コード例 #1
    def filterAndDropSystematics(self,
        "include and exclude can be either a regex, a single value, or a list"
        nBefore = len(self.systematics)

        def is_regex(exp):
            return exp and '*' in exp

        def is_list(exp):
            return type(exp) == list

        def is_literal_list(exp):
            return (exp and ',' in exp)

        def is_single_value(exp):
            return exp and len(exp)

        def str_to_list(exp):
            return eval("['{0}']".format(exp))

        print 'type include ', type(include), ' type()==list: ', (
            type(include) == list)
        toBeIncluded = (
            [s for s in self.systematics
             if s in include] if is_list(include) else
            [s for s in self.systematics
             if s in str_to_list(include)] if is_literal_list(include) else
            filterWithRegexp(self.systematics, include) if is_regex(include)
            else str_to_list(include) if is_single_value(include) else self.
        toBeExcluded = (
            [s for s in self.systematics
             if s in exclude] if is_list(exclude) else
            [s for s in self.systematics
             if s in str_to_list(exclude)] if is_literal_list(exclude) else
            filterWithRegexp(self, systematics, exclude) if is_regex(exclude)
            else str_to_list(exclude) if is_single_value(exclude) else [])
        self.systematics = remove_duplicates(
            [s for s in toBeIncluded if s not in toBeExcluded])
        nAfter = len(self.systematics)
        if verbose:
            print "%s : dropped %d systematics, left with %s" % (
                self.name, nBefore - nAfter, str(self.systematics))
        assert self.systematics.count(
            'NOM') == 1 or not nBefore, "%s : 'NOM' required %s" % (
                self.name, str(self.systematics))
コード例 #2
ファイル: plot_emu.py プロジェクト: gerbaudo/SusyntHlfv
def parse_group_option(options=None, groups=[]):
    "Given a list of Group objects, filter them according to options.group and options.exclude_group"
    def is_regex(expr=''):
        regex_common_operators = '.^$*+?'
        return any(o in expr for o in regex_common_operators)
    def is_list(expr=''):
        return ',' in expr
    if options.group:
        group_opt = options.group
        if is_regex(group_opt):
            groups = utils.filterWithRegexp(groups, group_opt, lambda g: g.name)
        elif is_list(group_opt):
            group_list = group_opt.strip('[]').split(',')
            groups = [g for g in groups if g.name in group_list]
        else: # assume this is a single group
            groups = [g for g in groups if g.name==group_opt]
    if options.exclude_group:
        group_opt = options.exclude_group
        if is_regex(group_opt):
            print 'excludeWithRegexp ',group_opt
            groups = utils.excludeWithRegexp(groups, group_opt, lambda g: g.name)
        elif is_list(group_opt):
            group_list = group_opt.strip('[]').split(',')
            groups = [g for g in groups if g.name not in group_list]
        else: # assume this is a single group
            groups = [g for g in groups if g.name!=group_opt]
    if options.verbose:
        print "parse_group_option: selected ",list(g.name for g in groups)
    return groups
コード例 #3
def parse_group_option(options=None, groups=[]):
    "Given a list of Group objects, filter them according to options.group and options.exclude_group"

    def is_regex(expr=''):
        regex_common_operators = '.^$*+?'
        return any(o in expr for o in regex_common_operators)

    def is_list(expr=''):
        return ',' in expr

    if options.group:
        group_opt = options.group
        if is_regex(group_opt):
            groups = utils.filterWithRegexp(groups, group_opt,
                                            lambda g: g.name)
        elif is_list(group_opt):
            group_list = group_opt.strip('[]').split(',')
            groups = [g for g in groups if g.name in group_list]
        else:  # assume this is a single group
            groups = [g for g in groups if g.name == group_opt]
    if options.exclude_group:
        group_opt = options.exclude_group
        if is_regex(group_opt):
            print 'excludeWithRegexp ', group_opt
            groups = utils.excludeWithRegexp(groups, group_opt,
                                             lambda g: g.name)
        elif is_list(group_opt):
            group_list = group_opt.strip('[]').split(',')
            groups = [g for g in groups if g.name not in group_list]
        else:  # assume this is a single group
            groups = [g for g in groups if g.name != group_opt]
    if options.verbose:
        print "parse_group_option: selected ", list(g.name for g in groups)
    return groups
コード例 #4
def main():
    options = parse_options()
    exe = options.executable
    inputdf = options.input
    include = options.include_regexp
    exclude = options.exclude_regexp
    tag = options.tag
    verbose = options.verbose
    submit = options.submit

