コード例 #1
def print_pairing_info(outfos, paired_uids):
    loci_by_uid = {sfo['name']: l
                   for l in outfos for sfo in outfos[l]
                   }  # locus of each sequence, just for counting below
    print_cutoff = 0.01
    print '            count  frac  paired with'
    for locus in utils.sub_loci(args.ig_or_tr):
        plocicounts = {}
        for sfo in outfos[locus]:
            plstr = ' '.join(
                utils.locstr(l) for l in sorted([
                    loci_by_uid.get(pid, '?')
                    for pid in paired_uids[sfo['name']]
            if plstr not in plocicounts:
                plocicounts[plstr] = 0
            plocicounts[plstr] += 1
        total = sum(plocicounts.values())
        n_skipped = 0
        for ipl, (plstr, counts) in enumerate(
            if counts / float(total) < print_cutoff:
                n_skipped += counts
            print '       %s  %6d  %5.2f   %s' % (utils.locstr(locus)
                                                  if ipl == 0 else ' ', counts,
                                                  counts / float(total), plstr)
        if n_skipped > 0:
            print '                +%d counts skipped with <%.3f each' % (
                n_skipped, print_cutoff)  # utils.color('yellow', 'note
コード例 #2
 def lpstr(spair):
     l, s = spair
     return '%s %s' % (utils.locstr(l) if l == locus else l.replace(
         'ig', ''), utils.color('red' if s != 0 else None, '%3d' % s))
コード例 #3
 def lgstr(lgroup, sort=True):
     return ' '.join(
         utils.locstr(l) for l in (sorted if sort else utils.pass_fcn
                                   )([getloc(u) for u in lgroup]))
コード例 #4
def clean_pair_info(cpaths, antn_lists, n_max_clusters=3, debug=False):
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def check_droplet_id_groups(tdbg=False):
        # check against the droplet id method (we could just do it this way, but it would only work for 10x, and only until they change their naming convention)
        pgroup_strs = set(':'.join(sorted(pg)) for pg in pid_groups)
        all_uids = list(
                su for l in cpaths for c in cpaths[l].best() for u in c
                for su in [u] +
                utils.per_seq_val(all_antns[u], 'paired-uids', u)
        n_not_found = 0
        for dropid, drop_queries in itertools.groupby(
                sorted(all_uids, key=utils.get_droplet_id),
            dqlist = list(drop_queries)
            found = ':'.join(sorted(dqlist)) in pgroup_strs
            if not found:
                overlaps = [g for g in pgroup_strs if dropid in g]
                overlaps = utils.get_single_entry(overlaps)
                n_not_found += 1
            if tdbg or not found:
                print '  %25s %s  %s  %s' % (
                    utils.color('green', '-') if found else utils.color(
                        'red', 'x'), dropid, ' '.join(
                            sorted(utils.get_contig_id(q) for q in dqlist)),
                        'red', ' '.join(
                                for q in overlaps.split(':')))
                        if not found else ''))
        if n_not_found > 0:
            print '  %s droplet id group check failed for %d groups' % (
                utils.color('red', 'error'), n_not_found)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def getloc(uid):
        if uid not in all_antns:
            return '?'
        return utils.per_seq_val(all_antns[uid], 'loci', uid)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def gval(uid, key):  # get per-seq val for <uid>
        if uid not in all_antns:
            return None
        return utils.per_seq_val(all_antns[uid], key, uid)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def lgstr(lgroup, sort=True):
        return ' '.join(
            utils.locstr(l) for l in (sorted if sort else utils.pass_fcn
                                      )([getloc(u) for u in lgroup]))

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def choose_seqs_to_remove(
            tdbg=False):  # choose one of <chain_ids> to eliminate
        # look for pairs with the same locus that
        ids_to_remove = set(u for u in chain_ids if getloc(u) == '?')
        if tdbg and len(
        ) > 0:  # i think this actually can't happen a.t.m. TODO maybe remove it
            print '      removed %d with missing annotations' % len(

        dbgstr = []
        n_equivalent = 0
        for tpair in itertools.combinations(chain_ids, 2):
            if len(set(getloc(u) for u in tpair)) > 1:
            if len(set(len(gval(u, 'seqs')) for u in tpair)) > 1:
            hdist = utils.hamming_distance(*[gval(u, 'seqs') for u in tpair])
            if tdbg:
                    utils.color('blue' if hdist == 0 else 'yellow',
                                '%d' % hdist))
            if hdist <= max_hdist:  # TODO would be nice to be able to combine their sequences, but I think propagating the resulting annotation modifications would be hard
                # print '      identical sequence overlap, choosing longer one'
                better_id, worse_id = sorted(
                    tpair, key=lambda q: utils.ambig_frac(gval(q, 'seqs'))
                )  # TODO if we're tossing one with hdist > 0, maybe should take the lower-shm one if they're the same length?
                n_equivalent += 1
        if tdbg and len(dbgstr) > 0:
            print '        %d pair%s equivalent with hdists %s' % (
                n_equivalent, utils.plural(n_equivalent), ' '.join(dbgstr))

        # remove unproductive
        dbgstr = []
        unproductive_ids = []
        for uid in chain_ids:
            if not utils.is_functional(
                    all_antns[uid], all_antns[uid]['unique_ids'].index(uid)):
                if tdbg:
        # unproductive_ids = [u for u in chain_ids if not utils.is_functional(all_antns[u], all_antns[u]['unique_ids'].index(u))]  # this way is only one line, which may or may not be nicer
        if tdbg and len(unproductive_ids) > 0:
            print '        %d unproductive  %s' % (len(unproductive_ids),
                                                   ',  '.join(dbgstr))
            ids_to_remove |= set(unproductive_ids)

        return ids_to_remove

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    antn_dicts = {
        l: utils.get_annotation_dict(antn_lists[l])
        for l in antn_lists

