コード例 #1
def viz(inpath, outpath='sample/', save_fig=False):
    viz_sample is a function that visualize key points annotation of a single hand from this dataset

        :param inpath: path to this dataset
        :param outpath: output path of the visualized image, if save_fig is True
        :param save_fig: whether to save the visualized image. Default to False

    :return: None
    for sub_dir in os.listdir(inpath):
        dir = os.path.join(inpath, sub_dir)
        out_dir = os.path.join(outpath, sub_dir)
        frame_list = os.listdir(dir)
        frame_list = [frame for frame in frame_list if frame.endswith('.png')]
        for frame in frame_list:
            imgpath = os.path.join(dir, frame)
            kp_path = dir + frame[0:4] + '_joint2D.txt'
            kp = read_kp(kp_path)
            img = cv2.imread(imgpath)
            plothand(img, kp)
            if save_fig:
                if not os.path.exists(out_dir):
                    os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
                cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(outpath, frame[0:4]+'.jpg'), img)
                cv2.imshow(frame, img)
コード例 #2
def viz(savefig=False):
     viz is a function that crop and visualize keypoint annotation on image

         :param savefig : whether to save the visualized image. default to False

        :return None
    outpath = './sample/'

    # Input data paths
    folder_path = 'D:\Hand-data\CMU\hand143_panopticdb/'  # Put your local path here
    json_path = folder_path + 'hands_v143_14817.json'

    with open(json_path, 'r') as fid:
        dat_all = json.load(fid)
        dat_all = dat_all['root']

    # dat = dat_all[0]  # Choose one element as an example

    for dat in dat_all[0:3]:
        pts = np.array(dat['joint_self'], dtype=float)
        invalid = pts[:, 2] != 1

        imgpath = dat['img_paths']
        imgpath = folder_path + imgpath
        img = cv2.imread(imgpath)

        # find bounding point for each img (hand)
        x_min = min(pts[:, 0])
        x_max = max(pts[:, 0])
        y_min = min(pts[:, 1])
        y_max = max(pts[:, 1])
        x_min = x_min - (x_max - x_min) / 2
        x_max = x_max + (x_max - x_min) / 2
        y_min = y_min - (y_max - y_min) / 2
        y_max = y_max + (y_max - y_min) / 2
        x_min, x_max = max(0, x_min), min(img.shape[1], x_max)
        y_min, y_max = max(0, y_min), min(img.shape[0], y_max)
        hand_bbox = [x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max]

        # Plot annotations
        img_crop = img[int(y_min):int(y_max), int(x_min):int(x_max)]
        pts[:, 0] = pts[:, 0] - x_min
        pts[:, 1] = pts[:, 1] - y_min

        plothand(img_crop, pts)
        if savefig:
            if not os.path.isdir(outpath):
            cv2.imwrite(outpath + dat['img_paths'][5:-4] + '.jpg', img_crop)
            cv2.imshow(dat['img_paths'][5:-4], img_crop)
コード例 #3
def viz(outpath, savefig=False):
     viz is a function that crop and visualize keypoint annotation on image

         :param outpath: the output path of image if savefile is True
         :param savefig : whether to save the visualized image. default to False

        :return None
    with open(os.path.join(folder_path + 'annotation.pkl'), 'rb') as f:
        data = pickle.load(f)

    with open(os.path.join(folder_path + 'camera_data.pkl'), 'rb') as f:
        cam = pickle.load(f)

    mode_data = data['training_data']
    # mode_data = data['testing_data']

    for i, sample in enumerate(mode_data):
        if i > 15:
        seq_name = sample['seqName']
        frame_str = sample['frame_str']
        frame_path = os.path.join(folder_path, 'hdImgs/{}/{}'.format(seq_name, frame_str))
        outdir_parent = os.path.join(outpath, seq_name, frame_str)

        if 'left_hand' in sample:
            # this means left hands exists, then we project 3d to 31 different camera
            outdir = os.path.join(outdir_parent, 'left')
            if savefig:
                if not os.path.exists(outdir):
            for c in range(31):
                img_name = os.path.join(frame_path, '00_{:02d}_{}.jpg'.format(c, frame_str))
                # since some camera image is missing, we need to judge whether image exists
                if os.path.exists(img_name) and sum(sample['left_hand']['2D'][c]['occluded']) <= 5:
                    calib_data = cam[seq_name][c]
                    # kp process
                    left_hand_landmark = np.array(sample['left_hand']['landmarks']).reshape(-1, 3)
                    left_kp_2d, camera_3d = project(left_hand_landmark, calib_data)
                    angle = hand_angle(camera_3d)

