コード例 #1
    def retrace_path(self, remaining_steps, offset, remaining_orbs):
        retraced_frames = offset
        out = []

        rot_matrix = utils.rotation_matrix(self.angle * delay,
                                           not self.clockwise)
        i = 0
        while True:
            if i >= remaining_orbs:
                return out

            if retraced_frames >= self.frame_counter:
                previous_step = remaining_steps.pop()
                return out + previous_step.retrace_path(
                    remaining_steps, retraced_frames - self.frame_counter,
                    remaining_orbs - i)

            if i == 0:
                p2 = utils.rotate_p_around_p(
                    self.pos, self.orbit_centre,
                        (self.frame_counter - offset) * self.angle,
                p2 = utils.rotate_p_around_p(out[i - 1], self.orbit_centre,
            retraced_frames += delay
            i += 1
コード例 #2
ファイル: antenna.py プロジェクト: rgaior/CbandTsys
 def setrotationmatrix(self):
     rotthetaaxis = np.array([0, 1, 0])
     rotphiaxis = np.array([0, 0, 1])
     rottheta = self.antennageo[0]
     rotphi = self.antennageo[1]
     rotthetaangle = utils.degtorad(rottheta)
     rotphiangle = utils.degtorad(rotphi)
     rotthetamatrix = utils.rotation_matrix(rotthetaaxis, -rotthetaangle)
     rotphimatrix = utils.rotation_matrix(rotphiaxis, -rotphiangle)
     rottot = np.dot(rotthetamatrix, rotphimatrix)
     self.rotationmatrix = rottot
コード例 #3
    def compute_error(self, cur_pose):
        # Find the first element of the plan that is in front of the robot, and remove any elements that are behind the robot. To do this:
        # Loop over the plan (starting at the beginning) For each configuration in the plan
        # If the configuration is behind the robot, remove it from the plan
        # Will want to perform a coordinate transformation to determine if the configuration is in front or behind the robot
        # If the configuration is in front of the robot, break out of the loop
        while len(self.plan) > 0:
            # YOUR CODE HERE
            rot = utils.rotation_matrix((np.pi / 2) - cur_pose[2])
            trans_v = [[self.plan[0][0] - cur_pose[0]],
                       [self.plan[0][1] - cur_pose[1]]]
            zg_configr = np.array(np.matmul(rot, trans_v))
            if zg_configr[1] < 0:

        # Check if the plan is empty. If so, return (False, 0.0)
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        if len(self.plan) == 0:
            return False, 0.0
        # At this point, we have removed configurations from the plan that are behind
        # the robot. Therefore, element 0 is the first configuration in the plan that is in
        # front of the robot. To allow the robot to have some amount of 'look ahead',
        # we choose to have the robot head towards the configuration at index 0 + self.plan_lookahead
        # We call this index the goal_index
        goal_idx = int(min(0 + self.plan_lookahead, len(self.plan) - 1))

        # Compute the translation error between the robot and the configuration at goal_idx in the plan
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        rota = utils.rotation_matrix((np.pi / 2) - cur_pose[2])
        trans_ve = [[self.plan[goal_idx][0] - cur_pose[0]],
                    [self.plan[goal_idx][1] - cur_pose[1]]]
        lg_configr = np.array(np.matmul(rota, trans_ve))
        translation_error = -lg_configr[0]

        # Compute the total error
        # Translation error was computed above
        # Rotation error is the difference in yaw between the robot and goal configuration
        # Be carefull about the sign of the rotation error
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        rotation_error = self.plan[goal_idx][2] - cur_pose[2]

        error = (self.translation_weight *
                 translation_error) + (self.rotation_weight * rotation_error)

        return True, error
コード例 #4
    def odomCB(self, msg):
        Store deltas between consecutive odometry messages in the coordinate space of the car.

        Odometry data is accumulated via dead reckoning, so it is very inaccurate on its own.
        position = np.array([

        orientation = Utils.quaternion_to_angle(msg.pose.pose.orientation)
        pose = np.array([position[0], position[1], orientation])

        if isinstance(self.last_pose, np.ndarray):
            # changes in x,y,theta in local coordinate system of the car
            rot = Utils.rotation_matrix(-self.last_pose[2])
            delta = np.array([position - self.last_pose[0:2]]).transpose()
            local_delta = (rot*delta).transpose()
            self.odometry_data = np.array([local_delta[0,0], local_delta[0,1], orientation - self.last_pose[2]])
            self.last_pose = pose
            self.last_stamp = msg.header.stamp
            self.odom_initialized = True
            print "...Received first Odometry message"
            self.last_pose = pose

        # this topic is slower than lidar, so update every time we receive a message
コード例 #5
ファイル: gui.py プロジェクト: gtfactslab/ASIF_Quadcopter
    def update(self, i):
        for key in self.quads:
            state = self.quad.get_state(key)
            self.quads[key]['position'] = state[0:3]
            self.quads[key]['orientation'] = state[3:6]
            R = utils.rotation_matrix(self.quads[key]['orientation'])
            L = self.quads[key]['L']
            points = R @ np.array([[-L, 0, 0], [L, 0, 0], [0, -L, 0],
                                   [0, L, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]).T
            points[0, :] += self.quads[key]['position'][0]
            points[1, :] += self.quads[key]['position'][1]
            points[2, :] += self.quads[key]['position'][2]
            self.quads[key]['l1'].set_data_3d(points[0, 0:2], points[1, 0:2],
                                              points[2, 0:2])
            self.quads[key]['l2'].set_data_3d(points[0, 2:4], points[1, 2:4],
                                              points[2, 2:4])
            self.quads[key]['hub'].set_data_3d(points[0, 5], points[1, 5],
                                               points[2, 5])

