コード例 #1
ファイル: vae.py プロジェクト: dylanrandle/deepgen
def test(test_loader, model_path, report_freq=100, save_examples=False):
    """ runs a saved model over test data. user must provide model_path. """
    ae = load_model(model_path=model_path)

    total_step = len(test_loader)
    test_loss = 0
    with torch.no_grad():
        for i, (img, attr) in enumerate(test_loader):
            img = img.to(DEVICE)
            gen_img, mu, sig = ae(img, attr)
            loss = loss_function(gen_img, img, mu, sig)
            test_loss += loss.item()
            if (i + 1) % report_freq == 0:
                print("Step [{}/{}] Test Loss: {:.4f}".format(
                    i + 1, total_step, loss.item()))
                if save_examples:
                    save_to = f'TestExamples_Step{i+1}.png'
                    utils.make_examples(img, gen_img, save_to=save_to)
                    save_pretty = f'TestExamplesPretty_Step{i+1}.png'

    test_loss /= total_step
    print('====> Test set loss: {:.4f}'.format(test_loss))
コード例 #2
def calc_Naive_Bayse(train_p, dev_p):
    Naive Bayse while get train and test-set
    :param train_p: train parsed
    :param dev_p: test-set parsed
    :return: the accuracy over the test-set
    train, att = make_examples(copy.deepcopy(train_p))
    dev, att_dev = make_examples(copy.deepcopy(dev_p))
    F2I = parseAttributes(train_p[0])
    naive_bayes = NaiveBayes(train, dev, attributes=att, F2I=F2I)
    acc = naive_bayes.naiveBayes()
    avg_acu = "{0:.2f}".format(acc)
    return avg_acu
コード例 #3
def Naive_Byse_k_folds(train_p):
    Naive Bayse while all the data - with k-folds
    divide the data to k folds and change from test to train
    k times and return the avarage accuracy over the tests set
    :param train_p: all the data
    :return: the k-folds accuracy
    all_ex, att = make_examples(copy.deepcopy(train_p))
    F2I = parseAttributes(train_p[0])
    k = 5
    accuracy = 0
    data = dev_train_sep(k, data=all_ex)
    for i in range(k):
        dev = data[i]
        train = []
        for j in range(k):
            if not j == i:
                train += data[j]
        naive_bayes = NaiveBayes(train, dev, attributes=att, F2I=F2I)
        acc = naive_bayes.naiveBayes()
        accuracy += acc
    avg_acu = "{0:.2f}".format(accuracy / k)
    print("Naive Byse : " + str(avg_acu))
    return avg_acu
コード例 #4
def ID3_k_folds(train_p):
    k- folds for ID3, get data-set and divide to k (k=5)
    return the avarage accuracy over all the the k times we runs the algorithm
    each time one fold is the test-set and the other folds are train set
    :param train_p: all the data
    :return: avarage accuracy over all the the k times
    all_ex, att = make_examples(copy.deepcopy(train_p))
    F2I = parseAttributes(train_p[0])
    accuracy = 0
    data = dev_train_sep(k,data=all_ex)
    for i in range(k):
        dev = data[i]
        train =[]
        for j in range(k):
            if not j == i:
                train += data[j]
        default, n =max_can_eat(train)
        mode = "no"
        if default:
            mode = "yes"
        d = ID3(F2I, copy.deepcopy(att),mode, copy.deepcopy(train))
        tree = d.DTL()
        acc= ID3.get_accuracy(tree=copy.deepcopy(tree),test=copy.deepcopy(dev),F2I=copy.deepcopy(F2I), attributes=copy.deepcopy(att), default= mode)
        accuracy +=acc
    avg_acu = "{0:.2f}".format(accuracy / k)
    return avg_acu,tree
コード例 #5
def calc_ID3(train_p,dev_p):
    :param train_p: train-set
    :param dev_p: dev-set
    :return:the accuracy (and the tree)
    train, att = make_examples(copy.deepcopy(train_p))
    dev,att_dev = make_examples(copy.deepcopy(dev_p))
    F2I = parseAttributes(train_p[0])
    default, n = max_can_eat(train)
    mode = "no"
    if default:
        mode = "yes"
    d = ID3(F2I, copy.deepcopy(att),mode, copy.deepcopy(train))
    tree = d.DTL()
    acc= ID3.get_accuracy(tree=copy.deepcopy(tree),test=copy.deepcopy(dev),F2I=copy.deepcopy(F2I), attributes=copy.deepcopy(att), default= mode)
    avg_acu = "{0:.2f}".format(acc)
    return avg_acu,tree
コード例 #6
def ID3_print_Tree(train_p):
    print the tree
    :param train_p:the train-set
    :return: print the tree
    all_ex, att = make_examples(copy.deepcopy(train_p))
    F2I = parseAttributes(train_p[0])
    default, n = max_can_eat(all_ex)
    default_yes_no = "no"
    if default:
        default_yes_no = "yes"
    d = ID3(F2I, copy.deepcopy(att),default_yes_no,copy.deepcopy(all_ex))
    tree = d.DTL()
    return tree
コード例 #7
ファイル: vae.py プロジェクト: dylanrandle/deepgen
def train(train_loader,
    """ runs training for AutoEncoder model
        if model_path not provided, training starts from scratch """
    if model_path:
        ae = load_model(model_path=model_path)
        # model_path not provided => will save to default path
        # check if default path exists and ask user what to do
        if os.path.exists(DEFAULT_MODEL_PATH):
                f'Detected a model already saved at {DEFAULT_MODEL_PATH} (the default model path)'
                'Would you like to resume (r) training of this model or start from scratch and overwrite (o) it?'
            answer = input('Resume (r) / Overwrite (o): ').strip().lower()
            if answer == 'r':
                ae = load_model(model_path=DEFAULT_MODEL_PATH)
            elif answer == 'o':
                ae = create_model()
                raise ValueError(
                    f'You response "{answer}" was not understood.')
        else:  # no concern of overwriting
            ae = create_model()

    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(ae.parameters(), lr=1e-3)

    # Train the model
    total_step = len(train_loader)
    losses = []
    for epoch in range(num_epochs):
        for i, (img, attr) in enumerate(train_loader):
            img = img.to(DEVICE)
            attr = attr.to(DEVICE)

            # Forward pass
            gen_img, mu, sig = ae(img, attr)
            loss = loss_function(gen_img, img, mu, sig)

            # Backward and optimize


            if (i + 1) % report_freq == 0:
                print("Epoch [{}/{}], Step [{}/{}] Loss: {:.4f}".format(
                    epoch + 1, num_epochs, i + 1, total_step, loss.item()))
                if save_examples:
                    save_to = f'TrainExamples_Epoch{epoch+1}_Step{i+1}.png'
                    utils.make_examples(img, gen_img, save_to=save_to)

        # Save model after each epoch
        save_to = model_path if model_path else DEFAULT_MODEL_PATH  # use this default path if None provided
        torch.save(ae.state_dict(), save_to)
        print(f'Saved model to {save_to}')