def test_redirect(): srv_mock.long = get_random_string() key = get_random_string() response = client.get(f'/{key}', allow_redirects=False) assert srv_mock.long == response.headers.get('location') assert srv_mock.key == key assert response.status_code == 308
def get_random_data(self):['code'] = get_random_number(0, 10000)['citizens'] = get_random_number(500, 500000)['name'] = get_random_string(size=8)['country'] = get_random_string(size=7) return
async def test_elongate(): key = get_random_string() storage_mock.url = get_random_string() url = await url_shortener.elongate(key) assert url == storage_mock.url assert key == storage_mock.key
def insert_customer(): customr_name = utils.get_random_string() customer_email = utils.get_random_string() customer_password = utils.get_random_string() customer_active = utils.get_random_boolean() utils.execute( """INSERT INTO customer (name, email, password, active) VALUES ('{CUSTOMER_NAME}', '{CUSTOMER_EMAIL}', '{CUSTOMER_PASSWORD}', '{CUSTOMER_ACTIVE}');""" .format(CUSTOMER_NAME=customr_name, CUSTOMER_EMAIL=customer_email, CUSTOMER_PASSWORD=customer_password, CUSTOMER_ACTIVE=customer_active)) advance_time()
def __init__(self,\ shape,\ nummap,\ numfactors,\ learning_rate,\ w,\ s): print 'in __init__ gated_convolution' self.shape = shape self.nummap = nummap self.numfactors = numfactors self.w = w self.s = s self.scope1 = 'conv1' + get_random_string() self.scope2 = 'conv2' + get_random_string() #Xavier init self.xavier_init = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer() self.declare_lowlvl_vars() #Declare input variables self.x = tf.placeholder(shape=shape, dtype=tf.float32) self.y = tf.placeholder(shape=shape, dtype=tf.float32) #Corrupt input data corrupted_x = self.corrupt_data(self.x, .5) corrupted_y = self.corrupt_data(self.y, .5) #Get conv factors factors_x = self.get_factors_via_convolution(corrupted_x, self.numfactors, self.w, self.s, self.scope1) factors_y = self.get_factors_via_convolution(corrupted_y, self.numfactors, self.w, self.s, self.scope2) #Get hidden factors self.assert_dims(factors_x, factors_y, shape, self.w, self.s) hidden, factors_h = self.get_hidden_factors(factors_x, factors_y) #Get the recon losses recon_x_loss, self.recon_x_ = self.get_recon_loss_x(self.x, self.shape, factors_y, factors_h, self.w, self.s) recon_y_loss, self.recon_y_ = self.get_recon_loss_y(self.y, self.shape, factors_x, factors_h, self.w, self.s) #Optimizer self.recon_loss = recon_x_loss + recon_y_loss self.update_model_recon = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate).minimize(self.recon_loss)
def genRandomValueForFSID(self, fsid): retval = self.getRandomValueForFSID(fsid) if not retval: retval = utils.get_time18() + utils.get_random_string() + str(fsid), retval, time=3600) #随机数1个小时超时 return retval
def create_weight(session, weight_unit): weight = Weight() weight.weight_unit = weight_unit weight.weight_value = utils.get_random_string(10) session.add(weight) session.commit() return weight
def insert_recipe(): """ When the user clicks to add the new recipe """ recipes = image = request.files['image'] path = "" """ Checks if there is an image and if that image is of the allowed filetype """ if image and allowed_file(image.filename): """ Sets the path with the image and a random string to make it unique, then saves the image to that path """ path = "static/images/" + get_random_string() + image.filename """ Takes the prep_time and cooking_time from the form as integers then adds them together to get the total time """ prep_time = int(request.form.get('prep_time')) cooking_time = int(request.form.get('cooking_time')) total_time = prep_time + cooking_time """ Takes the required fields from the form and makes a new entry to the database """ """ Sets the image to the path if the image exists and is allowed, if not it will set the image to none """ recipes.insert_one( { 'recipe_name': request.form.get('recipe_name'), 'recipe_description': request.form.get('description'), 'prep_time': prep_time, 'cooking_time': cooking_time, 'total_time': total_time, 'difficulty': request.form.get('difficulty'), 'serves': request.form.get('serves'), 'recipe_image': f"{path}" if path else None, 'ingredients': request.form.getlist('ingredients'), 'methods': request.form.getlist('methods') } ) """ Once created redirects to the Home Page """ return redirect(url_for('get_recipes'))
def get_unique_file_id(self): while True: random_string = utils.get_random_string(24) if random_string not in self.temp_files: if random_string not in self.uploaded_files: self.temp_files[random_string] = None return random_string
