def trainingLoopAE(obj, model, num_epoch, train_dataloader, criterion, optimizer, loss_dict, path, device): """ A universal training loop to optimize any loss function Args: obj : Object on which model is to be trained model : Architecture of the neural network num_epoch : number of iterations criterion : loss function which we need to optimize train_dataloader : Training Dataset optimizer : optimize the loss using this optimizer loss_dict : A dictionary to keep track of loss path : location where to store model device : GPU or CPU device """ # Check if path to directory exist. If no: then create one if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) curr_epoch = currEpoch(path) epochs_left = num_epoch - curr_epoch # Load Model if curr_epoch is not -1: model.load_state_dict(torch.load(path + '/' + str(curr_epoch))) # print(model) model.eval() for epoch in range(epochs_left): # loop over the dataset multiple times running_loss = 0.0 for data in train_dataloader: data = # zero the parameter gradients optimizer.zero_grad() # forward + backward + optimize outputs = model(data) loss = criterion(outputs, data) loss.backward() optimizer.step() # print statistics running_loss += loss.item() loss_dict[].append(running_loss) if epoch % 50 == 0: # print every 50 mini-batches plotLoss(loss_dict, plotPointCloud(obj, model) saveModel(path, model, epoch) print(epoch)
def train(epochs=1, batchSize=128): batchCount = X_train.shape[0] // batchSize print('[INIT] Epochs:', epochs) print('[INIT] Batch size:', batchSize) print('[INIT] Batches per epoch:', batchCount) for e in range(1, epochs + 1): print('-' * 15, 'Epoch %d' % e, '-' * 15) for _ in tqdm(range(batchCount)): # Get a random set of input noise and images noise = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=[batchSize, LATENT_SPACE_DIM]) imageBatch = X_train[np.random.randint(0, X_train.shape[0], size=batchSize)] # Generate fake MNIST images generatedImages = generator.predict(noise) X = np.concatenate([imageBatch, generatedImages]) # Labels for generated and real data yDis = np.zeros(2 * batchSize) # One-sided label smoothing yDis[:batchSize] = 0.9 # Train discriminator discriminator.trainable = True dloss = discriminator.train_on_batch(X, yDis) # Train generator noise = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=[batchSize, LATENT_SPACE_DIM]) yGen = np.ones(batchSize) discriminator.trainable = False gloss = gan.train_on_batch(noise, yGen) # Store loss of most recent batch from this epoch dLosses.append(dloss) gLosses.append(gloss) if e == 1 or e % 5 == 0: plotGeneratedImages(e, LATENT_SPACE_DIM) saveModels(e, generator, discriminator) # Plot losses from every epoch plotLoss(e, dLosses, gLosses)
LossHist = OpenPickle('Loss','Loss_{}'.format(j)) # write score to pickle SaveToPickle(score_history,'Score', 'Score_{}'.format(j)) # read pickle ScoreHist = OpenPickle('Score','Score_{}'.format(j)) #PLOT # plot learning filename = 'Plots\Average\Evolving_Average{}.png'.format(j) plotLearning(ScoreHist, filename, window=100) # plot loss filename2 = 'Plots\Loss\Evolving_Loss{}.png'.format(j) plotLoss(LossHist,filename2) #Plot scores for each game in one CV filename3 = 'Plots\Score\Game_Scores{}.png'.format(j) plotScore(n_episodes,score_j,filename3) # write parameters to pickle SaveToPickle(parameters, 'Features', 'Parameters') SaveToPickle(scores_mat, 'Features', 'Matrix_scores')
