コード例 #1
ファイル: line.py プロジェクト: rolisz/receipt_budget
    def readLetters(self):
        Character recognition
        self.letters = []
        i = 0
        letters = []
        for begin, end in self.segments:
            lett = self.img[1 : self.line_height - 2, begin - 1 : end + 2]  # add a bit of padding to help with
            # recognition

            if lett.shape[1] == 0:
            # self.img.drawRectangle(begin-1, 1, end - begin+2, 28)
            if lett.shape[0] > lett.shape[1]:
                lett = resize(lett, height=30)
                lett = resize(lett, width=30)
            if lett.shape[0] > 0 and lett.shape[1] > 0:
                lett = embiggen(lett, (30, 30))
                # cv2.imwrite("tmp\\char %d %s.jpg" % (i, "r"), lett)
            i += 1
            characters = labels.inverse_transform(logistic_model.predict(letters))
            print characters
            for charac, segment in zip(characters, self.segments):
                self.letters.append((charac, segment[0], segment[1]))
        except ValueError:
            print (map(lambda x: x.shape, letters))
コード例 #2
    def get(self):
        self.logger.info("Request to resize IMG from url")

        name = "/tmp/rs-%s.png" % str(uuid.uuid4())
        args = self._get_args()

        resize(open_remote_image(self.get_query_argument("url")), name, args)
コード例 #3
ファイル: library.py プロジェクト: Tristan79/ComicStreamer
    def getComicMetadata(self, path):
        ca = ComicArchive(path,  default_image_path=AppFolders.missingPath("page.png"))

        if ca.seemsToBeAComicArchive():

            if ca.hasMetadata( MetaDataStyle.CIX ):
                style = MetaDataStyle.CIX
            elif ca.hasMetadata( MetaDataStyle.CBI ):
                style = MetaDataStyle.CBI
            elif ca.hasMetadata( MetaDataStyle.COMET ):
                style = MetaDataStyle.COMET
            elif ca.hasMetadata( MetaDataStyle.CBW ):
                style = MetaDataStyle.CBW
                logging.warning(u"Library: File Has No ComicMeta Data")
                if ca.hasMetadata( MetaDataStyle.CALIBRE ):
                    style = MetaDataStyle.CALIBRE
                elif ca.hasMetadata( MetaDataStyle.EPUB ):
                    style = MetaDataStyle.EPUB
                    style = None
            if style is not None:
                md = ca.readMetadata(style)
                if md.isEmpty:
                     md = ca.metadataFromFilename()
                # No metadata in comic.  make some guesses from the filename
                md = ca.metadataFromFilename()
            # patch version 2
            if (md.title is None or md.title == "") and md.issue is None and not md.series is None:
                md.title = md.series
                md.series = None
            md.fingerprint = ca.fingerprint()
            md.path = ca.path
            md.page_count = ca.page_count
            md.mod_ts = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(getmtime(ca.path))
            md.filesize = os.path.getsize(md.path)
            md.hash = ""

            #thumbnail generation
            image_data = ca.getPage(0, AppFolders.missingPath("cover.png"))
            #now resize it
            thumb = StringIO.StringIO()
                utils.resize(image_data, (400, 400), thumb)
                md.thumbnail = thumb.getvalue()
                md.thumbnail = None
            return md
        return None
コード例 #4
    def post(self):
        self.logger.info("Request to resize IMG for request file")

        args = self._get_args()

        for item in self.request.files.values():
            for file_info in item:
                name = "/tmp/rs-%s-%s.png" % (time.time(), file_info["filename"])

                resize(open_image(file_info["body"]), name, args)
コード例 #5
def save_pos_samples(root_folder, folder_to, train=True, subset_size=None):
    """Se encarga de cargar todos los samples positivos"""
    lst_file_folder = 'Train' if train else 'Test'
    lst_pos_file = os.path.join(lst_file_folder, 'pos.lst')
    lst_annotations_file = os.path.join(lst_file_folder, 'annotations.lst')
    content_pos = open(os.path.join(root_folder, lst_pos_file))  # Abro el listado de imagenes positivas
    content_annotations = open(os.path.join(root_folder, lst_annotations_file))  # Abro el listado de imagenes positivas
    content_pos_lines = content_pos.readlines()
    content_annotations_lines = content_annotations.readlines()
    # Si fue especificado un tamaño de subset recorto la lista de lineas
    if subset_size:
        combined = list(zip(content_pos_lines, content_annotations_lines))
        # Los pongo en orden aleatorio cuando genero subset
        content_pos_lines, content_annotations_lines = zip(*combined)
        # Recorto el numero de resultados
        content_pos_lines = content_pos_lines[0:subset_size]
        content_annotations_lines = content_annotations_lines[0:subset_size]
    for img_path, bounding_boxes_path in zip(content_pos_lines, content_annotations_lines):
        # Elimino el caracter de nueva linea
        img_path = img_path.rstrip('\n')
        bounding_boxes_path = bounding_boxes_path.rstrip('\n')
        img_original = skimage.io.imread(os.path.join(root_folder, img_path))  # Cargo la imagen

        # Obtengo los bounding boxes de personas a recortar
        bounding_boxes_list = get_inria_bounding_boxes(root_folder, bounding_boxes_path)
        for bounding_box in bounding_boxes_list:
            persona = get_inria_bounding_box_cropped(img_original, bounding_box)  # Recorto a la persona
            persona = utils.resize(persona)  # Re escalo la imagen
            img_filename = utils.get_filename(img_path)  # Genero el nombre que tendra la imagen guardada
            utils.save_img(persona, folder_to, img_filename)  # Guardo la imagen en la carpeta de positivos
コード例 #6
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: thanhmvu/darknet
def transform(img):
#   # standardize the size of imput image. extract ONLY the title of the poster.
# 	h,w = img.shape[:2]
# 	imgT = img[:h/5,:] # crop out the title
# 	imgT = utils.resize(imgT, CFG.STD_SIZE)
# 	h,w = imgT.shape[:2]
# 	title = [(0,0), (w-1,0), (w-1,h-1), (0,h-1)] # coords of the title is that of the img itself
  # standardize the size of imput image
	imgT = utils.resize(img, CFG.STD_SIZE)
	imgT = pTr.addOcclusions(imgT)
	h,w = imgT.shape[:2]
	title = [(0,0), (w-1,0), (w-1,int(h*r)), (0,int(h*r))]
	imgT, title = pTr.lightBlob(imgT, title)
	imgT, title = pTr.blur(imgT, title)
	imgT, title = pTr.scaleAndTranslate(imgT,title)
	imgT, title = pTr.perspective(imgT, title)
	imgT, title = pTr.rotate(imgT,title)
	titleArea = utils.boundingArea(title)
	tBox = utils.formatLabel(titleArea, imgT.shape[:2])
	return (imgT, tBox)
コード例 #7
ファイル: scan.py プロジェクト: josecols/sb-ubicomp
def detect_edges(image):
	image = utils.resize(image, height = 500)
	gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
	gray = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (5, 5), 0)
	edges = utils.auto_canny(gray)

