def get_or_create(self, config): """Get or create Aws Ec2 vpcs Args: config (dict): Vpcs config Returns: dict: vpcs configs """ created_vpcs = {} for index, vpc_config in enumerate(config): vpcs = filter_resources(self.ec2.vpcs, "cidrBlock", vpc_config["CidrBlock"]) if not vpcs: vpc = self.ec2.create_vpc(CidrBlock=vpc_config["CidrBlock"]) else: vpc = self.ec2.Vpc(vpcs[0].id) "A vpc with ID '%s' and cidr block '%s' has been created or already exists", vpc.vpc_id, vpc_config["CidrBlock"]) tag_with_name_with_suffix(vpc, "vpc", index, self.tag_base_name) vpc_config["VpcId"] = vpc.vpc_id created_vpcs[vpc.vpc_id] = vpc_config return created_vpcs
def create(self, config): """Create network interfaces Args: config (dict): Vpcs config """ for vpc_id, vpc_config in config.iteritems(): index = 0 for subnet in vpc_config["Subnets"]: aws_subnet = self.ec2.Subnet(subnet["SubnetId"]) for eni in subnet["NetworkInterfaces"]: found_eni = filter_resources( aws_subnet.network_interfaces, "tag-value", eni["uid"]) if not found_eni: created_eni = aws_subnet.create_network_interface( SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount=eni["Ips"][ "SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount"], ) tag_with_name_with_suffix( created_eni, "eni", index, self.tag_base_name) created_eni.create_tags( Tags=[{ "Key": "uid", "Value": eni["uid"] }] ) index = index + 1"A network interface '%s' for subnet '%s' has been created or already exists", eni["uid"], subnet["SubnetId"] )
def get_or_create(self, config): """Get or create route tables Args: config (dict): Vpcs config Returns: dict: Security groups configs """ created_route_tables = [] index = 0 for vpc_id, vpc_config in config.iteritems(): route_tables = filter_resources(self.ec2.route_tables, "vpc-id", vpc_id) if not route_tables: route_table = self.ec2.create_route_table(VpcId=vpc_id) else: route_table = self.ec2.RouteTable(route_tables[0].id) "A route table " + "with ID '%s' and attached to vpc '%s' has been created or already exists",, vpc_id) tag_with_name_with_suffix(route_table, "rt", index, self.tag_base_name) created_route_tables.append({"RouteTableId":}) index = index + 1 return {vpc_config["VpcId"]: {"RouteTables": created_route_tables}}
def get_or_create(self, config): """Get or create Aws Ec2 vpcs Args: config (dict): Vpcs config Returns: dict: vpcs configs """ created_vpcs = {} for index, vpc_config in enumerate(config): vpcs = filter_resources( self.ec2.vpcs, "cidrBlock", vpc_config["CidrBlock"]) if not vpcs: vpc = self.ec2.create_vpc(CidrBlock=vpc_config["CidrBlock"]) else: vpc = self.ec2.Vpc(vpcs[0].id)"A vpc with ID '%s' and cidr block '%s' has been created or already exists", vpc.vpc_id, vpc_config["CidrBlock"] ) tag_with_name_with_suffix( vpc, "vpc", index, self.tag_base_name) vpc_config["VpcId"] = vpc.vpc_id created_vpcs[vpc.vpc_id] = vpc_config return created_vpcs
def release_public_ips(self): """Dissociate public ips to elastic network interfaces and release ips """ aws_enis = filter_resources( self.ec2.network_interfaces, "tag:Name", self.tag_base_name + '-*') eni_ids = [] for aws_eni in aws_enis: for aws_private_ip_address in aws_eni.private_ip_addresses: eni_ids.append( aws_addresses = self.ec2_client.describe_addresses( Filters=[ { 'Name': 'network-interface-id', 'Values': eni_ids }, ], ) for aws_public_ip in aws_addresses['Addresses']: self.ec2_client.disassociate_address( AssociationId=aws_public_ip['AssociationId'] ) self.ec2_client.release_address( AllocationId=aws_public_ip['AllocationId'], ) "The public IP '%s' has been dissociated from network interface '%s' and released", aws_public_ip['PublicIp'], aws_public_ip['NetworkInterfaceId'] )
def get_or_create(self, config): """Get or create Aws Ec2 security groups Args: config (dict): Vpcs config Returns: dict: Security groups configs """ created_security_groups = [] for vpc_id, vpc_config in config.iteritems(): if "SecurityGroups" in vpc_config: for index, sg in enumerate(vpc_config["SecurityGroups"]): security_groups = filter_resources( self.ec2.security_groups, "vpc-id", vpc_config["VpcId"]) if not security_groups: resource = self.ec2.create_security_group( VpcId=vpc_config["VpcId"], GroupName=sg["GroupName"], Description=sg["Description"]) else: resource = self.ec2.SecurityGroup( security_groups[0].id) if "IngressRules" in sg: self.authorize_sg_ingress_rules(resource, sg) if "EgressRules" in sg: self.authorize_sg_egress_rules(resource, sg) "A security group with group name '%s', " + "with ID '%s' and attached to vpc '%s' has been created or already exists", sg["GroupName"],, vpc_config["VpcId"] ) tag_with_name_with_suffix( resource, "sg", index, self.tag_base_name) created_security_groups.append( { "SecurityGroupId":, "GroupName": sg["GroupName"], "Description": sg["Description"], } ) return { vpc_config["VpcId"]: { "SecurityGroups": created_security_groups } } return created_security_groups
