def trainNet(self, batch_size): if not os.path.isdir(FLAGS.train_log_dir): os.makedirs(FLAGS.train_log_dir, mode=0777) # with tf.device('/gpu:1'): source_img = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [self.batch_size, self.image_size[0], self.image_size[1], 3]) target_img = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [self.batch_size, self.image_size[0], self.image_size[1], 3]) labels = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [self.batch_size]) loss_weight = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [self.numLosses]) loss, midFlows, flow_pred = ucf101wrapFlow.STsingle( source_img, target_img, loss_weight, labels) print('Finished building Network.') init = tf.initialize_all_variables() total_loss = slim.losses.get_total_loss( add_regularization_losses=False) lr = FLAGS.learning_rate learning_rate = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[]) train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate=learning_rate).minimize(total_loss) sess = tf.Session() # What about pre-traind initialized model params and deconv parms? model_vars = tf.trainable_variables() self.VGG_init_vars = [ var for var in model_vars if ('conv') ] self.deconv_bilinearInit_vars = [ var for var in model_vars if ('up') ] # Calculating the number of params inside a network total_parameters = 0 for varCount in model_vars: # shape is an array of tf.Dimension shape = varCount.get_shape() # print(shape) # print(len(shape)) variable_parametes = 1 for dim in shape: variable_parametes *= dim.value total_parameters += variable_parametes print("Our ST net has %4.2fM number of parameters. " % (total_parameters / 1000000.0)) VGG16Init = True bilinearInit = True # Use pre-trained VGG16 model to initialize conv filters if VGG16Init: VGG16modelPath = "vgg16_weights.npz" if not os.path.exists(VGG16modelPath): modelUrl = "" self.downloadModel(modelUrl) self.load_VGG16_weights(VGG16modelPath, sess) print( "-----Done initializing conv filters with VGG16 pre-trained model------" ) # Use bilinear upsampling to initialize deconv filters if bilinearInit: for var in self.deconv_bilinearInit_vars: if "weights" in self.load_deconv_weights(var, sess) print( "-----Done initializing deconv filters with bilinear upsampling------" ) saver = tf.train.Saver() ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(FLAGS.train_log_dir) if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path: print("Restore from " + ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) display = 200 # number of iterations to display training log weight_L = [16, 8, 4, 2, 1] for epoch in xrange(1, self.maxEpochs + 1): print("Epoch %d: \r\n" % epoch) print("Learning Rate %f: \r\n" % lr) for iteration in xrange(1, self.maxIterPerEpoch + 1): source, target, actionClass = self.ucf101.sampleTrain( self.batch_size){ source_img: source, target_img: target, loss_weight: weight_L, labels: actionClass, learning_rate: lr }, session=sess) if iteration % display == 0 and iteration != self.maxIterPerEpoch: losses, flows_all, action_preds, loss_sum = [loss, midFlows, flow_pred, total_loss], feed_dict={ source_img: source, target_img: target, loss_weight: weight_L, labels: actionClass }) accuracy = sum(np.equal(action_preds[-1], actionClass)) / float( self.batch_size) print( "---Train Batch(%d): Epoch %03d Iter %04d: Loss_sum %4.4f Accuracy: %4.4f \r\n" % (self.batch_size, epoch, iteration, loss_sum, accuracy)) print( " PhotometricLoss1 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[0]["Charbonnier_reconstruct"], weight_L[0], losses[0]["Charbonnier_reconstruct"] * weight_L[0])) print( " PhotometricLoss2 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[1]["Charbonnier_reconstruct"], weight_L[1], losses[1]["Charbonnier_reconstruct"] * weight_L[1])) print( " PhotometricLoss3 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[2]["Charbonnier_reconstruct"], weight_L[2], losses[2]["Charbonnier_reconstruct"] * weight_L[2])) print( " PhotometricLoss4 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[3]["Charbonnier_reconstruct"], weight_L[3], losses[3]["Charbonnier_reconstruct"] * weight_L[3])) print( " PhotometricLoss5 