            if self.plot_quad_trail:
                quad_x, quad_y, quad_z = self.quads[key]['position']
                if not (quad_x > 6 or quad_x < -2 or quad_y > 6 or quad_y < -2
                        or quad_z > 7 or quad_z < -2):
                    self.trail.set_data_3d(self.x, self.y, self.z)

            if self.plot_sim_trail:
                sim = np.array(self.quad.last_sim_state)
                sim_x = sim[:, 0]
                sim_y = sim[:, 1]
                sim_z = sim[:, 2]
                self.sim_trail.set_data_3d(sim_x, sim_y, sim_z)
            '''bounds = self.quad.get_bounds(self.t, 0.01)
コード例 #6
ファイル: skeleton.py プロジェクト: uscresl/humanoid-gail
    def compute_motion(self, frame):
        positions = {}

        def sanitize(vector):
            vector = vector.flatten()
            return np.array([vector[0, 2], vector[0, 0], vector[0, 1]])

        def dfs(position, node, stack):
            angles = np.zeros(3)
            direction = np.zeros(3)
            if "direction" in node:
                direction = node["direction"] * node["length"]
                if "axis" in node and node["name"] in frame:
                    dofs = ["rx", "ry", "rz"]
                    for d in range(len(node["dof"])):
                        dof = node["dof"][d]
                        angles[dofs.index(dof)] = frame[node["name"]][d]

            L = rotation_matrix(node, angles[0], angles[1], angles[2])
            stack.append(np.dot(L, stack[-1]))
            end_position = position + np.dot(direction, stack[-1])
            positions[node["name"]] = sanitize(end_position.copy())

            if "children" in node:
                for child in node["children"].values():
                    dfs(end_position, child, stack)


        root_matrix = rotation_matrix(self.hierarchy["root"], frame["root"][3],
                                      frame["root"][4], frame["root"][5])
        root_pos = frame["root"][:3]
        dfs(root_pos, self.hierarchy["root"], [root_matrix])

        return positions
コード例 #7
    def odomCB(self, msg):
        Store deltas between consecutive odometry messages in the coordinate space of the car.

        Odometry data is accumulated via dead reckoning, so it is very inaccurate on its own.
        position = np.array([

        orientation = Utils.quaternion_to_angle(msg.pose.pose.orientation)
        pose = np.array([position[0], position[1], orientation])

        if isinstance(self.last_pose, np.ndarray):
            # changes in x,y,theta in local coordinate system of the car
            rot = Utils.rotation_matrix(-self.last_pose[2])
            delta = np.array([position - self.last_pose[0:2]]).transpose()
            local_delta = (rot*delta).transpose()
            self.odometry_data = np.array([local_delta[0,0], local_delta[0,1], orientation - self.last_pose[2]])
            self.last_pose = pose
            self.last_stamp = msg.header.stamp
            self.odom_initialized = True
            print "...Received first Odometry message"
            self.last_pose = pose

        # this topic is slower than lidar, so update every time we receive a message
コード例 #8
ファイル: general_plots.py プロジェクト: woxxel/ROI-matching
def update_quiver(num, hQ, hQ2, slope, grid, flow, idxes):

    #print('-------- phi: %5.3f ---------'%phi_arr[i])
    phi = (num + 180) % 360 - 180
    R = rotation_matrix([1, slope, 0], phi, degree=True)
    flow_rot = np.einsum('jk,...k', R, flow)
    flow_sum = (flow_rot**2).sum(1).sum(0)

    grid_rot = np.einsum('jk,...k', R, grid)

    dims = grid.shape
    hQ2.set_offsets(grid_rot[:, :, :2].reshape(dims[0] * dims[1], 2))
    hQ2.set_UVC(flow_rot[::idxes, ::idxes, 0], flow_rot[::idxes, ::idxes, 1])

    dim = grid.shape

    grid_plot = grid_rot.reshape(dim[0] * dim[1], dim[2])
    flow_plot = flow_rot[::idxes, ::idxes, :].reshape(dim[0] * dim[1], dim[2])

    segs = [[[x[0], x[1], x[2]], [x[0] + f[0], x[1] + f[1], x[2] + f[2]]]
            for (x, f) in zip(grid_plot, flow_plot)]

    plt.title('phi = %4.2f' % phi)

    return hQ
コード例 #9
ファイル: state.py プロジェクト: krachbumm3nte/orbits
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     self.head = kwargs['head']
     self.orbit_centre = kwargs['orbit_centre']
     v_centre = self.orbit_centre - self.head.pos
     self.clockwise = np.cross(self.head.dir, v_centre) < 0
     self.angle = self.head.speed / utils.distance_p_p(self.head.pos, self.orbit_centre)
     self.rot_matrix = utils.rotation_matrix(self.angle, self.clockwise)
     self.head.tracer.add_trace(tracer.Orbit(self.head.pos, self.orbit_centre, self.clockwise, self.angle))
コード例 #10
    def transform_to_car(self, cur_pose, index):
        theta = cur_pose[2] - np.pi / 2
        rot_mat = utils.rotation_matrix(theta)
        rot_mat[0, 1] *= -1
        rot_mat[1, 0] *= -1
        plan_coords = np.array([[self.plan[index][0]], [self.plan[index][1]]])
        trans_mat = np.array([[cur_pose[0] * -1], [cur_pose[1] * -1]])
        plan_from_car = np.matmul(rot_mat, plan_coords + trans_mat)

