def start_time(a, r, dirTag, block, tftup, time_to_start, seq): """ get the start time of each vehicle trip using block from next bus :param a: agency :param r: route :param dirTag: direction tag :param block: block number :param tftup: trip information :param time_to_start unix time stamp :return start time of the vehicle trip """ idx = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(u.get_service_day()), '%Y%m%d').weekday() SC = serviceClass.get(a)[idx] start_time_list_per_block = schedule.get(a).get(r).get(SC).get(dirTag).get( block) #print start_time_list_per_block if start_time_list_per_block: #in case start_time_list_per_block is none start_time = binary_search(start_time_list_per_block, time_to_start, seq) if a == 'dc-streetcar' and dirTag == 'west': start_time = start_time_special_streetcar(start_time) else: start_time = get_start_time_block(start_time, tftup) if int(start_time.split(':')[0]) < 5: start_time = str(int(start_time.split(':')[0]) + 24) + ':' + start_time.split( ':')[1] + ':' + start_time.split(':')[2] return start_time, start_time_list_per_block else: return 0, start_time_list_per_block
def get_day_trips(agency): """ Returns a dict where key is trip id active today and value is a tuple concatenation of tuple dict value generated by get_freq_dict and get_trips_dict. Assumes route is active in both directions if scheduled as such. @attention: Call before and pass it as an argument to get_trip_id to save time. :param agency: a str identifying the transit agency. Assumes a GTFS archive. :param day: an int representing date, in the format yyyymmdd. :returns a dict of tuples representing trips active today. """ day = get_service_day() d = {} activeservice = get_services(agency, day, exp=True) freqs = get_freq_dict(agency) trips = get_trips_dict(agency) # freqs[row['trip_id']] = (row['start_time'],row['end_time'],row['headway_secs']) # trips[row['trip_id']] = (row['route_id'],row['service_id'],row['direction_id'],row['trip_headsign']) for trip_id, ttup in trips.iteritems(): if ttup.service_id in activeservice: tup = TripFreq(*(ttup + freqs[trip_id])) d[trip_id] = tup return d
def get_datetime_blocktime(time_mid): """ time_list[mid] return unix time """ date = u.get_service_day() if int(time_mid.split(":")[0]) < 5: date = date + 1 return datetime.datetime.strptime(str(date) + time_mid, "%Y%m%d%H:%M:%S")
def get_in_feed(fm,trip_id,tftup,vehicle,agency,r,p,idx,stop_id,direction): myentity = fm.entity.add() = vehicle.vehicle_id+'_'+vehicle.route_id+'_'+trip_id myentity.trip_update.timestamp = int(time.time()) myentity.trip_update.trip.trip_id=trip_id myentity.trip_update.trip.route_id=vehicle.route_id myentity.trip_update.trip.direction_id=direction myentity.trip_update.trip.start_time=start_time(agency,r,p.get('dirTag'),p.get('block'),tftup) myentity.trip_update.trip.start_date=str(get_service_day()) #myentity.trip_update.trip.schedule_relation #myentity.trip_update.stop_time_update stu = myentity.trip_update.stop_time_update.add() stu.stop_sequence=idx stu.stop_id=str(stop_id) stu.arrival.time=int(int(p.get('epochTime'))/1000) #stu.schedule_relationship= print(,stu.stop_sequence,myentity.trip_update.trip.start_time)' '+str(stu.stop_sequence)+' '+myentity.trip_update.trip.start_time
def recording(today_trip,previous): #returnlist={} trip_start_time={} vehicle_list = get_vehicle() count=0 filename = 'dc-circulator-'+'tripupdates'+ext fm = g.FeedMessage() fm.header.gtfs_realtime_version = '2.0' fm.header.incrementality = g._FEEDHEADER_INCREMENTALITY.values_by_name['FULL_DATASET'].number for ve in vehicle_list: schedule_relation = 0 if ve.tripID==0: #skip the trip ID = 0 records continue route = routes_dict[ve.route_id] if get_gtfsid(ve.nextStopID): stop_ID = get_gtfsid(ve.nextStopID) else: #skip the next stop ID not in ddot list record continue eta = get_eta(ve.route_id,ve.nextStopID) if eta: eta2= time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(int(eta))) else: #skip no eta records continue if ve_to_garage_distance(,ve.lon): #skip vehicles that are in/near garage continue start_time, start_time2 = get_trip_info(ve.tripID,ve.nextStopID) # start_time