	return edges
コード例 #8
ファイル: ajax_views.py プロジェクト: Mytheny/modelbrouwers
def upload_url(request):
    albumform = PickAlbumForm(request.user, request.POST)
    urlform = UploadFromURLForm(request.POST)
    if albumform.is_valid() and urlform.is_valid():
        url = urlform.cleaned_data['url']
        album = albumform.cleaned_data['album']
        name = urlparse(url).path.split('/')[-1]
        tmp_img = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
        max_order = Photo.objects.filter(album=album).aggregate(Max('order'))['order__max'] or 0
        path = 'albums/%s/%s/' % (request.user.id, album.id)
        photo = Photo(user=request.user, album=album)
        photo.image.save(name, File(tmp_img))
        # get the resizing dimensions from the preferences #TODO this might move to utils in the future
        preferences = Preferences.get_or_create(request.user)
        resize_dimensions = preferences.get_default_img_size()
        img_data = resize(photo.image, upload_to=path, sizes_data=[resize_dimensions], overwrite=True)
        for data in img_data:
            photo.order = max_order + 1
            p_id = photo.id
        return HttpResponse(p_id, mimetype="text/plain")
    return render(request, 'albums/uploadify_url.html', {'urlform': urlform})
コード例 #9
ファイル: ajax_views.py プロジェクト: Mytheny/modelbrouwers
def uploadify(request):
    # Processing of each uploaded image
    albumform = PickAlbumForm(request.user, request.POST)
    # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    if albumform.is_valid():
        album = albumform.cleaned_data['album']
        max_order = Photo.objects.filter(album=album).aggregate(Max('order'))['order__max'] or 0
        img = request.FILES['Filedata']
        path = 'albums/%s/%s/' % (request.user.id, album.id) #/media/albums/<userid>/<albumid>/<img>.jpg
        # get the resizing dimensions from the preferences #TODO this might move to utils in the future
        preferences = Preferences.get_or_create(request.user)
        resize_dimensions = preferences.get_default_img_size()
        img_data = resize(img, upload_to=path, sizes_data=[resize_dimensions])
        # if img_data is not None:
        for data in img_data:
            photo = Photo(user=request.user, album=album, width=data[1], height=data[2])
            photo.image = data[0]
            photo.order = max_order + 1
            p_id = photo.id
            return HttpResponse('%s' % p_id, mimetype="text/plain") #return the photo id
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(_('File extension not in valid extensions: "%(extensions)s".' % {
        #         'extensions': ",".join(settings.VALID_IMG_EXTENSIONS)
        #         })
        #     )
        return HttpResponse()
コード例 #10
ファイル: primus.py プロジェクト: apacha/tf-deep-omr
    def getValidation(self, params):
        if self.validation_dict == None:
            images = []
            labels = []

            # Read files
            for sample_filepath in self.validation_list:
                sample_fullpath = self.corpus_dirpath + '/' + sample_filepath + '/' + sample_filepath

                # IMAGE
                sample_img = cv2.imread(sample_fullpath + '.png',
                                        False)  # Grayscale is assumed!
                height = params['img_height']
                sample_img = utils.resize(sample_img, height)

                # GROUND TRUTH
                if self.semantic:
                    sample_full_filepath = sample_fullpath + '.semantic'
                    sample_full_filepath = sample_fullpath + '.agnostic'

                sample_gt_file = open(sample_full_filepath, 'r')

                sample_gt_plain = sample_gt_file.readline().rstrip().split(

                labels.append([self.word2int[lab] for lab in sample_gt_plain])

            # Transform to batch
            image_widths = [img.shape[1] for img in images]
            max_image_width = max(image_widths)

            batch_images = np.ones(shape=[
                len(self.validation_list), params['img_height'],
                max_image_width, params['img_channels']
                                   dtype=np.float32) * self.PAD_COLUMN

            for i, img in enumerate(images):
                batch_images[i, 0:img.shape[0], 0:img.shape[1], 0] = img

            # LENGTH
            width_reduction = 1
            for i in range(params['conv_blocks']):
                width_reduction = width_reduction * params[

            lengths = [batch_images.shape[2] / width_reduction
                       ] * batch_images.shape[0]

            self.validation_dict = {
                'inputs': batch_images,
                'seq_lengths': np.asarray(lengths),
                'targets': labels,

        return self.validation_dict, len(self.validation_list)
コード例 #11
def paste_pose(background):
    # (75, 225) (243, 444)
    img_path = random.choice(pose_list)

    image = Image.open(img_path)

    image = resize(image, 166, 219)
    background.paste(image, (75-35, 225-38))
コード例 #12
def images_align():
    image = nib.load('20121114_075953s982300a000.nii.gz')
    affine = image.affine
    data = np.array(image.dataobj[:, :, :, 2])
    image_nib = nib.Nifti1Image(data, affine=affine)
    new_image_nib = resize(image_nib, (96, 96, 106), interpolation="nearest")
    nib.save(new_image_nib, 'test.nii')
コード例 #13
def pred_func(objects, last_output, gt_size):
    obj_pred = last_output[0].clone()
    for pred, o in zip(last_output[1:], objects):
        obj_pred[:, o] = pred[:, o]

    obj_pred = utils.resize(obj_pred, gt_size)
    obj_pred = obj_pred.argmax(dim=1)
    return obj_pred, None
コード例 #14
ファイル: extract.py プロジェクト: PBL-2016/physique
def extract(path):
    img = cv2.imread(path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
    img = resize(img, 300)
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, 1.1, 3)
    if len(faces) <= 0:
        return None

    bodies = body_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, 1.1, 3)
    if len(bodies) <= 0:
        return None

    face = Rectangle(faces[0][0], faces[0][1], faces[0][2], faces[0][3])
    body = Rectangle(bodies[0][0], bodies[0][1], bodies[0][2], bodies[0][3])