        return plan_from_car
コード例 #11
    def compute_error(self, cur_pose):
        while len(self.plan) > 0:
            rot = np.array(
                np.matmul(utils.rotation_matrix(np.pi / 2 - cur_pose[2]),
                          [[self.plan[0][0] - cur_pose[0]],
                           [self.plan[0][1] - cur_pose[1]]]))
            if (self.plan[0][0] - cur_pose[0]) < 0:
                if math.sqrt((self.plan[1][0] - cur_pose[0])**2 +
                             (self.plan[1][1] - cur_pose[1])**2) < math.sqrt(
                                 (self.plan[0][0] - cur_pose[0])**2 +
                                 (self.plan[0][1] - cur_pose[1])**2):
                if 0 > rot[1]:

        goal_idx = min(0 + self.plan_lookahead, len(self.plan) - 1)

        if len(self.plan) <= 0 or goal_idx < 0:
            return (False, 0.0)
        translation_error = -np.array(
                utils.rotation_matrix(np.pi / 2 - cur_pose[2]),
                np.array([[self.plan[int(goal_idx)][0] - cur_pose[0]],
                          [self.plan[int(goal_idx)][1] - cur_pose[1]]])))[0]
        if self.plan[int(goal_idx)][2] < 0 and cur_pose[2] > 0:
            rotation_error = (np.pi - abs(self.plan[int(goal_idx)][2])) + (
                np.pi - cur_pose[2])
        elif self.plan[int(goal_idx)][2] > 0 and cur_pose[2] < 0:
            rotation_error = -1 * ((np.pi - abs(cur_pose[2])) +
                                   (np.pi - self.plan[int(goal_idx)][2]))
            rotation_error = self.plan[int(goal_idx)][2] - cur_pose[2]

        return True, (self.translation_weight * translation_error +
                      self.rotation_weight * rotation_error)
コード例 #12
    def determine_steering_angle(self, pose, lookahead_point):
        ''' Given a robot pose, and a lookahead point, determine the open loop control 
		    necessary to navigate to that lookahead point. Uses Ackermann steering geometry.
        # get the lookahead point in the coordinate frame of the car
        rot = utils.rotation_matrix(-pose[2])
        delta = np.array([lookahead_point - pose[0:2]]).transpose()
        local_delta = (rot * delta).transpose()
        local_delta = np.array([local_delta[0, 0], local_delta[0, 1]])
        # use the ackermann model
        steering_angle = self.model.steering_angle(local_delta)
        return steering_angle
コード例 #13
    def new_init_pose_cb(self, msg):
        if len(self.plan) > 0:

            rot_mat = utils.rotation_matrix(-1 * self.curr_pose[2])
            while len(self.plan) > 0:
                distance = np.sqrt(
                    np.square(self.curr_pose[0] - self.plan[0][0]) +
                    np.square(self.curr_pose[1] - self.plan[0][1]))
                # Figure out if self.plan[0] is in front or behind car
                offset = rot_mat * (
                    (self.plan[0][0:2] - self.curr_pose[0:2]).reshape(2, 1))
                if offset[0] > 0.0 or distance > 1.0:
コード例 #14
    def test_invariance(self, atol=1e-6):
        # Test invariance with respect to an arbitray rotation and translation
        # Reference values
        r, _, _ = distances_and_pair_types(self.xyzs,
        # Construct random rotation matrix
        R = tf.constant(rotation_matrix(np.random.randn(3),
        # Apply random translation before rotation
        xyzs2 = tf.matmul(self.xyzs + np.random.randn(3), R)

        r2, _, _ = distances_and_pair_types(xyzs2, self.types, 2, cutoff=2.6)

コード例 #15
ファイル: MotionModel.py プロジェクト: racecar-labs/ta_lab1
  def motion_cb(self, msg):  
    # Compute the control from the msg and last_pose
    position = np.array([msg.pose.pose.position.x,

    orientation = Utils.quaternion_to_angle(msg.pose.pose.orientation)
    pose = np.array([position[0], position[1], orientation])

    if isinstance(self.last_pose, np.ndarray):
      rot = Utils.rotation_matrix(-self.last_pose[2])
      delta = np.array([position - self.last_pose[0:2]]).transpose()
      local_delta = (rot*delta).transpose()

		  # changes in x,y,theta in local coordinate system of the car
      control = np.array([local_delta[0,0], local_delta[0,1], orientation - self.last_pose[2]])
      self.apply_motion_model(self.particles, control)
    self.last_pose = pose
コード例 #16
ファイル: skeleton.py プロジェクト: uscresl/humanoid-gail
        def dfs(position, node, stack):
            angles = np.zeros(3)
            direction = np.zeros(3)
            if "direction" in node:
                direction = node["direction"] * node["length"]
                if "axis" in node and node["name"] in frame:
                    dofs = ["rx", "ry", "rz"]
                    for d in range(len(node["dof"])):
                        dof = node["dof"][d]
                        angles[dofs.index(dof)] = frame[node["name"]][d]

            L = rotation_matrix(node, angles[0], angles[1], angles[2])
            stack.append(np.dot(L, stack[-1]))
            end_position = position + np.dot(direction, stack[-1])
            positions[node["name"]] = sanitize(end_position.copy())

            if "children" in node:
                for child in node["children"].values():
                    dfs(end_position, child, stack)

