def setSpotHist(self, start, end): ''' Get history of daily spot prices :param start: start date :param end: end date :return: Series of spot prices ''' self.spotHist =[self.undl], start=start, end=incDate(end))['Close'] return self.spotHist
def setSpot(self, spotDate=''): ''' :param spotDate (string date): :return: void, sets price to spot of self.mydate ''' spotDate = self.mydate if spotDate == '' else spotDate =[self.undl], start=spotDate, end=incDate(spotDate))['Close'][0] return
def setVolHist(self, start, end, name='^VIX'): ''' Get history of daily spot prices and set to self variable :param start: start date :param end: end date :param name: Name of volatility parameter :return: Series of vol prices ''' self.volHist =[name], start=start, end=incDate(end))['Close'] return self.volHist
def setVol(self, volDate='', volIndex='^VIX'): ''' :param volDate: Date to pull (default is self.mydate :param volIndex: Name of volatility index in yahoo finance :return: vol index (scaler) ''' volDate = self.mydate if volDate == '' else volDate self.volPoint =[volIndex], start=volDate, end=incDate(volDate))['Close'][0] return self.volPoint
def setVolIdx(self, volidx, scale=0.02, voldate='', flattener=1, spacing=0.05): ''' :param volidx (string): Name of a vol index for which to base the skew :param scale (double): Scaling factor for vol skew :param voldate (string date): Date to pull volatility :param flattener (double): Scaling factor. Amount to flatten (or steepen) skew :param spaceing: Determines the courseness the grid of strikes (how far apart strikes are) :return: The skew with the volidx being the ATM point spaced apart by 1% of the underlying ''' voldate = self.mydate if voldate == '' else voldate myvol =[volidx], start=voldate, end=incDate(voldate))['Close'][0] return self.computeSkew(myvol, scale, flattener, spacing=spacing)
def getVolIdx(self, volidx, scale=0.02, voldate='', flattener=1, skip=True, spacing=0.05): ''' :param volidx (string): Name of a vol index for which to base the skew :param scale (double): Scaling factor for vol skew :param voldate (string date): Date to pull volatility :param flattener (double): Scaling factor. Amount to flatten (or steepen) skew :param skip (bool): If true then just get self.vol :param spaceing: Determines the courseness the grid of strikes (how far apart strikes are) :return: Returns the current vol index with a different skew and sets it to self.vol ''' if len(self.vol) < 1 or not skip: voldate = self.mydate if voldate == '' else voldate myvol =[volidx], start=voldate, end=incDate(voldate))['Close'][0] return self.computeSkew(myvol, scale, flattener, spacing=spacing) return self.vol