    # Body/Face Section
    body_ratio = body.w / face.w
    if body_ratio <= BODY_RATIO_THRESHOLD:
        return None

    # Skin Section
    skinR = skinG = skinB = 0

    for col in range(face.half_w):
        for row in range(10):
            pixel = img[face.y+face.half_h-row+5, face.x+face.quarter_w+col]
            skinB += pixel[0]
            skinG += pixel[1]
            skinR += pixel[2]

    averageDivisor = face.half_w * 10
    skinR = int(skinR / averageDivisor)
    skinG = int(skinG / averageDivisor)
    skinB = int(skinB / averageDivisor)

    # Hair Section
    hairR = hairG = hairB = 0

    top = face.y - 5
    if top < 0:
        top = 0

    for col in range(face.half_w):
        for row in range(10):
            pixel = img[top+row, face.x+face.quarter_w+col]
            hairB += pixel[0]
            hairG += pixel[1]
            hairR += pixel[2]

    hairR = int(hairR / averageDivisor)
    hairG = int(hairG / averageDivisor)
    hairB = int(hairB / averageDivisor)

    # Contour Section
    contour = recognize_contour(img[face.y:face.y2, face.x:face.x2])

    print("{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}".format(os.path.basename(path), skinR, skinG, skinB, hairR, hairG, hairB, body_ratio, contour))
コード例 #15
def get_next_batch(batch_size=128):
    images = []   
    to_images = []
    max_width_image = 0
    font_min_length = random.randint(10, 20)
    for i in range(batch_size):
        font_name = random.choice(AllFontNames)
        font_length = random.randint(font_min_length-5, font_min_length+5)
        font_size = random.randint(9, 64)    
        font_mode = random.choice([0,1,2,4]) 
        font_hint = random.choice([0,1,2,3,4,5])     
        text  = utils_font.get_random_text(CHARS, eng_world_list, font_length)          
        image = utils_font.get_font_image_from_url(text, font_name ,font_size, fontmode = font_mode, fonthint = font_hint )
        image = utils_font.add_noise(image)   
        image = utils_pil.convert_to_gray(image)
        rate =  random.randint(8, 17) / font_size
        image = utils_pil.resize(image, rate)
        image = np.asarray(image)     
        image = utils.resize(image, height=image_height)
        image = 255. - image 

        to_image = utils_font.get_font_image_from_url(text, font_name ,image_height, fontmode = font_mode, fonthint = font_hint)
        to_image = utils_pil.convert_to_gray(to_image)
        to_image = np.asarray(to_image)   
        to_image = utils.resize(to_image, height=image_height)
        to_image = utils.img2bwinv(to_image)

        if image.shape[1] > max_width_image: 
            max_width_image = image.shape[1]
        if to_image.shape[1] > max_width_image: 
            max_width_image = to_image.shape[1]      

    max_width_image = max_width_image + (POOL_SIZE - max_width_image % POOL_SIZE)
    inputs = np.zeros([batch_size, max_width_image, image_height])
    for i in range(len(images)):
        image_vec = utils.img2vec(images[i], height=image_height, width=max_width_image, flatten=False)
        inputs[i,:] = np.transpose(image_vec)

    labels = np.zeros([batch_size, max_width_image, image_height])
    for i in range(len(to_images)):
        image_vec = utils.img2vec(to_images[i], height=image_height, width=max_width_image, flatten=False)
        labels[i,:] = np.transpose(image_vec)
    return inputs, labels
コード例 #16
def resize_and_crop(phase, src, scale_size, crop_size):
    # resize the images
    src = resize(src, scale_size)

    # crop the images
    crop_params = get_crop_params(phase, src, crop_size)
    src = crop(src, crop_params[0], crop_params[1], crop_params[2], crop_params[3])

    return src
コード例 #17
def face_verify():
    start = time.time()
    file1 = request.files['file1']
    fn_1 = secure_filename(file1.filename)
    full_path_1 = os.path.join('static', fn_1)
    file2 = request.files['file2']
    fn_2 = secure_filename(file2.filename)
    full_path_2 = os.path.join('static', fn_2)

    prob, is_same = compare(full_path_1, full_path_2)
    elapsed = time.time() - start

    return is_same, prob, elapsed, fn_1, fn_2
コード例 #18
    def process_scans(self, image):
        image = segmentation_algo.get_slices_with_nodules(image)
        image = utils.resize(image)

        if self._augment:
            angle = randrange(-15, 15)
            image = utils.rotate_scans(image, angle)

        return utils.trim_pad_slices(image, pad_with_existing=True)
コード例 #19
def after_resize(bg_size, card, coordinates):
    left, top, right, bottom = card.getbbox()
    bw, bh = bg_size

    if bw < right*bh/bottom:
        new_size = random.randint(min_size, bw)
        card = resize(card, width=new_size)
        new_size = random.randint(min_size, bh)
        card = resize(card, height=new_size)

    nw, nh = card.size

    coordinates = coordinates.astype('float')

    coordinates[:, 0] *= nw/right
    coordinates[:, 1] *= nh/bottom
    return card, coordinates
コード例 #20
def copy_image(download_dir, overall_index, output_dir, args, i):
    img_path = get_img_path(i, download_dir)
    output_path = get_img_path(overall_index + i, output_dir)

    if args.resize_to is None:
        shutil.move(img_path, output_path)
        img = load_exr(img_path)
        resized = resize(img, args.resize_to)
        write_exr(output_path, resized)
コード例 #21
    def build_encoders(self, image):
        ycbcr = utils.RGB2YCbCr(image)
        encoders = []
        M, N = image.shape[:2]
        for i in range(3):
            channel = ycbcr[:, :, i] if i == 0 else utils.resize(
                ycbcr[:, :, i], M // 2, N // 2)
            encoders.append(ZeroTreeEncoder(channel, WAVELET))

        return encoders
コード例 #22
def readImage():
    img = cv2.imread('frame/ff206.png')
    img = resize(img,1500)
    im_blank = np.zeros_like(img)
    imContours = img.copy()
    stack =  imContours
    cv2.imshow("stack", stack)
コード例 #23
def match_image():
    start = time.time()
    file1 = request.files['file1']
    fn_1 = secure_filename(file1.filename)
    full_path_1 = os.path.join(UPLOAD_DIR, fn_1)
    file2 = request.files['file2']
    fn_2 = secure_filename(file2.filename)
    full_path_2 = os.path.join(UPLOAD_DIR, fn_2)

    is_match = compare(full_path_1, full_path_2)
    elapsed = time.time() - start

    return is_match, elapsed, fn_1, fn_2
コード例 #24
ファイル: detector.py プロジェクト: rgaior/script
 def FEtimesampling(self, wf):
     #first time sampling:
     step = float(1./fesampling)
     tracelength = wf.length
     nrofpoints = int(tracelength/step)
     newtime = np.linspace(wf.tstart,wf.tend,nrofpoints)
     [a,b] = utils.resize(wf.time,wf.amp)
     newy = np.interp(newtime,a,b)
     newwf = waveform.Waveform(newtime,newy,'timesampled')
     return newwf
コード例 #25
ファイル: detector.py プロジェクト: rgaior/detectorsim
 def FEtimesampling(self, wf):
     #first time sampling:
     step = float(1./fesampling)
     tracelength = wf.length
     nrofpoints = int(tracelength/step)
     newtime = np.linspace(wf.tstart,wf.tend,nrofpoints)
     [a,b] = utils.resize(wf.time,wf.amp)
     newy = np.interp(newtime,a,b)
     newwf = waveform.Waveform(newtime,newy,'timesampled')
     return newwf
コード例 #26
def scan(file):
    image = Image.open(file.stream)
    image = utils_pil.convert_to_gray(image)
    image = np.asarray(image)
    utils.save(image, os.path.join(curr_dir, "test", "p0.png"))
    # image = utils.clearImgGray(image)
    # utils.save(image * 255, os.path.join(curr_dir,"test","p1.png"))
    split_images = utils.splitImg(image)

    ocr_texts = []

    for i, split_image in enumerate(split_images):
        inv_image = utils.img2bwinv(split_image)
        inv_image = utils.clearImg(inv_image)
        image = 255. - split_image
        image = utils.dropZeroEdges(inv_image, image)
        image = utils.resize(image, ocr.image_height)
        image = image / 255.
        ocr_inputs = np.zeros([1, ocr.image_size, ocr.image_size])
        ocr_inputs[0, :] = utils.square_img(
            image, np.zeros([ocr.image_size, ocr.image_size]))

        utils.save(ocr_inputs[0] * 255,
                   os.path.join(curr_dir, "test", "ocr_%s.png" % i))

        ocr_seq_len = np.ones(1) * ocr.SEQ_LENGHT

        start = time.time()
        # p_net_g = session.run(net_g, {inputs: ocr_inputs})
        # p_net_g = np.squeeze(p_net_g, axis=3)

        # debug_net_g = np.copy(p_net_g)
        # for j in range(1):
        #     _t_img = utils.unsquare_img(p_net_g[j], ocr.image_height)
        #     _t_img[_t_img<0] = 0
        #     _t_img = utils.cvTrimImage(_t_img)
        #     _t_img = utils.resize(_t_img, ocr.image_height)
        #     if _t_img.shape[0] * _t_img.shape[1] <= ocr.image_size * ocr.image_size:
        #         p_net_g[j] = utils.square_img(_t_img, np.zeros([ocr.image_size, ocr.image_size]), ocr.image_height)

        # _img = np.vstack((ocr_inputs[0], debug_net_g[0], p_net_g[0]))
        # utils.save(_img * 255, os.path.join(curr_dir,"test","%s.png"%i))

        decoded_list = session.run(res_decoded[0], {
            inputs: ocr_inputs,
            seq_len: ocr_seq_len
        seconds = round(time.time() - start, 2)
        print("filished ocr %s , paid %s seconds" % (i, seconds))
        detected_list = utils.decode_sparse_tensor(decoded_list)
        for detect_number in detected_list:

    return ocr_texts
コード例 #27
def load_stylegan_avatar():
    url = "https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/image"
    r = requests.get(url, headers={'User-Agent': "Impersonator 0.1.0"}).content

    image = np.frombuffer(r, np.uint8)
    image = cv2.imdecode(image, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
    image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

    image = resize(image, (IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE))

    return image
コード例 #28
def evaluate(track):
    mix_audio, orig_sr, mix_channels = track.audio, track.rate, track.audio.shape[
    if mix_channels > 1:
        mono_audio = librosa.to_mono(mix_audio.T)
        mono_audio = mix_audio
    mono_audio = pad_audio(mono_audio, orig_sr)
    if orig_sr != hp.sample_rate:
        mono_audio = librosa.resample(mono_audio, orig_sr, hp.sample_rate)
    estimates = model.generate_wav(device, mono_audio)
    if hp.sample_rate != orig_sr:
        resample(estimates, orig_sr)
    resize(estimates, mix_audio)
    if mix_channels > 1:
        replicate_channels(estimates, mix_channels)
    #scores = museval.eval_mus_track(
    #    track, estimates, output_dir='bss_evals')
    return estimates
コード例 #29
ファイル: streams.py プロジェクト: n00blet/Models
 def __call__(self, x_batch, y_batch):
     images, landmarks = [], []
     for img_file, pts_file in zip(x_batch, y_batch):
         img = imread(img_file)
         xs, ys = read_landmarks(pts_file)
         pts = np.r_[xs, ys]
         cropped = crop(img, pts, padding=self.padding)
         new_img, new_pts = resize(*cropped, target_size=self.target_size)
     return np.array(images), np.array(landmarks)
コード例 #30
def paste_image(background_image, text, kind, space_width=3, height=25):
    image, mask = _generate_horizontal_text(text, font_size=32, space_width=space_width)
    image = resize(image, height=height)

    idw = image.size[0]
    x = (positions[kind][1][0] + positions[kind][0][0] - idw) // 2 + random.randint(-10, 10)
    y = positions[kind][0][1]

    background_image.paste(image, (x, y), image)

    return image
コード例 #31
def match_video():
    start = time.time()
    file = request.files['file']
    upload_file = secure_filename(file.filename)
    full_path = os.path.join(UPLOAD_DIR, upload_file)
    print('full_path: ' + full_path)

    with torch.no_grad():
        x = gen_feature(full_path)

    cosine = np.dot(features, x)
    cosine = np.clip(cosine, -1, 1)
    print('cosine.shape: ' + str(cosine.shape))
    max_index = int(np.argmax(cosine))
    max_value = cosine[max_index]
    name = name_list[max_index]
    fps = fps_list[max_index]
    idx = idx_list[max_index]
    image_fn = image_fn_list[max_index]
    print('max_index: ' + str(max_index))
    print('max_value: ' + str(max_value))
    print('name: ' + name)
    print('fps: ' + str(fps))
    print('idx: ' + str(idx))
    theta = math.acos(max_value)
    theta = theta * 180 / math.pi

    print('theta: ' + str(theta))
    prob = get_prob(theta)
    print('prob: ' + str(prob))
    time_in_video = idx / fps
    print('time_in_video: ' + str(time_in_video))

