コード例 #1
    def minibatch_update(self,x,y,lr,regularization):
        n_sample = x.shape[0]
        info = x
        hidden_cache = []
        for i in xrange(self.n_hidden + 1):
            if i == self.n_hidden:
                probs = softmax(info.dot(self.W[i]) + self.b[i])
                info = sigmoid(info.dot(self.W[i]) + self.b[i])
        loss = neg_log_likelihood(probs,y)
        probs[np.arange(n_sample),y] -= 1.0
        errors = probs
        for i in range(self.n_hidden,-1,-1):
            if i >= 1:
                hidden_out = hidden_cache[i - 1]
                grad_hidden_out = errors.dot(self.W[i].T)
                self.W[i] -= (lr * (hidden_out.T).dot(errors) + regularization * self.W[i])
                self.b[i] -= lr * np.sum(errors,axis = 0)
                errors = hidden_out * (1 - hidden_out) * grad_hidden_out
                hidden_out = x
                self.W[i] -= (lr * (hidden_out.T).dot(errors) + regularization * self.W[i])
                self.b[i] -= lr * np.sum(errors,axis = 0)

        return loss
コード例 #2
    def forwardPass(self, model, tree):

        # Traverse the tree and populate word vectors and
        #   predictions, bottom up

        if tree.is_leaf():
            #word_index = model.word_lookup[tree.word]
            word_index = self.getWordIndex(
                model, tree.word)
            tree.word_vector = model.L[:, word_index]
            left_child = tree.subtrees[0]
            right_child = tree.subtrees[1]
            self.forwardPass(model, left_child)
            self.forwardPass(model, right_child)

            tree.word_vector = self.composition(
                model, left_child.word_vector, right_child.word_vector)

        # hit elemenwise tanh
        tree.word_vector = np.tanh(tree.word_vector)
        # make softmax prediction
        tree.prediction = utils.softmax(
            model.Ws.dot(np.append(tree.word_vector, [1])))

        # update (increment) loss
        label_vector = self.getLabelVector(model, tree.label)
        #self.loss += -1*sum(label_vector*np.log(tree.prediction))
        self.loss += -1*label_vector.dot(np.log(tree.prediction))
コード例 #3
 def fprop(self, X):
     X = np.array([np.array([float(x) for x in j]) for j in X])
     X = X.transpose()
     self._ha = np.dot(self._w1, X) + np.repeat(self._b1, len(X[0]), axis=1)  # valeur des synapses entre x et hidden
     self._hs = utils.relu(self._ha)  # valeur hidden
     self._oa = np.dot(self._w2, self._hs) + np.repeat(self._b2, len(X[0]), axis=1)  # valeur entre hidden et sortie
     self._os = utils.softmax(self._oa)  # valeur de sortie
コード例 #4
ファイル: rnn2deep.py プロジェクト: hosseink/CS224d
    def forwardProp(self,node, correct=[], guess=[]):
        cost  =  total = 0.0
        # this is exactly the same setup as forwardProp in rnn.py
	cost_l = total_l = cost_r = total_r = 0
	node.fprop = True;
	if node.isLeaf:
		node.hActs1 = self.L[:, node.word];
		cost_l , total_l = self.forwardProp(node.left, correct, guess);
		cost_r , total_r = self.forwardProp(node.right, correct, guess);
		z1 = self.W1[:, :self.wvecDim].dot(node.left.hActs1) + \
					self.W1[:, self.wvecDim:].dot(node.right.hActs1) + \
		node.hActs1 = z1 * (z1> 0);
	z2 = self.W2.dot(node.hActs1) + self.b2;
	node.hActs2 = z2 * (z2 > 0)
	node.probs = softmax(self.Ws.dot(node.hActs2) + self.bs);
	cost  = cost_l + cost_r -np.log(node.probs[node.label]);
	total = total_l + total_r;

        return cost, total + 1
コード例 #5
 def _predictNode(self, node):
     Return the softmax sentiment prediction for the given word vector
     WARNING: The node output(after activation fct) has to be already
     computed (by the evaluateSample fct)
     z = np.dot(self.Ws, node.output) + self.bs
     return utils.softmax(z)
コード例 #6
ファイル: rnn.py プロジェクト: cesarsalgado/selfimprovingpy
 def step_forward(self, x):
     self.input_act[:] = x
     pre_act = self.input_act.dot(self.Wih) + self.hidden_act.dot(
         self.Whh) + self.hb
     self.hidden_act[:] = self.hidden_non_linearity(pre_act)
     print self.hidden_act
     self.output_act[:] = softmax(np.dot(self.hidden_act, self.Who) +
     return self.output_act.copy()
コード例 #7
    def process_intermediate_output(self, itr, X, y, net):
        beg = itr * self.batch_size
        end = beg + self.batch_size

        weighted = utils.softmax(net.blobs["weighted_input"].data)
        ip2 = utils.softmax(net.blobs["ip2"].data)
        confidence = net.blobs["confidence"].data

        y_predicted = weighted.argmax(axis=1)

        self.uncertainty[beg:end, 0] = 1-confidence[xrange(y_predicted.shape[0]), y_predicted]
        self.uncertainty[beg:end, 1] = utils.entropy(confidence)
        self.uncertainty[beg:end, 2] = utils.entropy(ip2)
        self.uncertainty[beg:end, 3] = utils.second_max(ip2)
        self.uncertainty[beg:end, 4] = utils.entropy(weighted)
        self.uncertainty[beg:end, 5] = utils.second_max(weighted)

        self.correct[beg:end] = np.equal(y, y_predicted)
コード例 #8
def get_dilation_model_camvid(input_shape, apply_softmax, input_tensor, classes):

    if input_tensor is None:
        model_in = Input(shape=input_shape)
        if not K.is_keras_tensor(input_tensor):
            model_in = Input(tensor=input_tensor, shape=input_shape)
            model_in = input_tensor

    h = Convolution2D(64, 3, 3, activation='relu', name='conv1_1')(model_in)
    h = Convolution2D(64, 3, 3, activation='relu', name='conv1_2')(h)
    h = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), strides=(2, 2), name='pool1')(h)
    h = Convolution2D(128, 3, 3, activation='relu', name='conv2_1')(h)
    h = Convolution2D(128, 3, 3, activation='relu', name='conv2_2')(h)
    h = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), strides=(2, 2), name='pool2')(h)
    h = Convolution2D(256, 3, 3, activation='relu', name='conv3_1')(h)
    h = Convolution2D(256, 3, 3, activation='relu', name='conv3_2')(h)
    h = Convolution2D(256, 3, 3, activation='relu', name='conv3_3')(h)
    h = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), strides=(2, 2), name='pool3')(h)
    h = Convolution2D(512, 3, 3, activation='relu', name='conv4_1')(h)
    h = Convolution2D(512, 3, 3, activation='relu', name='conv4_2')(h)
    h = Convolution2D(512, 3, 3, activation='relu', name='conv4_3')(h)
    h = AtrousConvolution2D(512, 3, 3, atrous_rate=(2, 2), activation='relu', name='conv5_1')(h)
    h = AtrousConvolution2D(512, 3, 3, atrous_rate=(2, 2), activation='relu', name='conv5_2')(h)
    h = AtrousConvolution2D(512, 3, 3, atrous_rate=(2, 2), activation='relu', name='conv5_3')(h)
    h = AtrousConvolution2D(4096, 7, 7, atrous_rate=(4, 4), activation='relu', name='fc6')(h)
    h = Dropout(0.5, name='drop6')(h)
    h = Convolution2D(4096, 1, 1, activation='relu', name='fc7')(h)
    h = Dropout(0.5, name='drop7')(h)
    h = Convolution2D(classes, 1, 1, name='final')(h)
    h = ZeroPadding2D(padding=(1, 1))(h)
    h = Convolution2D(classes, 3, 3, activation='relu', name='ctx_conv1_1')(h)
    h = ZeroPadding2D(padding=(1, 1))(h)
    h = Convolution2D(classes, 3, 3, activation='relu', name='ctx_conv1_2')(h)
    h = ZeroPadding2D(padding=(2, 2))(h)
    h = AtrousConvolution2D(classes, 3, 3, atrous_rate=(2, 2), activation='relu', name='ctx_conv2_1')(h)
    h = ZeroPadding2D(padding=(4, 4))(h)
    h = AtrousConvolution2D(classes, 3, 3, atrous_rate=(4, 4), activation='relu', name='ctx_conv3_1')(h)
    h = ZeroPadding2D(padding=(8, 8))(h)
    h = AtrousConvolution2D(classes, 3, 3, atrous_rate=(8, 8), activation='relu', name='ctx_conv4_1')(h)
    h = ZeroPadding2D(padding=(16, 16))(h)
    h = AtrousConvolution2D(classes, 3, 3, atrous_rate=(16, 16), activation='relu', name='ctx_conv5_1')(h)
    h = ZeroPadding2D(padding=(1, 1))(h)
    h = Convolution2D(classes, 3, 3, activation='relu', name='ctx_fc1')(h)
    logits = Convolution2D(classes, 1, 1, name='ctx_final')(h)

    if apply_softmax:
        model_out = softmax(logits)
        model_out = logits

    model = Model(input=model_in, output=model_out, name='dilation_camvid')

    return model
コード例 #9
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: aweinstein/bandit
    def run(self):
        p = softmax(self.Q, self.beta)
        actions = (0, 1)
        action = np.random.choice(actions, p=p)
        reward = self.bandit.reward(action)
        self.Q[action] += self.alpha * (reward - self.Q[action])

