コード例 #1
def tryCorner(heads, myhead, target, data):
  width = data['board']['width']
  height = data['board']['height']
  bodies = getBodies(data)
  if target['x'] == myhead['x']:
    for b in range(myhead['x'], width):
      if {'x':b, 'y':target['y']} in heads and onlyOneWayToGo(data, {'x':b, 'y':target['y']}, False) and distance_between(target, {'x':b, 'y':target['y']}) >=2:
        return True
      elif {'x':b, 'y':target['y']} in bodies:
        return False
    for c in range(myhead['x'], -1, -1):
      if {'x':c, 'y':target['y']} in heads and onlyOneWayToGo(data, {'x':c, 'y':target['y']}, False) and distance_between(target, {'x':c, 'y':target['y']}) >=2:
        return True
      elif {'x':c, 'y':target['y']} in bodies:
        return False
    return False
  elif target['y'] == myhead['y']:
    for a in range(myhead['y'], height):
      if {'x':target['x'], 'y':a} in heads and onlyOneWayToGo(data, {'x':target['x'], 'y':a}, False) and distance_between(target, {'x':target['x'], 'y':a}) >=2:
        return True
      elif {'x':target['x'], 'y':a} in bodies:
        return False
    for d in range(myhead['y'], -1, -1):
      if {'x':target['x'], 'y':d} in heads and onlyOneWayToGo(data, {'x':target['x'], 'y':d}, False) and distance_between(target, {'x':target['x'], 'y':d}) >=2:
        return True
      elif {'x':target['x'], 'y':d} in bodies:
        return False
    return False
    return False
コード例 #2
def can_trap(data, heads, target):
  #my target
  for head in heads:
    bodies = getBodies(data)
    if trapped(bodies, head, data, False):
      return True
      return False
コード例 #3
def other_can_trap(data, myhead, thisHead):
    moves = assign(thisHead)
    worst_scenario = 999999999
    for a in range(4):
        bodies = getBodies(data)
        #first_time = getPossibleMoves(bodies, dict_moves[a], data, mybody)
        thismove = getPossibleMoves(bodies, myhead, data, data['you']['body'])
        if thismove < worst_scenario and thismove > 0:
            #print('THIS MOVE', thismove)
            worst_scenario = thismove
    if worst_scenario < len(data['you']['body']) / 2:
        return -40
        return 10
コード例 #4
def best_move(data, scores):
    moves = ['up', 'down', 'left', 'right']
    dict_moves = assign(data['you']['head'])
    points_moves = [150, 150, 150, 150]
    #print('DICT MOVES:', dict_moves)
    bodies = getBodies(data)
    heads = getHeads(data)
    myhead = data['you']['head']
    mybody = data['you']['body']
    #mytail = data['you']['body'][len(data['you']['body']) - 1]
    food = data['board']['food']
    health = data['you']['health']
    height = data['board']['height']
    width = data['board']['width']
    snakes = data['board']['snakes']
    center = {'x': round(width / 2), 'y': round(height / 2)}
    small_heads = smaller_snakes_get_heads(data)
    indv_bodies = indvBodies(data)
    head_areas = areas_near_heads(small_heads, indv_bodies, mybody, myhead)
    danger_heads = get_dangerous_heads(data)
    me_smallest = 0
    for snake in snakes:
        if len(snake['body']) >= len(mybody):
            me_smallest += 1
    if me_smallest == len(snakes):
        me_smallest = 2
        me_smallest = 1 / 3
    #print('AM I THE SMALLEST?', me_smallest)
    best_move_for_space = None
    num_best_move_space = 0
    for trymoves in dict_moves:
        thismoves = getPossibleMoves(bodies, trymoves, data, mybody)
        if thismoves > num_best_move_space:
            num_best_move_space = thismoves
            best_move_for_space = trymoves
    for a in range(4):
        if dict_moves[a] in bodies or not -1 < dict_moves[a][
                'x'] < width or not -1 < dict_moves[a]['y'] < height:
            points_moves[a] -= scores[0]  #350
        print('MOVESCORE FOR ' + moves[a] + ' SO FAR: ' + str(points_moves[a]))
        if safe(dict_moves[a], heads, indv_bodies, myhead, mybody) == []:

            first_time = getPossibleMoves(bodies, dict_moves[a], data, mybody,
                                          num_best_move_space <= len(mybody))

            popthese = []
            body_copy = []
            bodies_copy = []
            for minibody in mybody:
            for hh in bodies:
            for h in range(first_time):
                    popthese.append(body_copy[len(body_copy) - 1])
                    body_copy.pop(len(body_copy) - 1)
            for elem in popthese:
                if elem in bodies_copy:
            #move_count = getPossibleMoves(bodies_copy, dict_moves[a], data, body_copy, num_best_move_space <= len(mybody), True)
            points_moves[a] += (first_time - len(mybody) * scores[1])  #1.5
            print("MOVES AVAILABLE FOR MOVE", moves[a], ': ' + str(first_time))
            #print('MOVES INTERPRETTED AS:', (move_count - len(mybody)*scores[1]))

            points_moves[a] -= scores[2]
            points_moves[a] -= 200  #70
            #print(moves[a], "IS NOT SAFE!!!!!")
        print('MOVESCORE FOR', moves[a], 'SO FAR:', points_moves[a])
        food_runtime = 0
        if me_smallest == 2 or health < 46:
            for foodcoord in food:
                if i_am_closest(heads, dict_moves[a], foodcoord):

                    if foodcoord == dict_moves[a]:
                        print('  RIGHT ON TOP OF FOOD!')
                        points_moves[a] += 50
                    elif distance_between(foodcoord, dict_moves[a]) == 1:
                        points_moves[a] += 40
                        points_moves[a] += 5
                    food_runtime += 1
            if food_runtime == 0:
                points_moves[a] -= len(food) * 3
            print('FOODSCORE!!! FOR', moves[a], 'SO FAR:', points_moves[a])
        #print('TRYING TO CLONK A HEAD...')
        #points_moves[a] += scores[4] + 30 #60
        #print("SMALL HEADS LENGTH:", len(head_areas))
        if me_smallest != 2:
            for smallhead in heads:
                avg = (width + height) / 2
                points_moves[a] += (
                    (2 * avg) -
                    (distance_between(dict_moves[a], smallhead))) * 2.5
                #print('FOR MOVE:', moves[a] + ", THE DISTANCE TO THIS HEAD IS", distance_between(dict_moves[a], myhead))
            for smallhead in small_heads:
                avg = (width + height) / 2
                points_moves[a] += (2 * avg) - (distance_between(
                    dict_moves[a], smallhead)) * 2.5
                #print('FOR MOVE:', moves[a] + ", THE DISTANCE TO THIS HEAD IS", distance_between(dict_moves[a], myhead))
        i_can_corner = False
        if tryCorner(heads, myhead, dict_moves[a], data):
            points_moves[a] += scores[5] + 25  #60
            print('MOVE:', moves[a], '........GET CORNERED HA YOU THOUGHT')
            i_can_corner = True
        if dict_moves[a] in head_areas:
            print('ON MOVE', moves[a], "I CAN (probably) HIT A HEAD!")
            points_moves[a] += scores[6] + (
                10 - distance_between(myhead, center)) * 1.2
        for snakehead in snakes:
            if not i_can_corner:
                if others_can_corner_me(
                        data, dict_moves[a],
                        snakehead['head']) and not snakehead['head'] == myhead:
                    print('ON MOVE', moves[a], 'I MIGHT GET CORNERED')
                    points_moves[a] -= scores[7]  #70
            if can_trap(data, heads, dict_moves[a]):
                points_moves[a] += scores[8]  #55
            if other_can_trap(data, dict_moves[a],
                              snakehead['head']) <= len(mybody):
                points_moves[a] -= 70

        for danger in danger_heads:
            if distance_between(danger, myhead) * 2 <= 4.5:
                #swcores[9] = 2.5
                points_moves[a] += distance_between(danger, myhead) * scores[9]
                points_moves[a] += scores[9] + 3

        if num_best_move_space <= len(mybody) / 2:
            if dict_moves[a] == best_move_for_space:
                points_moves[a] += scores[10]  #60

    print('MOVESCORES:', points_moves)
    print('MOVES:', moves)
        f"Best move is {moves[points_moves.index(max(points_moves))]} with a score of {max(points_moves)}"
    return moves[points_moves.index(max(points_moves))]