コード例 #1
ファイル: planning.py プロジェクト: bcorfman/aima-python
 def refinements(hla, state, library):  # TODO - refinements may be (multiple) HLA themselves ...
     state is a Problem, containing the current state kb
     library is a dictionary containing details for every possible refinement. eg:
     'HLA': ['Go(Home,SFO)', 'Go(Home,SFO)', 'Drive(Home, SFOLongTermParking)', 'Shuttle(SFOLongTermParking, SFO)', 'Taxi(Home, SFO)'],
     'steps': [['Drive(Home, SFOLongTermParking)', 'Shuttle(SFOLongTermParking, SFO)'], ['Taxi(Home, SFO)'], [], [], []],
     # empty refinements ie primitive action
     'precond': [['At(Home), Have(Car)'], ['At(Home)'], ['At(Home)', 'Have(Car)'], ['At(SFOLongTermParking)'], ['At(Home)']],
     'effect': [['At(SFO)'], ['At(SFO)'], ['At(SFOLongTermParking)'], ['At(SFO)'], ['At(SFO)'], ['~At(Home)'], ['~At(Home)'], ['~At(Home)'], ['~At(SFOLongTermParking)'], ['~At(Home)']]
     e = Expr(hla.name, hla.args)
     indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(library['HLA']) if expr(x).op == hla.name]
     for i in indices:
         # TODO multiple refinements
         precond = []
         for p in library['precond'][i]:
             if p[0] == '~':
                 precond.append(expr('Not' + p[1:]))
         effect = []
         for e in library['effect'][i]:
             if e[0] == '~':
                 effect.append(expr('Not' + e[1:]))
         action = HLA(library['steps'][i][0], precond, effect)
         if action.check_precond(state.init, action.args):
             yield action
コード例 #2
def test_extend_example():
    assert list(test_network.extend_example({x: A, y: B}, expr('Conn(x, z)'))) == [
        {x: A, y: B, z: B}, {x: A, y: B, z: D}]
    assert list(test_network.extend_example({x: G}, expr('Conn(x, y)'))) == [{x: G, y: I}]
    assert list(test_network.extend_example({x: C}, expr('Conn(x, y)'))) == []
    assert len(list(test_network.extend_example({}, expr('Conn(x, y)')))) == 10
    assert len(list(small_family.extend_example({x: expr('Andrew')}, expr('Father(x, y)')))) == 2
    assert len(list(small_family.extend_example({x: expr('Andrew')}, expr('Mother(x, y)')))) == 0
    assert len(list(small_family.extend_example({x: expr('Andrew')}, expr('Female(y)')))) == 6
コード例 #3
ファイル: planning.py プロジェクト: bcorfman/aima-python
    def __init__(self, goals, initial_clauses=None):
        if initial_clauses is None:
            initial_clauses = []

        initial_clauses = [expr(c) if not isinstance(c, Expr) else c for c in initial_clauses]
        self.clause_set = frozenset(initial_clauses)

        goals = [expr(g) if not isinstance(g, Expr) else g for g in goals]
        self.goal_clauses = frozenset(goals)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_planning.py プロジェクト: Chipe1/aima-python
def test_have_cake_and_eat_cake_too():
    p = have_cake_and_eat_cake_too()
    assert p.goal_test() is False
    solution = [expr("Eat(Cake)"),

    for action in solution:

    assert p.goal_test()
コード例 #5
ファイル: planning.py プロジェクト: NeelShah18/aima-python
def test_three_block_tower():
    p = three_block_tower()
    assert p.goal_test() is False
    solution = [expr("MoveToTable(C, A)"),
                expr("Move(B, Table, C)"),
                expr("Move(A, Table, B)")]

    for action in solution:

    assert p.goal_test()
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_planning.py プロジェクト: Chipe1/aima-python
def test_spare_tire():
    p = spare_tire()
    assert p.goal_test() is False
    solution = [expr("Remove(Flat, Axle)"),
                expr("Remove(Spare, Trunk)"),
                expr("PutOn(Spare, Axle)")]

    for action in solution:

    assert p.goal_test()
コード例 #7
def test_double_tennis():
    p = double_tennis_problem()
    assert p.goal_test() is False

    solution = [expr("Go(A, RightBaseLine, LeftBaseLine)"),
                expr("Hit(A, Ball, RightBaseLine)"),
                expr("Go(A, LeftNet, RightBaseLine)")]

    for action in solution:

    assert p.goal_test()
コード例 #8
ファイル: logic.py プロジェクト: 99731/aima-python
def to_cnf(s):
    """Convert a propositional logical sentence to conjunctive normal form.
    That is, to the form ((A | ~B | ...) & (B | C | ...) & ...) [p. 253]
    >>> to_cnf('~(B | C)')
    (~B & ~C)
    s = expr(s)
    if isinstance(s, str):
        s = expr(s)
    s = eliminate_implications(s)  # Steps 1, 2 from p. 253
    s = move_not_inwards(s)  # Step 3
    return distribute_and_over_or(s)  # Step 4
コード例 #9
def test_new_clause():
    target = expr('Open(x, y)')
    examples_pos = [{x: B}, {x: A}, {x: G}]
    examples_neg = [{x: C}, {x: F}, {x: I}]
    clause = test_network.new_clause([examples_pos, examples_neg], target)[0][1]
    assert len(clause) == 1 and clause[0].op == 'Conn' and clause[0].args[0] == x
    target = expr('Flow(x, y)')
    examples_pos = [{x: B}, {x: D}, {x: E}, {x: G}]
    examples_neg = [{x: A}, {x: C}, {x: F}, {x: I}, {x: H}]
    clause = test_network.new_clause([examples_pos, examples_neg], target)[0][1]
    assert len(clause) == 2 and \
        ((clause[0].args[0] == x and clause[1].args[1] == x) or \
        (clause[0].args[1] == x and clause[1].args[0] == x))
コード例 #10
ファイル: planning.py プロジェクト: bcorfman/aima-python
 def from_action(cls, action):
     op = action.name
     args = action.args
     preconds = []
     for p in action.precond:
         precond_op = p.op.replace('Not', '~')
         precond_args = [repr(a) for a in p.args]
         preconds.append(expr(build_expr_string(precond_op, precond_args)))
     effects = []
     for e in action.effect:
         effect_op = e.op.replace('Not', '~')
         effect_args = [repr(a) for a in e.args]
         effects.append(expr(build_expr_string(effect_op, effect_args)))
     return cls(Expr(op, *args), preconds, effects)
コード例 #11
ファイル: planning.py プロジェクト: aimacode/aima-python
def have_cake_and_eat_cake_too():
    init = [expr('Have(Cake)')]

    def goal_test(kb):
        required = [expr('Have(Cake)'), expr('Eaten(Cake)')]
        for q in required:
            if kb.ask(q) is False:
                return False
        return True

    # Eat cake
    precond_pos = [expr('Have(Cake)')]
    precond_neg = []
    effect_add = [expr('Eaten(Cake)')]
    effect_rem = [expr('Have(Cake)')]
    eat_cake = Action(expr('Eat(Cake)'), [precond_pos, precond_neg], [effect_add, effect_rem])

    #Bake Cake
    precond_pos = []
    precond_neg = [expr('Have(Cake)')]
    effect_add = [expr('Have(Cake)')]
    effect_rem = []
    bake_cake = Action(expr('Bake(Cake)'), [precond_pos, precond_neg], [effect_add, effect_rem])

    return PDLL(init, [eat_cake, bake_cake], goal_test)
コード例 #12
ファイル: planning.py プロジェクト: bcorfman/aima-python
    def __init__(self, expression, preconds, effects):
        if isinstance(expression, str):
            expression = expr(expression)

        preconds = [expr(p) if not isinstance(p, Expr) else p for p in preconds]
        effects = [expr(e) if not isinstance(e, Expr) else e for e in effects]

        self.name = expression.op
        self.args = expression.args
        self.subst = None
        precond_neg, precond_pos = partition(preconds, is_negative_clause)
        self.precond_pos = set(precond_pos)
        self.precond_neg = set(e.args[0] for e in precond_neg)  # change the negative Exprs to positive for evaluation
        effect_rem, effect_add = partition(effects, is_negative_clause)
        self.effect_add = set(effect_add)
        self.effect_rem = set(e.args[0] for e in effect_rem)  # change the negative Exprs to positive for evaluation
コード例 #13
ファイル: logic.py プロジェクト: 99731/aima-python
def tt_true(s):
    """Is a propositional sentence a tautology?
    >>> tt_true('P | ~P')
    s = expr(s)
    return tt_entails(True, s)
コード例 #14
ファイル: planning.py プロジェクト: bcorfman/aima-python
 def __init__(self, action, precond, effect):
     if isinstance(action, str):
         action = expr(action)
     self.name = action.op
     self.args = action.args
     self.precond = self.convert(precond)
     self.effect = self.convert(effect)
コード例 #15
ファイル: logic.py プロジェクト: 99731/aima-python
def distribute_and_over_or(s):
    """Given a sentence s consisting of conjunctions and disjunctions
    of literals, return an equivalent sentence in CNF.
    >>> distribute_and_over_or((A & B) | C)
    ((A | C) & (B | C))
    s = expr(s)
    if s.op == '|':
        s = associate('|', s.args)
        if s.op != '|':
            return distribute_and_over_or(s)
        if len(s.args) == 0:
            return False
        if len(s.args) == 1:
            return distribute_and_over_or(s.args[0])
        conj = first(arg for arg in s.args if arg.op == '&')
        if not conj:
            return s
        others = [a for a in s.args if a is not conj]
        rest = associate('|', others)
        return associate('&', [distribute_and_over_or(c | rest)
                               for c in conj.args])
    elif s.op == '&':
        return associate('&', list(map(distribute_and_over_or, s.args)))
        return s
コード例 #16
def tt_true(s):
    """Is a propositional sentence a tautology?
    >>> tt_true('P | ~P')
    s = expr(s)
    return tt_entails(True, s)
コード例 #17
def distribute_and_over_or(s):
    """Given a sentence s consisting of conjunctions and disjunctions
    of literals, return an equivalent sentence in CNF.
    >>> distribute_and_over_or((A & B) | C)
    ((A | C) & (B | C))
    s = expr(s)
    if s.op == '|':
        s = associate('|', s.args)
        if s.op != '|':
            return distribute_and_over_or(s)
        if len(s.args) == 0:
            return False
        if len(s.args) == 1:
            return distribute_and_over_or(s.args[0])
        conj = first(arg for arg in s.args if arg.op == '&')
        if not conj:
            return s
        others = [a for a in s.args if a is not conj]
        rest = associate('|', others)
        return associate('&', [distribute_and_over_or(c | rest)
                               for c in conj.args])
    elif s.op == '&':
        return associate('&', list(map(distribute_and_over_or, s.args)))
        return s
コード例 #18
ファイル: test_planning.py プロジェクト: xzammy/aima-python
def test_action():
    precond = 'At(c, a) & At(p, a) & Cargo(c) & Plane(p) & Airport(a)'
    effect = 'In(c, p) & ~At(c, a)'
    a = Action('Load(c, p, a)', precond, effect)
    args = [expr("C1"), expr("P1"), expr("SFO")]
    assert a.substitute(expr("Load(c, p, a)"), args) == expr("Load(C1, P1, SFO)")
    test_kb = FolKB(conjuncts(expr('At(C1, SFO) & At(C2, JFK) & At(P1, SFO) & At(P2, JFK) & Cargo(C1) & Cargo(C2) & Plane(P1) & Plane(P2) & Airport(SFO) & Airport(JFK)')))
    assert a.check_precond(test_kb, args)
    a.act(test_kb, args)
    assert test_kb.ask(expr("In(C1, P2)")) is False
    assert test_kb.ask(expr("In(C1, P1)")) is not False
    assert test_kb.ask(expr("Plane(P2)")) is not False
    assert not a.check_precond(test_kb, args)
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_planning.py プロジェクト: xzammy/aima-python
def test_find_open_precondition():
    st = spare_tire()
    pop = PartialOrderPlanner(st)
    assert pop.find_open_precondition()[0] == expr('At(Spare, Axle)')
    assert pop.find_open_precondition()[1] == pop.finish
    assert pop.find_open_precondition()[2][0].name == 'PutOn'