コード例 #10
def construct_DNN(n_input, n_output, n_hid_layers=2, archi=128,
                  lr=1e-3, batchsize=40, dropout_rate=0.2, moment=0.95):
    Initialize and construct the deep neural netweok with dropout
    update the DNN using momentum and minibatch
    archi: number of neurons of each hidden layer
    # decide dropout or not, no dropout: stop_dropout > 1.05
    x = T.fmatrix()
    y_hat = T.fmatrix()
    stop_dropout = T.scalar()

    # initialize parameters
    Ws, bs, cache_Ws, cache_bs = initialize_NNet(n_input, n_output,
                                                 archi, n_hid_layers)

    # ############ construct the neural network ###############
    Zs = []
    As = []

    # input layer
    Zs.append(T.dot(x, Ws[0]) + bs[0].dimshuffle('x', 0))
    As.append(maxout(Zs[0], stop_dropout, archi, dropout_rate) / stop_dropout)

    # hidden layers
    for i in range(n_hid_layers):
        Zs.append(T.dot(As[i], Ws[i + 1]) + bs[i + 1].dimshuffle('x', 0))
        act_out = maxout(Zs[i + 1], stop_dropout, archi, dropout_rate)
        As.append(act_out / stop_dropout)

    # output layer
    z_out = T.dot(As[n_hid_layers], Ws[n_hid_layers + 1])
    Zs.append(z_out + bs[n_hid_layers + 1].dimshuffle('x', 0))
    y = softmax(Zs[-1] / stop_dropout)

    # ############ construct the neural network ###############

    forward = th.function([x, stop_dropout], y)
    parameters = Ws + bs
    moment_cache = cache_Ws + cache_bs

    # objective is the binary crossentropy
    Cost = ((-T.log((y * y_hat).sum(axis=1))).sum()) / batchsize

    # calculate gradients
    grads = T.grad(Cost, parameters, disconnected_inputs='ignore')

    # update parameters using momentum
    update_func = update(parameters, grads, moment_cache, lr, moment)
    gradient_update = th.function(inputs=[x, y_hat, stop_dropout],
                                  updates=update_func, outputs=Cost)

    return gradient_update, forward
コード例 #11
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: aweinstein/bandit
    def run(self):
        actions = self.bandit.actions
        cues = self.bandit.cues
        cue = self.bandit.get_cue()
        p = softmax(self.Q[cue, :], self.beta)
        action = np.random.choice(actions, p=p)
        reward = self.bandit.reward(action)
        self.Q[cue, action] += self.alpha * (reward - self.Q[cue, action])

        for cue, action in product(cues, actions):
            key = "Q({:d},{:d})".format(cue, action)
            self.log[key].append(self.Q[cue, action])
コード例 #12
ファイル: ml.py プロジェクト: aweinstein/bandit
 def neg_log_likelihood(self, alphabeta):
     df = self.df
     alpha, beta = alphabeta
     df = self.df[self.df['cue'].isin(self.cues)]
     actions, rewards = df['action'].values, df['reward'].values
     cues = df['cue'].values
     prob_log = 0
     Q = dict([[cue, np.zeros(self.n_actions)] for cue in self.cues])
     k = 1
     for action, reward, cue in zip(actions, rewards, cues):
         if self.model == 'sample_average':
             Q[cue][action] += alpha * (reward - Q[cue][action]) / k
             k += 1
             Q[cue][action] += alpha * (reward - Q[cue][action])
         prob_log += np.log(softmax(Q[cue], beta)[action])
     return -prob_log
コード例 #13
ファイル: ml.py プロジェクト: aweinstein/FHDMM
    def neg_log_likelihood(self, alphabetas):
        df = self.df

        alphas = alphabetas[0::2]
        betas = alphabetas[1::2]
        df = self.df[self.df['cue'].isin(self.cues)]
        actions, rewards = df['action'].values, df['reward'].values
        cues = df['cue'].values
        prob_log = 0
        Q = dict([[cue, np.zeros(self.n_actions)] for cue in self.cues])
        for action, reward, cue in zip(actions, rewards, cues):
            alpha = alphas[self.cues.index(cue)]
            beta = betas[self.cues.index(cue)]
            Q[cue][action] += alpha * (reward - Q[cue][action])
            prob_log += np.log(softmax(Q[cue], beta)[action])

        return -prob_log
コード例 #14
ファイル: mlp_utils.py プロジェクト: pascanur/natgrad
    def __init__(self, rng, input, n_in, n_out,
                 W=None, b=None, name='tmp'):
        Typical hidden layer of a MLP: units are fully-connected and have
        sigmoidal activation function. Weight matrix W is of shape (n_in,n_out)
        and the bias vector b is of shape (n_out,).

        NOTE : The nonlinearity used here is tanh

        Hidden unit activation is given by: tanh(dot(input,W) + b)

        :type rng: numpy.random.RandomState
        :param rng: a random number generator used to initialize weights

        :type input: theano.tensor.dmatrix
        :param input: a symbolic tensor of shape (n_examples, n_in)

        :type n_in: int
        :param n_in: dimensionality of input

        :type n_out: int
        :param n_out: number of hidden units
        self.input = input
        if W is None and b is None:
            W_values = numpy.asarray(rng.uniform(
                        low=-numpy.sqrt(6. / (n_in + n_out)),
                        high=numpy.sqrt(6. / (n_in + n_out)),
                        size=(n_in, n_out)), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            self.W = theano.shared(value=W_values, name=name+'_W')
            b_values = numpy.zeros((n_out,), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            self.b = theano.shared(value=b_values, name=name+'_b')
            self.W = W
            self.b = b

        self.output = softmax(TT.dot(input, self.W) + self.b)
        # parameters of the model
        self.params = [self.W, self.b]
コード例 #15
ファイル: nli_rnn.py プロジェクト: jazracherif/cs224u
    def _forward_propagation(self, seq):
        seq : list
            Variable length sequence of elements in the vocabulary.

        self.h : np.array
            Each row is for a hidden representation. The first row
            is an all-0 initial state. The others correspond to
            the inputs in seq.

        self.y : np.array
            The vector of predictions.
        self.h = np.zeros((len(seq)+1, self.hidden_dim))
        for t in range(1, len(seq)+1):
            word_rep = self.get_word_rep(seq[t-1])
            self.h[t] = np.tanh(word_rep.dot(self.W_xh) + self.h[t-1].dot(self.W_hh))
        self.y = softmax(self.h[-1].dot(self.W_hy) + self.b)
コード例 #16
ファイル: rntn.py プロジェクト: hosseink/CS224d
    def forwardProp(self,node, correct = [], guess = []):
        cost = total = 0.0

	cost_l = total_l = cost_r = total_r = 0
	node.fprop = True;
	if node.isLeaf:
		node.hActs1 = self.L[:, node.word];
		cost_l , total_l = self.forwardProp(node.left, correct, guess);
		cost_r , total_r = self.forwardProp(node.right, correct, guess);
		h = np.hstack([node.left.hActs1, node.right.hActs1])
		tmp =  np.tensordot(self.V, h, axes = 1)
		z = np.dot(tmp,h);
		z += np.dot(self.W, h) + self.b;
		node.hActs1 = np.tanh(z) ;
	node.probs = softmax(self.Ws.dot(node.hActs1) + self.bs);
	cost  = cost_l + cost_r -np.log(node.probs[node.label]);
	total = total_l + total_r;

        return cost,total + 1
コード例 #17
ファイル: dpg_gym_tf.py プロジェクト: sahpat229/RL-Trading
    def train(self):
        global_step = 0
        training_rewards = []
        for episode in range(1, self.num_episodes + 1):
            state = self.env.reset()
            episode_rewards = 0
            episode_ave_max_q = 0
            for time_step in range(self.episode_length):
                action = self.actor.predict(
                #print("ACTION before:", softmax(action))
                noise = self.actor_noise()
                #print("NOISE:", noise)
                action += noise
                action = softmax(action)  # take softmax here
                #print("ACTION after:", action)
                trans_state, reward, terminal, info = self.env.step(action)
                episode_rewards += reward

