コード例 #1
ファイル: unit_multisig.py プロジェクト: vmalarcon/firmware
    #    assert keys == ['mpsMLTNqBNrsQuYNmZPj7ifqqMTSnZMMWH', 'mjoj9a1cFNPhvFkbrwzNPTBCWxhteAJHE5',
    #                    'mkjqteuKMDApEzsZbdphtufvVPmCFafLhM', 'mvRSS7xmYBjDUEQsxvNefXLbwQHpwm76wb',
    #                    'mhGBcrA9xDuBWttQLZFGRBJHcGEZyQpT3b', 'mkYFhxXQY6mMZbKxcuk6j6FD2Ff1gX6zgC',
    #                    'mmgkFCdHKxCHuTMcJ9CPncRMA2UPainW6j', 'mg5fNCy7TJiZ8L4uxU3XerW2twNYAY3hmU',
    #                    'myY1Xmhx6CdvFn6uzdUDo5EM2HxmsPXPJB', 'mozpwp3z32g9vBZxbpN6ySxx7A5EWw4Zfi']

    addr = BitcoinMain.p2sh_address(AF_P2SH, script)
    assert addr[0] == '3'
    assert addr == '3Kt6KxjirrFS7GexJiXLLhmuaMzSbjp275'
    addr = BitcoinTestnet.p2sh_address(AF_P2SH, script)
    assert addr[0] == '2'
    assert addr == '2NBSJPhfkUJknK4HVyr9CxemAniCcRfhqp4'

    addr = BitcoinMain.p2sh_address(AF_P2WSH, script)
    assert addr[0:4] == 'bc1q', addr
    assert len(addr) >= 62
    assert addr == 'bc1qnjw7wy4e9tf4kkqaf43n2cyjwug0ystugum08c5j5hwhfncc4mkqftu4jr'

    addr = BitcoinTestnet.p2sh_address(AF_P2WSH, script)
    assert addr[0:4] == 'tb1q', addr
    assert len(addr) >= 62
    assert addr == 'tb1qnjw7wy4e9tf4kkqaf43n2cyjwug0ystugum08c5j5hwhfncc4mkq7r26gv'

if 1:
    from utils import xfp2str, str2xfp

    assert xfp2str(0x10203040) == '40302010'
    for i in 0, 1, 0x12345678:
        assert str2xfp(xfp2str(i)) == i
コード例 #2
ファイル: multisig.py プロジェクト: hodlwave/firmware
async def ondevice_multisig_create(mode='p2wsh', addr_fmt=AF_P2WSH):
    # collect all xpub- exports on current SD card (must be > 1)
    # - ask for M value
    # - create wallet, save and also export
    # - also create electrum skel to go with that
    # - only expected to work with our ccxp-foo.json export files.
    from actions import file_picker
    import uos, ujson
    from utils import get_filesize
    from main import settings

    chain = chains.current_chain()
    my_xfp = settings.get('xfp')

    xpubs = []
    files = []
    has_mine = False
    deriv = None
        with CardSlot() as card:
            for path in card.get_paths():
                for fn, ftype, *var in uos.ilistdir(path):
                    if ftype == 0x4000:
                        # ignore subdirs

                    if not fn.startswith('ccxp-') or not fn.endswith('.json'):
                        # wrong prefix/suffix: ignore

                    full_fname = path + '/' + fn

                    # Conside file size
                    # sigh, OS/filesystem variations
                    file_size = var[1] if len(var) == 2 else get_filesize(

                    if not (0 <= file_size <= 1000):
                        # out of range size

                        with open(full_fname, 'rt') as fp:
                            vals = ujson.load(fp)

                        ln = vals.get(mode)

                        # value in file is BE32, but we want LE32 internally
                        xfp = str2xfp(vals['xfp'])
                        if not deriv:
                            deriv = vals[mode + '_deriv']
                            assert deriv == vals[mode +
                                                 '_deriv'], "wrong derivation"

                        node, _, _ = import_xpub(ln)

                        if xfp == my_xfp:
                            has_mine = True

                            (xfp, chain.serialize_public(node, AF_P2SH)))

                    except CardMissingError:

                    except Exception as exc:
                        # show something for coders, but no user feedback

    except CardMissingError:
        await needs_microsd()