コード例 #17
    def viz_sub_cb(self, msg):
        # Create the PoseArray to publish. Will contain N poses, where the n-th pose
        # represents the last pose in the n-th trajectory
        # PP - get current pose from mgs
        cur_pose = np.array([
            msg.pose.position.x, msg.pose.position.y,

        pa = PoseArray()
        pa.header.frame_id = '/map'
        pa.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

        # Transform the last pose of each trajectory to be w.r.t the world and insert into
        for i in range(self.rollouts.shape[0]):

            # PP - below code is similar to code in line_follower for transformation
            trans_mat = [cur_pose[0], cur_pose[1]]
            rot_mat = utils.rotation_matrix(cur_pose[2])

            arrow_pose = (self.rollouts[i][-1][0], self.rollouts[i][-1][1])
            arrow_pose = np.reshape(arrow_pose, (2, 1))

            trans_mat = np.reshape(trans_mat, (2, 1))

            arrow_wrt_cur_pose = rot_mat * arrow_pose + trans_mat  # co ordinate transformation

            # create Pose to add in PoseArray
            pose = Pose()
            pose.position.x = arrow_wrt_cur_pose[0]
            pose.position.y = arrow_wrt_cur_pose[1]
            pose.position.z = 0
            pose.orientation = utils.angle_to_quaternion(
                self.rollouts[i][-1][2] +
                cur_pose[2])  # PP - is ths correct? verify with Patrick

            #print last_pose_in_traj

コード例 #18
    def setUp(self):
        self.A = file_to_np(
            os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data/Stanford_bunny.txt'))
        # self.A = file_to_np(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data/little.txt'))
        self.B = np.copy(self.A)

        # Translate
        self.t = np.random.rand(DIM) * TRANSLATION
        # print('before', self.B)
        self.B += self.t
        # print('Translate', self.t)
        # print('after', self.B)

        # Rotate
        self.R = rotation_matrix(np.random.rand(DIM),
                                 np.random.rand() * ROTATION)
        self.B = np.dot(self.R, self.B.T).T
        # print('Rotate', self.R)

        # Add noise
        # print('noise', np.random.randn(self.A.shape[0], DIM))
        self.B += np.random.randn(self.A.shape[0], DIM) * NOISE_SIGMA
コード例 #19
ファイル: laser_wanderer.py プロジェクト: MeixinZhu/control
    def viz_sub_cb(self, msg):
        pa = PoseArray()
        pa.header.frame_id = '/map'
        pa.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

        trans = np.array([msg.pose.position.x, msg.pose.position.y]).reshape(
            (2, 1))
        car_yaw = utils.quaternion_to_angle(msg.pose.orientation)
        rot_mat = utils.rotation_matrix(car_yaw)
        for i in xrange(self.rollouts.shape[0]):
            robot_config = self.rollouts[i, -1, 0:2].reshape(2, 1)
            map_config = rot_mat * robot_config + trans
            pose = Pose()
            pose.position.x = map_config[0]
            pose.position.y = map_config[1]
            pose.position.z = 0.0
            pose.orientation = utils.angle_to_quaternion(self.rollouts[i, -1,
                                                                       2] +
コード例 #20
	def step(self, action):
		speed, phi = action
		self.action = action 
		# kinematic model
		# states: position x, position y, and heading angle
		x, y, theta = self.state
		dxdt = speed * np.cos(theta)
		dydt = speed * np.sin(theta)
		dthetadt = speed * np.tan(phi) / self.vehicle_mid_length
		dstatedt = np.array([dxdt, dydt, dthetadt])
		self.state += dstatedt * self.dt
		observation = self.state
		# tmp: contain xy coordinate of 4 points of the vehicle rectangle 
		# array 0: x axis, array 1: y axis
		tmp = self.vehicle_body()
		x, y, theta = self.state
		# rotate
		tmp = np.dot(tmp, rotation_matrix(theta))
		# translate
		tmp += np.array([[x, y]])
		self.tmpstep = tmp 	
		# calculate reward
		reward = 1. / (np.sqrt(self.state[0] ** 2 + self.state[1] ** 2) + np.sqrt(self.dt*dxdt ** 2 + self.dt*dydt ** 2)) 

		# done condition: pass within parking line or hit the boundaries, wall, obstacles 
		done = (self._border_fcn(tmp[:, 0]) > tmp[:, 1]).any() \
                or (tmp[:, 0] < self.xlim[0]).any() \
                or (tmp[:, 0] > self.xlim[1]).any() \
                or (tmp[:, 1] < self.ylim[0]).any() \
				or (tmp[:, 1] > self.ylim[1]).any() \
				or ((tmp[:, 0] > min(self.ox1)).any() and (tmp[:, 0] < max(self.ox1)).any() and (tmp[:, 1] > min(self.oy1)).any() and (tmp[:, 1] < max(self.oy1)).any()) \
				or ((tmp[:, 0] > min(self.ox2)).any() and (tmp[:, 0] < max(self.ox2)).any() and (tmp[:, 1] > min(self.oy2)).any() and (tmp[:, 1] < max(self.oy2)).any())
		return observation, reward, done
コード例 #21
 def compute_error(self, cur_pose):
   rot_mat = utils.rotation_matrix(-1*cur_pose[2])    
   while len(self.plan) > 0:
     # Figure out if self.plan[0] is in front or behind car
     offset = rot_mat * ((self.plan[0][0:2]-cur_pose[0:2]).reshape(2,1))
     if offset[0] > 0.0:
   if len(self.plan) <= 0:
     return False, 0.0
   # Get the idx of point that we are heading towards
   goal_idx = min(self.plan_lookahead, len(self.plan)-1)
   # Compute the offset of goal point
   goal_offset = rot_mat * ((self.plan[goal_idx][0:2]-cur_pose[0:2]).reshape(2,1))
   # Compute error
   error = (self.translation_weight*goal_offset[1] + 
            self.rotation_weight * (self.plan[goal_idx][2]-cur_pose[2]))
   return True, error
コード例 #22
 def test_determinant(self):
     R = rotation_matrix(np.random.randn(3), np.random.randn(1)[0])
     np.testing.assert_allclose(np.linalg.det(R), 1)
コード例 #23
    def state_dot(self, t, state, key, method="Zero_Dynamic_Stabilization"):
        Calculates d/dt of the state
        From Francesco Sabatino's thesis: Quadrotor control: modeling, nonlinear control design, and simulation

