コード例 #1
def outcleanor(url, options):
    print "Deprecated"

    if duplicateLock(): return 

    do_not_autoapprove = []#'T2_FR_CCIN2P3']
    LI = lockInfo()

    sites_and_datasets = defaultdict(list)
    our_copies = defaultdict(list)
    wf_cleaned = {}
    wfs = []
    for fetch in options.fetch.split(','):

    random.shuffle( wfs )
    last_answer = None
    for wfo in wfs :
        if options.number and len(wf_cleaned)>= options.number:
            print "Reached",options.number,"cleaned"
        print '-'*100
        wfi = workflowInfo(url, wfo.name)
        goes = {} # boolean per output
        for dataset in wfi.request['OutputDatasets']:
            goes[dataset] = False
            keep_one_out = False ## change to no copy kept, since this is DDM handled
            status = getDatasetStatus( dataset )
            print "\n\tLooking at",dataset,status,"\n"
            vetoes = None
            if status == 'INVALID':
                vetoes = ['Export','Buffer'] ## can take themselves out
                keep_one_out = False # just wipe clean

            elif status == None:
                print dataset,"actually does not exist. skip"
                goes[dataset] = True

            elif status in ['PRODUCTION','VALID'] and wfo.status in ['forget','trouble']:
                print dataset,"should probably be invalidated. (",wfo.status,") skip"
                keep_one_out = False # just wipe clean
                continue ## you are not sure. just skip it for the time being

            elif status == 'PRODUCTION' and wfo.status in ['clean']:
                print dataset,"should probably be set valid .skip"
                continue ## you are not sure. just skip it for the time being

            if status == 'VALID' and dataset.startswith('/MinBias'):
                print "This is a /MinBias. skip"

            if '/DQM' in dataset:
                keep_one_out = False

            custodials = findCustodialLocation(url, dataset)
            if not len(custodials):
                print dataset,"has no custodial site yet, excluding from cleaning"

            total_size = getDatasetSize( dataset )
            our_presence = getDatasetPresence(url, dataset, complete=None, group="DataOps", vetoes=vetoes)
            also_our_presence = getDatasetPresence(url, dataset, complete=None, group="", vetoes=vetoes)
            ## merge in one unique dict
            for site in also_our_presence:
                if site in our_presence:
                    there,frac = our_presence[site]
                    other,ofrac = also_our_presence[site]
                    our_presence[site] = (max(there,other),max(frac,ofrac))
                    our_presence[site] = also_our_presence[site]
            if our_presence: print our_presence

            ## analysis ops copies need to be taken into account
            anaops_presence = getDatasetPresence(url, dataset, complete=None, group="AnalysisOps")
            own_by_anaops = anaops_presence.keys()
            ## all our copies
            to_be_cleaned = our_presence.keys()
            if not len(to_be_cleaned):
                print "nowhere to be found of ours,",len(own_by_anaops),"in analysi ops pool"
                goes[dataset] = True

            print "Where we own bits of dataset"
            print to_be_cleaned

            if len(own_by_anaops):
                ## remove site with the anaops copies
                to_be_cleaned = list(set(to_be_cleaned) - set(own_by_anaops))
                keep_one_out = False ## in that case, just remove our copies
                print "Own by anaops (therefore not keep a copy of ours)"
                print own_by_anaops
                ## we should not be looking at anything that was not passed to DDM, otherwise we'll be cutting the grass under our feet
                using_the_same = getWorkflowByInput(url, dataset, details=True)
                conflict = False
                for other in using_the_same:
                    if other['RequestName'] == wfo.name: continue
                    if other['RequestType'] == 'Resubmission': continue
                    if not other['RequestStatus'] in ['announced','normal-archived','aborted','rejected','aborted-archived','rejected-archived','closed-out','None',None]:
                        print other['RequestName'],'is in status',other['RequestStatus'],'preventing from cleaning',dataset
                if conflict:

