コード例 #1
ファイル: fnmr.py プロジェクト: rgiot/biometric_evaluation
    def get_confidence_interval_bootstrap(self, alpha, repet = 4000):
        """Return the confidence interval computed in a bootsrap way.

        @param alpha: Confidence on the interval
        @param repet: Number of repetition

        @todo save the diff errors ? I norder to display otherwise

        diff_error = []

        #Result from the complete set
        estimated_error = self.get_error_estimation()

        #Launch boostrap procedure
        #diff_error = [compute_boostrap_error() for i in range(repet)]
        diff_error = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(bootstrap_helper)(self,
            estimated_error) \
                for i in range(repet))

        #Get the percentile value of the difference
        e_lower, e_upper = get_confidence_limits(diff_error, alpha)

        return estimated_error, max(0, estimated_error-e_upper), min(1, estimated_error-e_lower)
コード例 #2
ファイル: EER.py プロジェクト: rgiot/biometric_evaluation
def confidence_interval_of_two_independant_eer(roc1, roc2, alpha, verbose=True):
    """Get the confidence interval of two independant eers'.
    The confidence interval of the EERS must already be computed.
    page 206

    @param roc1: First system
    @param roc2: Second system
    @param alpha: Confidence interval

    assert roc1.estimated_eer and roc1.bootstraped_eers, \
            "You must call get_confidence_interval before for roc1"
    assert roc2.estimated_eer and roc2.bootstraped_eers, \
            "You must call get_confidence_interval before for roc2"

    e = np.array(roc1.bootstraped_eers)  - np.array(roc2.bootstraped_eers) \
            - (roc1.estimated_eer - roc2.estimated_eer )

    e_L, e_U = get_confidence_limits(e, alpha)
    base = roc1.estimated_eer - roc2.estimated_eer

    if verbose:
        print "Comparison of two independant EER"
        print "================================="
        print "Estimated difference EER1-EER2: %0.6f" % base
        print "Lower boundary: %0.6f" % ( base - e_U)
        print "Upper boundary: %0.6f" % ( base - e_L)

    return base, base - e_U, base - e_L, e
コード例 #3
ファイル: EPC.py プロジェクト: rgiot/biometric_evaluation
    def compute_epc(self, nb_bootstrap=1000, confidence=0.05, alpha_min=0.00001, alpha_max=1, alpha_step=1000,

        # Get initial result
        base_epc = EPC(devel=self.devel, test=self.test)
        base_epc.compute_epc(alpha_min, alpha_max, alpha_step, nb_thresholds)
        base_curve = base_epc.curve[:,1]
        alphas = base_epc.curve[:,0]
        bcurves = []
        plt.plot(alphas, base_curve, linewidth=2, color='blue')

        bcurves = Parallel(n_jobs=-1, verbose=1)\
                (delayed(bootstrap_helper)(self.devel, self.test,
                                           alpha_min, alpha_max, alpha_step, nb_thresholds) \
                    for i in range(nb_bootstrap))
#        for b in range(nb_bootstrap):
#            bcurves.append(bootstrap_helper(self.devel, self.test))
        bcurves = np.array(bcurves)

        for bcurve in bcurves:
            plt.plot(alphas, bcurve, linestyle='steps:', color='gray')

        diff = bcurves - base_curve
        # TODO get real s
        s = np.std(diff, axis=0)
        e = diff/s

        #Compute maximum absolute standard residual
        min_e = np.amin(e, axis=1)
        max_e = np.amax(e, axis=1)
        min_e.shape = (-1,1)
        max_e.shape = (-1,1)

        indicies1 = np.where( np.abs(min_e) < np.abs(max_e) )
        indicies2 = np.where( np.abs(min_e) >= np.abs(max_e) )

        w = np.empty( (e.shape[0],1) )
        w[indicies1] = max_e[indicies1]
        w[indicies2] = min_e[indicies2]

        #Get ROC confidence
        delta_L, delta_U = get_confidence_limits(w, confidence)
        rU = base_curve - (delta_L * s)
        rL = base_curve - (delta_U * s)

        plt.plot(alphas, rU, linewidth=2, color='red')
        plt.plot(alphas, rL, linewidth=2, color='red')

コード例 #4
ファイル: roc.py プロジェクト: rgiot/biometric_evaluation
    def get_confidence_interval(self, alpha=0.05, repet=1000, angles=None):
            """Return the confidence interval of the ROC curve.
            The curves are displayed in the actual figure.
            The method also compute the EER interval.

            @todo: split the method in several parts

            @param repet: Number of repetition
            # Launch boostrapping #

            #Calculate the estimated ROC and its EER
            estimated_roc = self.get_roc().get_polar_representation()
            estimated_eer = estimated_roc.get_eer()
            self.estimated_eer = estimated_eer

            #Launch computation in parralel
            res = Parallel(n_jobs=-1, verbose=1)(delayed(bootstrap_helper)(self,
                                                                estimated_roc) \
                for i in range(repet))

            # Merge results
            tmp_bootstrap, tmp = zip(*res)
            del res #delete old results

            #Display the curves, compute the EER and free memory
            for bootstraped_roc in tmp_bootstrap:
                bootstraped_roc.tmpplot() # Display curve
            #Compute EER
            bootstraped_eers = [bootstraped_roc.get_eer() for bootstraped_roc in tmp_bootstrap]
            self.bootstraped_eers = bootstraped_eers
            del tmp_bootstrap # delete inutile roc curves

            ##### Compute EER interval #####
            diff_eers = N.asarray(bootstraped_eers) - estimated_eer
            del bootstraped_eers # free memory

            lower, upper = get_confidence_limits(diff_eers, alpha)
            lower_eer = estimated_eer - upper
            upper_eer = estimated_eer - lower
            #Store diff_eer for offline interpretation
            self._diff_eers = diff_eers

