コード例 #1
def compute_extrap(L, filling, bond_dim, correlation_type, at_x=None):
    ## Load all bond dimensions
    sets = map(lambda parms: to_dataset(*utils.load_or_evaluate('densdens', evaluate, **parms)),
               utils.iter_bond_dim(L=L, filling=filling, correlation_type=correlation_type))
    sets = filter(lambda d: d.props is not None, sets)
    ## Extrapolate
    return extrapolate_local.extrapolate(sets, 'Density Correlation', foreach=['L', 't\'', 'Nup_total', 'Ndown_total'], extrap_type=bond_dim.type, deg=bond_dim.deg, num_points=bond_dim.num_points, full_output_at=[at_x])
コード例 #2
def compute_extrap(L, filling, bond_dim):
    ## Load all bond dimensions
    sets = map(lambda parms: to_dataset(*utils.load_or_evaluate('energy', evaluate, **parms)),
               utils.iter_bond_dim(L=L, filling=filling))
    sets = filter(lambda d: d.props is not None, sets)
    ## Extrapolate
    return extrapolate.extrapolate(sets, foreach=['L', 't\'', 'Nup_total', 'Ndown_total'], extrap_type=bond_dim.type, deg=bond_dim.deg, num_points=bond_dim.num_points)
コード例 #3
def extrapolation(what, **kwargs):
    what = 'extrap_'+what
    fname = utils.filename(what, **kwargs)
    if path.exists(fname):
        return utils.load(fname)
        import pairfield_correlations, density_correlations, density, energy
        if   what == 'extrap_pairfield':
            return utils.load_or_evaluate(what, pairfield_correlations.evaluate_extrap_at, **kwargs)
        elif what == 'extrap_densdens':
            return utils.load_or_evaluate(what, density_correlations.evaluate_extrap_at, **kwargs)
        elif what == 'extrap_density':
            return utils.load_or_evaluate(what, density.evaluate_extrap_at, **kwargs)
        elif what == 'extrap_energy':
            return utils.load_or_evaluate(what, energy.evaluate_extrap, **kwargs)
            raise Exception('`%s` is not a valid measurement.' % what)
コード例 #4
def compute_fit(L, filling, bond_dim):
    ## Get data
    data = to_dataset(*utils.load_or_evaluate('density', evaluate, L=L, filling=filling, bond_dim=bond_dim))
    if data.props is None:
        print 'Data not found for L={}, n={}, M={}'.format(L, filling, bond_dim)
        return data
    ## Compute fit
    d = dens_fit(data, fit_func(data.props['L'], data.props['nholes']))
    return d
コード例 #5
def result(what, **kwargs):
    fname = utils.filename(what, **kwargs)
    if path.exists(fname):
        return utils.load(fname)
            import pyalps_dset
            import pairfield_correlations, density_correlations, density, amplitudes
            if   what == 'pairfield':
                return utils.load_or_evaluate(what, pairfield_correlations.evaluate, **kwargs)
            elif what == 'densdens':
                return utils.load_or_evaluate(what, density_correlations.evaluate, **kwargs)
            elif what == 'density':
                return utils.load_or_evaluate(what, density.evaluate, **kwargs)
            elif what == 'density_fit':
                return utils.load_or_evaluate(what, density.evaluate_fit, **kwargs)
            elif what == 'density_amplitudes':
                return utils.load_or_evaluate(what, amplitudes.evaluate, **kwargs)
                raise Exception('`%s` is not a valid measurement.' % what)
        except ImportError, e:
            print 'To execute new evaluations you need the ALPS.Python library.'