    ss = socks_and_shoes()
    pop = PartialOrderPlanner(ss)
    assert (pop.find_open_precondition()[0] == expr('LeftShoeOn') and pop.find_open_precondition()[2][0].name == 'LeftShoe') or (pop.find_open_precondition()[0] == expr('RightShoeOn') and pop.find_open_precondition()[2][0].name == 'RightShoe')
    assert pop.find_open_precondition()[1] == pop.finish

    cp = have_cake_and_eat_cake_too()
    pop = PartialOrderPlanner(cp)
    assert pop.find_open_precondition()[0] == expr('Eaten(Cake)')
    assert pop.find_open_precondition()[1] == pop.finish
    assert pop.find_open_precondition()[2][0].name == 'Eat'
コード例 #20
def test_convert_angelic_HLA():
    Converts angelic HLA's into expressions that correspond to their actions
    ~ : Delete (Not)
    $+ : Possibly add (PosYes)
    $-: Possibly delete (PosNo)
    $$: Possibly add / delete (PosYesNo)
    ang1 = AngelicHLA('Test', precond=None, effect='~A')
    ang2 = AngelicHLA('Test', precond=None, effect='$+A')
    ang3 = AngelicHLA('Test', precond=None, effect='$-A')
    ang4 = AngelicHLA('Test', precond=None, effect='$$A')

    assert (ang1.convert(ang1.effect) == [expr('NotA')])
    assert (ang2.convert(ang2.effect) == [expr('PosYesA')])
    assert (ang3.convert(ang3.effect) == [expr('PosNotA')])
    assert (ang4.convert(ang4.effect) == [expr('PosYesNotA')])
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_planning.py プロジェクト: Chipe1/aima-python
def test_graph_call():
    pddl = spare_tire()
    negkb = FolKB([expr('At(Flat, Trunk)')])
    graph = Graph(pddl, negkb)

    levels_size = len(graph.levels)

    assert levels_size == len(graph.levels) - 1
コード例 #22
ファイル: test_planning.py プロジェクト: KrnTneja/aima-python
def test_graph_call():
    pdll = spare_tire()
    negkb = FolKB([expr('At(Flat, Trunk)')])
    graph = Graph(pdll, negkb)

    levels_size = len(graph.levels)

    assert levels_size == len(graph.levels) - 1
コード例 #23
def spare_tire_graphplan():
    pdll = spare_tire()
    negkb = FolKB([expr('At(Flat, Trunk)')])
    graphplan = GraphPlan(pdll, negkb)
    ##Not sure
    goals_pos = [expr('At(Spare, Axle)'), expr('At(Flat, Ground)')]
    goals_neg = []

    while True:
        if goal_test(graphplan.graph.levels[-1].poskb,
                     goals_pos) and graphplan.graph.non_mutex_goals(
                         goals_pos + goals_neg, -1):
            solution = graphplan.extract_solution(goals_pos, goals_neg, -1)
            if solution:
                return solution
        if len(graphplan.graph.levels) >= 2 and graphplan.check_leveloff():
            return None
コード例 #24
def test_new_literals():
    assert len(list(test_network.new_literals([expr('p | q'),
                                               [expr('p')]]))) == 8
    assert len(
        list(test_network.new_literals([expr('p'), [expr('q'),
                                                    expr('p | r')]]))) == 15
    assert len(list(small_family.new_literals([expr('p'), []]))) == 8
    assert len(list(small_family.new_literals([expr('p & q'), []]))) == 20
コード例 #25
ファイル: planning.py プロジェクト: bcorfman/aima-python
    def convert(self, clauses):
        """Converts strings into Exprs"""
        if isinstance(clauses, Expr):
            clauses = conjuncts(clauses)
            for i in range(len(clauses)):
                if clauses[i].op == '~':
                    clauses[i] = expr('Not' + str(clauses[i].args[0]))

