コード例 #1
ファイル: watchdog.py プロジェクト: toto240325/watchdog
def check_ps4(ps4):
    check whether ps4 is up or not
    if it's up outside of "normal" hours, log that event and send an email
    global g_msg, g_short_msg, g_atLeastOneProblem
    now1 = datetime.datetime.now()
    psUp = smart_ping(ps4, g_max_ping_errors)
    if psUp:
        create_event("ps4", "ps4 is up")

    # ps4OK = ((not psUp) or
    #             (
    #                 (psUp) and
    #                 (
    #                     (now1.hour >= 21) and
    #                     (
    #                         (now1.hour < 22) or
    #                         (now1.hour == 22) and (now1.minute < 30)
    #                     )
    #                 )
    #             )
    #         )

    ps4OK = ((not psUp)
             or ((psUp) and is_time_between('21:00:00', '22:30:00')))

    if not ps4OK:
        g_atLeastOneProblem = True
        g_msg = g_msg + myCheck(ps4OK) + \
            "PS4 seems to be up when it shouldn't !\n<p>"
        g_short_msg = "ps4" if g_short_msg == "" else g_short_msg + " - ps4"
        logging.info("check_ps4 OK")
    return ps4OK
コード例 #2
ファイル: watchdog.py プロジェクト: toto240325/watchdog
def check_smart_mustBeUp():
    check that all servers and other appliances which must be always up are up
    global g_msg, g_short_msg, g_atLeastOneProblem

    # mustBeUp = [
    #     ("voo_router",      ""),
    #     ("webcamChalet",    ""),
    #     # ("HP5520 printer",  ""),
    #     ("alarmSystem",     ""),
    #     ("linksysed_router",""),
    #     #("sd4",             ""),
    #     ("vayo",            ""),
    #     ("sd3",             ""),
    #     ("sd5",             ""),
    #     ("sd8",             "")
    # ]

    # print(params.mustBeUp)
    everybody_up = True
    for (name, ip) in params.mustBeUp:
        # print("{} with ip {} should be up".format(name,ip))
        max_errors = 5
        isUp = smart_ping(ip, g_max_ping_errors)
        if not isUp:
            g_atLeastOneProblem = True
            everybody_up = False
            g_msg = g_msg + \
                myCheck(isUp) + "%s is %s" % (name,
                                              "up" if isUp else "down") + "\n<p>"
            g_short_msg = name if g_short_msg == "" else g_short_msg + " - " + name
    if everybody_up:
        logging.info("check_smart_mustBeUp OK")
コード例 #3
ファイル: watchdog.py プロジェクト: toto240325/watchdog
def check_lastWindowDatetime():
    if mypc3 is up then check if getwindow was OK very recently, otherwise check that it ran at least 24h ago
    global g_msg, g_short_msg, g_atLeastOneProblem
    #lastGetWindowStr = "2018-03-03 21:37:43";
    #lastGetWindowDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(lastGetWindowStr, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

    # lastUploadingFileDatetime = getLastEventDatetime("uploading file")
    # isUploadingFileOK = (now1 <= lastUploadingFileDatetime  + delayUploadingfile)
    # if not isUploadingFileOK:
    #     g_atLeastOneProblem = True
    #     g_msg = g_msg + myCheck(isUploadingFileOK)    + "lastUploadingFileDatetime: " + lastUploadingFileDatetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + "\n<p>"

    now1 = datetime.datetime.now()
    lastGetWindowDatetime = getLastWindowDatetime()

    mypc3Up = smart_ping(mypc3, g_max_ping_errors)
    if (mypc3Up):
        isGetLastWindowOK = (now1 <=
                             lastGetWindowDatetime + shortDelayGetLastWindow)
        isGetLastWindowOK = (now1 <=
                             lastGetWindowDatetime + longDelayGetLastWindow)
    if not isGetLastWindowOK:
        #g_atLeastOneProblem = True
        g_msg = g_msg + myCheck(isGetLastWindowOK) + "lastGetWindowDatetime    : " + \
            lastGetWindowDatetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + "\n<p>"
        g_short_msg = "getLastWindow" if g_short_msg == "" else g_short_msg + " - getLastWindow"
コード例 #4
ファイル: watchdog.py プロジェクト: toto240325/watchdog
def check_ubuntu_mustBeUp():
    if mypc3 is up, then check that Ubuntu is up 
    global g_msg, g_short_msg, g_atLeastOneProblem

    ubuntu2 = ""
    ubuntuIsUp = False
    mypc3IsUp = smart_ping(mypc3, g_max_ping_errors)
    if mypc3IsUp:
        name = ubuntu2
        ubuntuIsUp = smart_ping(name, g_max_ping_errors)
        if not ubuntuIsUp:
            g_atLeastOneProblem = True
            g_msg = g_msg + myCheck(ubuntuIsUp) + "%s is %s" % (
                name, "up" if ubuntuIsUp else "down") + "\n<p>"
            g_short_msg = name if g_short_msg == "" else g_short_msg + " - " + name
    if not mypc3IsUp or ubuntuIsUp:
        logging.info("check_ubuntu_mustBeUp OK")
コード例 #5
ファイル: watchdog.py プロジェクト: toto240325/watchdog
def check_pi73_mustBeUp():
    there is a temporary problem with the wlan0 of, temporarily replaced by wlan1 at 
    global g_msg, g_short_msg, g_atLeastOneProblem

