def photo_from_telegram(bot, update): if update.message: tg_group_id = update.message.chat_id # telegram group id qq_group_id, _, forward_index = get_forward_index(tg_group_id=int(tg_group_id)) file_id =[-1].file_id pic_url = tg_get_pic_url(file_id, 'jpg') if JQ_MODE: text = '[CQ:image,file=' + file_id + '.jpg]' else: text = '[ 图片, 请点击查看' + pic_url + ' ]' if update.message.caption: text += update.message.caption cq_send(update, text, qq_group_id) elif update.edited_message: tg_group_id = update.edited_message.chat_id # telegram group id qq_group_id, _, forward_index = get_forward_index(tg_group_id=int(tg_group_id)) file_id =[-1].file_id pic_url = tg_get_pic_url(file_id, 'jpg') if JQ_MODE: text = '[CQ:image,file=' + file_id + '.jpg]' else: text = '[图片, 请点击查看' + pic_url + ' ]' if update.edited_message.caption: text += update.edited_message.caption cq_send(update, text, qq_group_id, edited=True)
def sticker_from_telegram(bot: telegram.Bot, update: telegram.Update): message: telegram.Message = update.effective_message tg_group_id = message.chat_id # telegram group id forward_index = get_forward_index(tg_group_id=tg_group_id) reply_entity = list() file_id = message.sticker.file_id if global_vars.JQ_MODE: tg_get_pic_url(file_id, 'png') reply_entity.append({ 'type': 'image', 'data': {'file': file_id + '.png'} }) elif IMAGE_LINK_MODE[forward_index]: pic_url = tg_get_pic_url(file_id, 'png') reply_entity.append({ 'type': 'text', 'data': {'text': '[ ' + message.sticker.emoji + ' sticker, 请点击查看' + pic_url + ' ]'} }) else: reply_entity.append({ 'type': 'text', 'data': {'text': '[ ' + message.sticker.emoji + ' sticker ]'} }) qq_message_id = send_from_tg_to_qq(forward_index, message=reply_entity, tg_group_id=tg_group_id, tg_user=update.effective_user, tg_forward_from=message, tg_reply_to=message.reply_to_message) global_vars.mdb.append_message(qq_message_id, message.message_id, forward_index, 0)
def document_from_telegram(bot: telegram.Bot, update: telegram.Update): """ if update.message: message: telegram.Message = update.message edited = False else: message: telegram.Message = update.edited_message edited = True """ message: telegram.Message = update.effective_message edited = (bool(getattr(update, "edited_message", None)) or bool(getattr(update, "edited_channel_post", None))) tg_group_id = message.chat_id # telegram group id forward_index = get_forward_index(tg_group_id=tg_group_id) reply_entity = list() reply_entity.append({ 'type': 'text', 'data': {'text': '[ 文件 ]'} }) qq_message_id = send_from_tg_to_qq(forward_index, message=reply_entity, tg_group_id=tg_group_id, tg_user=update.effective_user, tg_forward_from=message, tg_reply_to=message.reply_to_message, edited=edited) global_vars.mdb.append_message(qq_message_id, message.message_id, forward_index, 0)
def qq_drive_mode(message): qq_group_id = int( _, tg_group_id, forward_index = get_forward_index(qq_group_id=qq_group_id) if DRIVE_MODE[forward_index]: return True return False
def tg_drive_mode(bot, update): tg_group_id = update.message.chat_id # telegram group id qq_group_id, _, forward_index = get_forward_index( tg_group_id=int(tg_group_id)) if DRIVE_MODE[forward_index]: raise DispatcherHandlerStop() if update.message.forward_from_chat: if update.message.forward_from_chat.type == 'channel': if in filter_list['channels']: drive_mode_on(forward_index, tg_group_id, update.message.from_user, qq_group_id, 0) raise DispatcherHandlerStop() for keyword in filter_list['keywords']: if update.message.caption: if keyword in update.message.caption: drive_mode_on(forward_index, tg_group_id, update.message.from_user, qq_group_id, 0) raise DispatcherHandlerStop() elif update.message.text: if keyword in update.message.text: drive_mode_on(forward_index, tg_group_id, update.message.from_user, qq_group_id, 0) raise DispatcherHandlerStop()