        elif isinstance(clauses, str):
            clauses = clauses.replace('~', 'Not')
            if len(clauses) > 0:
                clauses = expr(clauses)

                clauses = conjuncts(clauses)
            except AttributeError:

        return clauses
コード例 #26
    def convert(self, clauses):
        """Converts strings into Exprs"""
        if isinstance(clauses, Expr):
            clauses = conjuncts(clauses)
            for i in range(len(clauses)):
                if clauses[i].op == '~':
                    clauses[i] = expr('Not' + str(clauses[i].args[0]))

        elif isinstance(clauses, str):
            clauses = clauses.replace('~', 'Not')
            if len(clauses) > 0:
                clauses = expr(clauses)

                clauses = conjuncts(clauses)
            except AttributeError:

        return clauses
コード例 #27
ファイル: planning.py プロジェクト: bcorfman/aima-python
    def convert(self, clauses):
        """Converts strings into exprs"""
        if not isinstance(clauses, Expr):
            if len(clauses) > 0:
                clauses = expr(clauses)
                clauses = []
            clauses = conjuncts(clauses)
        except AttributeError:
            clauses = clauses

        new_clauses = []
        for clause in clauses:
            if clause.op == '~':
                new_clauses.append(expr('Not' + str(clause.args[0])))
        return new_clauses
コード例 #28
def test_x_in_2_1_3():
    answer = kb.ask_generator(
        expr('Pert(x, (Ins(Two,Ins(One ,Ins(Three, EmptyList)))))'))
    for i in answer:
        if i == 0:
            assert i.x == 'Two'
        if i == 1:
            assert i.x == 'One'
        if i == 2:
            assert i.x == 'Three'
コード例 #29
    def test_inconsistent_support_mutex(self):
        self.assertFalse(PlanningGraph.inconsistent_support_mutex(self.pg, self.ns1, self.ns2),
                         "Independent node paths should NOT be inconsistent-support mutex")
        mutexify(self.na1, self.na2)
        self.assertTrue(PlanningGraph.inconsistent_support_mutex(self.pg, self.ns1, self.ns2),
                        "Mutex parent actions should result in inconsistent-support mutex")

        self.na6 = PgNode_a(Action(expr('Go(everywhere)'),
                                   [[], []], [[expr('At(here)'), expr('At(there)')], []]))
        mutexify(self.na1, self.na6)
        mutexify(self.na2, self.na6)
            self.pg, self.ns1, self.ns2),
            "If one parent action can achieve both states, should NOT be inconsistent-support mutex, even if parent actions are themselves mutex")
コード例 #30
ファイル: planning.py プロジェクト: nicdb/aima-python
    def convert(self, precond, effect):
        """Converts strings into Exprs"""

        precond = precond.replace('~', 'Not')
        if len(precond) > 0:
            precond = expr(precond)
        effect = effect.replace('~', 'Not')
        if len(effect) > 0:
            effect = expr(effect)

            precond = conjuncts(precond)
        except AttributeError:
            effect = conjuncts(effect)
        except AttributeError:

        return precond, effect
コード例 #31
def nested_tell_inner(KB, clause):
    """ Assert a clause and, when lhs(clause) is not null, also a set of implications where lhs is clause
        and rhs a derived clause producted by produce_clauses accordingly to a specific knowledge base."""
    if str(clause).find("==>") == -1:
        derived = []
        KB.produce_clauses(clause, derived)
        for derived_clause in derived:
            if unify(clause, derived_clause) is None:
                new_clause = str(clause) + " ==> " + str(derived_clause)
    if clause not in KB.clauses:
コード例 #32
def test_x_y_concat_1_2_3():
    answer = kb.ask_generator(
        expr('Concat(x, y, Ins(One, Ins(Two, Ins(Three, EmptyList))))'))
    for i in answer:
        if i == 0:
            assert i.x == 'EmptyList' and i.y == 'Ins(One, Ins(Two, Ins(Three, EmptyList)))'  # x == [] & y == [1,2,3]
        if i == 1:
            assert i.x == 'Ins(One, EmptyList)' and i.y == 'Ins(Two, Ins(Three, EmptyList))'  # x == [1] & y == [2,3]
        if i == 2:
            assert i.x == 'Ins(Two, Ins(One, EmptyList))' and i.y == 'Ins(Three, EmptyList)'  # x == [1,2] & y == [3]
        if i == 3:
            assert i.x == 'Ins(Three, Ins(Two, Ins(One, EmptyList)))' and i.y == 'EmptyList'  # x == [1,2,3] & y == []
コード例 #33
 def convert(self, clauses):
     """Converts strings into exprs"""
     if not isinstance(clauses, Expr):
         if len(clauses) > 0:
             clauses = expr(clauses)
             clauses = []
         clauses = conjuncts(clauses)
     except AttributeError:
         clauses = clauses
     return clauses
コード例 #34
ファイル: planning.py プロジェクト: lucasmoura/aima-python
def spare_tire_graphplan():
    pddl = spare_tire()
    negkb = FolKB([expr('At(Flat, Trunk)')])
    graphplan = GraphPlan(pddl, negkb)

    def goal_test(kb, goals):
        return all(kb.ask(q) is not False for q in goals)

