コード例 #1
def Trainer(opt):
    # ----------------------------------------
    #      Initialize training parameters
    # ----------------------------------------

    # cudnn benchmark accelerates the network
    if opt.cudnn_benchmark == True:
        cudnn.benchmark = True
        cudnn.benchmark = False

    # define network
    if opt.pre_train == True:
        net = network_infrared.GeneratorUNet()
        modelname = opt.modelname
        print('Load the model:', modelname)
        net = torch.load(modelname)

    # To device
    if opt.multi_gpu == True:
        net = nn.DataParallel(net)
        net = net.cuda()
        net = net.cuda()

    # Loss functions
    criterion = torch.nn.L1Loss().cuda()

    # Optimizers
    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(),
                                 betas=(opt.b1, opt.b2))

    # Learning rate decrease
    def adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, epoch, opt):
        """Set the learning rate to the initial LR decayed by "lr_decrease_factor" every "lr_decrease_epoch" epochs"""
        if opt.pre_train == False:
            addition_epoch = int(opt.load_epoch)
            addition_epoch = 0
        if opt.multi_gpu == True:
            lr = opt.lr * (opt.lr_decrease_factor**(
                (epoch + addition_epoch) // opt.lr_decrease_epoch))
            for param_group in optimizer.module.param_groups:
                param_group['lr'] = lr
            lr = opt.lr * (opt.lr_decrease_factor**(
                (epoch + addition_epoch) // opt.lr_decrease_epoch))
            for param_group in optimizer.param_groups:
                param_group['lr'] = lr

    # Save the model if pre_train == True
    def save_model(net, epoch, opt):
        """Save the model at "checkpoint_interval" and its multiple"""
        if opt.pre_train == False:
            addition_epoch = int(opt.load_epoch)
            addition_epoch = 0
        if opt.multi_gpu == True:
            if epoch % opt.checkpoint_interval == 0:
                    net.module, 'Pre_Infrared_epoch%d_batchsize%d.pth' %
                    ((epoch + addition_epoch), opt.batch_size))
                print('The trained model is successfully saved at epoch %d' %
            if epoch % opt.checkpoint_interval == 0:
                    net, 'Pre_Infrared_epoch%d_batchsize%d_2gammas.pth' %
                    ((epoch + addition_epoch), opt.batch_size))
                print('The trained model is successfully saved at epoch %d' %

    # ----------------------------------------
    #       Initialize training dataset
    # ----------------------------------------

    # Network dataset txt files
    # imglist = utils.text_readlines("KAIST_train.txt")
    lwirlist = utils.text_readlines("KAIST_train_lwir.txt")
    visiblelist = utils.text_readlines("KAIST_train_visible.txt")

    # Define the dataset
    trainset = dataset_infrared.InfraredDataset(opt.baseroot, lwirlist,
    print('The overall number of images equals to %d' % len(trainset))

    # Define the dataloader
    dataloader = DataLoader(trainset,

    # ----------------------------------------
    #            Training and Testing
    # ----------------------------------------

    # Initialize start time
    prev_time = time.time()

    # Training loop
    for epoch in range(opt.epochs):
        for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(dataloader):

            # Load data and put it to cuda
            data = data.cuda()
            target = target.cuda()

            # Train one iteration
            output = net(data)
            loss = criterion(output, target)

            # Determine approximate time left
            batches_done = epoch * len(dataloader) + batch_idx
            batches_left = opt.epochs * len(dataloader) - batches_done
            time_left = datetime.timedelta(seconds=batches_left *
                                           (time.time() - prev_time))
            prev_time = time.time()

            # Print log
                "\r[Epoch %d/%d] [Batch %d/%d] [L1 Loss: %.5f] time_left: %s" %
                ((epoch + 1), opt.epochs, batch_idx, len(dataloader),
                 loss.item(), time_left))

        # Learning rate decrease
        adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, (epoch + 1), opt)

        # Save the model
        save_model(net, (epoch + 1), opt)
コード例 #2
def Trainer(opt):
    # ----------------------------------------
    #      Initialize training parameters
    # ----------------------------------------

    # cudnn benchmark accelerates the network
    if opt.cudnn_benchmark == True:
        cudnn.benchmark = True
        cudnn.benchmark = False

    # ResNet network
    if opt.pre_train == True:
        net = network_RGB_ResNet.resnet18()
        net = utils.load_dict(net)
        modelname = opt.load_type + '_epoch' + opt.load_epoch + '_batchsize' + opt.load_batchsize + '.pth'
        print('Load the model:', modelname)
        net = torch.load(modelname)