def get_or_create(self, config): """Get or create internet gateways Args: config (dict): config config Returns: dict: Internet gateways config """ created_resources = [] index = 0 for vpc_id, vpc_config in config.iteritems(): if "CreateInternetGateway" in vpc_config: internet_gateways = filter_resources( self.ec2.internet_gateways, "attachment.vpc-id", vpc_config["VpcId"]) if not internet_gateways: internet_gateway = self.ec2.create_internet_gateway() self.ec2.Vpc(vpc_config["VpcId"]).attach_internet_gateway(, ) else: internet_gateway = self.ec2.InternetGateway(internet_gateways[0].id) for attachment in internet_gateway.attachments: vpc_already_attached = False if attachment["VpcId"] == vpc_config["VpcId"]: vpc_already_attached = True if not vpc_already_attached: self.ec2.Vpc(vpc_config["VpcId"]).attach_internet_gateway(, ) tag_with_name_with_suffix( internet_gateway, "ig", index, self.tag_base_name) "An internet gateway with ID '%s' attached to vpc '%s' has been created or already exists",, vpc_config["VpcId"] ) created_resources.append( { "InternetGatewayId":, } ) index = index + 1 return { vpc_config["VpcId"]: { "InternetGateways": created_resources } }
def delete(self): """Delete Vpcs """ vpcs = filter_resources(self.ec2.vpcs, "tag:Name", self.tag_base_name + '-*') for vpc in vpcs: vpc.delete() "The vpc with ID '%s' has been deleted ",, )
def delete(self): subnets = filter_resources( self.ec2.subnets, "tag:Name", self.tag_base_name + '-*' ) for subnet in subnets: subnet.delete() "The subnet with ID '%s' has been deleted ",, )
def associate_subnets_to_routes(self, config): """Associate subnets to routes Args: config (dict): Vpcs config """ for vpc_id, vpc_config in config.iteritems(): for route in vpc_config["RouteTables"]: route_resource = self.ec2.RouteTable(route["RouteTableId"]) for subnet in vpc_config["Subnets"]: found_associations = filter_resources( self.ec2.route_tables, "association.subnet-id", subnet["SubnetId"]) if not found_associations: route_resource.associate_with_subnet( SubnetId=subnet["SubnetId"])
def delete(self): """Delete Vpcs """ vpcs = filter_resources( self.ec2.vpcs, "tag:Name", self.tag_base_name + '-*' ) for vpc in vpcs: vpc.delete() "The vpc with ID '%s' has been deleted ",, )
def delete(self): """Delete security groups """ security_groups = filter_resources( self.ec2.security_groups, "tag:Name", self.tag_base_name + '-*' ) for security_group in security_groups: if "default" != security_group.group_name: security_group.delete() "The security group with ID '%s' has been deleted ",, )
def delete(self): """Delete network acls """ network_acls = filter_resources( self.ec2.network_acls, "tag:Name", self.tag_base_name + '-*' ) for network_acl in network_acls: if not network_acl.is_default: network_acl.delete() "The network acl with ID '%s' has been deleted ",, )
def get_or_create(self, config): """Get or create network acls Args: config (object): Vpcs config Returns: object: Network acl config """ created_network_acls = [] index = 0 for vpc_id, vpc_config in config.iteritems(): network_acls = filter_resources( self.ec2.network_acls, "vpc-id", vpc_id) if not network_acls: network_acl = self.ec2.create_network_acl( VpcId=vpc_id ) else: network_acl = self.ec2.NetworkAcl(network_acls[0].id) "A network acl " + "with ID '%s' and attached to pvc '%s' has been created or already exists",, vpc_id ) tag_with_name_with_suffix( network_acl, "netacl", index, self.tag_base_name) created_network_acls.append( { "NetworkAclId":, } ) index = index + 1 return { vpc_config["VpcId"]: { "NetworkAcls": created_network_acls } }