                    # image process
                    img = cv2.imread(img_name)
                    x_min = min(left_kp_2d[:, 0])
                    x_max = max(left_kp_2d[:, 0])
                    y_min = min(left_kp_2d[:, 1])
                    y_max = max(left_kp_2d[:, 1])
                    crop_x_min = max(0, int(x_min - ((x_max - x_min) / 2)))
                    crop_x_max = min(img.shape[1] - 1, int(x_max + ((x_max - x_min) / 2)))
                    crop_y_min = max(0, int(y_min - ((y_max - y_min) / 2)))
                    crop_y_max = min(img.shape[0] - 1, int(y_max + ((y_max - y_min) / 2)))
                    img = img[crop_y_min:crop_y_max, crop_x_min:crop_x_max]
                    left_kp_2d[:, 0] = left_kp_2d[:, 0] - crop_x_min
                    left_kp_2d[:, 1] = left_kp_2d[:, 1] - crop_y_min

                    plothand(img, left_kp_2d)
                    if savefig:
                        outpath_img = os.path.join(outdir, '00_{:02d}_{}.jpg'.format(c, frame_str))
                        cv2.imwrite(outpath_img, img)
                        cv2.imshow('00_{:02d}_{}.jpg'.format(c, frame_str), img)
        if 'right_hand' in sample:
            # this means left hands exists, then we project 3d to 31 different camera
            outdir = os.path.join(outdir_parent, 'right')
            if savefig:
                if not os.path.exists(outdir):
            for c in range(31):
                img_name = os.path.join(frame_path, '00_{:02d}_{}.jpg'.format(c, frame_str))
                # since some camera image is missing, we need to judge whether image exists
                if os.path.exists(img_name) and sum(sample['right_hand']['2D'][c]['occluded']) <= 5:
                    calib_data = cam[seq_name][c]
                    # kp process
                    right_hand_landmark = np.array(sample['right_hand']['landmarks']).reshape(-1, 3)
                    right_kp_2d, camera_3d = project(right_hand_landmark, calib_data)
                    angle = hand_angle(camera_3d)

                    # image process
                    img = cv2.imread(img_name)
                    x_min = min(right_kp_2d[:, 0])
                    x_max = max(right_kp_2d[:, 0])
                    y_min = min(right_kp_2d[:, 1])
                    y_max = max(right_kp_2d[:, 1])
                    crop_x_min = max(0, int(x_min - ((x_max - x_min) / 2)))
                    crop_x_max = min(img.shape[1] - 1, int(x_max + ((x_max - x_min) / 2)))
                    crop_y_min = max(0, int(y_min - ((y_max - y_min) / 2)))
                    crop_y_max = min(img.shape[0] - 1, int(y_max + ((y_max - y_min) / 2)))
                    img = img[crop_y_min:crop_y_max, crop_x_min:crop_x_max]
                    right_kp_2d[:, 0] = right_kp_2d[:, 0] - crop_x_min
                    right_kp_2d[:, 1] = right_kp_2d[:, 1] - crop_y_min

                    plothand(img, right_kp_2d)
                    if savefig:
                        outpath_img = os.path.join(outdir, '00_{:02d}_{}.jpg'.format(c, frame_str))
                        cv2.imwrite(outpath_img, img)
                        cv2.imshow('00_{:02d}_{}.jpg'.format(c, frame_str), img)
コード例 #4
def viz_sample(camera_list,
    viz_sample is a function that visualize key points annotation of a single hand from this dataset

        :param camera_list: camera calibration matrix
        :param inpath: input path of a particular frame, such as 'HUMBI/subject_1/hand/00000001'
        :param outpath: output path of the visualized image, if save_fig is True
        :param save_fig: whether to save the visualized image. default to False
        :param put_angle: whether to present hand angle info
        :param is_left: whether the hand is left hand. (1-left hand, 0-right hand, -1-unknown)
        :return: None
    if is_left:
        indir = inpath + '/image_cropped/left/'
        kp_path = inpath + '/reconstruction/keypoints_l.txt'
        indir = inpath + '/image_cropped/right/'
        kp_path = inpath + '/reconstruction/keypoints_r.txt'
    kp_3d = read_kp_3d(kp_path)
    with open(indir + 'list.txt') as file:
        file_content = file.read()
        crop_info = file_content.split('\n')
    for info in crop_info:
        if info != '':
            id = int(info.split(' ')[0])
            img_name = 'image%07d.png' % id
            bbox = [float(num) for num in info.split(' ')[1:5]]

