コード例 #1
def WDC_justvelocity_observer_highgain_GP(t, xhat, u, y, t0, init_control,
                                          GP, kwargs):
    x = reshape_pt1(xhat)
    assert np.any(kwargs.get('saturation')), 'Need to define a saturation ' \
                                             'value to use the combined ' \
                                             'observer-identifier framework.'
    xhat = reshape_pt1(x)
    y = reshape_pt1(y(t, kwargs))
    u = reshape_pt1(u(t, kwargs, t0, init_control))

    # Gain (needs to be large enough)
    g = kwargs.get('prior_kwargs').get('observer_gains').get('g')
    k1 = kwargs.get('prior_kwargs').get('observer_gains').get('k1')
    k2 = kwargs.get('prior_kwargs').get('observer_gains').get('k2')
    Gamma1 = reshape_pt1([k1 * g, k2 * g ** 2])
    if GP:
        if 'GP' in GP.__class__.__name__:
            mean, var, lowconf, uppconf = GP.predict(reshape_pt1(xhat),
            if not kwargs.get('continuous_model'):
                # discrete model so need to differentiate it in continuous obs
                mean = (mean - reshape_pt1(xhat[:, 1])) / GP.prior_kwargs.get(
                    'dt')  # TODO better than Euler?
            GP.prior_kwargs['observer_gains'].update({'g': g, 'Gamma1': Gamma1,
                                                      'k1': k1, 'k2': k2})
            mean = GP(reshape_pt1(xhat), reshape_pt1(u), kwargs.get(
        mean = np.zeros_like(reshape_pt1(xhat[:, 1]))
    if np.any(kwargs.get('saturation')):
        # Saturate the estimate of the nonlinearity to guarantee contraction
        a_min = np.min([-kwargs.get('saturation'), kwargs.get('saturation')],
        a_max = np.max([-kwargs.get('saturation'), kwargs.get('saturation')],
        mean = np.clip(mean, a_min=a_min, a_max=a_max)
    A = reshape_pt1([[0, 1], [0, 0]])
    B = reshape_pt1([[0], [1]])
    ABmult = np.dot(A, reshape_pt1_tonormal(xhat)) + \
             np.dot(B, reshape_pt1_tonormal(mean))
    LC1 = reshape_pt1(Gamma1 * (y - xhat[:, 0]))
    xhatdot = reshape_pt1(ABmult + LC1 + u)

    # Also check eigenvalues of M for stability without high gain
    K = np.array([[k1, k2]])
    C = np.zeros_like(xhat)
    C[0, 0] = 1
    M = A - np.dot(K.T, C)
    eigvals = np.linalg.eigvals(M)
    for x in eigvals:
        if np.linalg.norm(np.real(x)) < 1e-5:
            logging.warning('The eigenvalues of the matrix M are dangerously '
                            'small, low robustness of the observer! Increase '
                            'the gains.')
        elif np.real(x) > 0:
            logging.warning('Some of the eigenvalues of the matrix M are '
                            'positive. Change the gains to get a Hurwitz '
    return reshape_pt1(xhatdot)
コード例 #2
def duffing_observer_Michelangelo_LS(t, xhat, u, y, t0, init_control, LS_deriv,
    x = reshape_pt1(xhat)
    assert np.any(kwargs.get('saturation')), 'Need to define a saturation ' \
                                             'value to use the combined ' \
                                             'observer-identifier framework.'
