import numpy as np import cv2, math from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import utils cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) while True: success, img = imgcont, conts, _ = utils.getContours(img, cThr=[150, 175], showCanny=False, filter=4, draw=False) #Selecting the White box if len(conts) != 0: biggest = conts[0][2] imgWarp = utils.warpImg(img, biggest, 350, 350) #warping the Image to Region of Interest imgCont2, cont2, imgThre = utils.getContours( imgWarp, cThr=[50, 50], showCanny=False, filter=7, draw=False) #Finding the Countours of Arrow if len(cont2) != 0: tip = tuple(cont2[0][2][0][0]) #tip2=tuple(cont2[0][2][3][0]) M = cv2.moments(cont2[0][2]) cX = int(M["m10"] / M["m00"]) #Finding the centroid of the arrow
print("Can't receive frame. Exiting...") break frame_counter += 1 # If the last frame is reached, reset the capture and the frame_counter if frame_counter == cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT): frame_counter = 0 # Or whatever as long as it is the same as next line cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, 0) for dl in toDrawLists: dl.clear() for bl in ballPathsToDraw: bl.clear() imgRaw = cv2.resize(imgRaw, (0, 0), None, 0.7, 0.7) deskArea = None img, contours = utils.getContours(imgRaw, showCanny=debugMode, draw=debugMode) if len(contours) != 0: contourMax = contours[0] approxCorners = contourMax[2] deskArea = approxCorners imgWarp, newMatrix = utils.warpImg(img, approxCorners, wBirdseye, hBirdseye, prevMatrix=warpMatrix, prevWeight=curMatrixWeight) img, redPos = detection.detectBall(img, deskArea, 'red') img, yellowPos = detection.detectBall(img, deskArea, 'yellow') img, whitePos = detection.detectBall(img, deskArea, 'white') img, greenPos = detection.detectBall(img, deskArea, 'green') ballPositions = [redPos, yellowPos, whitePos, greenPos] for i in range(len(ballPositions)): if ballPositions[i] is not None:
webcam = True path = '1.jpg' cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) cap.set(10, 160) cap.set(3, 1920) cap.set(4, 1080) scale = 3 wP = 210 * scale hP = 297 * scale ################################### while True: if webcam: success, img = else: img = cv2.imread(path) imgContours, conts = utils.getContours(img, minArea=50000, filter=4) if len(conts) != 0: biggest = conts[0][2] #print(biggest) imgWarp = utils.warpImg(img, biggest, wP, hP) imgContours2, conts2 = utils.getContours(imgWarp, minArea=2000, filter=4, cThr=[50, 50], draw=False) if len(conts) != 0: for obj in conts2: cv2.polylines(imgContours2, [obj[2]], True, (0, 255, 0), 2) nPoints = utils.reorder(obj[2]) nW = round((utils.findDis(nPoints[0][0] // scale, nPoints[1][0] // scale) / 10), 1)
import cv2 import numpy as np import utils webcam = False cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) img = cv2.imread('battery.jpg') cap.set(10, 160) cap.set(3, 1920) cap.set(4, 1080) while True: if webcam: success, img = else: img = cv2.imread('battery.jpg') img = cv2.resize(img, (0, 0), None, 0.5, 0.5) img, conts = utils.getContours(img, showC=True, minArea=50000, filter=4) if len(conts) != 0: biggest = conts[0][2] print(biggest) img = cv2.resize(img, (0, 0), None, 0.5, 0.5) cv2.imshow('image', img) cv2.waitKey(1) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
scale = 4 warpMatrix = np.zeros((3, 3)) curWeight = 0 while cap.isOpened(): if stream: success, img = else: success, img = True, cv2.imread(path) if not success: print("Can't receive frame. Exiting...") break img, contours = utils.getContours(img, showCanny=True, draw=True) if len(contours) != 0: contourMax = contours[0] approxCorners = contourMax[2] imgWarp, newMatrix = utils.warpImg(img, approxCorners, wTable * scale, hTable * scale, prevMatrix=warpMatrix, prevWeight=curWeight) warpMatrix = newMatrix curWeight += 1 cv2.imshow('Warped Table', imgWarp) img = cv2.resize(img, (0, 0), None, 0.7, 0.7) cv2.imshow('Original', img)
def Ellipse(sciimg, mskimg=None, ps=None, E=None, img=False, pick=1, extrapolate=0., tol=1, sclip=True, minCt=10, pfsam=0.5, cen=None, rcmin=5.): def tomin(x, y, P, T, X=None): #T gives the limits of the angle range #X gives the limits of the center range x0, y0, q, theta, c0 = np.array(P).astype(float) X = [np.min(x), np.max(x), np.min(y), np.max(y)] if X is None else X if q > 1. or q < 0.: return 1e100 if c0 > 5 or c0 < -1.9: return 1e100 if x0 > X[1] or x0 < X[0]: return 1e100 if y0 > X[3] or y0 < X[2]: return 1e100 if theta > T[1] or theta < T[0]: return 1e100 r, th = gell(x, y, x0, y0, q, theta, c0, reth=True) if (np.max(th) - np.min(th)) / np.pi < 1.7: return 1e100 rm = np.median(r) # if rm>5*(np.max([np.max(x)-np.min(x),np.max(y)-np.min(y)])): return 1e100 return np.sum((r - np.median(r))**2) def tomin2(x, y, P, T, X=None): #Add th limit, add X limit, add rm limit (?), x0, y0, q, theta = np.array(P[:-1]).astype(float) a = P[-1] if (np.abs(np.array(a)) > 0.1).any(): return 1e100 if q > 1. or q < 0.: return 1e100 if x0 > np.max(x) or x0 < np.min(x): return 1e100 if y0 > np.max(y) or y0 < np.min(y): return 1e100 if theta > T[1] or theta < T[0]: return 1e100 r = gella4(x, y, x0, y0, q, theta, a) return np.sum((r - np.median(r))**2) # sciimg is a 2D array # pick is 0 for elliptical profile, 1 for c0 profile, and 2 for a4 profile # retfun returns a linear interpolation function of the profiles # Extrapolate is the sky level until which one wants to extrapolate after ellipse cannot measure it anymore if E is None: E = [0, sciimg.shape[1], 0, sciimg.shape[0]] xx, yy = np.meshgrid( UU.middlebin(np.linspace(E[0], E[1], sciimg.shape[1] + 1)), UU.middlebin(np.linspace(E[2], E[3], sciimg.shape[0] + 1))) dx = xx[0][1] - xx[0][0] dy = yy[1][0] - yy[0][0] if mskimg is None: mskimg = np.ones(sciimg.shape) # pit=UU.getWP(sciimg[mskimg==1],sciimg[mskimg==1]) whtmin = np.abs(np.min(sciimg[mskimg == 1])) pit = UU.getWP(sciimg[mskimg == 1], sciimg[mskimg == 1] + whtmin) y = {} # Summary info [ps,<x0>,<y0>,<q>,c0,a4,<theta>] Ctout = [] # for key in ['ps','x0','y0','q','theta','x0_m','y0_m','q_m','theta_m','c0','a4','val','r1','r2','r3','DL']: #,'Ct' for key in [ 'ps', 'x0', 'y0', 'q', 'theta', 'val', 'r', 'DL', 'rc2', 'ellval' ]: y[key] = [] if pick == 1: y['c0'] = [] elif pick == 2: y['a4'] = [] y['a'] = [] if ps is None: #Finding the points based on the pit curve def safepit(x): if x < 0: return effpit(0) elif x > 100: return effpit(100) else: return np.arcsinh(effpit(x)) #CHANGED