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[4]["Charbonnier_reconstruct"], weight_L[4], losses[4]["Charbonnier_reconstruct"] * weight_L[4])) print( " SmoothnessLossU1 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[0]["U_loss"], weight_L[0] * self.lambda_smooth, losses[0]["U_loss"] * weight_L[0] * self.lambda_smooth)) print( " SmoothnessLossU2 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[1]["U_loss"], weight_L[1] * self.lambda_smooth, losses[1]["U_loss"] * weight_L[1] * self.lambda_smooth)) print( " SmoothnessLossU3 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[2]["U_loss"], weight_L[2] * self.lambda_smooth, losses[2]["U_loss"] * weight_L[2] * self.lambda_smooth)) print( " SmoothnessLossU4 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[3]["U_loss"], weight_L[3] * self.lambda_smooth, losses[3]["U_loss"] * weight_L[3] * self.lambda_smooth)) print( " SmoothnessLossU5 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[4]["U_loss"], weight_L[4] * self.lambda_smooth, losses[4]["U_loss"] * weight_L[4] * self.lambda_smooth)) print( " SmoothnessLossV1 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[0]["V_loss"], weight_L[0] * self.lambda_smooth, losses[0]["V_loss"] * weight_L[0] * self.lambda_smooth)) print( " SmoothnessLossV2 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[1]["V_loss"], weight_L[1] * self.lambda_smooth, losses[1]["V_loss"] * weight_L[1] * self.lambda_smooth)) print( " SmoothnessLossV3 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[2]["V_loss"], weight_L[2] * self.lambda_smooth, losses[2]["V_loss"] * weight_L[2] * self.lambda_smooth)) print( " SmoothnessLossV4 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[3]["V_loss"], weight_L[3] * self.lambda_smooth, losses[3]["V_loss"] * weight_L[3] * self.lambda_smooth)) print( " SmoothnessLossV5 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[4]["V_loss"], weight_L[4] * self.lambda_smooth, losses[4]["V_loss"] * weight_L[4] * self.lambda_smooth)) print( " ActionPredicLoss = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[5], weight_L[0], losses[5] * weight_L[0])) assert not np.isnan( loss_sum).any(), 'Model diverged with loss = NaN' if iteration % (display * 1) == 0: print("Start evaluating......") testBatchSize = self.batch_size maxTestIter = 101 Loss1 = 0 Loss2 = 0 Loss3 = 0 Loss4 = 0 Loss5 = 0 Loss7 = 0 U_Loss1, U_Loss2, U_Loss3, U_Loss4, U_Loss5 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 V_Loss1, V_Loss2, V_Loss3, V_Loss4, V_Loss5 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 flow_p = [] label_pred = [] label_gt = [] for testIter in xrange(maxTestIter): source, target, actionClass = self.ucf101.sampleVal( testBatchSize, testIter) losses, flows_all, action_preds = [loss, midFlows, flow_pred], feed_dict={ source_img: source, target_img: target, loss_weight: weight_L, labels: actionClass }) # print flows_all[-1] # assert not np.isnan(loss_values), 'Model diverged with loss = NaN' Loss1 += losses[0]["total"] Loss2 += losses[1]["total"] Loss3 += losses[2]["total"] Loss4 += losses[3]["total"] Loss5 += losses[4]["total"] Loss7 += losses[5] U_Loss1 += losses[0]["U_loss"] U_Loss2 += losses[1]["U_loss"] U_Loss3 += losses[2]["U_loss"] U_Loss4 += losses[3]["U_loss"] U_Loss5 += losses[4]["U_loss"] V_Loss1 += losses[0]["V_loss"] V_Loss2 += losses[1]["V_loss"] V_Loss3 += losses[2]["V_loss"] V_Loss4 += losses[3]["V_loss"] V_Loss5 += losses[4]["V_loss"] label_pred.extend(action_preds[-1]) label_gt.extend(actionClass) # print action_preds[-1] # print actionClass flow_p.append(flows_all[0]) # Visualize # if iteration % 1 == 0: flow_vis = flow_p[testIter - 1][0, :, :, :].squeeze() flowColor_1 = utils.flowToColor(flow_vis) cv2.imwrite( FLAGS.train_log_dir + str(epoch) + "_" + str(iteration) + "_" + str(testIter) + "_flowColor" + ".jpeg", flowColor_1) # flowx = flow_vis[:, :, 0] # print flowx.min(), flowx.max() # flowx = (flowx-flowx.min())/(flowx.max()-flowx.min()) # flowx = np.uint8(flowx*255.0) # cv2.imwrite(FLAGS.train_log_dir + str(epoch) + "_" + str(testIter) + "_x" + ".jpeg", flowx) # flowy = flow_vis[:, :, 1] # print flowy.min(), flowy.max() # flowy = (flowy-flowy.min())/(flowy.max()-flowy.min()) # flowy = np.uint8(flowy*255.0) # cv2.imwrite(FLAGS.train_log_dir + str(epoch) + "_" + str(testIter) + "_y" + ".jpeg", flowy) # print("Iteration %d/%d is Done" % (testIter, maxTestIter)) accuracy = sum(np.equal(label_pred, label_gt)) / (testBatchSize * 101) print( "***Test flow abs_mean: pr1 %2.4f pr2 %2.4f pr3 %2.4f pr4 %2.4f pr5 %2.4f" % (np.mean(np.absolute(flows_all[0]), axis=None), np.mean(np.absolute(flows_all[1]), axis=None), np.mean(np.absolute(flows_all[2]), axis=None), np.mean(np.absolute(flows_all[3]), axis=None), np.mean(np.absolute(flows_all[4]), axis=None))) print( "***Test flow max: pr1 %2.4f pr2 %2.4f pr3 %2.4f pr4 %2.4f pr5 %2.4f" % (np.max(np.absolute(flows_all[0]), axis=None), np.max(np.absolute(flows_all[1]), axis=None), np.max(np.absolute(flows_all[2]), axis=None), np.max(np.absolute(flows_all[3]), axis=None), np.max(np.absolute(flows_all[4]), axis=None))) Loss_sum = (Loss1 * weight_L[0] + Loss2 * weight_L[1] + Loss3 * weight_L[2] + Loss4 * weight_L[3] + Loss5 * weight_L[4]) / maxTestIter ULoss_sum = (U_Loss1 * weight_L[0] + U_Loss2 * weight_L[1] + U_Loss3 * weight_L[2] + U_Loss4 * weight_L[3] + U_Loss5 * weight_L[4] ) / maxTestIter * self.lambda_smooth VLoss_sum = (V_Loss1 * weight_L[0] + V_Loss2 * weight_L[1] + V_Loss3 * weight_L[2] + V_Loss4 * weight_L[3] + V_Loss5 * weight_L[4] ) / maxTestIter * self.lambda_smooth print( "***Test: Epoch %03d Iter %04d: Loss_sum %4.4f ULoss_sum %4.4f VLoss_sum %4.4f Accurcy %4.4f \r\n" % (epoch, iteration, Loss_sum, ULoss_sum, VLoss_sum, accuracy)) if epoch % FLAGS.num_epochs_per_decay == 0: lr *= FLAGS.learning_rate_decay_factor if epoch % FLAGS.save_interval_epoch == 0: print("Save to " + FLAGS.train_log_dir + str(epoch) + '_model.ckpt'), FLAGS.train_log_dir + str(epoch) + '_model.ckpt')
def trainNet(self, batch_size): if not os.path.isdir(FLAGS.train_log_dir): os.makedirs(FLAGS.train_log_dir, mode=0777) # Figure out the input size inputData, flow = self.sintel.sampleTrain(self.batch_size) shape_info = inputData.shape with tf.device('/gpu:0'): inputVolume = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [shape_info[0], shape_info[1], shape_info[2], shape_info[3]]) loss_weight = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [self.numLosses]) hyper_param = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [4]) is_training = tf.placeholder(tf.bool) loss, midFlows, previous = sintelWrapFlow.inception_v3( inputVolume, loss_weight, hyper_param, is_training) print('Finished building Network.') # Calculating the number of params inside a network model_vars = tf.trainable_variables() total_parameters = 0 for varCount in model_vars: # shape is an array of tf.Dimension shape = varCount.get_shape() # print(shape) # print(len(shape)) variable_parametes = 1 for dim in shape: variable_parametes *= dim.value total_parameters += variable_parametes print( "Our Inception-v3 network has %4.2fM number of parameters. " % (total_parameters / 1000000.0)) init = tf.initialize_all_variables() total_loss = slim.losses.get_total_loss( add_regularization_losses=False) lr = FLAGS.learning_rate learning_rate = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[]) train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate=learning_rate).minimize(total_loss) config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True config.allow_soft_placement = True sess = tf.Session(config=config) # What about pre-traind initialized model params and deconv parms? self.VGG_init_vars = [ var for var in model_vars if ('conv') ] self.deconv_bilinearInit_vars = [ var for var in model_vars if ('up') ] VGG16Init = False inceptionInit = False bilinearInit = True # Use pre-trained VGG16 model to initialize conv filters if inceptionInit: VGG16modelPath = "vgg16_weights.npz" print("Restore from " + ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) print( "-----Done initializing conv filters with Inception-v3 pre-trained model------" ) if VGG16Init: VGG16modelPath = "vgg16_weights.npz" if not os.path.exists(VGG16modelPath): modelUrl = "" self.downloadModel(modelUrl) self.load_VGG16_weights(VGG16modelPath, sess) print( "-----Done initializing conv filters with VGG16 pre-trained model------" ) # Use bilinear upsampling to initialize deconv filters if bilinearInit: for var in self.deconv_bilinearInit_vars: if "weights" in self.load_deconv_weights(var, sess) print( "-----Done