        :param t: Current time during integration
        :param state: Current state of the quadcopter
        :param key: String key for accessing the quadcopter information dictionary
        :param sim: Whether the function is being to used to simulate over a time horizon (True) or to simulate in real
        time (False)
        :param method:
            (Quadrotor control: modeling, nonlinear control design, and simulation by Francesco Sabatino)
            [x, y, z, psi, theta, phi, x_dot, y_dot, z_dot, zeta, xi, p, q, r]

            (Quadrotor control: modeling, nonlinear control design, and simulation by Francesco Sabatino)
            [x, y, z, psi, theta, phi, x_dot, y_dot, z_dot, 0, 0, p, q, r]

            (Quadcopter Dynamics, Simulation, and Control by Andrew Gibiansky)
            [x y z x_dot y_dot z_dot theta phi gamma theta_dot phi_dot gamma_dot]
        :return: d/dt of state

        if method not in ["Feedback_Linearization", "Zero_Dynamic_Stabilization", "Regular_Dynamics"]:
            raise SyntaxError("parameter 'method' must be one of "
                              + "\"Feedback_Linearization\", "
                              + "\"Zero_Dynamic_Stabilization\", or"

        m = self.quads[key]['weight']
        Ix, Iy, Iz = self.quads[key]['I'].diagonal()

        if method.lower() == "Feedback_Linearization".lower():
            if np.array(state).shape[0] != 14:
                raise ValueError("State should be 14-dimensional!")
            x, y, z, psi, theta, phi, x_dot, y_dot, z_dot, zeta, xi, p, q, r = state

            cs, ct, cp = np.cos(state[3:6])
            ss, st, sp = np.sin(state[3:6])
            ts, tt, tp = np.tan(state[3:6])

            state_dot = np.zeros(14)

            u1, u2, u3, u4 = self.control(t, state, key, "Feedback_Linearization")

            # Linear velocities
            state_dot[0:3] = state[6:9]

            # Angular velocities
            state_dot[3] = q * sp / ct + r * cp / ct
            state_dot[4] = q * cp - r * sp
            state_dot[5] = p + q * sp * tt + r * cp * tt

            # Linear Accelerations
            state_dot[6] = - (sp * ss + cp * cs * st) * zeta / m
            state_dot[7] = - (cs * sp - cp * ss * st) * zeta / m
            state_dot[8] = - (cp * ct) * zeta / m

            # zeta_dot/xi_dot
            state_dot[9] = xi
            state_dot[10] = 0 + u1

            # Angular Accelerations
            state_dot[11] = q * r * (Iy - Iz) / Ix + u2 / Ix
            state_dot[12] = p * r * (Iz - Ix) / Iy + u3 / Iy
            state_dot[13] = 0 + u4 / Iz

            return state_dot

        elif method.lower() == "Zero_Dynamic_Stabilization".lower():
            if np.array(state).shape[0] != 12:
                raise ValueError("State should be 12-dimensional!")

            a = 1

            x_desireds = np.array([1 * np.cos(a * t) + 2,
                                   -1 * a * np.sin(a * t),
                                   -1 * a ** 2 * np.cos(a * t),
                                   1 * a ** 3 * np.sin(a * t),
                                   1 * a ** 4 * np.cos(a * t)])

            y_desireds = np.array([1 * np.sin(a * t) + 2,
                                   1 * a * np.cos(a * t),
                                   -1 * a ** 2 * np.sin(a * t),
                                   -1 * a ** 3 * np.cos(a * t),
                                   1 * a ** 4 * np.sin(a * t)])

            z_desireds = np.array([2, 0, 0])

            psi_desireds = np.array([0, 0, 0])

            u1, u2, u3, u4 = self.control(t, state, key, self.quads[key]['method'],
                                          x_desireds=x_desireds, y_desireds=y_desireds,
                                          z_desireds=z_desireds, psi_desireds=psi_desireds)

            self.u1_prev = u1

            cs, ct, cp = np.cos(state[3:6])
            ss, st, sp = np.sin(state[3:6])
            ts, tt, tp = np.tan(state[3:6])

            p, q, r = state[9:12]

            state_dot = np.zeros(12)

            # Linear velocities
            state_dot[0:3] = state[6:9]

            # Angular velocities
            state_dot[3] = q * sp / ct + r * cp / ct
            state_dot[4] = q * cp - r * sp
            state_dot[5] = p + q * sp * tt + r * cp * tt

            # Linear Accelerations
            state_dot[6] = - u1 * (sp * ss + cp * cs * st) / m
            state_dot[7] = - u1 * (cs * sp - cp * ss * st) / m
            state_dot[8] = self.g - u1 * cp * ct / m

            # Angular Accelerations
            state_dot[9] = q * r * (Iy - Iz) / Ix + u2 / Ix
            state_dot[10] = p * r * (Iz - Ix) / Iy + u3 / Iy
            state_dot[11] = p * q * (Ix - Iy) / Iz + u4 / Iz
            return state_dot

        elif method.lower() == "Regular_Dynamics".lower():
            if np.array(state).shape[0] != 12:
                raise ValueError("State should be 12-dimensional!")