Log10 for arcsinh!! ##Finding the gradient## #To find a better description of the gradient, first I simplify y idxs = (pit.x > 0) & (pit.x <= 100) effy, b = np.unique(np.round(np.arcsinh(pit.y[idxs]), 3), return_inverse=True) #CHANGED Log10 for arcsinh!! effx = np.array( [np.min(pit.x[idxs][b == i]) for i in range(len(effy))]) effpit = interp1d( effx, [np.max(pit.y[idxs][b == i]) for i in range(len(effy))], bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate' ) #pit is affected by the points removed above, it is very rare but it happens #Analytic approximation of the log10 pit curve # ly=np.polyfit(np.append([effx[-1]+i*(effx[-1]-effx[-2]) for i in range(5)],effx),np.append([effy[-1]-i*(effy[-2]-effy[-1]) for i in range(5)],effy),10) # gr=np.poly1d(np.polyder(ly)) effpitash = lambda x: np.arcsinh(effpit(x)) gr = lambda x: derivative(effpitash, x) ps = [float(effx[-1])] # gdown=lambda a,x:np.abs(safepit(x-a*gr(x))-(safepit(x)+a*gr(x))) gdown = lambda a, x: np.abs( safepit(x - a * gr(x)) - (safepit(x) + a * gr(x))) if a > 0 else 1e100 pk = 1. # tol=1 while ps[-1] > 0: # print ps[-1] # efftol=tol/gr(ps[-1]) #absolute value # efftol=tol #gradient times value # efftol=tol/gr(ps[-1])/safepit(ps[-1]) #relative to current value efftol = tol / gr( ps[-1]) / ps[-1] #relative to current value - nani? # if gr(ps[-1])<0:ps.append(pit.x[pit.x<ps[-1]][-1]) # print ps[-1] # print np.min(effx) # print effx[effx<ps[-1]] # print '##############################################' if gr(ps[-1]) < 0: tap = 0. if len( effx[effx < ps[-1]]) == 0 else effx[effx < ps[-1]][-1] ps.append(tap) else: x1 = minimize(lambda x: np.abs(gdown(x, ps[-1]) - efftol), pk, tol=1e-3, method='Nelder-Mead') pk = x1['x'][0] ps.append(ps[-1] - x1['x'][0] * gr(ps[-1])) # print pk,ps[-1] ############################ # plt.clf() # plt.plot(pit.x,np.log10(pit.y)) # plt.plot(pit.x,np.poly1d(ly)(pit.x)) # plt.scatter(pit.x,np.log10(pit.y),c=gr(pit.x)) # plt.scatter(ps,poly1d(ly)(ps),c='red') ############################ ps = 100 - np.array(ps) # ps=np.append(interp1d(range(len(ps)),ps)(np.arange(0,len(ps)-1,1./pssamp)),ps[-1]) ps = ps[ps <= 100] # print len(ps) # return pCt = None px0 = None pctf1 = None minmax = lambda x: np.max(x) - np.min(x) scieff = np.zeros(sciimg.shape) + sciimg scieff[ mskimg == 0] = 0. #TRYING ZEROS HERE. It might be better than nans, but I am not sure yet. for pi, p in enumerate(ps): # print pi if p == ps[0]: effp1 = (p + ps[1]) / 2 effp2 = ( (100. - effpit.x[effpit.x.searchsorted(100. - p)]) + np.min([(100. - effpit.x[effpit.x.searchsorted(100. - p) - 1]), ps[pi + 1]])) / 2 effp = np.min([effp1, effp2]) else: if 100 - p in effpit.x and pi + 1 != len(ps): effp = ( (100. - effpit.x[effpit.x.searchsorted(100. - p)]) + np.min([(100. - effpit.x[effpit.x.searchsorted(100. - p) - 1]), ps[pi + 1]])) / 2 else: effp = p Ct = UU.getContours(scieff, effpit(100 - effp), E) Ct = [np.array([x for x in C if not np.isnan(x).any()]) for C in Ct] #Remove nans Ct = [C for C in Ct if len(C) != 0] #Remove nans Ct = [ C for C in Ct if np.min(C[:, 0]) > E[0] + 1. and np.min(C[:, 1]) > E[2] + 1. and np.max(C[:, 0]) < E[1] - 1 and np.min(C[:, 0]) < E[3] - 1 ] # only Contours away from border if pCt