initializing deconv filters with bilinear upsampling------" ) saver = tf.train.Saver() ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(FLAGS.train_log_dir) if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path: print("Restore from " + ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) display = 50 # number of iterations to display training log # Loss weights schedule weight_L = [16, 8, 4, 4, 2, 1] hyper_param_list = [ self.epsilon, self.alpha_c, self.alpha_s, self.lambda_smooth ] for epoch in xrange(1, self.maxEpochs + 1): print("Epoch %d: \r\n" % epoch) print("Learning Rate %f: \r\n" % lr) # 227 max iterations # print self.maxIterPerEpoch for iteration in xrange(1, self.maxIterPerEpoch + 1): inputData, _ = self.sintel.sampleTrain(self.batch_size) # Geometric augmentation # source_geo, target_geo = utils.geoAugmentation(source, target) # Training{ inputVolume: inputData, loss_weight: weight_L, hyper_param: hyper_param_list, learning_rate: lr }, session=sess) if iteration % display == 0: losses, flows_all, loss_sum = [loss, midFlows, total_loss], feed_dict={ inputVolume: inputData, loss_weight: weight_L, hyper_param: hyper_param_list, is_training: False }) print( "---Train Batch(%d): Epoch %03d Iter %04d: Loss_sum %4.4f \r\n" % (self.batch_size, epoch, iteration, loss_sum)) print( " PhotometricLoss1 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[0]["Charbonnier_reconstruct"], weight_L[0], losses[0]["Charbonnier_reconstruct"] * weight_L[0])) print( " PhotometricLoss2 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[1]["Charbonnier_reconstruct"], weight_L[1], losses[1]["Charbonnier_reconstruct"] * weight_L[1])) print( " PhotometricLoss3 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[2]["Charbonnier_reconstruct"], weight_L[2], losses[2]["Charbonnier_reconstruct"] * weight_L[2])) print( " PhotometricLoss4 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[3]["Charbonnier_reconstruct"], weight_L[3], losses[3]["Charbonnier_reconstruct"] * weight_L[3])) print( " PhotometricLoss5 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[4]["Charbonnier_reconstruct"], weight_L[4], losses[4]["Charbonnier_reconstruct"] * weight_L[4])) print( " PhotometricLoss6 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[5]["Charbonnier_reconstruct"], weight_L[5], losses[5]["Charbonnier_reconstruct"] * weight_L[5])) print( " SmoothnessLossU1 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[0]["U_loss"], weight_L[0] * self.lambda_smooth, losses[0]["U_loss"] * weight_L[0] * self.lambda_smooth)) print( " SmoothnessLossU2 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[1]["U_loss"], weight_L[1] * self.lambda_smooth, losses[1]["U_loss"] * weight_L[1] * self.lambda_smooth)) print( " SmoothnessLossU3 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[2]["U_loss"], weight_L[2] * self.lambda_smooth, losses[2]["U_loss"] * weight_L[2] * self.lambda_smooth)) print( " SmoothnessLossU4 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[3]["U_loss"], weight_L[3] * self.lambda_smooth, losses[3]["U_loss"] * weight_L[3] * self.lambda_smooth)) print( " SmoothnessLossU5 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[4]["U_loss"], weight_L[4] * self.lambda_smooth, losses[4]["U_loss"] * weight_L[4] * self.lambda_smooth)) print( " SmoothnessLossU6 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[5]["U_loss"], weight_L[5] * self.lambda_smooth, losses[5]["U_loss"] * weight_L[5] * self.lambda_smooth)) print( " SmoothnessLossV1 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[0]["V_loss"], weight_L[0] * self.lambda_smooth, losses[0]["V_loss"] * weight_L[0] * self.lambda_smooth)) print( " SmoothnessLossV2 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[1]["V_loss"], weight_L[1] * self.lambda_smooth, losses[1]["V_loss"] * weight_L[1] * self.lambda_smooth)) print( " SmoothnessLossV3 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[2]["V_loss"], weight_L[2] * self.lambda_smooth, losses[2]["V_loss"] * weight_L[2] * self.lambda_smooth)) print( " SmoothnessLossV4 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[3]["V_loss"], weight_L[3] * self.lambda_smooth, losses[3]["V_loss"] * weight_L[3] * self.lambda_smooth)) print( " SmoothnessLossV5 