def get_or_create(self, config): """Get or create Aws Ec2 subnets Args: config (dict): Vpcs config Returns: dict: Subnets configs """ created_subnets = [] for vpc_id, vpc_config in config.iteritems(): if "Subnets" in vpc_config: for index, subnet_config in enumerate(vpc_config["Subnets"]): subnets = filter_resources( self.ec2.subnets, "cidrBlock", subnet_config["CidrBlock"]) if not subnets: subnet = self.ec2.create_subnet( VpcId=vpc_config["VpcId"], CidrBlock=subnet_config["CidrBlock"]) else: subnet = self.ec2.Subnet(subnets[0].id) "A subnet with ID '%s', " + "cidr block '%s' and attached to vpc '%s' has been created or already exists",, subnet_config["CidrBlock"], vpc_config["VpcId"] ) tag_with_name_with_suffix( subnet, "subnet", index, self.tag_base_name) created_subnets.append( { "SubnetId":, "CidrBlock": subnet_config["CidrBlock"], "NetworkInterfaces": subnet_config["NetworkInterfaces"] } ) return { vpc_config["VpcId"]: { "Subnets": created_subnets } }
def delete(self): """Delete route tables """ route_tables = filter_resources( self.ec2.route_tables, "tag:Name", self.tag_base_name + '-*' ) for route_table in route_tables: is_main_route_table = True if hasattr(route_table, 'associations'): for association in route_table.associations.all(): if not association.main: is_main_route_table = False self.ec2_client.disassociate_route_table( ) "The route table association with ID '%s' has been deleted",, ) for route in route_table.routes: if 'local' != route['GatewayId']: self.ec2_client.delete_route(, DestinationCidrBlock=route['DestinationCidrBlock'] ) "The route for gateway ID '%s' with cird block '%s' and " + "associated to route table '%s' has been deleted", route['GatewayId'], route['DestinationCidrBlock'], ) if not is_main_route_table: route_table.delete() "The route table with ID '%s' has been deleted", )
def delete(self): """Delete elastic network interfaces """ aws_enis = filter_resources( self.ec2.network_interfaces, "tag:Name", self.tag_base_name + '-*') for aws_eni in aws_enis: if hasattr(aws_eni, 'attachment') and aws_eni.attachment is not None: print aws_eni.attachment self.ec2_client.detach_network_interface( AttachmentId=aws_eni.attachment['AttachmentId'], ) aws_eni.delete() "The network interface '%s' has been detached from instance and deleted", )
def get_or_create(self, config): """Get or create route tables Args: config (dict): Vpcs config Returns: dict: Security groups configs """ created_route_tables = [] index = 0 for vpc_id, vpc_config in config.iteritems(): route_tables = filter_resources( self.ec2.route_tables, "vpc-id", vpc_id) if not route_tables: route_table = self.ec2.create_route_table(VpcId=vpc_id) else: route_table = self.ec2.RouteTable(route_tables[0].id) "A route table " + "with ID '%s' and attached to vpc '%s' has been created or already exists",, vpc_id ) tag_with_name_with_suffix( route_table, "rt", index, self.tag_base_name) created_route_tables.append( { "RouteTableId": } ) index = index + 1 return { vpc_config["VpcId"]: { "RouteTables": created_route_tables } }
def delete(self): """Delete internet gateways """ internet_gateways = filter_resources( self.ec2.internet_gateways, "tag:Name", self.tag_base_name + '-*' ) for internet_gateway in internet_gateways: if hasattr(internet_gateway, 'attachments'): for attachment in internet_gateway.attachments: internet_gateway.detach_from_vpc(VpcId=attachment['VpcId']) internet_gateway.delete() "The internet_gateway with ID '%s' has been deleted ",, )
def delete(self): """Delete route tables """ route_tables = filter_resources(self.ec2.route_tables, "tag:Name", self.tag_base_name + '-*') for route_table in route_tables: is_main_route_table = True if hasattr(route_table, 'associations'): for association in route_table.associations.all(): if not association.main: is_main_route_table = False self.ec2_client.disassociate_route_table( "The route table association with ID '%s' has been deleted",, ) for route in route_table.routes: if 'local' != route['GatewayId']: self.ec2_client.delete_route(, DestinationCidrBlock=route['DestinationCidrBlock']) "The route for gateway ID '%s' with cird block '%s' and " + "associated to route table '%s' has been deleted", route['GatewayId'], route['DestinationCidrBlock'], if not is_main_route_table: route_table.delete() "The route table with ID '%s' has been deleted",
def create(self, instances_groups_config, vpcs_config): """Create instances Args: instances_groups_config (dict): Instances groups config vpcs_config (dict): Vpcs config """ instances_config = [] user_data = "#!/bin/bash\n" for instance_group in instances_groups_config: for instance_index, instance in enumerate(instance_group['Instances']): instance_config = { 'ImageId': instance_group['ImageId'], 'MinCount': 1, 'MaxCount': 1, 'InstanceType': instance_group['InstanceType'], 'DisableApiTermination': False, 'InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior': 'terminate', 'NetworkInterfaces': [], } for index, eni in enumerate(instance['NetworkInterfaces']): found_eni = filter_resources(self.ec2.network_interfaces, "tag-value", eni["uid"]) if found_eni: instance_config['NetworkInterfaces'].append({ 'NetworkInterfaceId': found_eni[0].id, 'DeviceIndex': index }) if index > 0: user_data += "\n\nsudo bash -c \"echo 'auto eth{0}' >> /etc/network/interfaces\"\n" \ "sudo bash -c \"echo 'iface eth{0} inet dhcp' >> /etc/network/interfaces\"\n" \ "sudo ifup eth{0}\n" \ "sudo bash -c \"echo '40{0} eth{0}_rt' >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables\"\n".format(index) for private_ip_address in found_eni[0].private_ip_addresses: if not private_ip_address['Primary']: user_data += "\n# Add the primary ip address to the network interface\n" user_data += "sudo ip addr add {0}{1} dev eth{2}\n".format( private_ip_address['PrivateIpAddress'], instance['SubnetCidrSuffix'], index ) if index > 0: user_data += "\n# Add an ip rule to a routing table\n" user_data += "sudo ip rule add from {0} lookup eth{1}_rt\n".format( private_ip_address['PrivateIpAddress'], index ) if index > 0: user_data += "\n# Add a route\n" user_data += "sudo ip route add default via {0} dev " \ "eth{1} table eth{1}_rt\n".format(instance['GatewayIP'], index) instance_config['UserData'] = user_data aws_reservation = self.ec2_client.run_instances(**instance_config) aws_instance_config = aws_reservation['Instances'][0] aws_instance = self.ec2.Instance(aws_instance_config['InstanceId']) tag_with_name_with_suffix(aws_instance, "i", instance_index, self.tag_base_name) instance_config['InstanceId'] = aws_instance_config['InstanceId'] instances_config.append(instance_config) return instances_config
def create(self, instances_groups_config, vpcs_config): """Create instances Args: instances_groups_config (dict): Instances groups config vpcs_config (dict): Vpcs config """ instances_config = [] user_data = "#!/bin/bash\n" for instance_group in instances_groups_config: for instance_index, instance in enumerate( instance_group['Instances']): instance_config = { 'ImageId': instance_group['ImageId'], 'MinCount': 1, 'MaxCount': 1, 'InstanceType': instance_group['InstanceType'], 'DisableApiTermination': False, 'InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior': 'terminate', 'NetworkInterfaces': [], } for index, eni in enumerate(instance['NetworkInterfaces']): found_eni = filter_resources(self.ec2.network_interfaces, "tag-value", eni["uid"]) if found_eni: instance_config['NetworkInterfaces'].append({ 'NetworkInterfaceId': found_eni[0].id, 'DeviceIndex': index }) if index > 0: user_data += "\n\nsudo bash -c \"echo 'auto eth{0}' >> /etc/network/interfaces\"\n" \ "sudo bash -c \"echo 'iface eth{0} inet dhcp' >> /etc/network/interfaces\"\n" \ "sudo ifup eth{0}\n" \ "sudo bash -c \"echo '40{0} eth{0}_rt' >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables\"\n".format(index) for private_ip_address in found_eni[ 0].private_ip_addresses: if not private_ip_address['Primary']: user_data += "\n# Add the primary ip address to the network interface\n" user_data += "sudo ip addr add {0}{1} dev eth{2}\n".format( private_ip_address['PrivateIpAddress'], instance['SubnetCidrSuffix'], index) if index > 0: user_data += "\n# Add an ip rule to a routing table\n" user_data += "sudo ip rule add from {0} lookup eth{1}_rt\n".format( private_ip_address['PrivateIpAddress'], index) if index > 0: user_data += "\n# Add a route\n" user_data += "sudo ip route add default via {0} dev " \ "eth{1} table eth{1}_rt\n".format(instance['GatewayIP'], index) instance_config['UserData'] = user_data aws_reservation = self.ec2_client.run_instances( **instance_config) aws_instance_config = aws_reservation['Instances'][0] aws_instance = self.ec2.Instance( aws_instance_config['InstanceId']) tag_with_name_with_suffix(aws_instance, "i", instance_index, self.tag_base_name) instance_config['InstanceId'] = aws_instance_config[ 'InstanceId'] instances_config.append(instance_config) return instances_config