コード例 #1
    def draw_line(self, x0: int, y0: int, x1: int, y1: int, color: int):
        Bresenham algorithm
        dx = x1 - x0
        dy = y1 - y0

        if abs(dx) >= abs(dy):
            # x-driving axis
            x_start = min(x0, x1)
            x_end = max(x0, x1)
            y = y0 if x0 < x1 else y1
            dy = dy if x0 < x1 else -dy
            eps = abs(dy) - abs(dx)

            for x in range(x_start, x_end + 1):
                self.pixel_buffer.fill_pixel(x, y, color)
                if eps >= 0:
                    y += sign(dy)
                    eps -= abs(dx)
                eps += abs(dy)
            # y-driving axis
            y_start = min(y0, y1)
            y_end = max(y0, y1)
            x = x0 if y0 < y1 else x1
            dx = dx if y0 < y1 else -dx
            eps = abs(dx) - abs(dy)

            for y in range(y_start, y_end + 1):
                self.pixel_buffer.fill_pixel(x, y, color)
                if eps >= 0:
                    x += sign(dx)
                    eps -= abs(dy)
                eps += abs(dx)
コード例 #2
    def _deaccelerate(self) -> None:
        self.vel.x -= 0.1 * sign(self.vel.x)

        if abs(self.vel.x) > self._max_speed:
            self.vel.x -= 0.2 * sign(self.vel.x)
        if abs(self.vel.x) <= 0.1:
            self.vel.x = 0
コード例 #3
ファイル: fc_cpu.py プロジェクト: kira3007/fc_simulator
    def RRA(self):
        # Rotate Right then Add with Carry
        # ROR + ADC
        # 同样用到了A, 也没有IMP的情况
        c = self.registers['P'][0]
        bit_0 = self.cur_value & 1
        value = (self.cur_value >> 1) % 128 + (c << 7)
        self.space[self.cur_ad] = value
        self.registers['P'][0] = bit_0

        result = self.A + value + self.registers['P'][0]
        signed_a = sign(self.A)
        signed_value = sign(value)
        signed_result = signed_a + signed_value + self.registers['P'][0]
        if result > 255:
            self.registers['P'][0] = 1
            self.registers['P'][0] = 0
        if signed_result < -127 or signed_result > 128:
            self.registers['P'][6] = 1
            self.registers['P'][6] = 0
        set_value = result % 256
        self.A = set_value
コード例 #4
    def update(self):
        An update on the robot. Performed once per timestep. Will use robots
        information to set a linear speed and a turning speed
        speed = self._TARGET_SPEED
        x, y = self._communicator.get_position()

        heading = self._communicator.get_heading()
            gamma = self._path_tracker.get_turn_radius_inverse(x, y, heading)
            turn_speed = gamma * speed

        except NoPointObservableError:
            # Make the robot rotate til it sees points to go to
            current_angular_speed = self._communicator.get_angular_speed()
            turn_speed = utils.sign(current_angular_speed) * \
            speed = 0
            if not self._turning_to_find_point:
                self._turning_to_find_point = time()
                if self._turning_to_find_point - time() > \
                    raise NoPointObservableError()

        if abs(turn_speed) > self._MAX_TURNING_SPEED:
            # Limit linear speed as max turning speed is constant
            turn_speed = utils.sign(turn_speed) * self._MAX_TURNING_SPEED
            speed = turn_speed / gamma

        self._communicator.post_speed(turn_speed, speed)
コード例 #5
ファイル: request.py プロジェクト: AndreasDriesen/glacier
	def derived_key(self):
		kDate = utils.sign(("AWS4" + self.secret_access_key).encode("utf-8"),
		kRegion = utils.sign(kDate, self.region)
		kService = utils.sign(kRegion, "glacier")
		kSigning = utils.sign(kService, "aws4_request")
		return kSigning
コード例 #6
def test(diff, i):
    summ = 0
    success = 0
    for j in range(len(weights)):
        summ += diff[i + j + 1] * weights[j]

    return utils.sign(summ) == utils.sign(diff[i])
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_exports_trie.py プロジェクト: snx90/LIEF
def test_write(tmp_path):
    binary_name = "crypt_and_hash"
    fat = lief.MachO.parse(
    target = fat.take(lief.MachO.CPU_TYPES.ARM64)

    output = f"{tmp_path}/{binary_name}.built"

    target = lief.parse(output)


    valid, err = lief.MachO.check_layout(target)
    assert valid, err

    if is_apple_m1():
        with subprocess.Popen([output],
                              stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) as proc:
            stdout = proc.stdout.read()
            assert "CAMELLIA-256-CCM*-NO-TAG" in stdout
            assert "AES-128-CCM*-NO-TAG" in stdout
コード例 #8
ファイル: controller.py プロジェクト: KeirRice/PolarTable
		def step(self, steps):
			"""Step the motors in sync."""
			biggest = int(max(abs(steps.r), abs(steps.t)))
			step_size = Steps(float(steps.r) / biggest, float(steps.t) / biggest)

			accumulation = Steps(0.0, 0.0)
			for i in range(biggest):
				accumulation += step_size
				while abs(accumulation.r) >= 1.0 or abs(accumulation.t) >= 1.0:
					this_step = Polar(0.0, 0.0)
					if abs(accumulation.r) >= 1.0:
						r_step = self.r_motor.step()
						this_step.r = r_step
						if r_step.is_boundry:
							accumulation.r = 0.0
							accumulation.r = accumulation.r - sign(steps.r)
					if abs(accumulation.t) >= 1.0:
						this_step.t = self.t_motor.step()
						accumulation.t = accumulation.t - sign(steps.t)
					yield this_step
コード例 #9
	def read_packet(self, BaseAgent, packet):
		self.BaseAgent = BaseAgent
		fieldInfo = BaseAgent.get_field_info()

		self.cars = []
		self.my_car = None
		self.their_cars = []
		for n, car in enumerate(packet.game_cars):
			lcar = Car(car)
			if n == self.index:
				self.my_car = lcar

		self.my_goal = Goal(self.team, Vector3(0.0, utils.sign(self.team)*5120.0, 312.0))
		self.their_goal = Goal(self.team, Vector3(0.0, utils.sign(utils.opp(self.team))*5120.0, 312.0))
		self.goals = [self.my_goal, self.their_goal]

		self.ball = Ball(packet.game_ball)

		self.boosts = []
		for n, boost in enumerate(packet.game_boosts):
			self.boosts.append(Boost(boost, n))
		for n, boost in enumerate(fieldInfo.boost_pads):
			cboost = [boosts for boosts in self.boosts if boosts.index == n][0]
コード例 #10
def test_bin2lib(tmp_path):
    file_path = "MachO/mbedtls_selftest_arm64.bin" if is_aarch64(
    ) else "MachO/mbedtls_selftest_x86_64.bin"
    bin_path = pathlib.Path(get_sample(file_path))
    original = lief.parse(bin_path.as_posix())
    output = f"{tmp_path}/libtest.dylib"

    header: lief.MachO.Header = original.header
    header.file_type = lief.MachO.FILE_TYPES.DYLIB