    pi73 = ""
    pi73IsUp = False
    name = pi73
    pi73IsUp = smart_ping(name, g_max_ping_errors)
    if not pi73IsUp:
        g_atLeastOneProblem = True
        g_msg = g_msg + myCheck(pi73IsUp) + "%s is %s" % (
            name, "up" if pi73IsUp else "down") + "\n<p>"
        g_short_msg = name if g_short_msg == "" else g_short_msg + " - " + name
    if pi73IsUp:
        logging.info("check_pi73_mustBeUp OK")
コード例 #6
ファイル: watchdog.py プロジェクト: toto240325/watchdog
def check_main_watchdog_up(main_watchdog):
    check that the main_watchdog is up or not
    returns whether or not the main_watchdog is up (True) or down (False)
    global g_msg, g_short_msg, g_atLeastOneProblem
    # print("{} with ip {} should be up".format(name,ip))
    isUp = smart_ping(main_watchdog, g_max_ping_errors)
    if not isUp:
        g_atLeastOneProblem = True
        main_watchdog_down = True
        g_msg = g_msg + myCheck(
            isUp) + "%s is %s" % ("main_watchdog ({})".format(main_watchdog),
                                  "up" if isUp else "down") + "\n<p>"
        g_short_msg = main_watchdog if g_short_msg == "" else g_short_msg + " - " + main_watchdog
        return False
        return True
コード例 #7
ファイル: watchdog.py プロジェクト: toto240325/watchdog
def send_email_if_needed():
    global g_msg, g_short_msg, g_atLeastOneProblem
    now1 = datetime.datetime.now()
    sendAnyway = (now1.hour == systematicEmailSendTimeHH) and (
        now1.minute < systematicEmailSendTimeMM) and (
            now1.minute + 10 > systematicEmailSendTimeMM)

    mypc3Up = smart_ping(mypc3, g_max_ping_errors)
    if g_atLeastOneProblem or sendAnyway:
        if not g_atLeastOneProblem:
            g_msg = g_msg + "everything seems to be OK"
            g_msg = g_msg + \
                "(NB : mypc3 is %s)" % ("up" if mypc3Up else "down") + "\n<p>"
            g_msg = g_msg + "sending anyway because it's time to recap the situation" + "\n<p>"
            g_msg = g_msg + "😬 😬 at least one problem found; email sent !" + "\n<p>"

        g_msg = g_msg + "\n<p>" + "Don't forget to fix the lastGetWindowDatetime problem !!!"
        print(myCheck(isBackupOK)           + "lastBackupDatetime       : " + lastBackupDatetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
        print(myCheck(isGetLastWindowOK)    + "lastGetWindowDatetime    : " + lastGetWindowDatetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
        #print(myCheck(isUploadingFileOK)    + "lastUploadingFileDatetime: " + lastUploadingFileDatetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
コード例 #8
ファイル: watchdog.py プロジェクト: toto240325/watchdog
def main():
    Watchdog program
    checks the various servers on the network and send email notications when something weird is detected
    global g_msg, g_short_msg, g_atLeastOneProblem, g_params
    logging.info("Starting watchdog")
    # logging.warning("!!!!!!!!!!! don't forget to fix the problem with import and sys.path.instert")
    ver = getVersion()
    #logging.info("current version : {}".format(ver))
    # logging.info("python version : " + sys.version)
    #logging.info("myHostname : "+myHostname)

    # don't run the watchdog when some servers are rebooting
    skip_watchdog = is_time_between('02:59:59', '03:03:00')

    if skip_watchdog:
            "Skipping this one given we are in a period of server reboots")
        # check if this server is the main_watchdog of not
        main_watchdog = g_params.main_watchdog
        I_am_main_watchdog = (main_watchdog == myHostname)

        # check if the main_watchdog is up or not
        is_main_watchdog_up = smart_ping(main_watchdog, g_max_ping_errors)

        # if I am not the main_watchdog and the main watchdog is up, don't do nothing
        if not I_am_main_watchdog and is_main_watchdog_up:
                f"I am not the main_watchdog, so I just checked the main_watchdog ({main_watchdog}) is up"
            if not I_am_main_watchdog:
                    f"##### I am not the main watchdog, but the main_watchdog ({main_watchdog}) seems down, so I'll do all the checks"

            # logging.warning("!!!!! don't forget to fix the import create_event problem !!!!")
            if time_elapsed(15):
            if time_elapsed(60):
            if time_elapsed(5):
            if time_elapsed(10):
            if time_elapsed(5):
            if time_elapsed(120):
            if time_elapsed(30):
            if time_elapsed(60):
            if time_elapsed(120):
            # check_lastWindowDatetime()
                "!!!! check_lastWindowDatetime has been deactivated !!!!!!")

    if not skip_watchdog:
    if g_short_msg != "":
        logging.info(f"!!!!! Problems : {g_short_msg}")
        logging.info(f"!!!!! Details  : {g_msg}")

    logging.info("Ending watchdog")