tiles: execute('ogr2ogr', '-f', 'GPKG', 'tmp/out.{}.gpkg'.format(filename), 'tmp/initial.gpkg', '-update', '-progress') shutil.copy('tmp/out.{}.gpkg'.format(filename), BUILD_DIR) print('{} Final gpkg moved to build dir'.format(plus))
def _clone(self): """Creates a clone of the repo in the specified directory. Raises: ValueError: when the repo is not able to be cloned. """ if not os.path.exists(self.base_dir): os.makedirs(self.base_dir) self.remove_repo() out, _, _ = utils.execute( ['git', 'clone', self.repo_url, self.repo_name], location=self.base_dir) if not self._is_git_repo(): raise ValueError('%s is not a git repo' % self.repo_url)
def checkout_commit(self, commit, clean=True): """Checks out a specific commit from the repo. Args: commit: The commit SHA to be checked out. Raises: RuntimeError: when checkout is not successful. ValueError: when commit does not exist. """ self.fetch_unshallow() if not self.commit_exists(commit): raise ValueError('Commit %s does not exist in current branch' % commit) utils.execute(['git', 'checkout', '-f', commit], self.repo_dir, check_result=True) if clean: utils.execute(['git', 'clean', '-fxd'], self.repo_dir, check_result=True) if self.get_current_commit() != commit: raise RuntimeError('Error checking out commit %s' % commit)
def run_nrpspredictor(seq_record, nrpsnames, nrpsseqs, options): #NRPSPredictor: extract AMP-binding + 120 residues N-terminal of this domain, extract 8 Angstrom residues and insert this into NRPSPredictor logging.getLogger('user_visible').info( "Predicting NRPS A domain substrate specificities by NRPSPredictor") with TemporaryDirectory(change=True): nrpsseqs_file = "nrpsseqs.fasta" NRPSPredictor2_dir = utils.get_full_path(__file__, "NRPSPredictor2") utils.writefasta(nrpsnames, nrpsseqs, nrpsseqs_file) #Get NRPSPredictor2 code predictions, output sig file for input for NRPSPredictor2 SVMs nrpscodepred.run_nrpscodepred(options) #Run NRPSPredictor2 SVM datadir = path.join(NRPSPredictor2_dir, 'data') libdir = path.join(NRPSPredictor2_dir, 'lib') jarfile = path.join(NRPSPredictor2_dir, 'build', 'NRPSpredictor2.jar') classpath = [ jarfile, '%s/java-getopt-1.0.13.jar' % libdir, '%s/Utilities.jar' % libdir, '%s/libsvm.jar' % libdir ] if sys.platform == ("linux2") or sys.platform == ("darwin"): java_separator = ":" elif sys.platform == ("win32"): java_separator = ";" commands = [ 'java', '-Ddatadir=%s' % datadir, '-cp', java_separator.join(classpath), 'org.roettig.NRPSpredictor2.NRPSpredictor2', '-i', 'input.sig', '-r', path.join( options.raw_predictions_outputfolder, "ctg" + str(options.record_idx) + '_nrpspredictor2_svm.txt'), '-s', '1', '-b', options.eukaryotic and '1' or '0' ] out, err, retcode = utils.execute(commands) if err != '': logging.debug('running nrpspredictor2 gave error %r' % err) #Copy NRPSPredictor results and move back to original directory try: os.remove( path.join( options.raw_predictions_outputfolder, "ctg" + str(options.record_idx) + "_nrpspredictor2_codes.txt")) except: pass shutil.move( "ctg" + str(options.record_idx) + "_nrpspredictor2_codes.txt", options.raw_predictions_outputfolder)
def node_cmd(host, host_uuid, task, cmd, args, opts): """ Runs command via ssh if host is not local """ localdir = is_host_local(host_uuid) pem_key_path = get_pem_key_path(args.session, args.volume) if not localdir: # prefix with ssh command if not local node cmd = ["ssh", "-i", pem_key_path, "root@%s" % host] + cmd execute(cmd, exit_msg="%s - %s failed" % (host, task), logger=logger) if opts.get("copy_outfile", False): cmd_copy = [ "scp", "-i", pem_key_path, "root@%s:/%s" % (host, opts.get("node_outfile")), os.path.dirname(opts.get("node_outfile")) ] execute(cmd_copy, exit_msg="%s - Copy command failed" % host, logger=logger)