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[4]["V_loss"], weight_L[4] * self.lambda_smooth, losses[4]["V_loss"] * weight_L[4] * self.lambda_smooth)) print( " SmoothnessLossV6 = %4.4f (* %2.4f = %2.4f loss)" % (losses[5]["V_loss"], weight_L[5] * self.lambda_smooth, losses[5]["V_loss"] * weight_L[5] * self.lambda_smooth)) assert not np.isnan( loss_sum).any(), 'Model diverged with loss = NaN' if iteration == self.maxIterPerEpoch: print("Start evaluating......") # self.evaluateNet(epoch, iteration, weight_L, hyper_param_list, sess) testBatchSize = self.batch_size maxTestIter = int( math.floor( len(self.sintel.valList) / testBatchSize)) Loss1, Loss2, Loss3, Loss4, Loss5, Loss6 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 U_Loss1, U_Loss2, U_Loss3, U_Loss4, U_Loss5, U_Loss6 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 V_Loss1, V_Loss2, V_Loss3, V_Loss4, V_Loss5, V_Loss6 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 flow_1 = [] flow_gt = [] previous_img = [] # print weight_L for testIter in xrange(1, maxTestIter + 1): testBatch = self.sintel.sampleVal( testBatchSize, testIter) inputData, flow = testBatch[0] batchSampleIdxs = testBatch[1] losses, flows_all, prev_all = [loss, midFlows, previous], feed_dict={ inputVolume: inputData, loss_weight: weight_L, hyper_param: hyper_param_list, is_training: False }) Loss1 += losses[0]["total"] Loss2 += losses[1]["total"] Loss3 += losses[2]["total"] Loss4 += losses[3]["total"] Loss5 += losses[4]["total"] Loss6 += losses[5]["total"] U_Loss1 += losses[0]["U_loss"] U_Loss2 += losses[1]["U_loss"] U_Loss3 += losses[2]["U_loss"] U_Loss4 += losses[3]["U_loss"] U_Loss5 += losses[4]["U_loss"] U_Loss6 += losses[5]["U_loss"] V_Loss1 += losses[0]["V_loss"] V_Loss2 += losses[1]["V_loss"] V_Loss3 += losses[2]["V_loss"] V_Loss4 += losses[3]["V_loss"] V_Loss5 += losses[4]["V_loss"] U_Loss6 += losses[5]["V_loss"] flow1_pacth = [] previous_img_list = [] for batch_idx in xrange(testBatchSize): # For flow flow1_list = [] for c in xrange(0, (self.time_step - 1) * 2, 2): idx1, idx2 = c, c + 2 flowImg = flows_all[0][ batch_idx, :, :, idx1: idx2] * self.amplifier # pr1 is still half of the final predicted flow value flowImg = np.clip( flowImg, -420.621, 426.311 ) # -420.621 426.311 is the min and max of the flow value in training dataset # print flowImg.shape flow1_list.append( np.expand_dims( cv2.resize(flowImg, (self.origin_size[1], self.origin_size[0])), 0)) flow1_pacth.append( np.concatenate(flow1_list, axis=3)) # print flow1_pacth[0].shape # # For reconstructed images # img1_list = [] # for c in xrange(0, (self.time_step-1)*3, 3): # idx1, idx2 = c, c+3 # img1_list.append(np.expand_dims(cv2.resize(prev_all[batch_idx,:,:,idx1:idx2], (self.origin_size[1], self.origin_size[0])), 0)) # previous_img_list.append(np.concatenate(img1_list, axis=3)) # print previous_img_list[0].shape flow_1.append(np.concatenate(flow1_pacth, axis=0)) # previous_img.append(np.concatenate(previous_img_list, axis=0)) previous_img.append(prev_all) flow_gt.append(flow) # Visualize # pickID: pick any frame inside the volume to display pickID = self.time_step / 2 - 1 for batch_sample_id in batchSampleIdxs: dirTuple = self.sintel.valList[ batch_sample_id][pickID] dirSplit = dirTuple.split("/") dirName = dirSplit[0] frameName = dirSplit[1][0:10] imgName = dirName + "_" + frameName if epoch == 1: # save ground truth images and flow GTflowColor = utils.flowToColor( flow[batch_sample_id % self.batch_size, :, :, pickID * 2:pickID * 2 + 2].squeeze()) cv2.imwrite( FLAGS.train_log_dir + imgName + "_gt_flow.jpeg", GTflowColor) gt_1 = inputData[batch_sample_id % self.batch_size, :, :, pickID * 3:pickID * 3 + 3].squeeze() cv2.imwrite( FLAGS.train_log_dir + imgName + ".jpeg", gt_1) flowColor_1 = utils.flowToColor( flow_1[testIter - 1][batch_sample_id % self.batch_size, :, :, pickID * 2:pickID * 2 + 2].squeeze()) # print flowColor.max(), flowColor.min(), flowColor.mean() cv2.imwrite( FLAGS.train_log_dir + str(epoch) + "_" + imgName + "_flow.jpeg", flowColor_1) prev_frame = previous_img[testIter - 1][ batch_sample_id % self.batch_size, :, :, pickID * 3:pickID * 3 + 3] intensity_range = np.max( prev_frame, axis=None) - np.min(prev_frame, axis=None) # save