コード例 #1
def householder(x):
    assert len(x) == 3, 'x=%s' % x
    assert np.linalg.norm(x) > 1e-8
    a = (np.arange(3) == np.argmin(np.abs(x))).astype(float)
    u = utils.normalized(np.cross(x, a))
    v = utils.normalized(np.cross(x, u))
    return np.array([u, v])
コード例 #2
def normalized_difference(lista, listb):
    lista = trim_mono_data(normalized(lista))
    listb = trim_mono_data(normalized(listb))

    compare = min(len(lista), len(listb))
    return numpy.sum(
        numpy.absolute(lista[:compare] - listb[:compare])) / compare
コード例 #3
ファイル: embed.py プロジェクト: LeeKangjie/MILE_CODE
def multilevel_embed(ctrl, graph, match_method, basic_embed, refine_model):
    '''This method defines the multilevel embedding method.'''

    start = time.time()

    # Step-1: Graph Coarsening.
    original_graph = graph
    coarsen_level = ctrl.coarsen_level
    if ctrl.refine_model.double_base:  # if it is double-base, it will need to do one more layer of coarsening
        coarsen_level += 1
    for i in range(coarsen_level):
        match, coarse_graph_size = match_method(ctrl, graph)
        coarse_graph = create_coarse_graph(ctrl, graph, match,
        graph = coarse_graph
        if graph.node_num <= ctrl.embed_dim:
                "Error: coarsened graph contains less than embed_dim nodes.")

    if ctrl.debug_mode and graph.node_num < 1e3:
        assert np.allclose(
            graph.A.A), "Coarser graph is not consistent with Adj matrix"
    print_coarsen_info(ctrl, original_graph)

    # Step-2 : Base Embedding
    if ctrl.refine_model.double_base:
        graph = graph.finer
    embedding = basic_embed(ctrl, graph)
    embedding = normalized(embedding, per_feature=False)

    # Step - 3: Embeddings Refinement.
    if ctrl.refine_model.double_base:
        coarse_embed = basic_embed(ctrl, graph.coarser)
        coarse_embed = normalized(coarse_embed, per_feature=False)
        coarse_embed = None
    with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(
            intra_op_parallelism_threads=ctrl.workers)) as session:
        model = refine_model(ctrl, session)
                          fine_embed=embedding)  # refinement model training

        while graph.finer is not None:  # apply the refinement model.
            embedding = model.refine_embedding(coarse_graph=graph,
            graph = graph.finer

    end = time.time()
    ctrl.embed_time += end - start

    return embedding
コード例 #4
ファイル: hmm_inference.py プロジェクト: petroolg/Semestral_2
def forwardbackward(priors, e_seq, hmm):
    """Compute the smoothed belief states given the observation sequence

    :param priors: Counter, initial belief distribution over rge states
    :param e_seq: sequence of observations
    :param hmm: HMM, contians the transition and emission models
    :return: sequence of Counters, estimates of belief states for all time slices
    se = list()  # Smoothed belief distributions
    f = list()
    f.extend(forward(priors, e_seq, hmm))
    b = Counter()
    prod = Counter()
    for state in priors:
        b[state] = 1
    i = len(e_seq)
    for obs in e_seq:
        #vypocet f_(i-1) x b
        for x in priors:
            prod[x] = f[i][x] * b[x]
        #vypocet s_i
        #vypocet b
        b = backward1(b, obs, hmm)
        i = i - 1
    return se
コード例 #5
    def _reset(self):
        self.current_target = 0
        self.current_step = 0
        self.target = (numpy.random.uniform(-0.25 * self.playing_area_width,
                                            0.25 * self.playing_area_width),
                       numpy.random.uniform(-0.25 * self.playing_area_height,
                                            0.25 * self.playing_area_height))
        self.car_location = (numpy.random.uniform(
            -0.25 * self.playing_area_width, 0.25 * self.playing_area_width),
                                 -0.25 * self.playing_area_height,
                                 0.25 * self.playing_area_height))
        self.car_heading = numpy.random.uniform(-math.pi, math.pi)
        self.initial_location = self.car_location

        desired_vector = (self.target[0] - self.car_location[0],
                          self.target[1] - self.car_location[1])
        desired_vector = normalized(desired_vector)
        current_vector = polar_to_cartesian((1, self.car_heading))
        angle_difference_end = angle_signed(desired_vector, current_vector)

        # create observation, return
        vel_cart = polar_to_cartesian((1, self.car_heading))
        observation = numpy.array([
            self.target[0] / (0.5 * self.playing_area_width),
            self.target[1] / (0.5 * self.playing_area_height),
            self.car_location[0] / (0.5 * self.playing_area_width),
            self.car_location[1] / (0.5 * self.playing_area_height),
            vel_cart[0], vel_cart[1], angle_difference_end / math.pi
        observation = observation.astype(numpy.float32)
        return time_step.restart(observation)
コード例 #6
ファイル: deflac.py プロジェクト: ssgalitsky/SampleScanner
def normalize_file(filename):
    data = read_wave_file(filename, True)
    if len(data):
        normalized_data = normalized(data) * (2**(bit_depth - 1) - 1)
        normalized_data = data
    save_to_file(filename, 2, normalized_data)
コード例 #7
    def generate(self) -> [[float]]:
		Devuelve una matriz con los datos generados por el ruido
		:return: matriz de datos
        data = [[random.random() for _ in range(self._size)]
                for _ in range(self._size)]
        if self._normalized:
            data = normalized(data)
        return data
コード例 #8
def graph_ffts():
    files = ['A1_v111_15.00s.aif', 'A2_v31_15.00s.aif']
    for file in files:
        stereo = read_wave_file(os.path.join(root_dir, file))
        left = stereo[0]
        right = stereo[1]
        list = left[:100000]

        w = numpy.fft.rfft(list)
        freqs = numpy.fft.fftfreq(len(w))

        # Find the peak in the coefficients
        # idx = numpy.argmax(numpy.abs(w[:len(w) / 2]))
        idx = numpy.argmax(numpy.abs(w))
        freq = freqs[idx]
        print freq
        print \
            fundamental_frequency(normalized(list)), \
            fundamental_frequency(normalized(left + right))
コード例 #9
	def generate(self) -> [[float]]:
		Devuelve una matriz con los datos generados por el ruido
		:return: matriz de datos
		data = [
				pnoise2(x / self._freq, y / self._freq, self._octaves) for x in range(self._size)
			] for y in range(self._size)]
		if self._normalized:
			data = normalized(data)
		return data
コード例 #10
ファイル: gui.py プロジェクト: petroolg/Semestral_2
    def solve(self):
        free_positions = self.maze.get_free_positions()
        cell_vals = normalized({pos: 1 for pos in free_positions})

        if self.forward:
                self.f_beliefs = self.forward(
                    cell_vals, self.obs_seq[1:], self.robot)
            except Exception as e:
                             'An exception occurred when executing '
                             '"forward()" function. Traceback will be written to '
                             'the standard error output.')
                print(traceback.format_exc(), file=sys.stderr)
                self.f_beliefs = [cell_vals] + self.f_beliefs

        if self.forwardbackward:
                self.fb_beliefs = self.forwardbackward(
                    cell_vals, self.obs_seq[1:], self.robot)
            except Exception as e:
                             'An exception occurred when executing '
                             '"forwardbackward()" function. Traceback will be written to '
                             'the standard error output.')
                print(traceback.format_exc(), file=sys.stderr)
                self.fb_beliefs = [cell_vals] + self.fb_beliefs

        if self.viterbi:
                path, _ = self.viterbi(
                    cell_vals, self.obs_seq[1:], self.robot)
            except Exception as e:
                             'An exception occurred when executing '
                             '"viterbi()" function. Traceback will be written to '
                             'the standard error output.')
                print(traceback.format_exc(), file=sys.stderr)
                # Convert Viterbi positions to beliefs
                self.v_beliefs = [cell_vals]
                for pos in path:
                    self.v_beliefs.append(Counter({pos: 1}))

        self._handle_nav_button(0)  # Repaint
コード例 #11
 def _get_next_state_distr(self, cur_state):
     """Return the distribution over possible next states
     Takes the walls around current state into account.
     p = Counter()
     for dir in ALL_DIRS:
         next_state = add(cur_state, dir)
         if not self.maze.is_free(next_state):
             p[next_state] = self.move_probs[dir]
     return normalized(p)
コード例 #12
def forward1(prev_f, cur_e, hmm, normalize=False):
    """Perform a single update of the forward message
    :param prev_f: Counter, previous belief distribution over states
    :param cur_e: a single current observation
    :param hmm: HMM, contains the transition and emission models
    :param normalize: bool, should we normalize on the fly?
    :return: Counter, current belief distribution over states
    cur_f = update_belief_by_time_step(prev_f, hmm)
    cur_f = update_belief_by_evidence(cur_f, cur_e, hmm)
    if normalize:
        cur_f = normalized(cur_f)
    return cur_f
コード例 #13
def freq_shift():
    files = ['A1_v111_15.00s.aif', 'A1_v95_15.00s.aif']
    wavea, waveb = [
        read_wave_file(os.path.join(root_dir, file)) for file in files

    louder_a = wavea[0] if (
        numpy.amax(wavea[0]) > numpy.amax(wavea[1])) else wavea[1]
    louder_b = waveb[0] if (
        numpy.amax(waveb[0]) > numpy.amax(waveb[1])) else waveb[1]

    freqd = freq_diff(normalized(louder_a), normalized(louder_b))

    waveb_shifted = [shift_freq(channel, freqd) for channel in waveb]
    louder_shifted_b = waveb_shifted[0] if (numpy.amax(waveb_shifted[0]) >
                                            numpy.amax(waveb_shifted[1])) \
        else waveb_shifted[1]

    shifted_freqd = freq_diff(normalized(louder_a),

    # lefts_aligned = aligned_sublists(wavea[0], waveb[0])
    rights_aligned = aligned_sublists(wavea[1], waveb[1])
    # shifted_lefts_aligned = aligned_sublists(wavea[0], waveb_shifted[0])

    diffl = normalized_difference(*aligned_sublists(wavea[0], waveb[0]))
    diffr = normalized_difference(*aligned_sublists(wavea[1], waveb[1]))

            normalized(rights_aligned[0][:10000]) -

    shifted_diffl = normalized_difference(
        *aligned_sublists(wavea[0], waveb_shifted[0]))
    shifted_diffr = normalized_difference(
        *aligned_sublists(wavea[1], waveb_shifted[1]))

    print files
    print 'diffs\t\t', diffl, diffr
    print 'shifted diffs\t', shifted_diffl, shifted_diffr
    print 'freqs', freqd
    print 'shifted freqs', shifted_freqd
コード例 #14
def forwardbackward(priors, e_seq, hmm):
    """Compute the smoothed belief states given the observation sequence
    :param priors: Counter, initial belief distribution over rge states
    :param e_seq: sequence of observations
    :param hmm: HMM, contians the transition and emission models
    :return: sequence of Counters, estimates of belief states for all time slices
    se = []  # Smoothed belief distributions
    fs = forward(priors, e_seq, hmm)
    b = Counter({Xt: 1.0 for Xt in hmm.get_states()})
    for e, f in zip(reversed(e_seq), reversed(fs)):
        s = normalized(Counter({Xt: f[Xt] * b[Xt] for Xt in hmm.get_states()}))
        b = backward1(b, e, hmm)
    return list(reversed(se))
コード例 #15
def main():
    a = SO3.exp(np.random.rand(3))
    b = np.array((2, 2, 2))

    norm_x = 1
    true_x = np.dot(a.T, normalized(b))

    u, s, vt = np.linalg.svd(a)
    v = vt.T
    btilde = np.dot(u.T, b)

    def secular(k):
        return np.sum(np.square(s*btilde / (s*s + k))) - norm_x*norm_x

    k = scipy.optimize.fsolve(secular, 1.)