    datasets = dataset.build_all_datasets_from_dir_or_file(inputdf)
    datasets = utils.filterWithRegexp(
        datasets, include, lambda _: _.name) if include else datasets
    datasets = utils.excludeWithRegexp(
        datasets, exclude, lambda _: _.name) if exclude else datasets

    for dset in datasets:
        if not get_filelist(dset.name):
            print "# skipping (missing filelist) {0}".format(dset.name)
        script = get_batch_script(dset, options)
        if not script:
            if verbose:
                print "skipping (do-not-overwrite) {0}".format(dset.name)
        cmd = "sbatch %s" % script
        if verbose: print cmd
        if submit:
            out = utils.getCommandOutput(cmd)
            if verbose: print out['stdout']
    if not submit:
        print "This was a dry run; use '--submit' to actually submit the jobs"
コード例 #5
def get_list_of_syst_to_fill(opts):
    systematics = ['NOM']
    sysOption = opts.syst
    excludedSyst = opts.exclude
    anySys = sysOption == None
    if sysOption == 'fake' or anySys:
        systematics += systUtils.fakeSystVariations()
    if sysOption == 'object' or anySys:
        systematics += systUtils.mcObjectVariations()
    if sysOption == 'weight' or anySys:
        systematics += systUtils.mcWeightVariations()
    if sysOption and sysOption.count(','):
        systematics = [
            s for s in systUtils.getAllVariations()
            if s in sysOption.split(',')
    elif sysOption in systUtils.getAllVariations():
        systematics = [sysOption]
    elif not anySys and len(systematics) == 1 and sysOption != 'NOM':
        raise ValueError("Invalid syst %s" % str(sysOption))
    if excludedSyst:
        systematics = [
            s for s in systematics
            if s not in filterWithRegexp(systematics, excludedSyst)
    return systematics
コード例 #6
ファイル: makeList.py プロジェクト: PraderioM/SusyntHlfv
def main():
    options = parse_options()
    inputdf = options.input
    outdir = options.output_dir
    regexp = options.sample_regexp
    exclude = options.exclude_regexp
    tag = options.tag
    verbose = options.verbose
    debug = options.debug