                # self.rpb.store_w_terminal(old_state=state,
                #                           action=action,
                #                           reward=reward,
                #                           terminal=terminal,
                #                           new_state=trans_state)
                # if self.rpb.ready(self.batch_size):
                if len(self.rpb._storage) >= self.batch_size:
                    # batch_states, batch_actions, batch_rewards, batch_terminal, batch_trans_state \
                    #     = self.rpb.sample_batch(batch_size=self.batch_size)
                    experiences = self.rpb.sample(batch_size=self.batch_size,
                    batch_states, batch_actions, batch_rewards, batch_trans_state, batch_terminal, \
                        weights, rank_e_id = experiences
                    batch_asset_features, batch_portfolio = convert_features(
                    print("FEATS:", batch_asset_features)
                    batch_trans_asset_features, batch_trans_portfolio = \
                    weights = np.expand_dims(weights, axis=1)

                    target_actions = self.actor.predict_target(
                    )  # [batch_size, action_dim]
                    target_q = self.critic.predict_target(
                        batch_trans_portfolio,  # [batch_size, 1]
                    batch_y = []
                    for ind in range(self.batch_size):
                        if batch_terminal[ind]:
                            batch_y.append(batch_rewards[ind] +
                                           self.gamma * target_q[ind])
                    batch_y = np.array(batch_y)  # [batch_size, 1]
                    loss, out, _ = self.critic.train(
                    deltas = np.squeeze(np.abs(out - batch_y))
                    deltas[deltas == 0] = 0.001
                    policy_actions = self.actor.predict(
                    )  # [batch_size, num_assets]
                    policy_actions = softmax(policy_actions,
                                             axis=-1)  # take softmax here
                    action_grads = self.critic.action_gradients(

                    summary = self.sess.run(self.batch_summaries,
                                            feed_dict={self.qfunc_loss: loss})
                    self.writer.add_summary(summary, global_step)

                summary = self.sess.run(self.individual_summaries,
                                            self.actions: action,
                                            self.prices: state.price,
                                            self.individual_reward: reward,
                                            self.individual_pnl: info['pnl'],
                                            self.individual_tc: info['tc']
                self.writer.add_summary(summary, global_step)

                global_step += 1
                state = trans_state

                if terminal:
                    print("Episode number:", episode)
                    summary = self.sess.run(
                        feed_dict={self.episode_reward: episode_rewards})
                    self.writer.add_summary(summary, episode)
                    print("Reward:", episode_rewards)

                elif time_step == (self.episode_length - 1):
                    print("Episode number:", episode)
                    summary = self.sess.run(
                        feed_dict={self.episode_reward: episode_rewards})
                    self.writer.add_summary(summary, episode)
                    print("Reward:", episode_rewards)

            # summary = self.sess.run(self.summary_ops, feed_dict={self.episode_reward: episode_rewards})
            # self.writer.add_summary(summary, global_step)

        #     epsiode_rewards.append(np.sum(rewards))
        #     if epsilon > 0.1:
        #         epsilon -= 2.0 / self.num_episodes

            if (episode % 25) == 0:
                self.infer(train=False, episode=episode)
コード例 #18
 def fprop(self, X):
     X = np.array([[float(x)] for x in X])
     self._ha = np.dot(self._w1, X) + self._b1  # valeur des synapses entre x et hidden
     self._hs = utils.relu(self._ha)  # valeur hidden
     self._oa = np.dot(self._w2, self._hs) + self._b2  # valeur entre hidden et sortie
     self._os = utils.softmax(self._oa)  # valeur de sortie
コード例 #19
ファイル: agent.py プロジェクト: aweinstein/FHDMM
 def choose_action(self, context):
     p = softmax(self.Q[context], self.beta)
     actions = range(self.n)
     action = np.random.choice(actions, p=p)
     return action
コード例 #20
ファイル: capsSemgMove.py プロジェクト: xiaozw1994/TSCaps
def routing(input, b_IJ, num_outputs=6, num_dims=8):
    ''' The routing algorithm.

        input:  shape, num_caps_l meaning the number of capsule in the layer l.
        num_outputs: the number of output capsules.
        num_dims: the number of dimensions for output capsule.
        A Tensor of shape [batch_size, num_caps_l_plus_1, length(v_j)=16, 1]
        representing the vector output `v_j` in the layer l+1
        u_i represents the vector output of capsule i in the layer l, and
        v_j the vector output of capsule j in the layer l+1.

    # W: [1, num_caps_i, num_caps_j * len_v_j, len_u_j, 1]
    input_shape = get_shape(input)
    W = tf.get_variable('Weight',
                        shape=[1, input_shape[1], num_dims * num_outputs] +
    biases = tf.get_variable('bias', shape=(1, 1, num_outputs, num_dims, 1))

    # Eq.2, calc u_hat
    # Since tf.matmul is a time-consuming op,
    # A better solution is using element-wise multiply, reduce_sum and reshape
    # ops instead. Matmul [a, b] x [b, c] is equal to a series ops as
    # element-wise multiply [a*c, b] * [a*c, b], reduce_sum at axis=1 and
    # reshape to [a, c]
    input = tf.tile(input, [1, 1, num_dims * num_outputs, 1, 1])
    # assert input.get_shape()

    u_hat = reduce_sum(W * input, axis=3, keepdims=True)
    u_hat = tf.reshape(u_hat,
                       shape=[-1, input_shape[1], num_outputs, num_dims, 1])
    # assert u_hat.get_shape()

    # In forward, u_hat_stopped = u_hat; in backward, no gradient passed back from u_hat_stopped to u_hat
    u_hat_stopped = tf.stop_gradient(u_hat, name='stop_gradient')
    n = 3  #3
    # line 3,for r iterations do
    for r_iter in range(n):
        with tf.variable_scope('iter_' + str(r_iter)):
            # line 4:
            c_IJ = softmax(b_IJ, axis=2)

            # At last iteration, use `u_hat` in order to receive gradients from the following graph
            if r_iter == n - 1:
                # line 5:
                # weighting u_hat with c_IJ, element-wise in the last two dims
                s_J = tf.multiply(c_IJ, u_hat)
                # then sum in the second dim
                s_J = reduce_sum(s_J, axis=1, keepdims=True) + biases
                # assert s_J.get_shape()

                # line 6:
                # squash using Eq.1,
                v_J = squash(s_J)
                # assert v_J.get_shape()
            elif r_iter < n - 1:  # Inner iterations, do not apply backpropagation
                s_J = tf.multiply(c_IJ, u_hat_stopped)
                s_J = reduce_sum(s_J, axis=1, keepdims=True) + biases
                v_J = squash(s_J)

                # line 7:
                # reshape & tile v_j from
                # then matmul
                # batch_size dim, resulting
                v_J_tiled = tf.tile(v_J, [1, input_shape[1], 1, 1, 1])
                u_produce_v = reduce_sum(u_hat_stopped * v_J_tiled,
                # assert u_produce_v

                # b_IJ += tf.reduce_sum(u_produce_v, axis=0, keep_dims=True)
                b_IJ += u_produce_v

    return (v_J)
コード例 #21
        remainder = outputs_chunk[l:] # new remainder

        if avg_method == "avg-probs-ent": # entropy-weighted averaging
            outputs_chunk = outputs_chunk[:l]
            h = utils.entropy(outputs_chunk)
            outputs_chunk *= np.exp(-h)[:, None]
            outputs_chunk = outputs_chunk.reshape(l // num_test_tfs, num_test_tfs, outputs_chunk.shape[1]).sum(1)
            z = np.exp(-h).reshape(l // num_test_tfs, num_test_tfs).sum(1)
            outputs_chunk /= z[:, None]
            outputs_chunk = outputs_chunk[:l].reshape(l // num_test_tfs, num_test_tfs, outputs_chunk.shape[1]).mean(1)


assert (remainder is None) or remainder.size == 0 # make sure we haven't left any predictions behind
outputs = np.vstack(outputs)

if avg_method == "avg-logits":
    print "Passing averaged logits through the softmax"
    outputs = utils.softmax(outputs)
elif avg_method == "avg-probs-geom":
    print "Renormalizing geometrically averaged probabilities"
    outputs = utils.softmax(outputs)

print "Saving"
np.save(target_path, outputs)
print "  saved to %s" % target_path
コード例 #22
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: tamzeed-unc/rulstm
def get_scores(model, loader, challenge=False, include_discarded=False):
    predictions = []
    labels = []
    ids = []
    with torch.set_grad_enabled(False):
        for batch in tqdm(loader, 'Evaluating...', len(loader)):
            x = batch['past_features' if args.task ==
                      'anticipation' else 'action_features']
            if type(x) == list:
                x = [xx.to(device) for xx in x]
                x = x.to(device)