            # Define motor thrusts, based on whether function is used to simulate future or present trajectory
            control_input = self.control(state)
            m1, m2, m3, m4 = utils.thrust(control_input, self.quads[key]['prop_size'][1],

            state_dot = np.zeros(12)

            # The velocities(t+1 x_dots equal the t x_dots)
            state_dot[0:3] = state[3:6]

            # The acceleration (x_dotdot)
            x_dotdot = np.array([0, 0, -self.quads[key]['weight'] * self.g]) + \
                       (utils.rotation_matrix(state[6:9]) @ np.array([0, 0, (m1 + m2 + m3 + m4)]) - self.k_d * state[
                                                                                                               3:6]) \
                       / self.quads[key]['weight']
            state_dot[3:6] = x_dotdot

            # The angular rates(t+1 theta_dots equal the t theta_dots)
            state_dot[6:9] = state[9:12]

            # The angular accelerations (omega_dot)
            omega = state[9:12]
            tau = np.array([self.quads[key]['L'] * (m1 - m3),
                            self.quads[key]['L'] * (m2 - m4),
                            self.b * (m1 - m2 + m3 - m4)])
            omega_dot = self.quads[key]['invI'] @ (tau - np.cross(omega, (self.quads[key]['I'] @ omega)))
            state_dot[9:12] = omega_dot
            return state_dot
コード例 #24
 def test_orthogonality(self, atol=1e-10):
     R = rotation_matrix(np.random.randn(3), np.random.randn(1)[0])
     # R * R.T == R.T * R
     np.testing.assert_allclose(R.dot(R.T), R.T.dot(R), atol=atol)
     # since R.T == R^-1 -> R * R.T == I
     np.testing.assert_allclose(R.dot(R.T), np.eye(3), atol=atol)
コード例 #25
# from base_icp import register_by_SVD, icp
from dis_icp import dis_icp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

# 匹配前
# Constants
TESTS_NUM = 100  # number of test iterations
DIM = 3  # number of dimensions of the points
NOISE_SIGMA = .01  # standard deviation error to be added
TRANSLATION = .1  # max translation of the test set
ROTATION = .1  # max rotation (radians) of the test set

A = file_to_np(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data/Stanford_bunny.txt'))
B = np.copy(A)
# Translate
t = np.random.rand(DIM) * TRANSLATION
print('before', B)
B += t
# print('Translate', self.t)
# print('after', self.B
# Rotate
R = rotation_matrix(np.random.rand(DIM), np.random.rand() * ROTATION)
B = np.dot(R, B.T).T
# print('Rotate', self.R
# Add noise
# print('noise', np.random.randn(self.A.shape[0], DIM))
B += np.random.randn(A.shape[0], DIM) * NOISE_SIGMA

view_numpy_data(A, B)
コード例 #26
	def _front_wheel(self):
		wheel = self._rear_wheel() 
		s, phi = self.action
		wheel = np.dot(wheel, rotation_matrix(phi))
		return wheel		
コード例 #27
    def rotate(self, theta: float, orig: bool = False):
        R = rotation_matrix(theta)

        edge_set = self.orig_edge_set if orig else self.edge_set_dict
        self.edge_set_dict = {k: v @ R.T for k, v in edge_set.items()}
コード例 #28
ファイル: line_follower.py プロジェクト: reubentg/lab1
    def compute_error(self, cur_pose):
        Find the first element of the plan that is in front of the robot, and remove
        any elements that are behind the robot. To do this:
        Loop over the plan (starting at the beginning) For each configuration in the plan
            If the configuration is behind the robot, remove it from the plan
              Will want to perform a coordinate transformation to determine if
              the configuration is in front or behind the robot
            If the configuration is in front of the robot, break out of the loop
        print "Computing error..."
        # check the leftmost pose in the plan pose-array and if it is behind the car then delete it
        if len(self.plan) > 0:

            left_edge = (cur_pose[2] + np.pi / 2) * 180 / 3.14  # deg
            right_edge = (cur_pose[2] - np.pi / 2) * 180 / 3.14  # deg
            angle_robot_path_point = math.atan2(
                cur_pose[1] - self.plan[0][1],
                cur_pose[0] - self.plan[0][0]) * 180 / 3.14  # deg

