コード例 #1
    def ATTWriteReqHandler(self, dictionary, func):
        handle write req,
        Limitation: no signature and command type checking
        def _sendATTWriteRsp(conn_handle):
            print("COMMAND: ATT_WriteRsp")
            print(utils.printOutput(self.ble_builder.send("fd13", conn_handle = conn_handle)))
        def _handleIndication(conn_handle, handle, start_handle, end_handle): #to-do refactor for better usability
            print("COMMAND: ATT_HandleValueIndication")
            handle = handle
            value = start_handle+end_handle
#             print(utils.printOutput(self.ble_builder.send("fd1d", conn_handle = conn_handle, handle = handle, value = value)))
        conn_handle = dictionary['conn_handle'][0]
        handle = dictionary['handle']
        value = dictionary['value']
        value_str = value[1]
        handle_raw = handle[0]
        handle_str = handle[1]
        #get data from gatt table

        if handle_str < self.preserved_handle_eom: #attampt to write preserved services
            if handle_str == "0009" and value_str == "0002": #ask for service changes, tempararily fix to return non-reserved handles
                start_handle = utils.stringToSByteInHex(utils.stringMinusInHex(self.preserved_handle_eom, -1))[::-1]
                end_handle = utils.stringToSByteInHex(self.handles[-1])[::-1]
                char_handle = utils.hexMinusInHex(handle_raw, 1)
                _handleIndication(conn_handle, char_handle, start_handle, end_handle)
        else:  #external services, tempararily fix to trigger call notification call back or do nothing
            if value_str == "0001": #Notification
                sql = sqls.sql_select_uuid_by_handle % utils.stringMinusInHex(handle_str, 1)
                data = self._execute_sql(sql)  
                uuid = data[0][0]
                char_handle = utils.hexMinusInHex(handle_raw, 1)
                func(uuid, char_handle, conn_handle)
コード例 #2
def _get_pdu( data):
    eof = "\xff\xff\xff\xff"
    pdu = ""
    if data:
            for i in range(len(data)):
                if data[i][0] == "0014":
                temp_start = utils.stringToSByteInHex(data[i][0])[::-1]   #start handle
                temp_value = utils.stringToSByteInHex(data[i][1].replace(":",""))  #value     
                #get end handle            
                if i + 1 > range(len(data))[-1]:     
                    temp_end = utils.stringToSByteInHex("001b")[::-1]    #this is the last service, end handle is the last one of all handles
                    temp_end = utils.stringToSByteInHex(utils.stringMinusInHex(data[i+1][0],1))[::-1]   #this is not the last service then the end handle is the handle of next service minus one

                if len(temp_value) == 16:     #this is 128bit uuid, then only return one service info
                    pdu = temp_start + temp_end + temp_value  
                    if len(pdu) + 4 + len(temp_value) > 12 :  #if total pdu exceeds the maxmium length, do not append, only two services returned each time
                    elif i + 1 <= range(len(data))[-1]:   
                        next_value = utils.stringToSByteInHex(data[i+1][1].replace(":",""))                
                        if len(next_value) == 16:
                            if pdu:
                                pdu = pdu + temp_start + temp_end + temp_value
                                pdu = temp_start + temp_end + temp_value
                            pdu = pdu + temp_start + temp_end + temp_value
                        pdu = pdu + temp_start + temp_end + temp_value #append pdu
        except Exception, e:
            print e
            pdu = eof