def generate_lines(times=1): lines = "" sample_line = "<object name='%s'/>" for _ in xrange(times): lines += sample_line % get_random_string( create_count_max_lines_per_xml) return lines
def create_meme(message, text, ban): print(ban) if ban: text = 'nao introsa vc ta banido parça' background = random.choice(caveras) image ='blank_cavera/' + background) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) width, height = image.size font_size = int(width / 10) #print(font_name) x, y = (width / 2), 200 white = 'rgb(255, 255, 255)' print(text) texts = split_message(text) for line in texts: font_name = random.choice(fonts) font = ImageFont.truetype(font_name, size=font_size + random.randint(-20, 20)) a, b, c = random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint( 0, 255) color = 'rgb(%d, %d, %d)' % (a, b, c) diff = len(line) * font_size / 4 + random.randint(-100, 100) draw_border(draw, line, font, white, x - diff, y) draw.text((x - diff, y), line, fill=color, font=font) y += 60 name = get_random_string(10) + '.png''caveroes/' + name) return name
def writer(entries_count, size=100, address='', port=9110): d = DistributedDict(address, port) prefix = get_random_string(lenght=6) stub_value = 'a' * size for key in range(entries_count): d[prefix + str(key)] = stub_value return timer()
def _submit_page(self): action = ActionChains(self._driver) action.move_by_offset(55, 105) action.perform() # Get started btn btn = '//*[@id="content"]/div/div[2]/div/div[2]/table/tbody/tr/td[1]/div/div[1]/div[2]/button' self._driver.find_element_by_xpath(btn).click() page_name = self._driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="BUSINESS_SUPERCATEGORYPageNameInput"]') fp_name = utils.get_random_string() self._delay_typing(page_name, fp_name) category = self._driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="js_6"]/input') self._delay_typing(category, 'home decor') sleep(random() + 1) for i in range(6): category.send_keys(Keys.ARROW_UP) category.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) # Continue btn self._driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="content"]/div/div[2]/div/div[2]/table/tbody/tr/td[1]/div/div[2]/div[5]/button/div/div').click() try: # Picture skip btn self._driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="content"]/div/div[2]/div[2]/a').click() except NoSuchElementException: self._driver.get('') soup = BeautifulSoup(self._driver.page_source) links = soup.find_all('a', attrs={'href': re.compile(fp_name[1:].replace(' ', '-'))}) self._driver.get(links[0])
def main(): run_id = sys.argv[1] max_duration = 30 # seconds min_time = 0.017 # seconds max_time = 0.2 # seconds overwrite = True if os.path.exists(f'{run_id}.gif'): overwrite = input("gif exists, overwrite? (y/n)") if overwrite.lower() != "y": overwrite = False if run_id is None or run_id == "": all_subdirs = [os.path.join("images", d) for d in os.listdir('images')] run_id = max(all_subdirs, key=os.path.getmtime) print(f"run_id: {run_id}") files = os.listdir(run_id) files.sort(key=natural_keys) [files.append(files[-1]) for _ in range(10)] print("loading images...") images = [ imageio.imread(os.path.join(run_id, filename)) for filename in files ] duration = min(max(max_duration / len(files), min_time), max_time) print(f"frame duration: {duration}") print(f"number of images: {len(files)}") print(f"gif length: {duration * len(files)} seconds") print("Saving gif...") if not overwrite: run_id = run_id + "_" + get_random_string(2) imageio.mimsave(f'{run_id}.gif', images, duration=duration)
async def test_shorten(): url = get_random_string() retention = timedelta(days=random.randrange(1, 1000)) storage_mock.key = get_random_string() now = datetime.utcnow() key = await url_shortener.shorten(url, retention) assert storage_mock.key == key assert storage_mock.url == url delta = storage_mock.create_date - now if delta < timedelta(seconds=0): delta = -delta assert delta < timedelta(seconds=1) assert storage_mock.expiry_date == storage_mock.create_date + retention
def update_category(): rand_id = utils.get_random_number(1, utils.count_rows("category")) rand_name = utils.get_random_string() utils.execute( """update category set name = '{RAND_NAME}' where id = {RAND_ID};""". format(RAND_NAME=rand_name, RAND_ID=rand_id)) advance_time()
def genRandomValueForFSID(self, fsid): self.cleanup() retval =, '') if not retval: retval = utils.get_time18() + utils.get_random_string()[str(fsid)] = retval return retval
def create_customer(session): customerAddres = CustomerAddres() customerAddres.customer_address_zipcode = utils.get_random_string(12) customerAddres.customer_address_street = utils.get_random_string(80) session.add(customerAddres) session.flush() customer = Customer() customer.customer_created = utils.get_random_date_create() customer.customer_cpf = utils.get_random_string(13) customer.customer_email = utils.get_random_string(60) customer.customer_name = utils.get_random_string(80) customer.customer_address = customerAddres customer_pool.append(customer) session.add(customer) session.commit() session.flush() return customer, customerAddres
def start(update, context): user = db.get_user_by_chat_id( if user is None: username = update.message.from_user.first_name client_id = get_random_string(32) logger.debug('Ottengo il pin...') headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} data = { 'strong': True, 'X-Plex-Product': config.plex_app_name, 'X-Plex-Client-Identifier': client_id } r ='', headers=headers, data=data) reply_json = r.json() logger.debug(reply_json) auth_id = reply_json['id'] auth_code = reply_json['code'] f = furl('') f.args['clientID'] = client_id f.args['code'] = auth_code f.args['context[device][product]'] = config.plex_app_name plex_url = f.url plex_url = plex_url[:24] + "#" + plex_url[24:] message = ''' Benvenuto %s. Visto che è la tua prima volta con me, c'è bisogno che tu acceda a Plex. Per favore, segui i passi qua sotto: ''' % (username) keyboard = [ [ InlineKeyboardButton('1) Apri ed effettua il login', url=plex_url) ], [ InlineKeyboardButton('2) Verifica il login', callback_data='login_with_plex') ] ] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) logger.debug(reply_markup) context.user_data['user'] = { 'username': username, 'chat_id':, 'client_id': client_id, 'auth_id': auth_id, 'auth_code': auth_code, 'handler': update.message.from_user.username, }, text=message, reply_markup=reply_markup).message_id else:, text="Bentornato/a, %s, per favore utilizza il comando /menu" % user.username)
def insert_product(): product_name = utils.get_random_string() product_cost = utils.get_random_number(0, 1000) product_amount = utils.get_random_number(0, 10000) utils.execute( """INSERT INTO product (name, cost, amount) VALUES ('{PRODUCT_NAME}', {PRODUCT_COST}, {PRODUCT_AMOUNT});""" .format(PRODUCT_NAME=product_name, PRODUCT_COST=product_cost, PRODUCT_AMOUNT=product_amount)) advance_time()
def get_hidden_action_factors(self, actions_onehot, target_shape): num_outs = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, target_shape) scope = get_random_string() action_factors = slim.fully_connected(slim.flatten(actions_onehot), num_outs, activation_fn=None, biases_initializer=None, scope=scope) action_factors = tf.reshape(action_factors, shape=[-1] + target_shape) return action_factors, scope
def test_post_ok(): srv_mock.short = get_random_string() long_url = get_long_url(random.randrange(200, 2000)) retention_days = random.randrange(1, 1000) response ='/?days={retention_days}', long_url.encode('utf-8')) assert srv_mock.url == long_url assert srv_mock.retention == timedelta(days=retention_days) assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.text == api.LINK_TEMPLATE.format(srv_mock.short)
def create_brand(session): global brand_pool new = _get_value_from_pool(brand_pool) if new is not None: return new brand = Brand() brand.brand_name = utils.get_random_string(80) brand_pool.append(brand) session.add(brand) session.commit() return brand
def test_get_random_string_2(self): import random origin_using_sysrandom = utils.using_sysrandom origin_random = utils.random utils.using_sysrandom = False utils.random = random try: assert len(utils.get_random_string()) == 12 finally: utils.using_sysrandom = origin_using_sysrandom utils.random = origin_random
def __init__(self, db, autocommit=False, autoflush=False, **options): = db.get_app() self.db = db self._model_changes = {} # session 唯一 id self.sid = get_random_string(length=8) orm.Session.__init__( self, autocommit=autocommit, autoflush=autoflush, bind=db.engine, binds=db.get_binds(, **options)
def update_postgres_env_file(env_file): changes = [] if not env_file.get("POSTGRES_USER"): env_file["POSTGRES_USER"] = "******" % get_random_string(16) changes.append("User: %s" % env_file["POSTGRES_USER"]) if not env_file.get("POSTGRES_PASSWORD"): env_file["POSTGRES_PASSWORD"] = "******" % get_random_string(80) changes.append("Password: %s" % env_file["POSTGRES_PASSWORD"]) if changes: print( "PostgreSQL configuration file has been updated with following database settings:" ) print() print("\n".join(changes)) else: print("PostgreSQL configuration file is up to date.")