    # Create LC_ID_DYLIB command
    original.add(lief.MachO.DylibCommand.id_dylib(output, 0, 1, 2))

    # Create a new export :)
    ADDR = 0x10000D782 if header.cpu_type == lief.MachO.CPU_TYPES.x86_64 else 0x10004F3F4
    assert original.add_exported_function(ADDR, "_lief_test_export")


    new = lief.parse(output)
    checked, err = lief.MachO.check_layout(new)
    assert checked, err
    if is_osx():
        print(f"Loading {output}")
        lib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(output)
        assert lib
        assert lib.lief_test_export
コード例 #11
ファイル: ChessGame.py プロジェクト: Anna-Bonus/Chess
 def is_rook_move_correct(self, source_x, source_y, destination_x,
     # Проверим, что в пункте назначения не стоит фигура того же цвета, что и наша
     if not self.board.is_empty(destination_x, destination_y):
         if self.board.get_piece(
                 source_x, source_y).get_color() == self.board.get_piece(
                     destination_x, destination_y).get_color():
             return False
     difference_x = destination_x - source_x  # перемещение вдоль оси Х
     difference_y = destination_y - source_y  # перемещение вдоль оси Y
     # Если движение не по одной оси, ладья не может сходить так
     if (difference_x * difference_y != 0) or (difference_x + difference_y
                                               == 0):
         return False
     # направление по осям
     factor_x = sign(difference_x)
     factor_y = sign(difference_y)
     for index in range(1, abs(difference_x)):
         if not self.board.is_empty(source_x + factor_x * index,
                                    source_y + factor_y * index):
             return False
     for index in range(1, abs(difference_y)):
         if not self.board.is_empty(source_x + factor_x * index,
                                    source_y + factor_y * index):
             return False
     return True
コード例 #12
 def derived_key(self):
     kDate = utils.sign(("AWS4" + self.secret_access_key).encode("utf-8"),
     kRegion = utils.sign(kDate, self.region)
     kService = utils.sign(kRegion, "glacier")
     kSigning = utils.sign(kService, "aws4_request")
     return kSigning
コード例 #13
 def backward(self, output, target):
     res = output - target
     if self.p % 2:
         return (sign(res) if self.p == 1 else sign(res) *
                 res**(self.p - 1))
         return (res if self.p == 2 else res**(self.p - 1))
コード例 #14
def lora_unpacking_realtime_data(packet_data):
    logger.info('--------real data process beginning-----------')

    gateway_addr = str(packet_data.read(3).uint)
    node_addr = str(packet_data.read(13).int)
    tran_direct = packet_data.read(1).bool
    func_code = packet_data.read(3)
    switch = packet_data.read(1).bool

    temp1_sign = packet_data.read(1).bool
    temp2_sign = packet_data.read(1).bool
    temp3_sign = packet_data.read(1).bool

    temp1 = packet_data.read(10).uint
    temp2 = packet_data.read(10).uint
    temp3 = packet_data.read(10).uint
    battery_vol = packet_data.read(2).uint

    temprature1 = (sign(temp1_sign) * temp1) / 10.0
    temprature2 = (sign(temp2_sign) * temp2) / 10.0
    temprature3 = (sign(temp3_sign) * temp3) / 10.0

    logger.debug('gateway_addr: %s', gateway_addr)
    logger.info('node_addr: %s', node_addr)

    logger.debug('tran_direct: %s', tran_direct)

    logger.debug('func_code: %s', func_code)

    logger.debug('switch: %s', switch)

    logger.debug('temp1_sign', temp1_sign)

    logger.debug('temp2_sign', temp2_sign)

    logger.debug('temp3_sign', temp3_sign)

    logger.info('temp1: %s', temp1)

    logger.info('temp2: %s', temp2)

    logger.info('temp3: %s', temp3)

    logger.info('battery_vol: %s', battery_vol)

    logger.info('values : %s, %s, %s, %s', temprature1, temprature2,
                temprature3, battery_vol)

    return (gateway_addr, node_addr, switch, temprature1, temprature2,
            temprature3, battery_vol)
コード例 #15
 def make_move_action(self, entity, pos, goal):
     delta = goal.position - pos
     if delta.x:
         delta = Position(sign(delta.x), 0)
     elif delta.y:
         delta = Position(0, sign(delta.y))
     self.registry.assign(entity, Action, ActionType.MOVE, delta=delta)
コード例 #16
 def check(self, pce0):
     tf = False
     for pce in pce0.mates:
         if (pce0.group
                 == pce.group) and pce.group > 0:  # already in same group
         elif pce0.angle <> pce.angle:  # must be same angle to align
             dx0 = abs(pce.cx0 - pce0.cx0)
             dy0 = abs(pce.cy0 - pce0.cy0)
             dx = abs(pce.cx - pce0.cx)
             dy = abs(pce.cy - pce0.cy)
             if pce.angle in (1, 3): dx, dy = dy, dx
             if abs(dx - dx0) < self.margin:
                 if abs(dy - dy0) < self.margin:
                     ok = True
                     # close enough - check if right place
                     angle = pce.angle
                     dind = utils.sign(pce.ind - pce0.ind)
                     dx = utils.sign(pce.cx - pce0.cx)
                     dy = utils.sign(pce.cy - pce0.cy)
                     if abs(pce.ind - pce0.ind) == 1:  # same row
                         if angle == 0:
                             if dx <> dind: ok = False
                         elif angle == 1:
                             if dy <> dind: ok = False
                         elif angle == 2:
                             if dx <> -dind: ok = False
                         elif angle == 3:
                             if dy <> -dind: ok = False
                     else:  # same column
                         if angle == 0:
                             if dy <> dind: ok = False
                         elif angle == 1:
                             if dx <> -dind: ok = False
                         elif angle == 2:
                             if dy <> -dind: ok = False
                         elif angle == 3:
                             if dx <> dind: ok = False
                     if ok:
                         tf = True
                         if pce.group == 0:
                             if pce0.group == 0:
                                 self.next_group += 1
                                 pce.group = self.next_group
                                 pce0.group = self.next_group
                                 pce.group = pce0.group
                             if pce0.group == 0:
                                 pce0.group = pce.group
                             else:  # two separate groups
                                 for pce1 in self.pieces:
                                     if pce1.group == pce0.group:
                                         pce1.group = pce.group
     return tf
コード例 #17
    def run(self):
        while running:

            if 'w' in keys and 'a' in keys:
                self.motor_left_target_speed = 70 # forward_mov_speed / 2
                self.motor_right_target_speed = forward_mov_speed

            elif 'w' in keys and 'd' in keys:
                self.motor_left_target_speed = forward_mov_speed
                self.motor_right_target_speed = 70 # forward_mov_speed / 2

            elif 'w' in keys or 'forward' in pad_keys:
                self.motor_left_target_speed = forward_mov_speed
                self.motor_right_target_speed = forward_mov_speed

            elif 's' in keys or 'backward' in pad_keys:
                self.motor_left_target_speed = -backwards_mov_speed
                self.motor_right_target_speed = -backwards_mov_speed

            elif 'd' in keys or 'right' in pad_keys:
                self.motor_left_target_speed = rotation_speed
                self.motor_right_target_speed = -rotation_speed

            elif 'a' in keys or 'left' in pad_keys:
                self.motor_left_target_speed = -rotation_speed
                self.motor_right_target_speed = rotation_speed

                self.motor_left_target_speed = 0
                self.motor_right_target_speed = 0

            dx_left = sign(int(self.motor_left_target_speed * 10) - int(self.motor_left_actual_speed * 10))
            dx_right = sign(int(self.motor_right_target_speed * 10) - int(self.motor_right_actual_speed * 10))

            # self.motor_left_actual_speed += dx_left * 10
            # self.motor_right_actual_speed += dx_right * 10

            # pas de rampe pour doggo, mais ma laisser ca ici en cas que il faudrait en avoir une
            self.motor_left_actual_speed = self.motor_left_target_speed
            self.motor_right_actual_speed = self.motor_right_target_speed

            if self.motor_left_actual_speed < 0:
                write_pwm([config.doggo_motor_left_back_channel], abs(self.motor_left_actual_speed))
                write_pwm([config.doggo_motor_left_for_channel], 0)
                write_pwm([config.doggo_motor_left_for_channel], self.motor_left_actual_speed)
                write_pwm([config.doggo_motor_left_back_channel], 0)

            if self.motor_right_actual_speed < 0:
                write_pwm([config.doggo_motor_right_back_channel], abs(self.motor_right_actual_speed))
                write_pwm([config.doggo_motor_right_for_channel], 0)
                write_pwm([config.doggo_motor_right_for_channel], self.motor_right_actual_speed)
                write_pwm([config.doggo_motor_right_back_channel], 0)

コード例 #18
def catch_all(path):
    ip = get_ip_from_request(request)

    if path == 'box':
        return API_KEY

    url = API_URL + path

    data = {}
    if request.get_json() is not None:
        data = request.get_json()

    params = {}
    for key, value in request.args.items():
        params[key] = value

    if request.method == 'GET':
        signature = sign(API_KEY, API_SECRET, params)
        signature = sign(API_KEY, API_SECRET, data)

    headers = {}
    for key, value in request.headers.items():
        headers[key] = value

    headers['Host'] = API_HOST
    headers['X-API-Key'] = API_KEY
    headers['X-API-Sign'] = signature
        mac = headers['X-Customer-Mac']
    except KeyError:
        mac = '11:11:11:11:11:11'
        if STAGE == 'production':
            with ServiceRpcProxy('ndsctl_service', NAMEKO_CONFIG) as proxy:
                mac = proxy.get_client_mac(str(ip))

    headers['X-Customer-Mac'] = mac

    esreq = requests.Request(method=request.method,
    resp = requests.Session().send(esreq.prepare())
    resp.encoding = 'utf-8'

    resp_text = resp.text
    if STAGE == 'production':
        resp_text = replace_host(resp_text, 'storage.googleapis.com',

    return (resp_text, resp.status_code, resp.headers.items())
コード例 #19
ファイル: routines.py プロジェクト: robbai/RLBotPack
 def __init__(self, vector: Vector3, duration: float = 0.1, delay: float = 0.1):
     self.vector = vector.normalize()
     self.pitch = abs(self.vector[0]) * -sign(self.vector[0])
     self.yaw = abs(self.vector[1]) * sign(self.vector[1])
     self.delay = delay if delay >= duration else duration
     self.duration = duration
     # the time the jump began
     self.time = -1
     # keeps track of the frames the jump button has been released
     self.counter = 0
コード例 #20
    def check_if_circle_safe(self, endx, endy):
        This takes all the lasers and calculates if the circular path to
        endx and endy is unobstructed. endx and endy must be in the robots
        coordinate system i.e. robots position is 0, 0 with heading 0.
        It takes the robot width into account.
        laser_angles = self.communicator.get_laser_angles()
        laser_distances = self.communicator.get_laser_distances()

        robot_width = .45
        radius0 = abs((endx**2 + endy**2) / (2 * endy))
        radius1 = radius0 + robot_width / 2
        radius_1 = radius0 - robot_width / 2

        for i in range(min(len(laser_angles), len(laser_distances))):
            if laser_angles[i] > math.pi / 2 or laser_angles[i] < -math.pi / 2:
                continue  # can only hande points in front of robot

            angle = math.pi / 2 - utils.sign(endy) * laser_angles[i]

            u0 = math.atan2(endy - utils.sign(endy) * radius0, endx)
            u1 = math.pi / 2 + utils.sign(endy) * u0
            u2 = math.pi - u1 - angle

            lt = math.sqrt(radius0**2 + radius_1**2 -
                           radius0 * radius_1 * math.cos(u1))
            t = u1 * radius_1 / lt

            if angle > t:
                    length = radius0*math.cos(angle) + \
                                math.sqrt((radius0*math.cos(angle))**2 +
                                           radius1**2 - radius0**2)
                except ValueError:
                    return False
                    length = radius0*math.cos(angle) + \
                                math.sqrt((radius0*math.cos(angle))**2 +
                                           radius_1**2 - radius0**2)
                except ValueError:
                    return False

            if math.pi - angle > u1:
                length_end = radius0 * u1 / u2
                if laser_distances[i] < min(length, length_end):
                    return False
                if laser_distances[i] < length:
                    return False

        return True
コード例 #21
    def execute(self):
        target = self.ball.location
        offset = (target.x / utils.FIELD_WIDTH) * math.pi
        x = target.x + 90 * abs(math.cos(offset)) * utils.sign(offset)
        y = target.y + 90 * abs(math.sin(offset)) * utils.sign(self.agent.team)
        # target = Vector3(x,y,target.z)

        self.substate = substates.pick_state(self, self.agent, self.car,
                                             target, 2400, self.hierarchy)
        self.expired = (
            not utils.ballProject(self) >
            -(utils.distance2D(self.ball.location, self.car.location) / 2)
            or (calcShoot(self.agent).available()))
        return self.substate.step(1.0 / 60.0)
コード例 #22
    def optimalShift(self, goal=None, condition=None, rounds=20):
        if goal == None:
            goal = lambda d, h: signedStatisticalParity(
                d, self.protectedIndex, self.protectedValue, h)
        if condition == None:
            condition = self.protected

        low = self.minShift
        high = self.maxShift
        dataToUse = self.validationData

        minGoalValue = goal(dataToUse,
                            self.conditionalShiftClassifier(low, condition))
        maxGoalValue = goal(dataToUse,
                            self.conditionalShiftClassifier(high, condition))
        #print((low, minGoalValue))
        #print((high, maxGoalValue))

        if sign(minGoalValue) != sign(maxGoalValue):
            # a binary search for zero
            for _ in range(rounds):
                midpoint = (low + high) / 2
                if (sign(
                                 low, condition))) == sign(
                                             midpoint, condition)))):
                    low = midpoint
                    high = midpoint
            return midpoint
            print("Warning: bisection method not applicable")
            bestShift = None
            bestVal = float('inf')
            step = (high - low) / rounds
            for newShift in numpy.arange(low, high, step):
                newVal = goal(
                    self.conditionalShiftClassifier(newShift, condition))
                newVal = abs(newVal)
                if newVal < bestVal:
                    bestShift = newShift
                    bestVal = newVal
            return bestShift
コード例 #23
ファイル: apis.py プロジェクト: sarowarmonjil/bibot-3
def post(method=None, extra_data=None, **kws):
    params = {
        'access_key': settings.AKEY,
        'secret_key': settings.SKEY,
        'created': int(time.time()),
        'method': method,
    signature = sign(params)
    params['sign'] = signature
    # 额外数据不参与签名
    if extra_data:
        for k, v in extra_data.iteritems():
            if v:
                params[k] = v

    payload = urllib.urlencode(params)
    r = requests.post(settings.HOST, params=payload)
    # 错误处理[摊手]
    assert r.status_code == 200
    r = r.json()
    kws = ', '.join('%s=%s' for k, v in kws.iteritems())
    assert 'code' not in r, '%s(%s) => %d %s' % (method, kws, r['code'], r['message'])
    utils.info('%s(%s) => %r', method, kws, r)
    return r
コード例 #24
ファイル: wallet.py プロジェクト: ptr5000/dummycoin
    def send(self, amount, to_addr):
        Send money to the given address from this wallet.

            amount: How much value is sent
            to_addr: Address where value is transferred to.
        tx = Transaction(self.key)

        utxo = self.blockchain.scan_unspent_transactions(
        debit = sum(map(lambda x: x['value'], utxo))
        change = debit - amount

        if change < 0:
            raise InsufficientFundsException()

        for credit in utxo:
            signature = sign(self.key, credit['hash'])
                      signature, self.key.publickey(), credit['value'])

        tx.add_out(amount, to_addr)
        tx.add_out(change, self.key.publickey())

コード例 #25
def decompose(matrix):
    Раскладывает матрицу A в произведение матриц ST x D x S.

    Возвращает матрицы S и D.

    end = len(matrix)

    s = [[0.0 for _ in range(0, end)] for _ in range(0, end)]
    d = [0.0 for _ in range(0, end)]

    for i in range(0, end):
        # Вычисление d_i и s_ii
        d[i] = sign(matrix[i][i] - sum(s[j][i]**2 * d[j] for j in range(0, i)))
        s[i][i] = sqrt(
            abs(matrix[i][i] - sum(s[j][i]**2 * d[j] for j in range(0, i))))

        # Вычисление s_ij
        for j in range(i + 1, end):
            s[i][j] = matrix[i][j] - sum(s[k][i] * s[k][j] * d[k]
                                         for k in range(0, i))
            s[i][j] /= s[i][i] * d[i]

    return s, d
コード例 #26
 def steps(self, steps):
     """Step the motor."""
     for i in range(int(abs(steps))):
         yield self.step()
         if not FAST:
コード例 #27
    def concatState(self, index, state_queue):
        state = np.zeros(
            shape=(self.state_height, self.state_width, self.histLen),
        sign = utils.sign(index)
        for i in range(self.histLen):
            pos = index - i