    # To device
    if opt.multi_gpu == True:
        net = nn.DataParallel(net)
        net = net.cuda()
        net = net.cuda()

    # Loss functions
    criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss().cuda()

    # Optimizers
    optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(),

    # Learning rate decrease
    def adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, epoch, opt):
        """Set the learning rate to the initial LR decayed by "lr_decrease_factor" every "lr_decrease_epoch" epochs"""
        if opt.pre_train == False:
            addition_epoch = int(opt.load_epoch)
            addition_epoch = 0
        if opt.multi_gpu == True:
            lr = opt.lr * (opt.lr_decrease_factor**(
                (epoch + addition_epoch) // opt.lr_decrease_epoch))
            for param_group in optimizer.module.param_groups:
                param_group['lr'] = lr
            lr = opt.lr * (opt.lr_decrease_factor**(
                (epoch + addition_epoch) // opt.lr_decrease_epoch))
            for param_group in optimizer.param_groups:
                param_group['lr'] = lr

    # Save the model if pre_train == True
    def save_model(net, epoch, opt):
        """Save the model at "checkpoint_interval" and its multiple"""
        if opt.pre_train == False:
            addition_epoch = int(opt.load_epoch)
            addition_epoch = 0
        if opt.multi_gpu == True:
            if epoch % opt.checkpoint_interval == 0:
                    net.module, '%s_IN_epoch%d_batchsize%d.pth' %
                    (opt.load_type, (epoch + addition_epoch), opt.batch_size))
                print('The trained model is successfully saved at epoch %d' %
            if epoch % opt.checkpoint_interval == 0:
                    net, '%s_IN_epoch%d_batchsize%d.pth' %
                    (opt.load_type, (epoch + addition_epoch), opt.batch_size))
                print('The trained model is successfully saved at epoch %d' %

    # ----------------------------------------
    #       Initialize training dataset
    # ----------------------------------------

    # Network dataset txt files
    imglist = utils.text_readlines("ILSVRC2012_train_name.txt")
    stringlist = utils.text_readlines("mapping_string.txt")
    scalarlist = utils.text_readlines("mapping_scalar.txt")

    # Define the dataset
    trainset = dataset_RGB_inpainting_ImageNet.InpaintDataset(
        opt, imglist, stringlist, scalarlist)
    print('The overall number of images equals to %d' % len(trainset))

    # Define the dataloader
    dataloader = DataLoader(trainset,

    # ----------------------------------------
    #            Training and Testing
    # ----------------------------------------

    # Initialize start time
    prev_time = time.time()

    # Training loop
    for epoch in range(opt.epochs):
        for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(dataloader):

            # Load data and put it to cuda
            data = data.cuda()
            target = target.cuda()

            # Train one iteration
            output = net(data)
            loss = criterion(output, target)

            # Determine approximate time left
            batches_done = epoch * len(dataloader) + batch_idx
            batches_left = opt.epochs * len(dataloader) - batches_done
            time_left = datetime.timedelta(seconds=batches_left *
                                           (time.time() - prev_time))
            prev_time = time.time()

            # Print log
                "\r[Epoch %d/%d] [Batch %d/%d] [Cross-Entropy Loss: %.5f] time_left: %s"
                % ((epoch + 1), opt.epochs, batch_idx, len(dataloader),
                   loss.item(), time_left))

        # Learning rate decrease
        adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, (epoch + 1), opt)

        # Save the model
        save_model(net, (epoch + 1), opt)
コード例 #3
 def __init__(self, opt):
     self.opt = opt
     self.imglist = utils.text_readlines(opt.namelist)
     self.targetlist = utils.text_readlines(opt.targetlist)
コード例 #4
 def __init__(self, opt):
     self.opt = opt
     self.imglist = utils.get_jpgs(opt.baseroot)
     self.stringlist = utils.text_readlines(opt.stringlist)
     self.scalarlist = utils.text_readlines(opt.scalarlist)
コード例 #5
def Train_No_GAN(opt):    # w / o GAN
    # ----------------------------------------
    #       Network training parameters
    # ----------------------------------------

    # cudnn benchmark
    cudnn.benchmark = opt.cudnn_benchmark

    # Loss functions
    criterion_L1 = torch.nn.L1Loss().cuda()

    # Initialize Generator
    generatorNet = utils.create_generator(opt)
    flownet = utils.create_pwcnet(opt)

    # To device
    if opt.multi_gpu:
        generatorNet = nn.DataParallel(generatorNet)
        generatorNet = generatorNet.cuda()
        flownet = nn.DataParallel(flownet)
        flownet = flownet.cuda()
        generatorNet = generatorNet.cuda()
        flownet = flownet.cuda()

    # Optimizers
    optimizer_G = torch.optim.Adam(generatorNet.parameters(), lr = opt.lr_g, betas = (opt.b1, opt.b2), weight_decay = opt.weight_decay)
    # Learning rate decrease
    def adjust_learning_rate(opt, epoch, iteration, optimizer):
        #Set the learning rate to the initial LR decayed by "lr_decrease_factor" every "lr_decrease_epoch" epochs
        if opt.lr_decrease_mode == 'epoch':
            lr = opt.lr_g * (opt.lr_decrease_factor ** (epoch // opt.lr_decrease_epoch))
            for param_group in optimizer.param_groups:
                param_group['lr'] = lr
        if opt.lr_decrease_mode == 'iter':
            lr = opt.lr_g * (opt.lr_decrease_factor ** (iteration // opt.lr_decrease_iter))
            for param_group in optimizer.param_groups:
                param_group['lr'] = lr
    # Save the model if pre_train == True
    def save_model(opt, epoch, iteration, len_dataset, generator):
        """Save the model at "checkpoint_interval" and its multiple"""
        if opt.multi_gpu == True:
            if opt.save_mode == 'epoch':
                if (epoch % opt.save_by_epoch == 0) and (iteration % len_dataset == 0):
                    if opt.save_name_mode:
                        torch.save(generator.module, 'Pre_%s_epoch%d_bs%d.pth' % (opt.task, epoch, opt.batch_size))
                        print('The trained model is successfully saved at epoch %d' % (epoch))
            if opt.save_mode == 'iter':
                if iteration % opt.save_by_iter == 0:
                    if opt.save_name_mode:
                        torch.save(generator.module, 'Pre_%s_iter%d_bs%d.pth' % (opt.task, iteration, opt.batch_size))
                        print('The trained model is successfully saved at iteration %d' % (iteration))
            if opt.save_mode == 'epoch':
                if (epoch % opt.save_by_epoch == 0) and (iteration % len_dataset == 0):
                    if opt.save_name_mode:
                        torch.save(generator, 'Pre_%s_epoch%d_bs%d.pth' % (opt.task, epoch, opt.batch_size))
                        print('The trained model is successfully saved at epoch %d' % (epoch))
            if opt.save_mode == 'iter':
                if iteration % opt.save_by_iter == 0:
                    if opt.save_name_mode:
                        torch.save(generator, 'Pre_%s_iter%d_bs%d.pth' % (opt.task, iteration, opt.batch_size))
                        print('The trained model is successfully saved at iteration %d' % (iteration))

    # ----------------------------------------
    #             Network dataset
    # ----------------------------------------

    # Define the class list
    imglist = utils.text_readlines('videocolor_linux.txt')
    classlist = utils.get_dirs(opt.baseroot)
    imgnumber = len(imglist) - (len(imglist) % opt.batch_size)
    imglist = imglist[:imgnumber]

    # Define the dataset
    trainset = dataset.MultiFramesDataset(opt, imglist, classlist)
    print('The overall number of classes:', len(trainset))

    # Define the dataloader
    dataloader = utils.create_dataloader(trainset, opt)
    # ----------------------------------------
    #                 Training
    # ----------------------------------------

    # Count start time
    prev_time = time.time()
    # For loop training
    for epoch in range(opt.epochs):
        for iteration, (in_part, out_part) in enumerate(dataloader):
            # Train Generator

            lstm_state = None
            loss_flow = 0
            loss_flow_long = 0
            loss_L1 = 0

            x_0 = in_part[0].cuda()
            p_t_0 = in_part[0].cuda()