is the raw start time align wit optibus system, start_time2 is the one round to 10 mins if start_time2=='0': start_time = start_time2 = previous[ve.vehicle_id][-1] start_date = str(get_service_day()) #get rid of the toooo old eta time # wait for bishop peak responds t = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date+start_time, '%Y%m%d%H:%M:%S') if time.mktime(t.timetuple())>eta: continue #if it's terminal stops and not sure about the trip id, reocrd the trip id serve the route trip_list=[] for trip_id,tup in today_trip.iteritems(): if tup.route_id == route: trip_list.append(trip_id) if int(stop_ID) in seq_dict[trip_list[0]] and int(stop_ID) in seq_dict[trip_list[1]]: trip_id_final=str(trip_list[0])+" "+str(trip_list[1]) seq = str(seq_dict[trip_list[0]].index(int(stop_ID))) + " " + str(seq_dict[trip_list[1]].index(int(stop_ID))) #write to protobuf as start of next trip but do no return seq_to_proto='0' for i in trip_list: if seq_dict[i].index(int(stop_ID))==0: trip_id_to_proto = str(i) direction_proto = today_trip[i].direction_id if trip_id_to_proto not in trip_start_time.keys(): trip_start_time[trip_id_to_proto] = [start_time2] else: if start_time2 in trip_start_time[trip_id_to_proto]:#which is duplicate schedule_relation=1 else: trip_start_time[trip_id_to_proto].append(start_time2) tuplelist[ve.vehicle_id] = VehicleInfo(ve.vehicle_id, route, direction_proto, \ trip_id_to_proto, ve.tripID, start_time,start_time2, start_date,\, ve.lon, schedule_relation,\ stop_ID, seq_to_proto, eta, ve.timestamp) elif int(stop_ID) in seq_dict[trip_list[0]]: trip_id_final=str(trip_list[0]) direction = today_trip[int(trip_id_final)].direction_id seq = get_seq(trip_id_final, stop_ID) if ve.vehicle_id in previous.keys(): if previous[ve.vehicle_id].trip_id == trip_id_final: start_time2 = previous[ve.vehicle_id].start_time2 if trip_id_final not in trip_start_time.keys(): trip_start_time[trip_id_final] = [start_time2] else: if start_time2 in trip_start_time[trip_id_final]:#which is duplicate schedule_relation=1 else: trip_start_time[trip_id_final].append(start_time2) tuplelist[ve.vehicle_id] = VehicleInfo(ve.vehicle_id, route, direction, \ trip_id_final, ve.tripID, start_time, start_time2, start_date,\, ve.lon, schedule_relation, \ stop_ID, seq, eta, ve.timestamp) elif int(stop_ID) in seq_dict[trip_list[1]]: trip_id_final=str(trip_list[1]) direction = today_trip[int(trip_id_final)].direction_id seq = get_seq(trip_id_final, stop_ID) if ve.vehicle_id in previous.keys(): if previous[ve.vehicle_id].trip_id == trip_id_final: start_time2 = previous[ve.vehicle_id].start_time2 if trip_id_final not in trip_start_time.keys(): trip_start_time[trip_id_final] = [start_time2] else: if start_time2 in trip_start_time[trip_id_final]:#which is duplicate schedule_relation=1 else: trip_start_time[trip_id_final].append(start_time2) tuplelist[ve.vehicle_id] = VehicleInfo(ve.vehicle_id, route, direction, \ trip_id_final, ve.tripID, start_time,start_time2, start_date,\, ve.lon, schedule_relation,\ stop_ID, seq, eta, ve.timestamp) #keep the start_time consistant through out the whole trip instead of updating based on input if ve.vehicle_id in previous.keys(): if previous[ve.vehicle_id].trip_id!= trip_id_final and len(trip_id_final) >2:#9 to 9 10 if previous[ve.vehicle_id].seq == 0: if trip_id_final not in trip_start_time.keys(): trip_start_time[trip_id_final] = [start_time2] else: if start_time2 in trip_start_time[trip_id_final]:#which is duplicate schedule_relation=1 else: trip_start_time[trip_id_final].append(start_time2) tuplelist[ve.vehicle_id] = previous[ve.vehicle_id]._replace(bishop_trip = ve.tripID, start_time=start_time, start_time2=start_time2,,lon=ve.lon, eta=eta, timestamp=ve.timestamp, schedule_relation=schedule_relation)#relation?? else: if ve.tripID == previous[ve.vehicle_id].bishop_trip: seq = get_seq(previous[ve.vehicle_id].trip_id, stop_ID) tuplelist[ve.vehicle_id] = previous[ve.vehicle_id]._replace(,lon=ve.lon,seq=seq,eta=eta,timestamp=ve.timestamp) else: seq='0' trip_list.remove(int(previous[ve.vehicle_id].trip_id)) # renew the trip id # trip_list.remove(int(previous[ve.vehicle_id].trip_id_final)) trip_id_final = str(trip_list[0]) direction = today_trip[int(trip_id_final)].direction_id if trip_id_final not in trip_start_time.keys(): trip_start_time[trip_id_final] = [start_time2] else: if start_time2 in trip_start_time[trip_id_final]:#which is duplicate schedule_relation=1 else: trip_start_time[trip_id_final].append(start_time2) tuplelist[ve.vehicle_id] = VehicleInfo(ve.vehicle_id, route, direction, \ trip_id_final, ve.tripID, start_time,start_time2, start_date,\, ve.lon, schedule_relation,\ stop_ID, seq, eta, ve.timestamp) if ve.vehicle_id in tuplelist.keys(): write_protobuf(tuplelist[ve.vehicle_id],fm) count+=1
def write_to_pb(ve_tr): """ write trip update information into protobuf entity 1.find the start time of trip :param ve_tr: dictionary of vehicle_trip, key is vehicle_trip,value is the dictionary, keys inside are eta and other, value of eta is a list of namedtuple of eta value of 'other' includes vehicle_id, route_id, direction_id, trip_id, timestamp, agency, route_NB, dirtag, block, tftup :param vehicle_dict: dictionary of vehicle info :return: feedmessage """ fm = g.FeedMessage() ## Feed Header fm.header.gtfs_realtime_version = '2.0' fm.header.incrementality = g._FEEDHEADER_INCREMENTALITY.values_by_name[ 'FULL_DATASET'].number #enum: full dataset fm.header.timestamp = int(time.time()) check_multiple = {} count = 0 for key, value in ve_tr.iteritems(): sorted_eta = sorted(value['eta'], key=attrgetter('seq')) #get start time of current trip if sorted_eta[0].seq == 0: time_to_start = int(int(sorted_eta[0].eta) / 1000) else: time_to_start = int(time.time()) start_time_value, block = start_time(value['other'].agency, value['other'].route_NB, \ value['other'].dirtag, value['other'].block, \ value['other'].tftup, time_to_start, sorted_eta[0].seq) if sorted_eta[0].seq != 0: if start_time_value == 0: #start time cannot be identified, pass this record continue #entity myentity = fm.entity.add() = key myentity.trip_update.timestamp = value['other'].timestamp myentity.trip_update.trip.trip_id = value['other'].trip_id myentity.trip_update.trip.route_id = value['other'].route_id myentity.trip_update.trip.direction_id = value['other'].direction_id myentity.trip_update.trip.start_time = start_time_value myentity.trip_update.trip.start_date = str(get_service_day()) = myentity.trip_update.vehicle.label = value[ 'other'].vehicle_id count += 1 st2 = "_", " ") + ' ' + myentity.trip_update.trip.start_time #write eta for each stop last = int(sorted_eta[0].eta) / 1000 for i in range(len(sorted_eta)): #filter eta eariler than previous stop, STOP_TIME_UPDATE_PREMATURE_ARRIVAL if i != 0 and int(sorted_eta[i].eta) / 1000 < last: continue #write eta for each stop i_eta = sorted_eta[i] stu = myentity.trip_update.stop_time_update.add() stu.stop_sequence = i_eta.seq stu.stop_id = str(i_eta.nextstop) last = stu.arrival.time = int(int(i_eta.eta) / 1000) eta2 = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(stu.arrival.time)) if i == 0: st2 = st2 + ' ' + str(stu.stop_sequence) + ' ' + eta2 #avoid the multiple entity per trip warning if value['other'].trip_id not in check_multiple.keys(): check_multiple[value['other'].trip_id] = [ myentity.trip_update.trip.start_time ] elif myentity.trip_update.trip.start_time in check_multiple[ value['other'].trip_id]: myentity.trip_update.trip.schedule_relationship = 1 else: check_multiple[value['other'].trip_id].append( myentity.trip_update.trip.start_time) # vehicle position feed ''' if not in vehicle_dict.keys(): continue = myentity.vehicle.vehicle.label = pos = vehicle_dict[] myentity.vehicle.position.latitude = myentity.vehicle.position.longitude = pos.lon myentity.vehicle.position.speed = pos.speed myentity.vehicle.timestamp = pos.timestamp myentity.vehicle.trip.trip_id = myentity.trip_update.trip.trip_id myentity.vehicle.trip.route_id = myentity.trip_update.trip.route_id myentity.vehicle.trip.direction_id = myentity.trip_update.trip.direction_id myentity.vehicle.trip.start_time = myentity.trip_update.trip.start_time myentity.vehicle.trip.start_date = myentity.trip_update.trip.start_date ''' return fm, count