            y = batch['label'].numpy()


            preds = model(x).cpu().numpy()[:, -args.S_ant:, :]


    action_scores = np.concatenate(predictions)
    labels = np.concatenate(labels)
    ids = np.concatenate(ids)

    actions = pd.read_csv(join(args.path_to_data, 'actions.csv'),

    vi = get_marginal_indexes(actions, 'verb')
    ni = get_marginal_indexes(actions, 'noun')

    action_probs = softmax(action_scores.reshape(-1, action_scores.shape[-1]))

    verb_scores = marginalize(action_probs,
                                          action_scores.shape[1], -1)
    noun_scores = marginalize(action_probs,
                                          action_scores.shape[1], -1)

    if include_discarded:
        dlab = np.array(loader.dataset.discarded_labels)
        dislab = np.array(loader.dataset.discarded_ids)
        ids = np.concatenate([ids, dislab])
        num_disc = len(dlab)
        labels = np.concatenate([labels, dlab])
        verb_scores = np.concatenate(
            (verb_scores, np.zeros((num_disc, *verb_scores.shape[1:]))))
        noun_scores = np.concatenate(
            (noun_scores, np.zeros((num_disc, *noun_scores.shape[1:]))))
        action_scores = np.concatenate(
            (action_scores, np.zeros((num_disc, *action_scores.shape[1:]))))

    if labels.max() > 0 and not challenge:
        return verb_scores, noun_scores, action_scores, labels[:,
                                                               0], labels[:,
                                                                          1], labels[:,
                                                                                     2], ids
        return verb_scores, noun_scores, action_scores, ids
コード例 #23
    def build_arch(self):
        with tf.variable_scope('Conv1_layer_init'):
            conv_init1 = tf.contrib.layers.conv2d(self.X, num_outputs=16,
                                             kernel_size=3, stride=2,
            conv_init2 = tf.contrib.layers.conv2d(conv_init1, num_outputs=8,
                                             kernel_size=4, stride=2,
            conv_init3 = tf.contrib.layers.conv2d(conv_init2, num_outputs=1,
                                             kernel_size=7, stride=2,
            # conv_init3=tf.reshape(conv_init3,shape=(cfg.batch_size,28,28,1))

        with tf.variable_scope('Conv1_layer'):
            # Conv1, [batch_size, 20, 20, 256]
            conv1 = tf.contrib.layers.conv2d(conv_init3, num_outputs=256,
                                             kernel_size=9, stride=1,
            assert conv1.get_shape() == [cfg.batch_size, 20, 20, 256]

        # Primary Capsules layer, return [batch_size, 1152, 8, 1]
        with tf.variable_scope('PrimaryCaps_layer'):
            primaryCaps = CapsLayer(num_outputs=32, vec_len=8, with_routing=False, layer_type='CONV')
            caps1 = primaryCaps(conv1, kernel_size=9, stride=2)
            assert caps1.get_shape() == [cfg.batch_size, 1152, 8, 1]

        # DigitCaps layer, return [batch_size, 10, 16, 1]
        with tf.variable_scope('DigitCaps_layer'):
            digitCaps = CapsLayer(num_outputs=12, vec_len=12, with_routing=True, layer_type='FC')
            self.caps2 = digitCaps(caps1)

        # Decoder structure in Fig. 2
        # 1. Do masking, how:
        with tf.variable_scope('Masking'):
            # a). calc ||v_c||, then do softmax(||v_c||)
            # [batch_size, 10, 16, 1] => [batch_size, 10, 1, 1]
            self.v_length = tf.sqrt(reduce_sum(tf.square(self.caps2),
                                               axis=2, keepdims=True) + epsilon)
            self.softmax_v = softmax(self.v_length, axis=1)
            assert self.softmax_v.get_shape() == [cfg.batch_size, 12, 1, 1]

            # b). pick out the index of max softmax val of the 10 caps
            # [batch_size, 10, 1, 1] => [batch_size] (index)
            self.argmax_idx = tf.to_int32(tf.argmax(self.softmax_v, axis=1))
            assert self.argmax_idx.get_shape() == [cfg.batch_size, 1, 1]
            self.argmax_idx = tf.reshape(self.argmax_idx, shape=(cfg.batch_size, ))

            # Method 1.
            if not cfg.mask_with_y:
                # c). indexing
                # It's not easy to understand the indexing process with argmax_idx
                # as we are 3-dim animal
                masked_v = []
                for batch_size in range(cfg.batch_size):
                    v = self.caps2[batch_size][self.argmax_idx[batch_size], :]
                    masked_v.append(tf.reshape(v, shape=(1, 1, 12, 1)))

                self.masked_v = tf.concat(masked_v, axis=0)
                assert self.masked_v.get_shape() == [cfg.batch_size, 1, 12, 1]
            # Method 2. masking with true label, default mode
                # self.masked_v = tf.matmul(tf.squeeze(self.caps2), tf.reshape(self.Y, (-1, 10, 1)), transpose_a=True)
                self.masked_v = tf.multiply(tf.squeeze(self.caps2), tf.reshape(self.Y, (-1, 12, 1)))
                self.v_length = tf.sqrt(reduce_sum(tf.square(self.caps2), axis=2, keepdims=True) + epsilon)
コード例 #24
ファイル: mlp.py プロジェクト: cesarsalgado/selfimprovingpy
 def forward(self, x):
     self.input_act[:] = x
     self.hidden_act[:] = sigmoid(np.dot(self.input_act, self.Wih) + self.hb)
     self.output_act[:] = softmax(np.dot(self.hidden_act, self.Who) +
コード例 #25
ファイル: softmax.py プロジェクト: argocan/plautodiff
 def forward(self):
     self.cache = softmax(self.x.data)
     return Tensor(self.cache, diff=self.diff)
コード例 #26
def test_softmax(arg, expected):
    result = utils.softmax(arg).round(8)
    expected = expected.round(8)
    assert np.array_equal(result, expected)
コード例 #27
ファイル: process.py プロジェクト: jvahala/lucid-robotics
	def onlineUpdate(self,curr_data,data_object,complete=False,softmax_error=True,self_correct=True):

		def getErrorMetric(epf,p=None,i=None,d=None,soft=None,last_epf=None,all_err=None):
			epf = error_per_frame = cumulative_error/current_frame (potentially a windowed epf to allow for quicker changes late in a task)
			p = number of known tasks, also the value of the proportional gain 
			all_err = cumulative error for integral control
			soft = error to softthreshold within 
			last_epf = previous value of epf for derivative control 

			Em = P*epf + D*(epf-last_epf) + I(all_err)
			metric = max(1,Em), or if p,last_epf,and all_err are left as default None then epf is returned
			P = p 		#proportional gain
			D = d		#derivative gain
			I = i		#integral gain

			Em = 0
			control_terms = 0
			#print 'epf = ', epf
			#Proportional error addition
			if p != None: 
				if soft != None: 
					Em += P*(epf-soft-1)
					Em += P*(epf-1)
				#print 'prop Em = ', Em
				#print 'p = None'
				control_terms += 1

			#Derivative error addition
			if last_epf != None:
				Em += D*(epf-last_epf)
				#print 'deriv Em = ', Em
				#print 'last epf = none'
				control_terms += 1

			#Integral error addition
			if all_err != None: 
				Em += I*all_err
				#print 'integral Em = ', Em
				#print 'all err = none'
				control_terms += 1

			#if no P,I,or D, return the error per frame alone
			if control_terms == 3: 
				Em = epf

			metric = max(1.0,Em)
			return float(metric)

		## use the new piece of data to get percent complete for each task model, also update the mixedRayleigh associated with each task
		for t_id in self.task_check_order:  
			tid_task = self.known_tasks[t_id]
			pct_complete,new_mixed = tid_task.getCurrentLabel(curr_data,data_object,self.curr_frame_count,mixed=self.mixed[t_id],kNN_number=self.kNN_number[t_id],complete_threshold=self.complete_threshold)
			'''#determine how likely each task is to be the current task by computing dynamic time warping cost between the curr_labels and the expected path at this point - this was too slow
			cost_threshold = 2
			if self.curr_frame_count > self.min_frames_for_probability: 
				self.task_online_costs[t_id] = max(1.0,task_tools.getTaskMetric(tid_task.path,tid_task.times,tid_task.curr_labels,tid_task.curr_mixed_position,tid_task.frames_since_state_change,constraint=self.online_dtw_constraint)-cost_threshold)
				if self.task_online_costs[t_id]>1.0: 
					self.task_online_costs[t_id] = 0.5*self.task_online_costs[t_id]**2

