コード例 #1
ファイル: deletetokens.py プロジェクト: heleong/vmw_mozy
 def test_positive_delete_tokens_check_keys(self):
     Check the response contains correct keys.
     r = self.res.delete('/tokens/'+self.token['access_token'], headers=utils.headers)
     logging.info("Return response is '%s'" % r)
     # convert string to dictionary
     rd = ast.literal_eval(r)
     logging.info("Return response in dictionary format is '%s'" % rd)
     self.assertEqual(self.res.response.status, 200)
     keys = ['revoked_token_num']
     self.assertTrue(utils.is_same_array(keys, rd.keys()), "Keys are not correct!")
コード例 #2
ファイル: getauth.py プロジェクト: heleong/vmw_mozy
 def test_postive_get_auth_horizon_check_keys(self):
     Check the response contains correct keys.
     r = self.res.get('/auth/config/'+utils.partner, headers=utils.headers)
     logging.info("Return response is '%s'" % r)
     # convert string to dictionary
     rd = ast.literal_eval(r)
     logging.info("Return response in dictionary format is '%s'" % rd)
     self.assertEqual(self.res.response.status, 200)
     keys = ['type', 'web_endpoint', 'client_endpoint', 'org_name']
     self.assertTrue(utils.is_same_array(keys, rd.keys()), "Keys are not correct!")
コード例 #3
ファイル: gettokens.py プロジェクト: heleong/vmw_mozy
 def test_positive_get_tokens_check_keys(self):
     Check the response contains correct keys.
     r = self.res.get('/tokens/'+self.token['access_token'], headers=utils.headers)
     logging.info("Return response is '%s'" % r)
     # convert string to dictionary
     rd = ast.literal_eval(r)
     logging.info("Return response in dictionary format is '%s'" % rd)
     self.assertEqual(self.res.response.status, 200)
     keys = ['access_token_expires_at', 'user_id', 'access_token', 'user', 'client_id', 'access_token_secret', 'permissions']
     self.assertTrue(utils.is_same_array(keys, rd.keys()), "Keys are not correct!")
コード例 #4
ファイル: auth_getconfig.py プロジェクト: heleong/vmw_mozy
 def test_positive_auth_get_config_check_keys(self):
     Check the response contains correct keys returned.
     # get config 
     headers = utils.headers
     # compose basic auth
     headers['Authorization'] = "Basic %s" % base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (utils.auth_client_id, utils.auth_client_secret))[:-1]
     logging.debug("The requested url is '%s'" % str(self.url))
     h, c = self.http.request(self.url, 'GET', headers = utils.headers)
     logging.debug("The response head is '%s'" % str(h))
     logging.debug("The response body is '%s'" % str(c))
     # convert result string to dictionary
     cd = ast.literal_eval(c)
     # assert head is correct
     self.assertEqual(int(h['status']), 200)
     keys = ['type', 'web_endpoint', 'client_endpoint', 'org_name']
     self.assertTrue(utils.is_same_array(keys, cd.keys()), "Keys are not correct!")
コード例 #5
ファイル: gettokens.py プロジェクト: heleong/vmw_mozy
 def test_positive_get_tokens_check_values(self):
     Check the response contains correct values.
     r = self.res.get('/tokens/'+self.token['access_token'], headers=utils.headers)
     logging.info("Return response is '%s'" % r)
     # convert string to dictionary
     rd = ast.literal_eval(r)
     logging.info("Return response in dictionary format is '%s'" % rd)
     self.assertEqual(self.res.response.status, 200)
     # assert 'access_token_expires_at' is in the given values
     p = re.compile("\d{4,4}(\-\d\d){2,2}T(\d\d:){2,2}\d\dZ")
     self.assertTrue(p.match(rd['access_token_expires_at']), "The 'access_token_expires_at' does not match '2011-10-21T11:28:39Z'")
     # assert 'user_id' is integer
     self.assertEqual(type(rd['client_id']), type(1), "The 'client_id' is not integer")
     # assert 'access_token' is equal to the one given in token
     self.assertEqual(rd['access_token'], self.token['access_token'], "The 'access_token' is not equal to the one given in token")
     # assert 'user' is a dictionary object
     self.assertEqual(type(rd['user']), type({}), "The 'user' is not dictionary")
     # assert 'user' has the 'name', 'custom_permission', 'email' and 'id' fields.
     keys = ['name', 'custom_permission', 'email', 'id']
     self.assertTrue(utils.is_same_array(keys, rd['user'].keys()), "The 'user' keys are not correct!")
     #   assert 'user:name' is string
     self.assertEqual(type(rd['user']['name']), type(""), "The 'user:name' is not string")
     #   assert 'user:custom_permission' is list
     self.assertEqual(type(rd['user']['custom_permission']), type([]), "The 'user:custom_permission' is not list")
     #   assert 'user:email' is correct format
     pe = re.compile("[\w\-\._]+@[\w]+\.[\w]+")
     self.assertTrue(pe.match(rd['user']['email']), "The 'user:email' does not match email address")
     #   assert 'user:id' is integer and equal to the 'user_id'
     self.assertEqual(rd['user']['id'], rd['user_id'], "The 'user:id' does not equal to 'user_id'")
     # assert 'client_id' is integer
     self.assertEqual(type(rd['client_id']), type(1), "The 'client_id' is not integer")
     # assert 'access_token_secret' is 32 character long
     self.assertEqual(len(rd['access_token_secret']), 32, "The  'access_token_secret' is not 32 character-long")
     # assert 'permissions' is a list and values are in the given range
     self.assertEqual(type(rd['permissions']), type([]), "The 'permissions' is not a list")
     permissions = ['triton_manifest', 'triton_read', 'triton_write', 'mip_fs_read', 'mip_fs_write', 'mip_photos_read', 'mip_photos_write']
     for p in rd['permissions']:
         assertTrue( p in permissions, "The 'permissions' - '%s' is not in the permission list" % p)