def analyze_solidity(input_type='solidity'): global args x = dtimer() is_runtime = not(args.init) print is_runtime if input_type == 'solidity': helper = InputHelper(InputHelper.SOLIDITY, source=args.source,evm=args.evm,runtime=is_runtime) elif input_type == 'standard_json': helper = InputHelper(InputHelper.STANDARD_JSON, source=args.source,evm=args.evm, allow_paths=args.allow_paths) elif input_type == 'standard_json_output': helper = InputHelper(InputHelper.STANDARD_JSON_OUTPUT, source=args.source,evm=args.evm) inputs = helper.get_inputs() hashes = process_hashes(args.source) y = dtimer() print("*************************************************************") print("Compilation time: "+str(y-x)+"s") print("*************************************************************") results, exit_code = run_solidity_analysis(inputs,hashes) helper.rm_tmp_files() if global_params.WEB: six.print_(json.dumps(results)) return exit_code
def analyze_solidity(input_type='solidity'): global args x = dtimer() if input_type == 'solidity': helper = InputHelper(InputHelper.SOLIDITY, source=args.source, evm=args.evm) elif input_type == 'standard_json': helper = InputHelper(InputHelper.STANDARD_JSON, source=args.source, evm=args.evm, allow_paths=args.allow_paths) elif input_type == 'standard_json_output': helper = InputHelper(InputHelper.STANDARD_JSON_OUTPUT, source=args.source, evm=args.evm) inputs = helper.get_inputs() hashes = process_hashes(args.source) y = dtimer() print("*************************************************************") print("Compilation time: " + str(y - x) + "s") print("*************************************************************") if check_optimize_dependencies(): i = 0 found = False while (i < len(inputs) and (not found)): if inputs[i]["c_name"] == args.contract_name: inp = inputs[i] found = True i += 1 results, exit_code = run_solidity_analysis_optimized(inp, hashes) else: results, exit_code = run_solidity_analysis(inputs, hashes) helper.rm_tmp_files() if global_params.WEB: six.print_(json.dumps(results)) return exit_code
def main(): # TODO: Implement -o switch. global args parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument("-s", "--source", type=str, help="local source file name. Solidity by default. Use -b to process evm instead. Use stdin to read from stdin.") # parser.add_argument("--version", action="version", version="EthIR version 1.0.7 - Commonwealth") parser.add_argument("-glt", "--global-timeout", help="Timeout for symbolic execution", action="store", dest="global_timeout", type=int) parser.add_argument( "-e", "--evm", help="Do not remove the .evm file.", action="store_true") parser.add_argument( "-b", "--bytecode", help="read bytecode in source instead of solidity file", action="store_true") #Added by Pablo Gordillo parser.add_argument( "-disasm", "--disassembly", help="Consider a dissasembly evm file directly", action="store_true") parser.add_argument( "-d", "--debug", help="Display the status of the stack after each opcode", action = "store_true") parser.add_argument( "-cfg", "--control-flow-graph", help="Store the CFG", action="store_true") # parser.add_argument( "-eop", "--evm-opcodes", help="Include the EVM opcodes in the translation", action="store_true") parser.add_argument( "-saco", "--saco", help="Translate EthIR RBR to SACO RBR", action="store_true") parser.add_argument( "-c", "--cfile", help="Translate EthIR RBR to SACO RBR", choices = ["int","uint"]) parser.add_argument("-v", "--verify", help="Applies abstraction depending on the verifier (CPAchecker, VeryMax or SeaHorn). Use with -c flag", choices = ["cpa","verymax","seahorn"]) parser.add_argument("-i", "--invalid", help="Translate the specified invalid bytecodes into SV-COMP error labels. Use with -c flag", choices = ["array","div0","all"]) parser.add_argument("-g", "--goto", help="Transform recursive rules into iterative rules using gotos. Use with -c flag", action="store_true") parser.add_argument( "-hashes", "--hashes", help="Generate a file that contains the functions of the solidity file", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() # if args.root_path: # if args.root_path[-1] != '/': # args.root_path += '/' # else: # args.root_path = "" # if args.timeout: # global_params.TIMEOUT = args.timeout # if args.verbose: # logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) # else: # logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) global_params.PRINT_PATHS = 0 #1 if args.paths else 0 global_params.REPORT_MODE = 0 #1 if else 0 global_params.USE_GLOBAL_BLOCKCHAIN = 0#1 if args.globalblockchain else 0 global_params.INPUT_STATE = 0#1 if args.state else 0 global_params.WEB = 0#1 if args.web else 0 global_params.STORE_RESULT = 0#1 if args.json else 0 global_params.CHECK_ASSERTIONS = 0#1 if args.assertion else 0 global_params.DEBUG_MODE = 0#1 if args.debug else 0 global_params.GENERATE_TEST_CASES = 0#1 if args.generate_test_cases else 0 global_params.PARALLEL = 0#1 if args.parallel else 0 # if args.depth_limit: # global_params.DEPTH_LIMIT = args.depth_limit # # if args.gas_limit: # # global_params.GAS_LIMIT = args.gas_limit # if args.loop_limit: # global_params.LOOP_LIMIT = args.loop_limit # if global_params.WEB: # if args.global_timeout and args.global_timeout < global_params.GLOBAL_TIMEOUT: # global_params.GLOBAL_TIMEOUT = args.global_timeout # else: # if args.global_timeout: # global_params.GLOBAL_TIMEOUT = args.global_timeout if not has_dependencies_installed(): return # if args.remote_URL: # r = requests.get(args.remote_URL) # code = r.text # filename = "remote_contract.evm" if args.bytecode else "remote_contract.sol" # args.source = filename # with open(filename, 'w') as f: # f.write(code) # exit_code = 0 clean_dir() #Added by Pablo Gordillo if args.disassembly: exit_code = analyze_disasm_bytecode() elif args.bytecode: exit_code = analyze_bytecode() # elif args.standard_json: # exit_code = analyze_solidity(input_type='standard_json') # elif args.standard_json_output: # exit_code = analyze_solidity(input_type='standard_json_output') elif hashes_cond(args): mp = process_hashes(args.source) generate_saco_hashes_file(mp) exit_code = 0 else: exit_code = analyze_solidity() six.print_("The files generated by EthIR are stored in the following directory: "+costabs_path) exit(exit_code)
def main(): # TODO: Implement -o switch. global rbr_dir rbr_dir = "/tmp/costabs/" global args parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument( "-s", "--source", type=str, help= "local source file name. Solidity by default. Use -b to process evm instead. Use stdin to read from stdin." ) # group.add_argument("-ru", "--remoteURL", type=str, help="Get contract from remote URL. Solidity by default. Use -b to process evm instead.", dest="remote_URL") parser.add_argument("--version", action="version", version="oyente version 0.2.7 - Commonwealth") #parser.add_argument("-t", "--timeout", help="Timeout for Z3 in ms.", action="store", type=int) #parser.add_argument("-gl", "--gaslimit", help="Limit Gas", action="store", dest="gas_limit", type=int) #parser.add_argument("-rp", "--root-path", help="Root directory path used for the online version", action="store", dest="root_path", type=str) parser.add_argument("-ll", "--looplimit", help="Limit number of loops", action="store", dest="loop_limit", type=int) parser.add_argument("-dl", "--depthlimit", help="Limit DFS depth", action="store", dest="depth_limit", type=int) #parser.add_argument("-ap", "--allow-paths", help="Allow a given path for imports", action="store", dest="allow_paths", type=str) parser.add_argument("-glt", "--global-timeout", help="Timeout for symbolic execution", action="store", dest="global_timeout", type=int) parser.add_argument("-e", "--evm", help="Do not remove the .evm file.", action="store_true") #parser.add_argument( "-w", "--web", help="Run Oyente for web service", action="store_true") #parser.add_argument( "-j", "--json", help="Redirect results to a json file.", action="store_true") #parser.add_argument( "-p", "--paths", help="Print path condition information.", action="store_true") #parser.add_argument( "-db", "--debug", help="Display