            # for troubleshooting if path points are not deleted correctly
            # converted angles from rad to deg for easier troubleshooting
            # print("robot position: ", cur_pose)
            # print("path point position: ", self.plan[0])
            # print("left_edge: ", left_edge)
            # print("right_edge: ", right_edge)
            # print("path point to robot vector: ",cur_pose[1] - self.plan[0][1], cur_pose[0] - self.plan[0][0])
            # print("angle of path point to robot vector",angle_robot_path_point)
            # print("path_point yaw",self.plan[0][2] * 180 / 3.14)

            behind = (angle_robot_path_point > right_edge
                      and angle_robot_path_point < left_edge
                      )  # is path point behind robot?
            path_pose_similar_direction = (
                self.plan[0][2] > right_edge and self.plan[0][2] < left_edge
            )  # is path point in similar direction as robot?
            if behind and path_pose_similar_direction and len(
            ) > 0:  # delete point if behind robot, similar direction, and not last point in path
                print "delete element: ", len(
                )  # for troubleshooting, show path points before deleting
                )  # delete the first element in the path, since that point is behind robot and it's direction is similar to robot
                print "element deleted? : ", len(
                )  # for troubleshooting, show path points after deleting

            if len(self.plan) > 0:
                PS = PoseStamped()  # create a PoseStamped() msg
                PS.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now(
                )  # set header timestamp value
                PS.header.frame_id = "map"  # set header frame id value
                goal_idx = min(
                    0 + self.plan_lookahead,
                    len(self.plan) - 1
                )  # get goal index for looking ahead this many indices in the path
                PS.pose.position.x = self.plan[goal_idx][
                    0]  # set msg x position to value of the x position in the look ahead pose from the path
                PS.pose.position.y = self.plan[goal_idx][
                    1]  # set msg y position to value of the y position in the look ahead pose from the path
                PS.pose.position.z = 0  # set msg z position to 0 since robot is on the ground
                PS.pose.orientation = utils.angle_to_quaternion(
                )  # set msg orientation to [converted to queternion] value of the yaw angle in the look ahead pose from the path

                )  # publish look ahead follower, now you can add a Pose with topic of PUB_TOPIC_2 value in rviz

        # Check if the plan is empty. If so, return (False, 0.0)
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        if len(self.plan) == 0:
            return False, 0.0

        # At this point, we have removed configurations from the plan that are behind
        # the robot. Therefore, element 0 is the first configuration in the plan that is in
        # front of the robot. To allow the robot to have some amount of 'look ahead',
        # we choose to have the robot head towards the configuration at index 0 + self.plan_lookahead
        # We call this index the goal_index
        goal_idx = min(0 + self.plan_lookahead, len(self.plan) - 1)

        # Compute the translation error between the robot and the configuration at goal_idx in the plan
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        print "cur_pose: ", cur_pose
        print "lookahead pose: ", self.plan[goal_idx]
        look_ahead_position = np.array(
            [self.plan[goal_idx][0], self.plan[goal_idx][1]]).reshape([2, 1])
        translation_robot_to_origin = np.array([-cur_pose[0],
                                                -cur_pose[1]]).reshape([2, 1])
        look_ahead_position_translated = look_ahead_position + translation_robot_to_origin
        rotation_matrix_robot_to_x_axis = utils.rotation_matrix(-cur_pose[2])
        look_ahead_position_translated_and_rotated = rotation_matrix_robot_to_x_axis * look_ahead_position_translated
        print "look_ahead_position_translated_and_rotated: ", look_ahead_position_translated_and_rotated
        x_error = float(
        )  # This is the distance that the robot is behind the lookahead point parallel to the path
        y_error = float(
        )  # This is the distance away from the path, perpendicular from the path to the robot
        translation_error = -y_error  # math.tan(y_error / x_error) * math.pi / 180 # angle in rad to drive along hypotenuse toward the look ahead point
        # translation_error *= 10 #float(y_error/x_error) # make the robot turn more sharply if far away from path

        # translation_error = np.sqrt(np.square(cur_pose[0] - self.plan[goal_idx][0]) + np.square(cur_pose[1] - self.plan[goal_idx][1]))

        print "Translation error: ", translation_error

        # Compute the total error
        # Translation error was computed above
        # Rotation error is the difference in yaw between the robot and goal configuration
        #   Be careful about the sign of the rotation error
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        rotation_error = cur_pose[2] - self.plan[goal_idx][2]
        print "Rotation error: ", rotation_error

        error = self.translation_weight * translation_error + self.rotation_weight * rotation_error
        print "Overall error: ", error

        return True, error
コード例 #29
ファイル: laser_wanderer_robot.py プロジェクト: reubentg/lab1
    def viz_sub_cb(self, msg):
        # Create the PoseArray to publish. Will contain N poses, where the n-th pose
        # represents the last pose in the n-th trajectory
        # print "inside viz_sub_cb"

        cur_pose = np.array([
            msg.pose.position.x, msg.pose.position.y,
        ])  # current car pose

        if self.show_all_poses:  # all poses in each rollout
            pose_range = range(0, self.rollouts.shape[1])
        else:  # only final pose in each rollout
            pose_range = range(self.rollouts.shape[1] - 2,

        # Read http://docs.ros.org/jade/api/geometry_msgs/html/msg/PoseArray.html
        PA = PoseArray()  # create a PoseArray() msg
        PA.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()  # set header timestamp value
        PA.header.frame_id = "map"  # set header frame id value
        PA.poses = []

        for i in range(0, self.rollouts.shape[0]):  # for each [7] rollouts
            for j in pose_range:  # for pose in range(0, 300) to show all, or range(299,300) to show only final pose
                P = Pose()
                pose = self.rollouts[
                    j, :]  # self.rollouts[i, 299, :] will be an array of [x, y, theta] for the final pose (last j index) for rollout i