def test_sync_sends_random_string(self, client, service_helper, leak_tracker): leak_tracker.set_initial_object_list() message = utils.get_random_string(16) client.send_message(message) event = service_helper.wait_for_eventhub_arrival(None) assert event.message_body == message leak_tracker.check_for_leaks()
def create_weight_unit(session): global weight_unit_pool new = _get_value_from_pool(weight_unit_pool) if new is not None: return new weight_unit = WeightUnit() weight_unit.weight_unit = utils.get_random_string(5) weight_unit_pool.append(weight_unit) session.add(weight_unit) session.commit() return weight_unit
def create_product_size(session): global product_size_pool new = _get_value_from_pool(product_size_pool) if new is not None: return new product_size = ProductSize() product_size.product_size_description = utils.get_random_string(150) product_size_pool.append(product_size) session.add(product_size) session.commit() return product_size
class OrderModel(Document): customer = ReferenceField(CustomerModel) item_ids = ListField(DictField(required=True)) amount = IntField() status = StringField(required=True, max_length=50) date_created = DateTimeField( date_updated = DateTimeField( created_by = ReferenceField(AdminModel) order_id = StringField(required=True, max_length=50, default=get_random_string(6))
def __init__(self, config_location, **kwargs): if not config_location.endswith("/"): config_location += "/" self.built_in_types_map = kwargs.get("types_map", SWIFT_TYPES_MAP) self.persist_output = kwargs.get("persist_output", False) self.output = None self.config_location = config_location self.file_names = [] self.parsed_values = [] self.file_name_key = utils.get_random_string(50) self.__load_files()
def gen_filename(file_ext): name = "%s%s" % ( get_random_string(30), file_ext ) filename = os.path.join( get_today_dir(), name ) return filename
def post(self, request): form = CreateResumeForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): resume = resume.user = request.user resume.access_url = get_random_string(16) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('resume:update_resume', args=(,))) else: messages.error(request, 'Please correct the errors below.') return render(request, 'create_resume.html', {'form': form})
def _get_init_db_session(self): """ 初始化session,往数据库session表插入session记录 往浏览器写入sessionid :raise gen.Return: session_key, 字符串 """ while True: session_key = get_random_string() try: yield self.db.execute("INSERT INTO session (session_key, session_data) VALUES (%s,%s)", (session_key, Json({}))) self.set_cookie('sessionid', session_key) raise gen.Return(session_key) except IntegrityError: continue
def git_create_branch(directory, git_hash, branch=None, checkout=True): """Creates a new branch based on a given hash. Optionally allows for specifiying branch name, but will generate a random branch name if none specified. Optionally allows to create branch without checking it out. """ if not branch: branch = utils.get_random_string() if checkout: git_string = 'git -C {directory} checkout -b {branch} {git_hash}'.format(directory=directory, git_hash=git_hash, branch=branch) else: git_string = 'git -C {directory} branch {branch} {git_hash}'.format(directory=directory, git_hash=git_hash, branch=branch) output = get_Popen_output(git_string) if output: return branch return False
def cast(val): if isinstance(val, basestring): if self.is_base64(val): mimetype = self.get_base64_mimetype(val) base64_string = self.get_base64_content(val) base64_decoded = base64.b64decode(base64_string) base64_string = None bucket = os.environ.get('GCS_BUCKET_NAME', app_identity.get_default_gcs_bucket_name()) filename = utils.get_random_string(12) filename += str(calendar.timegm(time.gmtime())) import cloudstorage as gcs acl = None if self.acl: acl = {'x-goog-acl': self.acl} with'/%s/%s' % (bucket, filename), 'w', content_type=mimetype, options=acl) as gcs_file: gcs_file.write(base64_decoded) if self._local: return '%s/%s/%s' % (self.base_path, bucket, filename) access_token, _ = self.get_access_token() medialink_url = '%s/%s/o/%s' % (self.base_path, bucket, filename) medialink = urlfetch.fetch( method=urlfetch.GET, url=medialink_url, headers={ 'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % access_token, }) if medialink.status_code >= 200 and medialink.status_code < 300: return utils.decode_json(medialink.content)['mediaLink'] return None elif URL_REGEX.findall(val): return val elif LOCAL_URL_REGEX.findall(val): return val else: raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('Expected Base64 string or ' 'URL, got %r.' % val) else: raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('Expected string, got %r.' % val)
def test_get_random_string(self): assert len(utils.get_random_string()) == 12
def generate_lines(times = 1): lines = "" sample_line = "<object name='%s'/>" for _ in xrange(times): lines += sample_line % get_random_string(create_count_max_lines_per_xml) return lines
def _upload(instance, filename, path): today = randname = utils.get_random_string() file_nm, file_ex = os.path.splitext(filename) return path % (, today.year, today.month,, randname, file_ex)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): initial = kwargs.get('initial', {}) initial['token_value'] = utils.get_random_string() super(TokenAdminForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)