def remove_image_sync(self, repo): cmd = [ "ctr", "-n", "", "-a", self.__address, "images", "rm", repo, "--sync", ] ret, out = utils.execute(cmd) assert ret
def run(self, program_file, harness_file): executable = self.compile(program_file, harness_file) if executable: run_cmd = self._get_run_cmd(executable) run_result = utils.execute(run_cmd, quiet=True, err_to_output=False) if utils.found_err(run_result): return [FALSE] else: return [UNKNOWN] else: return [ERROR]
def get_remote_url(self): """Return remote url.""" url = execute("git config --get remote.origin.url", self.dir) if url[0:8] == "https://": pass elif url[0:4] == "git@": # Remove git@ and .git in beginning/end and replace : with / url = url[4:-4] url = url.replace(":", "/") url = "https://" + url else: raise RuntimeWarning("No valid url found for remote origin.") return url
def execute(self, cmds, addl_env={}, check_exit_code=True): if not self._parent.root_helper: raise NameError("Sudo privilege is required to run this command.") ns_params = [] if self._parent.namespace: ns_params = ['ip', 'netns', 'exec', self._parent.namespace] env_params = [] if addl_env: env_params = (['env'] + ['%s=%s' % pair for pair in addl_env.items()]) return utils.execute(ns_params + env_params + list(cmds), root_helper=self._parent.root_helper, check_exit_code=check_exit_code)
def disable_local_mesh_bridge(bridge): iface_list = netifaces.interfaces() if bridge in iface_list: utils.execute('ifconfig', bridge, '') utils.execute('ip', 'link', 'set', bridge, 'down') filename = '/etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-%s' % bridge if os.path.isfile(filename): utils.execute('rm', '-f', filename)
def run(self, program_file, test_case): import klee klee_prepared_file = utils.get_prepared_name(program_file, c_version = 'gnu11' if not self.executable: compile_cmd = ['gcc'] compile_cmd += [ '-std={}'.format(c_version), "-L", klee.lib_dir, '-D__alias__(x)=', '-o', self.executable_name, klee_prepared_file, '-lkleeRuntest', '-lm' ] result = utils.execute(compile_cmd) if result.returncode != 0: c_version = 'gnu90' compile_cmd = ['gcc'] compile_cmd += [ '-std={}'.format(c_version), "-L", klee.lib_dir, '-D__alias__(x)=', '-o', self.executable_name, klee_prepared_file, '-lkleeRuntest', '-lm' ] self.executable = self.executable_name if not os.path.exists(self.executable_name): return [ERROR] curr_env = utils.get_env() curr_env['KTEST_FILE'] = test_case.origin result = utils.execute([self.executable], env=curr_env, err_to_output=False) if utils.found_err(result): return [FALSE] else: return [UNKNOWN]
def commit_exists(self, commit): """Checks to see if a commit exists in the project repo. Args: commit: The commit SHA you are checking. Returns: True if the commit exits in the project. """ if not commit.rstrip(): return False _, _, err_code = utils.execute(['git', 'cat-file', '-e', commit], self.repo_dir) return not err_code
def insert_purchase(): def get_db_time(): return """%d-%d-%d %d:%d""" % (TIME["year"], TIME["month"], TIME["day"], TIME["hour"], TIME["minute"]) found_good_pair = False while not found_good_pair: pair = _get_pair_customer_product() if pair not in _customer_product_pairs: _customer_product_pairs.append(pair) found_good_pair = True break if not found_good_pair: return purchase_customer_id = pair[0] purchase_product_id = pair[1] utils.execute( """INSERT INTO purchase (date_time, customer_id, product_id) VALUES ('{DB_TIME}', {PURCHASE_CUSTOMER_ID}, {PURCHASE_PRODUCT_ID});""" .format(DB_TIME=get_db_time(), PURCHASE_CUSTOMER_ID=purchase_customer_id, PURCHASE_PRODUCT_ID=purchase_product_id)) advance_time()