			#add current online error (or add new element if a new task has just been added)
			expected_pct = 100*self.curr_frame_count/float(np.sum(self.known_tasks[t_id].times))
			c = 0.0625
			if len(self.cumulative_online_errors) < self.known_task_count: 
				self.cumulative_online_errors[t_id] = c*np.abs(expected_pct-pct_complete)**2
				self.prev_error_per_frame[t_id] = 0
				self.error_per_frame[t_id] = self.cumulative_online_errors[t_id]/float(self.curr_frame_count)
				new_error = c*np.abs(expected_pct-pct_complete)**2
				self.cumulative_online_errors[t_id] += new_error
				self.prev_error_per_frame[t_id] = deepcopy(self.error_per_frame[t_id])
				base_epf = self.cumulative_online_errors[t_id]/float(self.curr_frame_count)
				error_window = self.error_window
				self.error_per_frame[t_id] = (base_epf*error_window+new_error)/(error_window+1)	#essentially, (curr_epf*error_window + new_error)/(frame_window+1), this allows for more change later in a task 

			self.task_pct_complete[t_id] = pct_complete 
			self.mixed[t_id] = new_mixed
			#print 'pct_complete: ', self.task_pct_complete[t_id]
		## if enough frames have passed and a task exists, determine the probability that a particular task is being completed relative to other tasks
		if self.curr_frame_count > self.min_frames_for_probability and self.known_task_count > 0: 
			#total_costs = np.sum(self.task_online_costs.values())
			total_costs = self.known_task_count +1
			pct_complete = 0
			if total_costs > self.known_task_count: 
				self.error_metric = {}
				temp = {}

				#adjust errors using PID to extremify errors further
				for t_id in self.task_check_order: 
					P = self.known_task_count
					I = 0.1		#0.02
					D = 50			#100
					max_soft = 10
					#time_at_4 = 30.0		#these two commented lines were used to determine the soft_thresh exponential constant (-0.0305)
					#soft_thresh = max_soft*np.exp((np.log(4/max_soft)/time_at_4)*self.curr_frame_count)
					soft_thresh = max_soft*np.exp(-0.0305*self.curr_frame_count)
					last_err = self.prev_error_per_frame[t_id]
					cumulative_error = self.cumulative_online_errors[t_id]

					self.error_metric[t_id] = getErrorMetric(epf=self.error_per_frame[t_id],p=P,i=I,d=D,soft=soft_thresh,last_epf=last_err, all_err=cumulative_error)
					#print self.error_metric[t_id]

					temp[t_id] = 1/self.error_metric[t_id]

				if softmax_error == False: 
					total_costs = np.sum(temp.values())
					for t_id in self.task_check_order: 
						self.task_online_probability[t_id] = temp[t_id]/(1.*total_costs)
					metrics = [self.error_metric[x] for x in range(self.known_task_count)]
					softmax_alpha = -1/40.0		#this alpha has bee chosen to that reasonable errors in the 50
					soft_pcts = utils.softmax(np.array(metrics)-np.amin(metrics)/3.0,alpha=softmax_alpha,rescale_=False)
					for t_id in self.task_check_order: 
						self.task_online_probability[t_id] = soft_pcts[t_id]

				if self_correct and np.all(np.array(self.error_metric.values())>200): 
					#print 'in self-correct loop'
					confusion_pct_addition = self.confusion_pct_addition	#amount to add to pct_complete estimate if all errors are bad
					pct_complete = self.curr_pct_complete_estimate + confusion_pct_addition
					#print 'no self-correction'
					for t_id in self.task_check_order: 
						pct_complete += self.task_online_probability[t_id]*self.task_pct_complete[t_id]
				pct_complete = self.task_pct_complete[self.task_history[-1]]
			pct_complete = self.task_pct_complete[self.task_history[-1]]

		self.curr_frame_count += 1		#increment the frame count 
		self.curr_pct_complete_estimate = pct_complete 
		return pct_complete
コード例 #28
 def answer(self, data):
     return softmax(self._process_layers(self._weights, data, False))
コード例 #29
ファイル: capsSemgMove.py プロジェクト: xiaozw1994/TSCaps
    def biuld_net(self):
        # gragh = tf.Graph()
        # with gragh.as_default():
        ### set top conv
        top_con = CNNs(self.x, 128, [9, 1], 2, "SAME", self.is_train)
        self.primary_cap = layers_vector(
            4, [9, 1],
            shapes=[-1, self.next_length * 8, 16, 1])
        # [-1,88*16,8,1]
        #with tf.variable_scope("capsules_layers"):
        fc_function = tf.reshape(self.primary_cap,
                                 shape=(-1, self.primary_cap.shape[1].value, 1,
                                        self.primary_cap.shape[-2].value, 1))
        #with tf.variable_scope("routing"):
        blu = tf.constant(np.zeros([
            self.batch_size, self.primary_cap.shape[1].value, self.num_label,
            1, 1
        caps = routing(fc_function,
        #### [120,37,8,1]
        top_conv_1 = CNNs(self.x, 128, [7, 1], 2, "SAME", self.is_train)
        self.primary_cap_1 = layers_vector(
            4, [7, 1],
            shapes=[-1, self.next_length * 16, 8, 1])
        fc_function_1 = tf.reshape(
            shape=(-1, self.primary_cap_1.shape[1].value, 1,
                   self.primary_cap_1.shape[-2].value, 1))
        blu_1 = tf.constant(np.zeros([
            self.batch_size, self.primary_cap_1.shape[1].value, self.num_label,
            1, 1
        with tf.variable_scope("routint_1"):
            caps_1 = routing(fc_function_1, blu_1, self.num_label, 16)
        top_con_2 = CNNs(self.x, 128, [5, 1], 2, 'SAME', self.is_train)
        self.primary_cap_2 = layers_vector(
            4, [5, 1],
            shapes=[-1, self.next_length * 32, 4, 1])
        fc_function_2 = tf.reshape(
            shape=(-1, self.primary_cap_2.shape[1].value, 1,
                   self.primary_cap_2.shape[-2].value, 1))
        blu_2 = tf.constant(np.zeros([
            self.batch_size, self.primary_cap_2.shape[1].value, self.num_label,
            1, 1
        with tf.variable_scope("routing_2"):
            caps_2 = routing(fc_function_2, blu_2, self.num_label, 8)

        a = 3.0
        b = 1.0
        c = 1.0
        #  a = 3.0
        #  b = 1.0
        caps = tf.concat([a * caps, b * caps_1, c * caps_2], axis=3)
        # This is the best performance in our experiments.

        self.caps = tf.squeeze(caps, axis=1)
        v_length = tf.sqrt(
            reduce_sum(tf.square(self.caps), axis=2, keepdims=True) +
        softmax_v = softmax(v_length, axis=1)
        argmax_idx = tf.to_int32(tf.argmax(softmax_v, axis=1))
        self.argmax_idx = tf.reshape(argmax_idx, shape=(self.batch_size, ))
        self.masked_v = tf.multiply(
            tf.squeeze(self.caps), tf.reshape(self.y, (-1, self.num_label, 1)))
        self.v_length = tf.sqrt(
            reduce_sum(tf.square(self.caps), axis=2, keepdims=True) +
        # decoder
        vector_j = tf.reshape(self.masked_v, shape=(self.batch_size, -1))
        fc1 = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(vector_j, num_outputs=256)
        fc1 = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(fc1, num_outputs=512)
        self.decode = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(
            fc1, num_outputs=self.length, activation_fn=tf.sigmoid)
コード例 #30
ファイル: run_smc.py プロジェクト: brandonckelly/allstate
def runSmc(args):
    smcData, settings, do_metrics = args
    print '\nInitializing SMC\n'
    # precomputation
    (particles, param, log_weights, cache, cache_tmp) = bdtsmc.init_smc(smcData, settings)

    # Run smc
    print '\nRunning SMC'
    (particles, ess_itr, log_weights_itr, log_pd, particle_stats_itr_d, particles_itr_d, log_pd_islands) = \
            bdtsmc.run_smc(particles, smcData, settings, param, log_weights, cache)
    # Printing some diagnostics
    print 'Estimate of log marginal probability i.e. log p(Y|X) = %s ' % log_pd
    print 'Estimate of log marginal probability for different islands = %s' % log_pd_islands
    print 'logsumexp(log_pd_islands) - np.max(log_pd_islands) = %s\n' % \
            (logsumexp(log_pd_islands) - np.max(log_pd_islands))
    if settings.debug == 1:
        print 'log_weights_itr = \n%s' % log_weights_itr
        # check if log_weights are computed correctly
        for i_, p in enumerate(particles):
            log_w = log_weights_itr[-1, i_] + np.log(settings.n_particles) - np.log(settings.n_islands)
            logprior_p = p.compute_logprior()
            loglik_p = p.compute_loglik()
            logprob_p = p.compute_logprob()
            if (np.abs(settings.ess_threshold) < 1e-15) and (settings.proposal == 'prior'):
                # for the criterion above, only loglik should contribute to the weight update
                    check_if_zero(log_w - loglik_p)
                except AssertionError:
                    print 'Incorrect weight computation: log_w (smc) = %s, loglik_p = %s' % (log_w, loglik_p)
                    raise AssertionError
                check_if_zero(logprob_p - loglik_p - logprior_p)
            except AssertionError:
                print 'Incorrect weight computation'
                print 'check if 0: %s, logprior_p = %s, loglik_p = %s' % (logprob_p - loglik_p - logprior_p, logprior_p, loglik_p)
                raise AssertionError