    estimated_x = np.dot(v, s*btilde / (s*s + k))
    print estimated_x
    print np.dot(a, estimated_x)
コード例 #16
    def get_next_state_distr(self, cur_state):
        """Return the distribution over possible next states

      Takes the walls around current state into account.
        p = Counter()

        forward_position = add((cur_state[0], cur_state[1]),
        if self.maze.is_free(forward_position):
            p[(forward_position[0], forward_position[1],
               cur_state[2])] = self.move_probs[FWD]

        p[(cur_state[0], cur_state[1],
           (cur_state[2] + 1) % 4)] = self.move_probs[TURN_RIGHT]
        p[(cur_state[0], cur_state[1],
           (cur_state[2] - 1) % 4)] = self.move_probs[TURN_LEFT]

        return normalized(p)
コード例 #17
def test_matrix_alg_steps():
    """Basic test to compare results of naive hmm_inference and hmm_inference_matrix for all algorithm updates"""
    def test_steps_normal(robot, obs, obs2, initial_belief):
        globals()["hmm_inference"] = importlib.import_module("hmm_inference")

        v1 = hmm_inference.forward1(initial_belief, obs, robot)
        v2 = hmm_inference.forward1(v1, obs2, robot)
        back_v = hmm_inference.backward1(v2, obs2, robot)
        viterbi_v_log = hmm_inference.viterbi1_log(initial_belief, obs,
        viterbi_v = hmm_inference.viterbi1(initial_belief, obs, robot)[0]
        return [v1, v2, back_v, viterbi_v, viterbi_v_log]

    def test_steps_matrix(robot, obs, obs2, initial_belief):
        globals()["hmm_inference"] = importlib.import_module("hmm_inference")
        initial_belief = pv.ProbabilityVector.initialize_from_dict(

        v1_m = hmm_inference.forward1(initial_belief, obs, robot)
        v2_m = hmm_inference.forward1(v1_m, obs2, robot)
        back_v_m = hmm_inference.backward1(v2_m, obs2, robot)
        viterbi_v_m_log = hmm_inference.viterbi1_log(initial_belief, obs,
        viterbi_v_m = hmm_inference.viterbi1(initial_belief, obs, robot)[0]
        return [v1_m, v2_m, back_v_m, viterbi_v_m, viterbi_v_m_log]

    robot = init_maze()

    obs = ('f', 'n', 'f', 'n')
    obs2 = ('n', 'n', 'f', 'f')
    initial_belief = normalized({pos: 1 for pos in robot.get_states()})

    for v_normal, v_matrix in zip(
            test_steps_normal(robot, obs, obs2, initial_belief),
            test_steps_matrix(robot, obs, obs2, initial_belief)):
        print(v_normal == v_matrix)
        # for state in v_matrix.states:
        #     print(state, ": "," ", v_matrix[state], "/", v_normal[state])
コード例 #18
    def _step(self, action):
        # calculate difference between current heading and desired heading
        desired_vector = (self.target[0] - self.car_location[0],
                          self.target[1] - self.car_location[1])
        desired_vector = normalized(desired_vector)
        current_vector = polar_to_cartesian((1, self.car_heading))
        angle_difference_start = angle_signed(desired_vector, current_vector)

        # calculate angle change
        angle = 0
        # if action == 0 continue straight...
        if action == 1:  # turn left
            angle = -self.car_steering_angle
        if action == 2:  # turn right
            angle = self.car_steering_angle

        # calculate location of front and rear axles.
        front_axle = (self.car_location[0] +
                      (self.car_wheel_base / 2) * math.cos(self.car_heading),
                      self.car_location[1] +
                      (self.car_wheel_base / 2) * math.sin(self.car_heading))
        rear_axle = (self.car_location[0] -
                     (self.car_wheel_base / 2) * math.cos(self.car_heading),
                     self.car_location[1] -
                     (self.car_wheel_base / 2) * math.sin(self.car_heading))
        # calculate new location of front and rear axles
        loc_rear = (
            rear_axle[0] +
            self.car_speed * self.time_step * math.cos(self.car_heading),
            rear_axle[1] +
            self.car_speed * self.time_step * math.sin(self.car_heading))
        loc_front = (front_axle[0] + self.car_speed * self.time_step *
                     math.cos(self.car_heading + angle),
                     front_axle[1] + self.car_speed * self.time_step *
                     math.sin(self.car_heading + angle))
        # calculate new location and heading, update environment state values
        self.car_location = ((loc_front[0] + loc_rear[0]) / 2,
                             (loc_front[1] + loc_rear[1]) / 2)
        self.car_heading = math.atan2(loc_front[1] - loc_rear[1],
                                      loc_front[0] - loc_rear[0])

        # calculate difference between current heading and desired heading
        desired_vector = (self.target[0] - self.car_location[0],
                          self.target[1] - self.car_location[1])
        desired_vector = normalized(desired_vector)
        current_vector = polar_to_cartesian((1, self.car_heading))
        angle_difference_end = angle_signed(desired_vector, current_vector)

        done = False
        angle_change = abs(angle_difference_start) - abs(angle_difference_end)
        reward = angle_change / math.radians(self.car_steering_angle)

        # check if car is within bounds
        if abs(self.car_location[0]) > 0.5 * self.playing_area_width or abs(
                self.car_location[1]) > 0.5 * self.playing_area_height:
            done = True
            reward = -100
        # check if car has reached the current target
        distance = euclid_dist_2D(self.target, self.car_location)
        if distance < self.visited_distance:
            reward = 25 + 75 * (self.current_step / self.max_steps)
            # add new target and reset step...
            self.current_target += 1
            if self.current_target < self.max_target_count:
                self.target = (numpy.random.uniform(
                    -0.25 * self.playing_area_width,
                    0.25 * self.playing_area_width),
                                   -0.25 * self.playing_area_height,
                                   0.25 * self.playing_area_height))
                self.current_step = 0
                done = True
        # check if max steps were reached
        if self.current_step >= self.max_steps:
            done = True
            distance_initial = euclid_dist_2D(self.target,
            if distance_initial:
                reward = 25 * (1 - distance / distance_initial)
                reward = 2.5

        # create observation, return...
        vel_cart = polar_to_cartesian((1, self.car_heading))
        observation = numpy.array([
            self.target[0] / (0.5 * self.playing_area_width),
            self.target[1] / (0.5 * self.playing_area_height),
            self.car_location[0] / (0.5 * self.playing_area_width),
            self.car_location[1] / (0.5 * self.playing_area_height),
            vel_cart[0], vel_cart[1], angle_difference_end / math.radians(180)
        observation = observation.astype(numpy.float32)
        # increment step, return
        self.current_step += 1
        # print(reward)
        if done:
            return time_step.termination(observation, reward)
            return time_step.transition(observation, reward, discount=0.98)
コード例 #19
def gravity_direction_error(true_trajectory, estimated_trajectory):
    actual = utils.normalized(true_trajectory.gravity)
    estimated = utils.normalized(estimated_trajectory.gravity)
    return np.arccos(np.dot(actual, estimated))
コード例 #20
def main():

    # Construct ground truth
    num_frames = 5
    num_landmarks = 10
    num_imu_readings = 8
    bezier_degree = 3
    out = 'out/full_initialization'

    print 'Num landmarks:', num_landmarks
    print 'Num frames:', num_frames
    print 'Num IMU readings:', num_imu_readings
    print 'Bezier curve degree:', bezier_degree

    if not os.path.isdir(out):

    # Both splines should start at 0,0,0
    frame_times = np.linspace(0, .9, num_frames)
    accel_times = np.linspace(0, 1, num_imu_readings)

    true_pos_controls = np.random.randn(bezier_degree-1, 3)
    true_orient_controls = np.random.randn(bezier_degree-1, 3)

    true_landmarks = np.random.randn(num_landmarks, 3)

    true_frame_positions = np.array([zero_offset_bezier(true_pos_controls, t) for t in frame_times])
    true_frame_cayleys = np.array([zero_offset_bezier(true_orient_controls, t) for t in frame_times])
    true_frame_orientations = np.array(map(cayley, true_frame_cayleys))

    true_imu_cayleys = np.array([zero_offset_bezier(true_orient_controls, t) for t in accel_times])
    true_imu_orientations = np.array(map(cayley, true_imu_cayleys))

    true_gravity_magnitude = 9.8
    true_gravity = normalized(np.random.rand(3)) * true_gravity_magnitude
    true_accel_bias = np.random.randn(3)
    true_global_accels = np.array([zero_offset_bezier_second_deriv(true_pos_controls, t) for t in accel_times])
    true_accels = np.array([np.dot(R, a + true_gravity) + true_accel_bias
                            for R, a in zip(true_imu_orientations, true_global_accels)])

    true_features = np.array([[normalized(np.dot(R, x-p)) for x in true_landmarks]
                              for R, p in zip(true_frame_orientations, true_frame_positions)])

    true_vars = np.hstack((true_pos_controls.flatten(),

    print np.min(true_features.reshape((-1, 3)), axis=0)
    print np.max(true_features.reshape((-1, 3)), axis=0)

    # Add sensor noise

    accel_noise = 0
    feature_noise = 0

    observed_features = true_features.copy()
    observed_accels = true_accels.copy()

    if accel_noise > 0:
        observed_accels += np.random.randn(*observed_accels.shape) * accel_noise

    if feature_noise > 0:
        observed_features += np.random.rand(*observed_features.shape) * feature_noise

    # Construct symbolic versions of the above
    num_position_vars = (bezier_degree-1)*3
    num_orientation_vars = (bezier_degree-1)*3
    num_accel_bias_vars = 3
    num_gravity_vars = 3

    block_sizes = [num_position_vars, num_orientation_vars, num_accel_bias_vars, num_gravity_vars]
    num_vars = sum(block_sizes)

    sym_vars = [Polynomial.coordinate(i, num_vars, Fraction) for i in range(num_vars)]
    sym_pos_controls, sym_orient_controls, sym_accel_bias, sym_gravity = map(np.array, chop(sym_vars, block_sizes))

    sym_pos_controls = sym_pos_controls.reshape((-1, 3))
    sym_orient_controls = sym_orient_controls.reshape((-1, 3))

    assert len(true_vars) == len(sym_vars)

    # Accel residuals
    residuals = []

    print 'Accel residuals:'
    for i, t in enumerate(accel_times):
        sym_cayley = zero_offset_bezier(sym_orient_controls, t)
        sym_orient = cayley_mat(sym_cayley)
        sym_denom = cayley_denom(sym_cayley)
        sym_global_accel = zero_offset_bezier_second_deriv(sym_pos_controls, t)
        sym_accel = np.dot(sym_orient, sym_global_accel + sym_gravity) + sym_denom * sym_accel_bias
        residual = sym_accel - sym_denom * observed_accels[i]
        for r in residual:
            print '  %f   (degree=%d, length=%d)' % (r(*true_vars), r.total_degree, len(r))

    # Epipolar residuals

    print 'Epipolar residuals:'
    for i, ti in enumerate(frame_times):
        if i == 0: continue
        sym_Ri = cayley_mat(zero_offset_bezier(sym_orient_controls, ti))
        sym_pi = zero_offset_bezier(sym_pos_controls, ti)
        sym_E = essential_matrix_from_relative_pose(sym_Ri, sym_pi)
        for k in range(num_landmarks):
            z1 = observed_features[0][k]
            zi = observed_features[i][k]
            residual = np.dot(zi, np.dot(sym_E, z1))
            r = residual
            print '  %f   (degree=%d, length=%d)' % (r(*true_vars), r.total_degree, len(r))

