コード例 #1
def test_ffdnet(**args):
    r"""Denoises an input image with FFDNet
    # Init logger
    logger = init_logger_ipol()

    # Check if input exists and if it is RGB
        rgb_den = is_rgb(args['input'])
        raise Exception('Could not open the input image')

# Measure runtime
    start_t = time.time()

    # Open image as a CxHxW torch.Tensor
    if rgb_den:
        in_ch = 3
        model_fn = 'net_rgb.pth'
        imorig = Image.open(args['input'])
        imorig = np.array(imorig, dtype=np.float32).transpose(2, 0, 1)
        # from HxWxC to  CxHxW grayscale image (C=1)
        in_ch = 1
        model_fn = 'models/net_gray.pth'
        # imorig = cv2.imread(args['input'], cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
        imorig = np.expand_dims(imorig, 0)
    imorig = np.expand_dims(imorig, 0)

    # Handle odd sizes
    expanded_h = False
    expanded_w = False
    sh_im = imorig.shape
    if sh_im[2] % 2 == 1:
        expanded_h = True
        imorig = np.concatenate((imorig, \
          imorig[:, :, -1, :][:, :, np.newaxis, :]), axis=2)

    if sh_im[3] % 2 == 1:
        expanded_w = True
        imorig = np.concatenate((imorig, \
          imorig[:, :, :, -1][:, :, :, np.newaxis]), axis=3)

    imorig = normalize(imorig)
    imorig = torch.Tensor(imorig)
    # Absolute path to model file
    model_fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), \

    # Create model
    print('Loading model ...\n')
    net = FFDNet(num_input_channels=in_ch)

    # Load saved weights
    if args['cuda']:
        state_dict = torch.load(model_fn)
        #device_ids = [0,1,2,3]
        #model = nn.DataParallel(net, device_ids=device_ids).cuda()
        #state_dict = remove_dataparallel_wrapper(state_dict)
        model = net
        state_dict = torch.load(model_fn, map_location='cpu')
        # CPU mode: remove the DataParallel wrapper
        state_dict = remove_dataparallel_wrapper(state_dict)
        model = net

    # Sets the model in evaluation mode (e.g. it removes BN)

    # Sets data type according to CPU or GPU modes
    if args['cuda']:
        dtype = torch.cuda.FloatTensor
        dtype = torch.FloatTensor

# Test mode
    with torch.no_grad():  # PyTorch v0.4.0
        imorig = Variable(imorig.type(dtype))
        nsigma = Variable(torch.FloatTensor([args['noise_sigma']]).type(dtype))

    # # Measure runtime
    # start_t = time.time()

    # Estimate noise and subtract it to the input image
    im_noise_estim = model(imorig, nsigma)
    stop_t = time.time()

    # log time
    if rgb_den:
        print("### RGB denoising ###")
        print("### Grayscale denoising ###")
    print("\tRuntime {0:0.4f}s".format(stop_t - start_t))

    # Save noises
    noise = variable_to_numpy(imorig.to(3) - im_noise_estim).transpose(1, 2, 0)
    filename = args['input'].split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
    if args['save_path']:
            './output_noise/' + args['save_path'] + '/' + filename + '.mat',
            {'Noisex': noise})
        sio.savemat('./output_noise/' + filename + '.mat', {'Noisex': noise})
コード例 #2
def test_ffdnet(**args):
    r"""Denoises an input image with FFDNet
    # Init logger
    logger = init_logger_ipol()

    # Check if input exists and if it is RGB
        rgb_den = is_rgb(args['input'])
        raise Exception('Could not open the input image')

    # Open image as a CxHxW torch.Tensor
    if rgb_den:
        in_ch = 3
        model_fn = 'models/net_rgb.pth'
        imorig = cv2.imread(args['input'])
        # from HxWxC to CxHxW, RGB image
        imorig = (cv2.cvtColor(imorig, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)).transpose(2, 0, 1)
        # from HxWxC to  CxHxW grayscale image (C=1)
        in_ch = 1
        model_fn = 'logs/net.pth'
        imorig = cv2.imread(args['input'], cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
        imorig_copy = imorig.copy()
        imorig = np.expand_dims(imorig, 0)
    imorig = np.expand_dims(imorig, 0)