    if debug: dataset.Dataset.verbose_parsing = True
    datasets = dataset.build_all_datasets_from_dir_or_file(inputdf)
    datasets = utils.filterWithRegexp(datasets, regexp,
                                      lambda _: _.name) if regexp else datasets
    datasets = utils.excludeWithRegexp(
        datasets, exclude, lambda _: _.name) if exclude else datasets
    counter = {'fail': 0, 'pass': 0}
    for d in datasets:
        outcome = 'pass' if d.build_filelist(gpatlas_dir(d, tag), outdir,
                                             verbose) else 'fail'
        counter[outcome] += 1
    if verbose:
        print "created %d filelists (%d failures)" % (counter['pass'],
コード例 #7
ファイル: plot_by_source.py プロジェクト: gerbaudo/SusyntHlfv
def regions_to_plot(include='.*', exclude=None, regions=None):
    selected_regions = selection_formulas().keys()
    if regions:
        selected_regions = [r for r in selected_regions if r in regions.split(',')]
    selected_regions = utils.filterWithRegexp(selected_regions, include)
    selected_regions = utils.excludeWithRegexp(selected_regions, exclude) if exclude else selected_regions
    return selected_regions
コード例 #8
def main(filename1, filename2, outdir, regexp, verbose) :
    # there are too many histos; by default compare only the ones vs. pt for few selections
    relevantHistograms = ['l_pt_den','l_pt_num']
    relevantSelections = ['CRPremT2','CR_SSInc','CR_WHSS','CRPremT2','CR_SSInc','CR_WHSS']
    outdir = outdir if outdir else guessOutdirFromInputs(filename1, filename2)
    if verbose : print "saving output plots to '%s'"%outdir
    file1, file2 = r.TFile.Open(filename1), r.TFile.Open(filename2)
    histonames1 = getAllHistoNames(file1, onlyTH1=True)
    histonames2 = getAllHistoNames(file2, onlyTH1=True)
    if verbose :
        print '\n'.join(["%s: %d histograms"%(f, len(hs))
                         for f, hs in [(filename1, histonames1), (filename2, histonames2)]])
    commonHistos = [h for h in histonames1 if h in histonames2]
    def diff(a, b) : return list(set(a)-set(b))
    if len(commonHistos)!=len(histonames2) :
        missFrom1, missFrom2 = diff(histonames2, histonames1), diff(histonames1, histonames2)
        print ('histograms not in common:\n'
               +"%d missing from %s\n"%(len(missFrom1), filename1)
               +"%d missing from %s\n"%(len(missFrom2), filename2)
    label1, label2 = labelFromFilename(filename1), labelFromFilename(filename2)
    commonHistos = (filterWithRegexp(commonHistos, regexp) if regexp is not None
                    else filter(lambda h:
                                any(s in h for s in relevantHistograms) and
                                any(s in h for s in relevantSelections),
    canvas = r.TCanvas('diff_fakeMatrix','diff_fakeMatrix')
    for h in commonHistos :
        outname = outdir+'/'+h
        h1, h2 = file1.Get(h), file2.Get(h)
        plotComparison(h1, h2, canvas, outname, label1, label2, verbose)
コード例 #9
ファイル: submitJobs.py プロジェクト: gerbaudo/SusyntHlfv
def main():
    options = parse_options()
    exe     = options.executable
    inputdf = options.input
    include = options.include_regexp
    exclude = options.exclude_regexp
    tag     = options.tag
    verbose = options.verbose
    submit  = options.submit

    datasets = dataset.build_all_datasets_from_dir_or_file(inputdf)
    datasets = utils.filterWithRegexp (datasets, include, lambda _: _.name) if include else datasets
    datasets = utils.excludeWithRegexp(datasets, exclude, lambda _: _.name) if exclude else datasets

    for dset in datasets :
        if not get_filelist(dset.name):
            print "# skipping (missing filelist) {0}".format(dset.name)
        script = get_batch_script(dset, options)
        if not script:
            if verbose : print "skipping (do-not-overwrite) {0}".format(dset.name)
        cmd = "sbatch %s" % script
        if verbose : print cmd
        if submit :
            out = utils.getCommandOutput(cmd)
            if verbose : print out['stdout']
    if not submit : print "This was a dry run; use '--submit' to actually submit the jobs"
コード例 #10
def regions_to_plot(include='.*', exclude=None, regions=None):
    selected_regions = selection_formulas().keys()
    if regions:
        selected_regions = [
            r for r in selected_regions if r in regions.split(',')
    selected_regions = utils.filterWithRegexp(selected_regions, include)
    selected_regions = utils.excludeWithRegexp(
        selected_regions, exclude) if exclude else selected_regions
    return selected_regions
コード例 #11
 def filterAndDropSystematics(self, include='.*', exclude=None, verbose=False) :
     nBefore = len(self.systematics)
     anyFilter = include or exclude
     toBeExcluded = filter(self,systematics, exclude) if exclude else []
     systs = ['NOM'] if 'NOM' in self.systematics else []
     if include : systs += filterWithRegexp(self.systematics, include)
     if exclude : systs  = [s for s in systs if toBeExcluded and s not in toBeExcluded]
     self.systematics = systs if anyFilter else self.systematics
     self.systematics = remove_duplicates(self.systematics)
     nAfter = len(self.systematics)
     if verbose : print "%s : dropped %d systematics, left with %s"%(self.name, nBefore-nAfter, str(self.systematics))
     assert self.systematics.count('NOM')==1 or not nBefore, "%s : 'NOM' required %s"%(self.name, str(self.systematics))
コード例 #12
ファイル: systUtils.py プロジェクト: gerbaudo/susynt-ss3l
 def filterAndDropSystematics(self, include='.*', exclude=None, verbose=False) :
     "include and exclude can be either a regex, a single value, or a list"
     nBefore = len(self.systematics)
     def is_regex(exp) : return exp and '*' in exp
     def is_list(exp) : return type(exp)==list
     def is_literal_list(exp) : return (exp and ',' in exp)
     def is_single_value(exp) : return exp and len(exp)
     def str_to_list(exp) : return eval("['{0}']".format(exp))
     print 'type include ',type(include),' type()==list: ',(type(include)==list)
     toBeIncluded = ([s for s in self.systematics if s in include] if is_list(include) else
                     [s for s in self.systematics if s in str_to_list(include)] if is_literal_list(include) else
                     filterWithRegexp(self.systematics, include) if is_regex(include) else
                     str_to_list(include) if is_single_value(include) else
     toBeExcluded = ([s for s in self.systematics if s in exclude] if is_list(exclude) else
                     [s for s in self.systematics if s in str_to_list(exclude)] if is_literal_list(exclude) else
                     filterWithRegexp(self,systematics, exclude) if is_regex(exclude) else
                     str_to_list(exclude) if is_single_value(exclude) else
     self.systematics = remove_duplicates([s for s in toBeIncluded if s not in toBeExcluded])
     nAfter = len(self.systematics)
     if verbose : print "%s : dropped %d systematics, left with %s"%(self.name, nBefore-nAfter, str(self.systematics))
     assert self.systematics.count('NOM')==1 or not nBefore, "%s : 'NOM' required %s"%(self.name, str(self.systematics))
コード例 #13
def runFill(opts) :
    batchMode    = opts.batch
    inputFakeDir = opts.input_fake
    inputGenDir  = opts.input_gen
    outputDir    = opts.output_dir
    sysOption    = opts.syst
    excludedSyst = opts.exclude
    verbose      = opts.verbose

    if verbose : print "filling histos"
    systematics = ['NOM']
    anySys = sysOption==None
    if sysOption=='fake'   or anySys : systematics += systUtils.fakeSystVariations()
    if sysOption=='object' or anySys : systematics += systUtils.mcObjectVariations()
    if sysOption=='weight' or anySys : systematics += systUtils.mcWeightVariations()
    if sysOption and sysOption.count(',') : systematics = [s for s in systUtils.getAllVariations() if s in sysOption.split(',')]
    elif sysOption in systUtils.getAllVariations() : systematics = [sysOption]
    elif not anySys and len(systematics)==1 and sysOption!='NOM' : raise ValueError("Invalid syst %s"%str(sysOption))
    if excludedSyst : systematics = [s for s in systematics if s not in filterWithRegexp(systematics, excludedSyst)]

    if verbose : print "about to loop over these systematics:\n %s"%str(systematics)
    for syst in systematics :
        if batchMode :
            newOptions  = " --input-gen %s" % opts.input_gen
            newOptions += " --input-fake %s" % opts.input_fake
            newOptions += " --output-dir %s" % opts.output_dir
            newOptions += " --verbose %s" % opts.verbose
            newOptions += " --syst %s" % syst
            template = 'batch/templates/check_hft_fill.sh.template'
            script = "batch/hft_%s.sh"%syst
            scriptFile = open(script, 'w')
                             .replace('%(opt)s', newOptions)
                             .replace('%(logfile)s', 'log/hft/fill_'+syst+'.log')
                             .replace('%(jobname)s', 'fill_'+syst))
            cmd = "sbatch %s"%script
            if verbose : print cmd
            out = getCommandOutput(cmd)
            if verbose : print out['stdout']
            if out['stderr'] : print  out['stderr']
        if verbose : print '---- filling ',syst
        samplesPerGroup = allSamplesAllGroups()
        [s.setSyst(syst) for g, samples in samplesPerGroup.iteritems() for s in samples]
        counters, histos = countAndFillHistos(samplesPerGroup=samplesPerGroup, syst=syst, verbose=verbose, outdir=outputDir)
        saveHistos(samplesPerGroup, histos, outputDir, verbose)
コード例 #14
def optimizeSelection() :
    inputdir, options = parseOptions()