def training(trainmatrices, trainchromatinpaths, trainchromosomes, validationmatrices, validationchromatinpaths, validationchromosomes, sequencefile, outputpath, modelfilepath, learningrate, numberepochs, batchsize, recordsize, windowsize, flankingsize, maxdist, scalematrix, clampfactors, scalefactors, binsizefactors, modeltype, scoreweight, scoresize, tvweight, structureweight, perceptionweight, optimizer, loss, pixellossweight, earlystopping, debugstate, figuretype, savefreq, flipsamples): #save the input parameters so they can be written to csv later paramDict = locals().copy() if debugstate is not None and debugstate != "Figures": debugstate = int(debugstate) if maxdist is not None: maxdist = min(windowsize, maxdist) paramDict["maxdist"] = maxdist if flankingsize is None: flankingsize = windowsize paramDict["flankingsize"] = flankingsize if scoresize is None and scoreweight > 0.0: scoresize = int(windowsize * 0.25) paramDict["scoresize"] = scoresize #workaround for AlreadyExistsException when using perception loss #root cause seems to be a bug in grappler? if perceptionweight > 0.0: tf.config.optimizer.set_experimental_options( {"arithmetic_optimization": False}) trainChromNameList = trainchromosomes.rstrip().split(" ") trainChromNameList = sorted([x.lstrip("chr") for x in trainChromNameList]) validationChromNameList = validationchromosomes.rstrip().split(" ") validationChromNameList = sorted( [x.lstrip("chr") for x in validationChromNameList]) #number of train matrices must match number of chromatin paths #this is useful for training on matrices and chromatin factors #from different cell lines if len(trainmatrices) != len(trainchromatinpaths): msg = "Number of train matrices and chromatin paths must match\n" msg += "Current numbers: Matrices: {:d}; Chromatin Paths: {:d}" msg = msg.format(len(trainmatrices), len(trainchromatinpaths)) raise SystemExit(msg) if len(validationmatrices) != len(validationchromatinpaths): msg = "Number of validation matrices and chromatin paths must match\n" msg += "Current numbers: Matrices: {:d}; Chromatin Paths: {:d}" msg = msg.format(len(validationmatrices), len(validationchromatinpaths)) raise SystemExit(msg) if len(binsizefactors ) != len(trainchromatinpaths) + len(validationchromatinpaths): msg = "--binsizeFactors/-bsf must be specified for each chromatin path" raise SystemExit(msg) #binsize list - we have one traindata container per chrom and per matrix/chromatin path #container order is chromosomes first binsize_train_list = binsizefactors[:len(trainchromatinpaths)] * len( trainChromNameList) binsize_val_list = binsizefactors[len(trainchromatinpaths):] * len( validationChromNameList) #check if chosen model type matches inputs modelTypeStr = checkSetModelTypeStr(modeltype, sequencefile) paramDict["modeltype"] = modelTypeStr #select the correct class for the data container containerCls = dataContainer.DataContainer #prepare the training data containers. No data is loaded yet. traindataContainerList = [] for chrom in trainChromNameList: for matrix, chromatinpath in zip(trainmatrices, trainchromatinpaths): container = containerCls(chromosome=chrom, matrixfilepath=matrix, chromatinFolder=chromatinpath, sequencefilepath=sequencefile, mode="training") traindataContainerList.append(container) #prepare the validation data containers. No data is loaded yet. validationdataContainerList = [] for chrom in validationChromNameList: for matrix, chromatinpath in zip(validationmatrices, validationchromatinpaths): container = containerCls(chromosome=chrom, matrixfilepath=matrix, chromatinFolder=chromatinpath, sequencefilepath=sequencefile, mode="validation") validationdataContainerList.append(container) #define the load params for the containers loadParams = { "scaleFeatures": scalefactors, "clampFeatures": clampfactors, "scaleTargets": scalematrix, "windowsize": windowsize, "flankingsize": flankingsize, "maxdist": maxdist } #now load the data and write TFRecords, one container at a time. if len(traindataContainerList) == 0: msg = "Exiting. No data found" print(msg) return #nothing to do container0 = traindataContainerList[0] tfRecordFilenames = [] nr_samples_list = [] for container, feat_binsize in zip( traindataContainerList + validationdataContainerList, binsize_train_list + binsize_val_list): loadParams["featureBinsize"] = feat_binsize container.loadData(**loadParams) if not container0.checkCompatibility(container): msg = "Aborting. Incompatible data" raise SystemExit(msg) tfRecordFilenames.append( container.writeTFRecord(pOutfolder=outputpath, pRecordSize=recordsize)) if debugstate is not None: if isinstance(debugstate, int): idx = debugstate else: idx = None container.plotFeatureAtIndex(idx=idx, outpath=outputpath, figuretype=figuretype) container.saveMatrix(outputpath=outputpath, index=idx) nr_samples_list.append(container.getNumberSamples()) traindataRecords = [ item for sublist in tfRecordFilenames[0:len(traindataContainerList)] for item in sublist ] validationdataRecords = [ item for sublist in tfRecordFilenames[len(traindataContainerList):] for item in sublist ] #different binsizes are ok, as long as no sequence is used #not clear which binsize to use for prediction when they differ during training. #For now, store the max. binsize = max( [container.matrix_binsize for container in traindataContainerList]) paramDict["binsize"] = binsize feature_binsize = max( [container.feature_binsize for container in traindataContainerList]) paramDict["feature_binsize"] = feature_binsize #because of compatibility checks above, #the following properties are the same with all containers, #so just use data from first container nr_factors = container0.nr_factors paramDict["nr_factors"] = nr_factors for i in range(nr_factors): paramDict["chromFactor_" + str(i)] = container0.factorNames[i] sequenceSymbols = container0.sequenceSymbols nr_symbols = None if isinstance(sequenceSymbols, set): nr_symbols = len(sequenceSymbols) nr_trainingSamples = sum(nr_samples_list[0:len(traindataContainerList)]) storedFeaturesDict = container0.storedFeatures #unload the data, it is no longer required and consumes memory for container in traindataContainerList + validationdataContainerList: container.unloadData() #build the requested model model = models.buildModel(pModelTypeStr=modelTypeStr, pWindowSize=windowsize, pBinSizeInt=binsize, pNrFactors=nr_factors, pNrSymbols=nr_symbols, pFlankingSize=flankingsize, pMaxDist=maxdist, pBinsizeFactor=container0.matrix_binsize // container0.feature_binsize) #define optimizer kerasOptimizer = models.getOptimizer(pOptimizerString=optimizer, pLearningrate=learningrate) #build and print the model + 2 * flankingsize, nr_factors)) model.summary() #writers for tensorboard traindatapath = os.path.join(outputpath, "train/") validationDataPath = os.path.join(outputpath, "validation/") if os.path.exists(traindatapath): [ os.remove(os.path.join(traindatapath, f)) for f in os.listdir(traindatapath) ] if os.path.exists(validationDataPath): [ os.remove(os.path.join(validationDataPath, f)) for f in os.listdir(validationDataPath) ] summary_writer_train = tf.summary.create_file_writer(traindatapath) summary_writer_val = tf.summary.create_file_writer(validationDataPath) #save the training parameters to a file before starting to train #(allows recovering the parameters even if training is aborted # and only intermediate models are available) parameterFile = os.path.join(outputpath, "trainParams.csv") with open(parameterFile, "w") as csvfile: dictWriter = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=sorted(list(paramDict.keys()))) dictWriter.writeheader() dictWriter.writerow(paramDict) #plot the model using workaround from tensorflow issue #38988 modelPlotName = "model.