    prob = get_prob(theta)
    elapsed = time.time() - start
    return name, prob, idx, float(time_in_video), float(elapsed), str(
        upload_file), image_fn
コード例 #32
    def __call__(self, pred, obj_gt, part_gt):
        obj_pred, part_pred = pred
        obj_gt = obj_gt.squeeze(dim=1)
        part_gt = part_gt.squeeze(dim=1)

        pred_size = obj_pred.shape[-2:]
        obj_gt = utils.resize(obj_gt, pred_size)
        part_gt = utils.resize(part_gt, pred_size)
        part_gt = self.tree.split_parts_gt(obj_gt, part_gt, mark_in_obj=False)

        obj_loss = self.obj_ce(obj_pred, obj_gt)
        part_loss = []
        for o, (start, end) in self.tree.obj2part_idx.items():
            obj_mask = obj_gt == o
            o_part_gt = part_gt[self.tree.obj2idx[o]].clone()
            o_part_gt[~obj_mask] = -1
            o_part_pred = part_pred[:, start:end]
            part_loss.append(self.part_ce(o_part_pred, o_part_gt))

        loss = obj_loss + sum(part_loss)
        return loss
def descriptors_from_class(dataset,
    Gets all the local descriptors for a class. If an image has a side with more than 640 pixels it will be resized
    leaving the biggest side at 640 pixels and conserving the aspect ratio for the other side.

        dataset (Dataset object): An object that stores information about the dataset.
        class_img_paths (array of strings): The paths for each image in certain class.
        class_number (integer): The number of the class.
        option (integer): If this is 49 (The key '1') uses ORB features, else use SIFT.

        numpy float matrix: Each row are the descriptors found in an image of the class
    des = None
    #print class_img_paths
    step = (constants.STEP_PERCENTAGE * len(class_img_paths)) / 100
    for i in range(len(class_img_paths)):
        img_path = class_img_paths[i]
        img = cv2.imread(img_path)
        resize_to = 640
        h, w, channels = img.shape
        if h > resize_to or w > resize_to:
            img = utils.resize(img, resize_to, h, w)
        if option == constants.ORB_FEAT_OPTION:
            des_name = "ORB"
            new_des = orb(img)
            des_name = "SIFT"
            new_des = sift(img)
        if new_des is not None:
            if des is None:
                des = nmpy.array(new_des, dtype=nmpy.float32)
#print "YES"
                des = nmpy.vstack((des, nmpy.array(new_des)))

#print "NO"
# Print a message to show the status of the function
        if i % step == 0:
            percentage = (100 * i) / len(class_img_paths)
            message = "Calculated {0} descriptors for image {1} of {2}({3}%) of class number {4} ...".format(
                des_name, i, len(class_img_paths), percentage, class_number)
    message = "* Finished getting the descriptors for the class number {0}*".format(
    print("Number of descriptors in class: {0}".format(len(des)))
    dataset.set_class_count(class_number, len(des))
    return des
コード例 #34
    def load_mask(self, img, index):
        imgh, imgw = img.shape[0:2]
        mask_type = self.mask

        # external + random block
        if mask_type == 4:
            mask_type = 1 if np.random.binomial(1, 0.5) == 1 else 3

        # external + random block + half
        elif mask_type == 5:
            mask_type = np.random.randint(1, 4)

        # random block
        if mask_type == 1:
            # return create_mask(imgw, imgh, imgw // 2, imgh // 2)
            return mask_generator.generate_random_mask(
                np.random.rand(np.random.randint(2, 5), 8), imgh, imgw)

        # half
        if mask_type == 2:
            # randomly choose right or left
            return create_mask(imgw, imgh, imgw // 2, imgh,
                               0 if random.random() < 0.5 else imgw // 2, 0)

        # external
        if mask_type == 3:
            mask_index = random.randint(0, len(self.mask_data) - 1)
            mask = imread(self.mask_data[mask_index])
            mask = utils.resize(mask, imgh, imgw, self.is_center_crop)
            mask = (mask > 0).astype(
                np.uint8) * 255  # threshold due to interpolation
            return mask

        # test mode: load mask non random
        if mask_type == 6:
            mask = imread(self.mask_data[index % len(self.mask_data)])
            mask = utils.resize(mask, imgh, imgw, centerCrop=False)
            mask = rgb2gray(mask)
            mask = (mask > 0).astype(np.uint8) * 255
            return mask
コード例 #35
    def straighten(self, stepsize=3, low_angle=-5, high_angle=5):
        # width is shape[1], height is shape[0]
        #cv2.imwrite("tmp//before.jpg", self.img)
        origWidth = self.img.shape[1]
        if low_angle < -20 or high_angle > 20:
            raise Exception("Photo is too skewed. Please straighten photo before trying to process it")

        img = resize(self.img, width=600)         # for some reason, straightening works better at this width :-??

        # straighten out images
        # using histograms: rotate +-5 in .3 steps, get max of each histogram
        #                   and ideal rotation is argmax of those maxes

        simg = img
        hists = []
        rng = list(range(low_angle*stepsize, high_angle*stepsize))
        bincount = 600 if img.shape[0] > 600 else img.shape[0]
        for ang in rng:
            pimg = rotate(simg, ang/float(stepsize), fixed=True) # was true, but doesn't make sense and doens't work
            # pimg = rotate(simg, ang/float(stepsize))
            # cv2.imwrite("tmp//rotate %d.jpg" % ang, pimg)
            hist, _ = np.histogram(pimg.sum(axis=1), bincount)
            #plt.savefig('tmp//hist %d.png' % ang, bbox_inches='tight')
        rot = np.argmax(hists)

        # if the best rotation angle is the one on the edge of our threshold, try to rotate again with an extended
        # threshold in that direction
        if rot == 0:
            self.straighten(low_angle=low_angle-5, high_angle=high_angle-5)
        elif rot == len(rng) - 1:
            self.straighten(low_angle=low_angle+5, high_angle=high_angle+5)
        img = rotate(self.img, rng[rot]/float(stepsize), fixed=False)   # otsu's method removes
                                                                          # background noise better

        # self.img = img.resize(w=origWidth//2)        # so that all letters are small enough
        self.img = resize(img, width=600)              # maybe I should look at average size of a blob ?
コード例 #36
def left_blending(left_img, warped_img, disx, disy):

    points_left = approx(left_img)
    left_y, left_x = check_border(points_left)
    points_warped = approx(warped_img)
    warped_y, warped_x = check_border(points_warped)
    min_y_a = min(left_y)
    min_x_a = min(left_x)
    max_x_a = max(left_x)
    max_x = max(warped_x)
    max_y = max(warped_y)
    # 左图
    A = left_img[0:max_x_a, min_y_a:disx, :].copy()
    A0 = left_img[disy + 200:disy + 300, disx:disx + 150, :]  # 光照补偿块