                ## not being used. a bit less dangerous to clean-out
                ## keep one full copy out there
                full_copies = [site for (site,(there,fract)) in our_presence.items() if there]
                if keep_one_out:
                    if not len(full_copies):
                        print "we do not own a full copy of",dataset,status,wfo.status,".skip"
                    t1_full_copies = [ site for site in full_copies if site.startswith('T1')]
                    if t1_full_copies:
                        stay_there = random.choice( t1_full_copies ) #at a place own by ops
                        stay_there = random.choice( full_copies ) #at a place own by ops
                    print "Where we keep a full copy", stay_there
                    to_be_cleaned.remove( stay_there )
                    our_copies[stay_there].append( dataset )
                    LI.release_except( dataset, stay_there, 'cleanup of output after production')            
                    print "We do not want to keep a copy of ",dataset,status,wfo.status
                    LI.release_everywhere( dataset, 'cleanup of output after production')

            if len(to_be_cleaned):
                print "Where we can clean"
                print to_be_cleaned
                for site in to_be_cleaned:
                    sites_and_datasets[site].append( (dataset, total_size*our_presence[site][1]/100., status) )
                goes[dataset] = True
                print "no cleaning to be done"
                goes[dataset] = True

        print wfo.name,"scrutinized"
        if all(goes.values()):
            print "\t",wfo.name,"can toggle -out"
        def ask():
            global last_answer
            last_answer = raw_input('go on ?')
            return last_answer
        if options.auto or ask() in ['y','']:
            if all(goes.values()):
                wfo.status = wfo.status+'-out'
                wf_cleaned[wfo.name] = wfo.status
        elif last_answer in ['q','n']:

    if options.auto:
    elif last_answer in ['q']:

    print "Potential cleanups"
    for (site,items) in sites_and_datasets.items():
        cleanup = sum([size for (_,size,_) in items])
        print "\n\t potential cleanup of","%8.4f"%cleanup,"GB at ",site
        print "\n".join([ds+" "+st for ds,_,st in items])
        datasets = [ ds for ds,_,st in items]

    print "Copies and bits we are going to delete"
    print json.dumps( sites_and_datasets, indent=2)

    print "Copies we are keeping"
    print json.dumps( our_copies, indent=2 )     

    print "Workflows cleaned for output"
    print json.dumps( wf_cleaned, indent=2 )
    #stamp = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime())
    #open('outcleaning_%s.json'%stamp,'w').write( json.dumps( sites_and_datasets, indent=2))
    #open('keepcopies_%s.json'%stamp,'w').write( json.dumps( our_copies, indent=2))
    #open('wfcleanout_%s.json'%stamp,'w').write( json.dumps( wf_cleaned, indent=2))

    if (not options.test) and (options.auto or raw_input("Satisfied ? (y will trigger status change and deletion requests)") in ['y']):
        for (site,items) in sites_and_datasets.items():
            #datasets = [ ds for ds,_,st in items]
            #is_tape = any([v in site for v in ['MSS','Export','Buffer'] ])
            #comments="Cleanup output after production. DataOps will take care of approving it."
            #if is_tape:
            #    comments="Cleanup output after production."
            #print "making deletion to",site
            #result = makeDeleteRequest(url, site, datasets, comments=comments)
            #print result
            ## approve it right away ?
            #for did in [item['id'] for item in result['phedex']['request_created']]:
            #    if not is_tape:
            #        print "auto-approving to",site,"?"
            #        if not site in do_not_autoapprove:
            #            approveSubscription(url, did, nodes = [site], comments = 'Production cleaning by data ops, auto-approved')
            #        pass
        print "Not making the deletion and changing statuses"
コード例 #2
def checkor(url, spec=None, options=None):
    fDB = falseDB()

    if options.fetch:
        #workflows = getWorkflows(url, status='completed')
        #for wf in workflows:
        #    wfo = session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.name == wf ).first()
        #    if wfo:
        #        if not wfo.status in ['away','assistance']: continue
        #        wfs.append(wfo )
        wfs.extend( session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'away').all() )
        wfs.extend( session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status== 'assistance').all() )
        ## than get all in need for assistance
        wfs.extend( session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status.startswith('assistance-')).all() )