    # Not sure
    goals_pos = [expr('At(Spare, Axle)'), expr('At(Flat, Ground)')]
    goals_neg = []

    while True:
        if (goal_test(graphplan.graph.levels[-1].poskb, goals_pos) and
                graphplan.graph.non_mutex_goals(goals_pos+goals_neg, -1)):
            solution = graphplan.extract_solution(goals_pos, goals_neg, -1)
            if solution:
                return solution
        if len(graphplan.graph.levels)>=2 and graphplan.check_leveloff():
            return None
コード例 #35
def test_SATPlan():
    spare_tire_solution = SATPlan(spare_tire(), 3)
    assert expr('Remove(Flat, Axle)') in spare_tire_solution
    assert expr('Remove(Spare, Trunk)') in spare_tire_solution
    assert expr('PutOn(Spare, Axle)') in spare_tire_solution

    cake_solution = SATPlan(have_cake_and_eat_cake_too(), 2)
    assert expr('Eat(Cake)') in cake_solution
    assert expr('Bake(Cake)') in cake_solution

    blocks_world_solution = SATPlan(simple_blocks_world(), 3)
    assert expr('ToTable(A, B)') in blocks_world_solution
    assert expr('FromTable(B, A)') in blocks_world_solution
    assert expr('FromTable(C, B)') in blocks_world_solution
コード例 #36
ファイル: planning.py プロジェクト: okdolly-001/AI-projects
 def refinements(
         hla, state, library
 ):  # TODO - refinements may be (multiple) HLA themselves ...
     state is a Problem, containing the current state kb
     library is a dictionary containing details for every possible refinement. eg:
     "HLA": [
         "Drive(Home, SFOLongTermParking)",
         "Shuttle(SFOLongTermParking, SFO)",
         "Taxi(Home, SFO)"
     "steps": [
         ["Drive(Home, SFOLongTermParking)", "Shuttle(SFOLongTermParking, SFO)"],
         ["Taxi(Home, SFO)"],
         [], # empty refinements ie primitive action
     "precond_pos": [
         ["At(Home), Have(Car)"],
         ["At(Home)", "Have(Car)"]
     "precond_neg": [[],[],[],[],[]],
     "effect_pos": [
     "effect_neg": [
     e = Expr(hla.name, hla.args)
     indices = [
         i for i, x in enumerate(library["HLA"]) if expr(x).op == hla.name
     for i in indices:
         action = HLA(
             [  # TODO multiple refinements
                 [expr(x) for x in library["precond_pos"][i]],
                 [expr(x) for x in library["precond_neg"][i]]
             [[expr(x) for x in library["effect_pos"][i]],
              [expr(x) for x in library["effect_neg"][i]]])
         if action.check_precond(state.kb, action.args):
             yield action
コード例 #37
def test_angelic_search():
    Test angelic search for problem, hierarchy, initialPlan
    prob_1 = Problem('At(Home) & Have(Cash) & Have(Car) ',
                     'At(SFO) & Have(Cash)',
                     [go_SFO, taxi_SFO, drive_SFOLongTermParking, shuttle_SFO])

    angelic_opt_description = Angelic_HLA('Go(Home, SFO)',
                                          effect='$+At(SFO) & $-At(Home)')
    angelic_pes_description = Angelic_HLA('Go(Home, SFO)',
                                          effect='$+At(SFO) & ~At(Home)')

    initialPlan = [
        Angelic_Node(prob_1.init, None, [angelic_opt_description],
    solution = Problem.angelic_search(prob_1, library_1, initialPlan)

    assert (len(solution) == 2)

    assert (solution[0].name == drive_SFOLongTermParking.name)
    assert (solution[0].args == drive_SFOLongTermParking.args)

    assert (solution[1].name == shuttle_SFO.name)
    assert (solution[1].args == shuttle_SFO.args)

    solution_2 = Problem.angelic_search(prob_1, library_2, initialPlan)

    assert (len(solution_2) == 2)

    assert (solution_2[0].name == 'Bus')
    assert (solution_2[0].args == (expr('Home'), expr('MetroStop')))

    assert (solution_2[1].name == 'Metro1')
    assert (solution_2[1].args == (expr('MetroStop'), expr('SFO')))
コード例 #38
def test_refinements():

    library = {
        'HLA': ['Go(Home,SFO)', 'Taxi(Home, SFO)'],
        'steps': [['Taxi(Home, SFO)'], []],
        'precond': [['At(Home)'], ['At(Home)']],
        'effect': [['At(SFO)'], ['At(SFO)'], ['~At(Home)'], ['~At(Home)']]

    go_SFO = HLA('Go(Home,SFO)',
                 effect='At(SFO) & ~At(Home)')
    taxi_SFO = HLA('Go(Home,SFO)',
                   effect='At(SFO) & ~At(Home)')

    prob = Problem('At(Home)', 'At(SFO)', [go_SFO, taxi_SFO])