is not None: Ct = [ C for C in Ct if Path(C).contains_points([np.median(pCt, 0)]).all() ] # Should contain the previous one if len(Ct) == 0: print 'Finishing here, you hit the background' break if cen is not None and p == ps[0]: #Sometimes there is more than 1 contour to choose from at the beggining, right now the pick is random... Ct = [ C for C in Ct if np.sqrt(np.sum((np.median(C, 0) - (np.array(cen) + 0.5))**2)) < np.sqrt(2) ] ict = np.argmax([len(C) for C in Ct]) #picking the longest contour Cteff = Ct[ict] #If too few points in the contours, weird fits can happen, so I will have a minimum. if len(Cteff) < minCt: iz = int(float(minCt) / (len(Cteff) - 1)) + 1 nx = np.array([ Cteff[:-1, 0] + i * (Cteff[1:, 0] - Cteff[:-1, 0]) / iz for i in range(iz) ]).T.ravel() ny = np.array([ Cteff[:-1, 1] + i * (Cteff[1:, 1] - Cteff[:-1, 1]) / iz for i in range(iz) ]).T.ravel() Cteff = np.array([nx, ny]).T #It is of no purpose to interpolate within the same pixels if pCt is not None and pfsam != 0: idxc = np.unique(np.array([(Cteff[:, 0] / pfsam).astype("int"), (Cteff[:, 1] / pfsam).astype("int")]).T, axis=0) idxp = np.unique(np.array([(pCt[:, 0] / pfsam).astype("int"), (pCt[:, 1] / pfsam).astype("int")]).T, axis=0) if np.all(idxc == idxp): # print idxc,idxp continue pCt = Cteff #First guess if px0 is None: x00 = np.median(Cteff[:, 0]) y00 = np.median(Cteff[:, 1]) t0 = [] t1 = [] t2 = [] for theta in np.linspace(-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2, 100): theta = theta - np.pi / 2 M1 = np.array([(Cteff[:, 0] - x00), (Cteff[:, 1] - y00)]) c = np.array([[np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)], [-np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]]) M2 =, M1) t0.append(theta) # t1.append(np.max([np.max(M2[0,:])-np.min(M2[0,:]),np.max(M2[1,:])-np.min(M2[1,:])])) t1.append(np.max(M2[0, :]) - np.min(M2[0, :])) t2.append((np.max(M2[1, :]) - np.min(M2[1, :])) / (np.max(M2[0, :]) - np.min(M2[0, :]))) ############ q0 = t2[np.argmax(t1)] if t2[np.argmax(t1)] < 1. else 1. et0 = t0[np.argmax(t1)] else: x00, y00, q0, et0 = px0 ########### #Sigma clipping if sclip and len(Cteff) > 10: thr = np.arctan2((Cteff[:, 1].ravel() - y00), (Cteff[:, 0].ravel() - x00) * q0) rr = gell(Cteff[:, 0], Cteff[:, 1], x00, y00, q0, et0, 0.) ly = np.polyfit(thr, rr, 5) rf = rr - np.poly1d(ly)(thr) rf = (rf - np.median(rf)) / np.std(rf) idxs = np.where(np.abs(rf) > 3)[0] grps = np.split(idxs, np.where(np.diff(idxs) != 1)[0] + 1) ctmsk = np.ones(Cteff[:, 0].shape).astype(bool) for g in grps: if len(g) == 0: continue g0 = np.min(g) - np.argmin( (rf[:np.min(g)] > 1)[::-1]) if np.min(g) != 0 else 0 g1 = np.max(g) + np.argmin( (rf[np.max(g):] > 1 )) if np.max(g) != len(Cteff) - 1 else len(Cteff) - 1 ctmsk[g0:g1] = 0 Cteff = Cteff[ctmsk, :] ########### X = None if pctf1 is None else [ np.min(pctf1[0]), np.max(pctf1[0]), np.min(pctf1[1]), np.max(pctf1[1]) ] x2a = minimize(lambda x: tomin(Cteff[:, 0], Cteff[:, 1], [ x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], 0. ], [et0 - np.pi / 2, et0 + np.pi / 2], X), [x00, y00, q0, et0], method='Powell', options={'maxiter': 100000}) x2b = minimize(lambda x: tomin(Cteff[:, 0], Cteff[:, 1], [ x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], 