コード例 #1
    def _plot_id_vs_value(self, sounding_ids, plot_values, get_lines=None, time_strings=None, **kwargs):
        ax = self.new_axis(**kwargs)
        error = kwargs.get("error", [])
        show_gaps = kwargs.get("show_gaps", True)

        markers = Line2D.filled_markers[:len(plot_values)]
        for idx, (snd_ids, p_val, marker) in enumerate(zip(sounding_ids, plot_values, markers)):
            # Fall back to converting sounding ids into times if time strings are not supplied 
            if time_strings != None:
                datetimes = utils.time_string_to_dt(time_strings)
                datetimes = utils.id2time(snd_ids)
            if show_gaps:
                x_val = datetimes
                ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateLookupFormatter(datetimes, **kwargs))
                x_val = numpy.arange(len(p_val))

            if idx < len(error) and error[idx] != None:
                lines = ax.errorbar(x_val, p_val, yerr=error[idx], marker=marker, linestyle='')
                # errorbar routine creates multiple lines which can screw up
                # legends if you use the default legend with jut names call method
                if get_lines != None: get_lines.append(lines[0]) 
                line = ax.plot(x_val, p_val, marker)
                if get_lines != None: get_lines.append(line)

        # Set some padding some padding on the xaxis
        if not show_gaps:
            ax.set_xlim(-10, len(plot_values[0])+10)
        return ax
コード例 #2
def ids2times(sounding_ids):
    return [ numpy.array([ time.mktime(dt.timetuple()) for dt in utils.id2time(snds) ]) for snds in sounding_ids ]
コード例 #3
    return heatmap_w, heatmap_s, c_norm, c_s_norm, R_i, R, R_s

def top_dict(kv_dict, num=2):
    k_list = list(kv_dict.keys())[:num]
    subdict = {k: kv_dict[k] for k in k_list}
    print('\ndict len:', len(kv_dict))
    return subdict

print('Gathering keyframes info...')
#preparing dicts
id2dir_dict_kfrm = utils.create_dict_kfrm(kfrm_path, kfrm_msb, video_asr_path,
id2time_dict_kfrm = utils.id2time(kfrm_msb)

print('Creating parent-child dictionaries...')
#generate parent-child dictionaries
parent_dict, child_dict = utils.create_dict(parent_child_tab)

# for i in child_dict.keys():
#     if 'mp4' in i:
#         print(i,child_dict[i])
# print(top_dict(child_dict,5))

print('Creating path dictionary...')
#generate global id2path dictionary
path_dict = utils.create_path_dict(ltf_path)