コード例 #1
def read_choices(round_number):
    This Function will read the choices of teams for
    each player. The choices will be stored in an SQL 
    table called choices. 


    round_number (string): This is the round number you want
    to read the choices for. 


    (Dictionary) A dictionary of the team choices with 
    player names as keys and the team choice as the value
    query = 'select name, choice from choices where round = {}'.format(round_number)

    choices_df = utils.read_from_sql(query, 'name')

    choices = choices_df.to_dict(orient='index')    

    choices = {k:v['choice'] for k,v in choices.items()}

    return choices 
コード例 #2
ファイル: crontab_test.py プロジェクト: tobygaskell/tesseract
def get_yesterdays_round():
    query = 'SELECT round_number FROM round_info order by round_number desc limit 1 '

    yesterday_round = utils.read_from_sql(query)['round_number'][0]

    return yesterday_round
コード例 #3
def read_results(round_number): 
    query = 'SELECT * FROM results WHERE round = {}'.format(round_number)

    results = utils.read_from_sql(query)

    return results
コード例 #4
def read_points(round_number): 
    query = 'SELECT name, points FROM points WHERE round = {} ORDER BY points'.format(round_number)

    points = utils.read_from_sql(query, 'name')

    return points
コード例 #5
def check_if_already_submitted(name):
    query = 'SELECT COUNT(choice) AS num FROM choices WHERE name = "{}" AND round = {}'.format(name, utils.get_current_round())

    num = utils.read_from_sql(query)['num'][0]

    if num > 0: 

        return True 

    return False 
コード例 #6
def read_added_info(round_number): 
    query = 'SELECT draw_weekend, double_points_weekend FROM round_info WHERE round_number = {}'.format(round_number)

    added_info = utils.read_from_sql(query)

    DW = bool(added_info['draw_weekend'][0])

    DP = bool(added_info['double_points_weekend'][0])

    return DW, DP
コード例 #7
def find_standings(): 
    query = 'SELECT name, sum(score) as points FROM scores GROUP BY name ORDER BY points DESC'

    standings = utils.read_from_sql(query)

    standings_list  = list(standings['name'])

    standings = str(standings)

    print(standings, standings_list )

    return standings, standings_list 
コード例 #8
def get_scores_text(round_number): 
    query = "SELECT name, sum(points) AS scores FROM points WHERE round = {} GROUP BY name ORDER BY scores DESC".format(round_number)

    scores = utils.read_from_sql(query)

    text = "Scores: \n\n"

    for row in scores.iterrows():

        text = text + "{}: {} \n".format(row[1]['name'], int(row[1]['scores']))

    return text 
コード例 #9
def get_standings_text(): 
    query = 'SELECT name, sum(points) as points FROM points GROUP BY name ORDER BY points DESC'

    standings = utils.read_from_sql(query)

    text = "Standings: \n\n"

    for row in standings.iterrows():

        text = text + "{}: {} \n".format(row[1]['name'], int(row[1]['points']))

    return text
コード例 #10
def check_validity(name, message): 
    team = utils.clean_string(message.split('=')[1])

    query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM choices WHERE name = '{}' and choice = '{}'".format(name, team)

    df = utils.read_from_sql(query)

    times_chosen = df['count'][0]  

    if times_chosen >= 2: 

        validity = False 

        validity = True

    return validity 
コード例 #11
def read_scores(round_number): 
    This Function will read the points gained for each 
    player from a specified round. 


    round_number (string): This is the round number you want
    to read the choices for. 


    (DataFrame) A DataFrame with two columns called name and 
    points containing the points data for each player for a 
    specific round
    query = 'SELECT name, sum(points) as scores FROM points WHERE round = {} GROUP BY name ORDER BY scores'.format(round_number)

    points = utils.read_from_sql(query, 'name')

    return points