0. ], [x2a['x'][3] - np.pi / 2, x2a['x'][3] + np.pi / 2], X), x2a['x'], method='Nelder-Mead', options={'maxiter': 100000}) if pick == 0: xf = x2b r, th = gell(Cteff[:, 0], Cteff[:, 1], x2b['x'][0], x2b['x'][1], x2b['x'][2], x2b['x'][3], 0., reth=True) elif pick == 1: x3a = minimize(lambda x: tomin(Cteff[:, 0], Cteff[:, 1], [ x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4] ], [x2b['x'][3] - np.pi / 2, x2b['x'][3] + np.pi / 2], X), np.append(x2b['x'], [0.]), method='Powell', options={'maxiter': 100000}) xf = minimize(lambda x: tomin(Cteff[:, 0], Cteff[:, 1], [ x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4] ], [x3a['x'][3] - np.pi / 2, x3a['x'][3] + np.pi / 2], X), np.append(x3a['x'], [0.]), method='Nelder-Mead', options={'maxiter': 100000}) r, th = gell(Cteff[:, 0], Cteff[:, 1], xf['x'][0], xf['x'][1], xf['x'][2], xf['x'][3], xf['x'][4], reth=True) elif pick == 2: x3a = minimize(lambda x: tomin2(Cteff[:, 0], Cteff[:, 1], [ x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], [0., x[4], x[5], 0.] ], [x2b['x'][3] - np.pi / 2, x2b['x'][3] + np.pi / 2], X), np.append(x2b['x'], [0., 0.]), method='Powell', options={'maxiter': 100000}) xf = minimize(lambda x: tomin2(Cteff[:, 0], Cteff[:, 1], [ x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], [0., x[4], x[5], 0.] ], [x3a['x'][3] - np.pi / 2, x3a['x'][3] + np.pi / 2], X), x3a['x'], method='Nelder-Mead', options={'maxiter': 100000}) r, th = gella4(Cteff[:, 0], Cteff[:, 1], xf['x'][0], xf['x'][1], xf['x'][2], xf['x'][3], [0., xf['x'][4], xf['x'][5], 0.], reth=True) #TESTING # if xf['fun']/len(Cteff[:,0])>rcmin: # print 'Very Bad fit, lets stop here...' # continue # break # print np.abs(np.sum(np.diff(th/np.pi))-2) # print xf thd = np.diff(th / np.pi) if np.abs(np.sum(thd[np.abs(thd) < 0.8]) - 2) > 0.5 or xf['fun'] > 1e99: print 'This fit is probably bad, continue' # break continue #ENDTEST px0 = [xf['x'][0], xf['x'][1], xf['x'][2], xf['x'][3]] y['ps'].append(p) y['x0'].append(xf['x'][0]) y['y0'].append(xf['x'][1]) y['q'].append(xf['x'][2]) tt = xf['x'][3] y['theta'].append(tt) if pick == 1: y['c0'].append(xf['x'][4]) elif pick == 2: y['a4'].append(xf['x'][5]) y['a'].append([0., xf['x'][4], xf['x'][5], 0.]) y['val'].append(effpit(100 - p)) y['r'].append(np.median(r)) y['DL'].append(x2b['fun'] / xf['fun']) y['rc2'].append(xf['fun'] / len(Cteff[:, 0])) Ctout.append(Cteff) #A goodness of fit: if pick == 0: Ctf1 = getell(np.median(r), xf['x'][0], xf['x'][1], xf['x'][2], xf['x'][3], 0.) elif pick == 1: Ctf1 = getell(np.median(r), xf['x'][0], xf['x'][1], xf['x'][2], xf['x'][3], xf['x'][4]) elif pick == 2: Ctf1 = getella4(np.median(r), xf['x'][0], xf['x'][1], xf['x'][2], xf['x'][3], [0., xf['x'][4], xf['x'][5], 0.]) pctf1 = Ctf1 idxx = np.array((Ctf1[0]) / dx).astype("int") idxx = idxx[(idxx < E[1]) | (idxx >= E[0])] idxy = np.array((Ctf1[1]) / dy).astype("int") # idxy[(idxy>=E.shape[0]) | (idxy<0)]=0 idxy = idxy[(idxy < E[3]) | (idxy >= E[2])] y['ellval'].append(np.percentile(scieff[idxy, idxx], [15.9, 50., 84.1])) if img: # if pick==0: # ri=gell(xx,yy,xf['x'][0],xf['x'][1],xf['x'][2],xf['x'][3],0.) # Ctf1=getell(np.median(r),xf['x'][0],xf['x'][1],xf['x'][2],xf['x'][3],0.) # elif