    custodials = defaultdict(list) #sites : dataset list
    transfers = defaultdict(list) #sites : dataset list
    invalidations = [] #a list of files
    SI = siteInfo()
    CI = campaignInfo()

    def get_campaign(output, wfi):
        campaign = None
            campaign = output.split('/')[2].split('-')[0]
            if 'Campaign' in wfi.request:
                campaign = wfi.request['Campaign']
        return campaign

    for wfo in wfs:
        if spec and not (spec in wfo.name): continue

        ## get info
        wfi = workflowInfo(url, wfo.name)

        ## make sure the wm status is up to date.
        # and send things back/forward if necessary.
        wfo.wm_status = wfi.request['RequestStatus']
        if wfo.wm_status == 'closed-out':
            ## manually closed-out
            print wfo.name,"is already",wfo.wm_status
            wfo.status = 'close'
        elif wfo.wm_status in ['failed','aborted','aborted-archived','rejected','rejected-archived']:
            ## went into trouble
            wfo.status = 'trouble'
            print wfo.name,"is in trouble",wfo.wm_status
        elif wfo.wm_status in ['assigned','acquired']:
            ## not worth checking yet
            print wfo.name,"not running yet"
        if wfo.wm_status != 'completed':
            ## for sure move on with closeout check if in completed
            print "no need to check on",wfo.name,"in status",wfo.wm_status

        sub_assistance="" # if that string is filled, there will be need for manual assistance

        is_closing = True
        ## do the closed-out checks one by one

        # tuck out DQMIO/DQM
        wfi.request['OutputDatasets'] = [ out for out in wfi.request['OutputDatasets'] if not '/DQM' in out]

        ## anything running on acdc
        familly = getWorkflowById(url, wfi.request['PrepID'], details=True)
        acdc = []
        for member in familly:
            if member['RequestName'] == wfo.name: continue
            if member['RequestDate'] < wfi.request['RequestDate']: continue
            if member['RequestType'] != 'Resubmission': continue
            if member['RequestStatus'] in ['running-opened','running-closed','assignment-approved','assigned','acquired']:
                print wfo.name,"still has an ACDC running",member['RequestName']
                acdc.append( member['RequestName'] )
                #print json.dumps(member,indent=2)
                ## hook for just waiting ...
                is_closing = False

        ## completion check
        percent_completions = {}
        event_expected,lumi_expected =  wfi.request['TotalInputEvents'],wfi.request['TotalInputLumis']
        fractions_pass = {}
        for output in wfi.request['OutputDatasets']:
            event_count,lumi_count = getDatasetEventsAndLumis(dataset=output)
            percent_completions[output] = 0.
            if lumi_expected:
                percent_completions[output] = lumi_count / float( lumi_expected )

            fractions_pass[output] = 0.95
            c = get_campaign(output, wfi)
            if c in CI.campaigns and 'fractionpass' in CI.campaigns[c]:
                fractions_pass[output] = CI.campaigns[c]['fractionpass']
                print "overriding fraction to",fractions_pass[output],"for",output
            if options.fractionpass:
                fractions_pass[output] = options.fractionpass
                print "overriding fraction to",fractions_pass[output],"by command line for",output

        if not all([percent_completions[out] > fractions_pass[out] for out in fractions_pass]):
            print wfo.name,"is not completed"
            print json.dumps(percent_completions, indent=2)
            print json.dumps(fractions_pass, indent=2)
            ## hook for creating automatically ACDC ?
            is_closing = False

        ## correct lumi < 300 event per lumi
        events_per_lumi = {}
        for output in wfi.request['OutputDatasets']:
            events_per_lumi[output] = getDatasetEventsPerLumi( output )

        lumi_upper_limit = {}
        for output in wfi.request['OutputDatasets']:
            upper_limit = 300.
            campaign = get_campaign(output, wfi)
            if campaign in CI.campaigns and 'lumisize' in CI.campaigns[campaign]:
                upper_limit = CI.campaigns[campaign]['lumisize']
                print "overriding the upper lumi size to",upper_limit,"for",campaign
            if options.lumisize:
                upper_limit = options.lumisize
                print "overriding the upper lumi size to",upper_limit,"by command line"
            lumi_upper_limit[output] = upper_limit
        if any([ events_per_lumi[out] > lumi_upper_limit[out] for out in events_per_lumi]):
            print wfo.name,"has big lumisections"
            print json.dumps(events_per_lumi, indent=2)
            ## hook for rejecting the request ?
            is_closing = False 

        any_presence = {}
        for output in wfi.request['OutputDatasets']:
            any_presence[output] = getDatasetPresence(url, output, vetoes=[])

        ## custodial copy
        custodial_locations = {}
        custodial_presences = {}
        for output in wfi.request['OutputDatasets']:
            custodial_presences[output] = [s for s in any_presence[output] if 'MSS' in s]
            custodial_locations[output] = phedexClient.getCustodialSubscriptionRequestSite(output)

            if not custodial_locations[output]:
                custodial_locations[output] = []

        vetoed_custodial_tier = ['MINIAODSIM']
        out_worth_checking = [out for out in custodial_locations.keys() if out.split('/')[-1] not in vetoed_custodial_tier]
        if not all(map( lambda sites : len(sites)!=0, [custodial_locations[out] for out in out_worth_checking])):
            print wfo.name,"has not all custodial location"
            print json.dumps(custodial_locations, indent=2)

            ## hook for making a custodial replica ?
            custodial = None
            ## get from other outputs
            for output in out_worth_checking:
                if len(custodial_locations[output]): 
                    custodial = custodial_locations[output][0]
            ## try to get it from campaign configuration
            if not custodial:
                for output in out_worth_checking:
                    campaign = get_campaign(output, wfi)
                    if campaign in CI.campaigns and 'custodial' in CI.campaigns[campaign]:
                        custodial = CI.campaigns[campaign]['custodial']
                        print "Setting custodial to",custodial,"from campaign configuration"
            ## get from the parent
            if not custodial and 'InputDataset' in wfi.request:
                parents_custodial = findCustodialLocation(url, wfi.request['InputDataset'])
                if len(parents_custodial):
                    custodial = parents_custodial[0]
                    print "the input dataset",wfi.request['InputDataset'],"does not have custodial in the first place. abort"

            if not custodial:
                ## pick one at random
                custodial = SI.pick_SE()

            if custodial and not sub_assistance and not acdc:
                ## register the custodial request, if there are no other big issues
                for output in out_worth_checking:
                    if not len(custodial_locations[output]):
                        custodials[custodial].append( output )
                print "cannot find a custodial for",wfo.name
            is_closing = False

        ## disk copy 
        disk_copies = {}
        for output in wfi.request['OutputDatasets']:
            disk_copies[output] = [s for s in any_presence[output] if (not 'MSS' in s) and (not 'Buffer' in s)]

        if not all(map( lambda sites : len(sites)!=0, disk_copies.values())):
            print wfo.name,"has not all output on disk"
            print json.dumps(disk_copies, indent=2)

        ## presence in dbs
        dbs_presence = {}
        dbs_invalid = {}
        for output in wfi.request['OutputDatasets']:
            dbs_presence[output] = dbs3Client.getFileCountDataset( output )
            dbs_invalid[output] = dbs3Client.getFileCountDataset( output, onlyInvalid=True)