    xhat = reshape_pt1(x[:, :-1])
    xi = reshape_pt1(x[:, -1])
    y = reshape_pt1(y(t, kwargs))
    u = reshape_pt1(u(t, kwargs, t0, init_control))

    # Gain (needs to be large enough)
    g = kwargs.get('prior_kwargs').get('observer_gains').get('g')
    k1 = kwargs.get('prior_kwargs').get('observer_gains').get('k1')
    k2 = kwargs.get('prior_kwargs').get('observer_gains').get('k2')
    k3 = kwargs.get('prior_kwargs').get('observer_gains').get('k3')
    Gamma1 = reshape_pt1([k1 * g, k2 * g ** 2])
    Gamma2 = reshape_pt1([k3 * g ** 3])
    if LS_deriv:
        mean_deriv = LS_deriv(reshape_pt1(xhat), reshape_pt1(u),
        mean_deriv = np.zeros_like(xhat)
    if np.any(kwargs.get('saturation')):
        # Saturate the derivative of the nonlinearity estimate to guarantee
        # contraction
        a_min = np.min([-kwargs.get('saturation'), kwargs.get('saturation')],
        a_max = np.max([-kwargs.get('saturation'), kwargs.get('saturation')],
        mean_deriv = np.clip(mean_deriv, a_min=a_min, a_max=a_max)
    A = reshape_pt1([[0, 1], [0, 0]])
    B = reshape_pt1([[0], [1]])
    ABmult = np.dot(A, reshape_pt1_tonormal(xhat)) + \
             np.dot(B, reshape_pt1_tonormal(xi))
    DfA = reshape_pt1(np.dot(reshape_pt1_tonormal(mean_deriv),
                             reshape_pt1_tonormal(ABmult + u)))
    LC1 = reshape_pt1(Gamma1 * (y - xhat[:, 0]))
    LC2 = reshape_pt1(Gamma2 * (y - xhat[:, 0]))
    xhatdot = reshape_pt1(ABmult + LC1 + u)
    xidot = reshape_pt1(DfA + LC2)
    # Also check eigenvalues of M for stability without high gain
    AB = np.concatenate((A, B), axis=1)
    ABO = np.concatenate((AB, np.zeros_like(reshape_pt1(AB[0]))), axis=0)
    K = np.array([[k1, k2, k3]])
    C = np.zeros_like(x)
    C[0, 0] = 1
    M = ABO - np.dot(K.T, C)
    eigvals = np.linalg.eigvals(M)
    for x in eigvals:
        if np.linalg.norm(np.real(x)) < 1e-5:
            logging.warning('The eigenvalues of the matrix M are dangerously '
                            'small, low robustness of the observer! Increase '
                            'the gains.')
        elif np.real(x) > 0:
            logging.warning('Some of the eigenvalues of the matrix M are '
                            'positive. Change the gains to get a Hurwitz '
    return np.concatenate((xhatdot, xidot), axis=1)
コード例 #3
 def true_dynamics(x, control):
     m1 = config.get('m1')
     m2 = config.get('m2')
     k1 = config.get('k1')
     k2 = config.get('k2')
     z = reshape_pt1(x)
     z3 = reshape_pt1(z[:, 2])
     u = control
     v = reshape_pt1_tonormal(mass_spring_mass_v(z, config))
     vdot = reshape_pt1_tonormal(mass_spring_mass_vdot(z, config))
     return reshape_pt1(k1 * (m1 * m2) * (u - (m1 + m2) * z3) +
                        (3 * k2) / (m1 * m2) *
                        (u - (m1 + m2) * z3) * v**2 +
                        (6 * k2) / m1 * v * vdot**2)
コード例 #4
def MSM_continuous_Michelangelo_prior_mean_u(x, u, prior_kwargs):
    x = reshape_pt1(x)
    u = reshape_pt1(u)
    m1 = prior_kwargs.get('m1')
    m2 = prior_kwargs.get('m2')
    k1 = prior_kwargs.get('k1')
    k2 = prior_kwargs.get('k2')
    z = reshape_pt1(x)
    z3 = reshape_pt1(z[:, 2])
    v = reshape_pt1_tonormal(mass_spring_mass_v(z, prior_kwargs))