            print e
コード例 #6
def compute_extrap(L, filling, bond_dim, correlation_type, at_x=None):
    ## Load all bond dimensions
    sets = map(
        lambda parms: to_dataset(*utils.load_or_evaluate("pairfield", evaluate, **parms)),
        utils.iter_bond_dim(L=L, filling=filling, correlation_type=correlation_type),
    sets = filter(lambda d: d.props is not None, sets)

    ## Extrapolate
    return extrapolate_local.extrapolate(
        "Pairfield Correlation",
        foreach=["L", "t'", "Nup_total", "Ndown_total"],
コード例 #7
def compute_extrap(L, filling, bond_dim, at_x=None):
    ## Load all bond dimensions
    sets = map(lambda parms: to_dataset(*utils.load_or_evaluate('density', evaluate, **parms)),
               utils.iter_bond_dim(L=L, filling=filling))
    sets = filter(lambda d: d.props is not None, sets)
    # check that particle density in the middle is symmetric, otherwise exclude dataset
    # for L=192 it is better to use only M > 2000
    def symm_middle_filter(d):
        x = int(d.props['L'] / 2)
        delta = abs(d.y[x] - d.y[x-1]) if d.props['L']%2==0 else abs(d.y[x+1] - d.y[x-1])
        if delta > 5e-5:
            print '# Discard L={L:.0f}, n={filling}, tperp={t\'}, M={max_bond_dimension:.0f} : middle density not symmetry, delta={delta}'.format(delta=delta, **d.props)
            return False
        return True
    sets = filter(symm_middle_filter, sets)
    ## Extrapolate
    return extrapolate_local.extrapolate(sets, 'Rung density', foreach=['L', 't\'', 'Nup_total', 'Ndown_total'], extrap_type=bond_dim.type, deg=bond_dim.deg, num_points=bond_dim.num_points, full_output_at=[at_x])
コード例 #8
def compute(filling, bond_dim, odd_sizes=False, amplitude_points=None):
    ## Load all system sizes
    if odd_sizes:
        densities = map(lambda parms: to_dataset(*utils.load_or_evaluate('density_fit', density.evaluate_fit, **parms)),
                   utils.iter_odd_system_size(bond_dim=bond_dim, filling=filling))
        densities = map(lambda parms: to_dataset(*utils.load_or_evaluate('density_fit', density.evaluate_fit, **parms)),
                   utils.iter_system_size(bond_dim=bond_dim, filling=filling))
    densities = filter(lambda d: d.props is not None, densities)
    if len(densities) < 3:
        print 'WARNING:', 'Only got {} valid densities, you need at least 3.'.format(len(densities))
        d = pyalps_dset.DataSet()
        d.props = None
        return d
    # check that particle density in the middle is symmetric, otherwise exclude dataset
    # for L=192 it is better to use only M > 2000
    # def symm_middle_filter(d):
    #     x = int(d.props['L'] / 2)
    #     delta = abs(d.y[x] - d.y[x-1]) if d.props['L']%2==0 else abs(d.y[x+1] - d.y[x-1])
    #     if delta > 5e-5:
    #         print '# Discard L={L:.0f}, n={filling}, tperp={t\'}, M={max_bond_dimension:.0f} : {delta}'.format(delta=delta, **d.props)
    #         return False
    #     return True
    # densities = filter(symm_middle_filter, densities)
    ## Only even number of pairs
    densities = filter(lambda d: d.props['L']%2 != 0 or d.props['Nup_total'] % 2 == 0, densities)

    amplitudes = map(compute_amplitude, densities)
    for d in amplitudes:
        if d.props['density_fit_error'] > abs(d.y[0]):
            print 'WARNING:', 'Error in density fit is higher than amplitude magnitude.'
            print 'Error per site is', d.props['density_fit_error'], 'Amplidue is', d.y[0]
            print 'Dataset was:', 'L=%s filling=%s t_perp=%s M=%s' % (d.props['L'], d.props['filling'], d.props['t\''], d.props['max_bond_dimension'])
    common_props = pyalps_dset.dict_intersect([d.props for d in amplitudes])
    amp_vs_L = pyalps_dset.collectXY(amplitudes, 'L', 'Amplitude')
    d = amp_vs_L[0]
    ## fit finite size analysis
    sel = np.ones(len(d.x), dtype=bool)
    if amplitude_points is not None and amplitude_points < len(d.x): sel[:-amplitude_points] = False
    cov = np.ones((2,2))*np.nan
    if sum(sel) > 2:
        coeff, cov = np.polyfit(np.log(d.x[sel]), np.log(d.y[sel]), deg=1, cov=True)
        coeff = np.polyfit(np.log(d.x[sel]), np.log(d.y[sel]), deg=1)
    r2 = rsquared(np.log(d.x), np.log(d.y), coeff)
    fit_range = [d.x[0], d.x[-1]]
    if amplitude_points is not None and amplitude_points < len(d.x): fit_range[0] = d.x[-amplitude_points]
    ## compute new Krho
    slope = coeff[0]
    errslope = np.sqrt(cov[0,0])
    Krho = -2. * slope
    errKrho = 2. * errslope
    print 'M={} t_perp={} filling={:4.4f}  ->  Krho={:.3f} +/- {:.3f} :  R^2 {:.4f}'.format(common_props['max_bond_dimension'], common_props['t\''], common_props['filling'], Krho, errKrho, r2)
    d.props['fit_range']         = fit_range
    d.props['fit_numpoints']     = amplitude_points
    d.props['fitted_coeff']      = coeff
    d.props['fitted_Krho']       = Krho
    d.props['fitted_Krho_error'] = errKrho
    d.props['fitted_r2']         = r2
    return d