    result = [i for i in Problem.refinements(go_SFO, prob, library)]
    assert (len(result) == 1)
    assert (result[0].name == 'Taxi')
    assert (result[0].args == (expr('Home'), expr('SFO')))
コード例 #39
def giveFeedback(studentState):
    feedback_kb = PropKB()
    # The implementation of .tell() is found in logic.py
    # def to_cnf(s): -> This takes in the string passed into .tell()
    # def eliminate_implications(s): -> This will parse the expressions and logic symbols
    # CorrectAnswer => (Message1 v Message2 v Message3 v Message7)
        'CorrectAnswer ==> (Message1 | Message2 | Message3 | Message7)')
    # ~CorrectAnswer => (Message4 v Message5 v Message6 v Message8)
        '~CorrectAnswer ==> (Message4 | Message5 | Message6 | Message8)')
    # (MasteredSkill & IncorrectAnswer) v (MasteredSkill & CorrectStreak) => IsBored
        '(MasteredSkill & ~CorrectAnswer) | (MasteredSkill & CorrectStreak) ==> IsBored'
    # NewSkill v IncorrectStreak => Message6
    feedback_kb.tell('NewSkill | IncorrectStreak ==> Message6')
    # (IncorrectStreak & CorrectAnswer) v (NewSkill & CorrectStreak) => NeedsEncouragement
        '(IncorrectStreak & CorrectAnswer) | (NewSkill & CorrectStreak) ==> NeedsEncouragement'
    # NeedsEncouragement => Message2 v Message4
    feedback_kb.tell('NeedsEncouragement ==> Message2 | Message4')
    # IsBored => Message3 v Message5
    feedback_kb.tell('IsBored ==> Message3 | Message5')
    # (NewSkill & CorrectAnswer) v CorrectStreak => Message1
    feedback_kb.tell('(NewSkill & CorrectAnswer) | CorrectStreak ==> Message1')

    message = "NONE FOUND"
    # Look for the correct message
    for m in message_arr:
        # print("Finding if " + m + " is TRUE in the KB")
        foundMessage = pl_resolution(feedback_kb, expr(m))
        if foundMessage:
            return message_lookup[m]
            feedback_kb.tell(expr("~" + m))
コード例 #40
def eliminate_implications(s):
    "Change implications into equivalent form with only &, |, and ~ as logical operators."
    if s == False:
        s = expr("F")
    if s == True:
        s = expr("T")
    s = expr(s)
    if not s.args or is_symbol(s.op):
        return s  # Atoms are unchanged.
    args = list(map(eliminate_implications, s.args))
    a, b = args[0], args[-1]
    if s.op == '==>':
        return b | ~a
    elif s.op == '<==':
        return a | ~b
    elif s.op == '<=>':
        return (a | ~b) & (b | ~a)
    elif s.op == '^':
        assert len(args) == 2  # TODO: relax this restriction
        return (a & ~b) | (~a & b)
        assert s.op in ('&', '|', '~')
        return Expr(s.op, *args)
コード例 #41
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: songzhengxuan/kata
def main():
    a = [i for i in range(10) if i % 2 == 1]
    b = [i for i in range(10, 16) if i % 2 == 1]
    c = [(i, j) for (i, j) in zip(a, b)]


    a = utils.expr('A & B')
    A = Expr('A')
    B = Expr('B')
    print(logic.pl_true(a, {A: True, B: True}))
コード例 #42
def test_extend_example():
    Create the extended examples of the given clause. 
    (The extended examples are a set of examples created by extending example 
    with each possible constant value for each new variable in literal.)
    assert len(list(small_family.extend_example({x: expr('Andrew')}, expr('Father(x, y)')))) == 2
    assert len(list(small_family.extend_example({x: expr('Andrew')}, expr('Mother(x, y)')))) == 0
    assert len(list(small_family.extend_example({x: expr('Andrew')}, expr('Female(y)')))) == 6
コード例 #43
ファイル: planning.py プロジェクト: lucasmoura/aima-python
 def refinements(hla, state, library): # TODO - refinements may be (multiple) HLA themselves ...
     state is a Problem, containing the current state kb
     library is a dictionary containing details for every possible refinement. eg:
     "HLA": [
         "Drive(Home, SFOLongTermParking)",
         "Shuttle(SFOLongTermParking, SFO)",
         "Taxi(Home, SFO)"
     "steps": [
         ["Drive(Home, SFOLongTermParking)", "Shuttle(SFOLongTermParking, SFO)"],
         ["Taxi(Home, SFO)"],
         [], # empty refinements ie primitive action
     "precond_pos": [
         ["At(Home), Have(Car)"],
         ["At(Home)", "Have(Car)"]
     "precond_neg": [[],[],[],[],[]],
     "effect_pos": [
     "effect_neg": [
     e = Expr(hla.name, hla.args)
     indices = [i for i,x in enumerate(library["HLA"]) if expr(x).op == hla.name]
     for i in indices:
         action = HLA(expr(library["steps"][i][0]), [ # TODO multiple refinements
                 [expr(x) for x in library["precond_pos"][i]],
                 [expr(x) for x in library["precond_neg"][i]]
                 [expr(x) for x in library["effect_pos"][i]],
                 [expr(x) for x in library["effect_neg"][i]]
         if action.check_precond(state.kb, action.args):
             yield action
コード例 #44
 def goal_test(kb):
     # print(kb.clauses)
     required = [expr('Has(C1, W1)'), expr('Has(C1, E1)'), expr('Inspected(C1)'),
                 expr('Has(C2, W2)'), expr('Has(C2, E2)'), expr('Inspected(C2)')]
     for q in required:
         # print(q)
         # print(kb.ask(q))
         if kb.ask(q) is False:
             return False
     return True
コード例 #45
ファイル: planning.py プロジェクト: lucasmoura/aima-python
 def goal_test(kb):
     # print(kb.clauses)
     required = [expr('Has(C1, W1)'), expr('Has(C1, E1)'), expr('Inspected(C1)'),
                 expr('Has(C2, W2)'), expr('Has(C2, E2)'), expr('Inspected(C2)')]
     for q in required:
         # print(q)
         # print(kb.ask(q))
         if kb.ask(q) is False:
             return False
     return True
コード例 #46
def test_tell():
    adds in the knowledge base a sentence
    assert smaller_family.ask(expr("Male(George)")) == {}
    assert smaller_family.ask(expr("Female(Mum)"))=={}
    assert not smaller_family.ask(expr("Female(George)"))
    assert not smaller_family.ask(expr("Male(Mum)"))
コード例 #47
def test_angelic_action():
    Finds the HLA actions that correspond to the HLA actions with angelic semantics 