    # Evaluate
    print 'Results on training data (log predictive prob is bogus)'
    # log_predictive on training data is bogus ... you are computing something like \int_{\theta} p(data|\theta) p(\theta|data)
    if settings.weight_islands == 1:
        # each island's prediction is weighted by its marginal likelihood estimate which is equivalent to micro-averaging globally
        weights_prediction = softmax(log_weights_itr[-1, :])
        assert('islandv1' in settings.tag)
        # correction for macro-averaging predictions across islands
        weights_prediction = np.ones(settings.n_particles) / settings.n_islands
        n_particles_tmp = settings.n_particles / settings.n_islands
        for i_ in range(settings.n_islands):
            pid_min, pid_max = i_ * n_particles_tmp, (i_ + 1) * n_particles_tmp - 1
            pid_range_tmp = range(pid_min, pid_max+1)
            weights_prediction[pid_range_tmp] *= softmax(log_weights_itr[-1, pid_range_tmp]) 
    (pred_prob_overall_train, metrics_train) = \
            evaluate_predictions_smc(particles, smcData, smcData['x_train'], smcData['y_train'], settings, param, weights_prediction, do_metrics)
    print '\nResults on test data'
    (pred_prob_overall_test, metrics_test) = \
            evaluate_predictions_smc(particles, smcData, smcData['x_test'], smcData['y_test'], settings, param, weights_prediction, do_metrics)

    #return pred_prob_overall_test, particles, param, weights_prediction
    return pred_prob_overall_test, 
コード例 #31
def get_dilation_model_cityscapes(input_shape, apply_softmax, input_tensor, classes):

    if input_tensor is None:
        model_in = Input(shape=input_shape)
        if not K.is_keras_tensor(input_tensor):
            model_in = Input(tensor=input_tensor, shape=input_shape)
            model_in = input_tensor

    h = Convolution2D(64, 3, 3, activation='relu', name='conv1_1')(model_in)
    h = Convolution2D(64, 3, 3, activation='relu', name='conv1_2')(h)
    h = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), strides=(2, 2), name='pool1')(h)
    h = Convolution2D(128, 3, 3, activation='relu', name='conv2_1')(h)
    h = Convolution2D(128, 3, 3, activation='relu', name='conv2_2')(h)
    h = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), strides=(2, 2), name='pool2')(h)
    h = Convolution2D(256, 3, 3, activation='relu', name='conv3_1')(h)
    h = Convolution2D(256, 3, 3, activation='relu', name='conv3_2')(h)
    h = Convolution2D(256, 3, 3, activation='relu', name='conv3_3')(h)
    h = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), strides=(2, 2), name='pool3')(h)
    h = Convolution2D(512, 3, 3, activation='relu', name='conv4_1')(h)
    h = Convolution2D(512, 3, 3, activation='relu', name='conv4_2')(h)
    h = Convolution2D(512, 3, 3, activation='relu', name='conv4_3')(h)
    h = AtrousConvolution2D(512, 3, 3, atrous_rate=(2, 2), activation='relu', name='conv5_1')(h)
    h = AtrousConvolution2D(512, 3, 3, atrous_rate=(2, 2), activation='relu', name='conv5_2')(h)
    h = AtrousConvolution2D(512, 3, 3, atrous_rate=(2, 2), activation='relu', name='conv5_3')(h)
    h = AtrousConvolution2D(4096, 7, 7, atrous_rate=(4, 4), activation='relu', name='fc6')(h)
    h = Dropout(0.5, name='drop6')(h)
    h = Convolution2D(4096, 1, 1, activation='relu', name='fc7')(h)
    h = Dropout(0.5, name='drop7')(h)
    h = Convolution2D(classes, 1, 1, name='final')(h)
    h = ZeroPadding2D(padding=(1, 1))(h)
    h = Convolution2D(classes, 3, 3, activation='relu', name='ctx_conv1_1')(h)
    h = ZeroPadding2D(padding=(1, 1))(h)
    h = Convolution2D(classes, 3, 3, activation='relu', name='ctx_conv1_2')(h)
    h = ZeroPadding2D(padding=(2, 2))(h)
    h = AtrousConvolution2D(classes, 3, 3, atrous_rate=(2, 2), activation='relu', name='ctx_conv2_1')(h)
    h = ZeroPadding2D(padding=(4, 4))(h)
    h = AtrousConvolution2D(classes, 3, 3, atrous_rate=(4, 4), activation='relu', name='ctx_conv3_1')(h)
    h = ZeroPadding2D(padding=(8, 8))(h)
    h = AtrousConvolution2D(classes, 3, 3, atrous_rate=(8, 8), activation='relu', name='ctx_conv4_1')(h)
    h = ZeroPadding2D(padding=(16, 16))(h)
    h = AtrousConvolution2D(classes, 3, 3, atrous_rate=(16, 16), activation='relu', name='ctx_conv5_1')(h)
    h = ZeroPadding2D(padding=(32, 32))(h)
    h = AtrousConvolution2D(classes, 3, 3, atrous_rate=(32, 32), activation='relu', name='ctx_conv6_1')(h)
    h = ZeroPadding2D(padding=(64, 64))(h)
    h = AtrousConvolution2D(classes, 3, 3, atrous_rate=(64, 64), activation='relu', name='ctx_conv7_1')(h)
    h = ZeroPadding2D(padding=(1, 1))(h)
    h = Convolution2D(classes, 3, 3, activation='relu', name='ctx_fc1')(h)
    h = Convolution2D(classes, 1, 1, name='ctx_final')(h)

    # the following two layers pretend to be a Deconvolution with grouping layer.
    # never managed to implement it in Keras
    # since it's just a gaussian upsampling trainable=False is recommended
    h = UpSampling2D(size=(8, 8))(h)
    logits = Convolution2D(classes, 16, 16, border_mode='same', bias=False, trainable=False, name='ctx_upsample')(h)

    if apply_softmax:
        model_out = softmax(logits)
        model_out = logits

    model = Model(input=model_in, output=model_out, name='dilation_cityscapes')

    return model
コード例 #32
def routing(input, b_IJ):
    ''' The routing algorithm.

        input: A Tensor with [batch_size, num_caps_l=1152, 1, length(u_i)=8, 1]
               shape, num_caps_l meaning the number of capsule in the layer l.
        A Tensor of shape [batch_size, num_caps_l_plus_1, length(v_j)=16, 1]
        representing the vector output `v_j` in the layer l+1
        u_i represents the vector output of capsule i in the layer l, and
        v_j the vector output of capsule j in the layer l+1.

    # W: [1, num_caps_i, num_caps_j * len_v_j, len_u_j, 1]
    W = tf.get_variable(
        shape=(1, 1152, 144, 8, 1),
    biases = tf.get_variable('bias', shape=(1, 1, 12, 12, 1))

    # Eq.2, calc u_hat
    # Since tf.matmul is a time-consuming op,
    # A better solution is using element-wise multiply, reduce_sum and reshape
    # ops instead. Matmul [a, b] x [b, c] is equal to a series ops as
    # element-wise multiply [a*c, b] * [a*c, b], reduce_sum at axis=1 and
    # reshape to [a, c]
    input = tf.tile(input, [1, 1, 144, 1, 1])
    assert input.get_shape() == [cfg.batch_size, 1152, 144, 8, 1]

    u_hat = tf.reduce_sum(W * input, axis=3, keep_dims=True)
    u_hat = tf.reshape(u_hat, shape=[-1, 1152, 12, 12, 1])
    assert u_hat.get_shape() == [cfg.batch_size, 1152, 12, 12, 1]

    # In forward, u_hat_stopped = u_hat; in backward, no gradient passed back from u_hat_stopped to u_hat
    u_hat_stopped = tf.stop_gradient(u_hat, name='stop_gradient')

    # line 3,for r iterations do
    for r_iter in range(cfg.iter_routing):
        with tf.variable_scope('iter_' + str(r_iter)):
            # line 4:
            # => [batch_size, 1152, 10, 1, 1]
            c_IJ = softmax(b_IJ, axis=2)