pick==1: # ri=gell(xx,yy,xf['x'][0],xf['x'][1],xf['x'][2],xf['x'][3],xf['x'][4]) # Ctf1=getell(np.median(r),xf['x'][0],xf['x'][1],xf['x'][2],xf['x'][3],xf['x'][4]) # elif pick==2: # ri=gella4(xx,yy,xf['x'][0],xf['x'][1],xf['x'][2],xf['x'][3],[0.,xf['x'][4],xf['x'][5],0.]) # Ctf1=getella4(np.median(r),xf['x'][0],xf['x'][1],xf['x'][2],xf['x'][3],[0.,xf['x'][4],xf['x'][5],0.]) plt.imshow(np.arcsinh(sciimg), extent=E, origin='lower') plt.plot(Cteff[:, 0], Cteff[:, 1], color='red', lw=2) plt.plot(Ctf1[0], Ctf1[1], c='black', lw=1.) y['val0'] = np.max(sciimg[mskimg == 1]) keys = ['r', 'val', 'x0', 'y0', 'theta', 'q', 'ellval'] if pick == 1: keys.append('c0') elif pick == 2: keys.append('a4') keys.append('a') if extrapolate is not None: #Extrapolate after I cannot measure ellipse #Rollback first ir = -1 #TEST### # while True: # if pick==0: # Ctf1=getell(y['r'][ir],y['x0'][ir-1],y['y0'][ir-1],y['q'][ir-1],y['theta'][ir-1],0.) # elif pick==1: # Ctf1=getell(y['r'][ir],y['x0'][ir-1],y['y0'][ir-1],y['q'][ir-1],y['theta'][ir-1],y['c0'][ir-1]) # elif pick==2: # Ctf1=getella4(y['r'][ir],y['x0'][ir-1],y['y0'][ir-1],y['q'][ir-1],y['theta'][ir-1],y['a'][ir-1]) # idxx=np.array((Ctf1[0])/dx).astype("int") # idxx=idxx[(idxx<E[1]) | (idxx>=E[0])] # idxy=np.array((Ctf1[1])/dy).astype("int") # # idxy[(idxy>=E.shape[0]) | (idxy<0)]=0 # idxy=idxy[(idxy<E[3]) | (idxy>=E[2])] # if np.diff(np.percentile(scieff[idxy,idxx],[15.9,84.1]))-np.diff(y['ellval'][ir][[0,2]])>0:break # ir-=1 # print ir ######## if pick == 0: rl = gell(xx, yy, y['x0'][ir], y['y0'][ir], y['q'][ir], y['theta'][ir], 0.) if pick == 1: rl = gell(xx, yy, y['x0'][ir], y['y0'][ir], y['q'][ir], y['theta'][ir], y['c0'][ir]) if pick == 2: rl = gella4(xx, yy, y['x0'][ir], y['y0'][ir], y['q'][ir], y['theta'][ir], y['a'][ir]) dr = np.max( [np.abs(y['r'][ir - 1] - y['r'][ir]), 2 * (xx[0][1] - xx[0][0])]) rmax = y['r'][ir] + dr pvalm = 1e100 pvn = 1e100 while True: # valm=np.median(sciimg[(mskimg==1) & (rl<rmax) & (rl>rmax-dr)]) #Minimize n = len( np.where((mskimg == 1) & (rl < rmax) & (rl > rmax - dr))[0]) if n == 0: print "something is wrong here, aborting extrapolation" break valm = np.percentile(sciimg[(mskimg == 1) & (rl < rmax) & (rl > rmax - dr)], [15.9, 50., 84.1]) #Minimize if valm[1] > extrapolate and (np.sqrt(valm[1]) / n - pvn) / pvn < 1.: for key in keys: if key == 'r': y[key].append(rmax - dr / 2) elif key == 'val': y[key].append(valm[1]) elif key == 'ellval': y[key].append(valm) else: y[key].append(y[key][-1]) else: valm = lambda rmax: np.abs( np.median(sciimg[ (mskimg == 1) & (rl < rmax) & (rl > rmax - dr)]) - extrapolate) #Minimize xv = minimize( lambda x: valm(x) if valm(x) == valm(x) and x >= y['r'][-1] else 1e100, [rmax], method='Nelder-Mead') if valm(xv['x'][0]) == valm(xv['x'][0]): for key in keys: if key == 'r': y[key].append(xv['x'][0] - dr / 2) elif key == 'val': y[key].append(valm(xv['x'][0])) elif key == 'ellval': y[key].append( np.percentile( sciimg[(mskimg == 1) & (rl < xv['x'][0]) & (rl > xv['x'][0] - dr)], [15.9, 50., 84.1])) else: y[key].append(y[key][-1]) break pvalm = valm[1] pvn = np.sqrt(valm[1]) / n rmax += dr for key in y: y[key] = np.array(y[key]) #Transform theta to common angle tt = np.median(y['theta']) y['theta'][y['theta'] > tt + np.pi / 2] -= np.pi y['theta'][y['theta'] < tt - np.pi / 2] += np.pi rett = [y, Ctout, eeint(y)] # if Cts: rett.append(Ctout) # ellarr2= # rett.append(ellarr2) return rett