            if not utils.sign(pos) == sign:
            elif self.t[pos] and not (i == 0):
                state[:, :, i] = state_queue[pos]
        return state
コード例 #28
ファイル: ChessGame.py プロジェクト: Anna-Bonus/Chess
 def check_castling(self, source_x, source_y, destination_x, destination_y):
     if self.board.is_empty(source_x, source_y):
         return False
     if self.board.get_piece(source_x, source_y).get_type() != ChessPieceType.King:
         return False
     difference_x = destination_x - source_x
     difference_y = destination_y - source_y
     if abs(difference_x) != 2 or difference_y != 0:
         return False
     factor_x = sign(difference_x)
     # Проверям, что на пути от короля до ладьи ничего не стоит
     checking_square = [source_x + factor_x, source_y]
     while self.board.is_empty(*checking_square) and 0 <= checking_square[0] < BOARD_SIZE:
         checking_square[0] += factor_x
     if checking_square[0] < 0 or checking_square[0] >= BOARD_SIZE:
         return False
     if self.board.get_piece(*checking_square).get_type() != ChessPieceType.Rook:
         return False
     # Проверка, что король не под шахом и поле, пересекаемое или занимаемое им, не атаковано
     for i in range(3):
         checking_square = [source_x + factor_x * i, source_y]
         if self.can_be_attacked(checking_square[0], checking_square[1], self.board.get_piece(source_x, source_y).get_color()):
             return False
     # Проверяем, что данные ладья и король не делали свой ход
     if (source_x, source_y, destination_x, destination_y) == (4, 0, 2, 0) and self.possible_white_long_castling:
         return True
     if (source_x, source_y, destination_x, destination_y) == (4, 0, 6, 0) and self.possible_white_short_castling:
         return True
     if (source_x, source_y, destination_x, destination_y) == (4, 7, 2, 7) and self.possible_black_long_castling:
         return True
     if (source_x, source_y, destination_x, destination_y) == (4, 7, 6, 7) and self.possible_black_short_castling:
         return True
     return False
コード例 #29
ファイル: ChessGame.py プロジェクト: Anna-Bonus/Chess
    def move(self, source_x, source_y, destination_x, destination_y):
        if self.board.is_empty(source_x, source_y):
            raise ChessException('Empty source square')
        source_color = self.board.get_piece(source_x, source_y).get_color()
        if self.whose_turn() != source_color:
            raise ChessException("It's " +
                                 str(source_color.get_another_color()) +
                                 ' turn!')

        if not self.is_move_correct(source_x, source_y, destination_x,
            raise ChessException("Incorrect move")

        # Если это рокировка, то ладью тоже нужно передвинуть
        #self.previous_board = copy.deepcopy(self.board)
        if self.check_castling(source_x, source_y, destination_x,
            if destination_x < source_x:
                rook_x = 0
                rook_x = BOARD_SIZE - 1
                # destination_x может быть равна только 3 или 5

            self.add_step_to_notation_if_castling(source_x, source_y,
                                                  destination_x, destination_y)
            self.board.move_piece(rook_x, source_y, 3 + 2 * sign(rook_x),
            self.add_step_to_notation(source_x, source_y, destination_x,

        self.board.move_piece(source_x, source_y, destination_x, destination_y)
        self.move_number += 1
        black_mate = self.is_mate(ChessColor.Black)
        white_mate = self.is_mate(ChessColor.White)
        if black_mate or white_mate:
            self.result_notation_text += '#'
        # Если ход был сделан Ладьей или Королем, исключаем дальнейшую возможность соответствующих рокировок
        if (source_x, source_y) == (0, 0) or (source_x, source_y) == (
                4, 0) or (destination_x, destination_y) == (0, 0):
            self.possible_white_long_castling = False
        if (source_x, source_y) == (7, 0) or (source_x, source_y) == (
                4, 0) or (destination_x, destination_y) == (7, 0):
            self.possible_white_short_castling = False
        if (source_x, source_y) == (0, 7) or (source_x, source_y) == (
                4, 7) or (destination_x, destination_y) == (0, 7):
            self.possible_black_long_castling = False
        if (source_x, source_y) == (7, 7) or (source_x, source_y) == (
                4, 7) or (destination_x, destination_y) == (7, 7):
            self.possible_black_short_castling = False

        if self.is_check(ChessColor.Black):
            self.is_black_check = True
        elif self.is_black_check:
            self.is_black_check = False
        if self.is_check(ChessColor.White):
            self.is_white_check = True
        elif self.is_white_check:
            self.is_white_check = False
コード例 #30
ファイル: routines.py プロジェクト: robbai/RLBotPack
 def __init__(self, vector: Vector3, duration: float = 0.1, delay: float = 0.1, angle: float = 0,
              boost: bool = False):
     self.vector = vector.normalize()
     self.pitch = abs(self.vector[0]) * -sign(self.vector[0])
     self.yaw = abs(self.vector[1]) * sign(self.vector[1])
     self.delay = delay if delay >= duration else duration
     self.duration = duration
     self.boost = boost
     self.angle = math.radians(angle) if boost else 0
     x = math.cos(self.angle) * self.vector.x - math.sin(self.angle) * self.vector.y
     y = math.sin(self.angle) * self.vector.x + math.cos(self.angle) * self.vector.y
     self.preorientation = Vector3(x, y, 0)
     # the time the jump began
     self.time = -1
     # keeps track of the frames the jump button has been released
     self.counter = 0
コード例 #31
ファイル: ChessGame.py プロジェクト: Anna-Bonus/Chess
 def is_bishop_move_correct(self, source_x, source_y, destination_x, destination_y):
     # Проверим, что в пункте назначения не стоит фигура того же цвета, что и наша
     if not self.board.is_empty(destination_x, destination_y):
         if self.board.get_piece(source_x, source_y).get_color() == self.board.get_piece(destination_x,
             return False
     difference_x = destination_x - source_x  # перемещение вдоль оси Х
     difference_y = destination_y - source_y  # перемещение вдоль оси Y
     if abs(destination_x - source_x) != abs(destination_y - source_y):
         return False
     # направление по осям
     factor_x = sign(difference_x)
     factor_y = sign(difference_y)
     for index in range(1, abs(difference_x)):
         if not self.board.is_empty(source_x + factor_x * index, source_y + factor_y * index):
             return False
     return True
コード例 #32
    def grad(self, params, x, y):
        w, alpha = self.inflate(params)

        d_prev = self.decide(0., x[0], w, alpha)

        d_prev_by_w = sech2(dot(w, x[0])) * x[0]
        r_prev_by_w = d_prev_by_w * y[0] - self.delta * sign(
            d_prev) * d_prev_by_w
        A_prev_by_w = r_prev_by_w

        d_prev_by_alpha = r_prev_by_alpha = A_prev_by_alpha = 0.