    # Construct cost

    cost = Polynomial(num_vars)
    for r in residuals:
        cost += r*r

    gradients = cost.partial_derivatives()

    print '\nNum vars:', num_vars
    print 'Num residuals:', len(residuals)
    print '\nCost:'
    print '  Num terms: %d' % len(cost)
    print '  Degree: %d' % cost.total_degree

    # Output to file
    write_polynomials(cost, out+'/cost.txt')
    write_polynomials(residuals, out+'/residuals.txt')
    write_polynomials(gradients, out+'/gradients.txt')
    write_solution(true_vars, out+'/solution.txt')

    np.savetxt(out+'/feature_measurements.txt', observed_features.reshape((-1, 3)))
    np.savetxt(out+'/accel_measurements.txt', observed_accels)
    np.savetxt(out+'/problem_size.txt', [num_frames, num_landmarks, num_imu_readings])
    np.savetxt(out+'/frame_times.txt', frame_times)
    np.savetxt(out+'/accel_times.txt', accel_times)

    np.savetxt(out+'/true_pos_controls.txt', true_pos_controls)
    np.savetxt(out+'/true_orient_controls.txt', true_orient_controls)
    np.savetxt(out+'/true_accel_bias.txt', true_accel_bias)
    np.savetxt(out+'/true_gravity.txt', true_gravity)


    # Plot
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,6))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1, projection='3d')

    ts = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
    true_ps = np.array([zero_offset_bezier(true_pos_controls, t) for t in ts])

    ax.plot(true_ps[:, 0], true_ps[:, 1], true_ps[:, 2], '-b')

コード例 #21
from noises.white_noise_generator import WhiteNoiseGenerator
from output_generators.image_generator import ImageGenerator
from noises.perlin_noise_generator import PerlinNoiseGenerator
from noises.simplex_noise_generator import SimplexNoiseGenerator
from output_generators.json_generator import JsonGenerator
from post_processing.cellular import CellularAutomata
from post_processing.polarize import Polarize
from post_processing.soften import Soften
from utils import normalized
import numpy as np

print('Bienvenido a la aplicación de pruebas de algoritmos procedimentales')

# Paso 1: Creación de los datos
print('Paso 1: generación del ruido base')
generator = PerlinNoiseGenerator(7, 1024, True, 1)
elevation = generator.generate()

data = normalized(elevation)
# Paso 2: Procesamiento adicional
print('Paso 2: procesamiento adicional')
post = Polarize(elevation)
elevation = post.do_work()
# Paso 3: Creación de la imagen a partir de los datos finales
print('Paso 3: exportando datos')
out_gen = ImageGenerator(elevation, 'output.png')
コード例 #22
ファイル: Game.py プロジェクト: fischerq/devmania2014
    def update(self, commands):
        impact = [False, False]
        direction = [None, None]

        stick_0 = self.evaluate_joystick(0)
        stick_1 = self.evaluate_joystick(1)
        if self.old_sticks != []:
            change1 = length(sub(self.old_sticks[0]["stick"], stick_0["stick"]))
            if change1 > resources.get("impactThreshold"):
                impact[0] = True
            #self.logfile.write("p1 {}\n".format(stick_0["stick"]))
            position = length(stick_0["stick"])
            if position < 0.2:
                direction[0] = "neutral"
                stickdir = utils.normalized(stick_0["stick"])
                if stickdir[0] > 0.7:
                    direction[0] = "right"
                elif stickdir[0] < -0.7:
                    direction[0] = "left"
                elif stickdir[1] > 0.7:
                    direction[0] = "down"
                elif stickdir[1] < -0.7:
                    direction[0] = "up"
                #self.logfile.write("p1 dir {}\n".format(direction[0]))

            change2 = length(sub(self.old_sticks[1]["stick"], stick_1["stick"]))
            if change2 > resources.get("impactThreshold"):
                impact[1] = True
            position = length(stick_1["stick"])
            if position < 0.2:
                direction[1] = "neutral"
                stickdir = utils.normalized(stick_1["stick"])
                if stickdir[0] > 0.7:
                    direction[1] = "right"
                elif stickdir[0] < -0.7:
                    direction[1] = "left"
                elif stickdir[1] > 0.7:
                    direction[1] = "down"
                elif stickdir[1] < -0.7:
                    direction[1] = "up"

            #self.logfile.write("p2 dir {}\n".format(direction[1]))

            actor = self.entities.component_for_entity(self.players[0], Actor)
            actor.direction = direction[0]
            actor.impact = impact[0]

            actor2 = self.entities.component_for_entity(self.players[1], Actor)
            actor2.direction = direction[1]
            actor2.impact = impact[1]
            self.old_sticks = [None, None]

        self.old_sticks[0] = stick_0
        self.old_sticks[1] = stick_1

        for command in commands:
            if command == "exit":
                return "finish"
            if len(command) == 2:
                if command[1] == "A":
                    self.add_command(command[0], "attack")
                if command[1] == "L":
                    self.add_command(command[0], "shield")


        position = self.entities.component_for_entity(self.players[0], Position)
        if position.x < -512 or position.x > 512 or position.y < -500 or position.y > 384:
            self.lives[0] -= 1
            position.x = 0
            position.y = 0
            velocity = self.entities.component_for_entity(self.players[0], Velocity)
            velocity.dx = 0
            velocity.dy = 0
            if self.lives[0] == 0:
                self.winner = 1
        position2 = self.entities.component_for_entity(self.players[1], Position)
        if position2.x < -512 or position2.x > 512 or position2.y < -500 or position2.y > 384:
            self.lives[1] -= 1
            position2.x = 0
            position2.y = 0
            velocity2 = self.entities.component_for_entity(self.players[1], Velocity)
            velocity2.dx = 0
            velocity2.dy = 0
            if self.lives[1] == 0:
                self.winner = 0
        return None
コード例 #23
def run_bezier_position_estimation():

    # Construct ground truth
    num_frames = 6
    num_landmarks = 10
    num_imu_readings = 100
    bezier_degree = 4

    print 'Num landmarks:', num_landmarks
    print 'Num frames:', num_frames
    print 'Num IMU readings:', num_imu_readings
    print 'Bezier curve degree:', bezier_degree

    # Both splines should start at 0,0,0
    true_frame_timestamps = np.linspace(0, .9, num_frames)
    true_accel_timestamps = np.linspace(0, 1, num_imu_readings)

    true_rot_controls = np.random.randn(bezier_degree-1, 3) * .1
    true_pos_controls = np.random.randn(bezier_degree-1, 3)

    true_landmarks = np.random.randn(num_landmarks, 3)*5 + [0., 0., 20.]

    true_frame_orientations = np.array([cayley.cayley(bezier.zero_offset_bezier(true_rot_controls, t))
                                        for t in true_frame_timestamps])
    true_frame_positions = np.array([bezier.zero_offset_bezier(true_pos_controls, t) for t in true_frame_timestamps])

    true_gravity_magnitude = 9.8
    true_gravity = utils.normalized(np.random.rand(3)) * true_gravity_magnitude
    true_accel_bias = np.random.randn(3) * .01

    print 'True gravity:', true_gravity

    true_imu_orientations = np.array([cayley.cayley(bezier.zero_offset_bezier(true_rot_controls, t))
                                      for t in true_accel_timestamps])
    true_accel_readings = np.array([predict_accel(true_pos_controls, true_rot_controls, true_accel_bias, true_gravity, t)
                                    for t in true_accel_timestamps])

    true_features = np.array([[predict_feature(true_pos_controls, true_rot_controls, x, t) for x in true_landmarks]
                              for t in true_frame_timestamps])

    true_vars = np.hstack((true_pos_controls.flatten(), true_accel_bias, true_gravity, true_landmarks.flatten()))

    # Add sensor noise
    accel_timestamp_noise = 1e-5
    accel_reading_noise = 1e-5
    accel_orientation_noise = 1e-5

    frame_timestamp_noise = 1e-5
    frame_orientation_noise = 1e-5
    feature_noise = 1e-5

    observed_accel_timestamps = utils.add_white_noise(true_accel_timestamps, accel_timestamp_noise)
    observed_accel_readings = utils.add_white_noise(true_accel_readings, accel_reading_noise)
    observed_accel_orientations = utils.add_orientation_noise(true_imu_orientations, accel_orientation_noise)

    observed_frame_timestamps = utils.add_white_noise(true_frame_timestamps, frame_timestamp_noise)
    observed_frame_orientations = utils.add_orientation_noise(true_frame_orientations, frame_orientation_noise)
    observed_features = utils.add_white_noise(true_features, feature_noise)

    # Solve
    problem = construct_problem(


    result = socp.solve(problem, sparse=True)

    if result['x'] is None:
        print 'Did not find a feasible solution'

    estimated_vars = np.squeeze(result['x'])

    estimated_pos_controls = estimated_vars[:true_pos_controls.size].reshape((-1, 3))
    estimated_accel_bias = estimated_vars[true_pos_controls.size:true_pos_controls.size+3]
    estimated_gravity = estimated_vars[true_pos_controls.size+3:true_pos_controls.size+6]
    estimated_landmarks = estimated_vars[true_pos_controls.size+6:].reshape((-1, 3))

    estimated_frame_positions = np.array([bezier.zero_offset_bezier(estimated_pos_controls, t)
                                          for t in true_frame_timestamps])

    print 'Position norms:', np.linalg.norm(true_frame_positions, axis=1)
    print 'Position errors:', np.linalg.norm(estimated_frame_positions - true_frame_positions, axis=1)

    print 'Gravity error:', np.linalg.norm(estimated_gravity - true_gravity)
    print 'Accel bias error:', np.linalg.norm(estimated_accel_bias - true_accel_bias)

    print 'Max error:', np.max(estimated_vars - true_vars)

    plt.barh(np.arange(len(true_vars)), true_vars, height=.3, alpha=.3, color='g')
    plt.barh(np.arange(len(true_vars))+.4, estimated_vars, height=.3, alpha=.3, color='r')
コード例 #24
ファイル: run_relaxed_ba.py プロジェクト: alexflint/polygamy
def run_spline_epipolar():
    # Construct symbolic problem
    num_landmarks = 10
    num_frames = 3
    num_imu_readings = 8
    bezier_degree = 4
    out = 'out/epipolar_accel_bezier3'

    if not os.path.isdir(out):

    # Both splines should start at 0,0,0
    frame_times = np.linspace(0, .9, num_frames)
    imu_times = np.linspace(0, 1, num_imu_readings)

    true_rot_controls = np.random.rand(bezier_degree-1, 3)
    true_pos_controls = np.random.rand(bezier_degree-1, 3)

    true_landmarks = np.random.randn(num_landmarks, 3)
    true_cayleys = np.array([zero_offset_bezier(true_rot_controls, t) for t in frame_times])
    true_positions = np.array([zero_offset_bezier(true_pos_controls, t) for t in frame_times])

    true_accels = np.array([zero_offset_bezier_second_deriv(true_pos_controls, t) for t in imu_times])

    true_qs = map(cayley_mat, true_cayleys)
    true_rotations = map(cayley, true_cayleys)

    true_uprojections = [[np.dot(R, x-p) for x in true_landmarks]
                         for R,p in zip(true_rotations, true_positions)]

    true_projections = [[normalized(zu) for zu in row] for row in true_uprojections]

    p0 = true_positions[0]
    q0 = true_qs[0]
    for i in range(1, num_frames):
        p = true_positions[i]
        q = true_qs[i]
        E = essential_matrix(q0, p0, q, p)
        for j in range(num_landmarks):
            z = true_projections[i][j]
            z0 = true_projections[0][j]
            #print np.dot(z, np.dot(E, z0))

    # construct symbolic versions of the above
    s_offs = 0
    p_offs = s_offs + (bezier_degree-1)*3
    num_vars = p_offs + (bezier_degree-1)*3

    sym_vars = [Polynomial.coordinate(i, num_vars, Fraction) for i in range(num_vars)]
    sym_rot_controls = np.reshape(sym_vars[s_offs:s_offs+(bezier_degree-1)*3], (bezier_degree-1, 3))
    sym_pos_controls = np.reshape(sym_vars[p_offs:p_offs+(bezier_degree-1)*3], (bezier_degree-1, 3))

    true_vars = np.hstack((true_rot_controls.flatten(),

    residuals = []

    # Accel residuals
    for i in range(num_imu_readings):
        sym_a = zero_offset_bezier_second_deriv(sym_pos_controls, imu_times[i])
        residual = sym_a - true_accels[i]

    # Epipolar residuals
    p0 = np.zeros(3)
    R0 = np.eye(3)
    for i in range(1, num_frames):
        sym_s = zero_offset_bezier(sym_rot_controls, frame_times[i])
        sym_p = zero_offset_bezier(sym_pos_controls, frame_times[i])
        sym_q = cayley_mat(sym_s)
        #sym_q = np.eye(3) * (1. - np.dot(sym_s, sym_s)) + 2.*skew(sym_s) + 2.*np.outer(sym_s, sym_s)
        sym_E = essential_matrix(R0, p0, sym_q, sym_p)
        for j in range(num_landmarks):
            z = true_projections[i][j]
            z0 = true_projections[0][j]
            residual = np.dot(z, np.dot(sym_E, z0))

    print 'Num vars:',num_vars
    print 'Num residuals:',len(residuals)

    print 'Residuals:', len(residuals)
    cost = Polynomial(num_vars)
    for r in residuals:
        cost += r*r
        print '  %f   (degree=%d, length=%d)' % (r(*true_vars), r.total_degree, len(r))

    print '\nCost:'
    print '  Num terms: %d' % len(cost)
    print '  Degree: %d' % cost.total_degree

    print '\nGradients:'
    gradients = cost.partial_derivatives()
    for gradient in gradients:
        print '  %d  (degree=%d, length=%d)' % (gradient(*true_vars), gradient.total_degree, len(gradient))

    jacobians = [r.partial_derivatives() for r in residuals]

    J = np.array([[J_ij(*true_vars) for J_ij in row] for row in jacobians])

    U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(J)

    print '\nJacobian singular values:'
    print J.shape
    print S
    null_space_dims = sum(np.abs(S) < 1e-5)
    if null_space_dims > 0:
        print '\nNull space:'
        for i in null_space_dims:
            print V[-i]
            print V[-2]

    print '\nHessian eigenvalues:'
    H = np.dot(J.T, J)
    print H.shape
    print np.linalg.eigvals(H)

    # Output to file
    write_polynomials(cost, out+'/cost.txt')
    write_polynomials(residuals, out+'/residuals.txt')
    write_polynomials(gradients, out+'/gradients.txt')
    write_polynomials(jacobians, out+'/jacobians.txt')
    write_solution(true_vars, out+'/solution.txt')
コード例 #25
ファイル: run_relaxed_ba.py プロジェクト: alexflint/polygamy
def run_epipolar():
    # Construct symbolic problem
    num_landmarks = 10
    num_frames = 3

    true_landmarks = np.random.randn(num_landmarks, 3)
    true_positions = np.vstack((np.zeros(3),
                                np.random.rand(num_frames-1, 3)))
    true_cayleys = np.vstack((np.zeros(3),
                              np.random.rand(num_frames-1, 3)))

    true_qs = map(cayley_mat, true_cayleys)
    true_rotations = map(cayley, true_cayleys)

    true_uprojections = [[np.dot(R, x-p) for x in true_landmarks]
                         for R,p in zip(true_rotations, true_positions)]

    true_projections = [[normalized(zu) for zu in row] for row in true_uprojections]

    p0 = true_positions[0]
    q0 = true_qs[0]
    for i in range(1, num_frames):
        p = true_positions[i]
        q = true_qs[i]
        E = essential_matrix(q0, p0, q, p)
        for j in range(num_landmarks):
            z = true_projections[i][j]
            z0 = true_projections[0][j]
            print np.dot(z, np.dot(E, z0))

    # construct symbolic versions of the above
    s_offs = 0
    p_offs = s_offs + (num_frames-1)*3
    num_vars = p_offs + (num_frames-1)*3

    sym_vars = [Polynomial.coordinate(i, num_vars, Fraction) for i in range(num_vars)]
    sym_cayleys = np.reshape(sym_vars[s_offs:s_offs+(num_frames-1)*3], (num_frames-1, 3))
    sym_positions = np.reshape(sym_vars[p_offs:p_offs+(num_frames-1)*3], (num_frames-1, 3))

    true_vars = np.hstack((true_cayleys[1:].flatten(),

    residuals = []
    p0 = np.zeros(3)
    R0 = np.eye(3)
    for i in range(1, num_frames):
        sym_p = sym_positions[i-1]
        sym_s = sym_cayleys[i-1]
        sym_q = cayley_mat(sym_s)
        sym_E = essential_matrix(R0, p0, sym_q, sym_p)
        for j in range(num_landmarks):
            z = true_projections[i][j]
            z0 = true_projections[0][j]
            residual = np.dot(z, np.dot(sym_E, z0))
            print 'Residual poly: ',len(residual), residual.total_degree

    print 'Num sym_vars:',num_vars
    print 'Num residuals:',len(residuals)

    print 'Residuals:', len(residuals)
    cost = Polynomial(num_vars)
    for residual in residuals:
        #cost += np.dot(residual, residual)
        print '  ',residual(*true_vars)  #ri.num_vars, len(true_vars)

    print '\nGradients:'
    gradient = [cost.partial_derivative(i) for i in range(num_vars)]
    for gi in gradient:
        print '  ',gi(*true_vars)

    J = np.array([[r.partial_derivative(i)(*true_vars) for i in range(num_vars)]
                  for r in residuals])

    print '\nJacobian singular values:'
    print J.shape
    U,S,V = np.linalg.svd(J)
    print S
    print V[-1]
    print V[-2]

    print '\nHessian eigenvalues:'
    H = np.dot(J.T, J)
    print H.shape
    print np.linalg.eigvals(H)
コード例 #26
def run_position_estimation():
    # Parameters

    bezier_degree = 4
    num_frames = 8
    num_landmarks = 120
    num_accel_readings = 50
    num_gyro_readings = 60

    gyro_timestamp_noise = 0
    gyro_reading_noise = 1e-3

    accel_timestamp_noise = 0
    accel_reading_noise = 1e-3

    frame_timestamp_noise = 0
    frame_orientation_noise = 1e-3
    feature_noise = 1e-4

    print 'Num landmarks:', num_landmarks
    print 'Num frames:', num_frames
    print 'Num accel readings:', num_accel_readings
    print 'Num gyro readings:', num_gyro_readings
    print 'Bezier curve degree:', bezier_degree

    # Construct ground truth

    true_frame_timestamps = np.linspace(0, 1, num_frames)
    true_accel_timestamps = np.linspace(0, 1, num_accel_readings)

    true_gyro_bias = np.random.rand(3)
    true_accel_bias = np.random.randn(3)
    true_gravity_magnitude = 9.8
    true_gravity = normalized(np.random.rand(3)) * true_gravity_magnitude

    true_rot_controls = np.random.randn(bezier_degree-1, 3)
    true_pos_controls = np.random.randn(bezier_degree-1, 3)

    true_landmarks = np.random.randn(num_landmarks, 3) * 5
    true_landmarks[:, 2] += 20

    true_frame_orientations = np.array([cayley(zero_offset_bezier(true_rot_controls, t)) for t in true_frame_timestamps])
    true_frame_positions = np.array([zero_offset_bezier(true_pos_controls, t) for t in true_frame_timestamps])

    true_accel_readings = np.array([predict_accel(true_pos_controls, true_rot_controls, true_accel_bias, true_gravity, t)
                                    for t in true_accel_timestamps])

    true_features = np.array([[predict_feature(true_pos_controls, true_rot_controls, x, t) for x in true_landmarks]
                              for t in true_frame_timestamps])

    true_gyro_timestamps = np.linspace(0, 1, num_gyro_readings)
    true_gyro_readings = np.array([predict_gyro(true_rot_controls, true_gyro_bias, t)
                                   for t in true_gyro_timestamps])

    # Add sensor noise

    observed_gyro_timestamps = add_white_noise(true_gyro_timestamps, gyro_timestamp_noise)
    observed_gyro_readings = add_white_noise(true_gyro_readings, gyro_reading_noise)

    observed_accel_timestamps = add_white_noise(true_accel_timestamps, accel_timestamp_noise)
    observed_accel_readings = add_white_noise(true_accel_readings, accel_reading_noise)

    observed_frame_timestamps = add_white_noise(true_frame_timestamps, frame_timestamp_noise)
    observed_frame_orientations = add_orientation_noise(true_frame_orientations, frame_orientation_noise)
    observed_frame_orientations[0] = true_frame_orientations[0]  # do not add noise to first frame

    observed_features = add_white_noise(true_features, feature_noise)

    # Plot features
    plot_tracks(true_features, 'x-g', limit=10, alpha=.4)
    plot_tracks(observed_features, 'o-r', limit=10, alpha=.4)

    #  Solve for orientation and gyro bias

    print 'Estimating orientation...'
    estimated_gyro_bias, estimated_rot_controls = estimate_orientation(

    estimated_accel_orientations = np.array([predict_orientation(estimated_rot_controls, t)
                                             for t in observed_accel_timestamps])

    # Solve for position, accel bias, and gravity

    print 'Estimating position...'
    estimated_pos_controls, estimated_accel_bias, estimated_gravity = estimate_position(

    estimated_positions = np.array([zero_offset_bezier(estimated_pos_controls, t) for t in true_frame_timestamps])

    estimated_pfeatures = np.array([[pr(predict_feature(estimated_pos_controls, true_rot_controls, x, t))
                                     for x in true_landmarks]
                                    for t in true_frame_timestamps])
    true_pfeatures = pr(true_features)
    observed_pfeatures = pr(observed_features)

    # Report

    print 'Gyro bias error:', np.linalg.norm(estimated_gyro_bias - true_gyro_bias)
    print '  True gyro bias:', true_gyro_bias
    print '  Estimated gyro bias:', estimated_gyro_bias

    print 'Accel bias error:', np.linalg.norm(estimated_accel_bias - true_accel_bias)
    print '  True accel bias:', true_accel_bias
    print '  Estimated accel bias:', estimated_accel_bias

    print 'Gravity error:', np.linalg.norm(estimated_gravity - true_gravity)
    print '  True gravity:', true_gravity
    print '  Estimated gravity:', estimated_gravity
    print '  Estimated gravity magnitude:', np.linalg.norm(estimated_gravity)
    for i in range(num_frames):
        print 'Frame %d position error: %f' % (i, np.linalg.norm(estimated_positions[i] - true_frame_positions[i]))

    # Plot orientation results

    plot_timestamps = np.linspace(0, 1, 50)
    estimated_gyro_readings = np.array([predict_gyro(estimated_rot_controls, true_gyro_bias, t)
                                        for t in plot_timestamps])

    true_orientations = np.array([SO3.log(predict_orientation(true_rot_controls, t))
                                  for t in plot_timestamps])
    estimated_orientations = np.array([SO3.log(predict_orientation(estimated_rot_controls, t))
                                       for t in plot_timestamps])
    observed_orientations = np.array(map(SO3.log, observed_frame_orientations))

    plt.figure(figsize=(14, 6))
    plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
    plt.title('Gyro readings')
    plt.plot(plot_timestamps, estimated_gyro_readings, ':', label='estimated', alpha=1)
    plt.plot(true_gyro_timestamps, true_gyro_readings, '-', label='true', alpha=.3)
    plt.plot(true_gyro_timestamps, observed_gyro_readings, 'x', label='observed')
    plt.xlim(-.1, 1.5)

    plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
    plt.plot(plot_timestamps, estimated_orientations, ':', label='estimated', alpha=1)
    plt.plot(plot_timestamps, true_orientations, '-', label='true', alpha=.3)
    plt.plot(true_frame_timestamps, observed_orientations, 'x', label='observed')
    plt.xlim(-.1, 1.5)

    # Plot position results

    plot_timestamps = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)

    true_positions = np.array([zero_offset_bezier(true_pos_controls, t) for t in plot_timestamps])
    estimated_positions = np.array([zero_offset_bezier(estimated_pos_controls, t) for t in plot_timestamps])

    true_accels = np.array([predict_accel(true_pos_controls, true_rot_controls, true_accel_bias, true_gravity, t)
                            for t in plot_timestamps])
    estimated_accels = np.array([predict_accel(estimated_pos_controls, true_rot_controls, estimated_accel_bias, estimated_gravity, t)
                                 for t in plot_timestamps])

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 10))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 1, projection='3d')
    ax.plot(true_positions[:, 0], true_positions[:, 1], true_positions[:, 2], '-b')
    ax.plot(estimated_positions[:, 0], estimated_positions[:, 1], estimated_positions[:, 2], '-r')
    #ax.plot(true_landmarks[:,0], true_landmarks[:,1], true_landmarks[:,2], '.k', alpha=.2)

    ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 2)
    ax.plot(plot_timestamps, estimated_accels, ':', label='estimated', alpha=1)
    ax.plot(plot_timestamps, true_accels, '-', label='true', alpha=.3)
    ax.plot(observed_accel_timestamps, observed_accel_readings, 'x', label='observed')
    ax.set_xlim(-.1, 1.5)

    ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 3)
    ax.plot(true_pfeatures[1, :, 0], true_pfeatures[1, :, 1], 'x', label='true', alpha=.8)
    ax.plot(estimated_pfeatures[1, :, 0], estimated_pfeatures[1, :, 1], 'o', label='estimated', alpha=.4)

    ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 4)
    ax.plot(true_pfeatures[-1, :, 0], true_pfeatures[-1, :, 1], '.', label='true', alpha=.8)
    ax.plot(observed_pfeatures[-1, :, 0], observed_pfeatures[-1, :, 1], 'x', label='observed', alpha=.8)
    ax.plot(estimated_pfeatures[-1, :, 0], estimated_pfeatures[-1, :, 1], 'o', label='estimated', alpha=.4)

コード例 #27
def calibrated(z, k):
    return utils.normalized(np.linalg.solve(k, utils.unpr(z)))
コード例 #28
def run_position_estimation():
    # Construct ground truth
    num_frames = 5
    num_landmarks = 150
    num_imu_readings = 80
    bezier_degree = 4
    use_epipolar_constraints = False

    print 'Num landmarks:', num_landmarks
    print 'Num frames:', num_frames
    print 'Num IMU readings:', num_imu_readings
    print 'Bezier curve degree:', bezier_degree

    # Both splines should start at 0,0,0
    true_frame_timestamps = np.linspace(0, .9, num_frames)
    true_accel_timestamps = np.linspace(0, 1, num_imu_readings)

    true_rot_controls = np.random.randn(bezier_degree-1, 3)
    true_pos_controls = np.random.randn(bezier_degree-1, 3)

    true_landmarks = np.random.randn(num_landmarks, 3) * 5
    true_landmarks[:, 2] += 20

    true_frame_orientations = np.array([cayley(zero_offset_bezier(true_rot_controls, t)) for t in true_frame_timestamps])
    true_frame_positions = np.array([zero_offset_bezier(true_pos_controls, t) for t in true_frame_timestamps])

    true_gravity_magnitude = 9.8
    true_gravity = normalized(np.random.rand(3)) * true_gravity_magnitude
    true_accel_bias = np.random.randn(3)

    print 'True gravity:', true_gravity

    true_imu_orientations = np.array([cayley(zero_offset_bezier(true_rot_controls, t)) for t in true_accel_timestamps])
    true_accel_readings = np.array([predict_accel(true_pos_controls, true_rot_controls, true_accel_bias, true_gravity, t)
                                    for t in true_accel_timestamps])

    true_features = np.array([[predict_feature(true_pos_controls, true_rot_controls, x, t) for x in true_landmarks]
                              for t in true_frame_timestamps])

    true_depths = np.array([[predict_depth(true_pos_controls, true_rot_controls, x, t) for x in true_landmarks]
                            for t in true_frame_timestamps])

    # Add sensor noise

    accel_timestamp_noise = 0
    accel_reading_noise = 1e-3
    accel_orientation_noise = 1e-3

    frame_timestamp_noise = 0
    frame_orientation_noise = 1e-3
    feature_noise = 5e-3

    observed_accel_timestamps = add_white_noise(true_accel_timestamps, accel_timestamp_noise)
    observed_accel_readings = add_white_noise(true_accel_readings, accel_reading_noise)
    observed_accel_orientations = add_orientation_noise(true_imu_orientations, accel_orientation_noise)

    observed_frame_timestamps = add_white_noise(true_frame_timestamps, frame_timestamp_noise)
    observed_frame_orientations = add_orientation_noise(true_frame_orientations, frame_orientation_noise)
    observed_features = add_white_noise(true_features, feature_noise)

    # Plot
    #plot_tracks(true_features, 'g-', alpha=.2, limit=1)
    #plot_tracks(true_features, 'go', alpha=.6, limit=1)
    #plot_tracks(observed_features, 'r-', alpha=.2, limit=1)
    #plot_tracks(observed_features, 'rx', alpha=.6, limit=1)

    # Solve

    if use_epipolar_constraints:
        estimated_pos_controls, estimated_accel_bias, estimated_gravity = estimate_position(
        estimated_pos_controls, estimated_accel_bias, estimated_gravity, estimated_landmarks, estimated_depths = \

        r, j = structure_and_motion_system(

        t0 = observed_frame_timestamps[0]
        r0 = observed_frame_orientations[0]
        z0 = observed_features[0, 0]
        p0 = zero_offset_bezier(estimated_pos_controls, t0)
        pp0 = zero_offset_bezier(true_pos_controls, t0)
        x0 = estimated_landmarks[0]
        xx0 = true_landmarks[0]
        k0 = estimated_depths[0, 0]
        kk0 = np.linalg.norm(np.dot(r0, xx0 - pp0))
        print 'residual:'
        print reprojection_residual(estimated_pos_controls, x0, k0, t0, z0, r0)
        print reprojection_residual(true_pos_controls, xx0, kk0, t0, z0, r0)
        print np.dot(r0, x0 - p0) - k0 * z0
        print np.dot(r0, xx0 - pp0) - kk0 * z0

        #true_structure = np.hstack((true_landmarks, true_depths[:, None]))
        #true_params = np.hstack((true_pos_controls.flatten(), true_accel_bias, true_gravity, true_structure.flatten()))
        #jtj = np.dot(j.T, j)
        #jtr = np.dot(j.T, r)
        #print jtj.shape, true_params.shape, jtr.shape
        #print np.dot(jtj, true_params) - jtr


    estimated_positions = np.array([zero_offset_bezier(estimated_pos_controls, t)
                                    for t in true_frame_timestamps])

    estimated_accel_readings = np.array([predict_accel(estimated_pos_controls,
                                         for t in true_accel_timestamps])

    estimated_pfeatures = np.array([[pr(predict_feature(estimated_pos_controls, true_rot_controls, x, t))
                                     for x in true_landmarks]
                                    for t in true_frame_timestamps])
    true_pfeatures = pr(true_features)
    observed_pfeatures = pr(observed_features)

    # Report

    print 'Accel bias error:', np.linalg.norm(estimated_accel_bias - true_accel_bias)
    print '  True accel bias:', true_accel_bias
    print '  Estimated accel bias:', estimated_accel_bias

    print 'Gravity error:', np.linalg.norm(estimated_gravity - true_gravity)
    print '  True gravity:', true_gravity
    print '  Estimated gravity:', estimated_gravity
    print '  Estimated gravity magnitude:', np.linalg.norm(estimated_gravity)
    for i in range(num_frames):
        print 'Frame %d position error: %f' % (i, np.linalg.norm(estimated_positions[i] - true_frame_positions[i]))

    fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(14, 10))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 1, projection='3d')
    ts = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
    true_ps = np.array([zero_offset_bezier(true_pos_controls, t) for t in ts])
    estimated_ps = np.array([zero_offset_bezier(estimated_pos_controls, t) for t in ts])
    ax.plot(true_ps[:, 0], true_ps[:, 1], true_ps[:, 2], '-b')
    ax.plot(estimated_ps[:, 0], estimated_ps[:, 1], estimated_ps[:, 2], '-r')

    #ax.plot(true_landmarks[:,0], true_landmarks[:,1], true_landmarks[:,2], '.k')

    ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 2)
    ax.plot(true_accel_timestamps, true_accel_readings, '-', label='true')
    ax.plot(observed_accel_timestamps, observed_accel_readings, 'x', label='observed')
    ax.plot(true_accel_timestamps, estimated_accel_readings, ':', label='estimated')
    ax.set_xlim(-.1, 1.5)

    ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 3)
    ax.plot(true_pfeatures[1, :, 0], true_pfeatures[1, :, 1], 'x', label='true', alpha=.8)
    ax.plot(estimated_pfeatures[1, :, 0], estimated_pfeatures[1, :, 1], 'o', label='estimated', alpha=.4)

    ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 4)
    ax.plot(true_pfeatures[-1, :, 0], true_pfeatures[-1, :, 1], '.', label='true', alpha=.8)
    ax.plot(observed_pfeatures[-1, :, 0], observed_pfeatures[-1, :, 1], 'x', label='observed', alpha=.8)
    ax.plot(estimated_pfeatures[-1, :, 0], estimated_pfeatures[-1, :, 1], 'o', label='estimated', alpha=.4)

コード例 #29
def predict_feature(pos_controls, orient_controls, landmark, t):
    r = cayley(zero_offset_bezier(orient_controls, t))
    p = zero_offset_bezier(pos_controls, t)
    return normalized(np.dot(r, landmark - p))
コード例 #30
def evaluate1(steps=10,
    """Test to evaluate the localization performance in one maze"""

    hit_rate_filter, manhattan_dist_filter, euclidean_dist_filter = [], [], []
    hit_rate_smooth, manhattan_dist_smooth, euclidean_dist_smooth = [], [], []
    hit_rate_viterbi, manhattan_dist_viterbi, euclidean_dist_viterbi = [], [], []

    robot = init_maze(maze_name)

    fp0 = robot.maze.get_free_positions()
    for ipos in fp:
        if VERBOSE >= 1: print('------------------------------------')
        if VERBOSE >= 1:
            print(np.round(100 * (fp.index(ipos) + 1) / len(fp), 0),
                  '%\tof inital positions')
        robot.position = ipos if ROBOT_MODEL == 'NESW' else (ipos[0], ipos[1],
                                                             rnd.randint(0, 3))

        states, obs = robot.simulate(n_steps=steps)
        initial_belief = normalized({pos: 1 for pos in robot.get_states()})

        # FILTERING
        if VERBOSE >= 2: print('Running filtering...')
        beliefs = forward(initial_belief, obs, copy.deepcopy(robot))
        most_beliefs = []
        for state, belief in zip(states, beliefs):
            most_belief_state = sorted(belief.items(),
                                       key=lambda x: x[1],
            if VERBOSE >= 4:
                print('Real state:', state, '| Best belief:',
        hit_rate_filter.append(get_hit_rate(states, most_beliefs))
        manhattan_dist_filter.append(get_manhattan_dist(states, most_beliefs))
        euclidean_dist_filter.append(get_euclidean_dist(states, most_beliefs))
        if VERBOSE >= 3:
            print('hit rate =', hit_rate_filter, '\nmanhattan dist =',
                  manhattan_dist_filter, '\neuclidean dist =',

        # SMOOTHING
        if VERBOSE >= 2: print('Running smoothing...')
        beliefs = forwardbackward(initial_belief, obs, copy.deepcopy(robot))
        most_beliefs = []
        for state, belief in zip(states, beliefs):
            most_belief_state = sorted(belief.items(),
                                       key=lambda x: x[1],
            if VERBOSE >= 4:
                print('Real state:', state, '| Best belief:',
        hit_rate_smooth.append(get_hit_rate(states, most_beliefs))
        manhattan_dist_smooth.append(get_manhattan_dist(states, most_beliefs))
        euclidean_dist_smooth.append(get_euclidean_dist(states, most_beliefs))
        if VERBOSE >= 3:
            print('hit rate =', hit_rate_smooth, '\nmanhattan dist =',
                  manhattan_dist_smooth, '\neuclidean dist =',

        # VITERBI
        if VERBOSE >= 2: print('Running Viterbi...')
        ml_states, max_msgs = viterbi(initial_belief, obs,
        if VERBOSE >= 4:
            for real, est in zip(states, ml_states):
                print('Real pos:', real, '| ML Estimate:', est)
        hit_rate_viterbi.append(get_hit_rate(states, ml_states))
        manhattan_dist_viterbi.append(get_manhattan_dist(states, ml_states))
        euclidean_dist_viterbi.append(get_euclidean_dist(states, ml_states))
        if VERBOSE >= 3:
            print('hit rate =', hit_rate_viterbi, '\nmanhattan dist =',
                  manhattan_dist_viterbi, '\neuclidean dist =',

    if VERBOSE >= 2: print('------------------------------------')
    if VERBOSE >= 2: print('------------------------------------')

    hit_rate_filter = np.median(sorted(hit_rate_filter))
    manhattan_dist_filter = np.median(sorted(manhattan_dist_filter))
    euclidean_dist_filter = np.median(sorted(euclidean_dist_filter))

    hit_rate_smooth = np.median(sorted(hit_rate_smooth))
    manhattan_dist_smooth = np.median(sorted(manhattan_dist_smooth))
    euclidean_dist_smooth = np.median(sorted(euclidean_dist_smooth))

    hit_rate_viterbi = np.median(sorted(hit_rate_viterbi))
    manhattan_dist_viterbi = np.median(sorted(manhattan_dist_viterbi))
    euclidean_dist_viterbi = np.median(sorted(euclidean_dist_viterbi))

    if VERBOSE >= 2:
        print('hit rate =', hit_rate_filter, '\nmanhattan dist =',
              manhattan_dist_filter, '\neuclidean dist =',
        print('hit rate =', hit_rate_smooth, '\nmanhattan dist =',
              manhattan_dist_smooth, '\neuclidean dist =',
        print('hit rate =', hit_rate_viterbi, '\nmanhattan dist =',
              manhattan_dist_viterbi, '\neuclidean dist =',

    if file_obj:
            str(hit_rate_filter) + '\t' + str(manhattan_dist_filter) + '\t' +
            str(euclidean_dist_filter) + '\n')
            str(hit_rate_smooth) + '\t' + str(manhattan_dist_smooth) + '\t' +
            str(euclidean_dist_smooth) + '\n')
            str(hit_rate_viterbi) + '\t' + str(manhattan_dist_viterbi) + '\t' +
            str(euclidean_dist_viterbi) + '\n')
コード例 #31
def run_simulation():

    # Construct ground truth
    num_frames = 5
    num_landmarks = 50
    num_imu_readings = 80
    bezier_degree = 4
    out = 'out/position_only_bezier3'

    print 'Num landmarks:', num_landmarks
    print 'Num frames:', num_frames
    print 'Num IMU readings:', num_imu_readings
    print 'Bezier curve degree:', bezier_degree

    if not os.path.isdir(out):

    # Both splines should start at 0,0,0
    frame_times = np.linspace(0, .9, num_frames)
    imu_times = np.linspace(0, 1, num_imu_readings)

    true_rot_controls = np.random.randn(bezier_degree-1, 3)
    true_pos_controls = np.random.randn(bezier_degree-1, 3)

    true_landmarks = np.random.randn(num_landmarks, 3)

    true_frame_cayleys = np.array([bezier.zero_offset_bezier(true_rot_controls, t) for t in frame_times])
    true_frame_orientations = np.array(map(cayley, true_frame_cayleys))
    true_frame_positions = np.array([bezier.zero_offset_bezier(true_pos_controls, t) for t in frame_times])

    true_imu_cayleys = np.array([bezier.zero_offset_bezier(true_rot_controls, t) for t in imu_times])
    true_imu_orientations = np.array(map(cayley, true_imu_cayleys))

    true_gravity_magnitude = 9.8
    true_gravity = normalized(np.random.rand(3)) * true_gravity_magnitude
    true_accel_bias = np.random.randn(3)
    true_global_accels = np.array([bezier.zero_offset_bezier_second_deriv(true_pos_controls, t) for t in imu_times])
    true_accels = np.array([np.dot(R, a + true_gravity) + true_accel_bias
                            for R, a in zip(true_imu_orientations, true_global_accels)])

    true_features = np.array([[normalized(np.dot(R, x-p)) for x in true_landmarks]
                              for R, p in zip(true_frame_orientations, true_frame_positions)])

    print np.min(true_features.reshape((-1, 3)), axis=0)
    print np.max(true_features.reshape((-1, 3)), axis=0)

    # Add sensor noise

    accel_noise = 0#0.001
    feature_noise = 0#0.01
    orientation_noise = 0.01

    observed_frame_orientations = true_frame_orientations.copy()
    observed_imu_orientations = true_imu_orientations.copy()
    observed_features = true_features.copy()
    observed_accels = true_accels.copy()

    if orientation_noise > 0:
        for i, R in enumerate(observed_frame_orientations):
            R_noise = SO3.exp(np.random.randn(3)*orientation_noise)
            observed_frame_orientations[i] = np.dot(R_noise, R)
        for i, R in enumerate(observed_imu_orientations):
            R_noise = SO3.exp(np.random.randn(3)*orientation_noise)
            observed_imu_orientations[i] = np.dot(R_noise, R)

    if accel_noise > 0:
        observed_accels += np.random.randn(*observed_accels.shape) * accel_noise

    if feature_noise > 0:
        observed_features += np.random.rand(*observed_features.shape) * feature_noise

    # Construct symbolic versions of the above
    position_offs = 0
    accel_bias_offset = position_offs + (bezier_degree-1)*3
    gravity_offset = accel_bias_offset + 3
    num_vars = gravity_offset + 3

    sym_vars = [Polynomial.coordinate(i, num_vars, Fraction) for i in range(num_vars)]
    sym_pos_controls = np.reshape(sym_vars[position_offs:position_offs+(bezier_degree-1)*3], (bezier_degree-1, 3))
    sym_accel_bias = np.asarray(sym_vars[accel_bias_offset:accel_bias_offset+3])
    sym_gravity = np.asarray(sym_vars[gravity_offset:gravity_offset+3])

    true_vars = np.hstack((true_pos_controls.flatten(), true_accel_bias, true_gravity))
    assert len(true_vars) == len(sym_vars)

    # Compute residuals

    epipolar_residuals = evaluate_epipolar_residuals(sym_pos_controls, frame_times,
                                                     observed_frame_orientations, observed_features)
    accel_residuals = evaluate_accel_residuals(sym_pos_controls, sym_accel_bias, sym_gravity,
                                               imu_times, observed_accels, observed_imu_orientations)

    residuals = np.hstack((accel_residuals, epipolar_residuals))

    print '\nNum vars:', num_vars
    print 'Num residuals:', len(residuals)

    print '\nResiduals:', len(residuals)
    cost = Polynomial(num_vars)
    for r in residuals:
        cost += r*r
        print '  %f   (degree=%d, length=%d)' % (r(*true_vars), r.total_degree, len(r))

    print '\nCost:'
    print '  Num terms: %d' % len(cost)
    print '  Degree: %d' % cost.total_degree

    # Solve
    A, b, k = quadratic_form(cost)
    estimated_vars = np.squeeze(np.linalg.solve(A*2, -b))
    estimated_pos_controls = np.reshape(estimated_vars[position_offs:position_offs+(bezier_degree-1)*3], (bezier_degree-1, 3))
    estimated_positions = np.array([bezier.zero_offset_bezier(estimated_pos_controls, t) for t in frame_times])
    estimated_accel_bias = np.asarray(estimated_vars[accel_bias_offset:accel_bias_offset+3])
    estimated_gravity = np.asarray(estimated_vars[gravity_offset:gravity_offset+3])
    re_estimated_gravity = normalized(estimated_gravity) * true_gravity_magnitude

    print '\nEstimated:'
    print estimated_vars

    print '\nGround truth:'
    print true_vars

    print '\nTotal Error:', np.linalg.norm(estimated_vars - true_vars)
    print 'Accel bias error:', np.linalg.norm(estimated_accel_bias - true_accel_bias)
    print 'Gravity error:', np.linalg.norm(estimated_gravity - true_gravity)
    print '  True gravity:', true_gravity
    print '  Estimated gravity:', estimated_gravity
    print '  Estimated gravity magnitude:', np.linalg.norm(estimated_gravity)
    print '  Re-normalized gravity error: ', np.linalg.norm(re_estimated_gravity - true_gravity)
    for i in range(num_frames):
        print 'Frame %d error: %f' % (i, np.linalg.norm(estimated_positions[i] - true_frame_positions[i]))

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,6))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1, projection='3d')

    ts = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
    true_ps = np.array([bezier.zero_offset_bezier(true_pos_controls, t) for t in ts])
    estimated_ps = np.array([bezier.zero_offset_bezier(estimated_pos_controls, t) for t in ts])

    ax.plot(true_ps[:, 0], true_ps[:, 1], true_ps[:, 2], '-b')
    ax.plot(estimated_ps[:, 0], estimated_ps[:, 1], estimated_ps[:, 2], '-r')

コード例 #32
ファイル: run_relaxed_ba.py プロジェクト: alexflint/polygamy
def run_sfm():
    # Construct symbolic problem
    num_landmarks = 4
    num_frames = 2

    print 'Num observations: ', num_landmarks * num_frames * 2
    print 'Num vars: ', num_frames*6 + num_landmarks*3 + num_frames*num_landmarks

    true_landmarks = np.random.randn(num_landmarks, 3)
    true_positions = np.random.rand(num_frames, 3)
    true_cayleys = np.random.rand(num_frames, 3)

    true_qs = map(cayley_mat, true_cayleys)
    true_betas = map(cayley_denom, true_cayleys)
    true_rotations = [(q/b) for (q,b) in zip(true_qs, true_betas)]

    true_uprojections = [[np.dot(R, x-p) for x in true_landmarks]
                         for R,p in zip(true_rotations, true_positions)]

    true_projections = [[normalized(zu) for zu in row] for row in true_uprojections]
    true_alphas = [[np.linalg.norm(zu) for zu in row] for row in true_uprojections]

    true_vars = np.hstack((true_cayleys.flatten(),

    #true_projection_mat = np.reshape(true_projections, (num_frames, num_landmarks, 2))

    for i in range(num_frames):
        p = true_positions[i]
        q = true_qs[i]
        beta = true_betas[i]
        for j in range(num_landmarks):
            x = true_landmarks[j]
            z = true_projections[i][j]
            alpha = true_alphas[i][j]
            print alpha * beta * z - np.dot(q, x-p)

    # construct symbolic versions of the above
    s_offs = 0
    p_offs = s_offs + num_frames*3
    x_offs = p_offs + num_frames*3
    a_offs = x_offs + num_landmarks*3
    num_vars = a_offs + num_landmarks*num_frames

    sym_vars = [Polynomial.coordinate(i, num_vars, Fraction) for i in range(num_vars)]
    sym_cayleys = np.reshape(sym_vars[s_offs:s_offs+num_frames*3], (num_frames, 3))
    sym_positions = np.reshape(sym_vars[p_offs:p_offs+num_frames*3], (num_frames, 3))
    sym_landmarks = np.reshape(sym_vars[x_offs:x_offs+num_landmarks*3], (num_landmarks, 3))
    sym_alphas = np.reshape(sym_vars[a_offs:], (num_frames, num_landmarks))

    residuals = []
    for i in range(num_frames):
        sym_p = sym_positions[i]
        sym_s = sym_cayleys[i]
        for j in range(num_landmarks):
            sym_x = sym_landmarks[j]
            sym_a = sym_alphas[i,j]
            true_z = true_projections[i][j]
            residual = np.dot(cayley_mat(sym_s), sym_x-sym_p) - sym_a * cayley_denom(sym_s) * true_z

    print 'Residuals:'
    cost = Polynomial(num_vars)
    for residual in residuals:
        cost += np.dot(residual, residual)
        print '  ',residual(*true_vars)  #ri.num_vars, len(true_vars)

    print '\nGradients:'
    gradient = [cost.partial_derivative(i) for i in range(num_vars)]
    for gi in gradient:
        print gi(*true_vars)

    j = np.array([[r.partial_derivative(i)(*true_vars) for i in range(num_vars)]
                  for r in residuals])

    print '\nJacobian singular values:'
    print j.shape
    u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(j)
    print s

    print '\nHessian eigenvalues:'
    h = np.dot(j.T, j)
    print h.shape
    print np.linalg.eigvals(h)
コード例 #33
def run_simulation_nonsymbolic():

    # Construct ground truth
    num_frames = 5
    num_landmarks = 50
    num_imu_readings = 80
    bezier_degree = 4
    out = 'out/position_only_bezier3'

    print 'Num landmarks:', num_landmarks
    print 'Num frames:', num_frames
    print 'Num IMU readings:', num_imu_readings
    print 'Bezier curve degree:', bezier_degree

    if not os.path.isdir(out):

    # Both splines should start at 0,0,0
    frame_times = np.linspace(0, .9, num_frames)
    accel_timestamps = np.linspace(0, 1, num_imu_readings)

    true_rot_controls = np.random.randn(bezier_degree-1, 3)
    true_pos_controls = np.random.randn(bezier_degree-1, 3)

    true_landmarks = np.random.randn(num_landmarks, 3)

    true_frame_cayleys = np.array([bezier.zero_offset_bezier(true_rot_controls, t) for t in frame_times])
    true_frame_orientations = np.array(map(cayley, true_frame_cayleys))
    true_frame_positions = np.array([bezier.zero_offset_bezier(true_pos_controls, t) for t in frame_times])

    true_imu_cayleys = np.array([bezier.zero_offset_bezier(true_rot_controls, t) for t in accel_timestamps])
    true_imu_orientations = np.array(map(cayley, true_imu_cayleys))

    true_gravity_magnitude = 9.8
    true_gravity = normalized(np.random.rand(3)) * true_gravity_magnitude
    true_accel_bias = np.random.randn(3)
    true_global_accels = np.array([bezier.zero_offset_bezier_second_deriv(true_pos_controls, t) for t in accel_timestamps])
    true_accels = np.array([np.dot(R, a + true_gravity) + true_accel_bias
                            for R, a in zip(true_imu_orientations, true_global_accels)])

    true_features = np.array([[normalized(np.dot(R, x-p)) for x in true_landmarks]
                              for R, p in zip(true_frame_orientations, true_frame_positions)])

    print np.min(true_features.reshape((-1, 3)), axis=0)
    print np.max(true_features.reshape((-1, 3)), axis=0)

    # Add sensor noise

    accel_noise = 0#0.001
    feature_noise = 0#0.01
    orientation_noise = 0.01

    observed_frame_orientations = true_frame_orientations.copy()
    observed_imu_orientations = true_imu_orientations.copy()
    observed_features = true_features.copy()
    observed_accels = true_accels.copy()

    if orientation_noise > 0:
        for i, R in enumerate(observed_frame_orientations):
            R_noise = SO3.exp(np.random.randn(3)*orientation_noise)
            observed_frame_orientations[i] = np.dot(R_noise, R)
        for i, R in enumerate(observed_imu_orientations):
            R_noise = SO3.exp(np.random.randn(3)*orientation_noise)
            observed_imu_orientations[i] = np.dot(R_noise, R)

    if accel_noise > 0:
        observed_accels += np.random.randn(*observed_accels.shape) * accel_noise

    if feature_noise > 0:
        observed_features += np.random.rand(*observed_features.shape) * feature_noise

    position_offs = 0
    accel_bias_offset = position_offs + (bezier_degree-1)*3
    gravity_offset = accel_bias_offset + 3

    true_vars = np.hstack((true_pos_controls.flatten(), true_accel_bias, true_gravity))

    # Compute system non-symbolically

    accel_r = evaluate_accel_residuals(np.zeros((bezier_degree-1, 3)), np.zeros(3), np.zeros(3),
                                       accel_timestamps, observed_accels, observed_imu_orientations)
    accel_j = evaluate_accel_jacobians(bezier_degree-1, accel_timestamps, observed_imu_orientations)

    epipolar_r = evaluate_epipolar_residuals(np.zeros((bezier_degree-1, 3)), frame_times,
                                             observed_frame_orientations, observed_features)
    epipolar_j = evaluate_epipolar_jacobians(bezier_degree-1, frame_times,
                                             observed_frame_orientations, observed_features)
    epipolar_j = np.hstack((epipolar_j, np.zeros((epipolar_j.shape[0], 6))))

    residual = np.hstack((accel_r, epipolar_r))
    jacobian = np.vstack((accel_j, epipolar_j))

    # Solve

    JtJ = np.dot(jacobian.T, jacobian)
    Jtr = np.dot(jacobian.T, residual)
    estimated_vars = np.squeeze(np.linalg.solve(JtJ, -Jtr))

    # Unpack result and compute error

    estimated_pos_controls = np.reshape(estimated_vars[position_offs:position_offs+(bezier_degree-1)*3], (bezier_degree-1, 3))
    estimated_positions = np.array([bezier.zero_offset_bezier(estimated_pos_controls, t) for t in frame_times])
    estimated_accel_bias = np.asarray(estimated_vars[accel_bias_offset:accel_bias_offset+3])
    estimated_gravity = np.asarray(estimated_vars[gravity_offset:gravity_offset+3])
    re_estimated_gravity = normalized(estimated_gravity) * true_gravity_magnitude

    print '\nEstimated:'
    print estimated_vars

    print '\nGround truth:'
    print true_vars

    print '\nTotal Error:', np.linalg.norm(estimated_vars - true_vars)
    print 'Accel bias error:', np.linalg.norm(estimated_accel_bias - true_accel_bias)
    print 'Gravity error:', np.linalg.norm(estimated_gravity - true_gravity)
    print '  True gravity:', true_gravity
    print '  Estimated gravity:', estimated_gravity
    print '  Estimated gravity magnitude:', np.linalg.norm(estimated_gravity)
    print '  Re-normalized gravity error: ', np.linalg.norm(re_estimated_gravity - true_gravity)
    for i in range(num_frames):
        print 'Frame %d error: %f' % (i, np.linalg.norm(estimated_positions[i] - true_frame_positions[i]))

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,6))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1, projection='3d')

    ts = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
    true_ps = np.array([bezier.zero_offset_bezier(true_pos_controls, t) for t in ts])
    estimated_ps = np.array([bezier.zero_offset_bezier(estimated_pos_controls, t) for t in ts])

    ax.plot(true_ps[:, 0], true_ps[:, 1], true_ps[:, 2], '-b')
    ax.plot(estimated_ps[:, 0], estimated_ps[:, 1], estimated_ps[:, 2], '-r')

コード例 #34
ファイル: run_relaxed_ba.py プロジェクト: alexflint/polygamy
def run_position_only_spline_epipolar():
    # Construct ground truth
    num_landmarks = 50
    num_frames = 4
    num_imu_readings = 80
    bezier_degree = 4
    out = 'out/position_only_bezier3'

    print 'Num landmarks:', num_landmarks
    print 'Num frames:', num_frames
    print 'Num IMU readings:', num_imu_readings
    print 'Bezier curve degree:', bezier_degree

    if not os.path.isdir(out):

    # Both splines should start at 0,0,0
    frame_times = np.linspace(0, .9, num_frames)
    imu_times = np.linspace(0, 1, num_imu_readings)

    true_rot_controls = np.random.rand(bezier_degree-1, 3)
    true_pos_controls = np.random.rand(bezier_degree-1, 3)

    true_landmarks = np.random.randn(num_landmarks, 3)

    true_positions = np.array([zero_offset_bezier(true_pos_controls, t) for t in frame_times])
    true_cayleys = np.array([zero_offset_bezier(true_rot_controls, t) for t in frame_times])
    true_rotations = map(cayley, true_cayleys)

    true_imu_cayleys = np.array([zero_offset_bezier(true_rot_controls, t) for t in imu_times])
    true_imu_rotations = map(cayley, true_imu_cayleys)

    true_gravity = normalized(np.random.rand(3)) * 9.8
    true_accel_bias = np.random.rand(3)
    true_global_accels = np.array([zero_offset_bezier_second_deriv(true_pos_controls, t) for t in imu_times])
    true_accels = [np.dot(R, a + true_gravity) + true_accel_bias
                   for R, a in zip(true_imu_rotations, true_global_accels)]

    true_uprojections = [[np.dot(R, x-p) for x in true_landmarks]
                         for R, p in zip(true_rotations, true_positions)]

    true_projections = [[normalized(zu) for zu in row] for row in true_uprojections]

    # Construct symbolic versions of the above
    position_offs = 0
    accel_bias_offset = position_offs + (bezier_degree-1)*3
    gravity_offset = accel_bias_offset + 3
    num_vars = gravity_offset + 3

    sym_vars = [Polynomial.coordinate(i, num_vars, Fraction) for i in range(num_vars)]
    sym_pos_controls = np.reshape(sym_vars[position_offs:position_offs+(bezier_degree-1)*3], (bezier_degree-1, 3))
    sym_accel_bias = np.asarray(sym_vars[accel_bias_offset:accel_bias_offset+3])
    sym_gravity = np.asarray(sym_vars[gravity_offset:gravity_offset+3])

    true_vars = np.hstack((true_pos_controls.flatten(), true_accel_bias, true_gravity))
    assert len(true_vars) == len(sym_vars)

    residuals = []

    # Accel residuals
    print '\nAccel residuals:'
    for i in range(num_imu_readings):
        true_R = true_imu_rotations[i]
        sym_global_accel = zero_offset_bezier_second_deriv(sym_pos_controls, imu_times[i])
        sym_accel = np.dot(true_R, sym_global_accel + sym_gravity) + sym_accel_bias
        residual = sym_accel - true_accels[i]
        for i in range(3):
            print '  Degree of global accel = %d, local accel = %d, residual = %d' % \
                  (sym_global_accel[i].total_degree, sym_accel[i].total_degree, residual[i].total_degree)

    # Epipolar residuals
    p0 = np.zeros(3)
    R0 = np.eye(3)
    for i in range(1, num_frames):
        true_s = true_cayleys[i]
        true_R = cayley_mat(true_s)
        sym_p = zero_offset_bezier(sym_pos_controls, frame_times[i])
        sym_E = essential_matrix(R0, p0, true_R, sym_p)
        for j in range(num_landmarks):
            z = true_projections[i][j]
            z0 = true_projections[0][j]
            residual = np.dot(z, np.dot(sym_E, z0))

    print '\nNum vars:', num_vars
    print 'Num residuals:', len(residuals)

    print '\nResiduals:', len(residuals)
    cost = Polynomial(num_vars)
    for r in residuals:
        cost += r*r
        print '  %f   (degree=%d, length=%d)' % (r(*true_vars), r.total_degree, len(r))

    print '\nCost:'
    print '  Num terms: %d' % len(cost)
    print '  Degree: %d' % cost.total_degree
    for term in cost:
        print '    ',term

    print '\nGradients:'
    gradients = cost.partial_derivatives()
    for gradient in gradients:
        print '  %d  (degree=%d, length=%d)' % (gradient(*true_vars), gradient.total_degree, len(gradient))

    jacobians = np.array([r.partial_derivatives() for r in residuals])

    J = evaluate_array(jacobians, *true_vars)

    U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(J)

    print '\nJacobian singular values:'
    print J.shape
    print S

    print '\nHessian eigenvalues:'
    H = np.dot(J.T, J)
    print H.shape
    print np.linalg.eigvals(H)

    null_space_dims = sum(np.abs(S) < 1e-5)
    print '\nNull space dimensions:', null_space_dims
    if null_space_dims > 0:
        for i in range(null_space_dims):
            print '  ',V[-i]

    null_monomial = (0,) * num_vars
    coordinate_monomials = [list(var.monomials)[0] for var in sym_vars]
    A, _ = matrix_form(gradients, coordinate_monomials)
    b, _ = matrix_form(gradients, [null_monomial])
    b = np.squeeze(b)

    AA, bb, kk = quadratic_form(cost)

    estimated_vars = np.squeeze(numpy.linalg.solve(AA*2, -b))

    print '\nEstimated:'
    print estimated_vars

    print '\nGround truth:'
    print true_vars

    print '\nError:'
    print np.linalg.norm(estimated_vars - true_vars)

    # Output to file
    write_polynomials(cost, out+'/cost.txt')
    write_polynomials(residuals, out+'/residuals.txt')
    write_polynomials(gradients, out+'/gradients.txt')
    write_polynomials(jacobians.flat, out+'/jacobians.txt')
    write_solution(true_vars, out+'/solution.txt')
コード例 #35
            gap_data[0, idx, jdx] = eigvalues[1] - eigvalues[0]
            gap_data[1, idx, jdx] = eigvalues[2] - eigvalues[0]
            gap_data[2, idx, jdx] = eigvalues[3] - eigvalues[0]

    _gen_eigenvalue_gap_plot(sigma_vec, gap_data, '../plots/eigenvalue_gap_vs_noise.pdf',
                             'std. deviation $\sigma$ (m)',
                             'eigenvalue gap')

    outlier_rate_vec = np.linspace(0.0, 0.7, 8)
    gap_data_outlier = np.zeros((3, len(sigma_vec), N_runs))
    for idx in range(len(outlier_rate_vec)):
        sigma = 0.01*np.ones(N)
        n_outliers = int(N*outlier_rate_vec[idx])
        for jdx in range(N_runs):
            _, x_1, x_2 = gen_sim_data(N, sigma)
            perm = np.random.permutation(N)
            outlier_inds = perm[0:n_outliers]
            x_2[outlier_inds, :] = np.random.rand(n_outliers, 3)
            x_2[outlier_inds, :] = normalized(x_2[outlier_inds, :], axis=1)
            A = build_A(x_1, x_2, sigma**2)
            # A = A/np.linalg.norm(A, ord='fro')
            eigvalues = np.linalg.eigvalsh(A)
            gap_data_outlier[0, idx, jdx] = eigvalues[1] - eigvalues[0]
            gap_data_outlier[1, idx, jdx] = eigvalues[2] - eigvalues[0]
            gap_data_outlier[2, idx, jdx] = eigvalues[3] - eigvalues[0]

    _gen_eigenvalue_gap_plot(outlier_rate_vec*100, gap_data_outlier, '../plots/eigenvalue_gap_vs_outlier_rate.pdf',
                             'outlier rate (\%)',
                             'eigenvalue gap')
コード例 #36
ファイル: data_loader.py プロジェクト: ahundt/enet-keras
def load_data(dataset, data_dir, batch_size, nc, target_hw=(256, 256), data_type='train2014', shuffle=False, sample_size=None):
    img_txt = os.path.join(data_dir, data_type, 'images.txt')
    lbl_txt = os.path.join(data_dir, data_type, 'labels.txt')
    with open(img_txt) as imgdata, open(lbl_txt) as lbldata:
        imgfiles = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in imgdata]
        lblfiles = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in lbldata]
        assert len(imgfiles) == len(lblfiles)
        files = zip(imgfiles, lblfiles)

    if sample_size:
        assert isinstance(sample_size, int)
        files = files[:sample_size]
    remainder = len(files)%batch_size
    assert remainder >= 0

    if remainder > 0:
        yield len(files) - remainder + batch_size
        yield len(files)
    rgbs = []
    lbls = []
    # batch_weights = []

    cid_to_id_mapper = dataset.cids_to_ids_map()
    mp = np.arange(0, max(dataset.ids()) + 1)
    mp[cid_to_id_mapper.keys()] = cid_to_id_mapper.values()

    while True:
        remainder = len(files)%batch_size
        assert remainder >= 0
        if shuffle:
        if remainder > 0:  # Procrustes
            files = files + files[:batch_size-remainder]
        assert len(files) % batch_size == 0
        for imgfile, lblfile in files:
            img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(data_dir, data_type, imgfile))
            img = cv2.resize(img, target_hw[:2], interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
            img = normalized(img)

            # load label image, keep a single channel (all three should be the same)
            # TODO: make this more robust/fast/efficient
            lbl = cv2.imread(os.path.join(data_dir, data_type, lblfile))[:, :, 0]
            lbl = cv2.resize(lbl, target_hw[:2], interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
            lbl = mp[lbl]
            assert np.max(lbl) < len(dataset.ids())
            # print('lbl shape', lbl.shape)
            # sample_weights = np.full(lbl.shape, 0.5)
            # print('sample weights shape', sample_weights.shape)
            # sample_weights[lbl > 0] = 1.5 # hack just for mscoco
            # batch_weights.append(sample_weights.ravel())

            lbl = to_categorical(lbl, nb_classes=nc)

            if len(rgbs) == batch_size:
                yield np.array(rgbs), np.array(lbls)#, np.array(batch_weights)
                rgbs = []
                lbls = []
コード例 #37
def simulate_trajectory(calibration,
    num_knots = num_controls - degree + 1
    spline_template = spline.SplineTemplate(np.linspace(0, duration, num_knots), degree, 3)

    print 'Num landmarks:', num_landmarks
    print 'Num frames:', num_frames
    print 'Num IMU readings:', num_imu_readings
    print 'Spline curve degree:', degree

    # Both splines should start at 0,0,0
    true_frame_timestamps = np.linspace(0, duration, num_frames)
    true_accel_timestamps = np.linspace(0, duration, num_imu_readings)

    true_rot_curve = spline_template.build_random(.1)
    true_pos_curve = spline_template.build_random(first_control=np.zeros(3))

    landmark_generator = 'normal'
    if landmark_generator == 'normal':
        true_landmarks = np.random.randn(num_landmarks, 3)*10
    elif landmark_generator == 'near':
        true_landmarks = []
        for i in range(num_landmarks):
            p = true_pos_curve.evaluate(true_frame_timestamps[i % len(true_frame_timestamps)])
            true_landmarks.append(p + np.random.randn()*.1)
    elif landmark_generator == 'far':
        true_landmarks = []
        for _ in range(num_landmarks):
            true_landmarks.append(utils.normalized(np.random.randn(3)) * 100000.)

    true_landmarks = np.asarray(true_landmarks)
    true_frame_orientations = np.array(map(cayley.cayley, true_rot_curve.evaluate(true_frame_timestamps)))

    true_gravity_magnitude = 9.8
    true_gravity = utils.normalized(np.random.rand(3)) * true_gravity_magnitude
    true_accel_bias = np.random.randn(3) * .01

    # Sample IMU readings
    true_imu_orientations = np.array(map(cayley.cayley, true_rot_curve.evaluate(true_accel_timestamps)))
    true_accel_readings = np.array([
        sensor_models.predict_accel(true_pos_curve, true_rot_curve, true_accel_bias, true_gravity, t)
        for t in true_accel_timestamps])

    # Sample features
    num_behind = 0
    true_features = []
    for frame_id, t in enumerate(true_frame_timestamps):
        r = cayley.cayley(true_rot_curve.evaluate(t))
        p = true_pos_curve.evaluate(t)
        a = np.dot(calibration.camera_matrix, np.dot(calibration.imu_to_camera, r))
        ys = np.dot(true_landmarks - p, a.T)
        for track_id, y in enumerate(ys):
            if y[2] > 0:
                true_features.append(structures.FeatureObservation(frame_id, track_id, geometry.pr(y)))
                num_behind += 1

    if num_behind > 0:
        print '%d landmarks were behind the camera (and %d were in front)' % (num_behind, len(true_features))

    true_features, true_landmarks = utils.renumber_tracks(true_features, true_landmarks, min_track_length=2)
    true_trajectory = structures.PositionEstimate(true_pos_curve, true_gravity, true_accel_bias, true_landmarks)

    # Add sensor noise
    observed_accel_timestamps = utils.add_white_noise(true_accel_timestamps, accel_timestamp_noise)
    observed_accel_readings = utils.add_white_noise(true_accel_readings, accel_reading_noise)
    observed_accel_orientations = utils.add_orientation_noise(true_imu_orientations, accel_orientation_noise)

    observed_frame_timestamps = utils.add_white_noise(true_frame_timestamps, frame_timestamp_noise)
    observed_frame_orientations = utils.add_orientation_noise(true_frame_orientations, frame_orientation_noise)

    observed_features = []
    for f in true_features:
                                                               utils.add_white_noise(f.position, feature_noise)))

    measurements = structures.Measurements(observed_accel_timestamps,

    return true_trajectory, measurements, spline_template