コード例 #1
def eval_choice(row) -> float:
    """ Calculates binary metric for 1-of-n type of questions.
    The metric equals to the indicator function of answer correctness.

        row (dict or pd.Series): row with predictions and correct answers.

        value of binary metric (either 0 or 1) multiplied by the point score of the question.
    if not pd.isnull(row["gt_unique"]):
        correct_answers = [read_str(row["gt_unique"])]
    elif not pd.isnull(row["gt_variants"]):
        correct_answers = read_str(row["gt_variants"])
        return np.NaN

    my_answers = read_str(row["prediction"])
    if not isinstance(my_answers, list):
        return np.NaN
    if my_answers in correct_answers:
        return float(row["score"])
        return 0.
コード例 #2
def eval_text_word(row) -> float:
    """ Calculates binary metric for plain text word type of questions.
    The metric equals to the indicator function of answer correctness
    (whether the predicted string fully matches the target).

        row (dict or pd.Series): row with predictions and correct answers.

        value of binary metric (either 0 or 1) multiplied by the point score of the question.
    if not pd.isnull(row["gt_unique"]):
        correct_answers = [row["gt_unique"]]
    elif not pd.isnull(row["gt_variants"]):
        correct_answers = read_str(row["gt_variants"])
        return np.NaN

    if str(row["prediction"]) in correct_answers:
        return float(row["score"])
        return 0.
コード例 #3
    while True:
        x += dx
        y += dy
        if y > h - 1:
            return c
        if x > w - 1:
            x -= w
        if d[y][x] == '#':
            c += 1

def pzl2(d, d_list):
    res = 1
    for dx, dy in d_list:
        res *= pzl1(d, dx, dy)
    return res

tst = read_str('03.tst')

deltas = [(1, 1), (3, 1), (5, 1), (7, 1), (1, 2)]

assert pzl1(tst, deltas[1][0], deltas[1][1]) == 7
assert pzl2(tst, deltas) == 336

dat = read_str('03.dat')

print("day 3 puzzle 1 =", pzl1(dat, deltas[1][0], deltas[1][1]))
print("day 3 puzzle 2 =", pzl2(dat, deltas))
コード例 #4
def pzl1(d):
    t = {}
    for c, v in d:
        if c == 'mask':
            m = v
            t[c] = mask1(m, v)
    return sum(t.values())

def pzl2(d):
    t = {}
    for c, v in d:
        if c == 'mask':
            m = v
            for a in mask2(m, c):
                t[a] = v
    return sum(t.values())

tst = parse(read_str('14.1.tst'))
assert pzl1(tst) == 165
tst = parse(read_str('14.2.tst'))
assert pzl2(tst) == 208

dat = parse(read_str('14.dat'))
print("day 14 puzzle 1 =", pzl1(dat))
print("day 14 puzzle 2 =", pzl2(dat))
コード例 #5
def read(f):
    return [int(x) for x in read_str(f)[0].split(',')]
コード例 #6
    score1 = (3, 57, 1197, 25137)
    for ch in chs:
        st = []
        for c in ch:
            if c in opn:
            p = st.pop()
            i = cls.index(c)
            if opn.index(p) != i:
                p1 += score1[i]
            t = 0
            for p in st:
                t = t * 5 + opn.index(p) + 1
    return p1, p2[len(p2) // 2]

r = read_str('10.tst')
assert pzl(r) == (26397, 288957)

r = read_str('10.dat')
d1, d2 = pzl(r)

print("day 10 puzzle 1 =", d1)
print("day 10 puzzle 2 =", d2)
コード例 #7
                n[p] = '#'
                t += 1
            elif v == '#' and c >= limit:
                n[p] = 'L'
                t += 1
        if t == 0:
            return len([s for _, s in n.items() if s == '#'])

def parse(d):
    r = defaultdict(str)
    for y, s in enumerate(d):
        for x, c in enumerate(s):
            r[(x, y)] = c
    return r

tst = parse(read_str('11.1.tst'))
assert cnt(tst, (3, 4), False) == 2
assert cnt(tst, (3, 4), True) == 8

tst = parse(read_str('11.tst'))

assert pzl(tst.copy(), 4, False) == 37
assert pzl(tst.copy(), 5, True) == 26

dat = parse(read_str('11.dat'))

print("day 11 puzzle 1 =", pzl(dat.copy(), 4, False))
print("day 11 puzzle 2 =", pzl(dat.copy(), 5, True))
コード例 #8
def read(f):
    r = defaultdict(list)
    for a, b in [ln.split('-') for ln in read_str(f)]:
    return r
コード例 #9
ファイル: 17.py プロジェクト: pahanini/aoc
def parse(d):
    st = set()
    for y, s in enumerate(d):
        for x, v in enumerate(s):
            if v == '#':
                st.add((x, y))
    return st

