コード例 #1
ファイル: beta.py プロジェクト: paula-tataru/SpikeyTree
def distr_mom(bins, mean, alpha, beta, loss=None, fix=None):
    '''calculate a discretized distribution
    from the two shape parameters, loss and fixation probabilities'''
    if fix is None:
        # beta distribution
        if alpha == -1 or beta == -1:
            # set full probability in the mean
            res_distr = np.zeros(len(bins) - 1)
            res_distr[utils.pos(mean, bins)] = 1
            prob = stats.beta.cdf(bins, alpha, beta)
            res_distr = prob[1:] - prob[:-1]
        # beta distribution with spikes
        poly_prob = 1 - loss - fix
        res_distr = np.zeros(len(bins) + 1)
        res_distr[0] = loss
        res_distr[-1] = fix
        if alpha == -1 or beta == -1:
            # set the rest of the probability in the mean
            res_distr[utils.pos(mean, bins)] += poly_prob
            prob = stats.beta.cdf(bins, alpha, beta)
            res_distr[1:-1] = poly_prob * (prob[1:] - prob[:-1])

    return res_distr
コード例 #2
ファイル: policies.py プロジェクト: TueVJ/stBaCU
def get_storage_max_power(ts, eta_in = 1., eta_out = 1., storage_capacity = NaN,return_storage_filling_time_series=False):
    """Policy 2"""
    if ts.min() >= -1e-10 or ts.max() <= 1e-10:
        return ts, 0
    indices, integrals = get_indices_and_integrals(ts)
    storing_potential = eta_in * eta_out * sum(integrals * (integrals > 0))
    extracting_potential = -sum(integrals * (integrals < 0))

    storage_start, used_storage = get_storage_start(integrals, eta_in, eta_out, 
                                      storing_potential > extracting_potential)
    #print storage_start, used_storage
    storage_usage_ts = get_storage_usage_ts(integrals, storage_start, eta_in, eta_out, storage_capacity, storing_potential > extracting_potential)
    #print (pos(storage_usage_ts) * eta_in - neg(storage_usage_ts) / eta_in).sum()

    extracting = zeros_like(ts)
    storing = zeros_like(ts)

	## If start and end have the same sign, we need to ensure distribution
	## across the cyclic boundaries.
    end_to_start_slice = concatenate((ts[indices[-1] + 1:],ts[:indices[0] + 1]))
    if storage_usage_ts[0] < 0:
        end_to_start_extracting = -burn_off(-end_to_start_slice, -storage_usage_ts[0])
        extracting[indices[-1] + 1:] = end_to_start_extracting[:len(extracting[indices[-1] + 1:])]
        extracting[:indices[0] + 1] = end_to_start_extracting[len(extracting[indices[-1] + 1:]):]
        end_to_start_storing = burn_off(pos(end_to_start_slice), pos(storage_usage_ts[0]))
        storing[indices[-1] + 1:] = end_to_start_storing[:len(extracting[indices[-1] + 1:])]
        storing[:indices[0] + 1] = end_to_start_storing[len(extracting[indices[-1] + 1:]):]
    ## Distribute across all other intervals.
    for x in arange(len(indices)-1) + 1:
        current_slice = ts[indices[x - 1] + 1: indices[x] + 1]
        #print x
        if storage_usage_ts[x] < 0:
            #print indices[x]
            extracting[indices[x - 1] + 1: indices[x] + 1] = -burn_off(-current_slice, -storage_usage_ts[x])
            storing[indices[x - 1] + 1: indices[x] + 1] = burn_off(pos(current_slice), pos(storage_usage_ts[x]))

#    figure()
    #plot(storing, lw = 5)
#    #plot(extracting, lw = 10)
    #plot(ts - storing - extracting+ 1)
#    figure()
    storage_filling_with_offset = eta_in * storing.cumsum() + extracting.cumsum() / eta_out
    storage_filling_without_offset = storage_filling_with_offset - storage_filling_with_offset.min()
    used_storage = storage_filling_with_offset.max() - storage_filling_with_offset.min()
    if return_storage_filling_time_series:
	    return ts - storing - extracting, used_storage, storage_filling_without_offset
        return ts - storing - extracting, used_storage
コード例 #3
ファイル: policies.py プロジェクト: TueVJ/stBaCU
def get_storage_min_balancing_power(mismatch, offset = 0, fast_eta_in = 1., fast_eta_out = 1., slow_eta_in = .6, slow_eta_out = .6, full_output = True):