    # Handle odd sizes
    expanded_h = False
    expanded_w = False
    sh_im = imorig.shape
    if sh_im[2] % 2 == 1:
        expanded_h = True
        imorig = np.concatenate((imorig, \
          imorig[:, :, -1, :][:, :, np.newaxis, :]), axis=2)

    if sh_im[3] % 2 == 1:
        expanded_w = True
        imorig = np.concatenate((imorig, \
          imorig[:, :, :, -1][:, :, :, np.newaxis]), axis=3)

    imorig = normalize(imorig)
    imorig = torch.Tensor(imorig)

    # Absolute path to model file
    model_fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), \

    # Create model
    print('Loading model ...\n')
    net = FFDNet(num_input_channels=in_ch)

    # Load saved weights
    if args['cuda']:
        state_dict = torch.load(model_fn)
        device_ids = [0]
        model = nn.DataParallel(net, device_ids=device_ids).cuda()
        state_dict = torch.load(model_fn, map_location='cpu')
        # CPU mode: remove the DataParallel wrapper
        state_dict = remove_dataparallel_wrapper(state_dict)
        model = net

    # Sets the model in evaluation mode (e.g. it removes BN)

    # Sets data type according to CPU or GPU modes
    if args['cuda']:
        dtype = torch.cuda.FloatTensor
        dtype = torch.FloatTensor

    # Add noise
    if args['add_noise']:
        noise = torch.FloatTensor(imorig.size()).\
          normal_(mean=0, std=args['noise_sigma'])
        imnoisy = imorig + noise
        imnoisy = imorig.clone()

# Test mode
    with torch.no_grad():  # PyTorch v0.4.0
        imorig, imnoisy = Variable(imorig.type(dtype)), \
        nsigma = Variable(torch.FloatTensor([args['noise_sigma']]).type(dtype))

    # Measure runtime
    start_t = time.time()

    # Estimate noise and subtract it to the input image
    im_noise_estim = model(imnoisy, nsigma)
    outim = torch.clamp(imnoisy - im_noise_estim, 0., 1.)
    stop_t = time.time()

    if expanded_h:
        imorig = imorig[:, :, :-1, :]
        outim = outim[:, :, :-1, :]
        imnoisy = imnoisy[:, :, :-1, :]

    if expanded_w:
        imorig = imorig[:, :, :, :-1]
        outim = outim[:, :, :, :-1]
        imnoisy = imnoisy[:, :, :, :-1]

    # Compute PSNR and log it
    if rgb_den:
        print("### RGB denoising ###")
        print("### Grayscale denoising ###")
    if args['add_noise']:
        psnr = batch_psnr(outim, imorig, 1.)
        psnr_noisy = batch_psnr(imnoisy, imorig, 1.)

        print("----------PSNR noisy    {0:0.2f}dB".format(psnr_noisy))
        print("----------PSNR denoised {0:0.2f}dB".format(psnr))
        logger.info("\tNo noise was added, cannot compute PSNR")
    print("----------Runtime     {0:0.4f}s".format(stop_t - start_t))