    print 'sigreg ',options.sigreg
    tag = pickTag(inputdir, options)
    sigFiles, bkgFiles = getInputFilenames(inputdir, tag, options) # todo: filter with regexp
    sigFiles = dict([(s, k) for s, k in sigFiles.iteritems() if s in filterWithRegexp(sigFiles.keys(), options.sigreg)])
    allSamples = dictSum(sigFiles, bkgFiles)
    vars = variablesToPlot()
    histos = bookHistos(vars, allSamples.keys(), options.ll, options.nj)
    counts = fillHistosAndCount(histos, dictSum(sigFiles, bkgFiles), options.ll, options.nj, options.quicktest)
    bkgHistos = dict((s, h) for s, h in histos.iteritems() if s in bkgFiles.keys())
    sigHistos = dict((s, h) for s, h in histos.iteritems() if s in sigFiles.keys())
    plotHistos(bkgHistos, sigHistos, options.plotdir)
    printSummary(counts, options.summary)
コード例 #15
ファイル: plot_emu.py プロジェクト: gerbaudo/SusyntHlfv
def get_list_of_syst_to_fill(opts):
    systematics = ['NOM']
    sysOption    = opts.syst
    excludedSyst = opts.exclude
    anySys       = sysOption==None
    if sysOption=='fake'   or anySys : systematics += systUtils.fakeSystVariations()
    if sysOption=='object' or anySys : systematics += systUtils.mcObjectVariations()
    if sysOption=='weight' or anySys : systematics += systUtils.mcWeightVariations()
    if sysOption and sysOption.count(','):
        systematics = [s for s in systUtils.getAllVariations() if s in sysOption.split(',')]
    elif sysOption in systUtils.getAllVariations(): systematics = [sysOption]
    elif not anySys and len(systematics)==1 and sysOption!='NOM':
        raise ValueError("Invalid syst %s"%str(sysOption))
    if excludedSyst:
        systematics = [s for s in systematics if s not in filterWithRegexp(systematics, excludedSyst)]
    return systematics
コード例 #16
ファイル: plot_emu.py プロジェクト: gerbaudo/SusyntHlfv
def regions_to_plot(include='.*', exclude=None, regions=''):
    "include and exclude are regexp; regions is a string with either one region or a comma-separated list of regions"
    # return ['vr_emu_mue_ss'] # test to debug fake
    # return ['vr_emu_ss_razor']
    # return [k for k in selection_formulas().keys() if ('vr' in k and 'ss' in k)] # test to debug fake
    # return [k for k in selection_formulas().keys() if 'vr' not in k] # tmp until I have vrs
    # return [k for k in selection_formulas().keys() if 'sr' in k] # tmp dbg
    # used to be the default:
    # ['sr_emu_os', 'sr_mue_os', 'vr_emu_os', 'vr_mue_os',
    #  'sr_emu_ss', 'sr_mue_ss', 'vr_emu_ss', 'vr_mue_ss',
    #  'ext_mumu_ss', 'ext_emu_mue_ss', 'ext_emu_pt0_40_ss', 'ext_mue_pt0_40_ss', 'ext_mumu_pt0_40_ss',
    #  'sr_mue_os_low_pt1_15'
    #  ]
    selected_regions = selection_formulas().keys()
    if regions:
        regions = regions if type(regions)==list else regions.split(',') if ',' in regions else [regions] # if it's a comma-sep string, convert it to list
        selected_regions = [r for r in selected_regions if r in regions]
    selected_regions = utils.filterWithRegexp(selected_regions, include)
    selected_regions = utils.excludeWithRegexp(selected_regions, exclude) if exclude else selected_regions
    return selected_regions
コード例 #17
def main(filename1, filename2, outdir, regexp, verbose):
    # there are too many histos; by default compare only the ones vs. pt for few selections
    relevantHistograms = ['l_pt_den', 'l_pt_num']
    relevantSelections = [
        'CRPremT2', 'CR_SSInc', 'CR_WHSS', 'CRPremT2', 'CR_SSInc', 'CR_WHSS'
    outdir = outdir if outdir else guessOutdirFromInputs(filename1, filename2)
    if verbose: print "saving output plots to '%s'" % outdir
    file1, file2 = r.TFile.Open(filename1), r.TFile.Open(filename2)
    histonames1 = getAllHistoNames(file1, onlyTH1=True)
    histonames2 = getAllHistoNames(file2, onlyTH1=True)
    if verbose:
        print '\n'.join([
            "%s: %d histograms" % (f, len(hs))
            for f, hs in [(filename1, histonames1), (filename2, histonames2)]
    commonHistos = [h for h in histonames1 if h in histonames2]

