コード例 #1
ファイル: distvector.py プロジェクト: shtanaka/313assignment2
    def create_paths(self):
        for origin in range(0, self.network.size):
        for origin in range(0, self.network.size):
            self.shortest_paths[origin] = self.ask_neighbor(origin, self.shortest_paths[origin])
        for origin in range(0, self.network.size):

            k = []
            for i in self.shortest_paths[origin]:
            while self.INF in self.shortest_paths[origin]:
                self.shortest_paths[origin] = self.ask_neighbor(
                k[utils.get_max(k)] = self.INF
                all_inf = True
                for i in k:
                    if i < self.INF:
                        all_inf = False
                if all_inf:
                    k = []
                    for i in self.shortest_paths[origin]:

        for i in self.num_transmissions:
            self.avg_num_transmissions += i
        self.avg_num_transmissions /= len(self.num_transmissions)
        count = 0
        for i in self.shortest_paths:
            for j in i:
                count += 1
                self.avg_shortest_paths += j
        self.avg_shortest_paths /= count
コード例 #2
ファイル: distvector.py プロジェクト: shtanaka/313assignment2
    def create_paths(self):
        for origin in range(0, self.network.size):
        for origin in range(0, self.network.size):
            self.shortest_paths[origin] = self.ask_neighbor(
                origin, self.shortest_paths[origin])
        for origin in range(0, self.network.size):

            k = []
            for i in self.shortest_paths[origin]:
            while self.INF in self.shortest_paths[origin]:
                self.shortest_paths[origin] = self.ask_neighbor(
                    origin, self.shortest_paths[origin], utils.get_max(k))
                k[utils.get_max(k)] = self.INF
                all_inf = True
                for i in k:
                    if i < self.INF:
                        all_inf = False
                if all_inf:
                    k = []
                    for i in self.shortest_paths[origin]:

        for i in self.num_transmissions:
            self.avg_num_transmissions += i
        self.avg_num_transmissions /= len(self.num_transmissions)
        count = 0
        for i in self.shortest_paths:
            for j in i:
                count += 1
                self.avg_shortest_paths += j
        self.avg_shortest_paths /= count
コード例 #3
 def rhinge_loss(self, X, targets):
     returns reverse hinge loss of points in X and their targets
     preds = np.matmul(X, self.weights.T) + self.bias
     res = []
     for i in xrange(len(X)):
         target = targets[i]
         if np.argmax(preds) != target:
             max_ix, max_val = get_max(preds[i], target)
             loss = max_val - preds[i][target]
             loss = 0
     return res
コード例 #4
    def untargeted_loss(self, X, Y):
        computes the untargeted hinge loss of (X, Y)
        preds = np.matmul(X, self.weights.T) + self.bias
        n = len(X)
        loss = []

        for i in xrange(n):
            y = Y[i]
            others = range(self.num_classes)
            del others[y]
            if np.argmax(preds[i]) != y:
                res = 0
                max_val = get_max(preds[i], y)[1]
                y_val = preds[i][y]
                res = y_val - max_val
        return np.array(loss)
コード例 #5
    def gradient_untargeted(self, X, Y):
        computes gradients the untargeted hinge loss of (X, Y)
        preds = np.matmul(X, self.weights.T) + self.bias
        n = len(X)
        gradient = []

        for i in xrange(n):
            y = Y[i]
            others = range(self.num_classes)
            del others[y]
            if np.argmax(preds[i]) != y:
                res = np.zeros(self.dim)
                max_ix = get_max(preds[i], y)[0]
                w_max = self.weights[max_ix]
                w_y = self.weights[y]
                res = w_y - w_max
        return np.array(gradient)
コード例 #6
    def gradient(self, X, targets):
        returns gradient of the reverse (targeted) hinge loss
        preds = np.matmul(X, self.weights.T) + self.bias
        n = X.shape[0]

        gradient = []

        for i in xrange(n):
            target = targets[i]
            others = range(self.num_classes)
            del others[target]

            if np.argmax(preds[i]) == target:
                res = np.zeros(self.dim)
                max_ix = get_max(preds[i], target)[0]
                w_max = self.weights[max_ix]
                w_target = self.weights[target]
                res = w_max - w_target
        return np.array(gradient)
コード例 #7
ファイル: parser.py プロジェクト: AECC-UPRB/matricula-planner
def get_data():
    base_url = "http://www.uprb.edu"
    url = "http://www.uprb.edu/es/academico/registro/horarioacad/horarioacad.htm"
    html = requests.get(url).text
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")

    periods = []

    results = soup.find(id="Menu Secundario").find_all("td")