def qq_drive_mode(message): qq_group_id = int( text = message.text # get message text text, _ = re.subn('&', '&', text) # restore characters text, _ = re.subn('[', '[', text) text, _ = re.subn(']', ']', text) text, _ = re.subn(',', ',', text) for command in global_vars.command_list: # process all non-forward commands if command.qq_only: if text == command.command: command.handler(qq_group_id, int(message.qq)) return True _, tg_group_id, forward_index = get_forward_index(qq_group_id=qq_group_id) if forward_index == -1: return True for command in global_vars.command_list: # process all forward commands if not command.tg_only and not command.qq_only: if text == command.command: command.handler(forward_index, tg_group_id, None, qq_group_id, int(message.qq)) return True return False
def test(message): qq_group_id = int( _, tg_group_id, forward_index = get_forward_index(qq_group_id=qq_group_id) if 'Test_mode' in FORWARD_LIST[forward_index] and FORWARD_LIST[ forward_index]['Test_mode']: return False
def handle_group_increase(context): qq_group_id = context.get('group_id') sub_type = context.get('sub_type') user_id = context.get('user_id') operator_id = context.get('operator_id') logger.debug(context) forward_index = get_forward_index(qq_group_id=qq_group_id) if forward_index == -1: return '' # reload namelist because there is a new member here global_vars.reload_qq_namelist(forward_index) qq_name = get_qq_name_encoded(user_id, forward_index) operator_name = get_qq_name_encoded(operator_id, forward_index) if sub_type == 'approve': result = f'{qq_name} approved by {operator_name} joined the group.' else: result = f'{qq_name} invited by {operator_name} joined the group.' global_vars.tg_bot.sendMessage(chat_id=FORWARD_LIST[forward_index]['TG'], text=result, parse_mode='HTML') return ''
def handle_group_decrease(context): qq_group_id = context.get('group_id') sub_type = context.get('sub_type') user_id = context.get('user_id') operator_id = context.get('operator_id') logger.debug(context) forward_index = get_forward_index(qq_group_id=qq_group_id) if forward_index == -1: return '' if sub_type == 'leave': if str(user_id) == str(QQ_BOT_ID): result = 'Your bot left the group.' else: qq_name = get_qq_name_encoded(user_id, forward_index) result = f'{qq_name} left the group.' elif sub_type == 'kick': qq_name = get_qq_name_encoded(user_id, forward_index) operator_name = get_qq_name_encoded(operator_id, forward_index) result = f'{qq_name} was kicked by {operator_name}.' else: operator_name = get_qq_name_encoded(operator_id, forward_index) result = f'Your bot was kicked by {operator_name}.' global_vars.tg_bot.sendMessage(chat_id=FORWARD_LIST[forward_index]['TG'], text=result, parse_mode='HTML') return ''
def text_from_telegram(bot: telegram.Bot, update: telegram.Update): if update.message: message: telegram.Message = update.message edited = False else: message: telegram.Message = update.edited_message edited = True tg_group_id = message.chat_id # telegram group id forward_index = get_forward_index(tg_group_id=tg_group_id) if edited: recall_message(forward_index, message) if message.text.startswith('//'): return reply_entity = list() reply_entity.append({'type': 'text', 'data': {'text': message.text}}) qq_message_id = send_from_tg_to_qq(forward_index, message=reply_entity, tg_group_id=tg_group_id, tg_user=message.from_user, tg_forward_from=message, tg_reply_to=message.reply_to_message, edited=edited) global_vars.mdb.append_message(qq_message_id, message.message_id, forward_index, 0)
def send_group_id(tg_group_id, tg_user): qq_group_id, _, forward_index = get_forward_index( tg_group_id=int(tg_group_id)) if forward_index == -1: raise DispatcherHandlerStop() username = get_full_user_name(tg_user) msg = username + ': [CQ:dice]' global_vars.qq_bot.send(SendGroupMessage(group=qq_group_id, text=msg))