        for i in range(1, len(y)):
            x_t = x[i]
            q_t = y[i]

            d_t = self.decide(d_prev, x_t, w, alpha)
            d_i = dot(w, x_t) + alpha * d_prev

            d_t_by_w = sech2(d_i) * (x_t + alpha * d_prev_by_w)
            r_t_by_w = d_t_by_w * q_t - self.delta * sign(d_t - d_prev) * (
                d_t_by_w - d_prev_by_w)
            A_t_by_w = A_prev_by_w + (1. / (i + 1)) * (r_t_by_w - A_prev_by_w)

            if i == 1:
                d_t_by_alpha = sech2(d_i) * d_prev
                d_t_by_alpha = sech2(d_i) * (alpha * d_prev_by_alpha + d_prev)

            r_t_by_alpha = d_t_by_alpha * q_t - (
                self.delta * sign(d_t - d_prev) *
                (d_t_by_alpha - d_prev_by_alpha))
            A_t_by_alpha = A_prev_by_alpha + (1. / (i + 1)) * (r_t_by_alpha -

            d_prev = d_t

            d_prev_by_w = d_t_by_w
            r_prev_by_w = r_t_by_w
            A_prev_by_w = A_t_by_w

            d_prev_by_alpha = d_t_by_alpha
            r_prev_by_alpha = r_t_by_alpha
            A_prev_by_alpha = A_t_by_alpha

        return -1 * append(A_t_by_w, A_t_by_alpha) + 2 * self.lmb * params
コード例 #33
ファイル: type.py プロジェクト: aducode/Gaeapy
 def decorator(cls):
     :param cls:
     cls.__serialize_name__ = cls.__name__ if len(name) == 0 else name[0]
     d = dict()
     for field_name, protocol_type in fields.items():
         desc = Descriptor(field_name, protocol_type) if isinstance(protocol_type, TypeInfo) \
             else Descriptor(field_name, TypeInfo(protocol_type))
         d[sign(field_name.lower())] = desc
         setattr(cls, field_name, desc)
     cls.__simple_name__ = cls.__serialize_name__
     cls.__serialize_fields__ = [item[1] for item in sorted(d.items(), key=lambda x:x[0])]
     register.reg(sign(cls.__serialize_name__), cls)
     return cls
コード例 #34
 def turn(self):
     twist = Twist()
     while not self.reached():
         twist.angular.z = self._ang_zvel * utils.sign(utils.wrap_to_pi(self.theta_goal - self.theta))
         if not self.command(twist):
             return False
     self.ok = True
     return True
コード例 #35
 def available(self):
     goal = self.agent.game_info.my_goal.location
     if utils.sign(self.agent.team
                   ) * self.ball.location.y > 3000 and utils.distance2D(
                       self.ball.location, goal) < utils.distance2D(
                           goal, self.car.location):
         return True
     return False
コード例 #36
ファイル: utils_test.py プロジェクト: jceipek/PyCritters
 def test_sign(self):
     self.assertEquals(utils.sign(-5.3), -1)
     self.assertEquals(utils.sign(-0.5), -1)
     self.assertEquals(utils.sign(-0.0000001), -1)
     self.assertEquals(utils.sign(0), 0)
     self.assertEquals(utils.sign(0.00000001), 1)
     self.assertEquals(utils.sign(0.3), 1)
     self.assertEquals(utils.sign(324), 1)
コード例 #37
ファイル: tactics.py プロジェクト: chuckbutler/juju-compose
 def sign(self):
     """return sign in the form {relpath: (origin layer, SHA256)}
     target = self.target_file
     sig = {}
     if target.exists() and target.isfile():
         sig[self.relpath] = (self.current.url,
     return sig
コード例 #38
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: rreas/drl
    def grad(self, params, x, y):
        w, alpha = self.inflate(params)

        d_prev = self.decide(0., x[0], w, alpha)

        d_prev_by_w = sech2(dot(w, x[0])) * x[0]
        r_prev_by_w = d_prev_by_w*y[0] - self.delta*sign(d_prev)*d_prev_by_w
        A_prev_by_w = r_prev_by_w

        d_prev_by_alpha = r_prev_by_alpha = A_prev_by_alpha = 0.

        for i in range(1, len(y)):
            x_t = x[i]
            q_t = y[i]

            d_t = self.decide(d_prev, x_t, w, alpha)
            d_i = dot(w, x_t) + alpha*d_prev

            d_t_by_w = sech2(d_i) * (x_t + alpha*d_prev_by_w)
            r_t_by_w = d_t_by_w*q_t - self.delta*sign(d_t - d_prev)*(d_t_by_w - d_prev_by_w)
            A_t_by_w = A_prev_by_w + (1./(i+1))*(r_t_by_w - A_prev_by_w)

            if i == 1:
                d_t_by_alpha = sech2(d_i) * d_prev
                d_t_by_alpha = sech2(d_i) * (alpha * d_prev_by_alpha + d_prev)

            r_t_by_alpha = d_t_by_alpha*q_t - (
                    self.delta*sign(d_t - d_prev)*(d_t_by_alpha - d_prev_by_alpha))
            A_t_by_alpha = A_prev_by_alpha + (1./(i+1))*(r_t_by_alpha - A_prev_by_alpha)

            d_prev = d_t

            d_prev_by_w = d_t_by_w
            r_prev_by_w = r_t_by_w
            A_prev_by_w = A_t_by_w

            d_prev_by_alpha = d_t_by_alpha
            r_prev_by_alpha = r_t_by_alpha
            A_prev_by_alpha = A_t_by_alpha

        return -1 * append(A_t_by_w, A_t_by_alpha) + 2*self.lmb*params
コード例 #39
ファイル: type.py プロジェクト: aducode/Gaeapy
def enum(name, **enums):
    :param name:
    :param enums:
    # TODO 按照现有做法,实际在invoke时,值的类型并不是Enum子类,序列化时就有问题
    enum_cls = mkenum(**enums)
    enum_cls.__simple_name__ = name
    register.reg(sign(name), enum_cls)
    return enum_cls
コード例 #40
ファイル: ChessGame.py プロジェクト: Anna-Bonus/Chess
 def is_rook_move_correct(self, source_x, source_y, destination_x, destination_y):
     # Проверим, что в пункте назначения не стоит фигура того же цвета, что и наша
     if not self.board.is_empty(destination_x, destination_y):
         if self.board.get_piece(source_x, source_y).get_color() == self.board.get_piece(destination_x,
             return False
     difference_x = destination_x - source_x  # перемещение вдоль оси Х
     difference_y = destination_y - source_y  # перемещение вдоль оси Y
     # Если движение не по одной оси, ладья не может сходить так
     if (difference_x * difference_y != 0) or (difference_x + difference_y == 0):
         return False
     # направление по осям
     factor_x = sign(difference_x)
     factor_y = sign(difference_y)
     for index in range(1, abs(difference_x)):
         if not self.board.is_empty(source_x + factor_x * index, source_y + factor_y * index):
             return False
     for index in range(1, abs(difference_y)):
         if not self.board.is_empty(source_x + factor_x * index, source_y + factor_y * index):
             return False
     return True
コード例 #41
ファイル: tactics.py プロジェクト: chuckbutler/juju-compose
 def sign(self):
     """return sign in the form {relpath: (origin layer, SHA256)}
     sigs = {}
     for hook in ['joined', 'changed', 'broken', 'departed']:
         target = self._target / "hooks" / "{}-relation-{}".format(
             self.relation_name, hook)
         rel = target.relpath(self._target.directory)
         sigs[rel] = (self.interface.url,
     return sigs
コード例 #42
ファイル: margin.py プロジェクト: j2kun/archival-papers
   def optimalShift(self, goal=None, condition=None, rounds=20):
      if goal == None:
         goal = lambda d, h: signedStatisticalParity(d, self.protectedIndex, self.protectedValue, h)
      if condition == None:
         condition = self.protected