    # Periods
    for e in results[1:]:
        anchor = e.find("a")
        if anchor:
            period = {}
            title = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", anchor.text.replace("\r\n", ""))
            period["name"] = title.split("-")[0].strip()
            period["term"] = title.split("-")[1].strip()
            period["url"] = url.replace(url.split("/")[-1], "") + anchor["href"]

    # Departments
    for period in periods:
        html = requests.get(period["url"]).text
        soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
        departments = []
        url = period["url"]

        for e in soup.find_all("table")[3].find_all("a"):
            department = {}
            department["name"] = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", e.text.replace("\r\n", ""))
            if e["href"].startswith("/"):
                department["url"] = base_url + e["href"]
                department["url"] = url.replace(url[url.rindex("/") : :], "/") + e["href"]

        period["departments"] = departments

    # Courses
    for period in periods:
        print "\n" + period["name"]
        print "===================="
        for department in period["departments"]:
            courses = []
            dep_url = department["url"]
            html = requests.get(dep_url).text
            soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")

            anchor = soup.find("iframe").find("a")["href"]
            url = dep_url.replace(dep_url[dep_url.rindex("/") : :], "/") + anchor

            html = requests.get(url).text
            soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")

            print department["name"]

            if soup.find("body"):
                period["year"] = re.search(r"\d{4}-\d{4}", soup.find("h4").font.text).group(0)

                titles = soup.find("pre").font.find_all("b")
                [e.extract() for e in soup.find("pre").font.find_all("b")]
                [e.replaceWithChildren() for e in soup.find("pre").font.find_all("hr")]

                idx = 0
                for course in re.split(r"\r\n\r\n", soup.find("pre").font.text)[1:]:
                    course_obj = {}
                    header = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", titles[idx].text.replace("\r\n", ""))
                    course_obj["id"] = re.search(r"[A-Z]{4}-\d{4}-.{3}", header).group(0)
                    header = re.sub(r"[A-Z]{4}-\d{4}-[A-Z].{3}", "", header)
                    course_obj["credits"] = re.search(r"\d+\.\d-?(\d+\.\d)?", header).group(0)
                    header = re.sub(r"\d\.\d", "", header)
                    course_obj["type"] = re.sub(
                        r"SS", "", re.search(r"\s(LEC|LAB|INT|PRA|SEM)\sSS", header).group(0)
                    header = header[: re.finditer(r"\s(LEC|LAB|INT|PRA|SEM)\sSS", header).next().start(0)]
                    course_obj["title"] = header.strip()

                    ################## ALL ROWS ######################
                    time_periods = []
                    notes = []
                    reserves = []
                    last = ""
                    for row in course.split("\r\n"):
                        row = row.strip()

                        # check freshmen
                        if re.search(r"FRESHMEN", row):
                            course_obj["freshmen"] = True

                        # check unex
                        if re.search(r"UNEX", row):
                            course_obj["unex"] = True

                        if re.search(r"HOR\s\d", row):
                            last = "HOR"
                        elif re.search(r"INSTRUCTOR", row):
                            last = "INSTRUCTOR"
                            course_obj["instructor"] = get_instructor(row)
                        elif re.search(r"NOTA\s\d", row):
                            last = "NOTA"
                        elif re.search(r"NO\sACEPTARA", row):
                            last = "NO ACEPTARA"
                            course_obj["no-aceptara"] = get_no_aceptara(row)
                        elif re.search(r"RESERVADO\(S\)", row):
                            last = "RESERVADO"
                        elif re.search(r"MAXIMO", row):
                            last = "MAXIMO"
                            course_obj["max"] = get_max(row)
                        elif re.search(r"CO-REQUISITOS", row):
                            last = "CO-REQUISITOS"
                            course_obj["co-requisitos"] = get_co_requisitos(row)
                        elif last == "PRE-REQUISITOS" or re.search(r"PRE-REQUISITOS", row):
                            if last == "PRE-REQUISITOS":
                                course_obj["pre-requisitos"].extend(get_pre_requisitos(row, True))
                                course_obj["pre-requisitos"] = get_pre_requisitos(row, False)
                            last = "PRE-REQUISITOS"

                    if "freshmen" not in course_obj:
                        course_obj["freshmen"] = False

                    if "unex" not in course_obj:
                        course_obj["unex"] = False

                    if "co-requisitos" not in course_obj:
                        course_obj["co-requisitos"] = []

                    if "pre-requisitos" not in course_obj:
                        course_obj["pre-requisitos"] = []

                    if "max" not in course_obj:
                        course_obj["max"] = None

                    # Add all arrays to the course object
                    course_obj["time_periods"] = time_periods
                    course_obj["notes"] = notes
                    course_obj["reserves"] = reserves

                    # clean up on pre-requisitos
                    start_idx = 0
                    zero_count = 0
                    for i, e in enumerate(course_obj["pre-requisitos"]):
                        if e["id"] == 0:
                            zero_count = zero_count + 1
                        if zero_count == 2:
                            start_idx = i

                    if start_idx > 0:
                        while start_idx < len(course_obj["pre-requisitos"]):
                            previous_id = course_obj["pre-requisitos"][start_idx - 1]["id"]
                            course_obj["pre-requisitos"][start_idx]["id"] = previous_id + 1
                            start_idx = start_idx + 1

                    for e in course_obj["pre-requisitos"]:
                        y_or_o = re.search(r"\(.", e["course"]).group(0)[1:]
                        e["y_or_o"] = y_or_o
                        e["course"] = re.sub(r"\(.", "", e["course"])

                    idx = idx + 1

                department["courses"] = courses
                department["courses"] = []

    with open("data.json", "w") as outfile:
        json.dump(periods, outfile)
コード例 #8
ファイル: parser.py プロジェクト: AECC-UPRB/matricula-planner
def get_data():
    base_url = 'http://www.uprb.edu'
    url = 'http://www.uprb.edu/es/academico/registro/horarioacad/horarioacad.htm'
    html = requests.get(url).text
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')

    periods = []

    results = soup.find(id='Menu Secundario').find_all('td')

    # Periods
    for e in results[1:]:
        anchor = e.find('a')
        if anchor:
            period = {}
            title = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', anchor.text.replace('\r\n', ''))
            period['name'] = title.split('-')[0].strip()
            period['term'] = title.split('-')[1].strip()
            period['url'] = url.replace(url.split('/')[-1], '') + anchor['href']

    # Departments
    for period in periods:
        html = requests.get(period['url']).text
        soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
        departments = []
        url = period['url']

        for e in soup.find_all('table')[3].find_all('a'):
            department = {}
            department['name'] = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', e.text.replace('\r\n', ''))
            if e['href'].startswith('/'):
                department['url'] = base_url + e['href']
                department['url'] = url.replace(url[url.rindex('/')::], '/') + e['href']

        period['departments'] = departments

    # Courses
    for period in periods:
        print '\n' + period['name']
        print '===================='
        for department in period['departments']:
            courses = []
            dep_url = department['url']
            html = requests.get(dep_url).text
            soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')

            anchor = soup.find('iframe').find('a')['href']
            url = dep_url.replace(dep_url[dep_url.rindex('/')::], '/') + anchor

            html = requests.get(url).text
            soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')

            print department['name']

            if soup.find('body'):
                period['year'] = re.search(

                titles = soup.find('pre').font.find_all('b')
                [e.extract() for e in soup.find('pre').font.find_all('b')]
                [e.replaceWithChildren() for e in soup.find('pre').font.find_all('hr')]

                idx = 0
                for course in re.split(r'\r\n\r\n', soup.find('pre').font.text)[1:]:
                    course_obj = {}
                    header = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', titles[idx].text.replace('\r\n', ''))
                    course_obj['id'] = re.search(r'[A-Z]{4}-\d{4}-.{3}', header).group(0)
                    header = re.sub(r'[A-Z]{4}-\d{4}-[A-Z].{3}', '', header)
                    course_obj['credits'] = re.search(r'\d+\.\d-?(\d+\.\d)?', header).group(0)
                    header = re.sub(r'\d\.\d', '', header)
                    course_obj['type'] = re.sub(r'SS', '', re.search(r'\s(LEC|LAB|INT|PRA|SEM)\sSS', header).group(0)).strip()
                    header = header[:re.finditer(r'\s(LEC|LAB|INT|PRA|SEM)\sSS', header).next().start(0)]
                    course_obj['title'] = header.strip()

                    ################## ALL ROWS ######################
                    time_periods = []
                    notes = []
                    reserves = []
                    last = ''
                    for row in course.split('\r\n'):
                        row = row.strip()

                        # check freshmen
                        if re.search(r'FRESHMEN', row):
                            course_obj['freshmen'] = True

                        # check unex
                        if re.search(r'UNEX', row):
                            course_obj['unex'] = True

                        if re.search(r'HOR\s\d', row):
                            last = 'HOR'
                        elif re.search(r'INSTRUCTOR', row):
                            last = 'INSTRUCTOR'
                            course_obj['instructor'] = get_instructor(row)
                        elif re.search(r'NOTA\s\d', row):
                            last = 'NOTA'
                        elif re.search(r'NO\sACEPTARA', row):
                            last = 'NO ACEPTARA'
                            course_obj['no-aceptara'] = get_no_aceptara(row)
                        elif re.search(r'RESERVADO\(S\)', row):
                            last = 'RESERVADO'
                        elif re.search(r'MAXIMO', row):
                            last = 'MAXIMO'
                            course_obj['max'] = get_max(row)
                        elif re.search(r'CO-REQUISITOS', row):
                            last = 'CO-REQUISITOS'
                            course_obj['co-requisitos'] = get_co_requisitos(row)
                        elif last == 'PRE-REQUISITOS' or re.search(r'PRE-REQUISITOS', row):
                            if last == 'PRE-REQUISITOS':
                                course_obj['pre-requisitos'].extend(get_pre_requisitos(row, True))
                                course_obj['pre-requisitos'] = get_pre_requisitos(row, False)
                            last = 'PRE-REQUISITOS'

                    if 'freshmen' not in course_obj:
                        course_obj['freshmen'] = False

                    if 'unex' not in course_obj:
                        course_obj['unex'] = False

                    if 'co-requisitos' not in course_obj:
                        course_obj['co-requisitos'] = []

                    if 'pre-requisitos' not in course_obj:
                        course_obj['pre-requisitos'] = []

                    if 'max' not in course_obj:
                        course_obj['max'] = None

                    # Add all arrays to the course object
                    course_obj['time_periods'] = time_periods
                    course_obj['notes'] = notes
                    course_obj['reserves'] = reserves

                    # clean up on pre-requisitos
                    start_idx = 0
                    zero_count = 0
                    for i, e in enumerate(course_obj['pre-requisitos']):
                        if e['id'] == 0:
                            zero_count = zero_count + 1
                        if zero_count == 2:
                            start_idx = i

                    if start_idx > 0:
                        while start_idx < len(course_obj['pre-requisitos']):
                            previous_id = course_obj['pre-requisitos'][start_idx-1]['id']
                            course_obj['pre-requisitos'][start_idx]['id'] = previous_id+1
                            start_idx = start_idx + 1

                    for e in course_obj['pre-requisitos']:
                        y_or_o = re.search(r'\(.', e['course']).group(0)[1:]
                        e['y_or_o'] = y_or_o
                        e['course'] = re.sub(r'\(.', '', e['course'])

                    idx = idx + 1

                department['courses'] = courses
                department['courses'] = []

    with open('data.json', 'w') as outfile:
        json.dump(periods, outfile)