def check_postgresql_server(): if System.system_name in ( 'ubuntu', 'debian', ): command = [ 'sudo', 'su', 'postgres', '-c', 'psql -tAc "select version();"' ] exit_code, output = utils.execute(command, capture_output=True) if exit_code: System.postgresql_version = None # Not installed else: System.postgresql_version = output.split(' ')[1] elif System.system_name == 'darwin': command = ['psql', '-tAc', 'select version();'] exit_code, output = utils.execute(command, capture_output=True) if exit_code: System.postgresql_version = None # Not installed else: System.postgresql_version = output.split(' ')[ 1] # No need to remove \n else: raise NotImplementedError()
def mod_novnc(): astute = utils.get_astute() if astute: filename = '/etc/nova/nova.conf' orig_filename = filename + ".orig" if not os.path.exists(orig_filename): shutil.copyfile(filename, orig_filename) cf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() try: if not cf.has_section('cache'): cf.add_section('cache') cf.set('cache', 'enable', 'True') memcached_servers = cf.get('keystone_authtoken', 'memcached_servers') cf.set('cache', 'memcached_servers', memcached_servers) cf.set('DEFAULT', 'memcached_servers', memcached_servers) with open(filename, 'w') as configfile: cf.write(configfile)'%s created' % filename) utils.execute('service', 'nova-novncproxy', 'restart') utils.execute('service', 'nova-consoleauth', 'restart') except Exception: utils.reportError('Cannot set configurations to %s' % filename)
def upload(self, src, dst, force=False): if not self.stat(dst) or force: cmd = [ self.util, "--config-file", self.conf_file, "-f", "cp", src, f"{self.path}{dst}", ] ret, _ = utils.execute(cmd, print_output=True) assert ret if ret:"Object %s is uploaded", dst)
def ip(self, internal=True): if internal and self._internal_ip: return self._internal_ip if not internal and self._external_ip: return self._external_ip command = 'gcloud compute instances list --filter="name={}" ' \ '--format "get(networkInterfaces[0].{})"'.format(, 'networkIP' if internal else 'accessConfigs[0].natIP') desc = '{} {} IP address'.format( 'internal' if internal else 'external', ip = utils.execute(command, desc)() if internal: self._internal_ip = ip else: self._external_ip = ip return ip
def copy_files(self, dst_dirname): copy_file = lambda f: \ utils.execute('gcloud compute scp {}:epaxos/{} {} --zone {}'.format(, f, path.join(dst_dirname, f), ), '{}: copying metrics files'.format( processes = list(map(copy_file, self.metrics_filenames())) def handler(): for p in processes: p() return handler
def get_git_diff(self): """Gets a list of files that have changed from the repo head. Returns: A list of changed file paths or None on Error. """ self.fetch_unshallow() out, err_msg, err_code = utils.execute( ['git', 'diff', '--name-only', 'origin...'], self.repo_dir) if err_code: logging.error('Git diff failed with error message %s.', err_msg) return None if not out: logging.error('No diff was found.') return None return [line for line in out.splitlines() if line]
def run(args): """ perform log subcommand """ try: cmd = utils.kubectl_cmd(args) + [ "exec", "-nkadalu", "kadalu-csi-provisioner-0", "-c", "kadalu-provisioner", "--", "/kadalu/" ] resp = utils.execute(cmd) print(resp.stdout) print() except utils.CommandError as err: utils.command_error(cmd, err.stderr) except FileNotFoundError: utils.kubectl_cmd_help(args.kubectl_cmd)