            ##### Extract information ######

            tmp = N.asarray(tmp)
            #Compute adjusted standard deviation
            theta = estimated_roc.get_raw_theta() # List of theta angles (the same for all)
            theta_min = N.min(theta)
            theta_max = N.max(theta)

            Nb = self.get_number_of_presentations()
            numerator = N.abs( (theta - theta_min) * (theta_max - theta))
            denominator =  ((theta_max - theta_min)**2)*(10**2)*Nb
            t = numerator/float(denominator + N.finfo(N.float).eps)

            s = N.sqrt(1/float(len(tmp)-1)*N.sum(tmp**2, axis=0) + t)
            assert s.shape[0] == len(theta)

            #Compute residual error
            e = tmp / s

            assert e.shape[0] == len(tmp) and e.shape[1] == len(theta)
            # Remove boundaries
            e = e[:, 1:-1]

            #Compute maximum absolute standard residual
            min_e = N.amin(e, axis=1)
            max_e = N.amax(e, axis=1)

            assert len(min_e) == len(max_e) == len(tmp)
            min_e.shape = (-1,1)
            max_e.shape = (-1,1)

            indicies1 = N.where( N.abs(min_e) < N.abs(max_e) )
            indicies2 = N.where( N.abs(min_e) >= N.abs(max_e) )

            w = N.empty( (len(tmp),1) )
            w[indicies1] = max_e[indicies1]
            w[indicies2] = min_e[indicies2]

            #Get ROC confidence
            delta_L, delta_U = get_confidence_limits(w, alpha)

            assert len(w) == len (tmp)
            R = estimated_roc.get_raw_r()
            rU = R - (delta_L * s)
            rL = R - (delta_U * s)

            #plot boundaries
            PolarRocCurve.plot_boundary(estimated_roc.get_raw_theta(), rL)
            PolarRocCurve.plot_boundary(estimated_roc.get_raw_theta(), rU)

            estimated_roc.plot() #displayed here to be in front

            print "EER information"
            print "==============="
            print 'Estimated EER: %0.6f'  % estimated_eer
            print 'Lower boundary: %0.6f' % lower_eer
            print 'Upper boundary: %0.6f' % upper_eer
            return estimated_eer, (lower_eer, upper_eer)
コード例 #5
    def get_confidence_region(self, nb_iter=1000, alpha=0.05, angles=None):
        """Launch the computation of the confidence region of the two ROC
        curves using a parametric way.

        @param nb_iter : Number of bootstrap to do
        @param alpha: confidence
        @param angles: angles to use

        # First step #

        # Get estimated ROC curves for the two ROCs
        estimated_roc1 = self.roc1.get_roc().get_polar_representation()
        estimated_roc2 = self.roc2.get_roc().get_polar_representation()

        if angles is None:
            angles = estimated_roc1.get_raw_theta()

        # Compute difference for each angle
        original_diff = PolarRocCurve.substract_curves(\

        # Repeat for each bootstrap #
        diffs = Parallel(n_jobs=-1, verbose=True)(
                    delayed(bootstrap_helper)(self.roc1, self.roc2,
                        estimated_roc1, estimated_roc2, angles)
                            for iteration in range(nb_iter))

        # Get the differences
        diffs = N.asarray(diffs)
        diffs1b1 = diffs[:,0]
        diffs2b2 = diffs[:,1]
        diffs1b2b = diffs[:,2]
        del diffs

        # Compute results #
        #Get t
        min_angle = N.min(angles)
        max_angle = N.max(angles)
        N1 = self.roc1.get_number_of_presentations()
        N2 = self.roc2.get_number_of_presentations()
        t = N.abs((angles - min_angle)*(max_angle - angles))/ \
                ((max_angle - min_angle)*(max_angle - min_angle) * 100 * (N1 + N2))

        #Get s
        tmp = N.mean(diffs1b2b, axis=0)
        tmp = N.square(diffs1b2b - tmp)
        tmp = N.sum(tmp, axis=0)
        tmp = tmp/float(nb_iter-1)
        tmp = tmp + t
        s = N.sqrt(tmp)
        del tmp

        #get replicated normalized difference
        e = (diffs1b1 - diffs2b2)/s

        #Compute maximum absolute standard residual
        #Pass extrem values (problem with them ...)
        min_e = N.amin(e[:,1:-1], axis=1)
        max_e = N.amax(e[:,1:-1], axis=1)
        min_e.shape = (-1,1)
        max_e.shape = (-1,1)

        indicies1 = N.where( N.abs(min_e) < N.abs(max_e) )
        indicies2 = N.where( N.abs(min_e) >= N.abs(max_e) )

        w = N.empty( (e.shape[0],1) )
        w[indicies1] = max_e[indicies1]
        w[indicies2] = min_e[indicies2]

        #Get percentiles
        delta_L, delta_U = get_confidence_limits(w, alpha)

        #Get confidence interval
        R = original_diff
        rU = R - (delta_L * s)
        rL = R - (delta_U * s)

        # Display result #
        plt.hlines([0], N.pi/2, N.pi)
        for diff in diffs1b2b:
            plt.plot(angles, diff, linestyle="steps:", color='gray')
        plt.plot(angles, rU, linewidth=3, color='red')
        plt.plot(angles, rL, linewidth=3, color='red')
        plt.plot(angles, original_diff, linewidth=2, color='blue')
        plt.xticks(N.linspace(N.pi/2, N.pi, 5),
                [r'$\pi/2$', r'', r'$3\pi/4$', '', r'$\pi$'])
        plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$')#todo set latex notation