    h1 : precondition positive: B                                  _______  (add A) or (add A and remove B)
         effect: add A and possibly remove B

    h2 : precondition positive: A                                  _______ (add A and add C) or (delete A and add C) or (add C) or (add A and delete C) or 
         effect: possibly add/remove A and possibly add/remove  C          (delete A and delete C) or (delete C) or (add A) or (delete A) or [] 

    h_1 = Angelic_HLA( expr('h1'), 'B' , 'A & $-B')
    h_2 = Angelic_HLA( expr('h2'), 'A', '$$A & $$C')
    action_1 = Angelic_HLA.angelic_action(h_1)
    action_2 = Angelic_HLA.angelic_action(h_2)
    assert ([a.effect for a in action_1] == [ [expr('A'),expr('NotB')], [expr('A')]] )
    assert ([a.effect for a in action_2] == [[expr('A') , expr('C')], [expr('NotA'),  expr('C')], [expr('C')], [expr('A'), expr('NotC')], [expr('NotA'), expr('NotC')], [expr('NotC')], [expr('A')], [expr('NotA')], [None] ] )
コード例 #48
def test_find_reachable_set():
    h_1 = AngelicHLA('h1', 'B', '$+A & $-B ')
    f_1 = HLA('h1', 'B', 'A & ~B')
    problem = RealWorldPlanningProblem('B', 'A', [f_1])
    reachable_set = {0: [problem.initial]}
    action_description = [h_1]

    reachable_set = RealWorldPlanningProblem.find_reachable_set(
        reachable_set, action_description)
    assert (reachable_set[1] == [[expr('A'), expr('NotB')], [expr('NotB')],
                                 [expr('B'), expr('A')], [expr('B')]])
コード例 #49
def test_find_reachable_set():
    h_1 = Angelic_HLA('h1', 'B', '$+A & $-B ')
    f_1 = HLA('h1', 'B', 'A & ~B')
    problem = Problem('B', 'A', [f_1])
    plan = Angelic_Node(problem.init, None, [h_1], [h_1])
    reachable_set = {0: [problem.init]}
    action_description = [h_1]

    reachable_set = Problem.find_reachable_set(reachable_set,
    assert (reachable_set[1] == [[expr('A'), expr('NotB')], [expr('NotB')],
                                 [expr('B'), expr('A')], [expr('B')]])
コード例 #50
def shopping_graphplan():
    pddl = shopping_problem()
    graphplan = GraphPlan(pddl)

    def goal_test(kb, goals):
        return all(kb.ask(q) is not False for q in goals)

    goals = expr('Have(Milk), Have(Banana), Have(Drill)')

    while True:
        if (goal_test(graphplan.graph.levels[-1].kb, goals) and graphplan.graph.non_mutex_goals(goals, -1)):
            solution = graphplan.extract_solution(goals, -1)
            if solution:
                return solution

        if len(graphplan.graph.levels) >= 2 and graphplan.check_leveloff():
            return None
コード例 #51
def socks_and_shoes_graphplan():
    pddl = socks_and_shoes()
    graphplan = GraphPlan(pddl)

    def goal_test(kb, goals):
        return all(kb.ask(q) is not False for q in goals)

    goals = expr('RightShoeOn, LeftShoeOn')

    while True:
        if (goal_test(graphplan.graph.levels[-1].kb, goals) and graphplan.graph.non_mutex_goals(goals, -1)):
            solution = graphplan.extract_solution(goals, -1)
            if solution:
                return solution

        if len(graphplan.graph.levels) >= 2 and graphplan.check_leveloff():
            return None
コード例 #52
ファイル: a2.py プロジェクト: alans2021/CS-1571
def predictSuccess(current_skills, equation):
    plan = solveEquation(equation)

    KnownKB = logic.FolKB()  # Create FOL knowledge base
    NeedKB = logic.FolKB()  # Create FOL knowledge base
    for skill in current_skills:
        KnownKB.tell(expr(skill + '(x)'))
    getNeededSkills(plan, NeedKB)

    for i in range(len(NeedKB.clauses) - 1, -1, -1):
        new_skill = NeedKB.clauses[i]
        for skill in KnownKB.clauses:
            if logic.unify(new_skill, skill) is not None:
    missing_skills = set()
    for clause in NeedKB.clauses:
    return list(missing_skills)
コード例 #53
ファイル: planning.py プロジェクト: bcorfman/aima-python
def socks_and_shoes_graphplan():
    pddl = socks_and_shoes()
    graphplan = GraphPlan(pddl)

    def goal_test(kb, goals):
        return all(kb.ask(q) is not False for q in goals)

    goals = expr('RightShoeOn, LeftShoeOn')