        ## presence in phedex
        phedex_presence ={}
        for output in wfi.request['OutputDatasets']:
            phedex_presence[output] = phedexClient.getFileCountDataset(url, output )

        fraction_invalid = 0.01
        if not all([dbs_presence[out] == (dbs_invalid[out]+phedex_presence[out]) for out in wfi.request['OutputDatasets']]) and not options.ignorefiles:
            print wfo.name,"has a dbs,phedex mismatch"
            print json.dumps(dbs_presence, indent=2)
            print json.dumps(dbs_invalid, indent=2)
            print json.dumps(phedex_presence, indent=2)
            ## hook for just waiting ...
            is_closing = False

        if not all([(dbs_invalid[out] <= int(fraction_invalid*dbs_presence[out])) for out in wfi.request['OutputDatasets']]) and not options.ignorefiles:
            print wfo.name,"has a dbs invalid file level too high"
            print json.dumps(dbs_presence, indent=2)
            print json.dumps(dbs_invalid, indent=2)
            print json.dumps(phedex_presence, indent=2)
            ## need to be going and taking an eye
            is_closing = False

        ## put that heavy part at the end
        ## duplication check
        duplications = {}
        if is_closing:
            for output in wfi.request['OutputDatasets']:
                    duplications[output] = dbs3Client.duplicateRunLumi( output )
                        duplications[output] = dbs3Client.duplicateRunLumi( output )
                        print "was not possible to get the duplicate count for",output

            if any(duplications.values()) and not options.ignoreduplicates:
                print wfo.name,"has duplicates"
                print json.dumps(duplications,indent=2)
                ## hook for making file invalidation ?
                is_closing = False 

        ## for visualization later on
        if not wfo.name in fDB.record: 
            #print "adding",wfo.name,"to close out record"
            fDB.record[wfo.name] = {
            'datasets' :{},
            'name' : wfo.name,
            'closeOutWorkflow' : None,
        fDB.record[wfo.name]['closeOutWorkflow'] = is_closing
        for output in wfi.request['OutputDatasets']:
            if not output in fDB.record[wfo.name]['datasets']: fDB.record[wfo.name]['datasets'][output] = {}
            rec = fDB.record[wfo.name]['datasets'][output]
            rec['percentage'] = float('%.2f'%(percent_completions[output]*100))
            rec['duplicate'] = duplications[output] if output in duplications else 'N/A'
            rec['phedexReqs'] = float('%.2f'%any_presence[output][custodial_presences[output][0]][1]) if len(custodial_presences[output])!=0 else 'N/A'
            rec['closeOutDataset'] = is_closing
            rec['transPerc'] = float('%.2f'%any_presence[output][ disk_copies[output][0]][1]) if len(disk_copies[output])!=0 else 'N/A'
            rec['correctLumis'] = int(events_per_lumi[output]) if (events_per_lumi[output] > lumi_upper_limit[output]) else True
            rec['missingSubs'] = False if len(custodial_locations[output])==0 else ','.join(list(set(custodial_locations[output])))
            rec['dbsFiles'] = dbs_presence[output]
            rec['dbsInvFiles'] = dbs_invalid[output]
            rec['phedexFiles'] = phedex_presence[output]
            rec['acdc'] = len(acdc)

        ## and move on
        if is_closing:
            ## toggle status to closed-out in request manager
            print "setting",wfo.name,"closed-out"
            if not options.test:
                reqMgrClient.closeOutWorkflowCascade(url, wfo.name)
                # set it from away/assistance* to close
                wfo.status = 'close'
            print wfo.name,"needs assistance"
            ## that means there is something that needs to be done acdc, lumi invalidation, custodial, name it
            wfo.status = 'assistance'+sub_assistance
            if not options.test:
                print "setting",wfo.name,"to",wfo.status

    ## custodial requests
    print "Custodials"
    print json.dumps(custodials, indent=2)
    for site in custodials:
        print ','.join(custodials[site]),'=>',site
        if not options.test:
            result = makeReplicaRequest(url, site, list(set(custodials[site])),"custodial copy at production close-out",custodial='y',priority='low')
            print result

    print "Transfers"
    print json.dumps(transfers, indent=2)
    ## replicas requests
    for site in transfers:
        print ','.join(transfers[site]),'=>',site
        if not options.test:
            result = None
            #result = makeReplicaRequest(url, site, list(set(transfers[site])),"copy to disk at production close-out")
            print result

    print "File Invalidation"
    print invalidations
コード例 #3
def cleanor(url, specific=None):
    print "Deprecated"

    if duplicateLock() : return 

    delete_per_site = {}
    do_not_autoapprove = []#'T2_FR_CCIN2P3']
    SI = siteInfo()
    CI = campaignInfo()
    LI = lockInfo()