sc = 2 wp = 210 * sc hp = 297 * sc # Define the codec and create VideoWriter object fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') out = cv2.VideoWriter('output1.avi', -1, fourcc, 20.0, (640, 480)) while True: if webcam: # img_arr = np.array(bytearray(urllib.request.urlopen(URL).read()), dtype=np.uint8) # img = cv2.imdecode(img_arr, -1) success, img = else: img = cv2.imread(path) imgCnt, finalCnt = utils.getContours(img, min_area=50000, filter=4) if len(finalCnt) != 0: biggest = finalCnt[0][2] #print(biggest) imgWrap = utils.warpImg(img, biggest, wp, hp) imgCnt2, finalCnt2 = utils.getContours(imgWrap, min_area=200, filter=4, draw=False) if len(finalCnt) != 0: for obj in finalCnt2: cv2.polylines(imgCnt2, [obj[2]], True, (0, 0, 255), 2) nPoints = utils.reorder(obj[2])
path = 'cards.jpg' ImageWidth = 500 ImageHeight = 500 cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) cap.set(10, 160) cap.set(3, 1920) cap.set(4, 1080) scale = 3 wp = 210 * scale hp = 297 * scale while True: if webcam: success, img = else: img = cv2.imread(path) img, conts = utils.getContours(img, showCanny=True, minArea=50000, filter=4) if len(conts) != 0: biggest = conts[0][2] imgWrap = utils.warpImg(img, biggest, wp, hp) imgContours2, conts2 = utils.getContours(imgWrap, minArea=2000, filter=4, cThr=[50, 50], draw=False) if len(conts) != 0: for obj in conts2: cv2.polylines(imgContours2, [obj[2]], True, (0, 255, 0), 2) nPoints = utils.reorder(obj[2])
import numpy as np import utils webcam = False path = 'img.jpeg' cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) cap.set(10, 160) cap.set(3, 1920) cap.set(4, 1080) scale = 3 wP = 210 * scale hP = 297 * scale while True: if webcam: success, img = else: img = cv2.imread(path) img, conts = utils.getContours(img, draw=True, minArea=50000, filter=4) if len(conts) != 0: biggest = conts[0][2] # print (biggest) imgWarp = utils.warp(img, biggest, wP, hP) cv2.imshow('A4', imgWarp) img2, conts2 = utils.getContours(imgWarp, draw=False, cThreshold=[50, 50], minArea=2000, filter=4) if (len(conts2) != 0): for obj in conts2: cv2.polylines(img2, [obj[2]], True, (0, 255, 0), 2) newPoints = utils.reorder(obj[2]) nW = round((utils.findDistance(newPoints[0][0] // scale,
from sensor_msgs.msg import Image from std_msgs.msg import String import utils cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) while True: pub = rospy.Publisher("Image", Image, queue_size=10) pub2 = rospy.Publisher("Output", String, queue_size=1) rospy.init_node('arrow_publisher', anonymous=True) rate = rospy.Rate(10) success, img = imgcont, conts, _ = utils.getContours(img, cThr=[150, 175], showCanny=False, filter=4, draw=False) if len(conts) != 0: biggest = conts[0][2] imgWarp = utils.warpImg(img, biggest, 350, 350) #warping the Image to Region of Interest imgCont2, cont2, imgThre = utils.getContours(imgWarp, cThr=[50, 50], showCanny=False, filter=7, draw=False) if len(cont2) != 0: c = utils.direction(imgWarp) cv2.imshow("cut", imgThre)