            # At last iteration, use `u_hat` in order to receive gradients from the following graph
            if r_iter == cfg.iter_routing - 1:
                # line 5:
                # weighting u_hat with c_IJ, element-wise in the last two dims
                # => [batch_size, 1152, 10, 16, 1]
                s_J = tf.multiply(c_IJ, u_hat)
                # then sum in the second dim, resulting in [batch_size, 1, 10, 16, 1]
                s_J = reduce_sum(s_J, axis=1, keepdims=True) + biases
                assert s_J.get_shape() == [cfg.batch_size, 1, 12, 12, 1]

                # line 6:
                # squash using Eq.1,
                v_J = squash(s_J)
                assert v_J.get_shape() == [cfg.batch_size, 1, 12, 12, 1]
            elif r_iter < cfg.iter_routing - 1:  # Inner iterations, do not apply backpropagation
                s_J = tf.multiply(c_IJ, u_hat_stopped)
                s_J = reduce_sum(s_J, axis=1, keepdims=True) + biases
                v_J = squash(s_J)

                # line 7:
                # reshape & tile v_j from [batch_size ,1, 10, 16, 1] to [batch_size, 1152, 10, 16, 1]
                # then matmul in the last tow dim: [16, 1].T x [16, 1] => [1, 1], reduce mean in the
                # batch_size dim, resulting in [1, 1152, 10, 1, 1]
                v_J_tiled = tf.tile(v_J, [1, 1152, 1, 1, 1])
                u_produce_v = reduce_sum(u_hat_stopped * v_J_tiled,
                assert u_produce_v.get_shape() == [
                    cfg.batch_size, 1152, 12, 1, 1

                # b_IJ += tf.reduce_sum(u_produce_v, axis=0, keep_dims=True)
                b_IJ += u_produce_v

    return (v_J)
コード例 #33
ファイル: ann.py プロジェクト: CodeClimbing/ml-stuff
 def forward(self, X):
     Z = relu(X.dot(self.W1) + self.b1)
     Ypred = softmax(Z.dot(self.W2) + self.b2)
     return Ypred, Z
コード例 #34
ファイル: layers.py プロジェクト: hunering/demo-code
    def forward(self, x, t):
        self.t = t
        self.y = softmax(x)
        self.loss = cross_entropy_error(self.y, self.t)

        return self.loss
コード例 #35
 def forward(self):
     ''' output produced isn't the loss as one would expect, '''
     ''' but it is the result of the softmax '''
     batch_size = self.input_.shape[0]
     for b in xrange(batch_size):
         self.output[b, :] = softmax(self.input_[b])
コード例 #36
    def build_arch(self):
        with tf.variable_scope('Conv1_layer'):
            # Conv1, [batch_size, 20, 20, 256]
            conv1 = tf.contrib.layers.conv2d(self.X, num_outputs=256,
                                             kernel_size=9, stride=1,
            assert conv1.get_shape() == [cfg.batch_size, 20, 20, 256]

        # Primary Capsules layer, return [batch_size, 1152, 8, 1]
        with tf.variable_scope('PrimaryCaps_layer'):
            primaryCaps = CapsLayer(num_outputs=32, vec_len=8, with_routing=False, layer_type='CONV')
            caps1 = primaryCaps(conv1, kernel_size=9, stride=2)
            assert caps1.get_shape() == [cfg.batch_size, 1152, 8, 1]

        # DigitCaps layer, return [batch_size, 10, 16, 1]
        with tf.variable_scope('DigitCaps_layer'):
            digitCaps = CapsLayer(num_outputs=10, vec_len=16, with_routing=True, layer_type='FC')
            self.caps2 = digitCaps(caps1)

        # Decoder structure in Fig. 2
        # 1. Do masking, how:
        with tf.variable_scope('Masking'):
            # a). calc ||v_c||, then do softmax(||v_c||)
            # [batch_size, 10, 16, 1] => [batch_size, 10, 1, 1]
            self.v_length = tf.sqrt(reduce_sum(tf.square(self.caps2),
                                               axis=2, keepdims=True) + epsilon)
            self.softmax_v = softmax(self.v_length, axis=1)
            assert self.softmax_v.get_shape() == [cfg.batch_size, 10, 1, 1]

            # b). pick out the index of max softmax val of the 10 caps
            # [batch_size, 10, 1, 1] => [batch_size] (index)
            self.argmax_idx = tf.to_int32(tf.argmax(self.softmax_v, axis=1))
            assert self.argmax_idx.get_shape() == [cfg.batch_size, 1, 1]
            self.argmax_idx = tf.reshape(self.argmax_idx, shape=(cfg.batch_size, ))

            # Method 1.
            if not cfg.mask_with_y:
                # c). indexing
                # It's not easy to understand the indexing process with argmax_idx
                # as we are 3-dim animal
                masked_v = []
                for batch_size in range(cfg.batch_size):
                    v = self.caps2[batch_size][self.argmax_idx[batch_size], :]
                    masked_v.append(tf.reshape(v, shape=(1, 1, 16, 1)))

                self.masked_v = tf.concat(masked_v, axis=0)
                assert self.masked_v.get_shape() == [cfg.batch_size, 1, 16, 1]
            # Method 2. masking with true label, default mode
                # self.masked_v = tf.matmul(tf.squeeze(self.caps2), tf.reshape(self.Y, (-1, 10, 1)), transpose_a=True)
                self.masked_v = tf.multiply(tf.squeeze(self.caps2), tf.reshape(self.Y, (-1, 10, 1)))
                self.v_length = tf.sqrt(reduce_sum(tf.square(self.caps2), axis=2, keepdims=True) + epsilon)

        # 2. Reconstructe the MNIST images with 3 FC layers
        # [batch_size, 1, 16, 1] => [batch_size, 16] => [batch_size, 512]
        with tf.variable_scope('Decoder'):
            vector_j = tf.reshape(self.masked_v, shape=(cfg.batch_size, -1))
            fc1 = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(vector_j, num_outputs=512)
            assert fc1.get_shape() == [cfg.batch_size, 512]
            fc2 = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(fc1, num_outputs=1024)
            assert fc2.get_shape() == [cfg.batch_size, 1024]
            self.decoded = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(fc2, num_outputs=784, activation_fn=tf.sigmoid)
コード例 #37
ファイル: actinfClass.py プロジェクト: dcuevasr/actinf
    def posteriorOverStates(self, Observation, CurrentTime, Policies,
                            PosteriorLastState, PastAction,
                            PriorPrecision, newB=None, PreUpd=False,
        Decision model for Active Inference. Takes as input the model
        parameters in MDP, as well as an observation and the prior over the
        current state.

        The input PreUpd decides whether the output should be the final
        value of precision (False) or the vector with all the updates for this
        trial (True).

        Observation: int
        CurrentTime: int
        Policies: np.array, shape=(nV, nT)
        PosteriorLastState: np.array, shape=(nS)
        PastAction: int
        PriorPrecision: float
        newB: np.array, shape=(nActions, nS, nS)
        PreUpd: bool
            Whether to return the Precision or the precision updates (of which
            the last equals the Precision).
        calc_Qs: bool
            Whether to return the valuation of all the action sequences in

        NOTE: Outputs are returned in the order listed here. All outputs with a
              (#) next to their name will be "either/or".

        x: np.array, shape=(nS)
            Vector with the posteriors over states.
        P: np.array, shape=(nActions)
            Posteriors over actions
        W(1): int
            Precision. Note that if PreUpd is True, precisionUpdates is
            returned instead of W.
        precisionUpdates(1): np.array, shape=(self.N)
            Precision updates for the current trial. The last one in the array
            equals W above. Note that if PreUpd is True, precisionUpdates is
            returned instead of W.
        Q: np.array, shape=(nV)
            Valuation of the different action sequences given in Policies. This
            is only returned if calc_Qs is True.
#        print PriorPrecision, self.gamma
        V = Policies
        cNp = np.shape(V)[0]

        w = np.array(range(cNp))
        x = PosteriorLastState
        W = PriorPrecision
        a = PastAction
        t = CurrentTime
        T = self.T
        u = np.zeros(cNp)
        P = np.zeros(self.Nu)

        # V can be given as the action sequences starting at trial t, instead
        # of the full array (starting at trial 0). This is done to avoid doing
        # extra calculations on ''repeated'' entries on V, when observations
        # are being processed as independent (as oppossed to as part of a
        # game). In this case, pad the left-hand side of the array with zeros,
        # to make it consistent with everything else. These values will not be
        # used for any calculations:
        if V.shape[1] != T:
            V = np.hstack(
                [-np.ones((V.shape[0], T - V.shape[1]), dtype=int), V])