            scale_x = (bbox[1] - bbox[0] + 1) / 250
            scale_y = (bbox[3] - bbox[2] + 1) / 250
            # find corresponding camera matrix
            for cam in (item for item in camera_list if item['id'] == id):
                camera_param = cam
            M = camera_param['project']
            C = camera_param['C']
            R = camera_param['R']
            K = camera_param['intrinsic']
            T = -np.matmul(R, C)
            ex = np.hstack((R, T))  # 3*4
            M2 = np.matmul(K, ex)
            kp_2d = project2d(kp_3d, M2)  # 21*2

            kp_camera = project_camera(kp_3d, ex)  # 21*3
            angle = hand_angle(kp_camera)

            kp_2d[:, 0] = (kp_2d[:, 0] - bbox[0]) / scale_x
            kp_2d[:, 1] = (kp_2d[:, 1] - bbox[2]) / scale_y
            img = cv2.imread(indir + img_name)
            plothand(img, kp_2d)
            if put_angle:
                cv2.putText(img, 'angle: %.2f' % angle, (15, 40),
                            cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.75, (0, 0, 255), 1)
            if save_fig:
                outpath_img = outpath + 'image%07d.jpg' % id
                cv2.imwrite(outpath_img, img)
                cv2.imshow(str(id), img)
コード例 #5
def viz(data,
    viz_sample is a function that visualize key points annotation of a single hand from this dataset

        :param data: dataset loaded from json annotation files
        :param ann_index: annotation index
        :param regressor: regressor of mesh points
        :param save_fig: whether to save the visualized image. default to False
        :param db_root: path to the database
        :param outpath: output path of the visualized image, if save_fig is True
    :return: None
    import numpy as np
    from os.path import join

    ann, img = retrieve_sample(data, ann_index)
    video_id = img['name'].split('/')[1]
    if video_id not in unavailable_list:
        inpath_img = join(db_root, img['name'])
        if os.path.exists(inpath_img):
            img = cv2.imread(inpath_img)
            vertices = np.array(ann['vertices'])
            x_min = min(vertices[:, 0])
            x_max = max(vertices[:, 0])
            y_min = min(vertices[:, 1])
            y_max = max(vertices[:, 1])
            crop_x_min = max(0, int(x_min - ((x_max - x_min) / 2)))
            crop_x_max = min(img.shape[1] - 1,
                             int(x_max + ((x_max - x_min) / 2)))
            crop_y_min = max(0, int(y_min - ((y_max - y_min) / 2)))
            crop_y_max = min(img.shape[0] - 1,
                             int(y_max + ((y_max - y_min) / 2)))
            img_crop = img[crop_y_min:crop_y_max, crop_x_min:crop_x_max]

            # compute 2d keypoints info
            temp = vertices + np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.3])
            Jtr_x = np.matmul(regressor, temp[:, 0])
            Jtr_y = np.matmul(regressor, temp[:, 1])
            Jtr_z = np.matmul(regressor, temp[:, 2])
            kp = np.vstack([Jtr_x, Jtr_y, Jtr_z]).T  # 16*3

            vertices[:, 0] = vertices[:, 0] - crop_x_min
            vertices[:, 1] = vertices[:, 1] - crop_y_min
            kp[:, 0] = kp[:, 0] - crop_x_min
            kp[:, 1] = kp[:, 1] - crop_y_min

            pts = get_keypoints_from_mesh_ch(vertices, kp)  # 21*3
            plothand(img_crop, pts)
            if save_fig:
                outpath_img = outpath + str(ann['id']) + '.jpg'
                cv2.imwrite(outpath_img, img_crop)
                cv2.imshow(ann['id'], img_crop)
            print('missing: ' + inpath_img)
コード例 #6
def viz(savfig=False):
     viz is a function that crop and visualize keypoint annotation on image

         :param savfig : whether to save the visualized image. default to False

        :return None
    # output data paths. Replace your own output path here
    outpath = './sample/'

    # Input data paths. Replace your own input path here
    # paths = ['synth1/', 'synth2/', 'synth3', 'synth4']
    paths = ['manual_test/', 'manual_train/']
    inpath = paths[0]

    files = sorted([f for f in os.listdir(inpath) if f.endswith('.json')])

    for f in files[-2:-1]:
        with open(inpath + f, 'r') as fid:
            dat = json.load(fid)

        # Each file contains 1 hand annotation, with 21 points in
        # 'hand_pts' of size 21x3, following this scheme:
        # https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose/blob/master/doc/output.md#hand-output-format
        # The 3rd column is 1 if valid:
        pts = np.array(dat['hand_pts'])
        invalid = pts[:, 2] != 1
        im = cv2.imread(inpath + f[0:-5] + '.jpg')