predicted next frames prev_frame = (prev_frame - np.min(prev_frame, axis=None) ) * 255 / intensity_range cv2.imwrite( FLAGS.train_log_dir + str(epoch) + "_" + imgName + ".jpeg", prev_frame.astype(int)) # Calculate endpoint error f1 = np.concatenate(flow_1, axis=0) f2 = np.concatenate(flow_gt, axis=0) AEE = utils.flow_ee(f1, f2) # calculate statistics if epoch == 1: print( "***Test: max (flow_gt) %2.4f min (flow_gt) %2.4f abs_mean (flow_gt) %2.4f \r\n" % (np.amax(f2, axis=None), np.amin(f2, axis=None), np.mean(np.absolute(f2), axis=None))) print( "***Test flow abs_mean: pr1 %2.4f pr2 %2.4f pr3 %2.4f pr4 %2.4f pr5 %2.4f pr6 %2.4f" % (np.mean(np.absolute(flows_all[0]), axis=None), np.mean(np.absolute(flows_all[1]), axis=None), np.mean(np.absolute(flows_all[2]), axis=None), np.mean(np.absolute(flows_all[3]), axis=None), np.mean(np.absolute(flows_all[4]), axis=None), np.mean(np.absolute(flows_all[5]), axis=None))) print( "***Test flow max: pr1 %2.4f pr2 %2.4f pr3 %2.4f pr4 %2.4f pr5 %2.4f pr6 %2.4f" % (np.max(np.absolute(flows_all[0]), axis=None), np.max(np.absolute(flows_all[1]), axis=None), np.max(np.absolute(flows_all[2]), axis=None), np.max(np.absolute(flows_all[3]), axis=None), np.max(np.absolute(flows_all[4]), axis=None), np.max(np.absolute(flows_all[5]), axis=None))) Loss_sum = (Loss1 * weight_L[0] + Loss2 * weight_L[1] + Loss3 * weight_L[2] + Loss4 * weight_L[3] + Loss5 * weight_L[4] + Loss6 * weight_L[5]) / maxTestIter ULoss_sum = ( U_Loss1 * weight_L[0] + U_Loss2 * weight_L[1] + U_Loss3 * weight_L[2] + U_Loss4 * weight_L[3] + U_Loss5 * weight_L[4] + U_Loss6 * weight_L[5]) / maxTestIter * self.lambda_smooth VLoss_sum = ( V_Loss1 * weight_L[0] + V_Loss2 * weight_L[1] + V_Loss3 * weight_L[2] + V_Loss4 * weight_L[3] + V_Loss5 * weight_L[4] + V_Loss6 * weight_L[5]) / maxTestIter * self.lambda_smooth print( "***Test: Epoch %03d Iter %04d: Loss_sum %4.4f ULoss_sum %4.4f VLoss_sum %4.4f AEE %4.4f \r\n" % (epoch, iteration, Loss_sum, ULoss_sum, VLoss_sum, AEE)) if epoch % FLAGS.num_epochs_per_decay == 0: lr *= FLAGS.learning_rate_decay_factor if epoch % FLAGS.save_interval_epoch == 0: print("Save to " + FLAGS.train_log_dir + str(epoch) + '_model.ckpt') sess, FLAGS.train_log_dir + str(epoch) + '_model.ckpt')
def evaluateNet(self, epoch, trainIter, weight_L, sess): # For Sintel, the batch size should be 7, so that all validation images are covered. testBatchSize = 8 source_img = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [testBatchSize, self.image_size[0], self.image_size[1], 3]) target_img = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [testBatchSize, self.image_size[0], self.image_size[1], 3]) loss_weight = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [self.numLosses]) # Don't know if this is safe to set all variables reuse=True # But because of different batch size, I don't know how to evaluate the model on validation data tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() # loss, midFlows, prev = flyingChairsWrapFlow.VGG16(source_img, target_img, loss_weight) loss, midFlows, prev = flyingChairsWrapFlow.inception_v3( source_img, target_img, loss_weight, is_training=False) maxTestIter = int( math.floor(len(self.flyingChairs.valList) / testBatchSize)) Loss1, Loss2, Loss3, Loss4, Loss5, Loss6 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 U_Loss1, U_Loss2, U_Loss3, U_Loss4, U_Loss5, U_Loss6 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 V_Loss1, V_Loss2, V_Loss3, V_Loss4, V_Loss5, V_Loss6 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 flow_1 = [] flow_gt = [] previous_img = [] # print weight_L for iteration in xrange(1, maxTestIter + 1): testBatch = self.flyingChairs.sampleVal(testBatchSize, iteration) source, target, flow = testBatch[0] imgPath = testBatch[1][0] losses, flows_all, prev_all =[loss, midFlows, prev], feed_dict={ source_img: source, target_img: target, loss_weight: weight_L }) Loss1 += losses[0]["total"] Loss2 += losses[1]["total"] Loss3 += losses[2]["total"] Loss4 += losses[3]["total"] Loss5 += losses[4]["total"] Loss6 += losses[5]["total"] U_Loss1 += losses[0]["U_loss"] U_Loss2 += losses[1]["U_loss"] U_Loss3 += losses[2]["U_loss"] U_Loss4 += losses[3]["U_loss"] U_Loss5 += losses[4]["U_loss"] U_Loss6 += losses[5]["U_loss"] V_Loss1 += losses[0]["V_loss"] V_Loss2 += losses[1]["V_loss"] V_Loss3 += losses[2]["V_loss"] V_Loss4 += losses[3]["V_loss"] V_Loss5 += losses[4]["V_loss"] U_Loss6 += losses[5]["V_loss"] flow1_list = [] previous_img_list = [] for batch_idx in xrange(testBatchSize): flowImg = flows_all[0][ batch_idx, :, :, :] * 2 # pr1 is still half of the final predicted flow value flowImg = np.clip( flowImg, -300.0, 250.0 ) # 300 and 250 is the min and max of the flow value in training dataset flow1_list.append( np.expand_dims( cv2.resize(flowImg, (self.origin_size[1], self.origin_size[0])), 0)) previous_img_list.append( np.expand_dims( cv2.resize(prev_all[batch_idx, :, :, :], (self.origin_size[1], self.origin_size[0])), 0)) flow_1.append(np.concatenate(flow1_list, axis=0)) previous_img.append(np.concatenate(previous_img_list, axis=0)) flow_gt.append(flow) # Visualize # if False: if iteration % 10 == 0: if epoch == 1: # save ground truth images and flow gt_1 = source[0, :, :, :].squeeze() cv2.imwrite( FLAGS.train_log_dir + self.flyingChairs.valList[imgPath] + "_img1.jpeg", gt_1) gt_2 = target[0, :, :, :].squeeze() cv2.imwrite( FLAGS.train_log_dir + self.flyingChairs.valList[imgPath] + "_img2.jpeg", gt_2) GTflowColor = utils.flowToColor(flow[0, :, :, :].squeeze()) cv2.imwrite( FLAGS.train_log_dir + self.flyingChairs.valList[imgPath] + "_gt_flow.jpeg", GTflowColor) flowColor_1 = utils.flowToColor( flow_1[iteration - 1][0, :, :, :].squeeze()) # print flowColor.max(), flowColor.min(), flowColor.mean() cv2.imwrite( FLAGS.train_log_dir + str(epoch) + "_" + str(iteration) + "_" + str(trainIter) + "_flowColor_1" + ".jpeg", flowColor_1) prev_frame = previous_img[iteration - 1][0, :, :, :] intensity_range = np.max(prev_frame, axis=None) - np.min( prev_frame, axis=None) # save predicted next frames prev_frame = (prev_frame - np.min( prev_frame, axis=None)) * 255 / intensity_range cv2.imwrite( FLAGS.train_log_dir + str(epoch) + "_" + str(iteration) + "_" + str(trainIter) + "_prev_1" + ".jpeg", prev_frame.astype(int)) # Calculate endpoint error f1 = np.concatenate(flow_1, axis=0) f2 = np.concatenate(flow_gt, axis=0) AEE = utils.flow_ee(f1, f2) # calculate statistics if epoch == 1: print( "***Test: max (flow_gt) %2.4f abs_mean (flow_gt) %2.4f \r\n" % (np.amax(f2, axis=None), np.mean(np.absolute(f2), axis=None))) print( "***Test flow abs_mean: pr1 %2.4f pr2 %2.4f pr3 %2.4f pr4 %2.4f pr5 %2.4f pr6 %2.4f" % (np.mean(np.absolute(flows_all[0]), axis=None), np.mean(np.absolute(flows_all[1]), axis=None), np.mean(np.absolute(flows_all[2]), axis=None), np.mean(np.absolute(flows_all[3]), axis=None), np.mean(np.absolute(flows_all[4]), axis=None), np.mean(np.absolute(flows_all[5]), axis=None))) print( "***Test flow max: pr1 %2.4f pr2 %2.4f pr3 %2.4f pr4 %2.4f pr5 %2.4f pr6 %2.4f" % (np.max(np.absolute(flows_all[0]), axis=None), np.max(np.absolute(flows_all[1]), axis=None), np.max(np.absolute(flows_all[2]), axis=None), np.max(np.absolute(flows_all[3]), axis=None), np.max(np.absolute(flows_all[4]), axis=None), np.max(np.absolute(flows_all[5]), axis=None))) Loss_sum = (Loss1 * weight_L[0] + Loss2 * weight_L[1] + Loss3 * weight_L[2] + Loss4 * weight_L[3] + Loss5 * weight_L[4] + Loss6 * weight_L[5]) / maxTestIter ULoss_sum = (U_Loss1 * weight_L[0] + U_Loss2 * weight_L[1] + U_Loss3 * weight_L[2] + U_Loss4 * weight_L[3] + U_Loss5 * weight_L[4] + U_Loss6 * weight_L[5]) / maxTestIter * self.lambda_smooth VLoss_sum = (V_Loss1 * weight_L[0] + V_Loss2 * weight_L[1] + V_Loss3 * weight_L[2] + V_Loss4 * weight_L[3] + V_Loss5 * weight_L[4] + V_Loss6 * weight_L[5]) / maxTestIter * self.lambda_smooth print( "***Test: Epoch %03d Iter %04d: Loss_sum %4.4f ULoss_sum %4.4f VLoss_sum %4.4f AEE %4.4f \r\n" % (epoch, trainIter, Loss_sum, ULoss_sum, VLoss_sum, AEE))