{:s}".format(figuretype) modelPlotName = os.path.join(outputpath, modelPlotName) model._layers = [ layer for layer in model._layers if isinstance(layer, tf.keras.layers.Layer) ] #workaround for plotting with custom loss functions tf.keras.utils.plot_model(model, show_shapes=True, to_file=modelPlotName) #build input streams mirror_idxs = records.get_mirror_indices(windowsize) shuffleBufferSize = 3 * recordsize trainDs = traindataRecords,, compression_type="GZIP") trainDs = lambda x: records.parse_function(x, storedFeaturesDict), if flipsamples: tds_mirrored = a, b: records.mirror_function( a["factorData"], b["out_matrixData"], mirror_idxs)) if debugstate == "Figures": tk1 = list(trainDs.take(1).as_numpy_iterator()) tk2 = list(tds_mirrored.take(1).as_numpy_iterator()) tk1_facs = tk1[0][0]["factorData"] tk1_mat = np.zeros((windowsize, windowsize)) tk1_mat[np.triu_indices(windowsize)] = tk1[0][1]["out_matrixData"] tk2_facs = tk2[0][0]["factorData"] tk2_mat = np.zeros_like(tk1_mat) tk2_mat[np.triu_indices(windowsize)] = tk2[0][1]["out_matrixData"] fig1, axs1 = plt.subplots(2, 2) m1 = axs1[0, 0].imshow(np.log(tk1_mat + 1)) m2 = axs1[0, 1].imshow(np.log(tk2_mat + 1)) m3 = axs1[1, 0].imshow(tk1_facs, aspect="auto") m4 = axs1[1, 1].imshow(tk2_facs, aspect="auto") t1 = axs1[1, 0].set_title("standard") t2 = axs1[1, 1].set_title("flipped") axs1[1, 0].xaxis.set_visible(False) axs1[1, 1].xaxis.set_visible(False) flipfigname = "flippedVsStd.{:s}".format(figuretype) flipfigname = os.path.join(outputpath, flipfigname) fig1.savefig(flipfigname) plt.close(fig1) del axs1, fig1, flipfigname, m1, m2, m3, m4, t1, t2 del tk1, tk1_facs, tk1_mat, tk2, tk2_facs, tk2_mat trainDs = trainDs.concatenate(tds_mirrored) trainDs = trainDs.shuffle(buffer_size=shuffleBufferSize, reshuffle_each_iteration=True) trainDs = trainDs.batch(batchsize, drop_remainder=True) trainDs = trainDs.prefetch( validationDs = validationdataRecords,, compression_type="GZIP") validationDs = lambda x: records.parse_function(x, storedFeaturesDict), validationDs = validationDs.batch(batchsize) validationDs = validationDs.prefetch( weights_before = model.layers[1].weights[0].numpy() #filename for plots lossPlotFilename = "lossOverEpochs.{:s}".format(figuretype) lossPlotFilename = os.path.join(outputpath, lossPlotFilename) #models for converting predictions as needed percLossMod = models.getPerceptionModel(windowsize) grayscaleMod = models.getGrayscaleConversionModel(scalingFactor=0.999, windowsize=windowsize) #get the per-pixel loss function (also used for perception loss and score loss) loss_fn = models.getPerPixelLoss(loss) #lists to store loss for each epoch trainLossList_epochs = [] valLossList_epochs = [] #iterate over all epochs and batches in the train/validation datasets #compute gradients and update weights accordingly samples_per_epoch = int(np.floor(nr_trainingSamples / batchsize)) if flipsamples: samples_per_epoch *= 2 for epoch in range(numberepochs): pbar_batch = tqdm(trainDs, total=samples_per_epoch) pbar_batch.set_description("Epoch {:05d}".format(epoch + 1)) trainLossList_batches = [] #lists to store loss for each batch for x, y in pbar_batch: lossVal = trainStep(creationModel=model, grayscaleConversionModel=grayscaleMod, factorInputBatch=x, targetInputBatch=y, optimizer=kerasOptimizer, perceptionLossModel=percLossMod, pixelLossWeight=pixellossweight, ssimWeight=structureweight, tvWeight=tvweight, perceptionWeight=perceptionweight, scoreWeight=scoreweight, lossFn=loss_fn) trainLossList_batches.append(lossVal) pbar_batch.set_postfix({"loss": "{:.4f}".format(lossVal)}) trainLossList_epochs.append(np.mean(trainLossList_batches)) trainLossList_batches = [] with summary_writer_train.as_default(): #pylint: disable=not-context-manager tf.summary.scalar('train_loss', trainLossList_epochs[epoch], step=epoch + 1) valLossList_batches = [] for x, y in validationDs: val_loss = validationStep(creationModel=model, factorInputBatch=x, targetInputBatch=y, pixelLossWeight=pixellossweight) valLossList_batches.append(val_loss) valLossList_epochs.append(np.mean(valLossList_batches)) valLossList_batches = [] with summary_writer_val.as_default(): #pylint: disable=not-context-manager tf.summary.scalar('validation_loss', valLossList_epochs[epoch], step=epoch + 1) #plot loss and save figure every savefreq epochs if (epoch + 1) % savefreq == 0: checkpointFilename = "checkpoint_{:05d}.h5".format(epoch + 1) checkpointFilename = os.path.join(outputpath, checkpointFilename), save_format="h5") utils.plotLoss( pLossValueLists=[trainLossList_epochs, valLossList_epochs], pNameList=["train", "validation"], pFilename=lossPlotFilename) #save the loss values so that they can be plotted again in different formats later on valLossFilename = "val_loss_{:05d}.npy".format(epoch + 1) trainLossFilename = "train_loss_{:05d}.npy".format(epoch + 1) valLossFilename = os.path.join(outputpath, valLossFilename) trainLossFilename = os.path.join(outputpath, trainLossFilename), valLossList_epochs), trainLossList_epochs) del valLossFilename, trainLossFilename weights_after = model.layers[1].weights[0].numpy() print("weight sum before", np.sum(weights_before)) print("weight sum after", np.sum(weights_after)) #store the trained network, save_format="h5") #plot final train- and validation loss over epochs utils.plotLoss(pLossValueLists=[trainLossList_epochs, valLossList_epochs], pNameList=["train", "validation"], pFilename=lossPlotFilename) #delete train- and validation records, if debugstate not set if debugstate is None or debugstate == "Figures": for record in tqdm(traindataRecords + validationdataRecords, desc="Deleting TFRecord files"): if os.path.exists(record): os.remove(record)
def train(self): print('Start to run in mode [Supervied Learning in Source Domain]') self.train_itr = len(self.training_data[0]) // self.best_val_accuracy = [] self.best_val_loss = [] for e in range(1, self.eps + 1): _tr_img, _tr_lab = DA_init.shuffle_data(self.training_data[0], self.training_data[1]) training_acc = 0.0 training_loss = 0.0 for itr in range(self.train_itr): _tr_img_batch, _tr_lab_batch = DA_init.next_batch( _tr_img, _tr_lab,, itr) _train_accuracy, _train_loss, _ = [self.accuracy, self.loss, self.train_op], feed_dict={ self.x: _tr_img_batch, self.y: _tr_lab_batch, self.is_training: True }) training_acc += _train_accuracy training_loss += _train_loss summary =, feed_dict={ self.x: _tr_img_batch, self.y: _tr_lab_batch, self.is_training: False }) training_acc = float(training_acc / self.train_itr) training_loss = float(training_loss / self.train_itr) validation_acc, validation_loss = self.validation_procedure() self.best_val_accuracy.append(validation_acc) self.best_val_loss.append(validation_loss) log1 = "Epoch: [%d], Training Accuracy: [%g], Validation Accuracy: [%g], Loss Training: [%g] " \ "Loss_validation: [%g], Time: [%s]" % \ (e, training_acc, validation_acc, training_loss, validation_loss, time.ctime(time.time())) self.plt_epoch.append(e) self.plt_training_accuracy.append(training_acc) self.plt_training_loss.append(training_loss) self.plt_validation_accuracy.append(validation_acc) self.plt_validation_loss.append(validation_loss) utils.plotAccuracy(x=self.plt_epoch, y1=self.plt_training_accuracy, y2=self.plt_validation_accuracy, figName=self.model, line1Name='training', line2Name='validation', savePath=self.ckptDir) utils.plotLoss(x=self.plt_epoch, y1=self.plt_training_loss, y2=self.plt_validation_loss, figName=self.model, line1Name='training', line2Name='validation', savePath=self.ckptDir) utils.save2file(log1, self.ckptDir, self.model) self.writer.add_summary(summary, e), self.ckptDir + self.model + '-' + str(e)) self.test_procedure() self.best_val_index = self.best_val_accuracy.index( max(self.best_val_accuracy)) log2 = 'Highest Validation Accuracy : [%g], Epoch : [%g]' % ( self.best_val_accuracy[self.best_val_index], self.best_val_index + 1) utils.save2file(log2, self.ckptDir, self.model) self.best_val_index_loss = self.best_val_loss.index( min(self.best_val_loss)) log3 = 'Lowest Validation Loss : [%g], Epoch : [%g]' % ( self.best_val_loss[self.best_val_index_loss], self.best_val_index_loss + 1) utils.save2file(log3, self.ckptDir, self.model)
""" Train Word2Vec """ print('\nTraining W2V...') miniW2V = trainW2V(text, windowSize=8, negWords=20, embedDim=200, nOccur=10, phMinCount=10, phThresh=15, phDepth=4, wInit='xavier', raw=True, optimizer='Adagrad', epochs=100, lr=0.01, patience=5, epsilon=1e-7, tShuff=True, saveFreq=-1, outPath=basepath) print([x for x in miniW2V.trainDs.rwDict.index if '_' in x]) miniW2V.train() miniW2V.saveModel(name='_best_{:.5f}'.format(miniW2V.earlStop.bestScore)) print('Total number of words: {:d}'.format(len(flattenByAdd(miniW2V.trainDs.subsample)))) print('Dictionary size: {:d}'.format(miniW2V.trainDs.wDict.shape[0])) embed = pd.DataFrame(miniW2V.getEmbedded()[:miniW2V.trainDs.rwDict.shape[0]], index=miniW2V.trainDs.rwDict.index) embed.to_hdf(os.path.join(basepath,'embedded.h5'),key='df') """ Plotting """ plotLoss(miniW2V.losses, path=os.path.join(basepath,'batch_loss.png')) words=[miniW2V.trainDs.rwDict.index[0],miniW2V.trainDs.rwDict.index[2],miniW2V.trainDs.rwDict.index[3]] plotUmap(embed, words=words, path=basepath) for word in words: print(word,findClosest(embed, word))
def trainingLoopGAN(obj, training_generator, generator, discriminator, model_name, num_epoch, optimizer_g, optimizer_d, loss_dict, path, device, ae=None, mu=0, sigma=0.2, discriminator_boost=5, lambda_gp=10): """ A universal training loop to optimize any loss function Args: obj : Object on which model is to be trained training_generator : Training Set Generator generator : Architecture of the generator discriminator : Architecture of the generator num_epoch : number of iterations optimizer_g : optimize the loss for generator using this optimizer optimizer_d : optimize the loss for discriminator using this optimizer loss_dict : A dictionary to keep track of loss path : location where to store model device : GPU or CPU device ae : Autoencoder Model mu, sigma : Mean and Standard Deviation for Normal Distribution discriminator_boost : For every training iteration of generator train the critic this many times lambda_gp : Regularizing factor for Gradient Penalty """ # Check if path to directory exist. If no: then create one if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) for epoch in