    while True:
        if (goal_test(graphplan.graph.levels[-1].kb, goals) and graphplan.graph.non_mutex_goals(goals, -1)):
            solution = graphplan.extract_solution(goals, -1)
            if solution:
                return solution

        if len(graphplan.graph.levels) >= 2 and graphplan.check_leveloff():
            return None
コード例 #54
ファイル: logic.py プロジェクト: 99731/aima-python
def eliminate_implications(s):
    "Change implications into equivalent form with only &, |, and ~ as logical operators."
    s = expr(s)
    if not s.args or is_symbol(s.op):
        return s  # Atoms are unchanged.
    args = list(map(eliminate_implications, s.args))
    a, b = args[0], args[-1]
    if s.op == '==>':
        return b | ~a
    elif s.op == '<==':
        return a | ~b
    elif s.op == '<=>':
        return (a | ~b) & (b | ~a)
    elif s.op == '^':
        assert len(args) == 2  # TODO: relax this restriction
        return (a & ~b) | (~a & b)
        assert s.op in ('&', '|', '~')
        return Expr(s.op, *args)
コード例 #55
ファイル: test_planning.py プロジェクト: Chipe1/aima-python
def test_air_cargo_2():
    p = air_cargo()
    assert p.goal_test() is False
    solution_2 = [expr("Load(C2, P2, JFK)"),
                 expr("Fly(P2, JFK, SFO)"),
                 expr("Unload (C2, P2, SFO)"),
                 expr("Load(C1 , P1, SFO)"),
                 expr("Fly(P1, SFO, JFK)"),
                 expr("Unload(C1, P1, JFK)")]

    for action in solution_2:

    assert p.goal_test()
コード例 #56
ファイル: planning.py プロジェクト: bcorfman/aima-python
def air_cargo_graphplan():
    """Solves the air cargo problem using GraphPlan"""

    pddl = air_cargo()
    graphplan = GraphPlan(pddl)

    def goal_test(kb, goals):
        return all(kb.ask(q) is not False for q in goals)

    goals = expr('At(C1, JFK), At(C2, SFO)')

    while True:
        if (goal_test(graphplan.graph.levels[-1].kb, goals) and graphplan.graph.non_mutex_goals(goals, -1)):
            solution = graphplan.extract_solution(goals, -1)
            if solution:
                return solution

        if len(graphplan.graph.levels) >= 2 and graphplan.check_leveloff():
            return None
コード例 #57
ファイル: planning.py プロジェクト: bcorfman/aima-python
def three_block_tower_graphplan():
    """Solves the Sussman Anomaly problem using GraphPlan"""

    pddl = three_block_tower()
    graphplan = GraphPlan(pddl)

    def goal_test(kb, goals):
        return all(kb.ask(q) is not False for q in goals)

    goals = expr('On(A, B), On(B, C)')

    while True:
        if (goal_test(graphplan.graph.levels[-1].kb, goals) and graphplan.graph.non_mutex_goals(goals, -1)):
            solution = graphplan.extract_solution(goals, -1)
            if solution:
                return solution

        if len(graphplan.graph.levels) >= 2 and graphplan.check_leveloff():
            return None
コード例 #58
ファイル: planning.py プロジェクト: bcorfman/aima-python
def have_cake_and_eat_cake_too_graphplan():
    """Solves the cake problem using GraphPlan"""

    pddl = have_cake_and_eat_cake_too()
    graphplan = GraphPlan(pddl)

    def goal_test(kb, goals):
        return all(kb.ask(q) is not False for q in goals)

    goals = expr('Have(Cake), Eaten(Cake)')

    while True:
        if (goal_test(graphplan.graph.levels[-1].kb, goals) and graphplan.graph.non_mutex_goals(goals, -1)):
            solution = graphplan.extract_solution(goals, -1)
            if solution:
                return [solution[1]]

        if len(graphplan.graph.levels) >= 2 and graphplan.check_leveloff():
            return None
コード例 #59
ファイル: planning.py プロジェクト: bcorfman/aima-python
def spare_tire_graphplan():
    """Solves the spare tire problem using GraphPlan"""

    pddl = spare_tire()
    graphplan = GraphPlan(pddl)

    def goal_test(kb, goals):
        return all(kb.ask(q) is not False for q in goals)

    goals = expr('At(Spare, Axle), At(Flat, Ground)')

    while True:
        if (goal_test(graphplan.graph.levels[-1].kb, goals) and graphplan.graph.non_mutex_goals(goals, -1)):
            solution = graphplan.extract_solution(goals, -1)
            if solution:
                return solution
        if len(graphplan.graph.levels) >= 2 and graphplan.check_leveloff():
            return None
コード例 #60
ファイル: logic.py プロジェクト: 99731/aima-python
def move_not_inwards(s):
    """Rewrite sentence s by moving negation sign inward.
    >>> move_not_inwards(~(A | B))
    (~A & ~B)"""
    s = expr(s)
    if s.op == '~':
        def NOT(b):
            return move_not_inwards(~b)
        a = s.args[0]
        if a.op == '~':
            return move_not_inwards(a.args[0])  # ~~A ==> A
        if a.op == '&':
            return associate('|', list(map(NOT, a.args)))
        if a.op == '|':
            return associate('&', list(map(NOT, a.args)))
        return s
    elif is_symbol(s.op) or not s.args:
        return s
        return Expr(s.op, *list(map(move_not_inwards, s.args)))