            for iter_frame in range(opt.iter_frames):
                # Read data
                x_t = in_part[iter_frame].cuda()
                y_t = out_part[iter_frame].cuda()
                # Initialize the second input and compute flow loss
                if iter_frame == 0:
                    p_t_last = torch.zeros(opt.batch_size, opt.out_channels, opt.resize_h, opt.resize_w).cuda()
                elif iter_frame == 1:
                    x_t_last = in_part[iter_frame - 1].cuda()
                    p_t_last = p_t.detach()
                    p_t_0 = p_t.detach()
                    p_t_last.requires_grad = False
                    p_t_0.requires_grad = False
                    # o_t_last_2_t range is [-20, +20]
                    o_t_last_2_t = pwcnet.PWCEstimate(flownet, x_t, x_t_last)
                    x_t_warp = pwcnet.PWCNetBackward((x_t_last + 1) / 2, o_t_last_2_t)
                    # y_t_warp range is [0, 1]
                    p_t_warp = pwcnet.PWCNetBackward((p_t_last + 1) / 2, o_t_last_2_t)
                    x_t_last = in_part[iter_frame - 1].cuda()
                    p_t_last = p_t.detach()
                    p_t_last.requires_grad = False
                    # o_t_last_2_t o_t_first_2_t range is [-20, +20]
                    o_t_last_2_t = pwcnet.PWCEstimate(flownet, x_t, x_t_last)
                    o_t_first_2_t = pwcnet.PWCEstimate(flownet,x_t, x_0)
                    # y_t_warp, y_t_warp_long range is [0, 1]
                    x_t_warp = pwcnet.PWCNetBackward((x_t_last + 1) / 2, o_t_last_2_t)
                    p_t_warp = pwcnet.PWCNetBackward((p_t_last + 1) / 2, o_t_last_2_t)
                    x_t_warp_long = pwcnet.PWCNetBackward((x_0 + 1) / 2, o_t_first_2_t)
                    p_t_warp_long = pwcnet.PWCNetBackward((p_t_0 + 1) / 2, o_t_first_2_t)
                # Generator output
                p_t, lstm_state = generatorNet(x_t, p_t_last, lstm_state)
                lstm_state = utils.repackage_hidden(lstm_state)
                if iter_frame == 1:
                    mask_flow = torch.exp( -opt.mask_para * torch.sum((x_t + 1) / 2 - x_t_warp, dim=1).pow(2) ).unsqueeze(1)
                    loss_flow += criterion_L1(mask_flow * (p_t + 1) / 2, mask_flow * p_t_warp)
                elif iter_frame > 1:
                    mask_flow = torch.exp( -opt.mask_para * torch.sum((x_t + 1) / 2 - x_t_warp, dim=1).pow(2) ).unsqueeze(1)
                    loss_flow += criterion_L1(mask_flow * (p_t + 1) / 2, mask_flow * p_t_warp)
                    mask_flow_long = torch.exp( -opt.mask_para * torch.sum((x_t + 1) / 2 - x_t_warp_long, dim=1).pow(2) ).unsqueeze(1)
                    loss_flow_long += criterion_L1(mask_flow_long * (p_t + 1) / 2, mask_flow_long * p_t_warp_long)
                # Pixel-level loss
                loss_L1 += criterion_L1(p_t, y_t)

            # Overall Loss and optimize
            loss = loss_L1 + opt.lambda_flow * loss_flow + opt.lambda_flow_long * loss_flow_long

            # Determine approximate time left
            iters_done = epoch * len(dataloader) + iteration
            iters_left = opt.epochs * len(dataloader) - iters_done
            time_left = datetime.timedelta(seconds = iters_left * (time.time() - prev_time))
            prev_time = time.time()

            # Print log
            print("\r[Epoch %d/%d] [Batch %d/%d] [L1 Loss: %.4f] [Flow Loss Short: %.8f] [Flow Loss Long: %.8f] Time_left: %s" %
                ((epoch + 1), opt.epochs, iteration, len(dataloader), loss_L1.item(), loss_flow.item(), loss_flow_long.item(), time_left))

            # Save model at certain epochs or iterations
            save_model(opt, (epoch + 1), (iters_done + 1), len(dataloader), generatorNet)

            # Learning rate decrease at certain epochs
            adjust_learning_rate(opt, (epoch + 1), (iters_done + 1), optimizer_G)
コード例 #6
def Pre_train_single(opt):
    # ----------------------------------------
    #       Network training parameters
    # ----------------------------------------
    # cudnn benchmark
    cudnn.benchmark = opt.cudnn_benchmark

    # Loss functions
    criterion_L1 = torch.nn.L1Loss().cuda()
    criterion_MSE = torch.nn.MSELoss().cuda()

    # Initialize Generator
    generatorNet = utils.create_generator(opt)

    # To device
    if opt.multi_gpu:
        generatorNet = nn.DataParallel(generatorNet)
        generatorNet = generatorNet.cuda()
        generatorNet = generatorNet.cuda()