    # first make a map from each uid (for all loci) to its annotation
    pid_groups = [
    ]  # list of pid groups, i.e. each element is the uids from a single droplet (for 10x)
    pid_ids = {}  # map from each uid to the index of its pid group
    all_antns = {}
    if debug:
        print '  %s consolidating info for %d loci with cluster/sequence counts: %s' % (
            utils.color('blue', '+'.join(cpaths)), len(cpaths), '  '.join(
                '%s: %d/%d' % (l, len(cpaths[l].best()),
                               sum(len(c) for c in cpaths[l].best()))
                for l in sorted(cpaths)))
    for ltmp in sorted(cpaths):
        for cluster in cpaths[ltmp].best():
            cline = antn_dicts[ltmp][':'.join(cluster)]
            if 'paired-uids' not in cline:
                print '  %s no paired-uids in line' % utils.color(
                    'yellow', 'warning')
                continue  # maybe should still add to all_antns?
            for uid, pids in zip(cline['unique_ids'], cline['paired-uids']):
                pset = set([uid] + pids)
                found = False
                for ipg, pgroup in enumerate(pid_groups):
                    if any(
                            p in pgroup for p in pset
                    ):  # TODO should maybe check for consistency if some of them are already in there (i.e. from reciprocal info in another chain)?
                        found = True
                        pgroup |= pset
                if not found:
                    ipg = len(pid_groups) - 1
                assert ipg is not None
                for pid in pset:
                    pid_ids[pid] = ipg

            cline['loci'] = [
                ltmp for _ in cline['unique_ids']
            ]  # TODO maybe should add this somewhere else, like in partitiondriver? (eh, maybe not? the locus is always available in each file from the germline info anyway)
            for uid in cline['unique_ids']:
                all_antns[uid] = cline
    # for ipg, pg in enumerate(pid_groups):
    #     print '  %3d %s' % (ipg, ' '.join(pg))

    # TODO handle/keep better track of failures

    # then go through each group and try to figure out which seqs are real
    print '  cleaning %d pid groups:' % len(pid_groups)
    n_ok = {}
    for ipg, pgroup in enumerate(pid_groups):
        pgroup = [u for u in pgroup if getloc(u) != '?'
                  ]  # TODO figure out what to do with missing ones
        # print '    %s' % lgstr(pgroup),
        hids = [u for u in pgroup if utils.has_d_gene(getloc(u))]
        lids = [u for u in pgroup if u not in hids]
        if len(hids) < 2 and len(lids) < 2:
            # print '  both ok'
            if lgstr(pgroup) not in n_ok:
                n_ok[lgstr(pgroup)] = 0
            n_ok[lgstr(pgroup)] += 1
            pid_groups[ipg] = pgroup
        if debug:
            print '    %s' % lgstr(pgroup),
        for chain, idlist in zip(utils.chains, [hids, lids]):
            if len(idlist) < 2:
            if debug:
                print '\n      too many %s chains: %s' % (chain, lgstr(idlist))
            ids_to_remove = choose_seqs_to_remove(idlist)
            for rid in ids_to_remove:
            if debug:
                print '      %s: removed %d, leaving %d' % (utils.color(
                    'green', 'fixed') if len(idlist) == 1 else utils.color(
                        'red', 'nope'), len(ids_to_remove), len(idlist))
                if len(idlist) > 1:
                    for uid in idlist:
                            extra_str='        ',

        pid_groups[ipg] = pgroup

    print '    N ok:'
    for lstr, count in sorted(n_ok.items(),
        print '      %3d  %s' % (count, lstr)

    for ltmp in sorted(cpaths):
        print '%s' % utils.color('green', ltmp)
        for iclust, cluster in enumerate(
                sorted(cpaths[ltmp].best(), key=len, reverse=True)):
            cline = antn_dicts[ltmp][':'.join(cluster)]
            # before_strs = [lgstr(pids) for pids in cline['paired-uids']]
            cline['paired-uids'] = [[
                p for p in pid_groups[pid_ids[u]] if p != u
            ] for u in cline['unique_ids']]

            # see what others in its family are paired with
            pfamilies = {
            }  # TODO rewrite comment: map, for each locus, of the families that are paired with each uid in <cluster> (family name str : family annotation)
            for uid, pids in zip(cline['unique_ids'], cline['paired-uids']):
                for pid in pids:
                    fline = all_antns[pid]
                    fkey = ':'.join(fline['unique_ids'])
                    floc = gval(pid, 'loci')
                    if fkey not in pfamilies:
                        pfamilies[fkey] = {'locus': floc, 'count': 0}
                    pfamilies[fkey]['count'] += 1
            print '           N  size  cdr3'
            for fkey, fdict in sorted(pfamilies.items(),
                                      key=lambda x: x[1]['count'],
                print '       %s %3d  %3d   %3d' % (
                    utils.locstr(fdict['locus']), fdict['count'],

            def pfkey(p):
                return ':'.join(all_antns[p]['unique_ids'])

            pfcounts = [[pfamilies[pfkey(p)]['count'] for p in pids]
                        for pids in cline['paired-uids']]

            def lcstr(pids, pfcs):
                if len(pids) == 0:
                    return ''
                spids, spfcs = zip(*sorted(
                    zip(pids, pfcs), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True))
                return '%s  %s' % (lgstr(spids, sort=False), ' '.join(
                    str(c) for c in spfcs))

            uid_extra_strs = [
                lcstr(pids, pfs)
                for pids, pfs in zip(cline['paired-uids'], pfcounts)
                                   extra_str='      ')

            if iclust >= n_max_clusters: