コード例 #1
def pohe(g, h, p, order, factors):
    :param g: 
    :param h: 
    :param p: 
    :param order: 
    :param factors: 
    :return: alpha
    alphas = []

    for p_i, e_i in factors:  # CRT
        p_e = p_i ** e_i  # necessarily < p
        order_i = p_e - 1
        print('Mod {}^{} = {}...'.format(p_i, e_i, p_e))
        # compute all the l
        l = []
        a_i = 0
        for k in range(e_i):  # k is the exponent
            base = me(g, order // p_i, p)
            # compute power (power = base**lk)
            tmp_exp = 0
            for j in range(k):
                tmp_exp += l[j] * p_i ** j
            tmp_base = me(g, order // (p_i ** (k + 1)), p)
            tmp_power = me(tmp_base, tmp_exp, p)
            tmp_power = modinv(tmp_power, p)
            power = (me(h, order // (p_i ** (k + 1)), p) * tmp_power) % p

            # baby-step-giant-step
            lk = bsgs(power, base, order, p) % p_i

            a_i += lk * p_i ** k

            print('\tFound l_{} = {}'.format(k, lk))

        print('alpha for p_i {} = {}'.format(p_i, a_i))

    # reverse CRT: construct alpha from all a_i
    alpha = 0
    for i in range(len(factors)):
        p_i, e_i = factors[i]
        p_e = p_i ** e_i
        product = alphas[i]
        for j in range(len(factors)):
            if j == i:
            p_e_j = factors[j][0] ** factors[j][1]
            product *= p_e_j * modinv(p_e_j, p_e)
            product %= order
        alpha += product
        alpha %= order

    print('---- Final alpha: {} -----'.format(alpha))
    return alpha
コード例 #2
def generate_key(modulus_length):
    prime_length = modulus_length // 2

    # public exponent
    e = 3

    # generate first prime number
    p = 4
    while (p - 1) % e == 0:
        p = utils.generate_prime(prime_length)

    # generate second prime number
    q = p
    while q == p or (q - 1) % e == 0:
        q = utils.generate_prime(prime_length)

    n = p * q
    phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)

    d = utils.modinv(e, phi)

    public_key = (n, e)
    secret_key = (n, d)

    return public_key, secret_key
コード例 #3
ファイル: alice.py プロジェクト: jokly/rsa
def sign(msg, g, p, x):
    m = msg_hash(msg)
    k = prime_with(p - 1)
    r = pow(g, k, p)
    s = ((m - x * r) * modinv(k, p - 1)) % (p - 1)

    return (r, s)
コード例 #4
ファイル: 1.0TME.py プロジェクト: ArthurZucker/Crypto-TP
def TME1():
    a = int(input("a = "))
    b = int(input("b = "))
    n = int(input("n = "))
    ia = modinv(a, n)
    print(-b * ia)
コード例 #5
 def decrypt_affine(self, cipher, a=None, b=None):
     P = (a^-1 * (C - b)) % 26
     if a is None and b is None:
         a, b = self.key
     return ''.join([ chr((( modinv(a, 26)*(ord(c) - ord('A') - b) ) % 26) + ord('A')) for c in cipher ])
コード例 #6
ファイル: Caesar.py プロジェクト: kameranis/PyCiphers
def decrypt(text, offset, factor=1):
    """Decrypts text

    letter : character
    if type(text) is not str:
        raise CaesarError('Can only decrypt strings.')
    offset = offset % 26
    if factor % 2 == 0 or factor % 13 == 0:
        raise CaesarError("factor value must not be divisible by 2 or 13.")
    factor = factor % 26
    factor_inv = utils.modinv(factor, 26)

    def decrypt_letter(letter):
        """Decrypts a single letter

        letter : character
        if not utils.is_letter(letter):
            raise CaesarError("`letter` must be a single English \
capital letter.")

        A = ord('A')
        return chr((factor_inv * (ord(letter) - A - offset)) % 26 + A)

    return ''.join([decrypt_letter(letter) for letter in utils.fix_text(text)])
コード例 #7
def pollard_rho(curve, g, f, n, init_a=1, init_b=0, max_tries=3):
    if max_tries == 0:
        return None
    # ri1 = ai1*g + bi1*f
    ag = curve.mult(init_a, g)
    bf = curve.mult(init_b, f)
    ag_bf = curve.add(ag, bf)
    ri1, ai1, bi1 = ag_bf, init_a, init_b
    ri2, ai2, bi2 = ag_bf, init_a, init_b

    # One step for ri1, 2 steps for ri2
    ri1, ai1, bi1 = pollard_rho_step(curve, g, f, n, ri1, ai1, bi1)
    ri2, ai2, bi2 = pollard_rho_step(curve, g, f, n, ri2, ai2, bi2)
    ri2, ai2, bi2 = pollard_rho_step(curve, g, f, n, ri2, ai2, bi2)

    while ri1 != ri2:
        ri1, ai1, bi1 = pollard_rho_step(curve, g, f, n, ri1, ai1, bi1)
        ri2, ai2, bi2 = pollard_rho_step(curve, g, f, n, ri2, ai2, bi2)
        ri2, ai2, bi2 = pollard_rho_step(curve, g, f, n, ri2, ai2, bi2)

    # Now, ri1 = ri2
    # ai1*g + bi1*f = ai2*g + bi2*f
    # (ai1-ai2)*g = (bi2-bi1)*f
    # x = (ai1-ai2)/(bi2-bi1) = (ai2-ai1)/(bi1-bi2)

    # An edge case where we get 0*G = 0*F. In this case we start from scratch,
    # but with random(different) initial values. The probability that this will
    # continuously fail should be fairly low. Nonetheless, we exit after `max_tries` failures
    if (bi1 - bi2) % n == 0:
        return pollard_rho(curve, g, f, n, init_a + randrange(0, n),
                           init_b + randrange(0, n), max_tries - 1)

    x = ((ai2 - ai1) * modinv(bi1 - bi2, n)) % n
    return x
コード例 #8
def decrypt_mh(message, private_key):
    """Decrypt an incoming message using a private key
    1. Extract w, q, and r from the private key
    2. Compute s, the modular inverse of r mod q, using the
        Extended Euclidean algorithm (implemented at `utils.modinv(r, q)`)
    3. For each byte-sized chunk, compute
         c' = cs (mod q)
    4. Solve the superincreasing subset sum using c' and w to recover the original byte
    5. Reconsitite the encrypted bytes to get the original message back
    @param message Encrypted message chunks
    @type message list of ints
    @param private_key The private key of the recipient
    @type private_key 3-tuple of w, q, and r
    @return bytearray or str of decrypted characters
    w, q, r = private_key

    s = utils.modinv(r, q)

    result = ''

    for chunk in message:
        c_prime = chunk * s % q

        w_rev = w[::-1]
        byte = [0] * len(w)

        for i, w_i in enumerate(w_rev):
            if w_i <= c_prime:
                byte[i] = 1
                c_prime -= w_i

        result += chr(utils.bits_to_byte(byte[::-1]))

    return result
コード例 #9
ファイル: elgamal.py プロジェクト: daemon-Lee/Elgamal_DSA
 def signing(self, message):
     m = self.__encode_md5(message)
     self.K = random.randint(1, self.q-1)
     while gcd(self.K, self.q-1) != 1:
         self.K = random.randint(1, self.q-1)
     s1 = pow(self.a, self.K, self.q)
     s2 = modinv(self.K, self.q-1)*(m - self.X*s1)%(self.q-1)
     return s1, s2
コード例 #10
ファイル: rsa.py プロジェクト: jokly/rsa
    def keygen(self):
        p = sp.randprime(2**64, 2**128)
        q = sp.randprime(2**64, 2**128)
        n = p * q
        j_n = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
        e = coprime(j_n)
        d = modinv(e, j_n)

        return (d, n, e)
コード例 #11
 def sign(self, message):
     m = text_to_hash(message)
     y, g, p = self.public_key
     x = self.private_key
     k = self._get_k()
     a = pow(g, k, p)
     inv_k = modinv(k, p - 1)
     b = (m - x * a) * inv_k % (p - 1)
     return a, b
コード例 #12
ファイル: ec.py プロジェクト: AvyChanna/ecc-dlp
    def add(self, pt1, pt2):
        if pt1.is_origin():
            return pt2
        if pt2.is_origin():
            return pt1
        if (pt1.y + pt2.y) % self.p == 0 and pt1.x == pt2.x:
            return self.origin()
        if pt1.x == pt2.x and pt1.y == pt2.y:
            temp = (((3 * pt1.x * pt1.x) + self.a) *
                    modinv(2 * pt1.y, self.p)) % self.p
            temp = ((pt2.y - pt1.y) * modinv(pt2.x - pt1.x, self.p)) % self.p
        x = (temp * temp - pt1.x - pt2.x) % self.p
        y = (temp * (pt1.x - x) - pt1.y) % self.p

        pt = ec_point(x, y)
        return pt
コード例 #13
ファイル: smart.py プロジェクト: AvyChanna/ecc-dlp
def smart(curve, P, Q):
	A = curve.a
	x1, y1 = hensel_lift(curve, P)
	x2, y2 = hensel_lift(curve, Q)
	lifted_p = curve.p**2
	lifted_a = (y2**2 - y1**2 - (x2**3 - x1**3))
	lifted_a = (lifted_a * modinv(x2 - x1, lifted_p)) % lifted_p
	lifted_b = (y1**2 - x1**3 - A * x1) % lifted_p
	modulo = curve.p**2
	# do not verify curve params
	lifted_curve = ec_curve(lifted_a, lifted_b, lifted_p, verify=False)
	lifted_pt1 = lifted_curve.mult(curve.p - 1, lifted_curve(x1, y1))
	lifted_pt2 = lifted_curve.mult(curve.p - 1, lifted_curve(x2, y2))
	dx1 = ((lifted_pt1.x - x1) // curve.p) % modulo
	dy1 = ((lifted_pt2.x - x2) // curve.p) % modulo
	dx2 = lifted_pt1.y - y1
	dy2 = lifted_pt2.y - y2
	m = (dy1 * dx2 * modinv(dx1 * dy2, modulo)) % modulo
	return m % curve.p
コード例 #14
ファイル: 407.py プロジェクト: crazymerlyn/code
def M(n):
    fs = [p**pp for p, pp in factorize(n)]

    f2 = [n // f * modinv(n // f, f) % n for f in fs]

    ans = 0
    for i in range(2**len(fs)):
        cur = sum(f2[j] for j in range(len(fs)) if i & (1 << j))
        ans = max(ans, cur % n)

    return ans
コード例 #15
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: andrehp/pyecc
def test_montgomery():

    k, n, d = 4, 2, 0

    c = point.Curve()
    c.a, c.b, c.p = 4, 20, 29
    c.r = 256
    c.r_minus1 = utils.modinv(c.r - c.p, c.p) # r > p
    c.r2 = (c.r**2) % c.p
    c.pp = (2**(k*(d+1))) - utils.modinv(c.p, 2**(k*(d+1)))
    c.pt = (c.pp % (2**(k*(d+1)))) * c.p
    c.k, c.n, c.d = k, n, d

    c2 = utils.convert_curve_to_montgomery(c, c.p, c.r, c.r2) 

    p1s = point_simple.Point(1, 5)
    p2s = point_simple.Point(20, 3)

    p1 = point.Point(1, 5)
    p2 = point.Point(20, 3)
    p1 = utils.convert_point_to_montgomery(p1, c.p, c.r, c.r2)
    p2 = utils.convert_point_to_montgomery(p2, c.p, c.r, c.r2)

    p3s = point_simple.add_simple(p1s, p1s, c)
    p3 = point.add_montgomery(p1, p1, c2)
    p3 = utils.convert_point_to_standard(p3, c.p, c.r)
    p3 = utils.projective_to_standard(p3, c)
    if(p3s.x != p3.x or p3s.y != p3.y):
        print "Addition is broken!"

    p3 = point.add_montgomery(p1, p2, c2)
    p3 = utils.convert_point_to_standard(p3, c.p, c.r)
    p3 = utils.projective_to_standard(p3, c)
    p3s = point_simple.add_simple(p1s, p2s, c)
    if(p3s.x != p3.x or p3s.y != p3.y):
        print "Addition is broken!"
コード例 #16
 def decrypt(self, criptotext):
 	message = ""
 	for c in criptotext:
 		punto, x = c
 		s = (pow(punto[0], 3) + self.curve.A*punto[0] + self.curve.B) % self.curve.p
 		while not is_square(s):
 			s += self.curve.p
 		raiz = int(math.sqrt(s))
 		if punto[1]==1:
 			raiz *= -1
 		pt_desc = ec.scalar_multiplication((punto[0], raiz), self.s, self.curve)
 		valorFinal = (x * modinv(pt_desc[0]%self.curve.p, self.curve.p)) % self.p
 		message += self.alphabet[valorFinal]
     return message
コード例 #17
ファイル: point_simple.py プロジェクト: andrehp/pyecc
def add_simple(p1, p2, c):
    p1.z = 0
    p2.z = 0
    inf = Point()
    if(p1 == inf):
        return p2
    if(p2 == inf):
        return p1
    l = 1
    if(p1 == p2):
        if(p1.y == 0):
            return inf
        l = (((3 * (p1.x**2) % c.p) % c.p) + c.a) % c.p
        l = (l * modinv(2*p1.y, c.p)) % c.p
        if(p1.x == p2.x):
            return inf
        l = (p2.y - p1.y) % c.p
        l = (l * modinv((p2.x - p1.x) % c.p, c.p)) % c.p

    p3 = Point()
    p3.x = (((l*l) % c.p) - ((p1.x + p2.x) % c.p)) % c.p
    p3.y = ((l * ((p1.x - p3.x) % c.p)) % c.p - p1.y) % c.p
    return p3
コード例 #18
ファイル: crypto.py プロジェクト: livingHuman/Python
def decrypt_mh(message, private_key):
	"""Decrypt an incoming message using a private key
	1. Extract w, q, and r from the private key
	2. Compute s, the modular inverse of r mod q, using the
		Extended Euclidean algorithm (implemented at `utils.modinv(r, q)`)
	3. For each byte-sized chunk, compute
		c' = cs (mod q)
	4. Solve the superincreasing subset sum using c' and w to recover the original byte
	5. Reconsitite the encrypted bytes to get the original message back
	@param message Encrypted message chunks
	@type message list of ints
	@param private_key The private key of the recipient
	@type private_key 3-tuple of w, q, and r
	@return bytearray or str of decrypted characters
    complex math, and the explanations are on https://github.com/stanfordpython/python-assignments/blob/master/assign1/README.md
	message_decrypt = []
	w, q, r         = private_key
	c               = message
	s               = utils.modinv(r, q)
	c_Prime         = []
	for char1, char2 in zip(message, w):
		#a_n =  utils.byte_to_bits(ord(char))
		#c.append( sum([x*y for x,y in zip(a_n, b_n)]) )

    # Solve the superincreasing subset sum using c' and w to recover the original byte
	for letter in c_Prime:
		temp = letter
		zzz  = []
		for char in w[::-1]:
			if temp  >= char:
				temp -= char
		message_decrypt.append( chr(utils.bits_to_byte(zzz[::-1])) )

	return ''.join(message_decrypt)
コード例 #19
def send_answer(group_id, answer, public_keys, user_index, p, q, x_i):
    g_y_i = modulo_multiply(public_keys[:user_index], p) * modinv(
        modulo_multiply(public_keys[user_index + 1:], p), p)
    # if veto
    if answer == 1:
        exponent = random.randint(0, q - 1)
        exponent = x_i

    # (g^{y_i})^
    g_c_i_y_i = modulo_pow(g_y_i, exponent, p)

        data={"vote": g_c_i_y_i},
コード例 #20
def gen_priv_key(n):
    knapsack_vector = [
        random.randint((2**(i - 1) - 1) * (2**n), (2**(i - 1) * (2**n)))
        for i in range(1, n + 1)
    modulus = random.randint(2**(2 * n + 1) + 1, 2**(2 * n + 2) - 1)

    while True:
        w_inv = random.randint(2, modulus - 2)
        if math.gcd(w_inv, modulus) == 1:
    w = modinv(w_inv, modulus)
    return {
        'a_prim': knapsack_vector,
        'w': w,
        'w_inv': w_inv,
        'modulus': modulus,
コード例 #21
 def fiat_shamir(self, L, R, P):
     """Generates a challenge value x from the "transcript" up to this point,
     using the previous hash, and uses the L and R values from the current
     iteration, and commitment P. Returned is the value of the challenge and its
     modular inverse, as well as the squares of those values, both as
     integers and binary strings, for convenience.
     xb = hashlib.sha256("".join([self.fsstate] +
                                 [str(_) for _ in [L, R, P]])).digest()
     self.fsstate = xb
     x = decode(xb, 256) % N
     x_sq = (x * x) % N
     xinv = modinv(x, N)
     x_sq_inv = (xinv * xinv) % N
     x_sqb, xinvb, x_sq_invb = [
         encode(_, 256, 32) for _ in [x_sq, xinv, x_sq_inv]
     return (x, xb, x_sq, x_sqb, xinv, xinvb, x_sq_inv, x_sq_invb)
コード例 #22
    def decipher(self, criptotext):
        Descifra el mensaje recuperando el texto plano siempre y cuando
        haya sido cifrado con el cifrado afín.
            criptotext -- el mensaje a descifrar.
        dic={}#Dada la letra obtendremos su indice
        for i in range(len(self.alphabet)):
            dic[self.alphabet[i]] = i     

        #Aplicamos la formula para descifrar el mensaje usando el
        #algoritmo extendido de euclides para poder encontrar el modular inverso del numero
        for i in criptotext:
            new_message+= self.alphabet[(modinv(self.A, len(self.alphabet))*(dic[i] - self.B) % len(self.alphabet))]

        return new_message
コード例 #23
ファイル: ec.py プロジェクト: AvyChanna/ecc-dlp
 def __init__(self,
              a: int,
              b: int,
              p: int,
              order: int = None,
              verify: bool = True):
     self.p = p
     self.a = a % p
     self.b = b % p
     a4 = 4 * (self.a**3)
     b27 = 27 * (self.b**2)
     a4b27 = a4 + b27
     self.discriminant = -16 * a4b27
     if verify:
         assert isprime(
             p), f"{p} is not prime and verify=True in curve params"
         assert self.discriminant != 0, f"discriminant {self.discriminant} != 0 and verify=True in curve params"
     self.j_invariant = 1728 + (a4 * modinv(a4b27, self.p))
     self.card = order
コード例 #24
def bsgs(h, g, order, p):
    Baby-Step-Giant-Step algorithm
    :param h: g^a
    :param g: g
    :param order: order of the group
    :return: a

    max_list_size = 50000000
    m = min(sqrtm(order, p), max_list_size)  # list size
    m_giant = order // m + 1
    l = {}

    # baby steps
    power = 1
    for i in range(m + 1):
        if i > 0:
            # faster than calling me every iteration
            power *= g
            power %= p
        l[power] = i

    # giant steps
    # g^(-j*m) = (g^-m)^j
    gminv = modinv(me(g, m, p) % p, p)
    gminv_j = gminv
    power = 1
    for j in range(m_giant + 1):
        if j > 0:
            # faster than calling me every iteration
            power *= gminv_j
            power %= p

        z = (power * h) % p
        if z in l:
            # found!
            i = l[z]
            a = (i + j * m) % order
            return a

    # not found
    return None
コード例 #25
ファイル: crypto.py プロジェクト: mzim1845/Crypto
def decrypt_mh(message, private_key):
    """Decrypt an incoming message using a private key.
    Following the outline of the handout, you will need to:
    1. Extract w, q, and r from the private key.
    2. Compute s, the modular inverse of r mod q, using the Extended Euclidean
        algorithm (implemented for you at `utils.modinv(r, q)`)
    3. For each byte-sized chunk, compute
         c' = cs (mod q)
    4. Solve the superincreasing subset sum problem using c' and w to recover
        the original plaintext byte.
    5. Reconstitute the decrypted bytes to form the original message.
    :param message: Encrypted message chunks.
    :type message: list of ints
    :param private_key: The private key of the recipient (you).
    :type private_key: 3-tuple of w, q, and r
    :returns: bytearray or str of decrypted characters

    plaintext = []
    (w, q, r) = private_key
    w_seq = list(w)
    n = len(w_seq)
    s = utils.modinv(r, q)

    for chunk in message:
        c = chunk * s % q
        alpha = [0] * len(w_seq)
        while c > 0:
            max_w_ind = 0
            while w_seq[max_w_ind] <= c:
                max_w_ind += 1
                if max_w_ind >= n:

            if max_w_ind > 0:
                max_w_ind -= 1
            c -= w_seq[max_w_ind]
            alpha[max_w_ind] = 1


    return plaintext
コード例 #26
def init_asym_key(is_client):
    if is_client:
        p = 3136666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666313
        q = 3130000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001183811000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000313

        p1q1 = 9817766666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666670379887169999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999868533333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333332913475031999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999889344
        n = 9817766666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666670379887169999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999874799999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999581325509666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666555969
        p = 262641725682127839334668938847190331798311145333616792958372838424857156775007227102454928148183167823211534641943299795962309579874682913568608650959193370824474863282145037585560618568778906679404993323367715662527874977471424467472818616772123866421714232029284828476022113987781717658486369598393166193032285497153837454766280540159
        q = 1357911131517193133353739515355575971737577799193959799111113115117119131133135137139151153155157159171173175177179191193195197199311313315317319331333335337339351353355357359371373375377379391393395397399511513515517519531533535537539551553555557559571573575577579591593595597599711713715717719731733735737739751753755757759771

        p1q1 = 356644122904646457852499602347524156507174390136009247712353815755646024496037172622143518964975128825130286514080704742796667108474987831191018350950474273866002102276256204821917798997344429811579551036427931632160027755615469206884341989791425882965139555633729680961753531307429384131685187536265971374229677283297296199726262570199844444846074490909237009199214584948274744025059837855042663253503317322749974093852969723202432993253172732373126211278665570242752797366587342079290772234755716489053248405176862032307451968502682676607826140044221793217557204694793133501557346193212066671570792229108422899589042187213282710832047367190550286939155601843660
        n = 356644122904646457852499602347524156507174390136009247712353815755646024496037172622143518964975128825130286514080704742796667108474987831191018350950474273866002102276256204821917798997344429811579551036427931632160027755615469206884341989791425882965139555633729680961753531307429384131685187536265971374229677283297296199726525211926884483816926352981437939046368472065345938617212170492578633525395443680985564159140304044180801687066289207346267712051735450355632719332863854781448582435377212879994166383117014314364236353219445789669865528537210737216563558849104808921534617984812925075624393934689800214847240270527393596756813388425443876147677640143589

    start_time = time.time()
    # p1q1 = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
    # n = p * q
    e = find_coprime(p1q1)
    d = modinv(p1q1, n)

    print(f'Initialized RSA in: {time.time() - start_time}sec')
    return n, e, d, q, p
コード例 #27
def decrypt_mh(message, private_key):
    :param message: Encrypted message chunks.
    :type message: list of ints
    :param private_key: The private key of the recipient (you).
    :type private_key: 3-tuple of w, q, and r

    :returns: bytearray or str of decrypted characters
    print('Decrypting message (crypto.py) ' + str(message))
    # Your implementation here.
    (w, q, r) = private_key

    s = utils.modinv(r, q)

    c = []

    for i in message:
        c.append((i * s) % q)

    plain_in_bits = []

    for i in c:
        helper = []
        for j in w[::-1]:
            if j <= i:
                i -= j
                helper.insert(0, 1)
                helper.insert(0, 0)
        plain_in_bits += helper

    plain = ''
    for i in range(math.ceil(len(plain_in_bits) / 8)):
        plain += (chr(utils.bits_to_byte(plain_in_bits[i * 8:i * 8 + 8])))

    print("Plain text (crypto.py)", plain)
    return plain
コード例 #28
ファイル: mh.py プロジェクト: jozsabogi/Kriptografia
def decrypt_mh(message, private_key):
    """Decrypt an incoming message using a private key.

    Following the outline of the handout, you will need to:
    1. Extract w, q, and r from the private key.
    2. Compute s, the modular inverse of r mod q, using the Extended Euclidean
        algorithm (implemented for you at `utils.modinv(r, q)`)
    3. For each byte-sized chunk, compute
         c' = cs (mod q)
    4. Solve the superincreasing subset sum problem using c' and w to recover
        the original plaintext byte.
    5. Reconstitute the decrypted bytes to form the original message.

    :param message: Encrypted message chunks.
    :type message: list of ints
    :param private_key: The private key of the recipient (you).
    :type private_key: 3-tuple of w, q, and r

    :returns: bytearray or str of decrypted characters

    (w, q, r) = private_key
    s = utils.modinv(r, q)
    nn = len(message)
    result = bytearray(nn)

    for i in range(0, nn):
        c = message[i] * s % q
        bits = [0] * 8
        for j in range(7, -1, -1):
            if c >= w[j]:
                bits[j] = 1
                c -= w[j]
        result[i] = utils.bits_to_byte(bits)

    return result
コード例 #29
def solve_with_unknown_increment_and_multiplier(modulus, samples):
    multiplier = (((samples[2] - samples[1]) % modulus) * utils.modinv(
        (samples[1] - samples[0]) % modulus, modulus)) % modulus
    increment = solve_with_unknown_increment(multiplier, modulus, samples)
    return multiplier, increment
コード例 #30
    def factordb(n):
        f = FactorDB(n)
        return f.get_factor_list()

    c = int(input("==> c = "))
    n = int(input("==> n = "))
    e = int(input("==> e = "))

    primes = factordb(n)
    phi = 1
    for i in primes:
        phi *= i - 1
    d = modinv(e, phi)
    m = pow(c, d, n)

except IndexError:
    slowprint("[-] Sorry Can't Factorize n ")
except ImportError:
    slowprint("\n[-] Module Not Setup")
except ValueError:
    slowprint("\n[-] c,n,e Must Be Integer Number")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    slowprint("[-] False Attack !")
コード例 #31
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: andrehp/pyecc
def test():

    #print "Binary Montgomery:"
    x, y, z, w, p, r = 18, 5, 22, 18, 29, 256
    expected = (((x*y - z)*w)**2%p)
    r2 = (r**2) % p
    bm = utils.binary_montgomery
    x, y, z, w = bm(x, r2, p, r), bm(y, r2, p, r), bm(z, r2, p, r), bm(w, r2, p, r)
    ret = bm(x, y, p, r)
    ret = utils.sub_mod(ret, z, p)
    ret = bm(ret, w, p, r)
    ret = bm(ret, ret, p, r);
    ret = utils.convert_int_to_standard(ret, p, r)
    if(expected != ret):
        print "Binary Montgomery multiplication is broken"

    c = point.Curve()
    c.a, c.b, c.p = 4, 20, 29
    c.r = 256
    c.r_minus1 = utils.modinv(c.r - c.p, c.p) # r > p
    c.r2 = (c.r**2) % c.p

    c2 = utils.convert_curve_to_montgomery(c, c.p, c.r, c.r2) 

    #print "Addition:"
    p1s = point_simple.Point(1, 5)
    p2s = point_simple.Point(20, 3)

    p1 = point.Point(1, 5)
    p2 = point.Point(20, 3)
    p1 = utils.convert_point_to_montgomery(p1, c.p, c.r, c.r2)
    p2 = utils.convert_point_to_montgomery(p2, c.p, c.r, c.r2)

    p3s = point_simple.add_simple(p1s, p1s, c)
    p3 = point.add(p1, p1, c2)
    p3 = utils.convert_point_to_standard(p3, c.p, c.r)
    p3 = utils.projective_to_standard(p3, c)
    if(p3s.x != p3.x or p3s.y != p3.y):
        print "addition is broken!"

    p3 = point.add(p1, p2, c2)
    p3 = utils.convert_point_to_standard(p3, c.p, c.r)
    p3 = utils.projective_to_standard(p3, c)
    p3s = point_simple.add_simple(p1s, p2s, c)
    if(p3s.x != p3.x or p3s.y != p3.y):
        print "addition is broken!"

    p2 = point.Point()
    p3 = point.add(p2, p1, c2)
    p3 = utils.convert_point_to_standard(p3, c.p, c.r)
    p3 = utils.projective_to_standard(p3, c)
    p2s = point_simple.Point()
    p3s = point_simple.add_simple(p1s, p2s, c)
    if(p3s.x != p3.x or p3s.y != p3.y):
        print "addition is broken!"