    # Optimizers
    optimizer_G = torch.optim.Adam(generatorNet.parameters(), lr = opt.lr_g, betas = (opt.b1, opt.b2), weight_decay = opt.weight_decay)
    # Learning rate decrease
    def adjust_learning_rate(opt, epoch, iteration, optimizer):
        #Set the learning rate to the initial LR decayed by "lr_decrease_factor" every "lr_decrease_epoch" epochs
        if opt.lr_decrease_mode == 'epoch':
            lr = opt.lr_g * (opt.lr_decrease_factor ** (epoch // opt.lr_decrease_epoch))
            for param_group in optimizer.param_groups:
                param_group['lr'] = lr
        if opt.lr_decrease_mode == 'iter':
            lr = opt.lr_g * (opt.lr_decrease_factor ** (iteration // opt.lr_decrease_iter))
            for param_group in optimizer.param_groups:
                param_group['lr'] = lr
    # Save the model if pre_train == True
    def save_model(opt, epoch, iteration, len_dataset, generator):
        """Save the model at "checkpoint_interval" and its multiple"""
        if opt.multi_gpu == True:
            if opt.save_mode == 'epoch':
                if (epoch % opt.save_by_epoch == 0) and (iteration % len_dataset == 0):
                    if opt.save_name_mode:
                        torch.save(generator.module, 'Pre_%s_epoch%d_bs%d.pth' % (opt.task, epoch, opt.batch_size))
                        print('The trained model is successfully saved at epoch %d' % (epoch))
            if opt.save_mode == 'iter':
                if iteration % opt.save_by_iter == 0:
                    if opt.save_name_mode:
                        torch.save(generator.module, 'Pre_%s_iter%d_bs%d.pth' % (opt.task, iteration, opt.batch_size))
                        print('The trained model is successfully saved at iteration %d' % (iteration))
            if opt.save_mode == 'epoch':
                if (epoch % opt.save_by_epoch == 0) and (iteration % len_dataset == 0):
                    if opt.save_name_mode:
                        torch.save(generator, 'Pre_%s_epoch%d_bs%d.pth' % (opt.task, epoch, opt.batch_size))
                        print('The trained model is successfully saved at epoch %d' % (epoch))
            if opt.save_mode == 'iter':
                if iteration % opt.save_by_iter == 0:
                    if opt.save_name_mode:
                        torch.save(generator, 'Pre_%s_iter%d_bs%d.pth' % (opt.task, iteration, opt.batch_size))
                        print('The trained model is successfully saved at iteration %d' % (iteration))

    # ----------------------------------------
    #             Network dataset
    # ----------------------------------------

    # Define the class list
    imglist = utils.text_readlines('ILSVRC2012_train_sal_name.txt')[:1272480]

    # Define the dataset
    trainset = dataset.ColorizationDataset(opt, imglist)
    print('The overall number of classes:', len(trainset))

    # Define the dataloader
    dataloader = DataLoader(trainset, batch_size = opt.batch_size, shuffle = True, num_workers = opt.num_workers, pin_memory = True)
    # ----------------------------------------
    #                 Training
    # ----------------------------------------

    # Tensor type
    Tensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor

    # Count start time
    prev_time = time.time()
    # For loop training
    # For loop training
    for epoch in range(opt.epochs):
        for iteration, (x_t, y_t) in enumerate(dataloader):
            # Train Generator

            lstm_state = None

            x_t = x_t.cuda()
            y_t = y_t.cuda()
            valid = Tensor(np.ones((x_t.shape[0], 1, 30, 30)))

            p_t_last = torch.zeros(opt.batch_size, opt.out_channels, opt.resize_h, opt.resize_w).cuda()

            # Generator output
            p_t, lstm_state = generatorNet(x_t, p_t_last, lstm_state)
            # Pixel-level loss
            loss_L1 = criterion_L1(p_t, y_t)

            # Overall Loss and optimize
            loss = loss_L1

            # Determine approximate time left
            iters_done = epoch * len(dataloader) + iteration
            iters_left = opt.epochs * len(dataloader) - iters_done
            time_left = datetime.timedelta(seconds = iters_left * (time.time() - prev_time))
            prev_time = time.time()

            # Print log
            print("\r[Epoch %d/%d] [Batch %d/%d] [L1 Loss: %.4f] Time_left: %s" %
                ((epoch + 1), opt.epochs, iteration, len(dataloader), loss_L1.item(), time_left))

            # Save model at certain epochs or iterations
            save_model(opt, (epoch + 1), (iters_done + 1), len(dataloader), generatorNet)

            # Learning rate decrease at certain epochs
            adjust_learning_rate(opt, (epoch + 1), (iters_done + 1), optimizer_G)