def _data_aug_fn(image, ground_truth): """Data augmentation function.""" ground_truth = cPickle.loads(ground_truth) ground_truth = list(ground_truth) annos = ground_truth[0] mask = ground_truth[1] h_mask, w_mask, _ = np.shape(image) # mask mask_miss = np.ones((h_mask, w_mask), dtype=np.uint8) for seg in mask: bin_mask = maskUtils.decode(seg) bin_mask = np.logical_not(bin_mask) mask_miss = np.bitwise_and(mask_miss, bin_mask) ## image data augmentation # randomly resize height and width independently, scale is changed image, annos, mask_miss = keypoint_random_resize(image, annos, mask_miss, zoom_range=(0.8, 1.2)) # random rotate image, annos, mask_miss = keypoint_random_rotate(image, annos, mask_miss, rg=15.0) # random left-right flipping image, annos, mask_miss = keypoint_random_flip(image, annos, mask_miss, prob=0.5) # random resize height and width together image, annos, mask_miss = keypoint_random_resize_shortestedge( image, annos, mask_miss, min_size=(hin, win), zoom_range=(0.95, 1.6)) # random crop image, annos, mask_miss = keypoint_random_crop(image, annos, mask_miss, size=(hin, win)) # with padding # generate result maps including keypoints heatmap, pafs and mask h, w, _ = np.shape(image) height, width, _ = np.shape(image) heatmap = get_heatmap(annos, height, width) vectormap = get_vectormap(annos, height, width) resultmap = np.concatenate((heatmap, vectormap), axis=2) image = np.array(image, dtype=np.float32) img_mask = mask_miss.reshape(hin, win, 1) image = image * np.repeat(img_mask, 3, 2) resultmap = np.array(resultmap, dtype=np.float32) mask_miss = cv2.resize(mask_miss, (hout, wout), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) mask_miss = np.array(mask_miss, dtype=np.float32) return image, resultmap, mask_miss
def slicing(features, seeds_features, seeds_label, label_map, adjacency, sigma=1., resize_shape=(480, 854)): """ Propagate the labels of seeds to pixels. Similiar with the slicing step in bilateral filtering. Args: features: dense feature map [height, width, f_dim] seeds_features: [num_seeds_cur_prev_following_frame, f_dim] seeds_label: [num_seeds_cur_prev_following_frame] label_map: [height, width] adjacency: [num_seeds_current, num_seeds_cur_prev_following_frame] sigma: Used to compute the soft prob of FG resize_shape: Resize to original resolution Returns: prob: soft FG/BG probability map dist_vis: visualized distance map """ label_map_flatten = np.reshape(label_map, [-1]) num_seeds = np.max(label_map)+1 # Label_map_one_hot [num_pixels, num_seeds_current] label_map_one_hot = np.zeros((label_map_flatten.shape[0], num_seeds), dtype=np.int16) label_map_one_hot[np.arange(label_map_flatten.shape[0]), label_map_flatten] = 1 # weight_idx: [num_pixels, num_seeds_cur_prev_following_frame] # Only neighbouring seeds have weights > 0 weight_idx = np.matmul(label_map_one_hot, adjacency) feature_dim = features.shape[2] # This implementation is not very efficient # It computes pairwise distance between all pixels and all seeds (from 3 frames) # dist: [num_pixels, num_seeds_cur_prev_following_frame] dist = euclidean_distances(np.reshape(features, [-1, feature_dim]), seeds_features) weight = np.exp(-dist*dist/sigma/sigma) weight *= weight_idx fg_votes = np.max(weight*np.expand_dims(seeds_label==1, 0), axis=1) bg_votes = np.max(weight*np.expand_dims(seeds_label==0, 0), axis=1) height = features.shape[0] width = features.shape[1] fg_votes = fg_votes.reshape((height, width))+1e-8 bg_votes = bg_votes.reshape((height, width))+1e-8 fg_votes = cv2.resize(fg_votes, (resize_shape[1], resize_shape[0]), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) bg_votes = cv2.resize(bg_votes, (resize_shape[1], resize_shape[0]), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) prob = np.stack([bg_votes, fg_votes], axis=2) dist_vis = utils.get_heatmap(np.concatenate([fg_votes, bg_votes], axis=0)) prob = prob/np.sum(prob, axis=2, keepdims=True) return prob, dist_vis
def detect(self, image, do_hog_once=True): out_windows = [] if do_hog_once: out_windows = self.find_multiscale(image) heatmap = utils.get_heatmap(image, out_windows) heatmap = self.smoother(heatmap) heatmap = utils.apply_threshold(heatmap,3) boxes = utils.get_labeled_boxes(heatmap) else: windows = utils.slide_window(image, x_start_stop=[None, None], y_start_stop=self.y_start_stop, xy_window=(64, 64), xy_overlap=(0.85, 0.85)) boxes = self.search_windows(image, windows) final_image = utils.draw_boxes(image, boxes, color=(0, 0, 255), thick=6) return final_image