def ignore_old_message(bot, update): # ignore old message that are more than 60s ago tg_group_id = update.message.chat_id # telegram group id if tg_group_id > 0: # ignore private chat raise DispatcherHandlerStop() qq_group_id, _, forward_index = get_forward_index(tg_group_id=int(tg_group_id)) if ( - > 60: raise DispatcherHandlerStop()
def tg_drive_mode(bot, update): tg_group_id = update.message.chat_id # telegram group id qq_group_id, _, forward_index = get_forward_index( tg_group_id=int(tg_group_id)) # if forward_index == -1: # raise dispatcher.DispatcherHandlerStop() if DRIVE_MODE[forward_index]: raise DispatcherHandlerStop()
def test(message: RcvdGroupMessage): qq_group_id = int( _, tg_group_id, forward_index = get_forward_index(qq_group_id=qq_group_id) if 'Test_mode' in FORWARD_LIST[forward_index] and FORWARD_LIST[ forward_index]['Test_mode']: # if message.from_anonymous: # return False
def photo_from_telegram(bot: telegram.Bot, update: telegram.Update): if update.message: message: telegram.Message = update.message edited = False else: message: telegram.Message = update.edited_message edited = True tg_group_id = message.chat_id # telegram group id forward_index = get_forward_index(tg_group_id=tg_group_id) if edited: recall_message(forward_index, message) reply_entity = list() file_id =[-1].file_id pic_url = tg_get_pic_url(file_id, 'jpg') if JQ_MODE: reply_entity.append({ 'type': 'image', 'data': { 'file': file_id + '.jpg' } }) if message.caption: reply_entity.append({ 'type': 'text', 'data': { 'text': message.caption } }) else: if message.caption: reply_entity.append({ 'type': 'text', 'data': { 'text': '[ 图片, 请点击查看' + pic_url + ' ]' + message.caption } }) else: reply_entity.append({ 'type': 'text', 'data': { 'text': '[ 图片, 请点击查看' + pic_url + ' ]' } }) qq_message_id = send_from_tg_to_qq(forward_index, message=reply_entity, tg_group_id=tg_group_id, tg_user=message.from_user, tg_forward_from=message, tg_reply_to=message.reply_to_message, edited=edited) global_vars.mdb.append_message(qq_message_id, message.message_id, forward_index, 0)
def qq_drive_mode(context: dict): qq_group_id = context.get('group_id') qq_discuss_id = context.get('discuss_id') forward_index = get_forward_index(qq_group_id=qq_group_id, qq_discuss_id=qq_discuss_id) if global_vars.DRIVE_MODE[forward_index]: # normal block return '' return {'pass': True}
def text_from_telegram(bot, update): if update.message: tg_group_id = update.message.chat_id # telegram group id qq_group_id, _, forward_index = get_forward_index(tg_group_id=int(tg_group_id)) text = update.message.text if text.startswith('//'): # feature, comment will no be send to qq return else: cq_send(update, text, qq_group_id) elif update.edited_message: tg_group_id = update.edited_message.chat_id # telegram group id qq_group_id, _, forward_index = get_forward_index(tg_group_id=int(tg_group_id)) text = update.edited_message.text if text.startswith('//'): # feature, comment will no be send to qq return else: cq_send(update, text, qq_group_id, edited=True)
def tg_drive_mode(bot: telegram.Bot, update: telegram.Update): if update.message: message: telegram.Message = update.message else: message: telegram.Message = update.edited_message tg_group_id = message.chat_id # telegram group id forward_index = get_forward_index(tg_group_id=int(tg_group_id)) if global_vars.DRIVE_MODE[forward_index]: # normal block raise DispatcherHandlerStop()
def handle_group_member_list(message): with open(os.path.join(CQ_GROUP_LIST_ROOT, message.path.split('\\')[-1]), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: data = member_list = get_group_member_list_info(data) qq_group_id = member_list[0].GroupID _, _, forward_index = get_forward_index(qq_group_id=int(qq_group_id)) global_vars.set_group_members(member_list, index=forward_index) return True