    #print "Multiplication:"

    for i in xrange(37):
        p3 = point.multiply(p1, i, c2)
        p3 = utils.convert_point_to_standard(p3, c.p, c.r)
        p3 = utils.projective_to_standard(p3, c)
        p3s = point_simple.multiply_simple(p1s, i, c)
        if(p3s.x != p3.x or p3s.y != p3.y):
            print "Point multiplication is broken!"



    print "All tests successful!"
コード例 #32
 def chinese_remainder_theorem(p, q, dp, dq, chipher_text):
     q_inv = modinv(p, q)
     m1 = pow(chipher_text, dp, p)
     m2 = pow(chipher_text, dq, q)
     h = (q_inv * (m1 - m2)) % p
     return m2 + h * q
コード例 #33
from utils import primes, modinv

limit = 1000000

ps = list(primes(limit + 100))[2:]

res = 0
for p1, p2 in zip(ps, ps[1:]):
    if p1 > limit: break
    power10 = 10 ** len(str(p1))
    res += ((p2 - p1) * modinv(power10, p2) % p2) * power10 + p1
print res

コード例 #34
    def generate_proof(self, value):
        """Given the value value, follow the algorithm laid out
        on p.16, 17 (section 4.2) of paper for prover side.

        # generate Pederson commitment for value
        self.fsstate = ""
        self.value = value
        self.gamma = os.urandom(32)
        pc = PC(encode(self.value, 256, minlen=32), blinding=self.gamma)

        # generate the 3 conditions
        self.V = pc.get_commitment()
        self.aL = Vector(value, self.bitlength)
        self.aR = self.aL.subtract([1] * self.bitlength)

        # assert checks
        assert self.aL.hadamard(self.aR).v == Vector([0] * self.bitlength).v
        assert self.aL.inner_product(PowerVector(2, self.bitlength)) == value

        # Get the commitment A
        self.alpha = self.get_blinding_value()
        # print("Maybe")
        self.A = VPC(self.aL.v,

        # get the 3 corresponding blinding vectors/values to convert proof into zero knowledge
        self.rho = self.get_blinding_value()
        self.sL = self.get_blinding_vector()
        self.sR = self.get_blinding_vector()

        # create a commitment to the blinding vector
        self.S = VPC(self.sL.v,

        # generate the challenges y and z as per fiat shamir hueristic
        self.y, self.z = self.fiat_shamir([self.V, self.A.P, self.S.P])
        self.z2 = (self.z * self.z) % N
        self.zv = Vector([self.z] * self.bitlength)

        #construct l(X) and r(X) coefficients; l[0] = constant term, l[1] linear term,
        #same for r(X)
        self.l = []
        self.yn = PowerVector(self.y, self.bitlength)
        self.r = []
        #0th coeff is y^n o (aR + z.1^n) + z^2 . 2^n
                PowerVector(2, self.bitlength).scalar_mult(self.z2)))
        #constant term of t(X) = <l(X), r(X)> is the inner product of the
        #constant terms of l(X) and r(X)
        self.t0 = self.l[0].inner_product(self.r[0])

        self.t1 = (self.l[0].inner_product(self.r[1]) +
                   (self.l[1].inner_product(self.r[0]))) % N

        self.t2 = self.l[1].inner_product(self.r[1])

        # we have constructed the polynomials l(x) r(x) and t(x) upto here
        self.tau1 = self.get_blinding_value()
        self.tau2 = self.get_blinding_value()
        self.T1 = PC(self.t1, blinding=self.tau1)
        self.T2 = PC(self.t2, blinding=self.tau2)

        # Since we know the values of we must also send commiments to remaining polynomial.
        # this is similar to what I did in vecotrs proving dot product

        # After commiting to the value we get the next challenge x66
        self.x_1 = self.fiat_shamir(
             self.T2.get_commitment()], nret=1)[0]