def fc_test(self, opts, epoch, weight_L, hyper_params, sess, loss, midFlows, previous, source_imgs, target_imgs, sample_mean, loss_weight, params, is_training): testBatchSize = opts["batch_size"] maxTestIter = int(np.floor(self.loader.valNum/testBatchSize)) Loss1, Loss2, Loss3, Loss4, Loss5 = 0,0,0,0,0 U_Loss1, U_Loss2, U_Loss3, U_Loss4, U_Loss5 = 0,0,0,0,0 V_Loss1, V_Loss2, V_Loss3, V_Loss4, V_Loss5 = 0,0,0,0,0 flow_1 = [] flow_gt = [] previous_img = [] for iteration in xrange(1, maxTestIter+1): testBatch = self.loader.sampleVal(testBatchSize, iteration) source, target, flow = testBatch[0] imgPath = testBatch[1][0] losses, flows_all, prev_all =[loss, midFlows, previous], feed_dict = {source_imgs: source, target_imgs: target, sample_mean: self.loader.mean, loss_weight: weight_L, params: hyper_params, is_training: False}) Loss1 += losses[0]["total"] Loss2 += losses[1]["total"] Loss3 += losses[2]["total"] Loss4 += losses[3]["total"] Loss5 += losses[4]["total"] U_Loss1 += losses[0]["U_loss"] U_Loss2 += losses[1]["U_loss"] U_Loss3 += losses[2]["U_loss"] U_Loss4 += losses[3]["U_loss"] U_Loss5 += losses[4]["U_loss"] V_Loss1 += losses[0]["V_loss"] V_Loss2 += losses[1]["V_loss"] V_Loss3 += losses[2]["V_loss"] V_Loss4 += losses[3]["V_loss"] V_Loss5 += losses[4]["V_loss"] flow1_list = [] previous_img_list = [] for batch_idx in xrange(testBatchSize): flowImg = flows_all[0][batch_idx,:,:,:] * 2.0 # pr1 is still half of the final predicted flow value flowImg = np.clip(flowImg, -204.4790, 201.3478) # 300 and 250 is the min and max of the flow value in training dataset # print flowImg.shape flow1_list.append(np.expand_dims(cv2.resize(flowImg, (512, 384)), 0)) previous_img_list.append(np.expand_dims(cv2.resize(prev_all[batch_idx,:,:,:], (512, 384)), 0)) flow_1.append(np.concatenate(flow1_list, axis=0)) previous_img.append(np.concatenate(previous_img_list, axis=0)) flow_gt.append(flow) # Visualize if iteration % 4 == 0: if epoch == 1: # save ground truth images and flow gt_1 = source[0, :, :, :].squeeze() cv2.imwrite(opts["log_dir"] + self.loader.valList[imgPath] + "_img1.jpeg", gt_1) gt_2 = target[0, :, :, :].squeeze() cv2.imwrite(opts["log_dir"] + self.loader.valList[imgPath] + "_img2.jpeg", gt_2) GTflowColor = utils.flowToColor(flow[0,:,:,:].squeeze()) cv2.imwrite(opts["log_dir"] + self.loader.valList[imgPath] + "_gt_flow.jpeg", GTflowColor) flowColor_1 = utils.flowToColor(flow_1[iteration-1][0,:,:,:].squeeze()) # print flowColor.max(), flowColor.min(), flowColor.mean() cv2.imwrite(opts["log_dir"] + str(epoch) + "_" + str(iteration) + "_flowColor_1" + ".jpeg", flowColor_1) prev_frame = previous_img[iteration-1][0,:,:,:] intensity_range = np.max(prev_frame, axis=None) - np.min(prev_frame, axis=None) # save predicted next frames prev_frame = (prev_frame - np.min(prev_frame, axis=None)) * 255 / intensity_range cv2.imwrite(opts["log_dir"] + str(epoch) + "_" + str(iteration) + "_prev_1" + ".jpeg", prev_frame.astype(int)) # Calculate endpoint error f1 = np.concatenate(flow_1, axis=0) f2 = np.concatenate(flow_gt, axis=0) AEE = utils.flow_ee(f1, f2) # Calculate statistics if epoch == 1: print("***Test: max (flow_gt) %2.4f min (flow_gt) %2.4f abs_mean (flow_gt) %2.4f \r\n" % (np.amax(f2, axis=None), np.amin(f2, axis=None), np.mean(np.absolute(f2), axis=None))) print("***Test flow max: pr1 %2.4f pr2 %2.4f pr3 %2.4f pr4 %2.4f pr5 %2.4f " % (np.max(flows_all[0], axis=None), np.max(flows_all[1], axis=None), np.max(flows_all[2], axis=None), np.max(flows_all[3], axis=None), np.max(flows_all[4], axis=None))) print("***Test flow min: pr1 %2.4f pr2 %2.4f pr3 %2.4f pr4 %2.4f pr5 %2.4f " % (np.min(flows_all[0], axis=None), np.min(flows_all[1], axis=None), np.min(flows_all[2], axis=None), np.min(flows_all[3], axis=None), np.min(flows_all[4], axis=None))) print("***Test flow abs_mean: pr1 %2.4f pr2 %2.4f pr3 %2.4f pr4 %2.4f pr5 %2.4f " % (np.mean(np.absolute(flows_all[0]), axis=None), np.mean(np.absolute(flows_all[1]), axis=None), np.mean(np.absolute(flows_all[2]), axis=None), np.mean(np.absolute(flows_all[3]), axis=None), np.mean(np.absolute(flows_all[4]), axis=None))) Loss_sum = (Loss1*weight_L[0] + Loss2*weight_L[1] + Loss3*weight_L[2] + Loss4*weight_L[3] + Loss5*weight_L[4])/maxTestIter ULoss_sum = (U_Loss1*weight_L[0] + U_Loss2*weight_L[1] + U_Loss3*weight_L[2] + U_Loss4*weight_L[3] + U_Loss5*weight_L[4])/maxTestIter*hyper_params[0] VLoss_sum = (V_Loss1*weight_L[0] + V_Loss2*weight_L[1] + V_Loss3*weight_L[2] + V_Loss4*weight_L[3] + V_Loss5*weight_L[4])/maxTestIter*hyper_params[0] print("***Test: Epoch %03d : Loss_sum %4.4f ULoss_sum %4.4f VLoss_sum %4.4f AEE %4.4f \r\n" % (epoch, Loss_sum, ULoss_sum, VLoss_sum, AEE)) print("Evaluation done. \r\n")