def prepare(args): dataset_path = args.dataset_path # '../ml-100k' save_path = args.save_processed_data_path # './weights' user_item_matrix, raw_side_feature_v, raw_side_feature_u = preprocess(dataset_path, save_path) # user_item_matrix[943, 1682], raw_side_feature_u[943, 21], raw_side_feature_u[1682,19] num_user, num_item = user_item_matrix.shape mask = user_item_matrix > 0 mask_new = mask + np.random.uniform(0, 1, (num_user, num_item)) train_mask = (mask_new <= (1 + args.split_ratio)) & mask test_mask = (mask_new > (1 + args.split_ratio)) & mask user_item_matrix_train = user_item_matrix + 0 user_item_matrix_train[test_mask] = 0 user_item_matrix_test = user_item_matrix + 0 user_item_matrix_test[train_mask] = 0 all_M_u = [] all_M_v = [] all_M = [] for i in range(args.rate_num): # rate_num==5, 5分制 M_r = user_item_matrix_train == (i + 1) # 用户u给物品v评分为r all_M_u.append(utils.normalize(M_r)) # 评分 all_M_v.append(utils.normalize(M_r.T)) # 被评分 all_M.append(M_r) # [[943,1682],[943,1682],[943,1682],[943,1682],[943,1682]] -> ndarray(5, 943, 1682), 5分制 all_M = np.array(all_M) mask = user_item_matrix_train > 0 ## 读取side_information并处理 side_feature_u = raw_side_feature_u side_feature_v = raw_side_feature_v adjacency_u = epsilon_similarity_graph(side_feature_u, epsilon=1.1) laplacian_u = compute_laplacian(adjacency_u, True) adjacency_v = epsilon_similarity_graph(side_feature_v, epsilon=2.1) laplacian_v = compute_laplacian(adjacency_v, True) laplacian_u = utils.np_to_var(laplacian_u) laplacian_v = utils.np_to_var(laplacian_v) ## 产生输入特征 # 对应论文中的(Xu;Xv) = I feature_dim = num_user + num_item I = np.eye(num_user + num_item) feature_u = I[0:num_user, :] feature_v = I[num_user:, :] return feature_u, feature_v, feature_dim, all_M_u, all_M_v, side_feature_u, side_feature_v, all_M, mask, user_item_matrix_train, user_item_matrix_test, laplacian_u, laplacian_v
def rollout(env, start_state: State, policy, buffer, num_steps=args.subpolicy_duration) -> None: s = start_state for i in range(num_steps): mean, std = policy(np_to_var(s)) p = distributions.Normal(mean, std) a = p.sample() succ, r, done, _ = env.step( env.done = done buffer.append(Step(s, a, r, succ, done)) s = np_to_var(env.reset()) if done else succ
def test_batch_with_labels(net, file, resize = False, batch_size = 10, image_size = 384, smooth = 1.0, lam = 1.0): ''' Test on a validation dataset (here we only consider BCE loss instead of focal loss). No TTA or ensemble used at this case. Parameters: @net: the object for network model. @file: root directory of the validation dataset. @resize: boolean flag for image resize. @batch_size: batch size @image_size: the size that the image is converted to. @smooth: number to be added on denominator and numerator when compute dice loss. @lam: weight to balance the dice loss in the final combined loss. Return: average loss (BCE + dice) over batches F1 score of the test ''' # keep original data data_augment = False rotate = False change_color = False test_dataset = utils.MyDataset(file, resize, data_augment, image_size, rotate, change_color) dataloader = utils_data.DataLoader(dataset = test_dataset, batch_size = batch_size, shuffle=False) epoch_loss = 0.0 numer = 0.0 denom = 0.0 gamma = 0.0 loss_type = 'bce' Loss = utils.loss(smooth, lam, gamma, loss_type) for i, batch in enumerate(dataloader): print('Test on batch %d'%i) image = utils.np_to_var(batch['image']) mask = utils.np_to_var(batch['mask']) pred = net.forward(image) loss = Loss.final_loss(pred, mask) epoch_loss += * batch_size mask = utils.var_to_np(mask) pred = utils.var_to_np(pred) numer += (mask * (pred > 0.5)).sum() denom += mask.sum() + (pred > 0.5).sum() epoch_loss /= len(test_dataset) f1 = 2.0 * numer / denom return epoch_loss, f1
def evaluate_model(net, net_input, img_np, img_noisy_np, num_iter=6000, show_every=500, report=True, figsize=10): loss_fn=torch.nn.MSELoss().type(dtype) input_noise=True LR=0.01 reg_noise_std=1./30. net_input_saved = noise = img_noisy_var = utils.np_to_var(img_noisy_np).type(dtype) psnr_history = [] def closure(i): if input_noise: = net_input_saved + (noise.normal_() * reg_noise_std) out = net(net_input) total_loss = loss_fn(out, img_noisy_var) total_loss.backward() psrn = compare_psnr(utils.var_to_np(out), img_np) psnr_history.append(psrn) if report: print ('Iteration %05d Loss %f PSNR %.3f' % (i,[0], psrn), '\r', end='') if i % show_every == 0: out_np = utils.var_to_np(out) utils.plot_image_grid([np.clip(out_np, 0, 1)], factor=figsize, nrow=1) return total_loss print('Starting optimization with ADAM') optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=LR) for j in range(num_iter): optimizer.zero_grad() closure(j) optimizer.step() if report: out_np = utils.var_to_np(net(net_input)) q = utils.plot_image_grid([np.clip(out_np, 0, 1), img_np], factor=13); data = {} data['psnr_history'] = psnr_history pickle.dump(data, open('denoising_psnr.p','wb')) max_index, max_value = max(enumerate(psnr_history), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) return max_index, max_value
def test_single_image(net, file, size = 384, resize = True): ''' Test a single image with the trained model. Parameters: @net: the object for network model. @file: name of the image file for test. @size: the size that the image is converted to. @resize: boolean flag for image resize. Return: predicted segmentation mask original image covered by the red mask ''' uint_image = io.imread(file) test_image_origin = np.array(uint_image).astype(np.float32) / 255.0 # convert the resized image to a Torch tensor with batch size 1 if resize: test_image_origin = transform.resize(test_image_origin, (size, size), mode = 'constant', anti_aliasing = True) test_image = np.moveaxis(test_image_origin, 2, 0).astype(np.float32) # tensor format else: test_image = test_image_origin test_image = np.moveaxis(test_image, 2, 0).astype(np.float32) # tensor format test_image = np.expand_dims(test_image, axis = 0) test_image = utils.np_to_var(torch.from_numpy(test_image)) pred_test = net.forward(test_image) pred_np = utils.var_to_np(pred_test)[0][0] # predicted confidence map # convert prediction to binary segmentation mask new_mask = (pred_np >= 0.5) # make a red cover on the original image for visualization of segmentation result channel = test_image_origin[:, :, 0] channel[new_mask] = 1.0 test_image_origin[:, :, 0] = channel mask = new_mask * 255 return mask.astype(np.uint8), test_image_origin
s = np_to_var(env.reset()) if done else succ if __name__ == "__main__": envs = [gym.make(env) for env in args.env_names] # TODO assert that all envs have same state and action spaces # Start with random env for env in envs: env.done = False env = random.choice(envs) S = int( A = int( H = hidden_size = 50 policies = [Policy(S, H, A) for _ in range(args.num_policies)] buffer = ReplayBuffer(args.max_buffer_size) s = env.reset() master = MasterPolicy(S, H, args.num_policies) P = master(np_to_var(s)) for t in itertools.count(): # pick new subpolicy every X steps if t % args.subpolicy_duration == 0: policy = policies[int(P.sample())] rollout(env, s, policy, buffer, args.subpolicy_duration)
def prepare(args): dataset_path = args.dataset_path save_path = args.save_processed_data_path user_item_matrix, raw_side_feature_v, raw_side_feature_u = preprocess( dataset_path, save_path) num_user, num_item = user_item_matrix.shape mask = user_item_matrix > 0 mask_new = mask + np.random.uniform(0, 1, (num_user, num_item)) train_mask = (mask_new <= (1 + args.split_ratio)) & mask test_mask = (mask_new > (1 + args.split_ratio)) & mask user_item_matrix_train = user_item_matrix + 0 user_item_matrix_train[test_mask] = 0 user_item_matrix_test = user_item_matrix + 0 user_item_matrix_test[train_mask] = 0 all_M_u = [] all_M_v = [] all_M = [] for i in range(args.rate_num): M_r = user_item_matrix_train == (i + 1) all_M_u.append(utils.normalize(M_r)) all_M_v.append(utils.normalize(M_r.T)) all_M.append(M_r) all_M = np.array(all_M) mask = user_item_matrix_train > 0 ### side feature loading and processing if args.use_data_whitening: print("Using data whitening!") M_u, mean_u = data_whitening(raw_side_feature_u) M_v, mean_v = data_whitening(raw_side_feature_v) side_feature_u = - mean_u, M_u) side_feature_v = - mean_v, M_v) else: print("Not using data whitening!") side_feature_u = raw_side_feature_u side_feature_v = raw_side_feature_v ############test############ if args.use_data_whitening: adjacency_u = epsilon_similarity_graph(side_feature_u, epsilon=5.7) laplacian_u = compute_laplacian(adjacency_u, True) adjacency_v = epsilon_similarity_graph(side_feature_v, epsilon=52.5) laplacian_v = compute_laplacian(adjacency_v, True) else: adjacency_u = epsilon_similarity_graph(side_feature_u, epsilon=1.1) laplacian_u = compute_laplacian(adjacency_u, True) adjacency_v = epsilon_similarity_graph(side_feature_v, epsilon=2.1) laplacian_v = compute_laplacian(adjacency_v, True) laplacian_u = utils.np_to_var(laplacian_u) laplacian_v = utils.np_to_var(laplacian_v) ### input feature generation feature_dim = num_user + num_item I = np.eye(num_user + num_item) feature_u = I[0:num_user, :] feature_v = I[num_user:, :] return feature_u, feature_v, feature_dim, all_M_u, all_M_v, side_feature_u, side_feature_v, all_M, mask, user_item_matrix_train, user_item_matrix_test, laplacian_u, laplacian_v
def test_single_with_TTA(net, file, size = 384, resize = True): ''' Test a single image with the trained model, using test time augmentation (TTA). Parameters: @net: the object for network model. @file: name of the image file for test. @size: the size that the image is converted to. @resize: boolean flag for image resize. Return: predicted segmentation mask original image covered by the red mask ''' uint_image = io.imread(file) test_image_origin = np.array(uint_image).astype(np.float32) / 255.0 # resize if resize: test_image = transform.resize(test_image_origin, (size, size), mode = 'constant', anti_aliasing = True) else: test_image = test_image_origin # create tensor for collecting 8 images (generated by TTA) image_set = [] for i in range(8): b1 = i // 4 b2 = (i - b1 * 4) // 2 b3 = i - b1 * 4 - b2 * 2 # flip and rotate the image based on perturbed choice tem_image = utils.flip_rotate(test_image, b1, b2, b3, inverse = False) # convert to tensor format tem_image = np.moveaxis(tem_image, 2, 0).astype(np.float32) image_set.append(tem_image) image_tensor = np.array(image_set) # convert to Torch tensor variable image_tensor = utils.np_to_var(torch.from_numpy(image_tensor)) pred_test = net.forward(image_tensor) pred_np = utils.var_to_np(pred_test) pred = np.squeeze(pred_np, axis = 1) # inversely transform each prediction back to the original orientation for i in range(8): b1 = i // 4 b2 = (i - b1 * 4) // 2 b3 = i - b1 * 4 - b2 * 2 pred[i] = utils.flip_rotate(pred[i], b1, b2, b3, inverse = True) # merge into one prediction pred = np.median(pred, axis = 0) # convert prediction to binary segmentation mask new_mask = (pred >= 0.5) # make a red cover on the original image for visualization of segmentation result channel = test_image_origin[:, :, 0] channel[new_mask] = 1.0 test_image_origin[:, :, 0] = channel mask = new_mask * 255 return mask.astype(np.uint8), test_image_origin
def evaluate_model(net, net_input, img_np, img_mask_np, num_iter=6000, show_every=500, report=True, figsize=10): pad = 'zero' OPTIMIZER = 'adam' INPUT = 'noise' input_depth = 32 LR = 0.01 num_iter = 6001 param_noise = False show_every = 500 figsize = 10 net_input_saved = noise = #img_noisy_var = utils.np_to_var(img_noisy_np).type(dtype) # img psnr_history = [] # Loss mse = torch.nn.MSELoss().type(dtype) img_var = utils.np_to_var(img_np).type(dtype) mask_var = utils.np_to_var(img_mask_np).type(dtype) psnr_history = [] def closure(i): #global i if param_noise: for n in [x for x in net.parameters() if len(x.size()) == 4]: +=* out = net(net_input) total_loss = mse(out * mask_var, img_var * mask_var) total_loss.backward() psrn = compare_psnr(utils.var_to_np(out), img_np) psnr_history.append(psrn) if report: print ('Iteration %05d Loss %f PSNR %.3f' % (i,[0], psrn), '\r', end='') if i % show_every == 0: out_np = utils.var_to_np(out) utils.plot_image_grid([np.clip(out_np, 0, 1)], factor=figsize, nrow=1) #i += 1 return total_loss print('Starting optimization with ADAM') optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=LR) for j in range(num_iter): optimizer.zero_grad() closure(j) optimizer.step() if report: out_np = utils.var_to_np(net(net_input)) q = utils.plot_image_grid([np.clip(out_np, 0, 1), img_np], factor=13); data = {} data['psnr_history'] = psnr_history pickle.dump(data, open('inpainting_validation_psnr.p','wb')) max_index, max_value = max(enumerate(psnr_history), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) return max_index, max_value
def train_net(root, resize, data_augment, rotate, change_color, lr, weight_decay, model_choice, save_ckpt, image_size, batch_size, num_epochs, save_test_image, test_image_name, early_stop, early_stop_tol, lr_decay, decay_rate, decay_period, validate_root, loss_type='bce', smooth=1.0, lam=1.0, gamma=2.0): ''' Network training, which will output: 1. log for loss in every iteration, in text file. 2. saved checkpoint which contains the trained parameters, in directory ./parameters 3. segmentation result on the test image, saved in directory ./epoch_output. Parameters: @root: root directory for training dataset. @resize: boolean flag for image resizing. @data_augment: boolean flag for DA8 (randomly rotate 90 degrees, flip horizontally and vertically). @rotate: boolean flag for random rotation to the training images. @change_color: boolean flag for random perturbation on HSV channels of the training images. @lr: learning rate. @weight_decay: weight decay for L2 regularization on the network parameters. @model_choice: 1 for LinkNet, 2 for D-LinkNet, 3 for D-LinkNet+. @save_ckpt: the period (in epochs) to save the checkpoint of the network. @image_size: the image size for the images to trained. @batch_size: batch size for mini-batch stochastic gradient descent. @num_epochs: number of epochs for training. @save_test_image: the period (in epochs) to save the prediction of the test image. @test_image_name: the name of the test image. @early_stop: the boolean flag to have early stop. @early_stop_tol: the tolerance (in number of saving checkpoints) to trigger early stop. @lr_decay: boolean flag for learning rate decay in every decay period. @decay_rate: decay ratio for learning rate, e.g. lr = lr * lr_decay. @decay_period: the period in number of epochs to trigger the learning rate decay. @validate_root: root directory for validation dataset (mainly for evaluation of network during training). @loss_type: either 'bce' (BCE loss) or 'focal' (focal loss). @smooth: number to be added on denominator and numerator when compute dice loss. @lam: weight to balance the dice loss in the final combined loss. @gamma: for focal loss. ''' if os.path.exists('./epoch_output'): shutil.rmtree('./epoch_output') os.makedirs('./epoch_output') if not os.path.exists('./parameters'): os.makedirs('./parameters') weights_name = './parameters/weights' + str(model_choice) net = utils.create_models(model_choice) net.train() # in train mode # net = torch.nn.DataParallel(net, device_ids=range(torch.cuda.device_count())) # create AMSGrad optimizer optimizer = optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=lr, weight_decay=weight_decay, amsgrad=True) Loss = utils.loss(smooth, lam, gamma, loss_type) dataloader = utils.get_data_loader(root, resize, data_augment, image_size, batch_size, rotate, change_color) num_batch = len(dataloader) total_train_iters = num_epochs * num_batch loss_history = [] print('Started training at {}'.format( time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())))) test_loss = 100.0 count = 0 for epoch in range(num_epochs): print('Start epoch ', epoch) epoch_loss = 0 t = time.time() for iteration, batch in enumerate(dataloader, epoch * num_batch + 1): print('Iteration: ', iteration) print('Time for loading the data takes: ', time.time() - t, ' s') t = time.time() image = utils.np_to_var(batch['image']) mask = utils.np_to_var(batch['mask']) optimizer.zero_grad() pred = net.forward(image) loss = Loss.final_loss(pred, mask) loss.backward() optimizer.step() epoch_loss += # print the log info print('Iteration [{:6d}/{:6d}] | loss: {:.4f}'.format( iteration, total_train_iters, print('Time spent on back propagation: ', time.time() - t, ' s') loss_history.append( t = time.time() # save the test image for visualizing the training outcome if (epoch + 1) % save_test_image == 0: with torch.no_grad(): _, test_image = test.test_single_image(net, test_image_name, resize=False) io.imsave('./epoch_output/test_epoch' + str(epoch) + '.png', test_image) # early stop if early_stop and (epoch + 1) % save_ckpt == 0: with torch.no_grad(): loss, f1 = test.test_batch_with_labels(net, validate_root, resize=False, batch_size=10, image_size=image_size, smooth=smooth, lam=lam) print('On the validation dataset, loss: ', loss, ', F1: ', f1) if loss <= test_loss: test_loss = loss count = 0, weights_name) elif count < early_stop_tol: count += 1 lr *= decay_rate for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr print('The new loss is found to be larger than before') else: print('Reach the early stop tolerence...') print('Break the update at ', epoch, 'th epoch') break if not early_stop and (epoch + 1) % save_ckpt == 0: with torch.no_grad():, weights_name) if lr_decay and (epoch + 1) % decay_period == 0: with torch.no_grad(): lr *= decay_rate for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr epoch_loss /= num_batch print('In the epoch ', epoch, ', the average batch loss is ', epoch_loss) if not early_stop:, weights_name) # save the loss history with open('loss.txt', 'wt') as file: file.write('\n'.join(['{}'.format(loss) for loss in loss_history])) file.write('\n')
return states, actions, rewards, succ_states, dones def get_critic_train_data(succ_states, rewards, dones): # r + Q(s, pi(s')) Q_succ = critic_target(succ_states, actor_target(succ_states)).squeeze() td_estimate = rewards + ((1 - dones) * * Q_succ) return td_estimate.detach() actor_opt = Adam(actor.parameters()) critic_opt = Adam(critic.parameters()) buffer = ReplayBuffer(hparams.buffer_size) s, rews = np_to_var(env.reset()), [] for hparam in hparams.trials(5): exp.add_argparse_meta(hparam) for timestep in range(hparam.num_steps): noise = Normal( mean=Variable(torch.zeros(A)), std=hparam.noise_factor * Variable(torch.ones(A)), ) if timestep % 1000 == 0: hparam.noise_factor /= 2 a = actor(s) + noise.sample() succ, r, done, _ = env.step( succ = np_to_var(succ)