        self.mu = (self.alpha + self.rho * self.x_1) % N
        self.tau_x = (self.tau1 * self.x_1 + self.tau2 * self.x_1 * self.x_1 + \
                      self.z2 * decode(self.gamma, 256)) % N
        #lx and rx are vector-valued first degree polynomials evaluated at
        #the challenge value self.x_1
        self.lx = self.l[0].add(self.l[1].scalar_mult(self.x_1))
        self.rx = self.r[0].add(self.r[1].scalar_mult(self.x_1))
        self.t = (self.t0 + self.t1 * self.x_1 +
                  self.t2 * self.x_1 * self.x_1) % N
        assert self.t == self.lx.inner_product(self.rx)
        #Prover will now send tau_x, mu and t to verifier, and inner product argument
        #can be verified from this data.
        self.hprime = []
        self.yinv = modinv(self.y, N)
        for i in range(1, self.bitlength + 1):
                ecmult(pow(self.yinv, i - 1, N), self.A.h[i - 1], False))
        self.uchallenge = self.fiat_shamir([self.tau_x, self.mu, self.t],
        self.U = ecmult(self.uchallenge, getG(True), False)
        #On the prover side, need to construct an inner product argument:
        self.iproof = IPC(self.lx.v,
        self.proof = self.iproof.generate_proof()
        #At this point we have a valid data set, but here is included a
        #sanity check that the inner product proof we've generated, actually verifies:
        self.iproof2 = IPC([1] * self.bitlength, [2] * self.bitlength,
        ak, bk, lk, rk = self.proof
        assert self.iproof2.verify_proof(ak, bk, self.iproof.get_commitment(),
                                         lk, rk)
コード例 #35
    def verify(self, Ap, Sp, T1p, T2p, tau_x, mu, t, proof, V):
        """Takes as input an already-deserialized rangeproof, along
        with the pedersen commitment V to the value (not here known),
        and checks if the proof verifies.
        #wipe FS state:
        self.fsstate = ""
        #compute the challenges to find y, z, x
        self.y, self.z = self.fiat_shamir([V, Ap, Sp])
        self.z2 = (self.z * self.z) % N
        self.zv = Vector([self.z] * self.bitlength)
        self.x_1 = self.fiat_shamir([T1p, T2p], nret=1)[0]
        self.hprime = []
        self.yinv = modinv(self.y, N)
        for i in range(1, self.bitlength + 1):
                ecmult(pow(self.yinv, i - 1, N),
                       getNUMS(self.bitlength + i).serialize(), False))
        #construction of verification equation (61)

        #cmopute the dangling term
        onen = PowerVector(1, self.bitlength)
        twon = PowerVector(2, self.bitlength)
        yn = PowerVector(self.y, self.bitlength)
        self.k = (yn.inner_product(onen) * -self.z2) % N
        self.k = (self.k - (onen.inner_product(twon) *
                            (pow(self.z, 3, N)))) % N
        self.gexp = (self.k + self.z * onen.inner_product(yn)) % N

        # this computes PC of <l,r> with t_x
        self.lhs = PC(t, blinding=tau_x).get_commitment()
        self.rhs = ecmult(self.gexp, getG(True), False)
        self.vz2 = ecmult((self.z * self.z) % N, V, False)
        self.rhs = ecadd_pubkeys([self.rhs, self.vz2], False)
        self.rhs = ecadd_pubkeys(
            [self.rhs, ecmult(self.x_1, T1p, False)], False)
        self.rhs = ecadd_pubkeys(
            [self.rhs, ecmult((self.x_1 * self.x_1) % N, T2p, False)], False)
        if not self.lhs == self.rhs:
            print("(61) verification check failed")
            return False
        #reconstruct P (62)
        # standard commitment check
        self.P = Ap
        self.P = ecadd_pubkeys([ecmult(self.x_1, Sp, False), self.P], False)
        # upto here P = A + x*S
        #now add g*^(-z)
        for i in range(self.bitlength):
            self.P = ecadd_pubkeys([
                ecmult(-self.z % N,
                       getNUMS(i + 1).serialize(), False), self.P
            ], False)
        # upto here P = A + x*S - g^(-z)
        #zynz22n is the exponent of hprime
        self.zynz22n = yn.scalar_mult(self.z).add(
            PowerVector(2, self.bitlength).scalar_mult(self.z2))
        for i in range(self.bitlength):
            self.P = ecadd_pubkeys(
                [ecmult(self.zynz22n.v[i], self.hprime[i], False), self.P],
        # Here P value is computed correctly
        self.uchallenge = self.fiat_shamir([tau_x, mu, t], nret=1)[0]
        self.U = ecmult(self.uchallenge, getG(True), False)
        self.P = ecadd_pubkeys([ecmult(t, self.U, False), self.P], False)
        #P should now be : A + xS + -zG* + (zy^n+z^2.2^n)H'* + tU
        #One can show algebraically (the working is omitted from the paper)
        #that this will be the same as an inner product commitment to
        #(lx, rx) vectors (whose inner product is t), thus the variable 'proof'
        #can be passed into the IPC verify call, which should pass.
        #input to inner product proof is P.h^-(mu)
        self.Pprime = ecadd_pubkeys(
            [self.P, ecmult(-mu % N,
                            getNUMS(255).serialize(), False)], False)
        #Now we can verify the inner product proof
        a, b, L, R = proof
        #dummy vals for constructor of verifier IPC
        self.iproof = IPC(["\x01"] * self.bitlength, ["\x02"] * self.bitlength,
        #self.iproof.P = self.Pprime
        if not self.iproof.verify_proof(a, b, self.Pprime, L, R):
            return False
        return True