    # 右图
    B = np.zeros((A.shape[0], max_y, 3), np.uint8)
    B[disy:disy + max_x, 0:max_y, :] = warped_img[0:max_x, 0:max_y, :]

    # 右图
    B0 = B[disy + 200:disy + 300, 0:150, :]  # 光照补偿参照块

    k = xi(A0, B0)
    left_img = Recorver(left_img, k)

    #import sys
    A_shape = A.shape[:2]
    B_shape = B.shape[:2]
    padding = 8
    if padding % 2 != 0:
        padding = padding + 1
    A1 = left_img[0:max_x_a, min_y_a:disx + 2 * padding, :].copy()
    std_size = resize(A_shape, B_shape, padding * 2)
    #print(std_size)  # 标准大小
    left_padding = img_padding(A1, std_size, padding, bi='left')
    right_padding = img_padding(B, std_size, padding, bi='right')

    result = multi_band_blending(left_padding, right_padding, padding * 2, 3,

    re = left_padding.shape[1] - A.shape[1]
    result1 = result[min_x_a:, re:, :].copy()

    return result1
コード例 #37
 def prepare_x(self, input_directory, do_resize=True):
     data_dir = pathlib.Path(input_directory)
     input_images_url = list(data_dir.glob('*'))
     if do_resize:
         train_x = np.asarray(
             [np.array(to_grayscale(resize(PIL.Image.open(str(image_url))))) for image_url in input_images_url])
         train_x = np.expand_dims(train_x, -1)
         train_x = [np.array(to_grayscale(PIL.Image.open(str(image_url)))) for image_url in input_images_url]
     print("#Images:", len(input_images_url))
     print("train_x ready")
     return train_x
コード例 #38
    def load_item(self, index):
        size = self.input_size

        # load image
        ori_img = self.data[index]
        img = np.array(ori_img)

        # gray to rgb
        if len(ori_img.shape) < 3:
            ori_img = gray2rgb(ori_img)

        # resize/crop if needed
        if size != 0:
            img = utils.resize(ori_img, size, size, self.is_center_crop)

        # create grayscale image
        img_gray = rgb2gray(img)

        # load mask
        mask = self.load_mask(img, index)

        # resize/crop if needed
        if size != 0:
            img_shape = img.shape
            mask = utils.resize(mask, img_shape[0], img_shape[1],

        # load edge
        edge = self.load_edge(img_gray, index, mask)

        # augment data
        if self.augment and np.random.binomial(1, 0.5) > 0:
            img = img[:, ::-1, ...]
            img_gray = img_gray[:, ::-1, ...]
            edge = edge[:, ::-1, ...]
            mask = mask[:, ::-1, ...]

        return list(ori_img.shape), self.to_tensor(img), self.to_tensor(
            img_gray), self.to_tensor(edge), self.to_tensor(mask)
コード例 #39
def test(src_cam: cv.VideoCapture,
         dst_cam: cv.VideoCapture,
         size=(640, 480)):
    while True:
        # read images from both cameras
        is_ok, src_image = src_cam.read()
        if not is_ok:

        is_ok, dst_image = dst_cam.read()
        if not is_ok:

        # resize
        src_resized = utils.resize(src_image, size)
        dst_resized = utils.resize(dst_image, size)

        # transform
        src_resized = cv.warpAffine(src_resized,

        # get BGR and Gray
        src_bgr, src_gray = utils.to_bgr_gray(src_resized)
        dst_bgr, dst_gray = utils.to_bgr_gray(dst_resized)

        # combine
        combine = (0.5 * src_bgr + 0.5 * dst_bgr).astype(np.uint8)

        # draw
        cv.imshow('combine', combine)

        key = cv.waitKey(10)
        if key == 27:

コード例 #40
ファイル: monitor.py プロジェクト: jayd2446/ComicStreamer
    def getComicMetadata(self, path):

        ca = ComicArchive(
            path, default_image_path=AppFolders.imagePath("default.jpg"))

        if ca.seemsToBeAComicArchive():
            logging.debug(u"Reading in {0} {1}\r".format(
                self.read_count, path))
            self.read_count += 1

            if ca.hasMetadata(MetaDataStyle.CIX):
                style = MetaDataStyle.CIX
            elif ca.hasMetadata(MetaDataStyle.CBI):
                style = MetaDataStyle.CBI
                style = None

            if style is not None:
                md = ca.readMetadata(style)
                # No metadata in comic.  make some guesses from the filename
                md = ca.metadataFromFilename()

            md.path = ca.path
            md.page_count = ca.page_count
            md.mod_ts = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(ca.path))
            md.filesize = os.path.getsize(md.path)
            md.hash = ""

            #thumbnail generation
            image_data = ca.getPage(0)
            #now resize it
            thumb = StringIO.StringIO()
            utils.resize(image_data, (200, 200), thumb)
            md.thumbnail = thumb.getvalue()

            return md
        return None
コード例 #41
    def get_shrunk_channels(self, src):
        shrink = self.options["shrink"]
        n_orient = self.options["n_orient"]
        grd_smooth_rad = self.options["grd_smooth_rad"]
        grd_norm_rad = self.options["grd_norm_rad"]

        luv = rgb2luv(src)
        size = (luv.shape[0] / shrink, luv.shape[1] / shrink)
        channels = [resize(luv, size)]

        for scale in [1.0, 0.5]:
            img = resize(luv, (luv.shape[0] * scale, luv.shape[1] * scale))
            img = conv_tri(img, grd_smooth_rad)

            magnitude, orientation = gradient(img, grd_norm_rad)

            downscale = max(1, int(shrink * scale))
            hist = histogram(magnitude, orientation, downscale, n_orient)

            channels.append(resize(magnitude, size)[:, :, None])
            channels.append(resize(hist, size))

        channels = N.concatenate(channels, axis=2)

        reg_smooth_rad = self.options["reg_smooth_rad"] / float(shrink)
        ss_smooth_rad = self.options["ss_smooth_rad"] / float(shrink)

        if reg_smooth_rad > 1.0:
            reg_ch = conv_tri(channels, int(round(reg_smooth_rad)))
            reg_ch = conv_tri(channels, reg_smooth_rad)

        if ss_smooth_rad > 1.0:
            ss_ch = conv_tri(channels, int(round(ss_smooth_rad)))
            ss_ch = conv_tri(channels, ss_smooth_rad)

        return reg_ch, ss_ch
コード例 #42
ファイル: monitor.py プロジェクト: Kalinon/ComicStreamer
    def getComicMetadata(self, path):

        ca = ComicArchive(path,  default_image_path=AppFolders.imagePath("default.jpg"))
        if ca.seemsToBeAComicArchive():
            logging.debug(u"Reading in {0} {1}\r".format(self.read_count, path))
            self.read_count += 1

            if ca.hasMetadata( MetaDataStyle.CIX ):
                style = MetaDataStyle.CIX
            elif ca.hasMetadata( MetaDataStyle.CBI ):
                style = MetaDataStyle.CBI
                style = None
            if style is not None:
                md = ca.readMetadata(style)
                # No metadata in comic.  make some guesses from the filename
                md = ca.metadataFromFilename()
            md.path = ca.path 
            md.page_count = ca.page_count
            md.mod_ts = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(ca.path))
            md.filesize = os.path.getsize(md.path)
            md.hash = ""