    def diff(a, b):
        return list(set(a) - set(b))

    if len(commonHistos) != len(histonames2):
        missFrom1, missFrom2 = diff(histonames2,
                                    histonames1), diff(histonames1,
        print('histograms not in common:\n' + "%d missing from %s\n" %
              (len(missFrom1), filename1)
              + "%d missing from %s\n" % (len(missFrom2), filename2)
    label1, label2 = labelFromFilename(filename1), labelFromFilename(filename2)
    commonHistos = (filterWithRegexp(commonHistos, regexp)
                    if regexp is not None else filter(
                        lambda h: any(s in h for s in relevantHistograms) and
                        any(s in h for s in relevantSelections), commonHistos))
    canvas = r.TCanvas('diff_fakeMatrix', 'diff_fakeMatrix')
    for h in commonHistos:
        outname = outdir + '/' + h
        h1, h2 = file1.Get(h), file2.Get(h)
        plotComparison(h1, h2, canvas, outname, label1, label2, verbose)
コード例 #18
ファイル: makeList.py プロジェクト: gerbaudo/susynt-ss3l
def main():
    options = parse_options()
    inputdf = options.input
    outdir  = options.output_dir
    regexp  = options.sample_regexp
    exclude = options.exclude_regexp
    tag     = options.tag
    verbose = options.verbose
    debug   = options.debug