    # remove dups; easy to happen if you double-tap the export
    delme = set()
    for i in range(len(xpubs)):
        for j in range(len(xpubs)):
            if j in delme: continue
            if i == j: continue
            if xpubs[i] == xpubs[j]:
    if delme:
        xpubs = [x for idx, x in enumerate(xpubs) if idx not in delme]

    if not xpubs or len(xpubs) == 1 and has_mine:
        await ux_show_story(
            "Unable to find any Coldcard exported keys on this card. Must have filename: ccxp-....json"

    # add myself if not included already
    if not has_mine:
        with stash.SensitiveValues() as sv:
            node = sv.derive_path(deriv)
            xpubs.append((my_xfp, chain.serialize_public(node, AF_P2SH)))

    N = len(xpubs)

    if N > MAX_SIGNERS:
        await ux_show_story("Too many signers, max is %d." % MAX_SIGNERS)

    # pick useful M value to start
    assert N >= 2
    M = (N - 1) if N < 4 else ((N // 2) + 1)

    while 1:
        msg = '''How many need to sign?\n      %d of %d

Press (7 or 9) to change M value, or OK \
to continue.

If you expected more or less keys (N=%d #files=%d), \
then check card and file contents.

Coldcard multisig setup file and an Electrum wallet file will be created automatically.\
''' % (M, N, N, len(files))

        ch = await ux_show_story(msg, escape='123479')

        if ch in '1234':
            M = min(N, int(ch))  # undocumented shortcut
        elif ch == '9':
            M = min(N, M + 1)
        elif ch == '7':
            M = max(1, M - 1)
        elif ch == 'x':
            await ux_dramatic_pause('Aborted.', 2)
        elif ch == 'y':

    # create appropriate object
    assert 1 <= M <= N <= MAX_SIGNERS

    name = 'CC-%d-of-%d' % (M, N)
    ms = MultisigWallet(name, (M, N),

    from auth import NewEnrollRequest, active_request

    active_request = NewEnrollRequest(ms, auto_export=True)

    # menu item case: add to stack
    from ux import the_ux
コード例 #3
ファイル: multisig.py プロジェクト: hodlwave/firmware
    def from_file(cls, config, name=None):
        # Given a simple text file, parse contents and create instance (unsaved).
        # format is:         label: value
        # where label is:
        #       name: nameforwallet
        #       policy: M of N
        #       (8digithex): xpub of cosigner
        # quick checks:
        # - name: 1-20 ascii chars
        # - M of N line (assume N of N if not spec'd)
        # - xpub: any bip32 serialization we understand, but be consistent
        from main import settings

        my_xfp = settings.get('xfp')
        common_prefix = None
        xpubs = []
        path_tops = set()
        M, N = -1, -1
        has_mine = False
        addr_fmt = AF_P2SH
        expect_chain = chains.current_chain().ctype

        lines = config.split('\n')

        for ln in lines:
            # remove comments
            comm = ln.find('#')
            if comm != -1:
                ln = ln[0:comm]

            ln = ln.strip()

            if ':' not in ln:
                if 'pub' in ln:
                    # optimization: allow bare xpub if we can calc xfp
                    label = '0' * 8
                    value = ln
                    # complain?
                    if ln: print("no colon: " + ln)
                label, value = ln.split(':')
                label = label.lower()

            value = value.strip()

            if label == 'name':
                name = value
            elif label == 'policy':
                    # accepts: 2 of 3    2/3    2,3    2 3   etc
                    mat = ure.search(r'(\d+)\D*(\d+)', value)
                    assert mat
                    M = int(mat.group(1))
                    N = int(mat.group(2))
                    assert 1 <= M <= N <= MAX_SIGNERS
                    raise AssertionError('bad policy line')

            elif label == 'derivation':
                # reveal the **common** path derivation for all keys
                    mat = ure.search(r"(m/)([0123456789/']+)", value)
                    assert mat
                    common_prefix = mat.group(2)
                    assert common_prefix
                    assert 1 <= len(common_prefix) < 30
                    raise AssertionError('bad derivation line')

            elif label == 'format':
                # pick segwit vs. classic vs. wrapped version
                value = value.lower()
                for fmt_code, fmt_label in cls.FORMAT_NAMES:
                    if value == fmt_label:
                        addr_fmt = fmt_code
                    raise AssertionError('bad format line')
            elif len(label) == 8:
                    xfp = str2xfp(label)
                    # complain?
                    #print("Bad xfp: " + ln)