    vdot = reshape_pt1_tonormal(mass_spring_mass_vdot(z, prior_kwargs))
    # phi = reshape_pt1(
    #     k1 * (m1 * m2) * (u - (m1 + m2) * z3) + (3 * k2) / (m1 * m2) * (
    #             u - (m1 + m2) * z3) * v ** 2 + (
    #             6 * k2) / m1 * v * vdot ** 2)
    phi = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 1))
    return phi
コード例 #5
def VanderPol_dynamics(t, x, u, t0, init_control, process_noise_var, kwargs):
    mu = kwargs.get('mu')
    x = reshape_pt1(x)
    u = reshape_pt1(u(t, kwargs, t0, init_control))
    A = reshape_pt1([[0, 1], [-1, 0]])
    F = reshape_pt1([0, mu * (1 - x[:, 0]**2) * x[:, 1] - x[:, 0]])
    xdot = reshape_pt1(np.dot(A, reshape_pt1_tonormal(x)) + F + u)
    if process_noise_var != 0:
        xdot += np.random.normal(0, np.sqrt(process_noise_var), xdot.shape)
    return xdot
コード例 #6
def harmonic_oscillator_dynamics(t, x, u, t0, init_control, process_noise_var,
    k = kwargs.get('k')
    m = kwargs.get('m')
    x = reshape_pt1(x)
    u = reshape_pt1(u(t, kwargs, t0, init_control))
    A = reshape_pt1([[0, 1], [-k / m, 0]])
    xdot = reshape_pt1(np.dot(A, reshape_pt1_tonormal(x)) + u)
    if process_noise_var != 0:
        xdot += np.random.normal(0, np.sqrt(process_noise_var), xdot.shape)
    return xdot
コード例 #7
def mass_spring_mass_dynamics_z(t, z, u, t0, init_control, process_noise_var,
    m1 = kwargs.get('m1')
    m2 = kwargs.get('m2')
    k1 = kwargs.get('k1')
    k2 = kwargs.get('k2')
    z = reshape_pt1(z)
    z3 = reshape_pt1(z[:, 2])
    u = reshape_pt1(u(t, kwargs, t0, init_control))
    A = np.eye(z.shape[1], k=1)
    F1 = reshape_dim1(np.zeros_like(z[:, :3]))
    v = reshape_pt1_tonormal(mass_spring_mass_v(z, kwargs))
    vdot = reshape_pt1_tonormal(mass_spring_mass_vdot(z, kwargs))
    F2 = reshape_dim1(k1 / (m1 * m2) * (u - (m1 + m2) * z3) + (3 * k2) /
                      (m1 * m2) * (u - (m1 + m2) * z3) * v**2 +
                      (6 * k2) / m1 * v * vdot**2)
    F = reshape_pt1(np.concatenate((F1, F2), axis=1))
    zdot = reshape_pt1(np.dot(A, reshape_pt1_tonormal(z)) + F)
    if process_noise_var != 0:
        zdot += np.random.normal(0, np.sqrt(process_noise_var), zdot.shape)
    return zdot
コード例 #8
def VanderPol_observer_simplified(t, xhat, u, y, t0, init_control, GP, kwargs):
    mu = kwargs.get('mu')
    xhat = reshape_pt1(xhat)
    y = reshape_pt1(y(t, kwargs))
    u = reshape_pt1(u(t, kwargs, t0, init_control))
    # My gains
    l1 = mu - 5
    # l2 = 1 - mu ** 2 - 2 * mu * xhat[:, 0] * xhat[:, 1]
    l2 = 1 - mu ** 2 - 2 * mu * xhat[:, 0]
    A = reshape_pt1([[0, 1], [-1, 0]])
    F = reshape_pt1([0, mu * (1 - xhat[:, 0] ** 2) * xhat[:, 1]])
    LC = reshape_pt1([[l1 * (xhat[:, 0] - y), l2 * (xhat[:, 0] - y)]])
    xhatdot = reshape_pt1(np.dot(A, reshape_pt1_tonormal(xhat)) + F + LC + u)
    return xhatdot
コード例 #9
def duffing_dynamics(t, x, u, t0, init_control, process_noise_var, kwargs):
    alpha = kwargs.get('alpha')
    beta = kwargs.get('beta')
    delta = kwargs.get('delta')
    x = reshape_pt1(x)
    u = reshape_pt1(u(t, kwargs, t0, init_control))
    A = reshape_pt1([[0, 1], [-alpha, -delta]])
    F1 = reshape_dim1(np.zeros_like(x[:, 0]))
    F2 = reshape_dim1(-beta * x[:, 0]**3)
    F = reshape_pt1(np.concatenate((F1, F2), axis=1))