    if debug : dataset.Dataset.verbose_parsing = True
    datasets = dataset.build_all_datasets_from_dir_or_file(inputdf)
    datasets = utils.filterWithRegexp (datasets, regexp, lambda _: _.name) if regexp else datasets
    datasets = utils.excludeWithRegexp(datasets, exclude, lambda _: _.name) if exclude else datasets
    counter = {'fail':0, 'pass':0}
    for d in datasets:
        outcome = 'pass' if  d.build_filelist(gpatlas_dir(d, tag), outdir, verbose) else 'fail'
        counter[outcome] += 1
    if verbose:
        print "created %d filelists (%d failures)" % (counter['pass'], counter['fail'])
コード例 #19
def regions_to_plot(include='.*', exclude=None, regions=''):
    "include and exclude are regexp; regions is a string with either one region or a comma-separated list of regions"
    # return ['vr_emu_mue_ss'] # test to debug fake
    # return ['vr_emu_ss_razor']
    # return [k for k in selection_formulas().keys() if ('vr' in k and 'ss' in k)] # test to debug fake
    # return [k for k in selection_formulas().keys() if 'vr' not in k] # tmp until I have vrs
    # return [k for k in selection_formulas().keys() if 'sr' in k] # tmp dbg
    # used to be the default:
    # ['sr_emu_os', 'sr_mue_os', 'vr_emu_os', 'vr_mue_os',
    #  'sr_emu_ss', 'sr_mue_ss', 'vr_emu_ss', 'vr_mue_ss',
    #  'ext_mumu_ss', 'ext_emu_mue_ss', 'ext_emu_pt0_40_ss', 'ext_mue_pt0_40_ss', 'ext_mumu_pt0_40_ss',
    #  'sr_mue_os_low_pt1_15'
    #  ]
    selected_regions = selection_formulas().keys()
    if regions:
        regions = regions if type(
            regions) == list else regions.split(',') if ',' in regions else [
            ]  # if it's a comma-sep string, convert it to list
        selected_regions = [r for r in selected_regions if r in regions]
    selected_regions = utils.filterWithRegexp(selected_regions, include)
    selected_regions = utils.excludeWithRegexp(
        selected_regions, exclude) if exclude else selected_regions
    return selected_regions
コード例 #20
    if fakerate : return 'fakerate'
    if fakepred : return 'fakepred'
def formAndCreateOutdir(basedir, subdir) :
    d = basedir+'/'+subdir
    if not os.path.isdir(d)  : os.makedirs(d)
    return d
outdir = formAndCreateOutdir('out/', subdir())
logdir = formAndCreateOutdir('log/', subdir())
batdir = formAndCreateOutdir(scriptDir, subdir())
inputTemplate = "filelist/%(sample)s.txt"
outScriptTemplate = "%(batdir)s/%(sample)s.sh"
outRootTemplate   = "%(outdir)s/%(sample)s_%(tag)s.root"
outLogTemplate    = "%(logdir)s/%(sample)s_%(tag)s.log"

sampleNames   = [d.name for d in datasets if not d.placeholder or alsoph]
sampleNames   = filterWithRegexp(sampleNames, regexp)
excludedNames = [] if exclude is None else filterWithRegexp(sampleNames, exclude)
sampleNames   = [s for s in sampleNames if s not in excludedNames]
def listExists(dset='', flistDir='./filelist') : return os.path.exists(flistDir+'/'+dset+'.txt')
def fillInScriptTemplate(sample, input, output, otherOptions, outScript, scriptTemplate) :
    options  = otherOptions
    options += ' --WH-sample' if 'WH' in sample else ''
    outFile = open(outScript, 'w')
    for line in open(scriptTemplate).readlines() :
        line = line.replace('${inp}', input)
        line = line.replace('${out}', output)
        line = line.replace('${opt}', options)
        line = line.replace('${sample}', sample)
コード例 #21
def runPlot(opts) :
    inputDir     = opts.input_dir
    outputDir    = opts.output_dir
    sysOption    = opts.syst
    excludedSyst = opts.exclude
    verbose      = opts.verbose
    buildTotBkg = systUtils.buildTotBackgroundHisto
    buildStat = systUtils.buildStatisticalErrorBand
    buildSyst = systUtils.buildSystematicErrorBand

    groups = allGroups()
    selections = allRegions()
    variables = variablesToPlot()
    for group in groups :
        group.filterAndDropSystematics(sysOption, excludedSyst, verbose)

    systematics = ['NOM']
    anySys = sysOption==None
    if sysOption=='fake'   or anySys : systematics += systUtils.fakeSystVariations()
    if sysOption=='object' or anySys : systematics += systUtils.mcObjectVariations()
    if sysOption=='weight' or anySys : systematics += systUtils.mcWeightVariations()
    if sysOption and sysOption.count(',') : systematics = [s for s in systUtils.getAllVariations() if s in sysOption.split(',')]
    elif sysOption in systUtils.getAllVariations() : systematics = [sysOption]
    if not anySys and len(systematics)==1 and sysOption!='NOM' : raise ValueError("Invalid syst %s"%str(sysOption))
    if excludedSyst : systematics = [s for s in systematics if s not in filterWithRegexp(systematics, excludedSyst)]
    if verbose : print "using the following systematics : %s"%str(systematics)