def sticker_from_telegram(bot, update): tg_group_id = update.message.chat_id # telegram group id qq_group_id, _, forward_index = get_forward_index(tg_group_id=int(tg_group_id)) if PIC_LINK_MODE[forward_index]: file_id = update.message.sticker.file_id pic_url = tg_get_pic_url(file_id, 'png') if JQ_MODE: text = '[CQ:image,file=' + file_id + '.png]' else: text = '[ ' + update.message.sticker.emoji + ' sticker, 请点击查看' + pic_url + ' ]' else: text = '[' + update.message.sticker.emoji + ' sticker]' cq_send(update, text, qq_group_id)
def dice(tg_group_id: int, tg_user: telegram.User, tg_message_id: int, tg_reply_to: telegram.Message = None): forward_index = get_forward_index(tg_group_id=tg_group_id) if forward_index == -1: return reply_entity = list() reply_entity.append({'data': {'text': 'threw a dice'}, 'type': 'text'}) reply_entity.append({'data': {'type': '1'}, 'type': 'dice'}) send_from_tg_to_qq(forward_index, reply_entity, tg_group_id=tg_group_id, tg_user=tg_user)
def audio_from_telegram(bot: telegram.Bot, update: telegram.Update): message: telegram.Message = update.message tg_group_id = message.chat_id # telegram group id forward_index = get_forward_index(tg_group_id=tg_group_id) reply_entity = list() reply_entity.append({'type': 'text', 'data': {'text': '[ 音频 ]'}}) qq_message_id = send_from_tg_to_qq(forward_index, message=reply_entity, tg_group_id=tg_group_id, tg_user=message.from_user, tg_forward_from=message, tg_reply_to=message.reply_to_message) global_vars.mdb.append_message(qq_message_id, message.message_id, forward_index, 0)
def tg_drive_mode(bot: telegram.Bot, update: telegram.Update): """ if update.message: message: telegram.Message = update.message else: message: telegram.Message = update.edited_message """ message: telegram.Message = update.effective_message edited = (bool(getattr(update, "edited_message", None)) or bool(getattr(update, "edited_channel_post", None))) tg_group_id = message.chat_id # telegram group id forward_index = get_forward_index(tg_group_id=int(tg_group_id)) if global_vars.DRIVE_MODE[forward_index]: # normal block logger.debug('Telegram message ignored: drive mode is on') raise DispatcherHandlerStop()
def tg_command(bot, update: Update): tg_group_id = update.message.chat_id # telegram group id for command in global_vars.command_list: # process all non-forward commands if command.tg_only: if update.message.text == command.command: command.handler(tg_group_id, update.message.from_user) raise DispatcherHandlerStop() qq_group_id, _, forward_index = get_forward_index(tg_group_id=int(tg_group_id)) if forward_index == -1: raise DispatcherHandlerStop() for command in global_vars.command_list: # process all forward commands if not command.tg_only and not command.qq_only: if update.message.text == command.command: command.handler(forward_index, tg_group_id, update.message.from_user, qq_group_id, 1) raise DispatcherHandlerStop()
def link_from_telegram(bot, update): tg_group_id = update.message.chat_id # telegram group id qq_group_id, _, forward_index = get_forward_index( tg_group_id=int(tg_group_id)) link_regex = re.compile( r'^https?://[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;]+[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%=~_|]$') text = update.message.text if link_regex.match(text): # feature, comment will no be send to qq article = Article(text) article.parse() sender_name = trim_emoji( get_full_user_name(update.message.from_user) ) + ':' # unicode emoji cannot pass into create_cq_share msg = create_cq_share(text, sender_name, article.title, article.top_image if article.top_image else '') cq_send(update, msg, qq_group_id) raise DispatcherHandlerStop()
def rps(tg_group_id: int, tg_user: telegram.User, tg_message_id: int, tg_reply_to: telegram.Message): forward_index = get_forward_index(tg_group_id=tg_group_id) if forward_index == -1: return reply_entity = list() reply_entity.append({ 'data': { 'text': 'played rock–paper–scissors' }, 'type': 'text' }) reply_entity.append({'data': {'type': '1'}, 'type': 'rps'}) send_from_tg_to_qq(forward_index, reply_entity, tg_group_id=tg_group_id, tg_user=tg_user)