      low = self.minShift
      high = self.maxShift
      dataToUse = self.validationData

      minGoalValue = goal(dataToUse, self.conditionalShiftClassifier(low, condition))
      maxGoalValue = goal(dataToUse, self.conditionalShiftClassifier(high, condition))
      print((low, minGoalValue))
      print((high, minGoalValue))

      if sign(minGoalValue) != sign(maxGoalValue):
         # a binary search for zero
         for _ in range(rounds):
            midpoint = (low + high) / 2
            if (sign(goal(dataToUse, self.conditionalShiftClassifier(low, condition))) ==
                  sign(goal(dataToUse, self.conditionalShiftClassifier(midpoint, condition)))):
               low = midpoint
               high = midpoint
         return midpoint
         print("Warning: bisection method not applicable")
         bestShift = None
         bestVal = float('inf')
         step = (high-low)/rounds
         for newShift in numpy.arange(low, high, step):
            newVal = goal(dataToUse, self.conditionalShiftClassifier(newShift, condition))
            newVal = abs(newVal)
            if newVal < bestVal:
               bestShift = newShift
               bestVal = newVal
         return bestShift
コード例 #43
ファイル: ChessGame.py プロジェクト: Anna-Bonus/Chess
    def move(self, source_x, source_y, destination_x, destination_y):
        if self.board.is_empty(source_x, source_y):
            raise ChessException('Empty source square')
        source_color = self.board.get_piece(source_x, source_y).get_color()
        if self.whose_turn() != source_color:
            raise ChessException("It's "+str(source_color.get_another_color())+' turn!')

        if not self.is_move_correct(source_x, source_y, destination_x, destination_y):
            raise ChessException("Incorrect move")

        # Если это рокировка, то ладью тоже нужно передвинуть
        #self.previous_board = copy.deepcopy(self.board)
        if self.check_castling(source_x, source_y, destination_x, destination_y):
            if destination_x < source_x:
                rook_x = 0
                rook_x = BOARD_SIZE - 1
                # destination_x может быть равна только 3 или 5

            self.add_step_to_notation_if_castling(source_x, source_y, destination_x, destination_y)
            self.board.move_piece(rook_x, source_y, 3 + 2 * sign(rook_x), source_y)
            self.add_step_to_notation(source_x, source_y, destination_x, destination_y)

        self.board.move_piece(source_x, source_y, destination_x, destination_y)
        self.move_number += 1
        black_mate = self.is_mate(ChessColor.Black)
        white_mate = self.is_mate(ChessColor.White)
        if black_mate or white_mate:
            self.result_notation_text += '#'
        # Если ход был сделан Ладьей или Королем, исключаем дальнейшую возможность соответствующих рокировок
        if (source_x, source_y) == (0, 0) or (source_x, source_y) == (4, 0) or (destination_x, destination_y) == (0, 0):
            self.possible_white_long_castling = False
        if (source_x, source_y) == (7, 0) or (source_x, source_y) == (4, 0) or (destination_x, destination_y) == (7, 0):
            self.possible_white_short_castling = False
        if (source_x, source_y) == (0, 7) or (source_x, source_y) == (4, 7) or (destination_x, destination_y) == (0, 7):
            self.possible_black_long_castling = False
        if (source_x, source_y) == (7, 7) or (source_x, source_y) == (4, 7) or (destination_x, destination_y) == (7, 7):
            self.possible_black_short_castling = False

        if self.is_check(ChessColor.Black):
            self.is_black_check = True
        elif self.is_black_check:
            self.is_black_check = False
        if self.is_check(ChessColor.White):
            self.is_white_check = True
        elif self.is_white_check:
            self.is_white_check = False
コード例 #44
ファイル: ROS_botDriver.py プロジェクト: SirWom/Schoolwork
def rotate(desiredAngle):
    This will drive the robot to an angle, relative to its current orientation
    0 degrees will keep the robot fixed.
    This code was inspired by kobuki_testsuite at:
    Positive angles = counter-clockwise motion
    u = 0
    tolerance = .1
    zvel = .8
    initialAngle = odom.curVals['theta']
   # print initialAngle
   # print desiredAngle
    desiredAngle = utils.wrap_to_pi(desiredAngle + initialAngle)
    while not angleCloseEnough(desiredAngle):
        currentAngle = odom.curVals['theta']
        speed = zvel * utils.sign(utils.wrap_to_pi(desiredAngle - currentAngle))
        #print currentAngle
        publishTwist(0, speed)
コード例 #45
ファイル: manifold_factory.py プロジェクト: choderalab/moldr
 def retraction(self,X,U,t=1.0):
     Y = X + t*U
     Q,R = np.linalg.qr(Y)
     return Q * np.diag(sign(sign(np.diag(R))+0.5))
コード例 #46
ファイル: lr.py プロジェクト: j2kun/archival-papers
def detailedLR(data, eta=DEFAULT_ETA, rounds=DEFAULT_NUM_ROUNDS):
   for w in lrGenerator(data, eta, rounds):
   return w, lambda x: sigmoid(numpy.dot(w,x)), lambda x: sign(numpy.dot(w,x))
コード例 #47
ファイル: boosting.py プロジェクト: lizhangzhan/boosting
 def finalHypothesis(x):
     return sign(sum(a * h(x) for (a, h) in zip(alpha, hypotheses)))
コード例 #48
def logmod(x):
    return sign(x)*log(abs(x) + 1)
コード例 #49
ファイル: protocol_messages.py プロジェクト: yossigi/pathend
 def __init__(self, asn, links, transient_flag):
     self.record = pickle.dumps(PathEndRecord(asn, links, transient_flag))
     self.signature = utils.sign(self.record)
コード例 #50
ファイル: boosting.py プロジェクト: j2kun/archival-papers
 def weightedMajorityVote(x):
    return sign(sum(a * h(x) for (a, h) in zip(alpha, hypotheses[:t+1])))
コード例 #51
ファイル: svm.py プロジェクト: j2kun/fkl-SDM16
def hyperplaneToHypothesis(w):
    return lambda x: sign(numpy.dot(w, x))
コード例 #52
 def testCoordinate(samples, j):
     values = [sign(x[j] - 0.5) * y for (x,y) in samples]
     return len([z for z in values if z > 0]) / len(values)
コード例 #53
ファイル: neural_test.py プロジェクト: jceipek/PyCritters
 def test_process(self):
     nums = [-5, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 3]
     for x in nums:
         self.assertEquals(self.node._processReturn([x], 1), utils.sign(x))
コード例 #54
ファイル: svm.py プロジェクト: j2kun/archival-papers
def kSVMGradientDescent(data,kernel):
   margin = kSVMDetailedGradientDescent(data, kernel, DEFAULT_LAMBDA, DEFAULT_NUM_ROUNDS)
   return lambda x: sign(margin(x))
コード例 #55
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: rreas/drl
    def grad(self, params, x, y):
        W, w, alpha = self.inflate(params)