                # deserialize, update list and lots of checks
                xfp = cls.check_xpub(xfp, value, expect_chain, xpubs,

                if xfp == my_xfp:
                    # not conclusive, but enough for error catching.
                    has_mine = True

        assert len(xpubs), 'need xpubs'

        if M == N == -1:
            # default policy: all keys
            N = M = len(xpubs)

        if not name:
            # provide a default name
            name = '%d-of-%d' % (M, N)

            name = str(name, 'ascii')
            assert 1 <= len(name) <= 20
            raise AssertionError('name must be ascii, 1..20 long')

        assert 1 <= M <= N <= MAX_SIGNERS, 'M/N range'
        assert N == len(xpubs), 'wrong # of xpubs, expect %d' % N
        assert addr_fmt & AFC_SCRIPT, 'script style addr fmt'

        # check we're included... do not insert ourselves, even tho we
        # have enough info, simply because other signers need to know my xpubkey anyway
        assert has_mine, 'my key not included'

        if not common_prefix and len(path_tops) == 1:
            # fill in the common prefix iff we can deduce it from xpubs
            common_prefix = path_tops.pop()

        # done. have all the parts
        return cls(name, (M, N),
コード例 #4
    def from_file(cls, config, name=None):
        # Given a simple text file, parse contents and create instance (unsaved).
        # format is:         label: value
        # where label is:
        #       name: nameforwallet
        #       policy: M of N
        #       format: p2sh  (+etc)
        #       derivation: m/45'/0     (common prefix)
        #       (8digithex): xpub of cosigner
        # quick checks:
        # - name: 1-20 ascii chars
        # - M of N line (assume N of N if not spec'd)
        # - xpub: any bip32 serialization we understand, but be consistent
        from main import settings

        my_xfp = settings.get('xfp')
        deriv = None
        xpubs = []
        M, N = -1, -1
        has_mine = 0
        addr_fmt = AF_P2SH
        expect_chain = chains.current_chain().ctype

        lines = config.split('\n')

        for ln in lines:
            # remove comments
            comm = ln.find('#')
            if comm == 0:
            if comm != -1:
                if not ln[comm+1:comm+2].isdigit():
                    ln = ln[0:comm]

            ln = ln.strip()

            if ':' not in ln:
                if 'pub' in ln:
                    # pointless optimization: allow bare xpub if we can calc xfp
                    label = '0'*8
                    value = ln
                    # complain?
                    #if ln: print("no colon: " + ln)
                label, value = ln.split(':', 1)
                label = label.lower()

            value = value.strip()

            if label == 'name':
                name = value
            elif label == 'policy':
                    # accepts: 2 of 3    2/3    2,3    2 3   etc
                    mat = ure.search(r'(\d+)\D*(\d+)', value)
                    assert mat
                    M = int(mat.group(1))
                    N = int(mat.group(2))
                    assert 1 <= M <= N <= MAX_SIGNERS
                    raise AssertionError('bad policy line')

            elif label == 'derivation':
                # reveal the path derivation for following key(s)
                    assert value, 'blank'
                    deriv = cleanup_deriv_path(value)
                except BaseException as exc:
                    raise AssertionError('bad derivation line: ' + str(exc))

            elif label == 'format':
                # pick segwit vs. classic vs. wrapped version
                value = value.lower()
                for fmt_code, fmt_label in cls.FORMAT_NAMES:
                    if value == fmt_label:
                        addr_fmt = fmt_code
                    raise AssertionError('bad format line')
            elif len(label) == 8:
                    xfp = str2xfp(label)
                    # complain?
                    #print("Bad xfp: " + ln)

                # deserialize, update list and lots of checks
                is_mine = cls.check_xpub(xfp, value, deriv, expect_chain, my_xfp, xpubs)
                if is_mine:
                    has_mine += 1

        assert len(xpubs), 'need xpubs'

        if M == N == -1:
            # default policy: all keys
            N = M = len(xpubs)

        if not name:
            # provide a default name
            name = '%d-of-%d' % (M, N)

            name = str(name, 'ascii')
            assert 1 <= len(name) <= 20
            raise AssertionError('name must be ascii, 1..20 long')

        assert 1 <= M <= N <= MAX_SIGNERS, 'M/N range'
        assert N == len(xpubs), 'wrong # of xpubs, expect %d' % N
        assert addr_fmt & AFC_SCRIPT, 'script style addr fmt'

        # check we're included... do not insert ourselves, even tho we
        # have enough info, simply because other signers need to know my xpubkey anyway
        assert has_mine != 0, 'my key not included'
        assert has_mine == 1    # 'my key included more than once'

        # done. have all the parts
        return cls(name, (M, N), xpubs, addr_fmt=addr_fmt, chain_type=expect_chain)