def updateManifest(self, manifestPath, chromebasepath, register): '''updateManifest replaces the % in the chrome registration entries with the given chrome base path, and updates the given manifest file. ''' lock = lockFile(manifestPath + '.lck') try: myregister = dict.fromkeys([ s.replace('%', chromebasepath) for s in iter(register.keys()) ]) manifestExists = os.path.isfile(manifestPath) mode = (manifestExists and 'r+b') or 'wb' mf = open(manifestPath, mode) if manifestExists: # import previous content into hash, ignoring empty ones and comments imf = re.compile('(#.*)?$') for l in re.split('[\r\n]+', if imf.match(l): continue myregister[l] = None for k in myregister.keys(): mf.write(k + os.linesep) mf.close() finally: lock = None
def __init__(self, file, mode="r", compression=zipfile.ZIP_STORED, lock = False): if lock: assert isinstance(file, basestring) self.lockfile = lockFile(file + '.lck') else: self.lockfile = None if mode == 'a' and lock: # appending to a file which doesn't exist fails, but we can't check # existence util we hold the lock if (not os.path.isfile(file)) or os.path.getsize(file) == 0: mode = 'w' zipfile.ZipFile.__init__(self, file, mode, compression) self._remove = [] self.end = self.fp.tell() self.debug = 0
def addEntriesToListFile(listFile, entries): """Given a file |listFile| containing one entry per line, add each entry in |entries| to the file, unless it is already present.""" lock = lockFile(listFile + ".lck") try: if os.path.exists(listFile): f = open(listFile) existing = set(x.strip() for x in f.readlines()) f.close() else: existing = set() f = open(listFile, 'a') for e in entries: if e not in existing: f.write("{0}\n".format(e)) existing.add(e) f.close() finally: lock = None
def addEntriesToListFile(listFile, entries): """Given a file |listFile| containing one entry per line, add each entry in |entries| to the file, unless it is already present.""" lock = lockFile(listFile + ".lck") try: if os.path.exists(listFile): f = open(listFile) existing = set(x.strip() for x in f.readlines()) f.close() else: existing = set() f = open(listFile, "a") for e in entries: if e not in existing: f.write("{0}\n".format(e)) existing.add(e) f.close() finally: lock = None
def __init__(self, file, mode="r", compression=zipfile.ZIP_STORED, lock=False): if lock: assert isinstance(file, basestring) self.lockfile = lockFile(file + '.lck') else: self.lockfile = None if mode == 'a' and lock: # appending to a file which doesn't exist fails, but we can't check # existence util we hold the lock if (not os.path.isfile(file)) or os.path.getsize(file) == 0: mode = 'w' zipfile.ZipFile.__init__(self, file, mode, compression) self._remove = [] self.end = self.fp.tell() self.debug = 0
def updateManifest(self, manifestPath, chromebasepath, register): '''updateManifest replaces the % in the chrome registration entries with the given chrome base path, and updates the given manifest file. ''' lock = lockFile(manifestPath + '.lck') try: myregister = dict.fromkeys(map(lambda s: s.replace('%', chromebasepath), register.iterkeys())) manifestExists = os.path.isfile(manifestPath) mode = (manifestExists and 'r+b') or 'wb' mf = open(manifestPath, mode) if manifestExists: # import previous content into hash, ignoring empty ones and comments imf = re.compile('(#.*)?$') for l in re.split('[\r\n]+', if imf.match(l): continue myregister[l] = None for k in myregister.iterkeys(): mf.write(k + os.linesep) mf.close() finally: lock = None