        x_t = x[0]
        q_t = y[0]
        h_t = tanh(dot(W, x_t))
        d_prev = self.decide(0., x_t, W, w, alpha)

        d_prev_by_w = sech2(dot(w, h_t)) * h_t
        r_prev_by_w = d_prev_by_w*y[0] - self.delta*sign(d_prev)*d_prev_by_w
        A_prev_by_w = r_prev_by_w

        h_prev_by_W = zeros((w.size, W.shape[0], W.shape[1]))
        for i in range(self.hidden):
            h_prev_by_W[i,:,:] = sech2(dot(W[i,:], x_t)) * x_t

        d_prev_by_W = zeros(W.shape) + sech2(dot(w, h_t))
        for i in range(self.hidden):
            d_prev_by_W[i,:] *= w[i]*h_prev_by_W[i,i,:]

        r_prev_by_W = d_prev_by_W*y[0] - self.delta*sign(d_prev)*d_prev_by_W
        A_prev_by_W = r_prev_by_W

        d_prev_by_alpha = zeros(alpha.shape)
        r_prev_by_alpha = zeros(alpha.shape)
        A_prev_by_alpha = zeros(alpha.shape)

        for step in range(1, len(y)):
            x_t = x[step]
            q_t = y[step]
            h_t = tanh(dot(W, x_t) + alpha*d_prev)
            d_t = self.decide(d_prev, x_t, W, w, alpha)

            h_t_by_w = dot(outer(d_prev_by_w, alpha), diag(sech2(dot(W, x_t) + alpha*d_prev)))
            d_t_by_w = sech2(dot(w, h_t)) * (dot(h_t_by_w, w) + h_t)
            r_t_by_w = d_t_by_w*q_t - self.delta*sign(d_t - d_prev)*(d_t_by_w - d_prev_by_w)
            A_t_by_w = A_prev_by_w + (1./(step+1))*(r_t_by_w - A_prev_by_w)

            h_t_by_W = zeros((w.size, W.shape[0], W.shape[1]))
            for k in range(w.size):
                a = sech2(dot(W[k,:], x_t) + alpha[k]*d_prev)
                for i in range(W.shape[0]):
                    for j in range(W.shape[1]):
                        b = alpha[k]*d_prev_by_W[i][j]
                        if k == i:
                            b += x_t[j]
                        h_t_by_W[k][i][j] = a*b

            d_t_by_W = zeros(W.shape)
            for i in range(self.hidden):
                for j in range(self.exlen):
                    d_t_by_W[i][j] = sech2(dot(w, h_t)) * dot(w, h_t_by_W[:,i,j])

            r_t_by_W = d_t_by_W*q_t - self.delta*sign(d_t - d_prev)*(d_t_by_W - d_prev_by_W)
            A_t_by_W = A_prev_by_W + (1./(step+1))*(r_t_by_W - A_prev_by_W)

            a = sech2(dot(W, x_t) + alpha*d_prev)
            b = outer(d_prev_by_alpha, alpha) + eye(alpha.size)*d_prev
            h_t_by_alpha = dot(b, diag(a))

            d_t_by_alpha = sech2(dot(w, h_t)) * dot(h_t_by_alpha, w)
            r_t_by_alpha = d_t_by_alpha*q_t - self.delta*sign(d_t - d_prev)*(d_t_by_alpha -
            A_t_by_alpha = A_prev_by_alpha + (1./(step+1))*(r_t_by_alpha - A_prev_by_alpha)

            d_prev = d_t

            d_prev_by_w = d_t_by_w
            r_prev_by_w = r_t_by_w
            A_prev_by_w = A_t_by_w

            d_prev_by_W = d_t_by_W
            r_prev_by_W = r_t_by_W
            A_prev_by_W = A_t_by_W

            d_prev_by_alpha = d_t_by_alpha
            r_prev_by_alpha = r_t_by_alpha
            A_prev_by_alpha = A_t_by_alpha

        return -1 * concatenate((A_t_by_W.reshape((A_t_by_W.size,)), A_t_by_w,
            A_t_by_alpha)) + 2*self.lmb*params
コード例 #56
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: HackerDom/ructf-2016
def send(iface, team_id, cmd, data, stream, dh_key=1):
    encoded_data = int.from_bytes(data, byteorder='big') * dh_key
    pkg = RadioTap() / Dot11(type=2) / LLC() / Env(team_id=team_id, stream=stream, cmd=cmd, decoded=31337, data=str(encoded_data), sign=str(sign(encoded_data, private_key)))
    for i in range(10):
        time.sleep(randint(10, 200) / 1000)
        sendp(pkg, iface=iface, verbose=0)