    # Compute difference
    diffout = 2 * (outim - imorig) + .5
    diffnoise = 2 * (imnoisy - imorig) + .5

    # Save images
    if not args['dont_save_results']:
        noisyimg = variable_to_cv2_image(imnoisy)
        outimg = variable_to_cv2_image(outim)
            "bfffd/noisy-" + str(int(args['noise_sigma'] * 255)) + '-' +
            args['input'], noisyimg)
            "bfffd/ffdnet-" + str(int(args['noise_sigma'] * 255)) + '-' +
            args['input'], outimg)

        if args['add_noise']:
            cv2.imwrite("noisy_diff.png", variable_to_cv2_image(diffnoise))
            cv2.imwrite("ffdnet_diff.png", variable_to_cv2_image(diffout))
    (score, diff) = compare_ssim(noisyimg, imorig_copy, full=True)
    (score2, diff) = compare_ssim(outimg, imorig_copy, full=True)
    print("----------Noisy ssim:    {0:0.4f}".format(score))
    print("----------Denoisy ssim: {0:0.4f}".format(score2))
コード例 #3
def clean_noise(request):
    input = '//' + request.args.get('filepath')
        rgb_den = is_rgb(input)
        raise Exception('Could not open the input image')

        # Open image as a CxHxW torch.Tensor
    if rgb_den:

        imorig = cv2.imdecode(np.fromfile(input, dtype=np.uint8), -1)
        # from HxWxC to CxHxW, RGB image
        imorig = (cv2.cvtColor(imorig, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)).transpose(2, 0, 1)
        # from HxWxC to  CxHxW grayscale image (C=1)

        imorig = np.array(Image.open(input).convert('RGB')).transpose(2, 0, 1)
    img_shape = imorig.shape
    h = 200
    num_h = img_shape[1] // h
    ori_h = h * num_h
    crop_h = img_shape[1] - ori_h
    w = 200
    num_w = img_shape[2] // w
    ori_w = w * num_w
    crop_w = img_shape[2] - ori_w
    images = []
    for i in range(num_h + 1):
        for j in range(num_w + 1):
            if i == num_h and j == num_w:
                img1 = imorig[:, i * int(h):i * int(h) + crop_h,
                              j * int(w):j * int(w) + crop_w]
            if i == num_h:
                img1 = imorig[:, i * int(h):i * int(h) + crop_h,
                              j * int(w):(j + 1) * int(w)]
            if j == num_w:
                img1 = imorig[:, i * int(h):(i + 1) * int(h),
                              j * int(w):j * int(w) + crop_w]
            img1 = imorig[:, i * int(h):(i + 1) * int(h),
                          j * int(w):(j + 1) * int(w)]
            images.append([i, j, img1])
    denoise_images = []
    for index, i in enumerate(images):
        denoise_images.append([i[0], i[1], noise(i[2])])
    new_img = np.zeros((img_shape[1], img_shape[2], 3))
    for img in denoise_images:
        i, j = img[:2]
        if i == num_h and j == num_w:
            img[2] = cv2.resize(
                (new_img[int(i) * h:(int(i) + 1) * h + crop_h,
                         int(j) * w:(int(j) + 1) * w + crop_w].shape[-2::-1]))
            new_img[i * int(h):i * int(h) + crop_h,
                    j * int(w):j * int(w) + crop_w] = img[2]
        if i == num_h:
            img[2] = cv2.resize(
                img[2], (new_img[i * int(h):i * int(h) + crop_h,
                                 j * int(w):(j + 1) * int(w)].shape[-2::-1]))
            new_img[i * int(h):i * int(h) + crop_h,
                    j * int(w):(j + 1) * int(w)] = img[2]
        if j == num_w:
            img[2] = cv2.resize(
                (new_img[i * int(h):(i + 1) * int(h),
                         j * int(w):j * int(w) + crop_w].shape[-2::-1]))
            new_img[i * int(h):(i + 1) * int(h),
                    j * int(w):j * int(w) + crop_w] = img[2]
        new_img[int(i) * h:(int(i) + 1) * h,
                int(j) * w:(int(j) + 1) * w] = img[2]
    new_img = evaluate(new_img)
    image_path = request.args.get('filepath').split('/')
    image_path[2] = 'clean'
    new_image_path = '//' + '/'.join(image_path[:-1])
    if not os.path.exists(new_image_path):
    new_image_path = new_image_path + '/' + image_path[-1]
                                                   dpi=(300., 300.),
    return response.json({input: new_image_path})