    fakeSystematics = [s for s in systematics if s in systUtils.fakeSystVariations()]
    mcSystematics = [s for s in systematics if s in systUtils.mcObjectVariations() + systUtils.mcWeightVariations()]

    simBkgs = [g for g in groups if g.isMcBkg]
    data, fake, signal = findByName(groups, 'data'), findByName(groups, 'fake'), findByName(groups, 'signal')

    for sel in selections :
        if verbose : print '-- plotting ',sel
        for var in variables :
            if verbose : print '---- plotting ',var
            for g in groups : g.setSystNominal()
            nominalHistoData    = data.getHistogram(variable=var, selection=sel, cacheIt=True)
            nominalHistoSign    = signal.getHistogram(variable=var, selection=sel, cacheIt=True)
            nominalHistoFakeBkg = fake.getHistogram(variable=var, selection=sel, cacheIt=True)
            nominalHistosSimBkg = dict([(g.name, g.getHistogram(variable=var, selection=sel, cacheIt=True)) for g in simBkgs])
            nominalHistosBkg    = dict([('fake', nominalHistoFakeBkg)] + [(g, h) for g, h in nominalHistosSimBkg.iteritems()])
            nominalHistoTotBkg  = buildTotBkg(histoFakeBkg=nominalHistoFakeBkg, histosSimBkgs=nominalHistosSimBkg)
            statErrBand = buildStat(nominalHistoTotBkg)
            systErrBand = buildSyst(fake=fake, simBkgs=simBkgs, variable=var, selection=sel,
                                    fakeVariations=fakeSystematics, mcVariations=mcSystematics, verbose=verbose)

            plotHistos(histoData=nominalHistoData, histoSignal=nominalHistoSign, histoTotBkg=nominalHistoTotBkg,
                       statErrBand=statErrBand, systErrBand=systErrBand,
                       canvasName=(sel+'_'+var), outdir=outputDir, verbose=verbose)
    for group in groups :
        summary = group.variationsSummary()
        for selection, summarySel in summary.iteritems() :
            colW = str(12)
            header = ' '.join([('%'+colW+'s')%colName for colName in ['variation', 'yield', 'delta[%]']])
            lineTemplate = '%(sys)'+colW+'s'+'%(counts)'+colW+'s'+'%(delta)'+colW+'s'
            print "---- summary of variations for %s ----" % group.name
            print "---             %s                 ---" % selection
            print header
            print '\n'.join(lineTemplate%{'sys':s,
                                          'counts':(("%.3f"%c) if type(c) is float else (str(c)+str(type(c)))),
                                          'delta' :(("%.3f"%d) if type(d) is float else '--' if d==None else (str(d)+str(type(d)))) }
                            for s,c,d in summarySel)
コード例 #22
def formAndCreateOutdir(basedir, subdir):
    d = basedir + '/' + subdir
    if not os.path.isdir(d): os.makedirs(d)
    return d

outdir = formAndCreateOutdir('out/', subdir())
logdir = formAndCreateOutdir('log/', subdir())
batdir = formAndCreateOutdir(scriptDir, subdir())
inputTemplate = "filelist/%(sample)s.txt"
outScriptTemplate = "%(batdir)s/%(sample)s.sh"
outRootTemplate = "%(outdir)s/%(sample)s_%(tag)s.root"
outLogTemplate = "%(logdir)s/%(sample)s_%(tag)s.log"

sampleNames = [d.name for d in datasets if not d.placeholder or alsoph]
sampleNames = filterWithRegexp(sampleNames, regexp)
excludedNames = [] if exclude is None else filterWithRegexp(
    sampleNames, exclude)
sampleNames = [s for s in sampleNames if s not in excludedNames]

def listExists(dset='', flistDir='./filelist'):
    return os.path.exists(flistDir + '/' + dset + '.txt')

def fillInScriptTemplate(sample, input, output, otherOptions, outScript,
    options = otherOptions
    options += ' --WH-sample' if 'WH' in sample else ''
    outFile = open(outScript, 'w')
    for line in open(scriptTemplate).readlines():