            #thumbnail generation
            image_data = ca.getPage(0)
            #now resize it
            thumb = StringIO.StringIO()
            utils.resize(image_data, (200, 200), thumb)
            md.thumbnail = thumb.getvalue()

            return md
        return None
コード例 #43
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: Mytheny/modelbrouwers
def upload(request):
    Pure HTTP based upload, if you don't want to or can't use Flash and/or javascript.
    amountform = AmountForm(request.GET)
    if amountform.is_valid():
        amount = amountform.cleaned_data['amount'] or 20
        amount = 20
    PhotoFormSet = modelformset_factory(Photo, fields=('image',), extra=amount)
    if request.method == "POST":
        albumform = PickAlbumForm(request.user, request.POST)
        formset = PhotoFormSet(request.POST, request.FILES)
        if albumform.is_valid() and formset.is_valid():
            album = albumform.cleaned_data['album']
            photo_ids = []
            max_order = Photo.objects.filter(album=album).aggregate(Max('order'))['order__max'] or 0
            order = max_order + 1
            path = 'albums/%s/%s/' % (request.user.id, album.id)
            # get the resizing dimensions from the preferences
            preferences = Preferences.get_or_create(request.user)
            resize_dimensions = preferences.get_default_img_size()
            i = 0 # to access the file in request.FILES
            for form in formset:
                if form.has_changed():
                    instance = form.save(commit=False)
                    instance.user, instance.album = request.user, album
                    instance.order = order
                    img = request.FILES['form-%s-image' % i]
                    img_data = resize(img, upload_to=path, sizes_data=[resize_dimensions])
                    for data in img_data:
                        instance.width = data[1]
                        instance.height = data[2]
                        instance.image = data[0]
                    order += 1
                i += 1
                #make it a GET request again to pass it to the next function
            request.method = "GET"
            return set_extra_info(request, photo_ids, album)
        albumform = PickAlbumForm(request.user)
        formset = PhotoFormSet(queryset=Photo.objects.none())
    return render(request, 'albums/upload.html', {'amountform': amountform, 'albumform': albumform, 'formset': formset})
コード例 #44
def descriptors_from_class(dataset, class_img_paths, class_number, option = constants.ORB_FEAT_OPTION):
    Gets all the local descriptors for a class. If an image has a side with more than 640 pixels it will be resized
    leaving the biggest side at 640 pixels and conserving the aspect ratio for the other side.

        dataset (Dataset object): An object that stores information about the dataset.
        class_img_paths (array of strings): The paths for each image in certain class.
        class_number (integer): The number of the class.
        option (integer): If this is 49 (The key '1') uses ORB features, else use SIFT.

        numpy float matrix: Each row are the descriptors found in an image of the class
    des = None
    step = (constants.STEP_PERCENTAGE * len(class_img_paths)) / 100
    for i in range(len(class_img_paths)):
        img_path = class_img_paths[i]
        img = cv2.imread(img_path)
        resize_to = 640
        h, w, channels = img.shape
        if h > resize_to or w > resize_to:
            img = utils.resize(img, resize_to, h, w)
        if option == constants.ORB_FEAT_OPTION:
            des_name = "ORB"
            new_des = orb(img)
            des_name = "SIFT"
            new_des = sift(img)
        if new_des is not None:
            if des is None:
                des = np.array(new_des, dtype=np.float32)
                des = np.vstack((des, np.array(new_des)))
        # Print a message to show the status of the function
        if i % step == 0:
            percentage = (100 * i) / len(class_img_paths)
            message = "Calculated {0} descriptors for image {1} of {2}({3}%) of class number {4} ...".format(
                des_name, i, len(class_img_paths), percentage, class_number
    message = "* Finished getting the descriptors for the class number {0}*".format(class_number)
    print("Number of descriptors in class: {0}".format(len(des)))
    dataset.set_class_count(class_number, len(des))
    return des
コード例 #45
ファイル: spatial_clustering.py プロジェクト: kid-a/pyhtm2
 def update_PCW(self, uNodeState, uInputInfo):
     """Update the PCW matrix."""
     PCW = uNodeState['PCW']
     k = uNodeState['k']
     cls = uInputInfo['class']
         PCW[k, cls] += 1
         (rows, cols) = PCW.shape
         (delta_r, delta_c) = (k + 1 - rows, cls + 1 - cols)
         if delta_r < 0: delta_r = 0
         if delta_c < 0: delta_c = 0
         PCW = utils.resize(PCW, (rows + delta_r, cols + delta_c))
         PCW[k, cls] = 1
     uNodeState['PCW'] = PCW
コード例 #46
ファイル: line.py プロジェクト: rolisz/receipt_budget
    def analyze(self):
        Character segmentation
        prev = 0
        i = size
        true_query = []
        nimg = np.concatenate(
            (np.zeros((20, size)), resize(self.img, width=self.img.shape[1], height=20), np.zeros((20, size))), axis=1
        all_black = True
        while i < self.img.shape[1]:
            mimg = nimg[:, i - size : i + size]

            mimg = mimg.reshape(-1).astype(float)
            # nimg = pipe.transform(nimg)
            probabilities = model.predict_proba(mimg)[0]
            # print(probabilities)
            if probabilities[0] > probabilities[1]:
                pred = 0
                pred = 1
            if all_black and nimg[:, i].sum() > 50:
                all_black = False
            # cv2.imwrite("tmp\\seg %d %s.jpg" % (i, pred), mimg.reshape((20,20)))
            if pred == 1:
                true_query.append((i - size, probabilities[1], all_black))
                all_black = True
                if 5 < i - prev < 30:
                    prev = i
                    i += 5
                    prev = i
            i += 1

        self.segments = []
        prev = 0
        for i, prob, all_black in true_query:
            if not all_black and nimg[:, prev + size : i + size].sum() > 200:
                self.segments.append((prev, i))
            prev = i
        if nimg[:, prev + size :].sum() > 200:
            self.segments.append((prev, self.img.shape[1] - 1))
コード例 #47
ファイル: preparer.py プロジェクト: bryazginnn/detector
def prepareByFile(imgObject, detector, w, h):
    resize, возвращение подготовленного для сравнения объекта(-ов)