range(num_epoch): # loop over the dataset multiple times running_loss_g = 0.0 running_loss_d = 0.0 for data in training_generator: data = if ae is not None: data = ae(data) for _ in range(discriminator_boost): # zero the parameter gradients optimizer_d.zero_grad() # forward + backward + optimize noise = noiseFunc(mu, sigma, data.shape[0], device) outputs = generator(noise) loss_d_fake = discriminator(outputs).mean() loss_d_fake.backward() loss_d_real = discriminator(data).mean() loss_d = loss_d_real + loss_d_fake # Gradient Penalty for Latent GAN if 'Latent' in grad_penal = compute_gradient_penalty( discriminator, data, outputs, device) loss_d = loss_d + lambda_gp * grad_penal optimizer_d.step() running_loss_d += loss_d optimizer_g.zero_grad() noise = torch.randn((50, 128)).to(device) outputs = generator(noise) loss_g = discriminator(outputs).mean() loss_g.backward() optimizer_g.step() running_loss_g += loss_g loss_dict[].append(running_loss_g) loss_dict[].append(running_loss_d) if epoch % 50 == 0: # print every 10 mini-batches plotLoss(loss_dict, model_name) plotPointCloud(obj, generator) saveModel(path + 'Gen ', generator, epoch) saveModel(path + 'Dis ', discriminator, epoch) print(epoch)
#Error error_P = np.linalg.norm(P_test-P_pred,2)/np.linalg.norm(P_test,2) print("Test Error in P: "+str(error_P)) error_rho = np.linalg.norm(rho_test-rho_pred,2)/np.linalg.norm(rho_test,2) print("Test Error in rho: "+str(error_rho)) error_u = np.linalg.norm(u_test-u_pred,2)/np.linalg.norm(u_test,2) print("Test Error in u: "+str(error_u)) error_v = np.linalg.norm(v_test-v_pred,2)/np.linalg.norm(v_test,2) print("Test Error in v: "+str(error_v)) error_Et = np.linalg.norm(Et_test- Et_pred,2)/np.linalg.norm(Et_test,2) print("Test Error in E: "+str(error_Et)) error_T = np.linalg.norm(T_test- T_pred,2)/np.linalg.norm(T_test,2) print("Test Error in T: "+str(error_T)) if(args.plot == "1"): utils.plotLoss(model_path + '%s_bp=%s_loss.csv'%(project_name,pb), 0,1000,0,1) utils.plotAll(model_path, x_test, y_test, P_test, rho_test, u_test, v_test, Et_test, P_pred, rho_pred, u_pred, v_pred, Et_pred)
history1 =, y_train, batch_size=batch_size, validation_data=(x_valid, y_valid), epochs=num_epochs, callbacks=my_callbacks1) with open('vgg_history.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(history1.history, f) ### model.evaluate(x_test, y_test) val_loss = (history1.history['val_loss']) train_loss = (history1.history['loss']) plotLoss(val_loss, train_loss) val_accuracy = history1.history['val_accuracy'] train_accuracy = history1.history['accuracy'] plotAccuracy(val_accuracy, train_accuracy) y_pred = model.predict(x_test) y_test_label = [class_labels[i] for i in np.argmax(y_test, axis=1)] y_pred_label = [class_labels[i] for i in np.argmax(y_pred, axis=1)] plotConfusionMatrix(class_labels, y_test_label, y_pred_label, title='Confusion matrix - vgg16') #--- ### train model with data augmentation
print("Test Error in u: "+str(error_u)) error_v = np.linalg.norm(v_test-v_pred,2)/np.linalg.norm(v_test,2) print("Test Error in v: "+str(error_v)) error_Et = np.linalg.norm(Et_test- Et_pred,2)/np.linalg.norm(Et_test,2) print("Test Error in E: "+str(error_Et)) print("%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f"%(error_P,error_rho,error_u,error_v,error_Et)) print("%.3f"%((error_P+error_rho+error_u+error_v+error_Et)/5)) if(args.plot == "1"): utils.plotLoss( save, model_path + '%s_bp=%s'%(project_name,pb), 0, 600, 0, 10) elif(args.plot == "2"): utils.plotAll_1D( save, x_test, y_test, P_test, rho_test, u_test, v_test, Et_test, P_pred, rho_pred, u_pred,