    xdot = reshape_pt1(np.dot(A, reshape_pt1_tonormal(x)) + F + u)
    if process_noise_var != 0:
        xdot += np.random.normal(0, np.sqrt(process_noise_var), xdot.shape)
    return xdot
コード例 #10
def mass_spring_mass_dynamics_x(t, x, u, t0, init_control, process_noise_var,
    m1 = kwargs.get('m1')
    m2 = kwargs.get('m2')
    k1 = kwargs.get('k1')
    k2 = kwargs.get('k2')
    x = reshape_pt1(x)
    u = reshape_pt1(u(t, kwargs, t0, init_control))
    A = reshape_pt1([[0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0]])
    B = reshape_pt1([[0], [0], [0], [1]])
    F1 = reshape_dim1(np.zeros_like(x[:, 0]))
    F2 = reshape_dim1(k1 / m1 * (x[:, 2] - x[:, 0]) + k2 / m1 *
                      (x[:, 2] - x[:, 0])**3)
    F3 = reshape_dim1(np.zeros_like(x[:, 2]))
    F4 = reshape_dim1(-k1 / m2 * (x[:, 2] - x[:, 0]) - k2 / m2 *
                      (x[:, 2] - x[:, 0])**3)
    F = reshape_pt1(np.concatenate((F1, F2, F3, F4), axis=1))
    xdot = reshape_pt1(
        np.dot(A, reshape_pt1_tonormal(x)) + F +
        np.dot(B, reshape_pt1_tonormal(u)))
    if process_noise_var != 0:
        xdot += np.random.normal(0, np.sqrt(process_noise_var), xdot.shape)
    return xdot
コード例 #11
def wdc_arm_dynamics(t, x, u, t0, init_control, process_noise_var, kwargs):
    inertia = kwargs.get('inertia')
    m = kwargs.get('m')
    lG = kwargs.get('lG')
    g = kwargs.get('g')
    x = reshape_pt1(x)
    u = reshape_pt1(u(t, kwargs, t0, init_control))
    A = reshape_pt1([[0, 1], [0, 0]])
    F1 = reshape_dim1(np.zeros_like(x[:, 0]))
    F2 = reshape_dim1(-m * g * lG / inertia * np.sin(x[:, 0]))
    F = reshape_pt1(np.concatenate((F1, F2), axis=1))
    xdot = reshape_pt1(np.dot(A, reshape_pt1_tonormal(x)) + F + u)
    if process_noise_var != 0:
        xdot += np.random.normal(0, np.sqrt(process_noise_var), xdot.shape)
    return xdot
コード例 #12
def pendulum_dynamics(t, x, u, t0, init_control, process_noise_var, kwargs):
    k = kwargs.get('k')
    m = kwargs.get('m')
    g = kwargs.get('g')
    l = kwargs.get('l')
    x = reshape_pt1(x)
    u = reshape_pt1(u(t, kwargs, t0, init_control))
    theta_before = x[:, 0]
    thetadot_before = x[:, 1]
    A = reshape_pt1([[0, 1], [0, 0]])
    F1 = reshape_dim1(np.zeros_like(x[:, 0]))
    F2 = reshape_dim1(-g / l * np.sin(theta_before) - k / m * thetadot_before)
    F = reshape_pt1(np.concatenate((F1, F2), axis=1))
    xdot = reshape_pt1(np.dot(A, reshape_pt1_tonormal(x)) + F + u)
    if process_noise_var != 0:
        xdot += np.random.normal(0, np.sqrt(process_noise_var), xdot.shape)
    return xdot
コード例 #13
def duffing_observer_Delgado(t, xhat, u, y, t0, init_control, GP, kwargs):
    alpha = kwargs.get('alpha')
    beta = kwargs.get('beta')
    delta = kwargs.get('delta')
    xhat = reshape_pt1(xhat)
    y = reshape_pt1(y(t, kwargs))
    u = reshape_pt1(u(t, kwargs, t0, init_control))
    # My gains
    l1 = delta - 5
    l2 = alpha - delta ** 2 + 3 * beta * xhat[:, 0] ** 2
    # # Delgado gains
    # l1 = - 5
    # l2 = - (alpha + 3 * xhat[:, 0] ** 2)
    A = reshape_pt1([[0, 1], [-alpha, -delta]])
    F1 = reshape_dim1(np.zeros_like(xhat[:, 0]))
    F2 = reshape_dim1(- beta * xhat[:, 0] ** 3)
    F = reshape_pt1(np.concatenate((F1, F2), axis=1))