def _data_aug_fn(image, annos, mask_miss): ## image data augmentation # randomly resize height and width independently, scale is changed image, annos, mask_miss = keypoint_random_resize(image, annos, mask_miss, zoom_range=(0.8, 1.2)) # random rotate image, annos, mask_miss = keypoint_random_rotate(image, annos, mask_miss, rg=15.0) # random left-right flipping image, annos, mask_miss = keypoint_random_flip(image, annos, mask_miss, prob=0.5) # random resize height and width together image, annos, mask_miss = keypoint_random_resize_shortestedge( image, annos, mask_miss, min_size=(hin, win), zoom_range=(0.95, 1.6)) # random crop image, annos, mask_miss = keypoint_random_crop( image, annos, mask_miss, size=(hin, win)) # with padding # generate result maps including keypoints heatmap, pafs and mask h, w, _ = np.shape(image) height, width, _ = np.shape(image) heatmap = get_heatmap(annos, height, width) vectormap = get_vectormap(annos, height, width) resultmap = np.concatenate((heatmap, vectormap), axis=2) image = np.array(image, dtype=np.float32) img_mask = mask_miss.reshape(hin, win, 1) image = image * np.repeat(img_mask, 3, 2) resultmap = np.array(resultmap, dtype=np.float32) mask_miss = cv2.resize(mask_miss, (hout, wout), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) mask_miss = np.array(mask_miss, dtype=np.float32) return image, resultmap, mask_miss
#model_fname = 'model_fullset' model_fname = 'model_fullset_cv2' scaler, clf = joblib.load(model_fname + '_scaler.pickle'), \ joblib.load(model_fname + '_svc.pickle') file_list = sorted(glob.glob('test_images/*.jpg')) output_dir = 'output_images/' for f in file_list: time_start = time.time() fname = f[f.rindex('/') + 1:] print('Processing', fname) img = cv2.imread(f) boxes = utils.detect_vehicles_parallel(img, scaler, clf) cv2.imwrite(output_dir + 'raw_boxes_' + fname, \ utils.draw_boxes(img, boxes)) heatmap = utils.get_heatmap(img.shape, boxes, 1) cv2.imwrite(output_dir + 'hm_no_thresh_' + fname, \ (heatmap * 255).astype(np.uint8)) heatmap = utils.get_heatmap(img.shape, boxes, 3) cv2.imwrite(output_dir + 'hm_thresh_' + fname, \ (255*heatmap).astype(np.uint8)) hmlbl, lbls = utils.get_labels(heatmap) if lbls: cv2.imwrite(output_dir + 'labeled_hm_' + fname, \ (hmlbl*(255//lbls)).astype(np.uint8)) else: cv2.imwrite(output_dir + 'labeled_hm_' + fname, \ hmlbl.astype(np.uint8)) bboxes = utils.get_bboxes(hmlbl, lbls) img_final = utils.draw_boxes(img, bboxes) cv2.imwrite(output_dir + 'final_' + fname, img_final)
row = len(os.listdir(images_path)) col = 3 index = 0 for filename in os.listdir(images_path): image = mpimg.imread(images_path + filename) index += 1 plt.subplot(row, col, index) out_windows = detector.find_multiscale(image) window_img = utils.draw_boxes(image, out_windows, color=(0, 0, 255), thick=6) plt.imshow(window_img) plt.title('detected windows') index += 1 plt.subplot(row, col, index) heatmap = utils.get_heatmap(image, out_windows) # Apply threshold to help remove false positives heatmap = apply_threshold(heatmap,3) plt.imshow(heatmap, cmap='hot') plt.title('Heat Map') index += 1 plt.subplot(row, col, index) boxes = utils.get_labeled_boxes(heatmap) final_img = utils.draw_boxes(image, boxes, color=(0, 0, 255),thick=6) plt.imshow(final_img) plt.title('Car position') # image = mpimg.imread(images_path + 'test1.jpg') # # search_windows = detector.draw_debug_windows(image)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Seg-unravel on a given image.') parser.add_argument('--network', type=str, help='The segmentation network to be used.', required=True) parser.add_argument( '--shift_type', type=str, help='The shift type to be used. Read Thesis for more details.', default='full_shift') parser.add_argument('--image', type=str, help='Path to image file.', required=True) args = parser.parse_args() # set caffe before importing seg_fix caffe_version = set_caffe_path(caffe_version) import seg_fix import caffe # get the caffe model prototxt = os.path.join('prototxt', file_map[caffe_version][0]) wts = os.path.join('weights', file_map[caffe_version][1]) if caffe_version in ['DEEPLAB_V2', 'FCN']: net = caffe.Net(prototxt, wts, caffe.TEST) else: net = caffe.Net(prototxt, wts) # For forward image_blob = u.get_blob(args.image) net.blobs['data'].data[...] = image_blob last_layer = file_map[caffe_version][2] top_layer_output = net.forward()[last_layer] # Seg_fix in action fixer = seg_fix.seg_fix(prototxt, caffe_version) top_fixations = fixer.get_top_fixations(top_layer_output) # find class-id seg_map = np.argmax(top_layer_output, 1)[0] class_ids = list(np.unique(seg_map)) class_ids.remove(0) # not bg seg_space = [np.sum(seg_map == id) for id in class_ids] class_id = 15 #class_ids[np.argmax(seg_space)] # you can get fixations for each of the detected classes by sending each detected class-id in the following function image_fixations, all_fixations = fixer.get_fixations_at_all_layers( top_fixations[class_id], net, save_all=True) # save numpy with fixations f = open('temp.pkl', 'w') pickle.dump(all_fixations, f) f.close() # Get the image_with Fixations img_with_fixations = u.embed_fixations(args.image, image_fixations) cv2.imwrite('temp.png', img_with_fixations) # get the gif of fixation flow: img_with_fixations = u.embed_fixations_gif(args.image, all_fixations, fixer, net) # this saves the gif as temp.gif # heat map u.get_heatmap(args.image, image_fixations)