        # find bounding box for each img (hand)
        x_max = 0
        y_max = 0
        x_min = 10000
        y_min = 10000
        for p in range(pts.shape[0]):
            if pts[p, 2] != 0:
                if pts[p, 0] < x_min:
                    x_min = pts[p, 0]
                if pts[p, 0] > x_max:
                    x_max = pts[p, 0]
                if pts[p, 1] < y_min:
                    y_min = pts[p, 1]
                if pts[p, 1] > y_max:
                    y_max = pts[p, 1]
        crop_x_min = max(0, int(x_min - ((x_max - x_min) / 2)))
        crop_x_max = min(im.shape[1] - 1, int(x_max + ((x_max - x_min) / 2)))
        crop_y_min = max(0, int(y_min - ((y_max - y_min) / 2)))
        crop_y_max = min(im.shape[0] - 1, int(y_max + ((y_max - y_min) / 2)))

        im_crop = im[crop_y_min:crop_y_max, crop_x_min:crop_x_max]
        pts[:, 0] = pts[:, 0] - crop_x_min
        pts[:, 1] = pts[:, 1] - crop_y_min
        # Plot annotations
        plothand(im_crop, pts)
        if savfig:
            if not os.path.isdir(outpath):
            cv2.imwrite(outpath + f[0:-5] + '.jpg', im_crop)
            cv2.imshow(f[0:-5], im_crop)
コード例 #7
def viz(inpath, save_fig=False):
    normdat is a function that convert this dataset to standard ezxr format output

        :param inpath: local path to the STB dataset
        :param save_fig: whether to save the visualized image. default to False

        :return: None
    root = inpath
    out_dir = out_path
    dirs = os.listdir(root)
    dirs = [
        i for i in dirs
        if i.startswith('B6') and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(root, i))
    labels_dir = os.path.join(root, 'labels')

    # exclude_dir = ['B1Counting', 'B1Random', 'B2Counting', 'B2Random']
    # dirs = [x for x in dirs if x not in exclude_dir]
    for img_dir in dirs:
        imgs_name = os.listdir(os.path.join(root, img_dir))
        imgs_name = [i for i in imgs_name if i.endswith('.png')]
        left_imgs = [i for i in imgs_name if 'BB_left' in i]
        right_imgs = [i for i in imgs_name if 'BB_right' in i]
        sk_color_imgs = [i for i in imgs_name if 'SK_color' in i]
        outpath = os.path.join(out_dir, img_dir)

        lr_mat_data = sio.loadmat(os.path.join(
            labels_dir, img_dir + '_BB.mat'))['handPara']  # 3*21*1500
        sk_mat_data = sio.loadmat(os.path.join(labels_dir, img_dir +

        left_sample = left_imgs
        right_sample = right_imgs
        sk_sample = sk_color_imgs
        for i in range(len(left_imgs)):
            if i > 1:
            # left
            left_img_path = os.path.join(root, img_dir, left_sample[i])
            ind_left = int((left_sample[i].strip('.png')).split('_')[-1])
            img = cv2.imread(left_img_path)
            label = lr_mat_data[..., ind_left]
            pts = trans_uvd(label)
            plothand(img, pts)
            if save_fig:
                if not os.path.exists(outpath):
                outpath_img = outpath + '/' + left_sample[i][:-4] + '.jpg'
                cv2.imwrite(outpath_img, img)
                cv2.imshow(left_sample[i][:-4], img)

            # right
            right_img_path = os.path.join(root, img_dir, right_sample[i])
            ind_right = int((right_sample[i].strip('.png')).split('_')[-1])
            img = cv2.imread(right_img_path)
            right_label = lr_mat_data[..., ind_right]
            label = right_label - np.mat(lr_trans).reshape([3, 1])
            pts = trans_uvd(label)
            plothand(img, pts)
            if save_fig:
                if not os.path.exists(outpath):
                outpath_img = outpath + '/' + right_sample[i][:-4] + '.jpg'
                cv2.imwrite(outpath_img, img)
                cv2.imshow(right_sample[i][:-4], img)

            sk_img_path = os.path.join(root, img_dir, sk_sample[i])
            ind_sk = int((sk_sample[i].strip('.png')).split('_')[-1])
            img = cv2.imread(sk_img_path)
            # depth = cv2.imread(sk_img_path.replace('color', 'depth'))
            sk_label = sk_mat_data[..., ind_sk]
            label = np.mat(sk_rot).transpose() * (
                sk_label - np.mat(sk_trans).reshape([3, 1]))
            pts = trans_uvd(label)
            plothand(img, pts)
            if save_fig:
                if not os.path.exists(outpath):
                outpath_img = outpath + '/' + sk_sample[i][:-4] + '.jpg'
                cv2.imwrite(outpath_img, img)
                cv2.imshow(sk_sample[i][:-4], img)