    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'done').all():
        keep_a_copy = False
        if specific and not specific in wfo.name: continue
        ## what was in input 
        wl = getWorkLoad(url,  wfo.name )

        if 'Campaign' in wl and wl['Campaign'] in CI.campaigns and 'clean-in' in CI.campaigns[wl['Campaign']] and CI.campaigns[wl['Campaign']]['clean-in']==False:
            print "Skipping cleaning on input for campaign",wl['Campaign'], "as per campaign configuration"

        dataset= 'N/A'
        if 'InputDataset' in wl:
            dataset = wl['InputDataset']

        print dataset,"in input"
        #print json.dumps(wl, indent=2)
        announced_log = filter(lambda change : change["Status"] in ["closed-out","normal-archived","announced"],wl['RequestTransition'])
        if not announced_log: 
            print "Cannot figure out when",wfo.name,"was finished"
        now = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) / (60*60*24.)
        then = announced_log[-1]['UpdateTime'] / (60.*60.*24.)
        if (now-then) <2:
            print "workflow",wfo.name, "finished",now-then,"days ago. Too fresh to clean"
            print "workflow",wfo.name,"has finished",now-then,"days ago."

        if not 'InputDataset' in wl: 
            ## should we set status = clean ? or something even further
            print "passing along",wfo.name,"with no input"
            wfo.status = 'clean'

        if 'MinBias' in dataset:
            print "Should not clean anything using",dataset,"setting status further"
            wfo.status = 'clean'

        total_size = getDatasetSize( dataset ) ## in Gb        
        #if counts> 20:            break
        ## find any location it is at
        our_presence = getDatasetPresence(url, dataset, complete=None, group="DataOps")
        also_our_presence = getDatasetPresence(url, dataset, complete=None, group="")

        ## is there a custodial !!!
        custodials = findCustodialLocation(url, dataset)
        if not len(custodials):
            print dataset,"has no custodial site yet, excluding from cleaning"

        ## find out whether it is still in use
        using_the_same = getWorkflowByInput(url, dataset, details=True)
        for other in using_the_same:
            if other['RequestName'] == wfo.name: continue
            if other['RequestType'] == 'Resubmission': continue
            if not other['RequestStatus'] in ['announced','normal-archived','aborted','rejected','aborted-archived','aborted-completed','rejected-archived','closed-out','None',None,'new']:
                print other['RequestName'],'is in status',other['RequestStatus'],'preventing from cleaning',dataset
            if 'Campaign' in other and other['Campaign'] in CI.campaigns and 'clean-in' in CI.campaigns[other['Campaign']] and CI.campaigns[other['Campaign']]['clean-in']==False:
                print other['RequestName'],'is in campaign',other['Campaign']
                conflict = True
        if conflict: continue
        print "other statuses:",[other['RequestStatus'] for other in using_the_same if other['RequestName'] != wfo.name]

        ## find all disks
        to_be_cleaned = filter(lambda site : site.startswith('T2') or site.endswith('Disk') ,our_presence.keys())
        to_be_cleaned.extend( filter(lambda site : site.startswith('T2') or site.endswith('Disk') ,also_our_presence.keys()))
        print to_be_cleaned,"for",total_size,"GB"

        anaops_presence = getDatasetPresence(url, dataset, complete=None, group="AnalysisOps")
        own_by_anaops = anaops_presence.keys()
        print "Own by analysis ops and vetoing"
        print own_by_anaops
        ## need to black list the sites where there is a copy of analysis ops
        to_be_cleaned = [site for site in to_be_cleaned if not site in own_by_anaops ]