    :param imgObject: изображение
    :param detector: путь до изображения
    :param w: ширина изображения после resize
    :param h: высота изображения после resize

    :returns kp: особые точки изображения
    :returns desc: описания особых точек изображения

    img = utils.readFromFile(imgObject)
    img = utils.resize(img, w, h)

    print 'PREPARE '

    if not detector:
        raise Exception("Detector can't be None")
    kp, desc = detector.detectAndCompute(img, None)
    return kp, desc
コード例 #48
ファイル: preparer.py プロジェクト: bryazginnn/detector
def prepare(imgPath, detector, w, h):
    Чтение изображения, resize, возвращение подготовленного для сравнения объекта(-ов)
    :param imgPath: путь до изображения
    :param detector: путь до изображения
    :param w: ширина изображения после resize
    :param h: высота изображения после resize
    :returns kp: особые точки изображения
    :returns desc: описания особых точек изображения
    img = utils.read(imgPath)
    print img
    if img == None:
        raise Exception(u"Can't open file '%s'" % imgPath)
    img = utils.resize(img, w, h)
    print u'PREPARE %s' % imgPath
    if not detector:
        raise Exception("Detector can't be None")
    kp, desc = detector.detectAndCompute(img, None)
    return kp, desc
コード例 #49
ファイル: board_DCcarac.py プロジェクト: rgaior/detectorsim
import utils
import constant
import glob
#temp, gain, bw, tau of power det
datafolder = constant.calibdatafolder+ '/2013_03_25/calib_board/'
files1 = glob.glob(datafolder+'C1pdboard200*')
files2 = glob.glob(datafolder+'C2pdboard200*')
mean1 = np.array([])
mean2 = np.array([])

vminusmean1 = np.array([])
vminusmean2 = np.array([])
for f1,f2 in zip(files1[::5],files2[::5]):
    wf1 = utils.readscopefile(f1)
    wf2 = utils.readscopefile(f2)
    [pd,board] = utils.resize(wf1[1],wf2[1])
    delay = utils.finddelay2(pd,board)
    board =  np.roll(board,delay)        
    m1 = np.mean(pd)
    m2 = np.mean(board)
    #DC component
    mean1 = np.append(mean1,m1)
    mean2 = np.append(mean2,m2)
    #non DC component
    vminusmean1 = np.append(vminusmean1, pd - m1)
    vminusmean2 = np.append(vminusmean2, board - m2)

fig1 = plt.figure()
ax1 = plt.subplot(111)
ax1.plot(mean1,mean2,'ro',label='mean waveform')
fit = np.polyfit(mean1,mean2,1)
コード例 #50
ファイル: bond.py プロジェクト: PBL-2016/physique
face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier('haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml')
body_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier('haarcascade_mcs_upperbody.xml')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    arg = Arguments(sys.argv)
    fullpath = arg.get_as_file(0)

    # Check the file is exist
    if fullpath is None:

    print('File:\t', fullpath)
    img = cv2.imread(fullpath, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
    img = resize(img, 300)
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, 1.1, 3)
    print('Face detect:\t', len(faces) > 0)
    bodies = body_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, 1.1, 3)
    print('Body detect:\t', len(bodies) > 0)
    if len(faces) <= 0 or len(bodies) <= 0:

    face = Rectangle(faces[0][0], faces[0][1], faces[0][2], faces[0][3])
    body = Rectangle(bodies[0][0], bodies[0][1], bodies[0][2], bodies[0][3])

    # Skin Section
    skinR = skinG = skinB = 0
コード例 #51
ファイル: m1_findparam.py プロジェクト: rgaior/detectorsim
#for f1, f2 in zip(filesRF, filesPD):
for f1, f2 in zip(filesRF[::5], filesPD[::5]):
    mindist = 1e6
    #result for each file
    dist = np.array([])
    besttau = 0
    besta = 0
    bestb = 0
    wfRF = utils.readscopefile(f1)
    wfPD = utils.readscopefile(f2)
    for t in taus:
        conv = utils.produceresponse(wfRF[0],wfRF[1],t)
        real = wfPD[1]
        sim = conv[1]
        #resize the two waveforms to the same size (because of the convolution)
        [real,sim] = utils.resize(real,sim)
        time = utils.gettime(wfPD[0],conv[0])
        delay = utils.finddelay2(real,sim)
        simshifted =  np.roll(sim,delay)        
        #fit the conv vs power:
        fitconv_pd = np.polyfit(simshifted,real,1)
        polyconv_pd = np.poly1d(fitconv_pd)
        simpd = polyconv_pd(simshifted)        
        size = len(simpd)
        alpha = np.sum( (simpd - real)**2)
        dist = np.append(dist,alpha)
        if alpha < mindist:
            mindist = alpha
            besttau = t
            besta = fitconv_pd[0]
            bestb = fitconv_pd[1]
コード例 #52
ファイル: feature.py プロジェクト: mankozooyork/first-project
X = []
y = []
resize_to = 640
#des = None

print ('start loading ' + str(len(pos_img_files)-1) + ' positive files')
for pos_img_file in pos_img_files:
  pos_filepath = pos_img_dir + pos_img_file
  # not include hidden files
  root, ext = os.path.splitext(pos_filepath)
  if ext == ".JPG" :
    pos_img = cv2.imread(pos_filepath)
    h, w, channels = pos_img.shape
    if h > resize_to or w > resize_to:
        pos_img = utils.resize(pos_img, resize_to, h, w)
    gray_pos= cv2.cvtColor(pos_img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    orb = cv2.ORB_create()
    kp_orb, des = orb.detectAndCompute(gray_pos, None)
    img_orb = cv2.drawKeypoints(gray_pos, kp_orb, None)

    #akaze = cv2.AKAZE_create()
    #kp_akaze, des = akaze.detectAndCompute(gray_pos, None)
    #img_akaze = cv2.drawKeypoints(gray_pos, kp_akaze, None)

    #detect keypoints
    #fast = cv2.FastFeatureDetector_create()
コード例 #53
ファイル: line.py プロジェクト: rolisz/receipt_budget
 def __init__(self, begin, end, img):
     self.img = resize(img, height=Line.line_height)
     self.beginY = begin
     self.endY = end