def checkFam(wid,mid): fams = set() for role in ('husb', 'wife', 'children'): tFam = common.config['families'].find({role: wid}, {'_id': 1, '': 1} ) rFam = common.config['match_families'].find({role: mid}, {'_id': 1, '': 1} ) tfams = [] tDone = [] #take all combinations of families #if several posibilities for 1 work-family keep only the the pair where marriage-date matches for f in tFam: for ff in rFam: try: if len(f['marriage']['date'])>4 and f['marriage']['date'] == ff['marriage']['date']: fams.add((f['_id'], ff['_id'])) tDone.append(f['_id']) else: tfams.append([f['_id'], f['marriage']['date'], ff['_id'], ff['marriage']['date']]) except: fams.add((f['_id'], ff['_id'])) for l in tfams: if l[0] not in tDone: fams.add((l[0], l[2])) #?# for (tFamId,rFamId) in fams: # for all involved families print 'checking',tFamId,rFamId famMatchData = matchFam(tFamId, rFamId, config) if common.config['fam_matches'].find({'workid': tFamId, 'matchid': rFamId}).count() == 0: if famMatchData['status'] in common.statOK.union(common.statManuell): #fam_matches.insert(famMatchData) print 'NY',famMatchData['workRefId'],famMatchData['workRefId'],famMatchData['status']
def famBaseline(work, match, config): #def svmFamily(work, match, config): # work = config['families'].find_one({'refId': wid}) # match = config['match_families'].find_one({'refId': mid}) if not work or not match: return None fmatch = config['fam_matches'].find_one({'workid': work['_id'], 'matchid': match['_id']}) #logging.debug('fmatch=%s', fmatch) if not fmatch: from utils import matchFam fmatch = matchFam(work['_id'], match['_id'], config) #logging.debug('fmatch=%s', fmatch) features = [] #famSim features.append(familySim(work, config['persons'], match, config['match_persons'])) #matchtext cos sim? #green Parents 0, 0.5, 1 #yellow Parents 0, 0.5, 1 #red Parents 0, 0.5, 1 green = 0.0 yellow = 0.0 red = 0.0 for partner in ('husb','wife'): try: if fmatch[partner]['status'] in common.statOK: green += 0.5 elif fmatch[partner]['status'] in common.statManuell: yellow += 0.5 elif fmatch[partner]['status'] in common.statEjOK: red += 0.5 except: pass features.append(green) features.append(yellow) features.append(red) #green children 0 - 1 #yellow children 0 - 1 #red children 0 - 1 #white children 0 - 1 chstat = defaultdict(int) antch = 0.0 for ch in fmatch['children']: antch += 1.0 if ch['status'] in common.statOK: chstat['green'] += 1 elif ch['status'] in common.statManuell: chstat['yellow'] += 1 elif ch['status'] in common.statEjOK: chstat['red'] += 1 elif ch['status'] == "": chstat['white'] += 1 #logging.debug('in loop %s %s', ch['status'], chstat) #logging.debug('fmatch=%s, antch=%s, chstat=%s', len(fmatch['children']), antch, chstat) if antch==0: antch=1.0 #avoid division by 0 features.append(float(chstat['green'])/antch) features.append(float(chstat['yellow'])/antch) features.append(float(chstat['red'])/antch) features.append(float(chstat['white'])/antch) #marriage datesim try: features.append(dateSim(work['marriage']['date'], match['marriage']['date'])) except: features.append(dateSim(None, None)) #marriage placesim try: features.append(strSim(work['marriage']['place'], match['marriage']['place'])) except: features.append(strSim(None, None)) #cos-sim fammatchtext - kanske inte - barn ofta olika! return [0.0 if v is None else v for v in features]
for f in tFam: for ff in rFam: try: if len(f['marriage']['date'])>4 and f['marriage']['date'] == ff['marriage']['date']: fams.add((f['_id'], ff['_id'])) tDone.append(f['_id']) else: tfams.append([f['_id'], f['marriage']['date'], ff['_id'], ff['marriage']['date']]) except: fams.add((f['_id'], ff['_id'])) for l in tfams: if l[0] not in tDone: fams.add((l[0], l[2])) famMatchSummary = {} for (tFamId,rFamId) in fams: # for all involved families famMatchData = matchFam(tFamId, rFamId, config) #famMatchSummary[(tFamId,rFamId)] = famMatchData['summary'] fam_matches.insert(famMatchData) ant += 1'%d family matchings inserted', ant)'Time %s',time.time() - t0) ############################################################# if noFamSVM: #default'Matching All done') sys.exit()'Doing SVM family match, incl split-ifying') from uiUtils import nameDiff, eventDiff from utils import updateFamMatch #USE famfeatureSet!!
def personView(wid, mid): #show personMatch res = [] ##BUG FIX handle as families: if wid & mid elif mid elif wid ... # if mid: # matches = common.config['matches'].find({'workid': ObjectId(wid), 'matchid': ObjectId(mid)}) # else: # matches = common.config['matches'].find({'workid': ObjectId(wid)}) ## if wid and mid: matches = common.config['matches'].find({ 'workid': wid, 'matchid': mid }) elif wid: """ AA0 debug # multilista => only statOK and statManuell matches = common.config['matches'].find({'$and': [{'workid': wid}, {'status': {'$in': list(common.statOK.union(common.statManuell))}}]}) """ matches = common.config['matches'].find({'workid': wid}) elif mid: # multilista => only statOK and statManuell matches = common.config['matches'].find({ '$and': [{ 'matchid': mid }, { 'status': { '$in': list(common.statOK.union(common.statManuell)) } }] }) else: matches = [] ## for pmatch in matches: #print 'Doing', pmatch['pwork']['refId'], pmatch['pmatch']['refId'] #FIX Filter om match-status prow = persMatchDisp('Person', pmatch) #show familyMatch mid = pmatch['matchid'] # if not wid: wid = str(pmatch['workid']) wid = str(pmatch['workid']) ftab = [] #Match exists children? #print 'children' fmatch = common.config['fam_matches'].find_one({ 'children.pwork._id': wid, 'children.pmatch._id': mid }) if fmatch: ftab = famDisp(None, None, fmatch) else: #HUSB #print 'husb' fmatch = common.config['fam_matches'].find_one({ 'husb.pwork._id': wid, 'husb.pmatch._id': mid }) if fmatch: ftab = famDisp(None, None, fmatch) else: #WIFE #print 'wife',wid,mid fmatch = common.config['fam_matches'].find_one({ 'wife.pwork._id': wid, 'wife.pmatch._id': mid }) if fmatch: ftab = famDisp(None, None, fmatch) else: #print 'matchchild' #wfamid = common.config['families'].find_one({'children': ObjectId(wid)}, {'_id': True}) wfamid = common.config['relations'].find_one({ 'relTyp': 'child', 'persId': wid }) #mfamid = common.config['match_families'].find_one({'children': mid}, {'_id': True}) mfamid = common.config['match_relations'].find_one({ 'relTyp': 'child', 'persId': wid }) if wfamid and mfamid: try: fmatch = matchFam(wfamid['famId'], mfamid['famId'], common.config) ftab = famDisp(None, None, fmatch) except: pass else: #print 'matchhusb' #wfamid = common.config['families'].find_one({'husb': ObjectId(wid)}, {'_id': True}) #mfamid = common.config['match_families'].find_one({'husb': mid}, {'_id': True}) wfamid = common.config['relations'].find_one({ 'relTyp': 'husb', 'persId': wid }) mfamid = common.config['match_relations'].find_one({ 'relTyp': 'husb', 'persId': wid }) if wfamid and mfamid: try: fmatch = matchFam(wfamid['famId'], mfamid['famId'], common.config) ftab = famDisp(None, None, fmatch) except: pass else: #print 'matchwife' #wfamid = common.config['families'].find_one({'wife': ObjectId(wid)}, {'_id': True}) #mfamid = common.config['match_families'].find_one({'wife': mid}, {'_id': True}) wfamid = common.config['relations'].find_one({ 'relTyp': 'wife', 'persId': wid }) mfamid = common.config['match_relations'].find_one( { 'relTyp': 'wife', 'persId': wid }) if wfamid and mfamid: try: fmatch = matchFam(wfamid['famId'], mfamid['famId'], common.config) ftab = famDisp(None, None, fmatch) except: pass if fmatch: #print 'fmatch', fmatch['workRefId'], fmatch['matchRefId'] # res.append((prow, str(pmatch['workid']), str(pmatch['matchid']), # ftab, fmatch['workRefId'], fmatch['matchRefId'])) res.append((prow, str(pmatch['workid']), str(pmatch['matchid']), ftab, fmatch['workid'], fmatch['matchid'])) else: res.append((prow, str(pmatch['workid']), str(pmatch['matchid']), ftab, None, None)) return res
def svmFamily(work, match, config): # work = config['families'].find_one({'refId': wid}) # match = config['match_families'].find_one({'refId': mid}) if not work or not match: return None fmatch = config['fam_matches'].find_one({ 'workid': work['_id'], 'matchid': match['_id'] }) logging.debug('fmatch=%s', fmatch) if not fmatch: from utils import matchFam fmatch = matchFam(work['_id'], match['_id'], config) logging.debug('fmatch=%s', fmatch) features = [] #famSim features.append( familySim(work, config['persons'], match, config['match_persons'])) #matchtext cos sim? #green Parents 0, 0.5, 1 #yellow Parents 0, 0.5, 1 #red Parents 0, 0.5, 1 green = 0.0 yellow = 0.0 red = 0.0 for partner in ('husb', 'wife'): try: #FIX MODEL!!! # if fmatch['partner']['status'] in common.statOK: green += 0.5 # elif fmatch['partner']['status'] in common.statManuell: yellow += 0.5 # elif fmatch['partner']['status'] in common.statEjOK: red += 0.5 if fmatch[partner]['status'] in common.statOK: green += 0.5 elif fmatch[partner]['status'] in common.statManuell: yellow += 0.5 elif fmatch[partner]['status'] in common.statEjOK: red += 0.5 except: pass features.append(green) features.append(yellow) features.append(red) #green children 0 - 1 #yellow children 0 - 1 #red children 0 - 1 #white children 0 - 1 chstat = defaultdict(int) antch = 0.0 for ch in fmatch['children']: antch += 1.0 if ch['status'] in common.statOK: chstat['green'] += 1 elif ch['status'] in common.statManuell: chstat['yellow'] += 1 elif ch['status'] in common.statEjOK: chstat['red'] += 1 elif ch['status'] == "": chstat['white'] += 1 logging.debug('in loop %s %s', ch['status'], chstat) logging.debug('fmatch=%s, antch=%s, chstat=%s', len(fmatch['children']), antch, chstat) if antch == 0: antch = 1.0 #avoid division by 0 features.append(float(chstat['green']) / antch) features.append(float(chstat['yellow']) / antch) features.append(float(chstat['red']) / antch) features.append(float(chstat['white']) / antch) #marriage datesim try: features.append( dateSim(work['marriage']['date'], match['marriage']['date'])) except: features.append(dateSim(None, None)) #marriage placesim try: features.append( strSim(work['marriage']['place'], match['marriage']['place'])) except: features.append(strSim(None, None)) #cos-sim fammatchtext - kanske inte - barn ofta olika! return cleanupVect(features)