def pzl1(st, dim):
    st = set([v + (dim - 2) * (0, ) for v in st])
    dd = [x for x in product((-1, 0, 1), repeat=dim) if x != dim * (0, )]
    for _ in range(6):
        cnt = Counter([tuple(map(sum, zip(c, d))) for c in st for d in dd])
        st = [
            k for k, v in cnt.items()
            if (k not in st and v == 3) or (k in st and v in (2, 3))
    return len(st)

tst = parse(read_str('17.tst'))

assert pzl1(tst, 3) == 112
assert pzl1(tst, 4) == 848

dat = parse(read_str('17.dat'))

print("day 17 puzzle 1 =", pzl1(dat, 3))
print("day 17 puzzle 2 =", pzl1(dat, 4))
コード例 #10
def read(f):
    return [list(map(int, list(x))) for x in read_str(f)]
コード例 #11
def read(f):
    ln = read_str(f)
    return np.array([list(map(int, list(v))) for v in ln])
コード例 #12
class Op(int):
    def __mul__(self, b):
        return Op(int(self) + b)

    def __add__(self, b):
        return Op(int(self) + b)

    def __sub__(self, b):
        return Op(int(self) * b)

def pzl1(expr):
    expr = re.sub(r"(\d+)", r"Op(\1)", expr)
    expr = expr.replace("*", "-")
    return eval(expr, {}, dict(Op=Op))

def pzl2(expr):
    expr = re.sub(r"(\d+)", r"Op(\1)", expr)
    expr = expr.replace("*", "-")
    expr = expr.replace("+", "*")
    return eval(expr, {}, dict(Op=Op))

assert pzl1('((2 + 4 * 9) * (6 + 9 * 8 + 6) + 6) + 2 + 4 * 2') == 13632
assert pzl2('((2 + 4 * 9) * (6 + 9 * 8 + 6) + 6) + 2 + 4 * 2') == 23340

dat = read_str('18.dat')

print("day 18 puzzle 1 =", sum([pzl1(s) for s in dat]))
print("day 18 puzzle 1 =", sum([pzl2(s) for s in dat]))
コード例 #13
            p += d * v
    return abs(p.real) + abs(p.imag)

def pzl2(x):
    p = 0
    w = 10 + 1j
    for c, v in x:
        if c in dirs:
            w += dirs[c] * v
        elif c in rot:
            w *= rot[c]**(v / 90)
            p += w * v
    return abs(p.real) + abs(p.imag)

def parse(d):
    return [(s[0], int(s[1:])) for s in d]

tst = parse(read_str('12.tst'))
assert pzl1(tst) == 25
assert pzl2(tst) == 286

dat = parse(read_str('12.dat'))

print("day 12 puzzle 1 =", pzl1(dat))
print("day 12 puzzle 2 =", pzl2(dat))
コード例 #14
ファイル: 03.py プロジェクト: pahanini/aoc
def read(f):
    return np.array([[int(c) for c in row] for row in read_str(f)])
コード例 #15
    c = s
    return r, c

def seat_id(p):
    r, c = search(p)
    return r * 8 + c

assert seat_id('BFFFBBFRRR') == 567

def pzl1(d):
    return max([seat_id(p) for p in d])

assert pzl1(['BFFFBBFRRR', 'FFFBBBFRRR', 'BBFFBBFRLL']) == 820

def pzl2(d):
    t = [seat_id(p) for p in d]
    for i, v in enumerate(t):
        if v + 1 != t[i + 1]:
            return v + 1

dat = read_str('05.dat')
print("day 5 puzzle 1 =", pzl1(dat))
print("day 5 puzzle 2 =", pzl2(dat))
コード例 #16
ファイル: 08.py プロジェクト: pahanini/aoc
def read(f):
    return [[list(filter(len, y.split(' '))) for y in x.split('|')]
            for x in read_str(f)]
コード例 #17
assert crt([(2, 3), (3, 5), (2, 7)]) == 23

def pzl1(d):
    t, bb = d
    mt, mb = 0, 0
    for _, b in bb:
        bt = b - t % b
        if mt > bt or mt == 0:
            mt, mb = bt, b
    return mt * mb

def pzl2(d):
    v = []
    for i, n in d[1]:
        v.append((i, n))
    return crt(v)

tst = parse(read_str('13.tst'))

assert pzl1(tst) == 295
assert pzl2(tst) == 1068781

dat = parse(read_str('13.dat'))

print("day 13 puzzle 1 =", pzl1(dat))
print("day 13 puzzle 2 =", pzl2(dat))