                # This is in car frame, so assumes straight is x axis
                # P.position.x = pose[0]
                # P.position.y = pose[1]
                # P.position.z = 0
                # P.orientation = utils.angle_to_quaternion(pose[2])

                # Transform pose from car frame to map frame

                # Method 1: Map Frame to Robot Frame
                # Rotation must be done before translation with this method, but it's ok to do both in one step
                # First find translation matrix [2, 1] from map origin to robot position
                # Second find rotation matrix [2, 2] from map x axis to robot x axis
                # Third rotate the rollout position about the origin of the robot axis [a.k.a. robot position] with the same angle as from map x axis to robot x axis
                # Fourth translate the rollout position with the same translation matrix as from the map origin to the robot position
                translation_map_to_robot = np.array([[cur_pose[0]],
                                                     ]).reshape([2, 1])
                rotation_matrix_map_to_robot = utils.rotation_matrix(
                rollout_position = np.array([[pose[0]],
                                             [pose[1]]]).reshape([2, 1])
                map_position = rotation_matrix_map_to_robot * rollout_position + translation_map_to_robot
                P.position.x = map_position[0]
                P.position.y = map_position[1]
                P.position.z = 0
                P.orientation = utils.angle_to_quaternion(
                    pose[2] + cur_pose[2]
                )  # car's yaw angle + rollout pose's angle from car

        # print "Publishing Rollout Vizualization"
コード例 #30
ファイル: v2Train.py プロジェクト: racecar-labs/ta_lab3
mask = np.abs(pose_dot[:, 1]) < 0.5
pose_dot = pose_dot[mask]
poses = poses[mask]

mask = np.abs(pose_dot[:, 2]) < 1
pose_dot = pose_dot[mask]
poses = poses[mask]

if CAR_FRAME == True:
    # Car FRAME
    print("GIMMA DAT CAR FRAM")
    car_frame = np.zeros((pose_dot.shape[0], 3))
    for i in range(0, pose_dot.shape[0]):
        rot = Utils.rotation_matrix(-poses[i, 2])
        delta = pose_dot[i, 0:2]  #.transpose()
        local_delta = rot * delta[:, np.newaxis]  #).transpose()
        car_frame[i, 0] = local_delta[0]
        car_frame[i, 1] = local_delta[1]
        car_frame[i, 2] = pose_dot[i, 2]
    x_datas[0:car_frame.shape[0] - 1,
            0:3] = car_frame[0:car_frame.shape[0] - 1, :]
    y_datas[0:car_frame.shape[0] - 1, :] = car_frame[1:car_frame.shape[0], :]
    print("Da WRULD IS URZ")
    x_datas[0:pose_dot.shape[0] - 1,
            0:3] = pose_dot[0:pose_dot.shape[0] - 1, :]
    y_datas[0:pose_dot.shape[0] - 1, :] = pose_dot[1:pose_dot.shape[0], :]
コード例 #31
	def render(self):
		if self.fig is None:
			assert self.ax is None
			self.fig, self.ax = plt.subplots()
		# plotting border and dot on vehicle and walls	
		if not self.ax.lines:
			self.ax.plot([], [], "C0", linewidth=3)
			for _ in range(4):
				self.ax.plot([], [], "C1", linewidth=3)
			self.ax.plot([], [], "C2o", markersize=6)
			x = np.linspace(-15, 15, 1000)
			y = self._border_fcn(x)
			self.ax.plot(x, y, "C3", linewidth=3) # plot red wall
			self.ax.plot([0], [0], "C3o", markersize=6) # plot red dot on parking
			self.ax.plot(self.ox1, self.oy1)
			self.ax.plot(self.ox2, self.oy2)					
		bbox, lfw, rfw, lrw, rrw, center = self.ax.lines[:6]
		# plotting vehicle's parts
		tmp = self.vehicle_body()
		x, y, theta = self.state
		# rotate
		tmp = np.dot(tmp, rotation_matrix(theta))
		# translate
		tmp += np.array([[x, y]])
		# repeat to close the drawed object
		tmp = np.concatenate([tmp, tmp[[0]]])

		# left front wheel	
		tmp = self._front_wheel()
		tmp += np.array([[self.vehicle_mid_length,  self.front_wheel_bar / 2.]]) 
		# rotate
		tmp = np.dot(tmp, rotation_matrix(theta))
		# translate
		tmp += np.array([[x, y]])

		# right front wheel		
		tmp = self._front_wheel()
		tmp += np.array([[self.vehicle_mid_length, -self.front_wheel_bar / 2.]])
		# rotate
		tmp = np.dot(tmp, rotation_matrix(theta))
		# translate
		tmp += np.array([[x, y]])
		# left rear wheel	
		tmp = self._rear_wheel()
		tmp += np.array([[0.,  self.rear_wheel_bar / 2.]])
		# rotate
		tmp = np.dot(tmp, rotation_matrix(theta))
		# translate
		tmp += np.array([[x, y]])
		# right rear wheel	
		tmp = self._rear_wheel()
		tmp += np.array([[0., -self.rear_wheel_bar / 2.]])
		# rotate
		tmp = np.dot(tmp, rotation_matrix(theta))
		# translate
		tmp += np.array([[x, y]])
		center.set_data([x], [y]) # 
		self.ax.relim() # 
		# process delay
コード例 #32
ファイル: vec3.py プロジェクト: DaniSagan/projections
 def rotate(self, axis, angle):
     return Vec3.from_matrix(utils.rotation_matrix(axis, angle)*self.as_matrix())