debug information", action="store_true") #parser.add_argument( "-st", "--state", help="Get input state from state.json", action="store_true") #parser.add_argument( "-r", "--report", help="Create .report file.", action="store_true") #parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", help="Verbose output, print everything.", action="store_true") #parser.add_argument( "-pl", "--parallel", help="Run Oyente in parallel. Note: The performance may depend on the contract", action="store_true") parser.add_argument( "-b", "--bytecode", help="read bytecode in source instead of solidity file", action="store_true") #parser.add_argument( "-a", "--assertion", help="Check assertion failures.", action="store_true") #parser.add_argument( "-sj", "--standard-json", help="Support Standard JSON input", action="store_true") #parser.add_argument( "-gb", "--globalblockchain", help="Integrate with the global ethereum blockchain", action="store_true") #parser.add_argument( "-gtc", "--generate-test-cases", help="Generate test cases each branch of symbolic execution tree", action="store_true") #parser.add_argument( "-sjo", "--standard-json-output", help="Support Standard JSON output", action="store_true") #Added by Pablo Gordillo parser.add_argument("-disasm", "--disassembly", help="Consider a dissasembly evm file directly", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-cfg", "--control-flow-graph", help="Store the CFG", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-eop", "--evm-opcodes", help="Include the EVM opcodes in the translation", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-saco", "--saco", help="Translate EthIR RBR to SACO RBR", action="store_true") parser.add_argument( "-hashes", "--hashes", help="Generate a file that contains the functions of the solidity file", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() # if args.root_path: # if args.root_path[-1] != '/': # args.root_path += '/' # else: # args.root_path = "" # if args.timeout: # global_params.TIMEOUT = args.timeout # if args.verbose: # logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) # else: # logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) global_params.PRINT_PATHS = 0 #1 if args.paths else 0 global_params.REPORT_MODE = 0 #1 if else 0 global_params.USE_GLOBAL_BLOCKCHAIN = 0 #1 if args.globalblockchain else 0 global_params.INPUT_STATE = 0 #1 if args.state else 0 global_params.WEB = 0 #1 if args.web else 0 global_params.STORE_RESULT = 0 #1 if args.json else 0 global_params.CHECK_ASSERTIONS = 0 #1 if args.assertion else 0 global_params.DEBUG_MODE = 0 #1 if args.debug else 0 global_params.GENERATE_TEST_CASES = 0 #1 if args.generate_test_cases else 0 global_params.PARALLEL = 0 #1 if args.parallel else 0 if args.depth_limit: global_params.DEPTH_LIMIT = args.depth_limit # if args.gas_limit: # global_params.GAS_LIMIT = args.gas_limit if args.loop_limit: global_params.LOOP_LIMIT = args.loop_limit # if global_params.WEB: # if args.global_timeout and args.global_timeout < global_params.GLOBAL_TIMEOUT: # global_params.GLOBAL_TIMEOUT = args.global_timeout # else: # if args.global_timeout: # global_params.GLOBAL_TIMEOUT = args.global_timeout if not has_dependencies_installed(): return # if args.remote_URL: # r = requests.get(args.remote_URL) # code = r.text # filename = "remote_contract.evm" if args.bytecode else "remote_contract.sol" # args.source = filename # with open(filename, 'w') as f: # f.write(code) # exit_code = 0 clean_dir() #Added by Pablo Gordillo if args.disassembly: exit_code = analyze_disasm_bytecode() elif args.bytecode: exit_code = analyze_bytecode() # elif args.standard_json: # exit_code = analyze_solidity(input_type='standard_json') # elif args.standard_json_output: # exit_code = analyze_solidity(input_type='standard_json_output') elif hashes_cond(args): mp = process_hashes(args.source) generate_saco_hashes_file(mp) exit_code = 0 else: exit_code = analyze_solidity() six.print_( "The files generated by EthIR are stored in the following directory: " + rbr_dir) exit(exit_code)