def handle_forward(context): qq_group_id = context.get('group_id') qq_discuss_id = context.get('discuss_id') forward_index = get_forward_index(qq_group_id=qq_group_id, qq_discuss_id=qq_discuss_id) tg_message_id_list = send_from_qq_to_tg(forward_index, message=context['message'], qq_group_id=qq_group_id, qq_discuss_id=qq_discuss_id, qq_user=context['user_id']) # save message to database, using telegram message id as index for msg_id in tg_message_id_list: global_vars.mdb.append_message(context.get('message_id'), msg_id, forward_index, context.get('user_id')) return ''
def handle_group_upload(context): qq_group_id = context.get('group_id') user_id = context.get('user_id') file = context.get('file') logger.debug(context) forward_index = get_forward_index(qq_group_id=qq_group_id) if not forward_index: return '' qq_name = get_qq_name_encoded(user_id, forward_index) result = f'<b>{qq_name}</b> sent a 📎group file: {file["name"]}. Please view it on QQ.' global_vars.tg_bot.sendMessage(chat_id=FORWARD_LIST[forward_index]['TG'], text=result, parse_mode='HTML') return ''
def tg_command(bot: telegram.Bot, update: telegram.Update): if update.edited_message: # handle edit message: telegram.Message = update.edited_message else: message: telegram.Message = update.message if not message.text.startswith('!!'): # no command indicator return tg_group_id = message.chat_id # telegram group id tg_reply_to = message.reply_to_message logger.debug('Command indicator met: ' + message.text) text = message.text[2:] for command in global_vars.command_list: # process all non-forward commands if command.tg_only and (text == command.command or text == command.short_command): logger.debug(f'Matched Telegram only command: {command.command}') command.handler(tg_group_id=tg_group_id, tg_user=message.from_user, tg_message_id=message.message_id, tg_reply_to=tg_reply_to) raise DispatcherHandlerStop() forward_index = get_forward_index(tg_group_id=tg_group_id) if forward_index == -1: logger.warning( 'Forward not found, please check your forward settings.') raise DispatcherHandlerStop() for command in global_vars.command_list: # process all forward commands if not command.tg_only and not command.qq_only and ( text == command.command or text == command.short_command): logger.debug(f'Matched general command: {command.command}') command.handler(forward_index, tg_user=message.from_user, tg_group_id=tg_group_id, tg_message_id=message.message_id, tg_reply_to=tg_reply_to) raise DispatcherHandlerStop()
def qq_command(context): if len(context['message']) > 1: # rich text can not be commands return {'pass': True} if context['message'][0][ 'type'] != 'text': # commands can only be pure text return {'pass': True} qq_group_id = context.get('group_id') qq_discuss_id = context.get('discuss_id') text = context['message'][0]['data']['text'] # get message text if not text.startswith('!!'): # no command indicator return {'pass': True} logger.debug('Command indicator met: ' + text) text = text[2:] for command in global_vars.command_list: # process all non-forward commands if command.qq_only and (text == command.command or text == command.short_command): logger.debug(f'Matched QQ only command: {command.command}') return command.handler(qq_group_id, qq_discuss_id, int(context['user_id'])) forward_index = get_forward_index(qq_group_id=qq_group_id, qq_discuss_id=qq_discuss_id) if forward_index == -1: logger.warning( 'Forward not found, please check your forward settings.') return '' for command in global_vars.command_list: # process all forward commands if not command.tg_only and not command.qq_only and ( text == command.command or text == command.short_command): logger.debug(f'Matched general command: {command.command}') return command.handler(forward_index, qq_group_id=qq_group_id, qq_discuss_id=qq_discuss_id, qq_user=int(context['user_id'])) return {'pass': True}