        ## keep one copy out there
        if 'Campaign' in wl and wl['Campaign'] in CI.campaigns and 'keep-one' in CI.campaigns[wl['Campaign']] and CI.campaigns[wl['Campaign']]['keep-one']==True:
            print "Keeping a copy of input for",wl['Campaign']
            keep_a_copy = True
        if keep_a_copy:
            keep_at = None
            full_copies = [site for (site,(there,_)) in our_presence.items() if there and site.startswith('T1')]
            full_copies.extend( [site for (site,(there,_)) in also_our_presence.items() if there and site.startswith('T1')] )
            if not full_copies:
                full_copies = [site for (site,(there,_)) in our_presence.items() if there and site.startswith('T2')]
                full_copies.extend( [site for (site,(there,_)) in also_our_presence.items() if there and site.startswith('T2')] )

            if full_copies:
                keep_at = random.choice( full_copies )
            if not keep_at:
                print "We are enable to find a place to keep a full copy of",dataset,"skipping"
                ## keeping that copy !
                print "Keeping a full copy of",dataset,"at",keep_at,"not setting the status further"
                to_be_cleaned.remove( keep_at )
            wfo.status = 'clean'

        ## collect delete request per site
        for site in to_be_cleaned :
            if not site in delete_per_site: delete_per_site[site] = []
            if not dataset in [existing[0] for existing in delete_per_site[site]]:
                delete_per_site[site].append( (dataset, total_size) )

    #open('deletes.json','w').write( json.dumps(delete_per_site,indent=2) )

    print json.dumps(delete_per_site, indent=2)
    print "\n\n ------- \n\n"
    ## unroll the deletion per site
    ## maybe find the optimum site/dataset dataset/site to limit the number of ph requests
    for site in delete_per_site:
        dataset_list = [info[0] for info in delete_per_site[site]]
        size_removal = sum([info[1] for info in delete_per_site[site]]) / 1024.
        if site in SI.disk:
            free = SI.disk[site]
            print site,"has",size_removal,"TB of potential cleanup.",free,"TB available."
            print site,"has",size_removal,"TB of potential cleanup. no info on available."

        print "\t",','.join(dataset_list)
    ## make deletion requests
    for site in delete_per_site:
        site_datasets = [info[0] for info in delete_per_site[site]]
        is_tape = any([v in site for v in ['MSS','Export','Buffer'] ])
        #comments="Cleanup input after production. DataOps will take care of approving it."
        #if is_tape:
        #    comments="Cleanup input after production."
        for item in site_datasets:
            LI.release( item, site, 'cleanup of input after production')
コード例 #4
def assignor(url ,specific = None, talk=True, options=None):
    CI = campaignInfo()
    SI = siteInfo()
    if specific:
        wfos = session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.name==specific).all()
    if not wfos:
        if specific:
            wfos = session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status=='considered').all()
            wfos.extend( session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status=='staging').all())

    for wfo in wfos:
        if specific:
            if not any(map(lambda sp: sp in wfo.name,specific.split(','))): continue
            #if not specific in wfo.name: continue
        print wfo.name,"to be assigned"
        wfh = workflowInfo( url, wfo.name)
        #wl = getWorkLoad(url, wfo.name )

        if not CI.go( wfh.request['Campaign'] ):
            print "No go for",wfh.request['Campaign']

        injection_time = time.mktime(time.strptime('.'.join(map(str,wfh.request['RequestDate'])),"%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S")) / (60.*60.)
        now = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) / (60.*60.)
        if float(now - injection_time) < 4.:
            print "It is too soon to inject: %3.2fH remaining"%(now - injection_time)
            if not options.test:

        #grace_period = 4 #days
        #if float(now - injection_time) > grace_period*24.:
        #    print "it has been",grace_period,"need to do something"
        #    options.restrict = True

        #    print now,injection_time,now - injection_time

        #print wl
        if wfh.request['RequestStatus'] !='assignment-approved':
            print wfo.name,wfh.request['RequestStatus'],"skipping"
            if not options.test:


        (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) = wfh.getIO()
        sites_allowed = getSiteWhiteList( (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) )
        sites_custodial = list(set(itertools.chain.from_iterable([findCustodialLocation(url, prim) for prim in primary])))
        sites_out = [SI.pick_dSE([SI.CE_to_SE(ce) for ce in sites_allowed])]
        if len(sites_custodial)==0:
            sites_custodial = [SI.pick_SE()]
            print "picked",sites_custodial," as custodial for",wfo.name

        if len(sites_custodial)>1:
            print "more than one custodial for",wfo.name

        sites_with_data = copy.deepcopy( sites_allowed )
        for prim in list(primary)+list(secondary):
            presence = getDatasetPresence( url, prim )
            if talk:
                print prim,presence
            sites_with_data = [site for site in sites_with_data if any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in [psite for (psite,frac) in presence.items() if frac[1]>90.]])]
        sites_with_data = list(set(sites_with_data))

        if options.restrict:
            if talk:
                print sites_allowed
            sites_allowed = sites_with_data
            if set(sites_with_data) != set(sites_allowed):
                ## the data is not everywhere we wanted to run at : enable aaa
                print "Resorting to AAA reading for",list(set(sites_allowed) - set(sites_with_data))
                #options.useSiteListAsLocation = True
                print "Not commissioned yet"
        if not len(sites_allowed):
            print wfo.name,"cannot be assign with no matched sites"

            'SiteWhitelist' : sites_allowed,
            'CustodialSites' : sites_custodial,
            'NonCustodialSites' : sites_out,
            'AutoApproveSubscriptionSites' : list(set(sites_out+sites_custodial)),
            'AcquisitionEra' : wfh.acquisitionEra(),
            'ProcessingString' : wfh.processingString(),
            'MergedLFNBase' : '/store/mc', ## to be figured out ! from Hi shit
            'ProcessingVersion' : version,

        ##parse options entered in command line if any
        if options:
            for key in reqMgrClient.assignWorkflow.keys:
                if v!=None:
                    if ',' in v: parameters[key] = filter(None,v.split(','))
                    else: parameters[key] = v

        ## take care of a few exceptions
        if (wfh.request['Memory']*1000) > 3000000:
            parameters['MaxRSS'] = 4000000

        ## pick up campaign specific assignment parameters
        parameters.update( CI.parameters(wfh.request['Campaign']) )

        if not options.test:
            parameters['execute'] = True

        if not wfh.checkWorkflowSplitting():
            ## needs to go to event based ? fail for now
            print "Falling back to event splitting ?"
            parameters['SplittingAlgorithm'] = 'EventBased'

        ## plain assignment here
        result = reqMgrClient.assignWorkflow(url, wfo.name, 'production', parameters)

        # set status
        if not options.test:
            if result:
                wfo.status = 'away'
                print "ERROR could not assign",wfo.name
コード例 #5
        ## don't even try to keep the lock
        print "\tunlocking",dataset,"for bad dataset status",ds_status

    creators = getWorkflowByOutput( url, dataset , details=True)
    creators_status = [r['RequestStatus'] for r in creators]
    print "Statuses of workflow that made the dataset",creators_status
    if all(status in ['aborted','rejected','aborted-archived','rejected-archived'] for status in creators_status):
        ## crap 
        print "\tunlocking",dataset,"for bad workflow statuses"

    (_,dsn,ps,tier) = dataset.split('/')
    if not tier in tier_no_custodial:
        custodials = findCustodialLocation(url, dataset)
        if len(custodials) == 0:
            print "Can't unlock",dataset,"because it is not custodial yet",ds_status
            ## add it back for that reason
            relock = True
    if not relock:
        print "\tunlocking",dataset
        ##would like to pass to *-unlock, or even destroy from local db
        for creator in creators:
            for wfo in  session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.name==creator['RequestName']).all():
                if not 'unlock' in wfo.status:
                    wfo.status +='-unlock'
                    print "setting",wfo.name,"to",wfo.status