def personView(wid, mid): #show personMatch res = [] ##BUG FIX handle as families: if wid & mid elif mid elif wid ... # if mid: # matches = common.config['matches'].find({'workid': ObjectId(wid), 'matchid': ObjectId(mid)}) # else: # matches = common.config['matches'].find({'workid': ObjectId(wid)}) ## if wid and mid: matches = common.config['matches'].find({'workid': wid, 'matchid': mid}) elif wid: """ AA0 debug # multilista => only statOK and statManuell matches = common.config['matches'].find({'$and': [{'workid': wid}, {'status': {'$in': list(common.statOK.union(common.statManuell))}}]}) """ matches = common.config['matches'].find({'workid': wid}) elif mid: # multilista => only statOK and statManuell matches = common.config['matches'].find({'$and': [{'matchid': mid}, {'status': {'$in': list(common.statOK.union(common.statManuell))}}]}) else: matches = [] ## for pmatch in matches: #print 'Doing', pmatch['pwork']['refId'], pmatch['pmatch']['refId'] #FIX Filter om match-status prow = persMatchDisp('Person', pmatch) #show familyMatch mid = pmatch['matchid'] # if not wid: wid = str(pmatch['workid']) wid = str(pmatch['workid']) ftab = [] #Match exists children? #print 'children' fmatch = common.config['fam_matches'].find_one({'children.pwork._id': wid, 'children.pmatch._id': mid}) if fmatch: ftab = famDisp(None, None, fmatch) else: #HUSB #print 'husb' fmatch = common.config['fam_matches'].find_one({'husb.pwork._id': wid, 'husb.pmatch._id': mid}) if fmatch: ftab = famDisp(None, None, fmatch) else: #WIFE #print 'wife',wid,mid fmatch = common.config['fam_matches'].find_one({'wife.pwork._id': wid, 'wife.pmatch._id': mid}) if fmatch: ftab = famDisp(None, None, fmatch) else: #print 'matchchild' #wfamid = common.config['families'].find_one({'children': ObjectId(wid)}, {'_id': True}) wfamid = common.config['relations'].find_one({'relTyp': 'child', 'persId': wid}) #mfamid = common.config['match_families'].find_one({'children': mid}, {'_id': True}) mfamid = common.config['match_relations'].find_one({'relTyp': 'child', 'persId': wid}) if wfamid and mfamid: try: fmatch = matchFam(wfamid['famId'], mfamid['famId'], common.config) ftab = famDisp(None, None, fmatch) except: pass else: #print 'matchhusb' #wfamid = common.config['families'].find_one({'husb': ObjectId(wid)}, {'_id': True}) #mfamid = common.config['match_families'].find_one({'husb': mid}, {'_id': True}) wfamid = common.config['relations'].find_one({'relTyp': 'husb', 'persId': wid}) mfamid = common.config['match_relations'].find_one({'relTyp': 'husb', 'persId': wid}) if wfamid and mfamid: try: fmatch = matchFam(wfamid['famId'], mfamid['famId'], common.config) ftab = famDisp(None, None, fmatch) except: pass else: #print 'matchwife' #wfamid = common.config['families'].find_one({'wife': ObjectId(wid)}, {'_id': True}) #mfamid = common.config['match_families'].find_one({'wife': mid}, {'_id': True}) wfamid = common.config['relations'].find_one({'relTyp': 'wife', 'persId': wid}) mfamid = common.config['match_relations'].find_one({'relTyp': 'wife', 'persId': wid}) if wfamid and mfamid: try: fmatch = matchFam(wfamid['famId'], mfamid['famId'], common.config) ftab = famDisp(None, None, fmatch) except: pass if fmatch: #print 'fmatch', fmatch['workRefId'], fmatch['matchRefId'] # res.append((prow, str(pmatch['workid']), str(pmatch['matchid']), # ftab, fmatch['workRefId'], fmatch['matchRefId'])) res.append((prow, str(pmatch['workid']), str(pmatch['matchid']), ftab, fmatch['workid'], fmatch['matchid'])) else: res.append((prow, str(pmatch['workid']), str(pmatch['matchid']), ftab,None,None)) return res