    slow_excess = pos(get_smoothed(mismatch - offset, 24))
    slow_deficiency = neg(get_smoothed(mismatch - offset, 24))
    #print "sum(slow_storing): ", sum(slow_storing)
    h = find_height(-mismatch, (slow_eta_in * slow_eta_out) * sum(slow_storing))
    if h < 0:
        print "WARNING!"
    slow_extracting = pos(-mismatch - h)
    #print "sum(slow_extracting): ", sum(slow_extracting)
    excess = pos(mismatch)
    fast_excess = pos(excess - slow_storing)

    deficiency = neg(mismatch) + neg(excess - slow_storing)

    residual_deficiency = pos(deficiency - slow_extracting)

    fast_storing = fast_excess + neg(deficiency - slow_extracting)
    #print "sum(fast_storing): ", sum(fast_storing)

    k = find_height(residual_deficiency, sum(fast_storing)*(fast_eta_in * fast_eta_out))
    if k < 0:
        print "WARNING!"
    fast_extracting = pos(residual_deficiency - k)
    #print "sum(fast_extracting): ", sum(fast_extracting)

    new_mismatch = mismatch + (slow_extracting + fast_extracting) - (slow_storing + fast_storing)

    if full_output:
        return new_mismatch, fast_storing, fast_extracting, slow_storing, slow_extracting
    else: return new_mismatch
コード例 #4
ファイル: policies.py プロジェクト: TueVJ/stBaCU
def get_storage_min_storage_power(ts, eta_in = 1., eta_out = 1., storage_capacity = NaN):
    indices, integrals = get_indices_and_integrals(ts)
    storing_potential = eta_in * eta_out * sum(integrals * (integrals > 0))
    extracting_potential = -sum(integrals * (integrals < 0))

    storage_start, used_storage = get_storage_start(integrals, eta_in, eta_out, 
                                      storing_potential > extracting_potential)
    #print storage_start, used_storage
    storage_usage_ts = get_storage_usage_ts(integrals, storage_start, eta_in, eta_out, storage_capacity, storing_potential > extracting_potential)
    extracting = zeros_like(ts)
    storing = zeros_like(ts)

    end_to_start_slice = concatenate((ts[indices[-1] + 1:],ts[:indices[0] + 1]))
    if storage_usage_ts[0] < 0:
        end_to_start_extracting = -end_to_start_slice - pos(-end_to_start_slice - find_height(-end_to_start_slice, -end_to_start_slice.sum() + storage_usage_ts[0]))
        extracting[indices[-1] + 1:] = -end_to_start_extracting[:len(extracting[indices[-1] + 1:])]
        extracting[:indices[0] + 1] = -end_to_start_extracting[len(extracting[indices[-1] + 1:]):]
        end_to_start_storing = pos(end_to_start_slice - pos(end_to_start_slice - find_height(end_to_start_slice, end_to_start_slice.sum() - storage_usage_ts[0])))
        storing[indices[-1] + 1:] = end_to_start_storing[:len(extracting[indices[-1] + 1:])]
        storing[:indices[0] + 1] = end_to_start_storing[len(extracting[indices[-1] + 1:]):]
    for x in arange(len(indices)-1) + 1:
        current_slice = ts[indices[x - 1] + 1: indices[x] + 1]
        #print x
        if storage_usage_ts[x] < 0:
            #print indices[x]
            extracting[indices[x - 1] + 1: indices[x] + 1] = current_slice + pos(-current_slice - find_height(-current_slice, -current_slice.sum() + storage_usage_ts[x]))
            storing[indices[x - 1] + 1: indices[x] + 1] = pos(current_slice - pos(current_slice - find_height(current_slice, current_slice.sum() - storage_usage_ts[x])))

#    figure()
    #plot(storing, lw = 5)
#    #plot(extracting, lw = 10)
    #plot(ts - storing - extracting+ 1)
#    figure()
    storage_filling_with_offset = eta_in * storing.cumsum() + extracting.cumsum() / eta_out
    used_storage = storage_filling_with_offset.max() - storage_filling_with_offset.min()
    return ts - storing - extracting, used_storage
コード例 #5
ファイル: policy_helpers.py プロジェクト: TueVJ/stBaCU
 def funct(k):
     return eta_in * eta_out * pos(ts - k).sum() - neg(ts - k).sum()
コード例 #6
ファイル: policy_helpers.py プロジェクト: TueVJ/stBaCU
 def funct(k):
     return sum(pos(array - k)) - constant