        # A 'false' set of transition matrices can be fed to the Agent,
        # depending on the newB input above. No input means that the ones from
        # the actinf class are used:
        if newB is None:
            B = self.B
            if np.shape(newB) != np.shape(self.B):
                raise ValueError('The provided transition matrices' +
                                 ' do not have the correct size')
            B = newB

        if t == 0:
            v = self.lnA[Observation, :] + self.lnD
            v = self.lnA[Observation, :] + sp.log(sp.dot(B[a], x))
        x = utils.softmax(v)

        Q = np.zeros(cNp)

        for k in range(cNp):
            xt = x
            for j in range(t, T):
                # transition probability from current state
                xt = sp.dot(B[V[k, j], :, :], xt)
#                raise Exception('stooooop')
                ot = sp.dot(self.A, xt)
                # Predicted Divergence
                Q[k] += self.H.dot(xt) + (self.lnC - np.log(ot)).dot(ot)

#        self.oQ.append(Q)
#        self.oV.append(V)
        # Variational updates: calculate the distribution over actions, then
        # the precision, and iterate N times.
        precisionUpdates = []
        b = self.alpha / W
        for i in range(self.N):
            # policy (u)
            u[w] = utils.softmax(W * Q)
            # precision (W)
            b = self.lambd * b + (1 - self.lambd) * \
                (self.beta - sp.dot(u[w], Q))
            W = self.alpha / b
        # Calculate the posterior over policies and over actions.
        for j in range(self.Nu):
            P[j] = np.sum(u[w[utils.ismember(V[:, t], j)]])

        list_return = [x, P]

        if PreUpd is True:

        if calc_Qs is True:

        return list_return
コード例 #38
    if test_preds.shape[1] > 5:
        test_preds = test_preds[:, -5:].astype('float32')


    print "Orig test preds:\n\n"

    print test_preds[:10], '\n'

    if np.mean(test_preds) > 0:
        # These are not log probs, so can do log.
        test_preds = np.log(1e-5 + test_preds)

    test_probs = softmax(test_preds, temp=pl_softmax_temp)

    # Double ids so only every other.
    images_test_pl = sorted(set(get_img_ids_from_dir(prefix_test)))
    labels_test_pl = test_probs.reshape((-1, 2, 5))

    print "\nImages for test:\n\n"
    print images_test_pl[:5], '\n'

    print "\nLabels for test:\n\n"
    print labels_test_pl[:5], '\n'

    # Add only test PL for now.
    id_train_oversample, labels_train_oversample = oversample_set(id_train,
コード例 #39
ファイル: actinf.py プロジェクト: dcuevasr/actinf
def single(MDP):
    Original implementation of the Active Inference by the Friston group.
    Translated to Python by Dario Cuevas.
    # Some stuff
    alpha = 8
    beta = 4
    g = 1
    lambd = 0
    N = 4
    T = np.shape(MDP['V'])[1]

    # Read some numbers from the inputs
    Ns = np.shape(MDP['B'])[1] # Number of hidden states
    Nu = np.shape(MDP['B'])[0] # Number of actions
    p0 = sp.exp(-16)           # Smallest probability

    A = MDP['A'] + p0
    No = np.shape(MDP['A'])[0] # Number of outcomes
    A = sp.dot(A,np.diag(1/np.sum(A,0)))
    lnA = sp.log(A)
    H = np.sum(A*lnA,0)

    # transition probabilities
    B = MDP['B'] + p0
    for b in xrange(np.shape(B)[0]):
        B[b] = B[b]/np.sum(B[b],axis=0)

    # priors over last state (goals)
    C = sp.tile(MDP['C'],(No,1)).T + p0
    C = C/np.sum(C)
    lnC = sp.log(C)

    # priors over initial state
    D = MDP['D']
    D = D + p0
    D = D/np.sum(D)
    lnD = sp.log(D)

    # policies and their expectations
    V = MDP['V']
    Np = np.shape(V)[0]
    w = np.array(range(Np))

    # initial states and outcomes
    q = np.argmax(sp.dot(A,MDP['S']))
    s = np.zeros((T))
    s[0] = np.nonzero(MDP['S']==1)[0]
    o = np.zeros((T))
    o[0] = q
    S = np.zeros((Ns,T))
    S[s[0]][0] = 1
    O = np.zeros((No,T))
    O[q][0] = 1
    U = np.zeros((Nu,T))
    P = np.zeros((Nu,T))
    x = np.zeros((Ns,T))
    u = np.zeros((Np,T))
    a = np.zeros((T))
    W = np.zeros((T))

    gamma = []
    b = alpha/g
    for t in xrange(T):
        # Expectations of allowable policies (u) and current state (x)
        if t>0:
            # retain allowable policies (consistent with last action)
            j = utils.ismember(V[:,t-1], a[t-1])
            V = V[j,:]
            w = w[j]

            # current state (x)
            v = lnA[o[t]] + sp.log(sp.dot(B[a[t-1]],x[:,t-1]))
            x[:,t] = utils.softmax(v)
#            pdb.set_trace()
            u[:,t] = np.ones(Np)/Np
            v = lnA[int(o[t]),:] + lnD
            x[:,t] = utils.softmax(v)

        # value of policies (Q)
        cNp = np.shape(V)[0]
        Q = np.zeros(cNp)
        for k in xrange(cNp):
            # path integral of expected free energy (...)
            xt = x[:,t]
            for j in xrange(t,T):
                # transition probability from current state
                xt = sp.dot(B[V[k,j]],xt)
                ot = sp.dot(A,xt)

                # predicted divergence
                Q[k] += sp.dot(H,xt) + sp.dot(lnC[:,j] - sp.log(ot),ot)

        # Variational iterations
        for i in xrange(N):
            # policy (u)
            u[w,t] = utils.softmax(sp.dot(W[t],Q))
            # precision (W)
            b = lambd*b + (1 - lambd)*(beta - sp.dot(u[w,t],Q))
            W[t] = alpha/b
            #simulated dopamine responses (precision as each iteration)

        for j in xrange(Nu):
            for k in xrange(t,T):
                P[j,k] = np.sum(u[w[utils.ismember(V[:,k],j)],t])
        # next action
        a[t] = np.nonzero(np.random.rand(1) < np.cumsum(P[:,t]))[0][0]
        # save action
        U[a[t],t] = 1

        # sampling of next state (outcome)
        if t<T-1:
            #next sampled state
            s[t+1] = np.nonzero(np.random.rand(1) <
            #next observed state
            o[t+1] = np.nonzero(np.random.rand(1) <
            # save the outcome and state sampled
            W[t+1] = W[t]
            O[o[t+1]][t+1] = 1
            S[s[t+1],t+1] = 1
    oMDP = {}
    oMDP['P'] = P
    oMDP['Q'] = x
    oMDP['O'] = O
    oMDP['S'] = S
    oMDP['U'] = U
    oMDP['W'] = W
    oMDP['s'] = s
    oMDP['a'] = a

    return oMDP
コード例 #40
ファイル: gmm_gavi.py プロジェクト: zhaottcrystal/GMM
lbs = []
for _ in range(args.maxIter):

    # Maximize ELBO
    grads = elementwise_grad(elbo)(
        (lambda_pi, lambda_phi, lambda_m, lambda_beta, lambda_nu, lambda_w))

    # Variational parameter updates (gradient ascent)
    lambda_pi -= ps['lambda_pi'] * grads[0]
    lambda_phi -= ps['lambda_phi'] * grads[1]
    lambda_m -= ps['lambda_m'] * grads[2]
    lambda_beta -= ps['lambda_beta'] * grads[3]
    lambda_nu -= ps['lambda_nu'] * grads[4]
    lambda_w -= ps['lambda_w'] * grads[5]

    lambda_phi = agnp.array([softmax(lambda_phi[i]) for i in range(N)])
    lambda_beta = softplus(lambda_beta)
    lambda_nu = softplus(lambda_nu)
    lambda_pi = softplus(lambda_pi)
    lambda_w = agnp.array(
        [agnp.dot(lambda_w[k], lambda_w[k].T) for k in range(K)])

    # ELBO computation
    lb = elbo(
        (lambda_pi, lambda_phi, lambda_m, lambda_beta, lambda_nu, lambda_w))

    if VERBOSE:
        print('\n******* ITERATION {} *******'.format(n_iters))
        print('lambda_pi: {}'.format(lambda_pi))
        print('lambda_beta: {}'.format(lambda_beta))
コード例 #41
 def feedforward(self, a):
     for b, w in zip(self.biases[0:-1], self.weights[0:-1]):
         a = utils.relu(np.dot(w, a) + b)
     z = np.dot(self.weights[-1], a) + self.biases[-1]
     a = utils.softmax(z)
     return a