    LC = reshape_pt1([[l1 * (xhat[:, 0] - y), l2 * (xhat[:, 0] - y)]])
    xhatdot = reshape_pt1(np.dot(A, reshape_pt1_tonormal(xhat)) + F + LC + u)
    return xhatdot
コード例 #14
 def dyns_1D(a):
     x0 = reshape_pt1(a[:x.shape[1]])
     u0 = reshape_pt1(a[x.shape[1]:])
     version = \
         lambda t, xl, ul, t0, init_control, process_noise_var, **kwargs: \
             duffing_continuous_prior_mean(xl, ul, kwargs)
     xnext = dynamics_traj(x0=x0,
                           t_span=[0, dt],
     return reshape_pt1_tonormal(xnext)
コード例 #15
def dynamics_traj_observer(x0, u, y, t0, dt, init_control, discrete=False,
                           version=None, method='RK45', t_span=[0, 1],
                           t_eval=[0.1], GP=None, **kwargs):
    if discrete:
        xtraj = np.zeros((len(t_eval), x0.shape[1]))
        xtraj[0] = reshape_pt1(x0)
        t = t0
        i = 0
        while (i < len(t_eval) - 1) and (t < t_eval[-1]):
            i += 1
            xnext = reshape_pt1(
                version(t, xtraj[-1], u, y, t0, init_control, GP, **kwargs))
            xtraj[i] = xnext
            t += dt
        sol = solve_ivp(
            lambda t, x: version(t, x, u, y, t0, init_control, GP, **kwargs),
            t_span=t_span, y0=reshape_pt1_tonormal(x0), method=method,
        xtraj = reshape_pt1(sol.y.T)
    return reshape_pt1(xtraj)
コード例 #16
 def predict(self, X, full_cov=False):
     means = reshape_pt1(
         np.array(self.models[0].predict(X, full_cov=full_cov)[0]))
     covars = reshape_pt1(
         np.array(self.models[0].predict(X, full_cov=full_cov)[1]))
     for i in range(1, self.nb_output_dims):
         means = np.concatenate(
              reshape_pt1(self.models[i].predict(X, full_cov=full_cov)[0])),
         covars = np.concatenate(
              reshape_pt1(self.models[i].predict(X, full_cov=full_cov)[1])),
     assert means.shape[1] == self.nb_output_dims, \
         'Wrong shapes in multioutput GP predicted mean'
     assert covars.shape[1] == self.nb_output_dims, \
         'Wrong shapes in multioutput GP predicted covar'
     var = reshape_pt1(np.linalg.det(np.diag(
         reshape_pt1_tonormal(covars))))**(1 / self.nb_output_dims)
     return reshape_pt1(means), var
コード例 #17
def dynamics_traj(x0,
                  t_span=[0, 1],
    x0 = reshape_pt1(x0)
    if discrete:
        xtraj = np.zeros((len(t_eval), x0.shape[1]))
        xtraj[0] = reshape_pt1(x0)
        t = t0
        i = 0
        while (i < len(t_eval) - 1) and (t < t_eval[-1]):
            i += 1
            xnext = reshape_pt1(
                version(t, xtraj[-1], u, t0, init_control, process_noise_var,
            xtraj[i] = xnext
            t += dt
        sol = solve_ivp(lambda t, x: version(t, x, u, t0, init_control,
                                             process_noise_var, **kwargs),
        xtraj = reshape_pt1(sol.y.T)
    if meas_noise_var != 0:
        xtraj += np.random.normal(0, np.sqrt(meas_noise_var), xtraj.shape)
    return reshape_pt1(xtraj)
コード例 #18
def mass_spring_mass_ztox(z, kwargs):
    z = reshape_pt1(z)
    x = reshape_pt1(z)
    x[:, 2] = reshape_pt1_tonormal(mass_spring_mass_v(z, kwargs)) + z[:, 0]
    x[:, 3] = reshape_pt1_tonormal(mass_spring_mass_vdot(z, kwargs)) + z[:, 1]
    return reshape_pt1(x)